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CafeTran Espresso - 1

File metadata and controls

2004 lines (1040 loc) · 80.2 KB


Updated for CafeTran Espresso 11 Poppy Seed Roll (2022)

A handy tour of CafeTran Espresso's preferences.

Curated by Jean Dimitriadis (EN/EL>FR translator).


You can access Preferences from the Menu (Edit > Preferences) or from the CafeTran menu for MacOS users, or directly from the Dashboard by clicking the button ≡ and choosing Preferences.


You can easily export CafeTran preferences and import them back. This allows you to backup your preferences or reuse them in another installation.

The corresponding buttons can be found in each Preferences pane.

To reset CafeTran to its default preferences, use the Reset button also included in each Preferences pane. Resetting is applied to all CafeTran settings.

Export/Import/Reset Preferences

Reset the cookies for Internet resources

In case you encounter any issues with the Internet resources queried with CafeTran's internal web browser interface, you can try resetting the cookies.

To do so, hold the Alt key and press the Reset button.

Related links:

Issues with Web resources


General pane

General preferences pane allows you to set various CafeTran options and features, the most important probably being the Segmentation function.

User ID

Blank field by default.

The username entered here will be stored as metadata in CafeTran’s XLIFF files or external bilingual files (in TMX files as well).

Database connection

In addition to TMX Translation Memory files, CafeTran offers an advanced Translation Memory database feature called Total Recall (TR). This section allows you to set the TR database information. You can then create multiple TR databases to suit your needs.

Note: These options can be left in their default values and used as is. They only need to be tweaked for more advanced database creation.

Drop down menu

Choice between H2, SQLite, Hsqldb, MySQL, New Database Default choice: SQLite

This is where you can choose the database type or create a new TR database. After selecting the database type, or if you select “New Database”, you can view and edit the Database information settings by clicking the Database connection button.

Database connection button

The Database information window

This button opens the Database information window, which allows you to view and edit the TR database information for the chosen Database type.

Related links: Working with Total Recall

Applications connection

You can connect CafeTran to OpenOffice/LibreOffice’s interface and share its spell checker.

Drop down menu

Available applications: OpenOffice

Applications connection button

Once you choose OpenOffice in the drop-down menu, you can click the Applications connection button, and then click the Class path button to specify the directory where OpenOffice/LibreOffice is installed on your computer. The field will be populated accordingly.

Spell checker

Drop down menu. Choice between Hunspell and OpenOffice/LibreOffice. Default: Hunspell.

If you connect OpenOffice/LibreOffice (see previous option), you can use its spell checker instead of Hunspell. The Spell check option found in the Edit menu will disappear, as CafeTran will use the already installed spell checking dictionaries.

Related links: Installing a Spell Checking Dictionary (Hunspell)

Web browser

Drop-down menu: Choice between CafeTran or System. Default: CafeTran

CafeTran offers a web resources feature which allows you to use and query various web resources within its tabbed panel (Some resources are already present in the default installation, but you can add many more to suit your needs. Most web pages are supported). This can be done either via CafeTran’s internal browser, within the open resource’s tab or via the System’s default browser. If the latter is selected, a new search opens the Web resource in the default external Web browser of your operating system.

Note: This choice can also be set individually per each web resource.

Related links: Searching Internet Resources, Adding a Web Resource - Based on Examples, Web Resources in the System Browser

External editor

Drop-down menu: Choice between Clipboard binding, Atom, BBEdit, Bing Translator, DeepL, Google Translate, Jarte, Notepad++. Default: Clipboard binding.

The functionality of CafeTran’s target segment editor can be further extended by binding it with an external text editor. Some specialized editors offer additional functions that can enhance the editing experience. For example, a dictation application can be tuned to work best only with certain text editors. You can also use the edit box of a Machine Translation Web page as an external editor.

Related links: Target Segment Editors, Voice Translating

Desktop search tool

Path to the executable you wish to use when querying the Desktop search tool, or terminal command to apply and output within CafeTran.

Additional checkbox: Terminal tool, OFF by default. Allows to output the search result of the terminal command set above, in a separate tab.

The resource query placeholder for the Desktop Search Tool command is {}. Terminal tools include, among others, ‘grep’ (Linux and Mac, also available for Windows), ‘mdfind’ (Mac spotlight in terminal). ‘find’ (Windows). Examples: grep {} /path/to/my/huge/memory.tmx, mdfind -onlyin /path/to/directory {}, find “{}” “C:\path\to\my\memory.tmx” Note: Use fgrep -h {} /Users/Hans/Dropbox/CafeTran/Prj/test/my_text.txt for faster searches, suppressing the file name display. See

You can also launch a search in a GUI desktop search tool. Example for Linux and its Recoll full-text search: /usr/bin/recoll -q {}

Setting this adds a Desktop button in the Quick search bar (see the Menu and Interface document).


To populate this field, click on the “Rate:” button. This is useful to calculate the total project cost for source or target segments. You can base the calculation to Words, Characters or All Characters.

Rate button

Choose your rate window

Note: Rate can also easily be set/modified in Statistics (Project>Statistics>Project Statistics) from within your current project.

Click to set your rate

For a discussion related to rate calculation and Weighted Word Count (WWC), see the Statistics section of the Menu and Interface document.


This is where you set what rules CafeTran will use to segment the document(s) you translate. This section is only for native projects, not for bilingual files, which are (usually) already segmented.

Drop-down menu

Available choices: Sentence, Paragraph, Tag, Word, Document, Rules.srx. Default: Sentence.

CafeTran offers various ways to segment a document and you can add more.

Sentence, Paragraph, Tag, Word, Document segmentation rules are not editable and must be used as is.

Segmentation editor, segmentation rules

If you select Rules.srx (or other SRX files from the drop-down menu), “Segmentation” becomes “Segmentation editor” and an additional drop-down menu appears (Segmentation rules), allowing you to select which source language rules you wish to apply.

CafeTran supports the SRX standard and offers the possibility to edit SRX files (which are used to specify the break rules and the exception rules on a per language basis). The Default rules take precedence over any other rules.

SRX files are stored in cafetran/rules/segmentation folder (This is on Windows and GNU/Linux. On a Mac, go to Applications and show the package contents by right-clicking. The folder can be found in /Contents/Java/rules/segmentation). This is where you will find the Rules.srx file and where you can add other SRX files as well.

Editing segmentation rules

CafeTran allows you to view, edit or create segmentation rules.

Free alternatives to the CafeTran internal SRX editor include: Maxprograms - SRXEditor Okapi Framework - Ratel (standalone or integrated into Rainbow)

A note on abbreviations and segmentation. In addition to fine-tuning segmentation through the SRX editor, you can also use CafeTran’s Abbreviations feature for segmentation purposes. Abbreviations will act as Exception rules, meaning that they will instruct CafeTran not to break the segments if it finds such abbreviations at document creation. This is found in Resources > Abbreviations. A project can also be scanned for abbreviations (You may need to remove and add the document back, since segmentation occurs only at project creation).

Segmentation can further be adjusted manually by using the Split and Join features (this works only for native CT projects. For external projects, CafeTran uses a virtual Spit and Join feature).

Related links:

Navigate, Split and Join segments

Segmentation suggestion To access more already set language rules for segmentation, you may wish to download and use OmegaT’s SRX file. Save the document directly from your browser and remove the .txt extension. Rename it as needed and place it in cafetran/rules/segmentation folder (This is on Windows and GNU/Linux. On a Mac, go to Applications and show the package contents by right-clicking. The folder can be found in /Contents/Java/rules/segmentation). It will be recognized after CT has been restarted. For a Trados-like segmentation, you may want to add the colon character (:) to the OmegaT’s Default rules and change Break:




in the beforebreak section.

Another option packed with language rules comes from LanguageTool and its SRX file

Segment at all tags

Checkbox, OFF by default

By enabling this option, you can apply an additional rule to the selected segmentation method, namely to break segments at each tag.

Text shortcuts

Drop-down menu: Blank by default

You can create text shortcuts to expand any given text with a defined character combination. To create a text shortcuts file that you can use across different sessions or projects, you need to first add at least one Text shortcut in Resources > Text shortcuts > Add selection to text shortcuts, then choose Resources > Text shortcuts > List text shortcuts and click the Save button. If you don’t save the shortcuts, they will be working for the current session only. Once saved, the shortcuts file will be available in this drop-down menu.

Saved Text shortcuts files are saved as txt files in cafetran/resources/shortcuts folder (This is on Windows and GNU/Linux. On a Mac, go to Applications and show the package contents by right-clicking. The folder can be found in /Contents/Java/resources/shortcuts). Multiple shortcuts files can be saved in this folder and selected from the drop-down menu.

Text shortcuts files use the following format (each line is a new shortcut): shortcut=expanded_text

To expand a defined shortcut, you simply type the shortcut and press the Space key.

For now, only letters and digits work as the shortcuts.

Note: External applications may offer more advanced and universal text expansion solutions (meaning they can be used across all applications in your operating system). Still, Text shortcuts can be very useful for ad hoc text expansion needs within CafeTran.

Non-translatable fragments

Drop-down menu: Default: nontranslatables.txt

You can define non-translatables, which will be stored in the non-translatable list.

Non-translatables appear by default with a violet color background on the source segment and can be easily inserted via the F4 keyboard shortcut.

Non-translatables are stored in cafetran/resources/placeables folder (This is on Windows and GNU/Linux. On a Mac, go to Applications and show the package contents by right-clicking. The folder can be found in /Contents/Java/resources/placeables). Multiple non-translatables files can be saved in this folder and selected from the drop-down menu.

The non-translatable TXT files are simple lists with one non-translatable per line.

Note: You can also use non-translatables to mask confidential terms before being submitted them for Machine Translation. See MT services preferences pane.

Characters for removal

Blank field by default.

The field displays the characters that are removed by the Remove defined characters function. Use the pipe character | to separate the defined characters in the list.

This makes use of Java regular expressions.

Suggested example value: ,(?=\s\D)|<[^>]+>|\s(?=\s)

Surround with characters

The three fields provide an easy way to surround highlighted text with the defined characters. Different types of quotes, brackets or parentheses are good candidates for this feature.

Methods to use this function:

  • Edit > Target segment > Surround with characters [1,2,3]
  • Use defined keyboard shortcut for each option
  • Select S1, S2, or S3 from the context menu (Right-click or use defined keyboard shortcut to bring the context menu)

**Surround with characters 1 ** Default value: « S »

Surround with characters 2

Default value: (S)

Surround with characters 3

Default value: “S”

Project page size (units)

Default value: 50

The Segments grid does not display all the segments of a document or a project, but a select number of segments in the forme of "pages", which can easily be navigated.

This option sets the number of translation units (segments) that are displayed in the Segments grid. You can navigate between segments with the Arrow buttons of the Segments grid.

Note: Limiting the number of displayed segments in one “page” is one of the ways to help running CT more efficiently in battery mode.

Related links: Running CafeTran in the Battery Mode

Autopilot delay (millisec/chars)

Checkbox and value field. Default value: 1000 (milliseconds per 10 characters).

Autopilot may be a very handy feature during the Review or QA phase of translation. You can also use it when translating short, repetitive/similar phrases or numbers. It allows hands-free navigation with the set delay between the segments. You can either use a fixed delay (next option) or a variable delay (here).

Activation/deactivation of the Autopilot is done via the Action menu. After that, you will notice the Autopilot button in the target segment editor. Click this button to turn on/off the Autopilot. Going to the next segment triggers its functioning. To suspend it for a while (e.g for the correction of the current segment), press the Esc key or click the mouse on the target segment editor.

Autopilot fixed delay (milliseconds)

Checkbox and value field. Default value: 2000.

Autopilot may be a very handy feature during the Review or QA phase of translation. You can also use it when translating short, repetitive/similar phrases or numbers. It allows hands-free navigation with the set delay between the segments. You can either use a fixed delay (here) or a variable delay (previous option).

Activation/deactivation of the Autopilot is done via the Action menu. After that, you will notice the Autopilot button in the target segment editor. Click this button to turn on/off the Autopilot. Going to the next segment triggers its functioning. To suspend it for a while (e.g for the correction of the current segment), press the Esc key or click the mouse on the target segment editor.


Definitions pane

Definitions pane allows you to specify some fields that can be applied to the Glossaries and Termbases (Memories for fragments) and Project configuration. It is optional in most scenarios, but useful for more information-rich terminology implementations.

List of subjects… | List of clients…

Clicking these buttons lets you select a TXT file which contains a list a subjects or clients that you will the be able to apply as metadata to your projects, glossaries and termbases. Once the file is specified, it will be used by CT until you set another file.

Suggestion: You can create a “Subjects-clients” folder within cafetran/resources folder, and then a separate “clients” and “subjects” text file (This is on Windows and GNU/Linux. On a Mac, go to Applications and show the package contents by right-clicking. The folder can be found in /Contents/Java/resources).

Definitions column names

Blank fields by default.

You can set column/field names for your Glossaries/Termbases (using default names such as, Context, Subject, Notes, Reference, etc.). As long as those fields/column names are left blank, they will not appear in the glossary/termbase entries you create, keeping things simple as the default behaviour.

Note: If you set multiple columns for your glossary, you may want to consider choosing the Vertical display in its context menu (right click) for better readability.

The Definitions column names include the following fields:

  • Context column name:
  • Subject column name:
  • Client column name:
  • Notes column name:
  • Reference column name: If this column name is set, the Reference field also features a button to attach a file location, an image or a link to serve as reference.
  • User’s column name (3x): Three custom column names.

Language column names

Drop-down menus. Up to 8 different languages/variants can be set.

This section concerns only Glossaries. CafeTran supports multilingual glossaries (glossaries that feature more than two languages/language variants). Here you can set the languages columns that will be present in new glossaries.

CafeTran keeps track of all your working languages/language variants and adds them in this section.

You may need to remove unnecessary languages/variants if you use various language pairs or do not intend to keep multilingual glossaries.

Language columns should be set from left to right, before going to the next row. Don't leave a blank item before going to the next.

When creating a new glossary, there is a Definitions button that allows you to easily set the required languages. This can also done via the glossary context menu (right-click) > Edit glossary if the glossary is already created.

Definitions button in New glossary window

Related links: Multilingual Glossaries


Workflow pane

This pane includes some options related to various CafeTran workflows. Workflows can be selected from the drop-menu available in the Dashboard.

Image translation export to

Drop-down menu. Available choices: Ms Word, OpenOffice, Text, Default: MS Word

This option concerns the Translate a paper document workflow, available from the Dashboard. In this workflow, you can translate short paper documents, scanned documents or image files. The option allows you to choose the export format CafeTran will use.

Related links: Translation of Paper Documents, Translation of Scanned Images


CafeTran auto-saves project segments, memory segments and glossary entries CafeTran according to the values specified in this section.

Note: Raising the interval makes sense if you run CafeTran on a laptop computer in battery mode. Otherwise, low numbers provide a safety net in case of an unexpected application quit or computer shutdown.

Auto-save project (segments)

Default value: 3

Auto-save memory (segments)

Default value: 5

Auto-save glossary (entries)

Default value: 3

Related links: Running CafeTran in the Battery Mode

Convert HTML formatting tags at export

Checkbox: ON by default.

You can turn off the conversion of html formatting tags to the source document formatting at export.

Keep formatting at export via clipboard

Checkbox: ON by default.

This option concerns the Translate through clipboard workflow, available from the Dashboard.

Uncheck this option if you want to have formatting tags removed upon clipboard export.

Related links: Formatting in Clipboard Workflow

Clipboard sensitive target

Checkbox, OFF by default

Drop-down menu: Choices: Look up, Translate, Segment. Default: Look up

This option specifies the behaviour in case Edit > Clipboard sensitive menu option is ON.

Look up: the clipboard contents are looked up automatically in CafeTran’s resources. Translate: the clipboard contents are translated automatically with the translation memories and glossaries. Segment: the clipboard contents are pasted automatically into the target segment editor (e.g. as a translation of the current segment).

Related links: Clipboard Sensitive

Remove newlines at clipboard transfer

Checkbox, OFF by default

If this option is ON, CafeTran removes the newline character from the pasted text during the transfer via clipboard.

Automatic selection of whole words

Checkbox, ON by default

If this option is ON, CafeTran selects whole words even if you make a partial selection in the source or target segments. The option is quite convenient as it speeds up text selection, since mouse selection does not need to be precise. Uncheck if the behaviour is unwanted.

Automatic memory matching

Checkbox, OFF by default

If this option is ON, CafeTran performs automatic search in the translation memories. Otherwise, only manual searches are made.

Copy source to target during segmentation

Checkbox, OFF by default

If this option is ON, CafeTran copies source segments to target segments during segmentation.

Note: To transfer source segments to all target segments during translation (after segmentation), you can also use Task > Transfer source segments to target segments.

Transfer source to empty target during translation

Checkbox, OFF by default

If this option is ON, CafeTran copies the content of the source segment to each empty target segment you visit during the translation.

Note: To transfer source segments to all target segments, you can also use Task > Transfer source segments to target segments.

**Transfer source segments with non-translatable fragments only **

Checkbox, ON by default

With this option ON, CafeTran automatically transfers source segments that contain non-translatable fragments and numbers only.

Transfer source segments with no letters to target

Checkbox, ON by default

With this option ON, CafeTran automatically transfers segments that do not contain letters to the target segment.

Ignore segment status at bilingual document import

Checkbox, OFF by default

With this option ON, CafeTran will not update the segment status defined in the status column (A for Approved, R for Rejected and C for Checked/Reviewed) of the bilingual document upon import. Bilingual document export/import can be done via Project > Export and exchange.

Remember export folder

Checkbox, OFF by default

This option lets you export target documents into a shared folder across multiple projects. After turning this option ON, CafeTran remembers the last Export location for the subsequent projects.

Replace characters at source transfer

Three available field pairs.

These field pairs allow you to set characters you wish to replace during source transfer.

Note: This replacement option is a helper to "Transfer numbers to matches" feature. It lets your replace the defined characters in a numerical expression during the transfer from the source to the target segment.


Prompter pane

Prompter is CafeTran's auto-complete feature that uses text from various sources (Project segments, Memories [segment or fragment matches, fuzzies, hits], Glossaries, MT results, etc.). As you type the first characters of a word, CafeTran will often bring up the auto-completion menu, which allows you to quickly complete the word instead of typing it.

Press enter to use the auto-complete suggestion. Selection can be done via the up or down arrow keys, as well as by double-clicking the desired suggestion.

Note: You can remove a highlighted suggestion by using the Remove from auto-completion list keyboard shortcut.

Prompt phrases

Checkbox, ON by default

The checkbox allows you to enable or disable CafeTran's Prompter (auto-completion) feature.

The prompter (auto-completion) function is automatically triggered if enabled, and if there is a space following the cursor. If there is a character in the right side of the cursor, you can still manually bring the auto-completion menu with the Ctrl+Down arrow (default) keyboard shortcut.

Two-word hints

Checkbox, ON by default

With this option ON, CafeTran will offer auto-completion options for the next word as well.

Automatic case adjustment

Checkbox, ON by default

Options to toggle the automatic case adjustment during auto-completion.

Replace existing words

Checkbox, ON by default

Option to toggle the overwriting during auto-completion.

Segment editor font

Checkbox, OFF by default

Enable this option to make Prompter use the segment editor font.

Prompting starts at (char)

Default value: 3.

Minimum number of typed characters to trigger the Auto-completion function.

Minimal word length

Default value: 7.

Minimum character length of words to be processed by the Auto-completion function.


Auto-assembling pane

This pane allows you to set various auto-assembling options.

Auto-assembling is a special CafeTran feature that uses and “repairs” various enabled resources to create a suggested translation.

Auto-assembling (and TM) results can be viewed in and inserted from the Matchboard or the Auto-assembling panel (F1 keyboard shortcut, unless Translate > Pop up auto-assembling panel option is enabled).

Because the Auto-assembling is deeply integrated into CafeTran's function, some options play a role outside of auto-assembling (when transferring TM matches or when using the Team autoassembling with machine translations). You might need to review or adjust Auto-assembling settings accordingly.

Note: To further fine-tune the suggestions you get from Auto-assembling, you can set each resource’s Priority (Low, Medium, High) or choose which resources to keep out from auto-assembling via their context menu (right-click) > Keep out of auto-assembling.

Automatic insertion of matches

Checkbox, OFF by default

If this option is ON, CafeTran systematically inserts the auto-assembling result to the target language box.

Note: Auto-assembling insert threshold (%) option, available in the Memory pane can be used to control the automatic insertion threshold for auto-assembling.

Transfer numbers to matches

Checkbox, ON by default

If the option is ON, CafeTran automatically inserts the numbers present in the source segment into the target suggestion, replacing those from fuzzy matches.

Transfer tags to matches

Checkbox, ON by default

If the option is ON, CafeTran automatically transfers the surrounding tags of the source marches in the source segment to the target language segment. It functions when you transfer a target fragment/term, auto-assembling, a fuzzy match or machine translation containing the matched fragments. It is also active during the automatic insertion of the best translation result into the target segment editor.

Related links: Auto-tagger: Transfer Formatting Tags to Matches

Match case

Checkbox, OFF by default

If this option is ON, CafeTran uses case sensitive matching for the resources it uses to provide its suggestions.

Fuzzy match auto-correction

Checkbox, ON by default

If this option is ON, CafeTran tries to repair fuzzy matches, replacing the differing fragments with other exact fragments or non-translatables.

Fuzzy match auto-correction also works if the start and/or the end of the current segment is missing in the fuzzy match, and there are matches in TM, glossary or nontranslatables for those missing parts.

Note: This also affects the Matchboard behaviour.

Automatic fragments adjustment

Checkbox, ON by default

This dynamic feature sets the top priority for the recently used fragment/term or its synonym to use it subsequently both in Auto-assembling and Machine Translation improvement. It can also adjust the basic form of a fragment (e.g. sunny day) to the one you actually use in the segment (e.g sunny days) provided that the change is slight (e.g. to the form of the regular noun). Then, CT will use the adjusted fragment in the subsequent segments. Let's assume CafeTran suggests correctly a translation memory (TM) fragment by analyzing its context. However, your high priority glossary inserts another suggestion (e.g. the basic form) for the same source fragment. If you use the TM fragment in the current segment, CafeTran will enhance the priority of this TM fragment to use it in the next segments as well.

The feature recognizes your recent usage of the term or fragment synonyms and adjusts their priority automatically to use the synonym subsequently in auto-assembling. The users who do not rely much on the set priorities for their glossary terms or TM fragments should benefit from it.

Related link: Automatic Fragments Adjustment

Insert target only

Checkbox, OFF by default

If this option is ON, CafeTran only inserts untranslated fragments during auto-assembling into the target language box.

Format numbers

Checkbox, OFF by default

If this option is ON, CafeTran formats numbers to the target language numbering system if it is different from the source language system.

Automatic case adjustment

Checkbox, ON by default

If this option is ON, it lets CafeTran automatically adjust the case (at least for auto-assembling results).

NOTE: You can manually adjust the case of a segment, fragment or selected word. To cycle between cases, use Edit > Target segment > Change case, or the related keyboard shortcut. To use Title case, use Edit > Target segment > Change to title case, or the related keyboard shortcut.

To let CafeTran automatically adjust the case while typing, you can enable Edit > Target segment > Automatic case adjustment option.

Beginning of sentence only

Checkbox, ON by default

If this option is ON, automatic case adjustment occurs only in the beginning of a sentence.

Copy matches to clipboard

Checkbox, OFF by default

If this option is ON, CafeTran copies the auto-assembling match to the clipboard, so that you can be paste it directly if the result is good.

Replace punctuation characters

Three field pairs

If enabled, auto-assembling replaces the punctuation characters as set in the field pairs.


Auto-propagation pane

This pane lets you enable or disable various Auto-propagation options.

Auto-propagation is the process whereby the translation from one segment is applied to other segments that have identical source content. This is unrelated to translation memories and works even when no TM is attached.

Note: You can disable Auto-propagation for a specific segment via right-clicking at the source segment editor and unchecking Auto-propagation checkbox (the segment is marked as “nP” in the Grid). For non-CafeTran projects, this option works for the current session only.

Auto-propagation to other segments

Checkbox, ON by default

If this option is ON, the current segment is propagated to other identical source segments.

Auto-propagation to current segments

Checkbox, ON by default

If this option is ON, the translation of another identical source segment in the project is propagated to the currently edited segment.

Auto-propagation to other documents

Checkbox, ON by default

This option lets you choose if Auto-propagation works across documents in a single project (even if the documents are not glued) or only to the current document.

Auto-propagation of numbers

Checkbox, ON by default

If this option is ON, auto-propagation works also for segments that only differ in featured numbers.

Auto-propagation of non-translatable fragments

Checkbox, ON by default

If this option is ON, auto-propagation works also for segments that only differ in non-translatable fragments

Auto-propagation forward only

Checkbox, OFF by default

If this option is ON, backward auto-propagation is disabled.

Auto-propagation from locked segments

Checkbox, ON by default

You can choose whether to block or enable auto-propaggation from locked segments.

Auto-propagation of segment status

Checkbox, OFF by default

If this option is ON, the current segment status is also propagated during auto-propagation.


Glossary pane

This pane features various options relevant to Glossaries (and Termbases - Memories for fragments).

Related links: Working with Glossaries

Additional word dividers

Default value: /


The backslash character needs repeated to be escaped such as: \\

Word dividers are single characters only.

Note: If you want to add a character, say the colon or semicolon, as a word divider, you have to remove it from the Do not match field in Preferences>Memory tab and restart CafeTran Espresso.

Alternatives entries separator

Default value: ”;”

This option lets you define the character that will be used for synonyms and alternative entries in Glossaries.

Trim new terms

Checkbox, ON by default

This option applies trim settings to new terms.

Trim new term start

Blank field by default.

Here you can define characters for removal that are present at the start of the selected term.

This makes use of Java regular expressions.

Example: Use this setting to exclude chapter numbers etc. when adding terms without making selections first: \A([0-9][\p{Punct}]\s*)+

Trim new term end

Default value: “[\p{Punct}]\s\z”

Here you can define characters for removal that are present at the end of the selected term.

This makes use of Java regular expressions.

Fields to hide

Here you can define Fields you wish to hide from glossary columns.

Enter the number of the Glossary field(s) you want to hide, separated with a comma (,)

This allows you to only display specific fields while keeping the fields defined in Definitions.

After restarting the program, you can hover the mouse over the source term in the glossary pane or over the type of the match in the Matchboard to show all the fields (columns).

Minimal prefix length

Default value: 5

With this setting, you can control the fuzziness of glossary terms used by the Prefix matching (see next item).

Prefix matching

Checkbox, OFF by default

If this option is enabled, it introduces automatic fuzziness to your glossary matches.

Note: As the “Prefix length” option is shared with TM fragments, you can adjust the prefix length in the options for the memory (e.g. after right clicking at the memory pane). You will need to reload the glossary after turning on/off the Prefix matching option. See the TM options reference document for more information on the prefix length.

Sort matches alphabetically

Checkbox, OFF by default

If multiple term matches are available, they are displayed in alphabetical order with this option enabled.

Skip new term window (button)

Checkbox, OFF by default

If enabled, this option skips the new term window when you add a new term by clicking the Add term to glossary or Add fragment to memory buttons in the target language box buttons.

Vertical display

Checkbox, OFF by default

If enabled, this option triggers the Vertical display option for all glossaries.

NOTE: You can manually enable/disable this option per each glossary via the context menu (right click) > Vertical display.

Look up word stems

Checkbox. ON by default.

If enabled, CafeTran use word stemming when querying for glossary matches. CafeTran provides stemming based on the Hunspell dictionary.

Terms consistency check

Checkbox. ON by default

CafeTran will enable terms consistency check for attached glossaries for this QA step (see QA pane/menu for more information).

NOTE: You can enable/disable this option per each glossary via the context menu (right click) > Terms consistency check.

Skip new term window (shortcut)

Checkbox, OFF by default

If enabled, this option skips the new term window when you add a new term by hitting the Add term to glossary or Add fragment to memory keyboard shortcuts.

Display longest match only

Checkbox, OFF by default

With this option enabled, CafeTran only shows the longest glossary match in the glossary.


Memory pane

This pane lets you choose the assigned RAM for CafeTran and set various aspects related to Translation Memories behaviour.

Related links: Working with Translation Memories

Java memory size (MB)

Default value: 1024

Here you can define the amount of RAM allocated to CafeTran’s operation.

Note that with very large resources, for example translation memories or glossaries 100 MB or more in size, it may be advisable to increase the amount of RAM made available to CafeTran in Java. Consider increasing the default value from 1024 to 2048 (or more), for example. Restart the program to apply the new Java memory settings.

Related links: Slowing Down or Exiting Unexpectedly

Switch to preliminary matching threshold

Default value: 50000

Here you can set the number of segments after which TMX or Total Recall memories switch from automatic to preliminary memory matching.

Developers explanation: After you load a translation memory either from TMX files or from Total Recall, CafeTran performs an automatic matching. The currently-translated segment is matched automatically against this translation memory to produce the results of matching. As your translation memory is getting bigger and bigger over time and reaches thousands of segments, the automatic matching may get slower as the current source segment is matched against that large amount of translation memory segments. To overcome this issue of huge memories, you can perform the preliminary memory matching of the whole source document so that the matches will be available instantly, without any delay. The preliminary memory matching may take a while but you do not have to wait until it completes because matches for each next source segment are available right after the segment is processed. It means that you can translate at your own human pace while the preliminary matching is taking place in the background.

Note: The preliminary matching workflow option can also be chosen from the Memory options > Workflow integration > Preliminary memory matching.

Note 2: You can disable the switch to preliminary matching by changing the threshold to a very high value, like 2500000.

Related links: Preliminary Memory Matching

Subsegment hits threshold

Default value: 3

This option is here to help reduce the display of low-quality subsegment matches (aka Hits). Hits below the set value are discarded.

Note: If it doesn’t help, increase this value even more to 4 or 5 for your source language.

Subsegment to auto threshold

Default value: 7

This option sets the number of hits (subsegment or fragment matches) before a subsegment is included in auto-assembling.

Note: Increase this number if you wish to further lower possibility of incorrect guesses.

Contextual subsegment to auto threshold

Default value: 3

CafeTran compares the current subsegment context (in the current segment) to the TM subsegment context of the hit.

This field sets the number of hits (subsegment matches) for contextual subsegments before they are included in auto-assembling.

Subsegment to virtual threshold

Default value: 10

This field sets the number of hits before a subsegment is treated as an exact subsegment match (aka Virtual match).

Note: Increase this number if you wish to further lower possibility of incorrect guesses.

Subsegment look-up limit

Default value: 1000

This field sets the maximum number of the matches found for a given subsegment, after which, CafeTran stops searching for more matches.

Subsegment minimal length

Default value: 4

CafeTran guesses the meaning of source subsegments only if they are equal or longer than the set minimal length in characters.

Subsegments min. length difference (%)

Default value: 33

CafeTran guesses the meaning of a source subsegment only if the length difference between the source subsegment and guessed target subsegment is no lower than the set percentage.

Auto-assembling insert threshold (%)

Default value: 80

This field lets you define the accuracy of the Auto-assembling translation at which CafeTran inserts it automatically into the target language box.

Fuzzy match insert threshold (%)

Default value: 90

This field field lets you define the accuracy of the best fuzzy match at which the program inserts it automatically into the target language box.

Function words threshold (%)

Default value: 5

CafeTran filters out frequently occurring words which do not need to be translated into the target language as single fragments. In this field you can set the default frequency of occurrence of the words in the source text above which the program treats them as function words and they are omitted by the Auto-assembling function.

Fuzzy match threshold (%)

Default value: 33

This field sets the minimum accuracy of the fuzzy matches which are displayed by CafeTran.

Fuzzy match display limit

Drop-down menu: Available choices: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Default value: 3

This option sets the maximum number of the fuzzy matches displayed by CafeTran.

Search display limit

Default value: 100

Additional space characters (Unicode)

Default value U+00A0

Here you can insert additional Unicode characters that should be treated as spaces, which counts towards term/match recognition and auto-assembling.

Do not match

Default value: ,.。:;!¡?¿[]{}()"«»‘’“”„‚

CafeTran ignores the (punctuation) characters entered here while searching for matches of the source segments in Translation Memories and Glossaries.

Note: You can also add spaces and characters as Unicode code here. For example, to match segments that start with an invisible space aka zero-width space (invisible in the source segment section, but visible when copied in the search box), you can use Unicode code U+200B.

Compare with target segment

Checkbox, OFF by default

If enabled, this option shows the red “Different translation” warning in the TM tab for Exact matches. It can also be set for individual TMs after the right-click.

Look up word stems

Checkbox, ON by default

If enabled, CafeTran use word stemming when querying for Translation Memory matches. CafeTran provides stemming based on the Hunspell dictionary.


Memory server pane

CafeTran can act as a Translation Memory server, accepting online connections and queries from other CafeTran users. In such a server mode it is possible to work in a team on a translation project. Checking the box activates the server mode. Change the default server port if the default port is already taken by another program on your computer.

Rendezvous server port

Default value: “4242”

Read only

Checkbox, OFF by default

Check this box if you wish to restrict access to your translation memories. If the option is selected, other users will not be able to change or add new terms to the memories on the server.

Request dialog

Checkbox, ON by default

With this option enabled, every new connection to the server is signaled by the Request pop-up dialog.

Related links: Rendezvous Memory Server

Name: Displays the Rendezvous memory server name.

IP address: Displays the Rendezvous memory server IP address.


QA pane

This pane features options related to CafeTran’s QA function (see QA menu).

Terms consistency check

Drop-down menu. Choices: Prefix marching or Exact matching. Default: Prefix matching

Select a method to check for the consistent usage of terms during the Quality Assurance phase. When the Prefix matching method is chosen, CafeTran analyzes prefixes of the used terms. In the Exact matching method, the program checks for the usage consistency of whole terms.

Length difference check (%)

Drop-down menu. Choices: 0 to 100 (by increments of 5). Default: 50

Check for the maximum difference in length between source and target segments.

Length difference check (chars)

Default value: 100

Check for the maximum difference in number of characters between source and target segments.

Maximum segment length (chars)

Default value: 1000

Check for the maximum number of characters in the target segments.

Prefix marching (%)

Drop-down menu. Choices: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90. Default: 50

The field determines the minimal length of prefixes of the words processed during terms consistency check by Prefix matching function.

Don't spellcheck acronyms (chars)

Checkbox. Default value: 3

If this checkbox is enabled, QA step "Check spelling in target segments" ignores the words written in capital letters if they have less that the define number of characters. This is useful to avoid triggering the spell-checker for acronyms.

Regular expression

Checkbox, OFF by default

If you run a QA > Word lists check/filtering with Regular expression option ON, CafeTran will perform filtering based on the included regular expression.

Whole words

Checkbox, OFF by default

If you run a QA > Word lists check with Whole words option ON, CafeTran will perform case-sensitive filtering.

Match case

Checkbox, OFF by default

If you run a QA > Word lists check, Match case option ON, CafeTran will perform case-sensitive filtering.

QA for filtered segments

Checkbox, OFF by default

This option allows you to run QA checks on filtered segments.

With this option enabled, first, apply any filter (e.g regex based) you wish, and then perform a QA task.

This option also allows exact matches for the QA selected translation memory to be checked for included fragments when running the QA > Consistency checks > Fragments consistency check (Memory).

QA for checked segments

Checkbox, OFF by default

By default, QA steps do NOT check the checked segments.

If you wish to perform QA checks in segments that are marked as “checked” in CafeTran, you need to enable this option.

Related links: Quality Assurance (category)


MT services pane

This pane features options related to Machine Translation. Individual options can also be set via the MT context menu (see CafeTran Espresso - Menu and Interface.

Note: You can set up the automatic insertion of Machine Translation results for an individual MT engine in its corresponding tab. In that case, CafeTran prioritizes the auto-insert thresholds set for the Memory matches and Auto-assembling in Preferences.

Mask non-translatable fragments

Checkbox, OFF by default

All non-translatable fragments longer than 3 characters are masked before being submitted for Machine Translation - both via API and the Web interface. You can see the masking effect in MT tabs. The unmasked translation result is displayed in the Matchboard and after the transfer to the target segment. The masking feature does not work with the right-click “Create TMX memory” MT function.

Team auto-assembling with machine translation

CafeTran lets you adjust MT results with its own Auto-assembling function, replacing terms and fragments with the ones that you prefer, that is, those found in your translation memories and glossaries.

Related links: Auto-assembling with Machine Translation

Team high-priority fragments only

This option allows you to limit the Team feature (see below) to the high-priority fragments (such as those coming from translation memories or glossaries with High priority).

Automatic fragments adjustment

With this option on, CafeTran replaces the MT fragments with the synonyms in your glossary/TM that are actually used in the current session. If the replacement takes place, the MT tabs show both the original MT result and the modified one.

MT engines

Here, you can enter the API keys to various MT services. Please note that CafeTran can also conduct free MT searches via its web interface (including DeepL, Google Translate, Microsoft [Bing] Translator and Youdao MT). The API access is recommended, however, for confidentiality reasons whenever possible, since different privacy terms often apply.

Related links: Machine Translation with MT Services, Machine Translation with MT Web Resources, Translating Confidential Documents

Checkbox:: Enables the MT engine.

APi key button:: Click the API key button to insert the API key for the corresponding MT service.

API key settings

Language pairs:: Language pairs are usually picked up automatically when working on a project. They can be defined manually using the drop-down menus for source and target language.

Automatic: If this option is enabled, CafeTran makes a query and displays the machine translation result automatically as the next source segment is displayed in the source language box. If the box is unchecked, you need to click the “Translate” link in the window of the chosen machine translation engine to make a query for the current source segment, or initiate a machine translation search via the Quick Search bar “Machine Tr.” button or keyboard shortcut (default: Ctrl+Shift+F9).

Note: You can stop or enable automatic MT search for each MT engine separately, via the context menu (right click) > Stop automatic MT service.

You can enable automatic insertion of Machine Translation results via the context menu of the corresponding MT service tab, in the main translation interface.

Related links: Machine Translation (Solutions category), Translating Confidential Documents


API parameters: Enter your DeepL Pro API key.

This is a paid translation API.

Link: DeepL Pro, DeepL Pro FAQ.

Google Translate

API parameters: Enter your Google Translate API key.

This is a paid translation API (first 500,000 characters per month free).

Link: Google Cloud - Getting started

MS Translator

API parameters: Enter your MS Translator API key.

Free tier offers 2M free characters per month. Paid tiers and options exist for more characters per month, if needed.

Link: Microsoft Translator


API parameters: Enter a valid account email. If you leave this field empty, CafeTran will use a developer API key. There is no need to enter anything to use MyMemory in CafeTran for free.

MyMemory uses a combination of Google Translate and Microsoft Translate for its suggestions. It also queries the MyMemory public translation memory, returning TM matches.

If you provide a valid email (“de” parameter), you enjoy 10,000 words/day. There is a 500 characters limit per queried segment.

Links: Use MyMemory directly from your CAT tool, Mymemory - CafeTran, MyMemory: API usage limits.

Yandex Translate

API parameters: Enter your Yandex API key

Link: Yandex Translate API

IBM Watson

API parameters: Enter your IBM Watson Language Translator MT API key.

An API key can be received at IBM website. During the registration at IBM site, choose Frankfurt as the deployment region/location.

Link: IBM Watson

Amazon Translate

API parameters: Enter your Amazon Translate MT API Access key and API Secret key. Select the server location in the dropdown menu.

Link: Amazon Translate

Slate Desktop

Slate is a commercial offline MT solution.

CafeTran is compatible with its connector utility.

Related links:


Web services pane

This pane allows you to enable a few Web services options. Network connectivity is required to use these features.


You can link your account to CafeTran.

This enables you to:

  • Conduct KudoZ terms searches (manually or automatically) [Free ProZ account]
  • File new KudoZ questions [Free ProZ account]
  • Use “What I am working on” feature (See WIWO option below) [Free ProZ account]
  • Enjoy Full (not Trial) access to CafeTran [ProZ Plus account]

After the first successful login, CafeTran will connect to automatically at the start.

Related links: Signing in to account, Automatic Search of Resources, Term Search Integration, options in CafeTran.

WIWO automatic pop-up dialog


WIWO (What translators are working on) is a feature activated when you use services. For more details:



TM-Town is a web service for translators helping them match with their clients. It also offers lots of translation-related tools such as Translation Memories and Glossaries Management, Documents Alignment and CAT Tool Integration. You can use CafeTran to connect to TM-Town and use some of its services.

Note: TM-Town Professional annual plan is included in Plus membership package.

Related links: Connect to TM-Town, CafeTran Espresso Integration (TM-Town)

Amazon Polly (Text To Speech)

Text To Speech (TTS) integration in CafeTran enables the translators to listen to the currently-translated source language segment. It can be set either automatic or manual with the option to listen to target language segments (e.g during the review) as well. Amazon Polly supports over 30 languages and a selection of voices. It also offers the free tier for the first 12 months.

To use it, paste the API access and secret keys in the respective fields (the API keys for Amazon Translate MT and Amazon Polly TTS are the same).

When this is enabled and set up, CafeTran will show an additional Amazon Polly tab in the main translation interface, allowing you to manage the Text To Speech service (see the Menu and Interface document for more information).

Link: Amazon Polly


Apperance pane

This pane includes a few appearance options. Many more are available in the View menu.

Look and Feel

Radio checkbox options:

  • Metal Look and Feel,
  • Nimbus Look and Feel,
  • GTK (Linux)/Windows (Windows)/MacOS (OS X)

Default choice: Nimbus Look and Feel.

Related links: Themes

Interface language

Checkbox options:

  • English - United States (en-US), ON by Default
  • Polish (pl-PL)


Keyboard shortcuts pane

This pane is where you can review or set most keyboard shortcuts CafeTran uses.

Display keyboard shortcuts in web browser allows you to open this list in a browser window (and print them to PDF for reference).

Clicking any item of the list opens a keyboard shortcuts window, which allows you to change the shortcut to your liking.

Change keyboard shortcut

Don’t be afraid to customize them to your liking.

Below, you will find the default keyboard shortcuts (for GNU/Linux, Windows and MacOS unless specified in parenthesis), along with their explanation. An additional section lists shortcuts found elsewhere.

On a Mac, some keyboard shortcuts might differ depending on the Look and Feel chosen. See related third party shortcuts list.

Accept all

Accept all changes in the current segment

Add checked segment to memory and go to next segment Ctrl+Shift+Enter

Add your translation of this segment to your translation memories, mark the segment as checked, and move on to the next segment in the source document.

Also in Action menu.

Add checked segment to memory and go to next unchecked segment Ctrl+Shift+Back Slash

Add your translation of this segment to your translation memories, mark the segment as checked, and move on to the next unchecked segment pair.

Also in Action menu.

Add fragment to memory Alt+M (Mac: ⌃+⌥+M)

Create a new translation memory fragment. Any highlighted portion of the source/target segments will be preset in the resulting “New fragment” dialog.

Also in Action menu.

Add segment note Alt+N (Mac: ⌃+⌥+N)

Add an annotation about this segment; it will appear below the segment in the grid pane, marked with an “N”.

Also in Action menu.

Add segment to memory and go to next segment Alt+Down (Mac: ⌃+⌥+↓)

Add your translation of this segment to your translation memories, and move on to the next segment in the source document.

Also in Action menu.

Add segment to memory and go to next untranslated segment Ctrl+Enter

Add your translation of this segment to your translation memories and move on to the next untranslated segment in the source document.

Also in Action menu.

Add selection to abbreviations Ctrl+Shift+M

Add a selected fragment of the segment to abbreviations.

Also in Resources > Abbreviations submenu.

Add selection to non-translatable fragments Alt+P (Mac: ⌃+⌥+P)

Add a selected fragment of the segment to non-translatable fragments.

Also in Resources > Non-translatable fragments submenu.

Add selection to text shortcuts Ctrl+Shift+A

Add a selected fragment of the segment to text shortcuts. It will create a text shortcut for the fragment.

Also in Resources > Text shortcuts submenu.

Add term to glossary Alt+G (Mac: ⌃+⌥+G)

Create a new glossary entry. Any highlighted portion of the source/target segments will be preset in the resulting “New term” dialog.

Also in Action menu.

Adjust end punctuation Ctrl+Close Bracket

Adjust the ending punctuation of the target segment to match that of the source segment.

Also in Edit > Target segment submenu.

Adjust start punctuation Ctrl+Open Bracket

All segments Ctrl+Shift+K

Include all segments (Remove filters).

Also in Filter menu.

Alternative translation Alt+T (Mac: ⌃+⌥+T)

Also in Action menu.

Bold Ctrl+B (Mac: ⌘+B)

Also in Edit > Target segment submenu and context menu (right click) in the target language box.

Bookmark segment Alt+B (Mac: ⌃+⌥+B)

Bookmark the current segment. A letter “B” will appear next to the segment number in the segment grid.

Also in Action menu.

Change case Ctrl+Equals

Cycles through multiple capitalization schemes for the target segment: “first upper-cased”, all lower-case, all upper-case.

Also in Edit > Target segment submenu and in button above source language box.

Change to title case Ctrl+Shift+Equals

Capitalizes the first letter of each word within the target segment.

Also in Edit > Target segment submenu and in button above source language box.

Clipboard history Ctrl+Shift+C

View the history of all text copied to the clipboard.

Also in Edit menu.

Close active tab Ctrl+W

Close the currently-active resource tab.

Also in View menu and tabbed panel context menu (right click).

Close all tabs Ctrl+Shift+W

Close all resource tabs.

Also in View menu and tabbed panel context menu (right click).

Cycle focus between segment editors F12

Switch keyboard focus to the opposite of the currently-focused pane.

Also in View >Segment editors submenu.

Default scope Ctrl+Shift+G

Search all resources for contents of selection in source segment editor.

Also in Edit > Find at cursor submenu.

Delete to the end of segment Ctrl+Shift+D

Not found elsewhere.

Desktop search tool Ctrl+Shift+F8

Perform a search through the Desktop search tool.

Also through the dedicated Quick search bar button (only available if DST already set).

Documents… Ctrl+D (Mac: ⌘+D)

Open a dialog listing all project source documents, and choose which one to actively display within CafeTran.

Also in Project > Documents menu and the Document button in the Grid.

Exit Ctrl+Q

Exit CafeTran Espresso.

Also in Project menu.

Export current document Alt+End (Mac: ⌃+⌥+↘)

Export a translated copy of only the document currently-active in the CafeTran interface.

Also in Project > Export and exchange submenu.

Find in page Ctrl+Alt+F (Mac: ⌘+⌥+F)

Perform the search for a word in the loaded web page and highlight the result.

Also in Edit menu.

Find… Ctrl+F (Mac: ⌘+F)

Open the “Find and replace” dialog, which provides extensive options for searching resources and segments.

Also in Edit > Find menu.

Focus current tab Ctrl+Slash

Send keyboard focus to the currently-active resource tab.

Also in View menu.

Full screen F11

Switch to full screen mode. Press F11 at any time to exit, or mouse near the top of the window to show the “Exit full screen” button.

Also in View menu.

Glossaries Ctrl+Shift+F10

Search glossaries for contents of current selection in the source segment editor.

Also in Edit > Find at cursor submenu and through the dedicated Glossaries button in the Quick search bar.

Hide segment boundary tags [Not defined]

Hide starting and ending tags for the current segment.

Also in Action > Tags submenu.

Hide tag details [Ctrl+Alt+T]

Also in Action > Tags submenu.

Hide source segment tags Ctrl+Alt+T (Mac: ⌃+⌥+T)

Hide all the tags in the current source segment.

Also in Action > Tags submenu.

Hide toolbars Ctrl+Shift+H

Hide all toolbars in the CafeTran Espresso interface.

Also in View > Toolbars submenu.

Highlight [Not defined]

Add Highlighting tags to selected target text.

Also found in the Target segment editor buttons.

Insert auto-assembling Alt+4 (Mac: ⌃+⌥+4)

Transfer the auto-assembling match to the target segment editor (if one exists).

Also in Translate menu.

Insert fuzzy match 1 Alt+1 (Mac: ⌃+⌥+1)

Transfer the first fuzzy match to the target segment editor (if one exists).

Also in Translate menu.

Insert fuzzy match 2 Alt+2 (Mac: ⌃+⌥+2)

Transfer the second fuzzy match to the target segment editor (if one exists).

Also in Translate menu.

Insert fuzzy match 3 Alt+3 (Mac: ⌃+⌥+3)

Transfer the third fuzzy match to the target segment editor (if one exists).

Also in Translate menu.

Insert non-breaking hyphen Ctrl+Shift+Minus

Insert a non-breaking hyphen special character at the current cursor position.

Also in Edit > Target segment submenu.

Insert non-breaking space Ctrl+Shift+Space

Insert a non-breaking space special character at the current cursor position.

Also in Edit > Target segment submenu.

Insert soft return Shift+Enter

Insert a soft return special character at the current cursor position.

Also in Edit > Target segment submenu.

Italic Ctrl+I (Mac: ⌘+I)

Also in Edit > Target segment submenu and context menu (right click) in the target language box.

Join segments Alt+Up (Mac: ⌃+⌥+↑)

Merge the contents of the next source segment into the currently-selected segment. The next segment will also be eliminated.

Also in Action menu and through the dedicated button in the target language box.

List auto-assembling and fuzzy matches F1

Auto-assembled matches are formed when all subsegments in the source segment have matches in your resources. Fuzzy matches may contain less than a complete match.

Also in Translate menu.

List non-translatable fragments F4

List non-translatable fragments present in the current source segment.

Also in Resources > Non-translatable fragments submenu.

List subsegment matches F2

Subsegment matches are any matches in your resources to a word or “chunk” of the source segment.

Also in Translate menu.

List tags F3

Display a pop-up list of all tags in the source segment. Click a tag in the list or type a tag number followed by the Esc key to transfer the tag.

Also in Action > Tags menu.

Memory source segments Ctrl+Shift+F4

Search memory source segments for contents of current selection in the source segment editor.

Also in Edit > Find at cursor submenu and through the dedicated TM source button in the Quick search bar.

Memory target segments Ctrl+Shift+F5

Search memory target segments for contents of current selection in the source segment editor.

Also in Edit > Find at cursor submenu and through the dedicated TM source button in the Quick search bar.

Merge adjacent tags [Not defined]

Merge adjacent tags and treat them as one tag.

Also in Actions > tags submenu.

Mouse tag placement Ctrl+F3

When enabled, tags can be added to the target segment simply by left-clicking where you’d like to place a tag.

Also in Action > Tags submenu and through the <> button in the target language box.

Move to the next segment Alt+Right (Mac: ⌃+⌥+→)

Move to the next segment in the source document (without modifying your translation memories).

Also in Action menu.

Move to the previous segment Alt+Left (Mac: ⌃+⌥+←)

Move to the previous segment in the source document (without modifying your translation memories).

Also in Action menu.

MT services Ctrl+Shift+F9

Search machine translation for contents of current selection in the source segment editor.

Also in Edit > Find at cursor menu.

New document… Ctrl+Shift+N

Create a new notepad in the tabbed pane.

Also in Resources > Notepad submenu.

New project… Ctrl+N (Mac: ⌘+N)

Create a new translation project. The current active project will be closed, and the Project Dashboard will be displayed.

Also in Project menu.

Open document… Ctrl+Shift+O

Open a text document in the tabbed pane.

Also in Resources > Notepad submenu.

Open image document… Ctrl+Shift+I

Open an image file in the tabbed pane.

Also in Resources > Notepad submenu.

Open memory… Alt+Shift+O (Mac: ⌥+⇧+O)

Browse for an existing translation memory file.

Also in Memory menu.

Open project folder… Ctrl+O (Mac: ⌘+O)

Browse for an existing translation project folder. The current active project will be closed upon opening a different project.

Also in Project menu.

Preview current document Alt+D (Mac: ⌃+⌥+D)

Open a preview copy of the current document in an external program.

Also in Project menu.

Print Ctrl+P (Mac: ⌘+P)

Print the contents of the currently-selected tab.

Also in Resources > Notepad submenu.

Project source segments Ctrl+Shift+F2

Search project source segments for contents of current selection in the source segment editor.

Also in Edit > Find at cursor submenu and through the dedicated Project source button in the Quick search bar.

Project statistics Ctrl+E

Display general project statistics.

Also in Project > Statistics submenu.

Project target segments Ctrl+Shift+F3

Search project target segments for contents of current selection in the source segment editor.

Also in Edit > Find at cursor submenu and through the dedicated Project target button in the Quick search bar.

Quick search… Ctrl+Shift+F (Mac: ⌘+⇧+F)

Toggle the display of the Search bar to look up quickly in the project and resources.

Also in Edit menu.

Record/list selected words F5

Toggle word recording. While recording, pressing F5 will save the selected word to a list for later reference. Pressing F5 with no selection will list the saved words.

Also in Edit menu.

Reject all

Reject all changes in the current segment.

Reload glossary Ctrl+Shift+L

Reload the currently-selected glossary from disk.

Also in Glossary menu and the Glossary context-menu (right click).

Remove defined character to the left Ctrl+Shift+Comma

Remove the characters defined in Edit > Preferences > General > Characters for removal, but only to the left of the cursor.

Also in Edit > Target segment submenu.

Remove defined characters Ctrl+Shift+Period

Remove the characters defined in Edit > Preferences > General > Characters for removal from the entire target segment.

Also in Edit > Target segment submenu.

Remove from auto-completion list Ctrl+Shift+R

Remove the highlighted suggestion from the auto-completion drop-down list. Just navigate to the suggestion you wish to remove (using the up or down arrow keys, or via a single left click) and press Ctrl+Shift+R.

Note: Misspelled words are automatically removed from the auto-complete list.

Not found elsewhere.

Remove tags Ctrl+Shift+Slash

Removes all tags in the target segment.

Also in Edit > Target segment submenu.

Repeat last QA check Ctrl+L

Perform the most recent QA check again. Useful to re-check after correcting issues that may have caused a prior QA check failure.

Also in QA menu.

Replace characters at source transfer Alt+R (Mac: ⌃+⌥+R)

Replace characters defined in Edit> Option> Workflow tab> Replace characters at source transfer.

Also in Resources > Non-translatable fragments submenu.

Replace with alternative spelling Ctrl+Space

Cycle through possible alternate spellings or replacements for the word immediately preceding the cursor.

Also in Edit menu. See Auto-correction of Misspelled Words.

Request focus in target segment editor Ctrl+Shift+F12

Focus the target segment editor.

Also in View > Segment editors submenu.

Resource Ctrl+Shift+F1

Also in Edit > Find at cursor submenu and through the dedicated Resources button in the Quick search bar.

Save all memories Alt+Shift+S (Mac: ⌥+⇧+S)

Save all open translation memories to disk.

Also in Memory menu.

Save project Ctrl+S (Mac: ⌘+S)

Save the project. Glossaries are also saved, but translation memories are saved separately; they are configured to be automatically or manually saved.

Also in Project menu.

Select next tab Ctrl+Period

Select the next resource tab.

Also in View menu.

Select previous tab Ctrl+Comma

Select the previous resource tab.

Also in View menu.

Show alternative spelling Ctrl+Shift+S

Display a list of possible alternate spellings or replacements for the word immediately surrounding or preceding the cursor.

Also in Edit menu and with right click or context menu button on red underlined word.

Show invisible characters [Ctlr+Shift+V]

Also available in Edit menu > invisible characters and as a Source segment editor button.

Split segment Alt+S (Mac: ⌃+⌥+S)

Split the currently-selected segment into two. The segment will be split at the current cursor location in the source segment editor above.

Also in Action menu and dedicated button in the target language box.

Subscript Ctrl+Shift+B

Also in Edit > Target segment submenu and through the context menu (right click) when in the target language box.

Suggest phrase Ctrl+Down

Suggest a a term or phrase at the caret position in the target segment (opens the Auto-complete menu, if available).

Also in Translate menu.

Superscript Ctrl+Shift+P

Also in Edit > Target segment submenu and through the context menu (right click) when in the target language box.

Surround with characters 1 Ctrl+Shift+Quote

Surround the selected text with the characters defined in Edit > Preferences > General > Surround with characters 1.

Also in Edit > Target segment submenu and through the context menu (right click) when in the target language box.

Surround with characters 2 Ctrl+Shift+Close Bracket

Surround the selected text with the characters defined in Edit > Preferences > General > Surround with characters 2.

Also in Edit > Target segment submenu and through the context menu (right click) when in the target language box.

Surround with characters 3 Ctrl+Shift+Open Bracket

Surround the selected text with the characters defined in Edit > Preferences > General > Surround with characters 3.

Also in Edit > Target segment submenu and through the context menu (right click) when in the target language box.

Total Recall source segments Ctrl+Shift+F6

Search Total Recall source segments for contents of current selection in the source segment editor.

Also in Edit > Find at cursor submenu and through the dedicated TR source button in the Quick search bar.

Total Recall target segments Ctrl+Shift+F7

Search Total Recall target segments for contents of current selection in the source segment editor.

Also in Edit > Find at cursor submenu and through the dedicated TR target button in the Quick search bar.

Transfer Amazon Translate MT [Not defined]

Transfer Amazon Translate MT result to the target segment editor.

Also in Translate menu.

Transfer current tag Alt+9 (Mac: ⌃+⌥+9)

Transfer the current tag in the list of tags from the source segment to the target segment.

Also in Action > Tags submenu.

Transfer DeepL MT Alt+E (Mac: ⌃+⌥+E)

Transfer DeepL MT result to the target segment editor.

Also in Translate menu.

Transfer Google MT Alt+K (Mac: ⌃+⌥+K)

Transfer Google Translate MT result to the target segment editor.

Also in Translate menu.

Transfer IBM Watson MT [Not defined]

Transfer IBM Watson MT result to the target segment editor.

Also in Translate menu.

Transfer Microsoft MT Alt+J (Mac: ⌃+⌥+J)

Transfer Microsoft Translator MT result to the target segment editor.

Also in Translate menu.

Transfer MT from web page Alt+V (Mac: ⌃+⌥+V)

Transfer the result of the machine translation on the selected MT website to the target segment editor. The transfer action can also be used when editors binding is off. See also Machine Translation with MT Web Resources.

Also in Translate menu.

Transfer MyMemory MT Alt+H (Mac: ⌃+⌥+H)

Transfer MyMemory MT result to the target segment editor.

Also in Translate menu.

Transfer source segment Alt+I (Mac: ⌃+⌥+I)

Transfer the (selected) source segment editor contents directly to the target segment editor.

Also in Translate menu.

Transfer Yandex MT Alt+Y (Mac: ⌃+⌥+Y)

Transfer Yandex Translate MT result to the target segment editor.

Also in Translate menu.

Translate selected fragment Alt+Enter (Mac: ⌃+⌥+⏎)

Perform a resource search for the full source segment, or for a highlighted portion.

Also in Translate menu.

Transpose selection to the left Ctrl+Shift+T

Moves the current selection to before the previous word.

Also in Edit > Target segment submenu.

Transpose selection to the right Ctrl+T

Moves the current selection to past the next word.

Also in Edit > Target segment submenu.

Underline Ctrl+U (Mac: ⌘+U)

Also in Edit > Target segment submenu and context menu (right click) in the target language box.

Zoom + (Shift+Enter) Ctrl+Shift+U

Also in View > Font submenu.

Zoom - (Ctrl+Shift+Y) Ctrl+Shift+Y

Also in View > Font submenu.

Miscellaneous keyboard shortcuts

The below miscellaneous shortcuts are not listed in the Keyboard shortcut Preferences, although they may be present in various Menus and Interface elements.

Toggle right to left typing Ctrl+Shift+O

Switch between left to right and right to left typing.

Hide toolbars Ctrl+Shift+H

Hide all toolbars in the CafeTran Espresso interface. Toggles visibility for the segment editor toolbars.

Found in View > Toolbars > Hide toolbars.

Request focus in Quick search bar Ctrl+Tab

Copy Ctrl+C (⌘+C)

Paste Ctrl+V (⌘+V)

Cut Ctrl+X (⌘+X)

Select all Ctlr+A (⌘+X)

Undo Ctrl+Y (⌘+Y)

Redo Ctrl+Z (⌘+Z)

Find and replace Ctrl+F (⌘+F)

Move to top of line Fn+Left (⌘+Left)

Move to end of line Fn+Right (⌘+Right)

Move to top of sentence Fn+Up (⌘+Up)

Move to end of sentence Fn+Down (⌘+Down)

Move to top of next term Ctrl+Right (Alt+Right)

Move to top of previous term Ctrl+Left (Alt+Left)