diff --git a/content/attending/accommodation.md b/content/attending/accommodation.md index ee2ff2e..15fc8a7 100644 --- a/content/attending/accommodation.md +++ b/content/attending/accommodation.md @@ -8,9 +8,11 @@ draft: false Please book your accommodation as soon as possible! Banff is a popular tourist destination and affordable accommodation will become harder to find the longer you leave it. -There are a limited number of rooms available at the Banff Centre. There are many hotels in Banff, including hostels. Many places offer shared accommodation for more than two people. +At this point, Banff Centre accommodations are sold out. -The town of Canmore is a short distance from Banff. There is a regular bus service that shuttles people between the two towns. Since Canmore is outside the boundary of Banff National Park, you may find that accommodation can be found at a lower price. +For anyone looking for a room, there are many [hotels in Banff](https://www.google.com/travel/search?q=hotels%20in%20banff&g2lb=2503771%2C2503781%2C4284970%2C4291517%2C4814050%2C4874190%2C4893075%2C4899571%2C4899572%2C4965990%2C72277293%2C72302247%2C72317059%2C72406588%2C72414906%2C72421566%2C72458066%2C72462234%2C72470440%2C72470899%2C72471280%2C72472051%2C72473841%2C72481458%2C72485656%2C72485658%2C72486593%2C72494250%2C72513422%2C72513513%2C72520082%2C72523972%2C72534000%2C72536387%2C72538597%2C72549171%2C72561422%2C72562082&hl=en-CA&gl=ca&ssta=1&ts=CAESCgoCCAMKAggDEAAaeApaEi4yJTB4NTM3MGNhNDU5MTBjNGFmZDoweGNhYWZhZWJlZGFhYzk0NjM6BUJhbmZmGigKEgnjQN2j5JRJQBE805ko4eVcwBISCawzLpGlmElAETzTmbAg4lzAEhoSFAoHCOgPEAYYAhIHCOgPEAYYBxgFMgIIASoHCgU6A0NBRA&qs=CAE4BkgAWksIATJHqgFEEAEqCiIGaG90ZWxzKAAyHxABIhtlpaL1L4HDj3whs-QjzdPCXcKJMiE7_Z5XrUMyExACIg9ob3RlbHMgaW4gYmFuZmY&ap=KigKEgnjQN2j5JRJQBE805ko4eVcwBISCawzLpGlmElAETzTmbAg4lzAMAJoAQ&ictx=1&ved=0CAAQ5JsGahcKEwiYiNbkk7iFAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQCQ) but most tend to be expensive. In such cases we recommend sharing a room -- you can coordinate to find a roomate on the [Planning Slack Channel](https://slack.planning.domains/), #icaps24-shared-housing. Check AirBnB and hostels for other accommodations. + +The town of Canmore is a 20 minute drive from Banff and is a nice place to stay. It has accommodation, some of which will be at a more reasonable price (it is also not in Banff National Park, which means some of the taxes do not apply). There is a regular bus service between Canmore and Banff.