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Changing the Trailer app icon

moodyblue edited this page Mar 5, 2018 · 17 revisions

For jailbroken ATVs

Please see the "/support/aTV_jailbreak" folder within the PlexConnect folder.

For non-jailbroken ATVs

It is not possible to change icon names but you can change the icon image of the intercepted app. This should be consistent with other parameters in Settings.cfg. By default trailers and its icon are intercepted. This is the procedure:

  1. Unplug Internet cable from your modem/router, otherwise ATV will pull the icon from apple site
  2. On your ATV go to general and reset to factory settings. The ATV will reboot, and after setting language and other parameters, you will be presented with a screen with just Computers and Settings on it
  3. Setup DNS Settings to use PlexConnect's IP address
  4. Reboot the ATV and only two icons apear (Computers and Settings)
  5. Connect internet cable to your modem/router. After some seconds all icons will appear, including the Plex icon
  6. Update remaining ATV settings (displayed apps, dolby, time zone, bluetooth pairings, atv name, etc) and load certificates (all this was cleared by the reset process)

What if I want to intercept another app and not trailers ?

You can do it, but before running the above procedure you need to edit Settings.cfg and restart PlexConnect. Here is an example:

intercept_atv_icon = True
icon = com.wsjlive.appletv.v2
hosttointercept =
certfile = /share/PlexConnect/certificates/marketwatch.pem

These are the hosts/icons that you can can intercept:

'': 'iMovieNewAuth'
'': 'vega'
'': 'qello'
'': 'hulu'
'': 'com.vevo.appletv'
'': 'com.smithsonian.appletv'
'': 'com.disney.junior.appletv'
'': ''
'': 'com.disney.xd.appletv'
'': ''
'': 'com.wsjlive.appletv.v2' (or 'WSJ_Live-V2' in older firmwares)
'': 'movie-trailers'
'': ''
'': 'vimeo'
'': 'skynews'
'': 'com.pbs.appletv'
'': 'com.mlssoccer.appletv'
'': 'iTunesConnect'
'': 'com.abcnews.appletv'
'': 'com.willowtv.appletv'
'': 'com.aenetworks.lifetime.appletv'
'': 'crunchyroll'
'': ''
'': 'com.redbulltv.appletv'
'': 'NHL'
'': 'com.cnbc.appletv'
'': ''
'': 'com.wwe.appletv.v2'
'': 'netflix'
'': 'com.aenetworks.appletv'
'': ''
'': 'com.pbskids.appletv.v2'
'': 'com.wkntv.appletv'
'': 'com.crackle.appletv.v2'
'': 'com.acc.appletv'
'': 'nba'
'': 'com.aenetworks.history.appletv'
'': 'com.foxnow.appletv'
'': 'flickr'
'': 'carterville'
'': 'flagstaff'
'': ''
'': 'com.fxnow.appletv'
'': 'com.festival.appletv'
'': 'com.aolon.appletv'