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Bootscreen & Periodic Prints

ejoerns edited this page Oct 22, 2013 · 2 revisions

On Startup Contiki-INGA normally prints out a boot message similat to this one:

*******Booting Contiki-2.6-1390-g316b5de*******
Reset reason: External
Network ID (pan_id): 0xABCD
Node ID (pan_addr): 0x012B
Radio TX power: 0x00
Radio channel: 0x1A
MAC(EUI64) address 2b:01:00:00:00:00:00:00
rime address: 2b.01.
nullmac nullrdc, channel check rate 128 Hz, radio channel 26, power 0
nullmac nullrdc, channel 26 power 0, check rate 65535 Hz
RPL Enabled
Routing Enabled, TCP_MSS: 88

Periodic Prints

When running Contiki-INGA compiled without any additional settings you may notice printouts like 60(0) or Never-used stack > 9590 bytes.

These are periodic outputs to monitor the health of the device.

Stack print

The stack print prints out how many bytes of the stack have never been used during operation. This helps to detect stack overflows.

If the output is closed to zero you should be carefulle.

In case of a printout Never-used stack > 0 bytes you should be warned that the might have exceeded its maximum size already and you cannot trust you data anymore.