Second Thursday of every month
Alejandro, Arni, Cecilia, Jacob, Paris
- Examine, summarize, and interpret the results so far
- Review gaps in data, identify stocks that could be added
- Status update on side stories (Lopt, Norwegian literature, historical changes)
- Prepare a list of next tasks, decide who will report on what next meeting
Action items
To be presented at next meeting
[x] Take a closer look at which cod fisheries are active today. [Arni, Jacob]
[x] Add natural mortality in data folder. [Arni]
[x] Experiment with applyFmax
. What is the potential yield of the Icelandic
cod given the (1) current selectivity, (2) current selectivity shifted one
age younger, and (3) current selectivity shifted one age higher?
[Arni, Cecilia]
[x] Compare selectivity with maturity. [Paris]
Arni, Cecilia, Jacob, Paris
- Overview of datasets, recently added stocks, summary plots
- Profile results from
across all stocks, shifting selectivity to younger/older fish, effects on catch and SSB - To summarize the results, focus on the effect of shifting one year up or down
- Comparison of maturity and selectivity
Action items
[ ] Tabulate the optimal age of capture, given the life history (growth, natural mortality) of each stock. [Alejandro, Arni, Cecilia, Jacob, Paris]
[ ] Create journal-quality plots of main results. [Alejandro, Arni, Cecilia, Jacob, Paris]
[ ] Draft the overall structure of the paper, subsections within intro, methods, results, and discussion. [Alejandro, Arni, Cecilia, Jacob, Paris]
[ ] Compare A50 calculations using linear interpolation vs. logistic interpolation. We can expect A50 to be a better descriptive statistic using the logistic, but let's compare just to make sure that things are working like we hope. [Arni, Paris]
From previous meetings:
[ ] Think about approaches other than applying Fmax or F0.1, e.g. applying Fcurrent but changing the selectivity. Given the F-at-age vector for the most recent year, how would the next year look if F at age 2 would decrease, for example? [Paris]
[ ] Look into egg production / fecundity aspects. Might be practical to use one conversion for Atlantic cod as a species, same for all stocks. [Jacob]
[ ] Look at long-term trends in weight at age. How is it different to plot by cohort or year? Are neighboring regions showing similar trends? Is there an overall trend across the Atlantic? [Alejandro, Arni, Cecilia, Paris]