GCSLaoLi: 为README.md生成英文说明
GitHub Copilot: # cockroachai
A simple app for account sharing. It's free but not open source for now.
- Automatic refresh of AccessToken
- Session isolation between users
- Blocking of some sensitive information
- 1:1 complete official website UI, supports official website networking, plugins, drawing and other functions
- Suitable for small groups or account merchants to share accounts
- A server not on a certain AI's blacklist
- An account of a certain AI
- Docker and Docker Compose installed
- Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/cockroachai/cockroachai.git
- Enter the directory
cd cockroachai
- Modify the configuration file
vim config/config.yaml
Change REFRESHCOOKIE to your account's Cookie
Change USERTOKENS to user tokens, multiple can be used
You can visit here to get RefreshCookie
- Start
Configure environment variables or in config.yaml
OAUTH_URL: https://xxxxx.xxx.com/ouath
When this value is configured, the user login will POST the following data to this address
userToken: User Token
The user login interface should return json data
"code": 1,
"msg": "Prompt message when login fails",
"refreshCookie": "Refresh Cookie, optional"
Where code is 1 means login is allowed, other values mean login is not allowed
msg is the prompt message when login fails
refreshCookie is Refresh Cookie, optional, if not filled in, the locally configured Refresh Cookie will be used