This cookbook installs different ruby versions using ruby-install (, installs chruby ( for switching between rubies and optionally installs Bundler under those rubies.
My plan is to expand this to be able to specify a list of gems to install under all rubies, a list of gems for each ruby version and a LWRP for installing gems under each ruby version.
Also to do is to add tests.
The following cookbooks are required:
build_essential - install the required build tools & compilers -
chruby_install - install chruby. Not currently on the community site, but available here:
ruby_install - install rubies using ruby-install -
Currently only tested on Ubuntu 12.04
The included Vagrantfile requires the vagrant-berkshelf and vagrant-omnibus plugins:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf
vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus
Set attributes in your attributes file, such as:
default[:rubies][:list] = [ 'ruby 1.9.3-p194', 'ruby 2.0.0-p195' ]
default[:rubies][:install_bundler] = true
Include the rubies default recipe (or include rubies in your run list):
include_recipe 'rubies'
node[:rubies][:list] - array of ruby types/versions to install (defaults to: [ 'ruby 2.0.0-p195' ])
node[:rubies][:install_bundler] - boolean specifying whether to install bundler under each ruby version (defaults to: true). Note that this currently only works if you are listing full ruby versions (eg: 'ruby 2.0.0-p195').
The bundler install will not currently work with partial version numbers (eg: "ruby-install ruby" or "ruby-install ruby 1.9.3"), despite ruby-install supporting it. I'm working with Ross on support in the chef_ruby-install cookbook for this.
Note the attributes in the chruby_install cookbook ( which you can set, for example setting the default ruby.
Author:: Ian Chilton ([email protected])