Each time you work on this project, you need to activate the virtual environment. From a new Terminal window:
cd helloflask
source bin/activate
You can check that your environment is active because virtualenv puts the name of the app before the
Any packages you install now using pip or easy_install get installed into helloflask/lib/python2.7/site-packages
python helloflask.py
You should be able to surf to
and see a cheery “Hello World!” message.
To stop the server process, press control-C.
When deploying to a webserver it is important to register which requirements we need. To do this we freeze the installed packages and store this setup in a requirements.txt file:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
This writes a plain text file that contains the names of the required Python packages and their versions, for example Flask==0.9. We’ll use this file later when we’re setting up our server..