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Alert Logic Amazon Web Services (AWS) CloudWatch Events (CWE) Collector CloudFormation template.


This folder contains the AWS CWE JavaScript lambda function and the CloudFormation template (CFT) that deploys the GuardDuty events collector to AWS. The GuardDuty collector collects and forwards CloudWatch events to the Cloud Insight backend for display as threats on the Incidents page.

Amazon GuardDuty is a continuous security monitoring service that requires no customer-managed hardware or software. GuardDuty analyzes and processes VPC Flow Logs and AWS CloudTrail event logs. GuardDuty uses security logic and AWS usage statistics techniques to identify unexpected and potentially unauthorized and malicious activity. Such activity includes escalations of privileges, uses of exposed credentials, or communication with malicious IPs, URLs, or domains. GuardDuty informs you of the status of your AWS infrastructure and applications by producing security findings.

Before you begin

This procedure requires administrative permissions in AWS and your Alert Logic Cloud Insight account. You also need to download the Alert Logic custom CFT to your local machine from the Alert Logic public github repository.

Windows systems also require PowerShell version 3.0 or later. If you have an earlier version of PowerShell, we suggest you upgrade it to version 3.0 or later.


To install the GuardDuty events collector:

  1. Enable CloudWatch event collection - In your AWS account, enable Amazon GuardDuty CloudWatch event collection.
  2. Alert Logic Access key creation - Create an Alert Logic access key that allows the collector to connect to the Alert Logic Cloud Insight back end.
  3. CloudFormation template deployment - Deploy a custom AWS CloudFormation template to your AWS account to create lambda functions.
  4. Deployment verification - Use the Cloud Insight console to verify a successful installation.

Enable CloudWatch event collection

The Alert Logic CWE collector for GuardDuty collects findings from Amazon CloudWatch events.

To enable Amazon GuardDuty events, see Setting Up Amazon GuardDuty.

Alert Logic Access key creation

Verify permissions

Log into the Cloud Insight console as an administrator here to verify administrator permissions:

  1. In the Cloud Insight console, click the user name at the top-right corner.
  2. In the drop-down menu, click Users.
  3. Select the user in AIMS User section. Note: you can start typing a name in the search box to find the appropriate user.
  4. Verify the user role as listed under Edit an AIMS User has the Administrator role selected.

Key creation

Use the instructions below that match your operating system: Unix (MacOS, Linux) or Windows.

Unix (MacOS, Linux)

The following procedure assumes a Unix-based local machine using curl and jq.

From the bash command line, type the following commands, where <email address> is the Alert Logic Cloud Insight email address you use to log in. Enter your password when prompted.

export AL_USERNAME='<email address>'
auth=$(curl -X POST -s -u $AL_USERNAME; export AL_ERROR=$(echo $auth | jq -r '.error // ""'); export AL_ACCOUNT_ID=$(echo $auth | jq -r ''); export AL_USER_ID=$(echo $auth | jq -r ''); export AL_TOKEN=$(echo $auth | jq -r '.authentication.token'); if [ -n "$AL_ERROR" -o -z "$AL_TOKEN" ]; then echo "Authentication failure - $AL_ERROR "; else roles=$(curl -s -X GET -H "x-aims-auth-token: $AL_TOKEN"$AL_ACCOUNT_ID/users/$AL_USER_ID/roles | jq -r '.roles[].name'); if [ "$roles" != "Administrator" ]; then echo "The $AL_USERNAME doesn’t have Administrator role. Assigned role is '$roles'"; else curl -s -X POST -H "x-aims-auth-token: $AL_TOKEN"$AL_ACCOUNT_ID/users/$AL_USER_ID/access_keys | jq .; fi; fi; unset AL_USERNAME;

An example of a successful response is:

  "access_key_id": "712c0b413eef41f6",
  "secret_key": "1234567890b3eea8880d292fb31aa96902242a076d3d0e320cc036eb51bf25ad"

Make a note of the access_key_id and secret_key values, which you need to deploy the CloudFormation template to your AWS account.

Necessary role error

If the command returns an error about not having the necessary role, please verify your Alert Logic account has administrator permissions. Click here for more information about AIMS APIs.

"Limit exceeded" error

Each user can create only five access keys. If a "limit exceeded" response appears, you must delete one or more access keys before you can create new keys.

  1. Type the following command to list access keys:
    curl -s -X GET -H "x-aims-auth-token: $AL_TOKEN"$AL_ACCOUNT_ID/users/$AL_USER_ID/access_keys | jq
  2. Use the selected access_key_id in the following command to delete the key:
    curl -X DELETE -H "x-aims-auth-token: $AL_TOKEN"$AL_ACCOUNT_ID/users/$AL_USER_ID/access_keys/<ACCESS_KEY_ID_HERE>


Note: These instructions require PowerShell 3.0 or later.

In the PowerShell console, please type the following commands. Enter your Alert Logic Cloud Insight email address and password when prompted.

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; $creds = Get-Credential -Message "Please enter your Alert Logic Cloud Insight email address and password"; $unsecureCreds = $creds.GetNetworkCredential(); $base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $unsecureCreds.UserName,$unsecureCreds.Password))); Remove-Variable unsecureCreds; $AUTH = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Headers @{"Authorization"=("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo)} -Uri ; Remove-Variable base64AuthInfo; $AL_ACCOUNT_ID = $; $AL_USER_ID = $; $AL_TOKEN = $AUTH.authentication.token; if (!$AL_TOKEN) { Write-Host "Authentication failure"} else { $ROLES_RESP = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Headers @{"x-aims-auth-token"=$AL_TOKEN} -Uri$AL_ACCOUNT_ID/users/$AL_USER_ID/roles ; $ROLES = $; if ($ROLES -ne "Administrator" ) { Write-Host "Your user doesn’t have Administrator role. Assigned role is '$ROLES'" } else { $ACCESS_KEY = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Headers @{"x-aims-auth-token"=$AL_TOKEN} -Uri$AL_ACCOUNT_ID/users/$AL_USER_ID/access_keys ; Write-Host $ACCESS_KEY } }

An example of a successful response is:

@{access_key_id=712c0b413eef41f6; secret_key=1234567890b3eea8880d292fb31aa96902242a076d3d0e320cc036eb51bf25ad}

Make a note of the access_key_id and secret_key values, which you need to deploy the CloudFormation template to your AWS account.

Necessary role error

If the command returns an error about not having the necessary role, please verify your Alert Logic account has administrator permissions. Click here for more information about AIMS APIs.

"Limit exceeded" error

Each user can create only five access keys. If a "limit exceeded" response appears, you must delete one or more access keys before you can create new keys.

  1. Type the following command to list access keys:
    Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Headers @{"x-aims-auth-token"=$AL_TOKEN} -Uri$AL_ACCOUNT_ID/users/$AL_USER_ID/access_keys
  2. Use the selected access_key_id in the following command to delete the key:
    Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Headers @{"x-aims-auth-token"=$AL_TOKEN} -Uri$AL_ACCOUNT_ID/users/$AL_USER_ID/access_keys/<ACCESS_KEY_ID_HERE>

CloudFormation template deployment

The Alert Logic CWE collector deploys to a single AWS region. To collect from multiple AWS regions, you must either install the collector in each target region or set up GuardDuty collection across regions. For more information, see: Setting up GuardDuty across regions and accounts.

Use the Amazon console to deploy

Note: This procedure assumes setup in the AWS us-east-1 region using the Alert Logic Cloud Insight US console. If your setup is in a European region (e.g., eu-east-1), use the UK console.

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console with an AWS account that has AWS administrator privileges.
  2. Select the region in which you want to deploy the CFT.
  3. Click Services->CloudFormation->Create Stack.
  4. In the Choose a template section select Specify an Amazon S3 template URL and enter the following URL.
  5. Click Next.
  6. On the Specify Details window, provide the following required parameters:
    • Stack name - Any name you have used for creating an AWS stack
    • AccessKeyId - access_key_id returned from AIMs above
    • AlApiEndpoint - usually
    • AlDataResidency - usually default
    • SecretKey - secret_key returned from AIMs above
  7. Click Next.
  8. On the Options panel, click Next.
  9. In the Review panel, perform a predeployment check.
  10. Select "I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources", then click Create.
  11. On the CloudFormation, Stacks panel, filter based on the stack name you created, and then select your stack by name.

If the deployment was successful, the status appears as: CREATE_COMPLETE. If the deployment was not successful, see Troubleshooting Installation Issues below.

Note: Only one collector installation is allowed per AWS region. If you try to deploy the template multiple times in the same region, if will fail with the following error:

Status Type Logical ID Status Reason
CREATE_FAILED AWS::Lambda::Function CollectLambdaFunction alertlogic-cwe-collector already exists in stack arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:123456789101:stack/test-one/f9536300-d12b-11e7-ac98-50d5cd16c68e

Use a Command Line to deploy

Follow these steps to deploy the Alert Logic custom template using the AWS CLI.

  1. In the command line, type the following command, where the required parameters are:

    • stack-name - Any name you have used to create an AWS stack
    • AccessKeyId - access_key_id returned from AIMs above
    • SecretKey - secret_key returned from AIMs above
    aws cloudformation create-stack --template-url --stack-name <alertlogic-collector-stack-name> --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --parameters ParameterKey=AccessKeyId,ParameterValue=<access_key_id> ParameterKey=SecretKey,ParameterValue=<secret_key>
  2. Wait for the stack creation to complete.

Deployment verification

  1. Log into the Alert Logic Cloud Insight console using an account that has administrator permissions.
    • Use the US console for regions in the US and associated geographical regions.
    • Use the UK console for regions in Europe and other regions not in the US.
  2. If you have not already created a Cloud Insight deployment, follow the instructions here to do so for the AWS account and region where you installed the CFT.
  3. Verify successful deployment by checking the Incident list in the Alert Logic Cloud Insight UI. The list should be populated with Incidents that correspond to recent Amazon GuardFindings, which are displayed in the Amazon GuardDuty console.

Troubleshooting installation issues

If installation through the AWS Management Console is not successful, you can access CloudFormation->Stacks->Stack Detail (by selecting your stack name from the list) to see detailed error messages in the AWS CloudWatch Log Stream. Click Logs, and then filter by /aws/lambda/my-new-stack (where my-new-stack is the name you gave your stack).

If installation through the AWS CLI is not successful, issue the following command for more information:

aws cloudformation describe-stack-events --stack-name my-new-stack
  1. If GetEndpointsLambdaFunction fails, an issue could exist with the access_key_id or the secret_key you provided. Be sure the access_key_id is correct, your secret_key is valid, and your user account has administrative permissions for the Alert Logic Cloud Insight account.
  2. Other issues, TBD.

Known Issues/ Open Questions

  • TBD.

Useful Links