Any child object inherits the properties of its parent(s). Not all of these are implemented as objects in this package, but you can still access the properties.
- Widgets
- Containers
- Multi-object containers:
- Single-object containers:
- Window
- Frame, to offset a region (optionally with label)
- AspectFrame, a frame with fixed aspect ratio
- Expander, a container that hides/reveals another widget
- Overlay (Gtk3 only)
- Single-object "containers" with specific GUI function
- Button
- ToggleButton
- LinkButton, link to a URL
- ScaleButton
- VolumeButton, specialized for audio applications
- ComboBox, select among dropdown options
- MenuItem
- SeparatorMenuItem, to insert a separator between menu items
- Statusbar, queue messages and display to user
- Button
- Entry, type short text in a box
- SpinButton, increment/decrement or type a value
- Range, abstract type for visualizing an
- Scale, slider for setting a value (see also
- Scale, slider for setting a value (see also
- ProgressBar, progress on task of known duration
- Spinner, progress on task of unknown duration
- Miscellaneous
- Containers
- Adjustment, stores value and range properties