Various jaxrs support classes: XmlAdapters, ParamConverterProviders for core java classes
added UUIDConverterUniversal (multi-database uuid converter)
added common-lock module with ReadWriteLockFactory and StampedLockFactory, LockedExecutor
removed obsolete MOXyJsonProvider, stock should be used with eclipselink v2.7.5+
introduce common-springboot to simplify auto-registration of frequently used beans
- Auto-configuration of SendMailExceptionHandler from JNDI/System properties/Environment variable SERVER_ADMIN. No more manual configuration required. Automatic @Provider registration.
- Support for cascade jax-rs exceptions in WebApplicationExceptionHandler (hide and log message, issue HTTP 555 error to client). To catch cascade jax-rs client exceptions, set property <entry key="support.wae.spec.optimization" value="false"/>
- Remove BadExceptionHandler (WebApplicationExceptionHandler should be enough)