Optimizing enzyme ratios in the tagatose synthesis pathway
enzyme ratio optimization
@@ -428,37 +430,37 @@ Fig.1.
We searched for the constants for the first-step reaction and got the following results.
m = 0.51 mM
What follows are the constants for the Michaelis-Menten equation.
m = 25 ±4(mM)
So, if the estimate v=V
max valid, the concentration of galactose is required to be over 100 K
-1) when v=0.99V
However, it is a concentration impossible to reach in vivo.
However, we did not find constants for RIGDH measured in an environment similar to the in vivo one, which is explained by the instability of NADH in lower pH.
And the K
m is 8.8 mM, K
cat is 13.5 U under pH 9.0 and 37℃
According to the figure "Effect of pH on the activity of RIGDH", the activity of RIGDH is reduced to about 20%, consequently, we estimate K
cat to be 13.5 * 20% U under pH 6.5-7.0.
We employed an optimization algorithm that contains initiation, target function calculation, iteration with mutation, and result evaluation.
For initiation, we chose random distribution to initial the ratio of the enzymes. This initiation is done 50 or more times to create a group of particles, each representing a certain ratio. With this group of particles, we could achieve the effect of Particle Swam Optimization.
Then we consider the concentration of tagatose in a pre-determined time as the target value.
We iterate the ratio of enzymes in two ways. First, in a certain possibility, we made all of the particles move toward the best ratio in a recent situation. Otherwise, a random search is made to avoid being stuck to a local optimization.
We iterate about 50 times and plot the ratio of every particle as a result. A single particle's ratio change and corresponding target value were also plotted for observation.