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Getting started

Giorgio Garofalo edited this page Nov 22, 2022 · 25 revisions

This page will guide you through downloading, installing and using Pikt.


...the Pikt archive and extract its content anywhere.
The archive contains:

File name Description
pikt.jar The main executable The default color scheme
colors.png The default color scheme as a visual palette image
kotlin-compiler-[version].zip The Kotlin compiler needed to compile/interpret sources
lib External libraries, including the stdlib
helloworld.png A ready-to-use Hello world! Pikt source


...the Kotlin compiler anywhere to extract the kotlinc folder.


...if everything is set: run
java -Dsource=helloworld.png -Dcolors=colors -Dtargets=jvm -Djvmcompiler=<path_to_kotlinc>/bin/kotlinc -jar pikt.jar
This should compile a JAR executable into the out/ folder that prints Hello world!.

Note: append .bat to the -Djvmcompiler property if you are on Windows.

-Dcolors points to the .properties color scheme that your program uses, which is the default one in this case.

On-the-fly interpretation is also available via -interpret:
java -Dsource=helloworld.png -Dcolors=colors -Djvmcompiler=<path_to_kotlinc>/bin/kotlinc -jar pikt.jar -interpret


...with your code and learn features from this wiki.
I personally use Photoshop to edit sources, but any pixel art editor will be fine.
The Piskel web app is also a good choice.

How does the Hello world! example work?