A collection of scripts and recipes for fieldlinguistics and RAs in data heavy labs
Install the module with: npm install tools-for-field-linguistics
var ToolsForFieldLinguistics = require('ToolsForFieldLinguistics');
ToolsForFieldLinguistics.init(); // "init"
Download the production version or the development version or use bower bower install tools-for-field-linguistics
In your web page:
<script src="dist/tools-for-field-linguistics.min.js"></script>
init(); // "init"
In your code, you can attach ToolsForFieldLinguistics's methods to any object.
var exports = Bocoup.utils;
<script src="dist/tools-for-field-linguistics.min.js"></script>
Bocoup.utils.init(); // "init"
For screencasts to see how you can use the code: https://github.com/cesine/ToolsForFieldLinguistics/tree/master/watchmes
For sample code to see how you can use and re-use the code, see the specs and tests: https://github.com/cesine/ToolsForFieldLinguistics/tree/master/test
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. If you know how, add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. The project comes with automated linting and testing for your javascript code using Grunt.
###Contributing Examples
Want to contribute? (easy)
- Click on Edit on any of the pages on GitHub
- Edit the code, and commit your changes saying what you changed (git commit -m "added some more regex to the text cleaner"). GitHub will create an Issue for you which asks us to bring in your changes
Want to contribute? (advanced)
- Fork the repo
- Create a branch which describes your change (git checkout -b more_regex)
- Make your modifications
- Run the dev tools (linter and tests if you modified the javascript) $ npm install $ grunt
- Commit your changes (git commit -m "added some more regex to the text cleaner")
- Push to the branch (git push origin more_regex)
- Create a Pull Request (adding more details if necessary)
- Download the source code
- Open the entire folder
- Download the source code
- Create a Groovy project and import the source files
Copyright (c) 2010-2015 cesine, hisakonog, vronvali Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.