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LTI Parameters Required for Hypothesis LMS App Integration

Lyza Gardner edited this page Oct 16, 2018 · 11 revisions

LTI Parameters for Hypothesis Application Integration

The Hypothesis LMS application requires a number of LTI parameters to be available in launch requests. See EduAppCenter's LTI POST parameter documentation for further information about these LTI-standard parameters.

Required LTI Parameters

  • lti_message_type, lti_version, resource_link_id: These LTI parameters are required for all LTI requests (not specific to Hypothesis integration).
  • tool_consumer_instance_guid: This parameter identifies the LMS instance (e.g. institution) making the request and is needed to differentiate users between LMS instances and correctly associate course groups with their LMS instance.
  • user_id: This instance-unique, opaque user identifier is used to generate a deterministic Hypothesis username for each LMS user.
  • roles: This parameter is used to identify Instructor and Administrator users, who are able to create course-wide groups to hold annotations.
  • context_title: This parameter is used to generate the appropriate name for course-wide groups (which hold the course's annotations).
  • context_id: Unique ID for the current course; used to identify application resources related to the current course
  • launch_presentation_return_url: This URL helps the application know where to return the user after completing an action
  • custom_canvas_course_id: ?? Need to track this down

Recommended LTI Parameters

  • lis_person_name_full, lis_person_name_given, lis_person_name_family: Used to generate human-readable display names for Hypothesis LMS users. lis_person_name_full is preferred if present; list_person_name_given and lis_person_name_family will be used if lis_person_name_full is absent. If none of the three parameters are present, users will be created with the display name Anonymous

Unused LTI Parameters

There are a few common LTI parameters that the Hypothesis application does not need currently. It is possible some of these could be needed in the future.

  • lis_person_contact_email_primary
  • context_type
  • context_label
  • Any parameter beginning with launch_presentation_, except launch_presentation_return_url
  • Any parameter beginning with tool_consumer_instance_ except tool_consumer_instance_guid
  • Any parameter beginning with tool_consumer_info_