Online Attendance Management System 1.0 is developed in a standard way using HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL for course project purpose. 😊
- PHP 5.3 or higher.
- MySQL 5.6 or higher for spatial features in MySQL.
- XAMPP or WAMP server for localhost.
- Intall the requirements, if you already have it then skip.
- Download the source code and extract the source code to a web accessible folder.
- Create a database and import database from given *.sql
- You are ready to go!
- User Friendly, Secured 🔒
- Clean Students Information 👦
- Clean Teachers Information 👨
- Hassle Free Attendance within seconds 😄
- Reports Generation 📈
- Easiest Login,Logout,Signup,Data Update ⌛
- Nicely Designed Database 📪
- Exploring CRUD (Create,Read,Update,Delete) in PHP
- Database Management System.
- Database Design.
- Simple Flat Front End design at
- Exploring HTML,CSS at
- System Analysis and Design.
- Learn how to learn.
Feel free to create PRs and create issues for suggestions or discussion.