Adds a simple booking system to the Silverstripe Commerce system, allowing users to add a "Bookable Product" to the shopping cart and pay, which will then create a booking in the admin.
The module also checks to ensure that more items are not booked than is alowed by the Bookable Product.
This module is created and maintained by ilateral
- SilverStripe Framework 3.x
- Silverstripe Commerce
Install this module either by downloading and adding to:
Then run: dev/build/?flush=all
Or alternativly via Composer
Once installed, visit the Catalogue in the site admin.
Add a new "Bookable Product" and fill in it's details, as you would a regular product.
In order to cap the number of spaces that can be booked on a given date, you must go to the settings tab and then set the "Available Places" field to the relevent number.
The site will then never allow a user to order more than that number of places for any given date.