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{"id": 0, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "Resumption of the session", "source_entity": "", "source_label": "O O O O", "target_word": "Reanudación del período de sesiones", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O", "preds": ["<extra_id_0>sión ordinaria Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente", "<extra_id_0>sión ordinaria Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente", "<extra_id_0>sión ordinaria Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente", "<extra_id_0>sión ordinaria Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente", "<extra_id_0>sión ordinaria Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente", "<extra_id_0>sión ordinaria Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente", "<extra_id_0>sión ordinaria Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente", "<extra_id_0>sión ordinaria Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente", "<extra_id_0>sión ordinaria Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente", "<extra_id_0>sión ordinaria Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Presidente y Secretario"]}
{"id": 1, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "I declare resumed the session of the European Parliament adjourned on Friday 17 December 1999 , and I would like once again to wish you a happy new year in the hope that you enjoyed a pleasant festive period .", "source_entity": "<Organization>European Parliament</Organization>", "source_label": "O O O O O O O B-ORG I-ORG O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "target_word": "Declaro reanudado el período de sesiones del Parlamento Europeo , interrumpido el viernes 17 de diciembre pasado , y reitero a Sus Señorías mi deseo de que hayan tenido unas buenas vacaciones .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<Organization>European Parliament</Organization>", "<Organization>Parliament</Organization>", "<Organization>Parlamento Europeo</Organization>", "<Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Organization>European Parliament</Organization>", "<Organization>Parlament</Organization>", "<Organization>European Parliament</Organization> <Organization>European Parliament</Organization>", "<Organization>Parlamento</Organization>", "<Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Organization>Parliament</Organization>", "<Organization>European Parliament</Organization>", "<Organization>European Parliament</Organization> <Organization>Parliament</Organization>"]}
{"id": 2, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "Although , as you will have seen , the dreaded ' millennium bug ' failed to materialise , still the people in a number of countries suffered a series of natural disasters that truly were dreadful .", "source_entity": "<Miscellaneous>millennium bug</Miscellaneous>", "source_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O B-MISC I-MISC O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "target_word": "Como todos han podido comprobar , el gran \" efecto del año 2000 \" no se ha producido . En cambio , los ciudadanos de varios de nuestros países han sido víctimas de catástrofes naturales verdaderamente terribles .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<Miscellaneous>America</Miscellaneous>", "<Miscellaneous>F <Miscellaneous>America</Miscellaneous>", "<Miscellaneous>Earth</Miscellaneous>", "<Miscellaneous>European</Miscellaneous>", "<Miscellaneous>[None</Miscellaneous>", "<Miscellaneous>[Miscellaneous>America</Miscellaneous>", "<Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous>", "<Miscellaneous>Europa</Miscellaneous>", "<Miscellaneous>España</Miscellaneous>", "<Miscellaneous>Fuente</Miscellaneous>"]}
{"id": 3, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "You have requested a debate on this subject in the course of the next few days , during this part-session .", "source_entity": "", "source_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "target_word": "Sus Señorías han solicitado un debate sobre el tema para los próximos días , en el curso de este período de sesiones .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<extra_id_0>s días , en el curso de este período de sesiones .", "<extra_id_0>s días , en curso de este período de sesiones .", "<extra_id_0>s días , en curso del período de sesiones .", "<extra_id_0>s días , en curso del curso de este período de sesiones .", "<extra_id_0>s días , en el curso del período de sesiones .", "<extra_id_0> días , en curso del período de sesiones .", "<extra_id_0>s días , en curso a este período de sesiones .", "<extra_id_0>s días , en el curso de este período de sesiones", "<extra_id_0>s días , en el curso de este período de sesiones .”", "<extra_id_0>s días , en el curso de este período de sesiones ,"]}
{"id": 4, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "In the meantime , I should like to observe a minute ' s silence , as a number of Members have requested , on behalf of all the victims concerned , particularly those of the terrible storms , in the various countries of the European Union .", "source_entity": "<Organization>European Union</Organization>", "source_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O B-ORG I-ORG O", "target_word": "A la espera de que se produzca , de acuerdo con muchos colegas que me lo han pedido , pido que hagamos un minuto de silencio en memoria de todas las víctimas de las tormentas , en los distintos países de la Unión Europea afectados .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<Organization>European Union</Organization>", "<Organization>European Parliament</Organization>", "<Organization>European Union</Organization> <Organization>European Union</Organization>", "<Organization>European Parliament</Organization> <Organization>European Parliament</Organization>", "<Organization>European Union</Organization><Organization>European Union</Organization>", "<Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Organization>European Parliament</Organization>", "<Organization>Europa</Organization>", "<Organization>European</Organization>", "<Organization>European Union</Organization>", "<Organization>European Union</Organization> <Organization>Parliament</Organization>"]}
{"id": 5, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "Please rise , then , for this minute ' s silence .", "source_entity": "", "source_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O", "target_word": "Invito a todos a que nos pongamos de pie para guardar un minuto de silencio .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<extra_id_0> a todos a que nos pongamos en pie y guardar un minuto de silencio", "<extra_id_0> a todos a que nos pongamos en pie para guardar un minuto de silencio", "<extra_id_0> a todos a que nos pongamos en pie para guardar un minuto de silencio .", "<extra_id_0> a todos a que nos pongamos en pie y guardar un minuto de silencio .", "<extra_id_0> a todos a guardar un minuto de silencio", "<extra_id_0> a todos a que nos pongamos de pie para guardar un minuto de silencio", "<extra_id_0> a todos a que nos pongamos de pie para guardar un minuto de silencio .", "<extra_id_0> a todos a guardar un minuto de silencio .", "<extra_id_0> a todos a guardar un minuto de silencio y guardar un minuto de Silencio", "<extra_id_0> a todos a guardar un minuto de silencio y guardar un minuto de silencio"]}
{"id": 6, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "( The House rose and observed a minute ' s silence )", "source_entity": "<Organization>House</Organization>", "source_label": "O O B-ORG O O O O O O O O O", "target_word": "( El Parlamento , de pie , guarda un minuto de silencio )", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<Organization>Parlament</Organization>", "<Organization>Parliament</Organization>", "<Organization>European Parliament</Organization>", "<Organization>P</Organization>", "<Organization>Parlament</Organization><Organization>European Parliament</Organization>", "<Organization>P <Organization>Parlament</Organization>", "<Organization>Parlament</Organization><Organization>Parlament</Organization>", "<Organization>Parlament</Organization> <Organization>Parliament</Organization>", "<Organization>Parlament</Organization> <Organization>Parlament</Organization>", "<Organization>Parlament</Organization><Organization>Parliament</Organization>"]}
{"id": 7, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "Madam President , on a point of order .", "source_entity": "", "source_label": "O O O O O O O O O", "target_word": "Señora Presidenta , una cuestión de procedimiento .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<extra_id_0> <Señor Presidenta , una cuestión de procedimiento </Señor Presidenta>", "<extra_id_0> <Señor Presidenta , una cuestión de procedimiento </Señor Presidenta <", "<p>Señor Presidenta</p>", "<extra_id_0> <Señor Presidenta , una cuestión de procedimiento ", "<extra_id_0> <Señor Presidenta , una cuestión de procedimiento", "<p>Señor Presidente</p>", "<extra_id_0> <Señor Presidenta , una cuestión de procedimiento </Señor Presidenta", "<p>Señor President</p>", "<extra_id_0> <Señor Presidenta , una cuestión de procedimiento </Señor Presidenta >", "<extra_id_0> <Señor Presidenta , una cuestión de procedimiento </Señor Presidente>"]}
{"id": 8, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "You will be aware from the press and television that there have been a number of bomb explosions and killings in Sri Lanka .", "source_entity": "<Location>Sri Lanka</Location>", "source_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O B-LOC I-LOC O", "target_word": "Sabrá usted por la prensa y la televisión que se han producido una serie de explosiones y asesinatos en Sri Lanka .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<Location>Sri Lanka</Location>", "<Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location>", "<Location>Sri Lanka</Location> <Location>Sri Lanka</Location>", "<Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location>", "<Location>Sri Lanka</Location> <Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location>", "<Location>Sri Lanka</Location> <Location>Sri Lanka</Location> <Location>Sri Lanka</Location>", "<Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location>", "</Location>Sri Lanka</Location>", "<Location>Sri Lanka</Location>", "<Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location> <Location>Sri Lanka</Location>"]}
{"id": 9, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "One of the people assassinated very recently in Sri Lanka was Mr Kumar Ponnambalam , who had visited the European Parliament just a few months ago .", "source_entity": "<Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Organization>European Parliament</Organization>", "source_label": "O O O O O O O O B-LOC I-LOC O O B-PER I-PER O O O O O B-ORG I-ORG O O O O O O", "target_word": "Una de las personas que recientemente han asesinado en Sri Lanka ha sido al Sr. Kumar Ponnambalam , quien hace pocos meses visitó el Parlamento Europeo .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Organization>European Parliament</Organization>", "<Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Organization>European Parliament</Organization>", "<Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person>", "<Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person>", "<Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person>", "<Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person>", "<Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person>", "<Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person>", "<Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person>", "<Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person><Person>Kumar Ponnambalam</Person>"]}
{"id": 10, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "Would it be appropriate for you , Madam President , to write a letter to the Sri Lankan President expressing Parliament 's regret at his and the other violent deaths in Sri Lanka and urging her to do everything she possibly can to seek a peaceful reconciliation to a very difficult situation ?", "source_entity": "<Miscellaneous>Sri Lankan</Miscellaneous><Organization>Parliament</Organization><Location>Sri Lanka</Location>", "source_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O B-MISC I-MISC O O B-ORG O O O O O O O O O O B-LOC I-LOC O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "target_word": "¿ Sería apropiado que usted , Señora Presidenta , escribiese una carta al Presidente de Sri Lanka expresando las condolencias del Parlamento por esa y otras muertes violentas , pidiéndole que haga todo lo posible para encontrar una reconciliación pacífica ante la extremadamente difícil situación que está viviendo su país ?", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<Miscellaneous>Sri Lanka</Miscellaneous><Organization>Parliament</Organization><Location>Sri Lanka</Location>", "<Miscellaneous>Sri Lanka</Miscellaneous><Organization>Parliament</Organization><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location>", "<Miscellaneous>Sri Lanka</Miscellaneous><Organization>Parliament</Organization><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location>", "<Miscellaneous>Sri Lanka</Miscellaneous><Organization>Parliament</Organization><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location>", "<Miscellaneous>Sri Lanka</Miscellaneous><Organization>Parliament</Organization><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location>", "<Miscellaneous>Sri Lanka</Miscellaneous><Organization>Parliament</Organization><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location>", "<Miscellaneous>Sri Lanka</Miscellaneous><Organization>Parliament</Organization><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Organization>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location>", "<Miscellaneous>Sri Lanka</Miscellaneous><Organization>Parliament</Organization><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location>", "<Miscellaneous>Sri Lanka</Miscellaneous><Organization>Parliament</Organization><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Organization>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location>", "<Miscellaneous>Sri Lanka</Miscellaneous><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Organization>Parliament</Organization><Location>Sri Lanka</Location><Location>Sri Lanka</Location>"]}
{"id": 11, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "Yes , Mr Evans , I feel an initiative of the type you have just suggested would be entirely appropriate .", "source_entity": "<Person>Evans</Person>", "source_label": "O O O B-PER O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "target_word": "Sí , señor Evans , pienso que una iniciativa como la que usted acaba de sugerir sería muy adecuada .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<Person>Evans</Person>", "<Person>Evans</Person> <Person>Evans</Person>", "<Person>Evans</Person> <Person>Evans</Person> <Person>Evans</Person>", "<Person>Evans</Person><Person>Evans</Person>", "<Person>Evans</Person>", "<Person>Evans</Person></Person>", "<Person>Evans</Person> o <Person>Evans</Person>", "<Person>Evans</Person> <Person>Evans</Person><Person>Evans</Person>", "<Person>Evans</Person> o <Person>Evans</Person> <Person>Evans</Person>", "<Person>Evans</Person> .<Person>Evans</Person>"]}
{"id": 12, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "If the House agrees , I shall do as Mr Evans has suggested .", "source_entity": "<Person>Evans</Person>", "source_label": "O O O O O O O O O O B-PER O O O", "target_word": "Si la Asamblea está de acuerdo , haré lo que el señor Evans acaba de sugerir .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<Person>Evans</Person>", "<Person>Evans</Person> <Person>Evans</Person>", "<Person>Evans</Person></Person>", "<Person>Evans</Person> <Person>Evans</Person> <Person>Evans</Person>", "<Person>Evans</Person><Person>Evans</Person>", "<Person>Evans</Person></Person> <Person>Evans</Person>", "<Person>Evans</Person>", "<Person>Evans</Person> y <Person>Evans</Person>", "<Person>Evans</Person> <Person>Evans</Person><Person>Evans</Person>", "</Person>Evans</Person>"]}
{"id": 13, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "Madam President , on a point of order .", "source_entity": "", "source_label": "O O O O O O O O O", "target_word": "Señora Presidenta , una cuestión de procedimiento .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<extra_id_0> <Señor Presidenta , una cuestión de procedimiento </Señor Presidenta>", "<extra_id_0> <Señor Presidenta , una cuestión de procedimiento </Señor Presidenta <", "<p>Señor Presidenta</p>", "<extra_id_0> <Señor Presidenta , una cuestión de procedimiento ", "<extra_id_0> <Señor Presidenta , una cuestión de procedimiento", "<p>Señor Presidente</p>", "<extra_id_0> <Señor Presidenta , una cuestión de procedimiento </Señor Presidenta", "<p>Señor President</p>", "<extra_id_0> <Señor Presidenta , una cuestión de procedimiento </Señor Presidenta >", "<extra_id_0> <Señor Presidenta , una cuestión de procedimiento </Señor Presidente>"]}
{"id": 14, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "I would like your advice about Rule 143 concerning inadmissibility .", "source_entity": "", "source_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O", "target_word": "Me gustaría que me asesorara sobre el Artículo 143 concerniente a la inadmisibilidad .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<extra_id_0> Artículo 143 concerniente a la inadmisibilidad", "<Artículo 143 concerniente a la inadmisibilidad", "Artículo 143 concerniente a la inadmisibilidad", "<extra_id_0> Artículo 143 concerniente a la inadmisibilidad .", "<extra_id_0> 143 concerniente a la inadmisibilidad", "<Artículo 143> concerniente a la inadmisibilidad", "<extra_id_0> 143 concerniente a la inadmisibilidad .", "<extra_id_0> Artículo 143 concerniente a la inadmisibilidad ", "<Artículo 143 concerniente a la inadmisibilidad>", "<Artículo 143 concerniente a la inadmisibilidad <"]}
{"id": 15, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "My question relates to something that will come up on Thursday and which I will then raise again .", "source_entity": "", "source_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "target_word": "Mi pregunta se refiere a un asunto del que se hablará el jueves , día que en volveré a plantearla .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<extra_id_0> y volveré a plantearla el jueves , día que en volveré a plantearla .", "<extra_id_0> y volveré a plantearla el jueves , día que en volveré a plantearla", "<extra_id_0> y volveré a plantearla el jueves , día en volveré a plantearla .", "<extra_id_0> y volveré a plantearla el jueves , día que en volveré a plantearla .”", "<extra_id_0> y volveré a plantearla el jueves , día que en volveré a plantearla ", "<extra_id_0> y volveré a plantearla , día que en volveré a plantearla .", "<extra_id_0> y volveré a plantearla el jueves , día que en vuelvo a plantearla .", "<extra_id_0> y volveré a plantearla el jueves , día en volveré a plantearla", "<extra_id_0> y volveré a plantearla el jueves , día que en volveré a plantearla <", "<extra_id_0> y volveré a plantearla el jueves día que en volveré a plantearla ."]}
{"id": 16, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "That is precisely the time when you may , if you wish , raise this question , i.e. on Thursday prior to the start of the presentation of the report .", "source_entity": "", "source_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "target_word": "Su Señoría , si así lo desea , podrá plantear esta cuestión en ese momento , es decir , el jueves antes de que se presente el informe .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<Señoría> <extra_id_1> <Señoría> o <Señoría> puede plantear esta cuestión antes del jueves antes de que se presente el informe <", "<Señoría> <extra_id_1> <Señoría> o <Señoría> puede plantear esta cuestión antes del jueves antes de que se presente el informe .", "<Señoría> <extra_id_1> <Señoría> o <Señoría> puede plantear esta cuestión antes del jueves antes que se presente el informe <", "<Señoría> <extra_id_1> <Señoría> o <Señoría> puede plantear esta cuestión antes del jueves antes de que se presente el informe >", "<Señoría> <extra_id_1> <Señoría> o <Señoría> puede plantear esta cuestión antes del jueves antes que se presente el informe .", "<Señoría> <extra_id_1> <Señoría> o <Señoría> puede plantear esta cuestión antes de que se presente el informe <", "<Señoría> <extra_id_1> <Señoría> o <Señoría> puede plantear esta cuestión antes del jueves antes que se presente el informe >", "<Señoría> <extra_id_1> <Señoría> o <Señoría> puede plantear esta cuestión antes del jueves antes de que se presente el informe >", "<Señoría> <extra_id_1> <Señoría> o <Señoría> puede plantear esta cuestión antes del jueves antes de que se presente el informe>", "<Señoría> <extra_id_1> <Señoría> o <Señoría> puede plantear esta cuestión <Señoría>"]}
{"id": 17, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "Madam President , coinciding with this year ' s first part-session of the European Parliament , a date has been set , unfortunately for next Thursday , in Texas in America , for the execution of a young 34 year-old man who has been sentenced to death . We shall call him Mr Hicks .", "source_entity": "<Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Texas</Location><Location>America</Location><Person>Hicks</Person>", "source_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O B-ORG I-ORG O O O O O O O O O O O O O B-LOC O B-LOC O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O B-PER O", "target_word": "Señora Presidenta , coincidiendo con el primer período parcial de sesiones de este año del Parlamento Europeo , lamentablemente , en los Estados Unidos , en Texas , se ha fijado para el próximo jueves la ejecución de un condenado a la pena capital , un joven de 34 años que llamaremos con el nombre de Hicks .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Texas</Location><Person>Hicks</Person><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Person>Hicks</Person>", "<Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Texas</Location><Person>Hicks</Person><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Person>Hicks</Person>", "<Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Texas</Location><Person>Hicks</Person><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Person>Hicks</Person>", "<Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Person>Hicks</Person><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Person>Hicks</Person>", "<Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Texas</Location><Person>Hicks</Person><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Person>Hicks</Person>", "<Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Texas</Location><Person>Hicks</Person><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Person>Hicks</Person>", "<Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Person>Hicks</Person>", "<Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Texas</Location><Person>Hicks</Person><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Person>Hicks</Person>", "<Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Texas</Location><Person>Hicks</Person><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Person>Hicks</Person>", "<Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Texas</Location><Person>Hicks</Person><Location>Texas</Location><Person>Hicks</Person><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Location>Texas</Location><Person>Hicks</Person>"]}
{"id": 18, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "This is all in accordance with the principles that we have always upheld .", "source_entity": "", "source_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "target_word": "Todo ello , de conformidad con los principios que siempre hemos apoyado .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<p>", "<p>Siempre hemos apoyado</p>", "<p>Siempre hemos apoyado <", "<", "< <", "<p>Siempre hemos apoyado </p>", "<p>Siempre hemos apoyado", "<p>Siempre hemos apoyado <p>", "<p>Siempre hemos apoyado .</p>", "<p>Siempre hemos <p>apoyado</p>"]}
{"id": 19, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "Thank you , Mr Segni , I shall do so gladly .", "source_entity": "<Person>Segni</Person>", "source_label": "O O O O B-PER O O O O O O O", "target_word": "Gracias , señor Segni , lo haré de muy buen grado .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<Person>Segni</Person>", "<Person>Segni</Person> <Person>Segni</Person>", "<Person>Segni</Person> <Person>Segni</Person> <Person>Segni</Person>", "<Person>Segni</Person> <Person>Segni</Person> <Person>Segni</Person> <Person>Segni</Person>", "<Person>Segni</Person>", "<Person>Segni</Person>", "<Person>Segni</Person> y <Person>Segni</Person>", "<Person>Segni</Person> <Person>Segni</Person><Person>Segni</Person>", "<Person>Segni</Person></Person>", "<Person>Segni</Person> y <Person>Segni</Person> <Person>Segni</Person>"]}
{"id": 20, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "Indeed , it is quite in keeping with the positions this House has always adopted .", "source_entity": "<Organization>House</Organization>", "source_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O B-ORG O O O O", "target_word": "Está , sin duda , dentro de la línea de las posiciones que nuestro Parlamento siempre ha adoptado .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<Organization>European Parliament</Organization>", "<Organization>Parliament</Organization>", "<Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Organization>Parliament</Organization>", "<Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Organization>European Parliament</Organization>", "<Organization>European Parliament</Organization> <Organization>Parliament</Organization>", "<Organization>European Parliament</Organization> <Organization>European Parliament</Organization>", "<Organization>European Parliament</Organization>", "<Organization>Parlament</Organization>", "<Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Organization>Parliament</Organization><Organization>European Parliament</Organization>", "<Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Organization>Parliament</Organization>"]}
{"id": 21, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "All of us here are pleased that the courts have acquitted him and made it clear that in Russia , too , access to environmental information is a constitutional right .", "source_entity": "<Location>Russia</Location>", "source_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O B-LOC O O O O O O O O O O O O", "target_word": "Todos celebramos aquí que el tribunal le haya declarado inocente y que haya puesto de manifiesto que también en Rusia el acceso a la información sobre el medio ambiente es un derecho constitucional .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<Location>Russia</Location>", "<Location>Rusia</Location>", "<Location>Russia</Location><Location>Russia</Location>", "<Location>Russia</Location> <Location>Russia</Location>", "<Location>Rusia</Location><Location>Russia</Location>", "<Location>Rusia</Location> <Location>Russia</Location>", "<Location>Russia</Location><Location>Rusia</Location>", "<Location>Russia</Location><Location>Russia</Location><Location>Russia</Location>", "<Location>Rus</Location>", "<Location>Russia</Location><Location>S <Location>Russia</Location>"]}
{"id": 22, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "Now , however , he is to go before the courts once more because the public prosecutor is appealing .", "source_entity": "", "source_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "target_word": "Sin embargo , sucede que va a ser acusado de nuevo , pues el fiscal interpondrá un recurso .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<extra_id_0> <p>Fuente <p>El fiscal interintero un recurso</p>", "<extra_id_0> recurso interintero y el fiscal interinará un recurso .", "<extra_id_0> <p>Fuente <p>https://www.republica.pe</p>", "<extra_id_0> recurso interintero y el fiscal interponer un recurso .", "<extra_id_0> <p>Fuente <p>http://www.republica.pe</p>", "<extra_id_0> <p>Fuente <p>El Fiscal</p>", "<extra_id_0> <p>Fuente <p>El fiscal interintero un recurso <p>", "<extra_id_0> <p>Fuente <p>El fiscal interintero</p>", "<extra_id_0> <p>Fuente <p>El fiscal interintero un recurso</p><>", "<extra_id_0> <p>Fuente <p>El fiscal interintero un recurso <"]}
{"id": 23, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "We know , and we have stated as much in very many resolutions indeed , including specifically during the last plenary part-session of last year , that this is not solely a legal case and that it is wrong for Alexander Nikitin to be accused of criminal activity and treason because of our involvement as the beneficiaries of his findings .", "source_entity": "<Person>Alexander Nikitin</Person>", "source_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O B-PER I-PER O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "target_word": "Sabemos y lo hemos afirmado realmente en muchas resoluciones -precisamente en la última sesión plenaria del año pasado- que éste no es solamente un caso jurídico y que es un error acusar a Alexander Nikitin de conducta criminal y de traición , porque nosotros , como afectados por sus resultados , obtengamos provecho de ella .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<Person>Alexander Nikitin</Person>", "<Person>Alexander Nikitin</Person><Person>Alexander Nikitin</Person>", "<Person>Alexander Nikitin</Person><Person>Alexander Nikitin</Person><Person>Alexander Nikitin</Person>", "<Person>Alexander Nikitin</Person> <Person>Alexander Nikitin</Person>", "<Person>Alexander Nikitin</Person>", "</Person>Alexander Nikitin</Person>", "<Person>Alexander Nikitin</Person><Person>S <Person>Alexander Nikitin</Person>", "<Person>Alexander Nikitin</Person><Person>Alexander Nikitin</Person> <Person>Alexander Nikitin</Person>", "</Person>Alexander Nikitin</Person>", "<Person>Alexander Nikitin</Person> <Person>Alexander Nikitin</Person><Person>Alexander Nikitin</Person>"]}
{"id": 24, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "These findings form the basis of the European programmes to protect the Barents Sea , and that is why I would ask you to examine a draft letter setting out the most important facts and to make Parliament 's position , as expressed in the resolutions which it has adopted , clear as far as Russia is concerned .", "source_entity": "<Miscellaneous>European</Miscellaneous><Location>Barents Sea</Location><Organization>Parliament</Organization><Location>Russia</Location>", "source_label": "O O O O O O O B-MISC O O O O B-LOC I-LOC O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O B-ORG O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O B-LOC O O O", "target_word": "Esos resultados constituyen la base de los programas europeos del mar de Barent y , por ello , le pido que estudie un borrador de carta que le describe los hechos más relevantes y que haga patente a Rusia esta posición que es acorde con las decisiones del Parlamento .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<Miscellaneous>Barents</Miscellaneous><Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Russia</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Russia</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location>", "<Miscellaneous>Barents</Miscellaneous><Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Russia</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Organization>European Parliament</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location>", "<Miscellaneous>Barents</Miscellaneous><Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Russia</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Russia</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location>", "<Miscellaneous>Barents</Miscellaneous><Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Russia</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Russia</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Russia</Location>", "<Miscellaneous>Barents</Miscellaneous><Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Russia</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Russia</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location>", "<Miscellaneous>Barents</Miscellaneous><Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Russia</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Russia</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Russia</Location><Location>Barents</Location>", "<Miscellaneous>Barents</Miscellaneous><Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Russia</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Russia</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Russia</Location>", "<Miscellaneous>Barents</Miscellaneous><Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Russia</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Organization>European Parliament</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location>", "<Miscellaneous>Barents</Miscellaneous><Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Russia</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location>", "<Miscellaneous>Barents</Miscellaneous><Organization>European Parliament</Organization><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Russia</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Organization>European Parliament</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Barents</Location><Location>Russia</Location><Location>Barents</Location>"]}
{"id": 25, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "Yes , Mrs Schroedter , I shall be pleased to look into the facts of this case when I have received your letter .", "source_entity": "<Person>Schroedter</Person>", "source_label": "O O O B-PER O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "target_word": "Sí , señora Schroedter , de buena gana voy a examinar los hechos relacionados con este tema en cuanto reciba su carta .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<Person>Schroedter</Person>", "<Person>Schroedter</Person> <Person>Schroedter</Person>", "<Person>Schroedter</Person><Person>Schroedter</Person>", "<Person>Schroedter</Person>", "<Person>Schroedter</Person> <extra_id_18> <Person>Schroedter</Person>", "<Person>Schroedter</Person></Person>", "<Person>Schroedter</Person> y <Person>Schroedter</Person>", "</Person>Schroedter</Person>", "<Person>Schroedter</Person> .<Person>Schroedter</Person>", "<Person>Sroedter</Person>"]}
{"id": 26, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "Madam President , I would firstly like to compliment you on the fact that you have kept your word and that , during this first part-session of the new year , the number of television channels in our offices has indeed increased considerably .", "source_entity": "", "source_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "target_word": "Señora Presidenta , en primer lugar me gustaría felicitarla por haber cumplido con su promesa ya que efectivamente en este primer periodo de sesiones del año nuevo se ha ampliado drásticamente el número de canales en nuestros despachos .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<p>Señor Presidente <p>", "<p>Señor Presidente <p> <extra_id_18> <p> <p>Señor Presidente</p>", "<p>Señor Presidente <p> <extra_id_18> <p>Señor Presidente</p>", "<p>Señor Presidente <p> <extra_id_18> <p> <p>Señor Presidente", "<p>Señor Presidente <p> <extra_id_18> <p> <p>Señor President <p> <", "<p>Señor Presidente <p> <extra_id_18> <p> <p>Señor Presidente <", "<p>Señora Presidenta <p>", "<p>Señor Presidente <p> <extra_id_18> <p> <p>Señor President <p>", "<p>Señora Presidenta</p>", "<p>Señor Presidente <p> <extra_id_18> <p> <p>Señor Presidente <p>"]}
{"id": 27, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "But , Madam President , my personal request has not been met .", "source_entity": "", "source_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "target_word": "Sin embargo , señora Presidenta , no se ha hecho lo que yo había pedido .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<extra_id_0> Presidenta , no se había hecho lo que había pedido .", "<extra_id_0> Presidenta , no se ha hecho lo que había pedido .", "<extra_id_0> Presidenta , no se había hecho lo que yo había pedido .", "<extra_id_0> Presidenta , no se había hecho lo que había pedido", ", señor Presidente , no se ha hecho lo que había pedido", "<extra_id_0> Presidenta , no se ha hecho lo que yo había pedido .", "<extra_id_0> Presidenta , no se ha hecho lo que había pedido", ", señor Presidente , no se ha hecho lo que había pedido .", ", señor Presidente , no había hecho lo que había pedido", ", señor Presidenta , no se ha hecho lo que había pedido"]}
{"id": 28, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "Although there are now two Finnish channels and one Portuguese one , there is still no Dutch channel , which is what I had requested because Dutch people here like to be able to follow the news too when we are sent to this place of exile every month .", "source_entity": "<Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous>", "source_label": "O O O O O B-MISC O O O B-MISC O O O O O O B-MISC O O O O O O O O O B-MISC O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "target_word": "Bien es verdad que ahora hay dos canales finlandeses y uno portugués , pero aún no hay ninguno neerlandés y yo le había pedido un canal neerlandés , porque también los neerlandeses quisiéramos escuchar las noticias cada mes , cuando nos mandan a este exilio .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>", "<Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous>", "<Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous>", "<Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous>", "<Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous>", "<Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous>", "<Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous>", "<Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>", "<Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>", "<Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Portuguese</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous><Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous>"]}
{"id": 29, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "I would therefore once more ask you to ensure that we get a Dutch channel as well .", "source_entity": "<Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous>", "source_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O B-MISC O O O O", "target_word": "Por lo tanto quisiera pedirle nuevamente que se encargue de que podamos ver también un canal neerlandés .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<Miscellaneous>Dutch</Miscellaneous>", "<Miscellaneous>Finnish</Miscellaneous>", "<Miscellaneous>Nederland</Miscellaneous>", "<Miscellaneous>neerlandés</Miscellaneous>", "<Miscellaneous>Nederlands</Miscellaneous>", "<Miscellaneous>European</Miscellaneous>", "<Miscellaneous>Neerlandés</Miscellaneous>", "<Miscellaneous>Plooij</Miscellaneous>", "<Miscellaneous>holandés</Miscellaneous>", "<Miscellaneous>Netherlands</Miscellaneous>"]}
{"id": 30, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "Mrs Plooij-van Gorsel , I can tell you that this matter is on the agenda for the Quaestors ' meeting on Wednesday .", "source_entity": "<Person>Plooij-van Gorsel</Person>", "source_label": "O B-PER I-PER O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "target_word": "Señora Plooij-van Gorsel , puedo decirle que esa cuestión está en el orden del día de la reunión de cuestores fijada para el miércoles .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<Person>Plooij-van Gorsel</Person>", "<Person>Plooij-van Gorsel</Person><Person>Plooij-van Gorsel</Person>", "<Person>Plooij-van Gorsel</Person> <Person>Plooij-van Gorsel</Person>", "<Person>Plooij-van Gorsel</Person><Person>Plooij-van Gorsel</Person><Person>Plooij-van Gorsel</Person>", "<Person>Plooij-van Gorsel</Person>", "<Person>Plooij-van Gorsel</Person> <Person>Plooij-van Gorsel</Person><Person>Plooij-van Gorsel</Person>", "<Person>Plooij-van Gorsel</Person> <Person>Plooij-van Gorsel</Person> <Person>Plooij-van Gorsel</Person>", "<Person>Plooij-van Gorsel</Person> y <Person>Plooij-van Gorsel</Person>", "</Person>Plooij-van Gorsel</Person>", "<Person>Plooij-van Gorsel</Person><Person>Plooij-van Gorsel</Person> <Person>Plooij-van Gorsel</Person>"]}
{"id": 31, "task": "SequenceLabelling", "source_word": "It will , I hope , be examined in a positive light .", "source_entity": "", "source_label": "O O O O O O O O O O O O O", "target_word": "Espero que se examine con un espíritu positivo .", "target_entity": "", "target_label": "O O O O O O O O O", "preds": ["<extra_id_0> con un espíritu positivo y se examine con un espíritu positivo", "<extra_id_0> con el espíritu positivo y se examine con un espíritu positivo", "<extra_id_0> con el espíritu positivo y se examine con un espíritu positivo .", "<extra_id_0> con un espíritu positivo .", "<extra_id_0> con un espíritu positivo y se examine con un espíritu positivo .", "<extra_id_0> con el espíritu positivo y se examine con el espíritu positivo", "<extra_id_0> con un espíritu positivo y se examine con el espíritu positivo", "<extra_id_0> con un espíritu positivo", "<extra_id_0> con el espíritu positivo .", "<extra_id_0> con el espíritu positivo y se examine con el espíritu positivo ."]}