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Getting Started with the iTrace Eclipse Plugin

Drew Guarnera edited this page Aug 16, 2019 · 5 revisions

Basic Usage

  1. Open Eclipse
  2. Open the source code project to use during the study
  3. Connect to Core
  4. Use iTrace Core to Start Tracking
  5. Use iTrace Core to Stop Tracking
  6. Disconnect from the Core
    • You MUST disconnect the iTrace Eclipse plugin before closing Eclipse the output data is complete

Before You Begin

This iTrace Eclipse plugin requires iTrace Core v0.1.0 to be downloaded and installed before you use the extension.

For help with installing the iTrace Eclipse plugin, please read the Installing the iTrace Eclipse Plugin document for instructions.

Viewing the iTrace Eclipse Plugin Window

If the iTrace Eclipse Plugin window is not visible, you can open it using the following steps:

  1. In the Eclipse menu go to Window->Perspective->Open Perspective and click Other
  2. In the "Open Perspective Menu" select iTrace Eclipse Plugin from the list of available perspectives
  3. Click Open

Once the iTrace Eclipse Plugin window is open you can dock it in the editor and it should remain visible on subsequent launches of the Eclipse IDE.

Changing the Socket Port

If you have changed the Socket communicate port number in the iTrace Core application, you will need to set the iTrace Eclipse plugin socket to listen for data on the same port number. You can edit the socket port number setting using the following steps:

  1. In the Eclipse menu go to Window and click Preferences
  2. From the Eclipse preferences window click on iTrace Eclipse Plugin
  3. Change the socket port number to your desired value (must be between 1025 and 65535)
  4. Click Apply

Changes to the socket port setting go into effect when the 'Connect to Core' button is clicked on the iTrace Eclipse Plugin. If iTrace Core and the iTrace Eclipse Plugin socket port values are not the same, the tools will not be able to communicate.

Connecting to iTrace Core

With the iTrace Core open, the iTrace Eclipse Plugin can be connected by clicking the Connect to Core button found on the iTrace Eclipse Plugin window. When the iTrace Eclipse Plugin is successfully connected, the button text will change to Disconnect.

NOTE: iTrace Core must be running before attempting to connect the iTrace Eclipse Plugin and both applications must be using same socket port setting value.

Starting and Stopping a Tracking Session

To start a tracking session, ensure that the iTrace Eclipse Plugin is connected and then click the Start Tracking button on the iTrace Core application. When the session is complete, click Stop Tracking on the iTrace Core application. If you intend to start another tracking session, it is NOT necessary to disconnect the iTrace Eclipse Plugin from iTrace Core. A new session can be started by clicking Start Tracking again on iTrace Core.

Disconnect from iTrace Core

When you are completely finished with data collection from your subject, stop the tracker using the iTrace Core application and then click 'Disconnect' on the iTrace Eclipse plugin.

NOTE: Closing Eclipse without disconnecting will leave you with invalid XML.

Other Features

The highlight tokens feature highlights the source code tokens being viewed on the screen in real time while tracking. This feature is not intended for use during an actual study and is only intended as a demo feature.

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