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A .NET package for Entity Framework, providing comprehensive change tracking with deep insights. Capture creation, updates, deletions, and restorations of entities, including property names, old and new values, stack traces, and user details, all neatly stored in an Audits column as JSON.

Seamless Entity Auditing: Easily integrate audit functionality into your Entity Framework applications, offering a complete audit trail enriched with stack traces and user information. Gain full visibility into entity lifecycle changes for compliance, debugging, and accountability.

Full Entity Lifecycle Visibility: Track and visualize the complete life cycle of your entities with detailed auditing. In addition to changes, this package records the stack trace of changes and user actions, enabling a deeper understanding of data evolution and robust audit trails.

Nuget Nuget Commit


dotnet add package R8.EntityFrameworkCore.AuditProvider

Known Limitations

The Interceptor does not support queries decorated with .AsNoTracking() since it is not possible to track changes on entities that are not being tracked.


// ... other services

// Add AuditProvider
services.AddEntityFrameworkAuditProvider(options =>
    options.JsonOptions.WriteIndented = false;
    options.AuditFlagSupport.Created = AuditFlagState.ActionDate | AuditFlagState.Storage;
    options.AuditFlagSupport.Changed = AuditFlagState.ActionDate | AuditFlagState.Storage;
    options.AuditFlagSupport.Deleted = AuditFlagState.ActionDate | AuditFlagState.Storage;
    options.AuditFlagSupport.UnDeleted = AuditFlagState.ActionDate | AuditFlagState.Storage;
    options.MaxStoredAudits = 10;
    options.DateTimeProvider = serviceProvider => DateTime.UtcNow;
    options.UserProvider = serviceProvider =>
        var httpContextAccessor = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IHttpContextAccessor>();
        var user = httpContextAccessor.HttpContext?.User;
        if (user?.Identity?.IsAuthenticated == true)
            var userId = user.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);
            var username = user.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.Name);
            return new AuditProviderUser(userId, new Dictionary<string, object>
                { "Username", username }
        return null;

services.AddDbContext<YourDbContext>((serviceProvider, optionsBuilder) =>
    // Your DbContext connection configuration here
    // ...


Option Type Description Default
JsonOptions System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions Json serializer options to serialize and deserialize audits An optimal setting
AuditFlagSupport R8.EntityFrameworkCore.AuditProvider.AuditProviderFlagSupport Audit flags to include All flags are included
MaxStoredAudits* int? Maximum number of audits to store in Audits column null
DateTimeProvider Func<IServiceProvider, DateTime> DateTime provider to get current date time DateTime.UtcNow
UserProvider Func<IServiceProvider, EntityFrameworkAuditUser> User provider to get current user id null
  • If the number of audits exceeds this number, the earliest audits (except Created) will be removed from the column. If null, all audits will be stored.


  • IAuditActivator interface: to start auditing entities.
  • IAuditStorage interface: to store audits in a column.
  • IAuditSoftDelete interface: to soft-delete entities.
  • IAuditCreateDate interface: to store creation date in a column.
  • IAuditUpdateDate interface: to store last update/restore date in a column.
  • IAuditDeleteDate interface: to store deletion date in a column.
  • [AuditIgnore] attribute: to ignore a property from audit.


public record YourEntity : IAuditActivator, IAuditStorage, IAuditSoftDelete, IAuditCreateDate, IAuditUpdateDate, IAuditDeleteDate
    public int Id { get; set; }

    [Column(TypeName = "jsonb"), AuditIgnore]
    public JsonElement? Audits { get; set; }

    public bool IsDeleted { get; set; }
    [Column("CreatedAt", TypeName = "timestamp")]
    public DateTime? CreateDate { get; set; }
    [Column("UpdatedAt", TypeName = "timestamp")]
    public DateTime? UpdateDate { get; set; }
    [Column("DeletedAt", TypeName = "timestamp")]
    public DateTime? DeleteDate { get; set; }
    // ...
    // public string Name { get; set; }
    // public string Description { get; set; }
    // etc.


Highly recommended to test it on a test database first, to avoid any data loss.


  • Since Microsoft Sql Server does not support json type, Audits column will be stored as nvarchar(max) and JsonElement will be serialized/deserialized to/from string. (See AggregateAuditable.cs)
  • The key to allow auditing entities is implementation of IAuditActivator to your entity.
    • the IAuditStorage, IAuditSoftDelete, IAuditCreateDate, IAuditUpdateDate, and IAuditDeleteDate interfaces takes effect only if IAuditActivator is implemented to entity. If not implemented, the entity will be updated with the proper SaveChanges/SaveChangesAsync functionality in Entity Framework Core.
  • Deleted and UnDeleted flag cannot be stored simultaneously with Created and Changed flags.
  • If IAuditStorage is implemented to your entity, Audits column will be stored in the specified table.
  • If any of IAuditCreateDate, IAuditUpdateDate or IAuditDeleteDate is implemented to entity, the corresponding date will be stored among the Audits column (of IAuditStorage interface) update.
  • Any support flag in AuditProviderOptions.AuditFlagSupport must be written as a flag: AuditFlagState.ActionDate | AuditFlagState.Storage
    • If any of AuditFlag enums are included/excluded from AuditFlagSupport, the corresponding flag will take action in Audits and/or {Action}Date column according to the its state in AuditFlagSupport. (For instance, if AuditFlagSupport.Created = AuditProviderFlagSupport.Excluded, IAuditCreateDate and IAuditStorage, also and Created flag will be ignored.)

Audit Collection

To take advantages of JsonElement Audits (as a property in IAuditStorage interface):

var entity = await dbContext.YourEntities.FindAsync(1);
var audits = entity.GetAuditCollection();

Audit[] deserializedAudits = audits.ToArray(); // Get audits as array
Audit creationAudit = audits.First(); // Get created audit
Audit lastAudit = audits.Last(false); // Get last audit. (false) means to exclude Deleted flag audit, if is the last one.
Audit[] changes = audit.Track(nameof(entity.Name)); // Get changes of a property

Output Example

Stored data in Audits column will be like this:

    "f": 0, // Created
    "dt": "2023-09-25T12:00:00.0000000+03:30", // Date and time of the action
    "f": 1, // Changed
    "dt": "2023-09-25T12:00:00.0000000+03:30", // Date and time of the action
    "c": [ // Changes
        "n": "Name", // Name of the property
        "_v": "OldName", // Old value
        "v": "NewName" // New value
        "n": "Age", // Name of the property
        "_v": 0, // Old value
        "v": 33 // New value
    "u": { // User that made the change
      "id": "1", // The user id (if provided)
      "ad": { // The user additional info (if provided)
        "Username": "Foo"
    "f": 2, // Deleted
    "dt": "2023-09-25T12:00:00.0000000+03:30", // Date and time of the action
    "f": 3, // Restored/Undeleted
    "dt": "2023-09-25T12:00:00.0000000+03:30", // Date and time of the action

🎆 Happy coding!