diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/aard2_slob/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/aard2_slob/__init__.py
index 8d75434ff..6e63ead7a 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/aard2_slob/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/aard2_slob/__init__.py
@@ -1,19 +1,6 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 from __future__ import annotations
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-from os.path import isfile, splitext
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
-	from collections.abc import Generator, Iterator
-	from pyglossary import slob
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
-from pyglossary.core import cacheDir, exc_note, log, pip
 from pyglossary.option import (
@@ -22,6 +9,9 @@
+from .reader import Reader
+from .writer import Writer
 __all__ = [
@@ -92,380 +82,3 @@
 		" instructions on how to install PyICU.",
-t_created_at = "created.at"
-t_label = "label"
-t_created_by = "created.by"
-t_copyright = "copyright"
-t_license_name = "license.name"
-t_license_url = "license.url"
-t_uri = "uri"
-t_edition = "edition"
-supported_tags = {
-	t_label,
-	t_created_at,
-	t_created_by,
-	t_copyright,
-	t_uri,
-	t_edition,
-class Reader:
-	depends = {
-		"icu": "PyICU",  # >=1.5
-	}
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._clear()
-		self._re_bword = re.compile(
-			"(<a href=[^<>]+?>)",
-		)
-	def close(self) -> None:
-		if self._slobObj is not None:
-			self._slobObj.close()
-		self._clear()
-	def _clear(self) -> None:
-		self._filename = ""
-		self._slobObj: slob.Slob | None = None
-	# TODO: PLR0912 Too many branches (13 > 12)
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:  # noqa: PLR0912
-		try:
-			import icu  # type: ignore # noqa: F401
-		except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
-			exc_note(e, f"Run `{pip} install PyICU` to install")
-			raise
-		from pyglossary import slob
-		self._filename = filename
-		self._slobObj = slob.open(filename)
-		tags = dict(self._slobObj.tags.items())
-		if t_label in tags:
-			self._glos.setInfo("name", tags[t_label])
-		if t_created_at in tags:
-			self._glos.setInfo("creationTime", tags[t_created_at])
-		if t_created_by in tags:
-			self._glos.setInfo("author", tags[t_created_by])
-		copyrightLines: list[str] = []
-		for key in (t_copyright, t_license_name, t_license_url):
-			try:
-				value = tags.pop(key)
-			except KeyError:
-				continue
-			copyrightLines.append(value)
-		if copyrightLines:
-			self._glos.setInfo("copyright", "\n".join(copyrightLines))
-		if t_uri in tags:
-			self._glos.setInfo("website", tags[t_uri])
-		if t_edition in tags:
-			self._glos.setInfo("edition", tags[t_edition])
-		for key, value in tags.items():
-			if key in supported_tags:
-				continue
-			self._glos.setInfo(f"slob.{key}", value)
-	def __len__(self) -> int:
-		if self._slobObj is None:
-			log.error("called len() on a reader which is not open")
-			return 0
-		return len(self._slobObj)
-	@staticmethod
-	def _href_sub(m: re.Match) -> str:
-		st = m.group(0)
-		if "//" in st:
-			return st
-		return st.replace('href="', 'href="bword://').replace(
-			"href='",
-			"href='bword://",
-		)
-	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType | None]:
-		from pyglossary.slob import MIME_HTML, MIME_TEXT
-		if self._slobObj is None:
-			raise RuntimeError("iterating over a reader while it's not open")
-		slobObj = self._slobObj
-		blobSet = set()
-		# slob library gives duplicate blobs when iterating over slobObj
-		# even keeping the last id is not enough, since duplicate blobs
-		# are not all consecutive. so we have to keep a set of blob IDs
-		for blob in slobObj:
-			id_ = blob.identity
-			if id_ in blobSet:
-				yield None  # update progressbar
-				continue
-			blobSet.add(id_)
-			# blob.key is str, blob.content is bytes
-			word = blob.key
-			ctype = blob.content_type.split(";")[0]
-			if ctype not in {MIME_HTML, MIME_TEXT}:
-				log.debug(f"unknown {blob.content_type=} in {word=}")
-				word = word.removeprefix("~/")
-				yield self._glos.newDataEntry(word, blob.content)
-				continue
-			defiFormat = ""
-			if ctype == MIME_HTML:
-				defiFormat = "h"
-			elif ctype == MIME_TEXT:
-				defiFormat = "m"
-			defi = blob.content.decode("utf-8")
-			defi = self._re_bword.sub(self._href_sub, defi)
-			yield self._glos.newEntry(word, defi, defiFormat=defiFormat)
-class Writer:
-	depends = {
-		"icu": "PyICU",
-	}
-	_compression: str = "zlib"
-	_content_type: str = ""
-	_file_size_approx: int = 0
-	_file_size_approx_check_num_entries = 100
-	_separate_alternates: bool = False
-	_word_title: bool = False
-	_version_info: bool = False
-	_audio_goldendict: bool = False
-	resourceMimeTypes = {
-		"png": "image/png",
-		"jpeg": "image/jpeg",
-		"jpg": "image/jpeg",
-		"gif": "image/gif",
-		"svg": "image/svg+xml",
-		"webp": "image/webp",
-		"tiff": "image/tiff",
-		"tif": "image/tiff",
-		"bmp": "image/bmp",
-		"css": "text/css",
-		"js": "application/javascript",
-		"json": "application/json",
-		"woff": "application/font-woff",
-		"woff2": "application/font-woff2",
-		"ttf": "application/x-font-ttf",
-		"otf": "application/x-font-opentype",
-		"mp3": "audio/mpeg",
-		"ogg": "audio/ogg",
-		"spx": "audio/x-speex",
-		"wav": "audio/wav",
-		"ini": "text/plain",
-		# "application/octet-stream+xapian",
-		"eot": "application/vnd.ms-fontobject",
-		"pdf": "application/pdf",
-		"mp4": "video/mp4",
-	}
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._filename = ""
-		self._resPrefix = ""
-		self._slobWriter: slob.Writer | None = None
-	@staticmethod
-	def _slobObserver(
-		event: slob.WriterEvent,  # noqa: F401, F821
-	) -> None:
-		log.debug(f"slob: {event.name}{': ' + event.data if event.data else ''}")
-	def _open(self, filepath: str, namePostfix: str) -> slob.Writer:
-		from pyglossary import slob
-		if isfile(filepath):
-			shutil.move(filepath, f"{filepath}.bak")
-			log.warning(f"renamed existing {filepath!r} to {filepath + '.bak'!r}")
-		self._slobWriter = slobWriter = slob.Writer(
-			filepath,
-			observer=self._slobObserver,
-			workdir=cacheDir,
-			compression=self._compression,
-			version_info=self._version_info,
-		)
-		# "label" tag is a dictionary name shown in UI
-		slobWriter.tag(t_label, self._glos.getInfo("name") + namePostfix)
-		createdAt = self._glos.getInfo("creationTime")
-		if createdAt is not None:
-			slobWriter.tag(t_created_at, createdAt)
-		createdBy = self._glos.getInfo("author")
-		if createdBy is not None:
-			slobWriter.tag(t_created_by, createdBy)
-		filename = os.path.basename(filepath)
-		dic_uri = re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9_-]+", "_", filename)
-		# "uri" tag is not web url, it's a part of gloss addressing ID: uri + article ID
-		# setting the tag allows bookmark & history migration, if dict file is updated
-		# we use source filename as "uri", since it is stable (most likely)
-		slobWriter.tag(t_uri, dic_uri)
-		return slobWriter
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		try:
-			import icu  # noqa: F401
-		except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
-			exc_note(e, f"Run `{pip} install PyICU` to install")
-			raise
-		if isfile(filename):
-			raise OSError(f"File '{filename}' already exists")
-		namePostfix = ""
-		if self._file_size_approx > 0:
-			namePostfix = " (part 1)"
-		self._open(filename, namePostfix)
-		self._filename = filename
-	def finish(self) -> None:
-		from time import perf_counter
-		self._filename = ""
-		if self._slobWriter is None:
-			return
-		log.info("Finalizing slob file...")
-		t0 = perf_counter()
-		self._slobWriter.finalize()
-		log.info(f"Finalizing slob file took {perf_counter() - t0:.1f} seconds")
-		self._slobWriter = None
-	def addDataEntry(self, entry: EntryType) -> None:
-		slobWriter = self._slobWriter
-		if slobWriter is None:
-			raise ValueError("slobWriter is None")
-		rel_path = entry.s_word
-		_, ext = splitext(rel_path)
-		ext = ext.lstrip(os.path.extsep).lower()
-		content_type = self.resourceMimeTypes.get(ext)
-		if not content_type:
-			log.error(f"Aard2 slob: unknown content type for {rel_path!r}")
-			return
-		content = entry.data
-		key = self._resPrefix + rel_path
-		try:
-			key.encode(slobWriter.encoding)
-		except UnicodeEncodeError:
-			log.error(f"Failed to add, broken unicode in key: {key!a}")
-			return
-		slobWriter.add(content, key, content_type=content_type)
-	def addEntry(self, entry: EntryType) -> None:
-		words = entry.l_word
-		b_defi = entry.defi.encode("utf-8")
-		ctype = self._content_type
-		writer = self._slobWriter
-		if writer is None:
-			raise ValueError("slobWriter is None")
-		entry.detectDefiFormat()
-		defiFormat = entry.defiFormat
-		if self._word_title and defiFormat in {"h", "m"}:
-			if defiFormat == "m":
-				defiFormat = "h"
-			title = self._glos.wordTitleStr(
-				words[0],
-			)
-			b_defi = title.encode("utf-8") + b_defi
-		if defiFormat == "h":
-			b_defi = b_defi.replace(b'"bword://', b'"')
-			b_defi = b_defi.replace(b"'bword://", b"'")
-			if not self._audio_goldendict:
-				b_defi = b_defi.replace(
-					b"""href="sound://""",
-					b'''onclick="new Audio(this.href).play(); return false;" href="''',
-				)
-				b_defi = b_defi.replace(
-					b"""href='sound://""",
-					b"""onclick="new Audio(this.href).play(); return false;" href='""",
-				)
-				b_defi = b_defi.replace(b"""<img src="/""", b'''<img src="''')
-				b_defi = b_defi.replace(b"""<img src='""", b"""<img src='""")
-				b_defi = b_defi.replace(b"""<img src="file:///""", b'''<img src="''')
-				b_defi = b_defi.replace(b"""<img src='file:///""", b"""<img src='""")
-		if not ctype:
-			if defiFormat == "h":
-				ctype = "text/html; charset=utf-8"
-			elif defiFormat == "m":
-				ctype = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
-			else:
-				ctype = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
-		if not self._separate_alternates:
-			writer.add(
-				b_defi,
-				*tuple(words),
-				content_type=ctype,
-			)
-			return
-		headword, *alts = words
-		writer.add(
-			b_defi,
-			headword,
-			content_type=ctype,
-		)
-		for alt in alts:
-			writer.add(
-				b_defi,
-				f"{alt}, {headword}",
-				content_type=ctype,
-			)
-	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
-		slobWriter = self._slobWriter
-		if slobWriter is None:
-			raise ValueError("slobWriter is None")
-		file_size_approx = int(self._file_size_approx * 0.95)
-		entryCount = 0
-		sumBlobSize = 0
-		fileIndex = 0
-		filenameNoExt, _ = splitext(self._filename)
-		while True:
-			entry = yield
-			if entry is None:
-				break
-			if entry.isData():
-				self.addDataEntry(entry)
-			else:
-				self.addEntry(entry)
-			if file_size_approx <= 0:
-				continue
-			# handle file_size_approx
-			check_every = self._file_size_approx_check_num_entries
-			entryCount += 1
-			if entryCount % check_every == 0:
-				sumBlobSize = slobWriter.size_data()
-				if sumBlobSize >= file_size_approx:
-					slobWriter.finalize()
-					fileIndex += 1
-					slobWriter = self._open(
-						f"{filenameNoExt}.{fileIndex}.slob",
-						f" (part {fileIndex + 1})",
-					)
-					sumBlobSize = 0
-					entryCount = 0
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/aard2_slob/reader.py b/pyglossary/plugins/aard2_slob/reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c80fdffb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/aard2_slob/reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+import re
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+	from collections.abc import Iterator
+	from pyglossary import slob
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+from pyglossary.core import exc_note, log, pip
+from pyglossary.plugins.aard2_slob.tags import (
+	supported_tags,
+	t_copyright,
+	t_created_at,
+	t_created_by,
+	t_edition,
+	t_label,
+	t_license_name,
+	t_license_url,
+	t_uri,
+class Reader:
+	depends = {
+		"icu": "PyICU",  # >=1.5
+	}
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._clear()
+		self._re_bword = re.compile(
+			"(<a href=[^<>]+?>)",
+		)
+	def close(self) -> None:
+		if self._slobObj is not None:
+			self._slobObj.close()
+		self._clear()
+	def _clear(self) -> None:
+		self._filename = ""
+		self._slobObj: slob.Slob | None = None
+	# TODO: PLR0912 Too many branches (13 > 12)
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:  # noqa: PLR0912
+		try:
+			import icu  # type: ignore # noqa: F401
+		except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
+			exc_note(e, f"Run `{pip} install PyICU` to install")
+			raise
+		from pyglossary import slob
+		self._filename = filename
+		self._slobObj = slob.open(filename)
+		tags = dict(self._slobObj.tags.items())
+		if t_label in tags:
+			self._glos.setInfo("name", tags[t_label])
+		if t_created_at in tags:
+			self._glos.setInfo("creationTime", tags[t_created_at])
+		if t_created_by in tags:
+			self._glos.setInfo("author", tags[t_created_by])
+		copyrightLines: list[str] = []
+		for key in (t_copyright, t_license_name, t_license_url):
+			try:
+				value = tags.pop(key)
+			except KeyError:
+				continue
+			copyrightLines.append(value)
+		if copyrightLines:
+			self._glos.setInfo("copyright", "\n".join(copyrightLines))
+		if t_uri in tags:
+			self._glos.setInfo("website", tags[t_uri])
+		if t_edition in tags:
+			self._glos.setInfo("edition", tags[t_edition])
+		for key, value in tags.items():
+			if key in supported_tags:
+				continue
+			self._glos.setInfo(f"slob.{key}", value)
+	def __len__(self) -> int:
+		if self._slobObj is None:
+			log.error("called len() on a reader which is not open")
+			return 0
+		return len(self._slobObj)
+	@staticmethod
+	def _href_sub(m: re.Match) -> str:
+		st = m.group(0)
+		if "//" in st:
+			return st
+		return st.replace('href="', 'href="bword://').replace(
+			"href='",
+			"href='bword://",
+		)
+	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType | None]:
+		from pyglossary.slob import MIME_HTML, MIME_TEXT
+		if self._slobObj is None:
+			raise RuntimeError("iterating over a reader while it's not open")
+		slobObj = self._slobObj
+		blobSet = set()
+		# slob library gives duplicate blobs when iterating over slobObj
+		# even keeping the last id is not enough, since duplicate blobs
+		# are not all consecutive. so we have to keep a set of blob IDs
+		for blob in slobObj:
+			id_ = blob.identity
+			if id_ in blobSet:
+				yield None  # update progressbar
+				continue
+			blobSet.add(id_)
+			# blob.key is str, blob.content is bytes
+			word = blob.key
+			ctype = blob.content_type.split(";")[0]
+			if ctype not in {MIME_HTML, MIME_TEXT}:
+				log.debug(f"unknown {blob.content_type=} in {word=}")
+				word = word.removeprefix("~/")
+				yield self._glos.newDataEntry(word, blob.content)
+				continue
+			defiFormat = ""
+			if ctype == MIME_HTML:
+				defiFormat = "h"
+			elif ctype == MIME_TEXT:
+				defiFormat = "m"
+			defi = blob.content.decode("utf-8")
+			defi = self._re_bword.sub(self._href_sub, defi)
+			yield self._glos.newEntry(word, defi, defiFormat=defiFormat)
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/aard2_slob/tags.py b/pyglossary/plugins/aard2_slob/tags.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e4336a02e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/aard2_slob/tags.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+t_created_at = "created.at"
+t_label = "label"
+t_created_by = "created.by"
+t_copyright = "copyright"
+t_license_name = "license.name"
+t_license_url = "license.url"
+t_uri = "uri"
+t_edition = "edition"
+supported_tags = {
+	t_label,
+	t_created_at,
+	t_created_by,
+	t_copyright,
+	t_uri,
+	t_edition,
+__all__ = [
+	"supported_tags",
+	"t_copyright",
+	"t_created_at",
+	"t_created_by",
+	"t_edition",
+	"t_label",
+	"t_license_name",
+	"t_license_url",
+	"t_uri",
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/aard2_slob/writer.py b/pyglossary/plugins/aard2_slob/writer.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c8519f987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/aard2_slob/writer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+from os.path import isfile, splitext
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+	from collections.abc import Generator
+	from pyglossary import slob
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+from pyglossary.core import cacheDir, exc_note, log, pip
+from pyglossary.plugins.aard2_slob.tags import (
+	t_created_at,
+	t_created_by,
+	t_label,
+	t_uri,
+class Writer:
+	depends = {
+		"icu": "PyICU",
+	}
+	_compression: str = "zlib"
+	_content_type: str = ""
+	_file_size_approx: int = 0
+	_file_size_approx_check_num_entries = 100
+	_separate_alternates: bool = False
+	_word_title: bool = False
+	_version_info: bool = False
+	_audio_goldendict: bool = False
+	resourceMimeTypes = {
+		"png": "image/png",
+		"jpeg": "image/jpeg",
+		"jpg": "image/jpeg",
+		"gif": "image/gif",
+		"svg": "image/svg+xml",
+		"webp": "image/webp",
+		"tiff": "image/tiff",
+		"tif": "image/tiff",
+		"bmp": "image/bmp",
+		"css": "text/css",
+		"js": "application/javascript",
+		"json": "application/json",
+		"woff": "application/font-woff",
+		"woff2": "application/font-woff2",
+		"ttf": "application/x-font-ttf",
+		"otf": "application/x-font-opentype",
+		"mp3": "audio/mpeg",
+		"ogg": "audio/ogg",
+		"spx": "audio/x-speex",
+		"wav": "audio/wav",
+		"ini": "text/plain",
+		# "application/octet-stream+xapian",
+		"eot": "application/vnd.ms-fontobject",
+		"pdf": "application/pdf",
+		"mp4": "video/mp4",
+	}
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._filename = ""
+		self._resPrefix = ""
+		self._slobWriter: slob.Writer | None = None
+	@staticmethod
+	def _slobObserver(
+		event: slob.WriterEvent,  # noqa: F401, F821
+	) -> None:
+		log.debug(f"slob: {event.name}{': ' + event.data if event.data else ''}")
+	def _open(self, filepath: str, namePostfix: str) -> slob.Writer:
+		from pyglossary import slob
+		if isfile(filepath):
+			shutil.move(filepath, f"{filepath}.bak")
+			log.warning(f"renamed existing {filepath!r} to {filepath + '.bak'!r}")
+		self._slobWriter = slobWriter = slob.Writer(
+			filepath,
+			observer=self._slobObserver,
+			workdir=cacheDir,
+			compression=self._compression,
+			version_info=self._version_info,
+		)
+		# "label" tag is a dictionary name shown in UI
+		slobWriter.tag(t_label, self._glos.getInfo("name") + namePostfix)
+		createdAt = self._glos.getInfo("creationTime")
+		if createdAt is not None:
+			slobWriter.tag(t_created_at, createdAt)
+		createdBy = self._glos.getInfo("author")
+		if createdBy is not None:
+			slobWriter.tag(t_created_by, createdBy)
+		filename = os.path.basename(filepath)
+		dic_uri = re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9_-]+", "_", filename)
+		# "uri" tag is not web url, it's a part of gloss addressing ID: uri + article ID
+		# setting the tag allows bookmark & history migration, if dict file is updated
+		# we use source filename as "uri", since it is stable (most likely)
+		slobWriter.tag(t_uri, dic_uri)
+		return slobWriter
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		try:
+			import icu  # noqa: F401
+		except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
+			exc_note(e, f"Run `{pip} install PyICU` to install")
+			raise
+		if isfile(filename):
+			raise OSError(f"File '{filename}' already exists")
+		namePostfix = ""
+		if self._file_size_approx > 0:
+			namePostfix = " (part 1)"
+		self._open(filename, namePostfix)
+		self._filename = filename
+	def finish(self) -> None:
+		from time import perf_counter
+		self._filename = ""
+		if self._slobWriter is None:
+			return
+		log.info("Finalizing slob file...")
+		t0 = perf_counter()
+		self._slobWriter.finalize()
+		log.info(f"Finalizing slob file took {perf_counter() - t0:.1f} seconds")
+		self._slobWriter = None
+	def addDataEntry(self, entry: EntryType) -> None:
+		slobWriter = self._slobWriter
+		if slobWriter is None:
+			raise ValueError("slobWriter is None")
+		rel_path = entry.s_word
+		_, ext = splitext(rel_path)
+		ext = ext.lstrip(os.path.extsep).lower()
+		content_type = self.resourceMimeTypes.get(ext)
+		if not content_type:
+			log.error(f"Aard2 slob: unknown content type for {rel_path!r}")
+			return
+		content = entry.data
+		key = self._resPrefix + rel_path
+		try:
+			key.encode(slobWriter.encoding)
+		except UnicodeEncodeError:
+			log.error(f"Failed to add, broken unicode in key: {key!a}")
+			return
+		slobWriter.add(content, key, content_type=content_type)
+	def addEntry(self, entry: EntryType) -> None:
+		words = entry.l_word
+		b_defi = entry.defi.encode("utf-8")
+		ctype = self._content_type
+		writer = self._slobWriter
+		if writer is None:
+			raise ValueError("slobWriter is None")
+		entry.detectDefiFormat()
+		defiFormat = entry.defiFormat
+		if self._word_title and defiFormat in {"h", "m"}:
+			if defiFormat == "m":
+				defiFormat = "h"
+			title = self._glos.wordTitleStr(
+				words[0],
+			)
+			b_defi = title.encode("utf-8") + b_defi
+		if defiFormat == "h":
+			b_defi = b_defi.replace(b'"bword://', b'"')
+			b_defi = b_defi.replace(b"'bword://", b"'")
+			if not self._audio_goldendict:
+				b_defi = b_defi.replace(
+					b"""href="sound://""",
+					b'''onclick="new Audio(this.href).play(); return false;" href="''',
+				)
+				b_defi = b_defi.replace(
+					b"""href='sound://""",
+					b"""onclick="new Audio(this.href).play(); return false;" href='""",
+				)
+				b_defi = b_defi.replace(b"""<img src="/""", b'''<img src="''')
+				b_defi = b_defi.replace(b"""<img src='""", b"""<img src='""")
+				b_defi = b_defi.replace(b"""<img src="file:///""", b'''<img src="''')
+				b_defi = b_defi.replace(b"""<img src='file:///""", b"""<img src='""")
+		if not ctype:
+			if defiFormat == "h":
+				ctype = "text/html; charset=utf-8"
+			elif defiFormat == "m":
+				ctype = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
+			else:
+				ctype = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
+		if not self._separate_alternates:
+			writer.add(
+				b_defi,
+				*tuple(words),
+				content_type=ctype,
+			)
+			return
+		headword, *alts = words
+		writer.add(
+			b_defi,
+			headword,
+			content_type=ctype,
+		)
+		for alt in alts:
+			writer.add(
+				b_defi,
+				f"{alt}, {headword}",
+				content_type=ctype,
+			)
+	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
+		slobWriter = self._slobWriter
+		if slobWriter is None:
+			raise ValueError("slobWriter is None")
+		file_size_approx = int(self._file_size_approx * 0.95)
+		entryCount = 0
+		sumBlobSize = 0
+		fileIndex = 0
+		filenameNoExt, _ = splitext(self._filename)
+		while True:
+			entry = yield
+			if entry is None:
+				break
+			if entry.isData():
+				self.addDataEntry(entry)
+			else:
+				self.addEntry(entry)
+			if file_size_approx <= 0:
+				continue
+			# handle file_size_approx
+			check_every = self._file_size_approx_check_num_entries
+			entryCount += 1
+			if entryCount % check_every == 0:
+				sumBlobSize = slobWriter.size_data()
+				if sumBlobSize >= file_size_approx:
+					slobWriter.finalize()
+					fileIndex += 1
+					slobWriter = self._open(
+						f"{filenameNoExt}.{fileIndex}.slob",
+						f" (part {fileIndex + 1})",
+					)
+					sumBlobSize = 0
+					entryCount = 0
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/almaany/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/almaany/__init__.py
index 9a49bb167..8838cfd62 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/almaany/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/almaany/__init__.py
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 from __future__ import annotations
-import html
 from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
-	import sqlite3
-	from collections.abc import Iterator
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
 	from pyglossary.option import Option
+from .reader import Reader
 __all__ = [
@@ -40,80 +37,3 @@
 	"Almaany.com Arabic Dictionary - Google Play",
 optionsProp: dict[str, Option] = {}
-class Reader:
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._clear()
-	def _clear(self) -> None:
-		self._filename = ""
-		self._con: sqlite3.Connection | None = None
-		self._cur: sqlite3.Cursor | None = None
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		from sqlite3 import connect
-		self._filename = filename
-		self._con = connect(filename)
-		self._cur = self._con.cursor()
-		self._glos.setDefaultDefiFormat("h")
-	def __len__(self) -> int:
-		if self._cur is None:
-			raise ValueError("cur is None")
-		self._cur.execute("select count(*) from WordsTable")
-		return self._cur.fetchone()[0]
-	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
-		if self._cur is None:
-			raise ValueError("cur is None")
-		from pyglossary.langs.writing_system import getWritingSystemFromText
-		alternateDict: dict[str, list[str]] = {}
-		self._cur.execute("select wordkey, searchwordkey from Keys")
-		for row in self._cur.fetchall():
-			if row[0] in alternateDict:
-				alternateDict[row[0]].append(row[1])
-			else:
-				alternateDict[row[0]] = [row[1]]
-		self._cur.execute(
-			"select word, searchword, root, meaning from WordsTable order by id",
-		)
-		# FIXME: iteration over self._cur stops after one entry
-		# and self._cur.fetchone() returns None
-		# for row in self._cur:
-		for row in self._cur.fetchall():
-			word = row[0]
-			searchword = row[1]
-			root = row[2]
-			meaning = row[3]
-			definition = meaning
-			definition = definition.replace("|", "<br>")
-			if root:
-				definition += (
-					f'<br>Root: <a href="bword://{html.escape(root)}">{root}</a>'
-				)
-			ws = getWritingSystemFromText(meaning)
-			if ws and ws.direction == "rtl":
-				definition = f'<div dir="rtl">{definition}</div>'
-			words = [word, searchword]
-			if word in alternateDict:
-				words += alternateDict[word]
-			yield self._glos.newEntry(
-				words,
-				definition,
-				defiFormat="h",
-			)
-	def close(self) -> None:
-		if self._cur:
-			self._cur.close()
-		if self._con:
-			self._con.close()
-		self._clear()
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/almaany/reader.py b/pyglossary/plugins/almaany/reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3447c1010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/almaany/reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+import html
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+	import sqlite3
+	from collections.abc import Iterator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+class Reader:
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._clear()
+	def _clear(self) -> None:
+		self._filename = ""
+		self._con: sqlite3.Connection | None = None
+		self._cur: sqlite3.Cursor | None = None
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		from sqlite3 import connect
+		self._filename = filename
+		self._con = connect(filename)
+		self._cur = self._con.cursor()
+		self._glos.setDefaultDefiFormat("h")
+	def __len__(self) -> int:
+		if self._cur is None:
+			raise ValueError("cur is None")
+		self._cur.execute("select count(*) from WordsTable")
+		return self._cur.fetchone()[0]
+	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
+		if self._cur is None:
+			raise ValueError("cur is None")
+		from pyglossary.langs.writing_system import getWritingSystemFromText
+		alternateDict: dict[str, list[str]] = {}
+		self._cur.execute("select wordkey, searchwordkey from Keys")
+		for row in self._cur.fetchall():
+			if row[0] in alternateDict:
+				alternateDict[row[0]].append(row[1])
+			else:
+				alternateDict[row[0]] = [row[1]]
+		self._cur.execute(
+			"select word, searchword, root, meaning from WordsTable order by id",
+		)
+		# FIXME: iteration over self._cur stops after one entry
+		# and self._cur.fetchone() returns None
+		# for row in self._cur:
+		for row in self._cur.fetchall():
+			word = row[0]
+			searchword = row[1]
+			root = row[2]
+			meaning = row[3]
+			definition = meaning
+			definition = definition.replace("|", "<br>")
+			if root:
+				definition += (
+					f'<br>Root: <a href="bword://{html.escape(root)}">{root}</a>'
+				)
+			ws = getWritingSystemFromText(meaning)
+			if ws and ws.direction == "rtl":
+				definition = f'<div dir="rtl">{definition}</div>'
+			words = [word, searchword]
+			if word in alternateDict:
+				words += alternateDict[word]
+			yield self._glos.newEntry(
+				words,
+				definition,
+				defiFormat="h",
+			)
+	def close(self) -> None:
+		if self._cur:
+			self._cur.close()
+		if self._con:
+			self._con.close()
+		self._clear()
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/ayandict_sqlite/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/ayandict_sqlite/__init__.py
index 5ac40b37b..a86e83029 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/ayandict_sqlite/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/ayandict_sqlite/__init__.py
@@ -1,20 +1,11 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 from __future__ import annotations
-from typing import (
-	import sqlite3
-	from collections.abc import Generator, Iterator
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
-	from pyglossary.xdxf.transform import XdxfTransformer
-from pyglossary.core import log
 from pyglossary.option import BoolOption, Option
+from .reader import Reader
+from .writer import Writer
 __all__ = [
@@ -49,194 +40,3 @@
 		comment="Create fuzzy search data",
-class Reader:
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._clear()
-	def _clear(self) -> None:
-		self._filename = ""
-		self._con: sqlite3.Connection | None = None
-		self._cur: sqlite3.Cursor | None = None
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		from sqlite3 import connect
-		self._filename = filename
-		self._con = connect(filename)
-		self._cur = self._con.cursor()
-		self._glos.setDefaultDefiFormat("h")
-		self._cur.execute("SELECT key, value FROM meta;")
-		for row in self._cur.fetchall():
-			if row[0] == "hash":
-				continue
-			self._glos.setInfo(row[0], row[1])
-	def __len__(self) -> int:
-		if self._cur is None:
-			raise ValueError("cur is None")
-		self._cur.execute("select count(id) from entry")
-		return self._cur.fetchone()[0]
-	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
-		from json import loads
-		if self._cur is None:
-			raise ValueError("cur is None")
-		self._cur.execute(
-			"SELECT entry.term, entry.article, "
-			"json_group_array(alt.term)"
-			"FROM entry LEFT JOIN alt ON entry.id=alt.id "
-			"GROUP BY entry.id;",
-		)
-		for row in self._cur.fetchall():
-			terms = [row[0]] + [alt for alt in loads(row[2]) if alt]
-			article = row[1]
-			yield self._glos.newEntry(terms, article, defiFormat="h")
-	def close(self) -> None:
-		if self._cur:
-			self._cur.close()
-		if self._con:
-			self._con.close()
-		self._clear()
-class Writer:
-	_fuzzy: int = True
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._clear()
-	def _clear(self) -> None:
-		self._filename = ""
-		self._con: sqlite3.Connection | None = None
-		self._cur: sqlite3.Cursor | None = None
-		self._xdxfTr: XdxfTransformer | None = None
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		from sqlite3 import connect
-		self._filename = filename
-		con = self._con = connect(filename)
-		self._cur = self._con.cursor()
-		for query in (
-			"CREATE TABLE meta ('key' TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, 'value' TEXT);",
-			(
-				"'term' TEXT, 'article' TEXT);"
-			),
-			"CREATE TABLE alt ('id' INTEGER NOT NULL, 'term' TEXT);",
-			"CREATE INDEX idx_meta ON meta(key);",
-			"CREATE INDEX idx_entry_term ON entry(term COLLATE NOCASE);",
-			"CREATE INDEX idx_alt_id ON alt(id);",
-			"CREATE INDEX idx_alt_term ON alt(term COLLATE NOCASE);",
-		):
-			try:
-				con.execute(query)
-			except Exception as e:  # noqa: PERF203
-				log.error(f"query: {query}")
-				raise e
-		for key, value in self._glos.iterInfo():
-			con.execute(
-				"INSERT	INTO meta (key, value) VALUES (?, ?);",
-				(key, value),
-			)
-		if self._fuzzy:
-			con.execute(
-				"CREATE TABLE fuzzy3 ('sub' TEXT NOT NULL, "
-				"'term' TEXT NOT NULL, "
-				"id INTEGER NOT NULL);",
-			)
-			con.execute(
-				"CREATE INDEX idx_fuzzy3_sub ON fuzzy3(sub COLLATE NOCASE);",
-			)
-		con.commit()
-	def finish(self) -> None:
-		if self._con is None or self._cur is None:
-			return
-		self._con.commit()
-		self._con.close()
-		self._con = None
-		self._cur = None
-	def xdxf_setup(self) -> None:
-		from pyglossary.xdxf.transform import XdxfTransformer
-		# if self._xsl:
-		# 	self._xdxfTr = XslXdxfTransformer(encoding="utf-8")
-		# 	return
-		self._xdxfTr = XdxfTransformer(encoding="utf-8")
-	def xdxf_transform(self, text: str) -> str:
-		if self._xdxfTr is None:
-			self.xdxf_setup()
-		return self._xdxfTr.transformByInnerString(text)  # type: ignore
-	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
-		import hashlib
-		cur = self._cur
-		if cur is None:
-			raise ValueError("cur is None")
-		hash_ = hashlib.md5()
-		while True:
-			entry = yield
-			if entry is None:
-				break
-			if entry.isData():
-				# can save it with entry.save(directory)
-				continue
-			defi = entry.defi
-			entry.detectDefiFormat()
-			if entry.defiFormat == "m":
-				if "\n" in defi:
-					defi = f"<pre>{defi}</pre>"
-			elif entry.defiFormat == "x":
-				defi = self.xdxf_transform(defi)
-			cur.execute(
-				"INSERT INTO entry(term, article) VALUES (?, ?);",
-				(entry.l_word[0], defi),
-			)
-			id_ = cur.lastrowid
-			if id_ is None:
-				raise ValueError("lastrowid is None")
-			for alt in entry.l_word[1:]:
-				cur.execute(
-					"INSERT INTO alt(id, term) VALUES (?, ?);",
-					(id_, alt),
-				)
-			hash_.update(entry.s_word.encode("utf-8"))
-			if self._fuzzy:
-				self.addFuzzy(id_, entry.l_word)
-		cur.execute(
-			"INSERT INTO meta (key, value) VALUES (?, ?);",
-			("hash", hash_.hexdigest()),
-		)
-	def addFuzzy(self, id_: int, terms: list[str]) -> None:
-		cur = self._cur
-		if cur is None:
-			raise ValueError("cur is None")
-		for term in terms:
-			subs: set[str] = set()
-			for word in term.split(" "):
-				eword = "\n" + word
-				subs.update(eword[i : i + 3] for i in range(len(eword) - 2))
-			for sub in subs:
-				cur.execute(
-					"INSERT INTO fuzzy3(sub, term, id) VALUES (?, ?, ?);",
-					(sub, term, id_),
-				)
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/ayandict_sqlite/reader.py b/pyglossary/plugins/ayandict_sqlite/reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b1ed0b6eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/ayandict_sqlite/reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import (
+	import sqlite3
+	from collections.abc import Iterator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+class Reader:
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._clear()
+	def _clear(self) -> None:
+		self._filename = ""
+		self._con: sqlite3.Connection | None = None
+		self._cur: sqlite3.Cursor | None = None
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		from sqlite3 import connect
+		self._filename = filename
+		self._con = connect(filename)
+		self._cur = self._con.cursor()
+		self._glos.setDefaultDefiFormat("h")
+		self._cur.execute("SELECT key, value FROM meta;")
+		for row in self._cur.fetchall():
+			if row[0] == "hash":
+				continue
+			self._glos.setInfo(row[0], row[1])
+	def __len__(self) -> int:
+		if self._cur is None:
+			raise ValueError("cur is None")
+		self._cur.execute("select count(id) from entry")
+		return self._cur.fetchone()[0]
+	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
+		from json import loads
+		if self._cur is None:
+			raise ValueError("cur is None")
+		self._cur.execute(
+			"SELECT entry.term, entry.article, "
+			"json_group_array(alt.term)"
+			"FROM entry LEFT JOIN alt ON entry.id=alt.id "
+			"GROUP BY entry.id;",
+		)
+		for row in self._cur.fetchall():
+			terms = [row[0]] + [alt for alt in loads(row[2]) if alt]
+			article = row[1]
+			yield self._glos.newEntry(terms, article, defiFormat="h")
+	def close(self) -> None:
+		if self._cur:
+			self._cur.close()
+		if self._con:
+			self._con.close()
+		self._clear()
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/ayandict_sqlite/writer.py b/pyglossary/plugins/ayandict_sqlite/writer.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..810631c71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/ayandict_sqlite/writer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import (
+	import sqlite3
+	from collections.abc import Generator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+	from pyglossary.xdxf.transform import XdxfTransformer
+from pyglossary.core import log
+class Writer:
+	_fuzzy: int = True
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._clear()
+	def _clear(self) -> None:
+		self._filename = ""
+		self._con: sqlite3.Connection | None = None
+		self._cur: sqlite3.Cursor | None = None
+		self._xdxfTr: XdxfTransformer | None = None
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		from sqlite3 import connect
+		self._filename = filename
+		con = self._con = connect(filename)
+		self._cur = self._con.cursor()
+		for query in (
+			"CREATE TABLE meta ('key' TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, 'value' TEXT);",
+			(
+				"'term' TEXT, 'article' TEXT);"
+			),
+			"CREATE TABLE alt ('id' INTEGER NOT NULL, 'term' TEXT);",
+			"CREATE INDEX idx_meta ON meta(key);",
+			"CREATE INDEX idx_entry_term ON entry(term COLLATE NOCASE);",
+			"CREATE INDEX idx_alt_id ON alt(id);",
+			"CREATE INDEX idx_alt_term ON alt(term COLLATE NOCASE);",
+		):
+			try:
+				con.execute(query)
+			except Exception as e:  # noqa: PERF203
+				log.error(f"query: {query}")
+				raise e
+		for key, value in self._glos.iterInfo():
+			con.execute(
+				"INSERT	INTO meta (key, value) VALUES (?, ?);",
+				(key, value),
+			)
+		if self._fuzzy:
+			con.execute(
+				"CREATE TABLE fuzzy3 ('sub' TEXT NOT NULL, "
+				"'term' TEXT NOT NULL, "
+				"id INTEGER NOT NULL);",
+			)
+			con.execute(
+				"CREATE INDEX idx_fuzzy3_sub ON fuzzy3(sub COLLATE NOCASE);",
+			)
+		con.commit()
+	def finish(self) -> None:
+		if self._con is None or self._cur is None:
+			return
+		self._con.commit()
+		self._con.close()
+		self._con = None
+		self._cur = None
+	def xdxf_setup(self) -> None:
+		from pyglossary.xdxf.transform import XdxfTransformer
+		# if self._xsl:
+		# 	self._xdxfTr = XslXdxfTransformer(encoding="utf-8")
+		# 	return
+		self._xdxfTr = XdxfTransformer(encoding="utf-8")
+	def xdxf_transform(self, text: str) -> str:
+		if self._xdxfTr is None:
+			self.xdxf_setup()
+		return self._xdxfTr.transformByInnerString(text)  # type: ignore
+	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
+		import hashlib
+		cur = self._cur
+		if cur is None:
+			raise ValueError("cur is None")
+		hash_ = hashlib.md5()
+		while True:
+			entry = yield
+			if entry is None:
+				break
+			if entry.isData():
+				# can save it with entry.save(directory)
+				continue
+			defi = entry.defi
+			entry.detectDefiFormat()
+			if entry.defiFormat == "m":
+				if "\n" in defi:
+					defi = f"<pre>{defi}</pre>"
+			elif entry.defiFormat == "x":
+				defi = self.xdxf_transform(defi)
+			cur.execute(
+				"INSERT INTO entry(term, article) VALUES (?, ?);",
+				(entry.l_word[0], defi),
+			)
+			id_ = cur.lastrowid
+			if id_ is None:
+				raise ValueError("lastrowid is None")
+			for alt in entry.l_word[1:]:
+				cur.execute(
+					"INSERT INTO alt(id, term) VALUES (?, ?);",
+					(id_, alt),
+				)
+			hash_.update(entry.s_word.encode("utf-8"))
+			if self._fuzzy:
+				self.addFuzzy(id_, entry.l_word)
+		cur.execute(
+			"INSERT INTO meta (key, value) VALUES (?, ?);",
+			("hash", hash_.hexdigest()),
+		)
+	def addFuzzy(self, id_: int, terms: list[str]) -> None:
+		cur = self._cur
+		if cur is None:
+			raise ValueError("cur is None")
+		for term in terms:
+			subs: set[str] = set()
+			for word in term.split(" "):
+				eword = "\n" + word
+				subs.update(eword[i : i + 3] for i in range(len(eword) - 2))
+			for sub in subs:
+				cur.execute(
+					"INSERT INTO fuzzy3(sub, term, id) VALUES (?, ?, ?);",
+					(sub, term, id_),
+				)
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/cc_kedict/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/cc_kedict/__init__.py
index 772c2ff6b..5289633ef 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/cc_kedict/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/cc_kedict/__init__.py
@@ -2,20 +2,12 @@
 # mypy: ignore-errors
 from __future__ import annotations
-from io import BytesIO
-from os.path import isdir, join
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
-	from collections.abc import Callable, Iterator
-	import lxml
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
 	from pyglossary.option import Option
-from pyglossary.core import exc_note, log, pip
-from pyglossary.text_reader import TextGlossaryReader
+from .reader import Reader
 __all__ = [
@@ -46,295 +38,3 @@
 optionsProp: dict[str, Option] = {}
-class YamlReader(TextGlossaryReader):
-	tagStyle = (
-		"color:white;"
-		"background:green;"
-		"padding-left:3px;"
-		"padding-right:3px;"
-		"border-radius:0.5ex;"
-		# 0.5ex ~= 0.3em, but "ex" is recommended
-	)
-	def __init__(  # noqa: PLR0913
-		self,
-		glos: GlossaryType,
-		spellKey: str = "",
-		posKey: str = "",
-		synsKey: str = "",
-		tagsKey: str = "",
-	) -> None:
-		TextGlossaryReader.__init__(self, glos)
-		self._spellKey = spellKey
-		self._posKey = posKey
-		self._synsKey = synsKey
-		self._tagsKey = tagsKey
-		self._posMapping = {
-			"n": "noun",
-			"v": "verb",
-			"a": "adjective",
-			"pron": "pronoun",
-			"propn": "proper noun",
-			"intj": "interjection",
-			"det": "determiner",
-			"part": "particle",
-			"adv": "adverb",
-			"num": "number",
-			"abbrev": "abbreviation",
-			"suf": "suffix",
-			"pref": "prefix",
-		}
-	@classmethod
-	def isInfoWord(cls, _word: str) -> bool:
-		return False
-	@classmethod
-	def fixInfoWord(cls, _word: str) -> str:
-		return ""
-	@staticmethod
-	def _makeList(
-		hf: lxml.etree.htmlfile,
-		input_objects: list[Any],
-		processor: Callable,
-		single_prefix: str | None = None,
-		skip_single: bool = True,
-	) -> None:
-		"""Wrap elements into <ol> if more than one element."""
-		if not input_objects:
-			return
-		if skip_single and len(input_objects) == 1:
-			# if single_prefix is None:
-			# 	single_prefix = ET.Element("br")
-			if single_prefix:
-				hf.write(single_prefix)
-			processor(hf, input_objects[0], 1)
-			return
-		with hf.element("ol"):
-			for el in input_objects:
-				with hf.element("li"):
-					processor(hf, el, len(input_objects))
-	def _processExample(  # noqa: PLR6301
-		self,
-		hf: lxml.etree.htmlfile,
-		exampleDict: dict,
-		_count: int,
-	) -> None:
-		from lxml import etree as ET
-		if not exampleDict.get("example"):
-			log.error(f"invalid example: {exampleDict}")
-			return
-		hf.write(exampleDict["example"])
-		transliteration = exampleDict.get("transliteration")
-		if transliteration:
-			hf.write(ET.Element("br"))
-			with hf.element("font", color="green"):
-				hf.write(f"{transliteration}")
-		translation = exampleDict.get("translation")
-		if translation:
-			hf.write(ET.Element("br"))
-			with hf.element("i"):
-				hf.write(f"{translation}")
-	def _processDef(
-		self,
-		hf: lxml.etree.htmlfile,
-		defDict: dict,
-		count: int,
-	) -> None:
-		from lxml import etree as ET
-		text = defDict.get("def", "")
-		if text:
-			hf.write(text)
-		examples = defDict.get("examples")
-		if examples:
-			if text:
-				if count == 1:
-					hf.write(ET.Element("br"))
-				hf.write(ET.Element("br"))
-			with hf.element("i"):
-				hf.write("Examples:")
-			self._makeList(
-				hf,
-				examples,
-				self._processExample,
-				skip_single=False,
-			)
-	def _processNote(  # noqa: PLR6301
-		self,
-		hf: lxml.etree.htmlfile,
-		note: str,
-		_count: int,
-	) -> None:
-		hf.write(note)
-	def _processEntry(
-		self,
-		hf: lxml.etree.htmlfile,
-		edict: dict,
-	) -> None:
-		from lxml import etree as ET
-		if self._spellKey and self._spellKey in edict:
-			spelling = edict[self._spellKey]
-			if not isinstance(spelling, str):
-				log.error(f"{spelling=}, {type(spelling)=}, {edict=}")
-				# https://github.com/mhagiwara/cc-kedict/pull/1
-				spelling = "on" if spelling is True else ""
-			if spelling:
-				with hf.element("font", color="green"):
-					hf.write(spelling)
-				hf.write(ET.Element("br"))
-		if self._posKey and self._posKey in edict:
-			pos = edict[self._posKey]
-			pos = self._posMapping.get(pos, pos)
-			with hf.element("i"):
-				hf.write(pos.capitalize())
-			hf.write(ET.Element("br"))
-		if self._tagsKey and self._tagsKey in edict:
-			tags = edict[self._tagsKey]
-			for i, tag in enumerate(tags):
-				if i > 0:
-					hf.write(" ")
-				with hf.element("span", style=self.tagStyle):
-					hf.write(tag)
-			hf.write(ET.Element("br"))
-		defs = edict.get("defs")
-		if defs:
-			self._makeList(
-				hf,
-				defs,
-				self._processDef,
-			)
-		if self._synsKey and self._synsKey in edict:
-			hf.write("Synonyms: ")
-			for i, word in enumerate(edict[self._synsKey]):
-				if i > 0:
-					with hf.element("big"):
-						hf.write(" | ")  # NESTED: 5
-				with hf.element("a", href=f"bword://{word}"):
-					hf.write(word)
-			hf.write(ET.Element("br"))
-		notes = edict.get("notes")
-		if notes:
-			hf.write(ET.Element("br"))
-			hf.write("Notes:")
-			self._makeList(
-				hf,
-				notes,
-				self._processNote,
-				skip_single=False,
-			)
-	def _createEntry(
-		self,
-		yamlBlock: str,
-	) -> tuple[str, str, None] | None:
-		from lxml import etree as ET
-		from yaml import load
-		try:
-			from yaml import CLoader as Loader
-		except ImportError:
-			from yaml import Loader
-		edict = load(yamlBlock, Loader=Loader)
-		word = edict.get("word")
-		if not word:
-			log.error(f"no word in {edict}")
-			return None
-		f = BytesIO()
-		with ET.htmlfile(f, encoding="utf-8") as hf:
-			with hf.element("div"):
-				self._processEntry(hf, edict)
-		defi = f.getvalue().decode("utf-8")
-		return word, defi, None
-	def nextBlock(self) -> EntryType:
-		if not self._file:
-			raise StopIteration
-		lines: list[str] = []
-		while True:
-			line = self.readline()
-			if not line:
-				break
-			line = line.rstrip("\n\r")
-			if not line:
-				continue
-			if line.startswith("- "):
-				line = " " + line[1:]
-				if lines:
-					self._bufferLine = line
-					return self._createEntry("\n".join(lines))
-			lines.append(line)
-		if lines:
-			return self._createEntry("\n".join(lines))
-		raise StopIteration
-class Reader:
-	depends = {
-		"yaml": "PyYAML",
-		"lxml": "lxml",
-	}
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._yaml = YamlReader(
-			glos,
-			spellKey="romaja",
-			posKey="pos",
-			synsKey="syns",
-			tagsKey="tags",
-		)
-	def __len__(self) -> int:
-		return 0
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		try:
-			from lxml import etree as ET  # noqa: F401
-		except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
-			exc_note(e, f"Run `{pip} install lxml` to install")
-			raise
-		if isdir(filename):
-			filename = join(filename, "kedict.yml")
-		self._filename = filename
-		self._glos.sourceLangName = "Korean"
-		self._glos.targetLangName = "English"
-		self._glos.setDefaultDefiFormat("h")
-		self._yaml.open(filename)
-	def close(self) -> None:
-		self._yaml.close()
-	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
-		yield from self._yaml
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/cc_kedict/reader.py b/pyglossary/plugins/cc_kedict/reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a9efcb4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/cc_kedict/reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# mypy: ignore-errors
+from __future__ import annotations
+from io import BytesIO
+from os.path import isdir, join
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
+	from collections.abc import Callable, Iterator
+	import lxml
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+from pyglossary.core import exc_note, log, pip
+from pyglossary.text_reader import TextGlossaryReader
+class YamlReader(TextGlossaryReader):
+	tagStyle = (
+		"color:white;"
+		"background:green;"
+		"padding-left:3px;"
+		"padding-right:3px;"
+		"border-radius:0.5ex;"
+		# 0.5ex ~= 0.3em, but "ex" is recommended
+	)
+	def __init__(  # noqa: PLR0913
+		self,
+		glos: GlossaryType,
+		spellKey: str = "",
+		posKey: str = "",
+		synsKey: str = "",
+		tagsKey: str = "",
+	) -> None:
+		TextGlossaryReader.__init__(self, glos)
+		self._spellKey = spellKey
+		self._posKey = posKey
+		self._synsKey = synsKey
+		self._tagsKey = tagsKey
+		self._posMapping = {
+			"n": "noun",
+			"v": "verb",
+			"a": "adjective",
+			"pron": "pronoun",
+			"propn": "proper noun",
+			"intj": "interjection",
+			"det": "determiner",
+			"part": "particle",
+			"adv": "adverb",
+			"num": "number",
+			"abbrev": "abbreviation",
+			"suf": "suffix",
+			"pref": "prefix",
+		}
+	@classmethod
+	def isInfoWord(cls, _word: str) -> bool:
+		return False
+	@classmethod
+	def fixInfoWord(cls, _word: str) -> str:
+		return ""
+	@staticmethod
+	def _makeList(
+		hf: lxml.etree.htmlfile,
+		input_objects: list[Any],
+		processor: Callable,
+		single_prefix: str | None = None,
+		skip_single: bool = True,
+	) -> None:
+		"""Wrap elements into <ol> if more than one element."""
+		if not input_objects:
+			return
+		if skip_single and len(input_objects) == 1:
+			# if single_prefix is None:
+			# 	single_prefix = ET.Element("br")
+			if single_prefix:
+				hf.write(single_prefix)
+			processor(hf, input_objects[0], 1)
+			return
+		with hf.element("ol"):
+			for el in input_objects:
+				with hf.element("li"):
+					processor(hf, el, len(input_objects))
+	def _processExample(  # noqa: PLR6301
+		self,
+		hf: lxml.etree.htmlfile,
+		exampleDict: dict,
+		_count: int,
+	) -> None:
+		from lxml import etree as ET
+		if not exampleDict.get("example"):
+			log.error(f"invalid example: {exampleDict}")
+			return
+		hf.write(exampleDict["example"])
+		transliteration = exampleDict.get("transliteration")
+		if transliteration:
+			hf.write(ET.Element("br"))
+			with hf.element("font", color="green"):
+				hf.write(f"{transliteration}")
+		translation = exampleDict.get("translation")
+		if translation:
+			hf.write(ET.Element("br"))
+			with hf.element("i"):
+				hf.write(f"{translation}")
+	def _processDef(
+		self,
+		hf: lxml.etree.htmlfile,
+		defDict: dict,
+		count: int,
+	) -> None:
+		from lxml import etree as ET
+		text = defDict.get("def", "")
+		if text:
+			hf.write(text)
+		examples = defDict.get("examples")
+		if examples:
+			if text:
+				if count == 1:
+					hf.write(ET.Element("br"))
+				hf.write(ET.Element("br"))
+			with hf.element("i"):
+				hf.write("Examples:")
+			self._makeList(
+				hf,
+				examples,
+				self._processExample,
+				skip_single=False,
+			)
+	def _processNote(  # noqa: PLR6301
+		self,
+		hf: lxml.etree.htmlfile,
+		note: str,
+		_count: int,
+	) -> None:
+		hf.write(note)
+	def _processEntry(
+		self,
+		hf: lxml.etree.htmlfile,
+		edict: dict,
+	) -> None:
+		from lxml import etree as ET
+		if self._spellKey and self._spellKey in edict:
+			spelling = edict[self._spellKey]
+			if not isinstance(spelling, str):
+				log.error(f"{spelling=}, {type(spelling)=}, {edict=}")
+				# https://github.com/mhagiwara/cc-kedict/pull/1
+				spelling = "on" if spelling is True else ""
+			if spelling:
+				with hf.element("font", color="green"):
+					hf.write(spelling)
+				hf.write(ET.Element("br"))
+		if self._posKey and self._posKey in edict:
+			pos = edict[self._posKey]
+			pos = self._posMapping.get(pos, pos)
+			with hf.element("i"):
+				hf.write(pos.capitalize())
+			hf.write(ET.Element("br"))
+		if self._tagsKey and self._tagsKey in edict:
+			tags = edict[self._tagsKey]
+			for i, tag in enumerate(tags):
+				if i > 0:
+					hf.write(" ")
+				with hf.element("span", style=self.tagStyle):
+					hf.write(tag)
+			hf.write(ET.Element("br"))
+		defs = edict.get("defs")
+		if defs:
+			self._makeList(
+				hf,
+				defs,
+				self._processDef,
+			)
+		if self._synsKey and self._synsKey in edict:
+			hf.write("Synonyms: ")
+			for i, word in enumerate(edict[self._synsKey]):
+				if i > 0:
+					with hf.element("big"):
+						hf.write(" | ")  # NESTED: 5
+				with hf.element("a", href=f"bword://{word}"):
+					hf.write(word)
+			hf.write(ET.Element("br"))
+		notes = edict.get("notes")
+		if notes:
+			hf.write(ET.Element("br"))
+			hf.write("Notes:")
+			self._makeList(
+				hf,
+				notes,
+				self._processNote,
+				skip_single=False,
+			)
+	def _createEntry(
+		self,
+		yamlBlock: str,
+	) -> tuple[str, str, None] | None:
+		from lxml import etree as ET
+		from yaml import load
+		try:
+			from yaml import CLoader as Loader
+		except ImportError:
+			from yaml import Loader
+		edict = load(yamlBlock, Loader=Loader)
+		word = edict.get("word")
+		if not word:
+			log.error(f"no word in {edict}")
+			return None
+		f = BytesIO()
+		with ET.htmlfile(f, encoding="utf-8") as hf:
+			with hf.element("div"):
+				self._processEntry(hf, edict)
+		defi = f.getvalue().decode("utf-8")
+		return word, defi, None
+	def nextBlock(self) -> EntryType:
+		if not self._file:
+			raise StopIteration
+		lines: list[str] = []
+		while True:
+			line = self.readline()
+			if not line:
+				break
+			line = line.rstrip("\n\r")
+			if not line:
+				continue
+			if line.startswith("- "):
+				line = " " + line[1:]
+				if lines:
+					self._bufferLine = line
+					return self._createEntry("\n".join(lines))
+			lines.append(line)
+		if lines:
+			return self._createEntry("\n".join(lines))
+		raise StopIteration
+class Reader:
+	depends = {
+		"yaml": "PyYAML",
+		"lxml": "lxml",
+	}
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._yaml = YamlReader(
+			glos,
+			spellKey="romaja",
+			posKey="pos",
+			synsKey="syns",
+			tagsKey="tags",
+		)
+	def __len__(self) -> int:
+		return 0
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		try:
+			from lxml import etree as ET  # noqa: F401
+		except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
+			exc_note(e, f"Run `{pip} install lxml` to install")
+			raise
+		if isdir(filename):
+			filename = join(filename, "kedict.yml")
+		self._filename = filename
+		self._glos.sourceLangName = "Korean"
+		self._glos.targetLangName = "English"
+		self._glos.setDefaultDefiFormat("h")
+		self._yaml.open(filename)
+	def close(self) -> None:
+		self._yaml.close()
+	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
+		yield from self._yaml
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/crawler_dir/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/crawler_dir/__init__.py
index 9c0ec0557..ae64f6e5c 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/crawler_dir/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/crawler_dir/__init__.py
@@ -1,28 +1,13 @@
 # mypy: ignore-errors
 from __future__ import annotations
-from hashlib import sha1
-from os import listdir, makedirs
-from os.path import dirname, isdir, isfile, join, splitext
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
-from pyglossary.compression import (
-	compressionOpenFunc,
-from pyglossary.core import log
 from pyglossary.option import (
-from pyglossary.text_utils import (
-	escapeNTB,
-	splitByBarUnescapeNTB,
-	from collections.abc import Generator, Iterator
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+from .reader import Reader
+from .writer import Writer
 __all__ = [
@@ -56,147 +41,3 @@
 		comment="Compression Algorithm",
-class Writer:
-	_compression: str = ""
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._filename = None
-	def finish(self) -> None:
-		pass
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		self._filename = filename
-		if not isdir(filename):
-			makedirs(filename)
-	@staticmethod
-	def filePathFromWord(b_word: bytes) -> str:
-		bw = b_word.lower()
-		if len(bw) <= 2:
-			return bw.hex()
-		if len(bw) <= 4:
-			return join(
-				bw[:2].hex() + ".d",
-				bw[2:].hex(),
-			)
-		return join(
-			bw[:2].hex() + ".d",
-			bw[2:4].hex() + ".d",
-			bw[4:8].hex() + "-" + sha1(b_word).hexdigest()[:8],  # noqa: S324
-		)
-	def write(self) -> None:
-		from pyglossary.json_utils import dataToPrettyJson
-		filename = self._filename
-		wordCount = 0
-		compression = self._compression
-		c_open = compressionOpenFunc(compression)
-		if not c_open:
-			raise ValueError(f"invalid compression {compression!r}")
-		while True:
-			entry = yield
-			if entry is None:
-				break
-			if entry.isData():
-				continue
-			fpath = join(filename, self.filePathFromWord(entry.b_word))
-			if compression:
-				fpath = f"{fpath}.{compression}"
-			parentDir = dirname(fpath)
-			if not isdir(parentDir):
-				makedirs(parentDir)
-			if isfile(fpath):
-				log.warning(f"file exists: {fpath}")
-				fpath += f"-{sha1(entry.b_defi).hexdigest()[:4]}"  # noqa: S324
-			with c_open(fpath, "wt", encoding="utf-8") as _file:
-				_file.write(
-					f"{escapeNTB(entry.s_word)}\n{entry.defi}",
-				)
-			wordCount += 1
-		with open(
-			join(filename, "info.json"),
-			mode="w",
-			encoding="utf-8",
-		) as infoFile:
-			info = {}
-			info["name"] = self._glos.getInfo("name")
-			info["wordCount"] = wordCount
-			info |= self._glos.getExtraInfos(["name", "wordCount"])
-			infoFile.write(dataToPrettyJson(info))
-class Reader:
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._filename = None
-		self._wordCount = 0
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		from pyglossary.json_utils import jsonToData
-		self._filename = filename
-		with open(join(filename, "info.json"), encoding="utf-8") as infoFp:
-			info = jsonToData(infoFp.read())
-		self._wordCount = info.pop("wordCount")
-		for key, value in info.items():
-			self._glos.setInfo(key, value)
-	def close(self) -> None:
-		pass
-	def __len__(self) -> int:
-		return self._wordCount
-	def _fromFile(self, fpath: str) -> EntryType:
-		_, ext = splitext(fpath)
-		c_open = compressionOpenFunc(ext.lstrip("."))
-		if not c_open:
-			log.error(f"invalid extension {ext}")
-			c_open = open
-		with c_open(fpath, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as _file:
-			words = splitByBarUnescapeNTB(_file.readline().rstrip("\n"))
-			defi = _file.read()
-			return self._glos.newEntry(words, defi)
-	@staticmethod
-	def _listdirSortKey(name: str) -> str:
-		name_nox, ext = splitext(name)
-		if ext == ".d":
-			return name
-		return name_nox
-	def _readDir(
-		self,
-		dpath: str,
-		exclude: set[str] | None,
-	) -> Generator[EntryType, None, None]:
-		children = listdir(dpath)
-		if exclude:
-			children = [name for name in children if name not in exclude]
-		children.sort(key=self._listdirSortKey)
-		for name in children:
-			cpath = join(dpath, name)
-			if isfile(cpath):
-				yield self._fromFile(cpath)
-				continue
-			if isdir(cpath):
-				yield from self._readDir(cpath, None)
-				continue
-			log.error(f"Not a file nor a directory: {cpath}")
-	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
-		yield from self._readDir(
-			self._filename,
-			{
-				"info.json",
-			},
-		)
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/crawler_dir/reader.py b/pyglossary/plugins/crawler_dir/reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9bb6b0369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/crawler_dir/reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# mypy: ignore-errors
+from __future__ import annotations
+from os import listdir
+from os.path import isdir, isfile, join, splitext
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from pyglossary.compression import (
+	compressionOpenFunc,
+from pyglossary.core import log
+from pyglossary.text_utils import (
+	splitByBarUnescapeNTB,
+	from collections.abc import Generator, Iterator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+class Reader:
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._filename = None
+		self._wordCount = 0
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		from pyglossary.json_utils import jsonToData
+		self._filename = filename
+		with open(join(filename, "info.json"), encoding="utf-8") as infoFp:
+			info = jsonToData(infoFp.read())
+		self._wordCount = info.pop("wordCount")
+		for key, value in info.items():
+			self._glos.setInfo(key, value)
+	def close(self) -> None:
+		pass
+	def __len__(self) -> int:
+		return self._wordCount
+	def _fromFile(self, fpath: str) -> EntryType:
+		_, ext = splitext(fpath)
+		c_open = compressionOpenFunc(ext.lstrip("."))
+		if not c_open:
+			log.error(f"invalid extension {ext}")
+			c_open = open
+		with c_open(fpath, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as _file:
+			words = splitByBarUnescapeNTB(_file.readline().rstrip("\n"))
+			defi = _file.read()
+			return self._glos.newEntry(words, defi)
+	@staticmethod
+	def _listdirSortKey(name: str) -> str:
+		name_nox, ext = splitext(name)
+		if ext == ".d":
+			return name
+		return name_nox
+	def _readDir(
+		self,
+		dpath: str,
+		exclude: set[str] | None,
+	) -> Generator[EntryType, None, None]:
+		children = listdir(dpath)
+		if exclude:
+			children = [name for name in children if name not in exclude]
+		children.sort(key=self._listdirSortKey)
+		for name in children:
+			cpath = join(dpath, name)
+			if isfile(cpath):
+				yield self._fromFile(cpath)
+				continue
+			if isdir(cpath):
+				yield from self._readDir(cpath, None)
+				continue
+			log.error(f"Not a file nor a directory: {cpath}")
+	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
+		yield from self._readDir(
+			self._filename,
+			{
+				"info.json",
+			},
+		)
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/crawler_dir/writer.py b/pyglossary/plugins/crawler_dir/writer.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6171a341e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/crawler_dir/writer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# mypy: ignore-errors
+from __future__ import annotations
+from hashlib import sha1
+from os import makedirs
+from os.path import dirname, isdir, isfile, join
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from pyglossary.compression import (
+	compressionOpenFunc,
+from pyglossary.core import log
+from pyglossary.text_utils import (
+	escapeNTB,
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import GlossaryType
+class Writer:
+	_compression: str = ""
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._filename = None
+	def finish(self) -> None:
+		pass
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		self._filename = filename
+		if not isdir(filename):
+			makedirs(filename)
+	@staticmethod
+	def filePathFromWord(b_word: bytes) -> str:
+		bw = b_word.lower()
+		if len(bw) <= 2:
+			return bw.hex()
+		if len(bw) <= 4:
+			return join(
+				bw[:2].hex() + ".d",
+				bw[2:].hex(),
+			)
+		return join(
+			bw[:2].hex() + ".d",
+			bw[2:4].hex() + ".d",
+			bw[4:8].hex() + "-" + sha1(b_word).hexdigest()[:8],  # noqa: S324
+		)
+	def write(self) -> None:
+		from pyglossary.json_utils import dataToPrettyJson
+		filename = self._filename
+		wordCount = 0
+		compression = self._compression
+		c_open = compressionOpenFunc(compression)
+		if not c_open:
+			raise ValueError(f"invalid compression {compression!r}")
+		while True:
+			entry = yield
+			if entry is None:
+				break
+			if entry.isData():
+				continue
+			fpath = join(filename, self.filePathFromWord(entry.b_word))
+			if compression:
+				fpath = f"{fpath}.{compression}"
+			parentDir = dirname(fpath)
+			if not isdir(parentDir):
+				makedirs(parentDir)
+			if isfile(fpath):
+				log.warning(f"file exists: {fpath}")
+				fpath += f"-{sha1(entry.b_defi).hexdigest()[:4]}"  # noqa: S324
+			with c_open(fpath, "wt", encoding="utf-8") as _file:
+				_file.write(
+					f"{escapeNTB(entry.s_word)}\n{entry.defi}",
+				)
+			wordCount += 1
+		with open(
+			join(filename, "info.json"),
+			mode="w",
+			encoding="utf-8",
+		) as infoFile:
+			info = {}
+			info["name"] = self._glos.getInfo("name")
+			info["wordCount"] = wordCount
+			info |= self._glos.getExtraInfos(["name", "wordCount"])
+			infoFile.write(dataToPrettyJson(info))
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/csv_plugin/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/csv_plugin/__init__.py
index 1f9aebb29..36916b243 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/csv_plugin/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/csv_plugin/__init__.py
@@ -20,16 +20,7 @@
 from __future__ import annotations
 import csv
-import os
-from os.path import isdir, join
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast
-from pyglossary.compression import (
-	compressionOpen,
-	stdCompressions,
-from pyglossary.core import log
-from pyglossary.io_utils import nullTextIO
 from pyglossary.option import (
@@ -37,11 +28,8 @@
-	import io
-	from collections.abc import Generator, Iterable, Iterator
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+from .reader import Reader
+from .writer import Writer
 __all__ = [
@@ -94,231 +82,3 @@
-class Reader:
-	compressions = stdCompressions
-	_encoding: str = "utf-8"
-	_newline: str = "\n"
-	_delimiter: str = ","
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self.clear()
-	def clear(self) -> None:
-		self._filename = ""
-		self._file: io.TextIOBase = nullTextIO
-		self._fileSize = 0
-		self._leadingLinesCount = 0
-		self._wordCount: int | None = None
-		self._pos = -1
-		self._csvReader: Iterable[list[str]] | None = None
-		self._resDir = ""
-		self._resFileNames: list[str] = []
-		self._bufferRow: list[str] | None = None
-	def open(
-		self,
-		filename: str,
-	) -> None:
-		from pyglossary.text_reader import TextFilePosWrapper
-		self._filename = filename
-		cfile = cast(
-			"io.TextIOBase",
-			compressionOpen(
-				filename,
-				mode="rt",
-				encoding=self._encoding,
-				newline=self._newline,
-			),
-		)
-		if self._glos.progressbar:
-			if cfile.seekable():
-				cfile.seek(0, 2)
-				self._fileSize = cfile.tell()
-				cfile.seek(0)
-				# self._glos.setInfo("input_file_size", f"{self._fileSize}")
-			else:
-				log.warning("CSV Reader: file is not seekable")
-		self._file = TextFilePosWrapper(cfile, self._encoding)
-		self._csvReader = csv.reader(
-			self._file,
-			dialect="excel",
-			delimiter=self._delimiter,
-		)
-		self._resDir = filename + "_res"
-		if isdir(self._resDir):
-			self._resFileNames = os.listdir(self._resDir)
-		else:
-			self._resDir = ""
-			self._resFileNames = []
-		for row in self._csvReader:
-			if not row:
-				continue
-			if not row[0].startswith("#"):
-				self._bufferRow = row
-				break
-			if len(row) < 2:
-				log.error(f"invalid row: {row}")
-				continue
-			self._glos.setInfo(row[0].lstrip("#"), row[1])
-	def close(self) -> None:
-		if self._file:
-			try:
-				self._file.close()
-			except Exception:
-				log.exception("error while closing csv file")
-		self.clear()
-	def __len__(self) -> int:
-		from pyglossary.file_utils import fileCountLines
-		if self._wordCount is None:
-			if hasattr(self._file, "compression"):
-				return 0
-			log.debug("Try not to use len(reader) as it takes extra time")
-			self._wordCount = fileCountLines(self._filename) - self._leadingLinesCount
-		return self._wordCount + len(self._resFileNames)
-	def _iterRows(self) -> Iterator[list[str]]:
-		if self._csvReader is None:
-			raise RuntimeError("self._csvReader is None")
-		if self._bufferRow:
-			yield self._bufferRow
-		yield from self._csvReader
-	def _processRow(self, row: list[str]) -> EntryType | None:
-		if not row:
-			return None
-		word: str | list[str]
-		try:
-			word = row[0]
-			defi = row[1]
-		except IndexError:
-			log.error(f"invalid row: {row!r}")
-			return None
-		try:
-			alts = row[2].split(",")
-		except IndexError:
-			pass
-		else:
-			word = [word] + alts
-		return self._glos.newEntry(
-			word,
-			defi,
-			byteProgress=(
-				(self._file.tell(), self._fileSize) if self._fileSize else None
-			),
-		)
-	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType | None]:
-		if not self._csvReader:
-			raise RuntimeError("iterating over a reader while it's not open")
-		wordCount = 0
-		for row in self._iterRows():
-			wordCount += 1
-			yield self._processRow(row)
-		self._wordCount = wordCount
-		resDir = self._resDir
-		for fname in self._resFileNames:
-			with open(join(resDir, fname), "rb") as _file:
-				yield self._glos.newDataEntry(
-					fname,
-					_file.read(),
-				)
-class Writer:
-	compressions = stdCompressions
-	_encoding: str = "utf-8"
-	_newline: str = "\n"
-	_resources: bool = True
-	_delimiter: str = ","
-	_add_defi_format: bool = False
-	_enable_info: bool = True
-	_word_title: bool = False
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._file: io.TextIOBase = nullTextIO
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		self._filename = filename
-		self._file = cast(
-			"io.TextIOBase",
-			compressionOpen(
-				filename,
-				mode="wt",
-				encoding=self._encoding,
-				newline=self._newline,
-			),
-		)
-		self._resDir = resDir = filename + "_res"
-		self._csvWriter = csv.writer(
-			self._file,
-			dialect="excel",
-			quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL,  # FIXME
-			delimiter=self._delimiter,
-		)
-		if not isdir(resDir):
-			os.mkdir(resDir)
-		if self._enable_info:
-			for key, value in self._glos.iterInfo():
-				self._csvWriter.writerow([f"#{key}", value])
-	def finish(self) -> None:
-		self._filename = ""
-		self._file.close()
-		self._file = nullTextIO
-		if not os.listdir(self._resDir):
-			os.rmdir(self._resDir)
-	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
-		resources = self._resources
-		add_defi_format = self._add_defi_format
-		glos = self._glos
-		resDir = self._resDir
-		writer = self._csvWriter
-		word_title = self._word_title
-		while True:
-			entry = yield
-			if entry is None:
-				break
-			if entry.isData():
-				if resources:
-					entry.save(resDir)
-				continue
-			words = entry.l_word
-			if not words:
-				continue
-			word, alts = words[0], words[1:]
-			defi = entry.defi
-			if word_title:
-				defi = glos.wordTitleStr(words[0]) + defi
-			row = [
-				word,
-				defi,
-			]
-			if add_defi_format:
-				entry.detectDefiFormat()
-				row.append(entry.defiFormat)
-			if alts:
-				row.append(",".join(alts))
-			writer.writerow(row)
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/csv_plugin/reader.py b/pyglossary/plugins/csv_plugin/reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8087e9e92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/csv_plugin/reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright © 2013-2019 Saeed Rasooli <saeed.gnu@gmail.com> (ilius)
+# This file is part of PyGlossary project, https://github.com/ilius/pyglossary
+# This program is a free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program. Or on Debian systems, from /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL
+# If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt>.
+from __future__ import annotations
+import csv
+import os
+from os.path import isdir, join
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast
+from pyglossary.compression import (
+	compressionOpen,
+	stdCompressions,
+from pyglossary.core import log
+from pyglossary.io_utils import nullTextIO
+	import io
+	from collections.abc import Iterable, Iterator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+class Reader:
+	compressions = stdCompressions
+	_encoding: str = "utf-8"
+	_newline: str = "\n"
+	_delimiter: str = ","
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self.clear()
+	def clear(self) -> None:
+		self._filename = ""
+		self._file: io.TextIOBase = nullTextIO
+		self._fileSize = 0
+		self._leadingLinesCount = 0
+		self._wordCount: int | None = None
+		self._pos = -1
+		self._csvReader: Iterable[list[str]] | None = None
+		self._resDir = ""
+		self._resFileNames: list[str] = []
+		self._bufferRow: list[str] | None = None
+	def open(
+		self,
+		filename: str,
+	) -> None:
+		from pyglossary.text_reader import TextFilePosWrapper
+		self._filename = filename
+		cfile = cast(
+			"io.TextIOBase",
+			compressionOpen(
+				filename,
+				mode="rt",
+				encoding=self._encoding,
+				newline=self._newline,
+			),
+		)
+		if self._glos.progressbar:
+			if cfile.seekable():
+				cfile.seek(0, 2)
+				self._fileSize = cfile.tell()
+				cfile.seek(0)
+				# self._glos.setInfo("input_file_size", f"{self._fileSize}")
+			else:
+				log.warning("CSV Reader: file is not seekable")
+		self._file = TextFilePosWrapper(cfile, self._encoding)
+		self._csvReader = csv.reader(
+			self._file,
+			dialect="excel",
+			delimiter=self._delimiter,
+		)
+		self._resDir = filename + "_res"
+		if isdir(self._resDir):
+			self._resFileNames = os.listdir(self._resDir)
+		else:
+			self._resDir = ""
+			self._resFileNames = []
+		for row in self._csvReader:
+			if not row:
+				continue
+			if not row[0].startswith("#"):
+				self._bufferRow = row
+				break
+			if len(row) < 2:
+				log.error(f"invalid row: {row}")
+				continue
+			self._glos.setInfo(row[0].lstrip("#"), row[1])
+	def close(self) -> None:
+		if self._file:
+			try:
+				self._file.close()
+			except Exception:
+				log.exception("error while closing csv file")
+		self.clear()
+	def __len__(self) -> int:
+		from pyglossary.file_utils import fileCountLines
+		if self._wordCount is None:
+			if hasattr(self._file, "compression"):
+				return 0
+			log.debug("Try not to use len(reader) as it takes extra time")
+			self._wordCount = fileCountLines(self._filename) - self._leadingLinesCount
+		return self._wordCount + len(self._resFileNames)
+	def _iterRows(self) -> Iterator[list[str]]:
+		if self._csvReader is None:
+			raise RuntimeError("self._csvReader is None")
+		if self._bufferRow:
+			yield self._bufferRow
+		yield from self._csvReader
+	def _processRow(self, row: list[str]) -> EntryType | None:
+		if not row:
+			return None
+		word: str | list[str]
+		try:
+			word = row[0]
+			defi = row[1]
+		except IndexError:
+			log.error(f"invalid row: {row!r}")
+			return None
+		try:
+			alts = row[2].split(",")
+		except IndexError:
+			pass
+		else:
+			word = [word] + alts
+		return self._glos.newEntry(
+			word,
+			defi,
+			byteProgress=(
+				(self._file.tell(), self._fileSize) if self._fileSize else None
+			),
+		)
+	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType | None]:
+		if not self._csvReader:
+			raise RuntimeError("iterating over a reader while it's not open")
+		wordCount = 0
+		for row in self._iterRows():
+			wordCount += 1
+			yield self._processRow(row)
+		self._wordCount = wordCount
+		resDir = self._resDir
+		for fname in self._resFileNames:
+			with open(join(resDir, fname), "rb") as _file:
+				yield self._glos.newDataEntry(
+					fname,
+					_file.read(),
+				)
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/csv_plugin/writer.py b/pyglossary/plugins/csv_plugin/writer.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff1c42920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/csv_plugin/writer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright © 2013-2019 Saeed Rasooli <saeed.gnu@gmail.com> (ilius)
+# This file is part of PyGlossary project, https://github.com/ilius/pyglossary
+# This program is a free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program. Or on Debian systems, from /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL
+# If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt>.
+from __future__ import annotations
+import csv
+import os
+from os.path import isdir
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast
+from pyglossary.compression import (
+	compressionOpen,
+	stdCompressions,
+from pyglossary.io_utils import nullTextIO
+	import io
+	from collections.abc import Generator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+class Writer:
+	compressions = stdCompressions
+	_encoding: str = "utf-8"
+	_newline: str = "\n"
+	_resources: bool = True
+	_delimiter: str = ","
+	_add_defi_format: bool = False
+	_enable_info: bool = True
+	_word_title: bool = False
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._file: io.TextIOBase = nullTextIO
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		self._filename = filename
+		self._file = cast(
+			"io.TextIOBase",
+			compressionOpen(
+				filename,
+				mode="wt",
+				encoding=self._encoding,
+				newline=self._newline,
+			),
+		)
+		self._resDir = resDir = filename + "_res"
+		self._csvWriter = csv.writer(
+			self._file,
+			dialect="excel",
+			quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL,  # FIXME
+			delimiter=self._delimiter,
+		)
+		if not isdir(resDir):
+			os.mkdir(resDir)
+		if self._enable_info:
+			for key, value in self._glos.iterInfo():
+				self._csvWriter.writerow([f"#{key}", value])
+	def finish(self) -> None:
+		self._filename = ""
+		self._file.close()
+		self._file = nullTextIO
+		if not os.listdir(self._resDir):
+			os.rmdir(self._resDir)
+	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
+		resources = self._resources
+		add_defi_format = self._add_defi_format
+		glos = self._glos
+		resDir = self._resDir
+		writer = self._csvWriter
+		word_title = self._word_title
+		while True:
+			entry = yield
+			if entry is None:
+				break
+			if entry.isData():
+				if resources:
+					entry.save(resDir)
+				continue
+			words = entry.l_word
+			if not words:
+				continue
+			word, alts = words[0], words[1:]
+			defi = entry.defi
+			if word_title:
+				defi = glos.wordTitleStr(words[0]) + defi
+			row = [
+				word,
+				defi,
+			]
+			if add_defi_format:
+				entry.detectDefiFormat()
+				row.append(entry.defiFormat)
+			if alts:
+				row.append(",".join(alts))
+			writer.writerow(row)
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/dicformids/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/dicformids/__init__.py
index 625b9b7f3..8e1f4ca76 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/dicformids/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/dicformids/__init__.py
@@ -2,22 +2,16 @@
 # mypy: ignore-errors
 from __future__ import annotations
-import operator
-import os
-import re
-from os.path import join
 from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
-from pyglossary.core import log
-from pyglossary.flags import ALWAYS
-from pyglossary.plugins.tabfile import Reader as TabfileReader
-	from collections.abc import Generator, Iterator
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
 	from pyglossary.option import Option
+from pyglossary.flags import ALWAYS
+from .reader import Reader
+from .writer import Writer
 __all__ = [
@@ -52,243 +46,3 @@
 optionsProp: dict[str, Option] = {}
-PROP_TEMPLATE = """#DictionaryForMIDs property file
-infoText={name}, author: {author}
-class Reader:
-	re_number = re.compile(r"\d+")
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._tabFileNames: list[str] = []
-		self._tabFileReader = None
-	def open(self, dirname: str) -> None:
-		self._dirname = dirname
-		orderFileNames: list[tuple[int, str]] = []
-		for fname in os.listdir(dirname):
-			if not fname.startswith("directory"):
-				continue
-			try:
-				num = self.re_number.findall(fname)[-1]
-			except IndexError:
-				pass
-			else:
-				orderFileNames.append((num, fname))
-		orderFileNames.sort(
-			key=operator.itemgetter(0),
-			reverse=True,
-		)
-		self._tabFileNames = [x[1] for x in orderFileNames]
-		self.nextTabFile()
-	def __len__(self) -> int:
-		raise NotImplementedError  # FIXME
-	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
-		return self
-	def __next__(self) -> EntryType:
-		for _ in range(10):
-			try:
-				return next(self._tabFileReader)
-			except StopIteration:  # noqa: PERF203
-				self._tabFileReader.close()
-				self.nextTabFile()
-		return None
-	def nextTabFile(self) -> None:
-		try:
-			tabFileName = self._tabFileNames.pop()
-		except IndexError:
-			raise StopIteration from None
-		self._tabFileReader = TabfileReader(self._glos, hasInfo=False)
-		self._tabFileReader.open(join(self._dirname, tabFileName), newline="\n")
-	def close(self) -> None:
-		if self._tabFileReader:
-			try:
-				self._tabFileReader.close()
-			except Exception:
-				pass  # noqa: S110
-		self._tabFileReader = None
-		self._tabFileNames = []
-class Writer:
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self.linesPerDirectoryFile = 500  # 200
-		self.indexFileMaxSize = 32722  # 30000
-		self.directoryPostfix = ""
-		self.indexPostfix = ""
-		self._dirname = ""
-		# looks like we need to remove tabs, because app gives error
-		# but based on the java code, all punctuations should be removed
-		# as well, including '|'
-		self.re_punc = re.compile(
-			r"""[!"$§%&/()=?´`\\{}\[\]^°+*~#'\-_.:,;<>@|]*""",  # noqa: RUF001
-		)
-		self.re_spaces = re.compile(" +")
-		self.re_tabs = re.compile("\t+")
-	def normateWord(self, word: str) -> str:
-		word = word.strip()
-		word = self.re_punc.sub("", word)
-		word = self.re_spaces.sub(" ", word)
-		word = self.re_tabs.sub(" ", word)
-		word = word.lower()
-		return word  # noqa: RET504
-	def writeProbs(self) -> None:
-		glos = self._glos
-		probsPath = join(
-			self._dirname,
-			"DictionaryForMIDs.properties",
-		)
-		with open(probsPath, mode="w", newline="\n", encoding="utf-8") as fileObj:
-			fileObj.write(
-				PROP_TEMPLATE.format(
-					name=glos.getInfo("name"),
-					author=glos.author,
-					indexFileMaxSize=self.indexFileMaxSize,
-					wordCount=self.wordCount,
-					directoryPostfix=self.directoryPostfix,
-					dicMaxSize=self.dicMaxSize + 1,
-					language2FilePostfix="fa",  # FIXME
-					sourceLang=glos.sourceLangName,
-					targetLang=glos.targetLangName,
-				),
-			)
-	def nextIndex(self) -> None:
-		try:
-			self.indexFp.close()
-		except AttributeError:
-			self.indexIndex = 0
-		self.indexIndex += 1
-		fname = f"index{self.indexPostfix}{self.indexIndex}.csv"
-		fpath = join(self._dirname, fname)
-		self.indexFp = open(fpath, mode="w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n")
-	def finish(self) -> None:
-		pass
-	def open(self, dirname: str) -> None:
-		self._dirname = dirname
-		if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
-			os.mkdir(dirname)
-	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
-		self.nextIndex()
-		dicMaxSize = 0
-		indexData: list[tuple[str, int, int]] = []
-		def writeBucket(dicIndex: int, entryList: list[EntryType]) -> None:
-			nonlocal dicMaxSize
-			log.debug(
-				f"{dicIndex=}, {len(entryList)=}, {dicMaxSize=}",
-			)
-			dicFp = open(
-				join(
-					self._dirname,
-					f"directory{self.directoryPostfix}{dicIndex + 1}.csv",
-				),
-				mode="w",
-				encoding="utf-8",
-				newline="\n",
-			)
-			for entry in entryList:
-				word = entry.s_word
-				n_word = self.normateWord(word)
-				defi = entry.defi
-				dicLine = word + "\t" + defi + "\n"
-				dicPos = dicFp.tell()
-				dicFp.write(dicLine)
-				indexData.append((n_word, dicIndex + 1, dicPos))
-			dicMaxSize = max(dicMaxSize, dicFp.tell())
-			dicFp.close()
-		bucketSize = self.linesPerDirectoryFile
-		wordCount = 0
-		dicIndex = 0
-		entryList: list[EntryType] = []  # aka bucket
-		while True:
-			entry = yield
-			if entry is None:
-				break
-			if entry.isData():
-				# FIXME
-				continue
-			wordCount += 1
-			entryList.append(entry)
-			if len(entryList) >= bucketSize:
-				writeBucket(dicIndex, entryList)
-				dicIndex += 1
-				entryList = []
-		if entryList:
-			writeBucket(dicIndex, entryList)
-			entryList = []
-		self.dicMaxSize = dicMaxSize
-		self.wordCount = wordCount
-		langSearchListFp = open(
-			join(
-				self._dirname,
-				f"searchlist{self.directoryPostfix}.csv",
-			),
-			mode="w",
-			newline="\n",
-			encoding="utf-8",
-		)
-		langSearchListFp.write(f"{indexData[0][0]}\t{self.indexIndex}\n")
-		for word, dicIndex, dicPos in indexData:
-			indexLine = f"{word}\t{dicIndex}-{dicPos}-B\n"
-			if (self.indexFp.tell() + len(indexLine)) > self.indexFileMaxSize - 10:
-				self.nextIndex()
-				langSearchListFp.write(f"{word}\t{self.indexIndex}\n")
-			self.indexFp.write(indexLine)
-		self.indexFp.close()
-		langSearchListFp.close()
-		self.writeProbs()
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/dicformids/reader.py b/pyglossary/plugins/dicformids/reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9ae2bd1a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/dicformids/reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# mypy: ignore-errors
+from __future__ import annotations
+import operator
+import os
+import re
+from os.path import join
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from pyglossary.plugins.tabfile import Reader as TabfileReader
+	from collections.abc import Iterator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+class Reader:
+	re_number = re.compile(r"\d+")
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._tabFileNames: list[str] = []
+		self._tabFileReader = None
+	def open(self, dirname: str) -> None:
+		self._dirname = dirname
+		orderFileNames: list[tuple[int, str]] = []
+		for fname in os.listdir(dirname):
+			if not fname.startswith("directory"):
+				continue
+			try:
+				num = self.re_number.findall(fname)[-1]
+			except IndexError:
+				pass
+			else:
+				orderFileNames.append((num, fname))
+		orderFileNames.sort(
+			key=operator.itemgetter(0),
+			reverse=True,
+		)
+		self._tabFileNames = [x[1] for x in orderFileNames]
+		self.nextTabFile()
+	def __len__(self) -> int:
+		raise NotImplementedError  # FIXME
+	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
+		return self
+	def __next__(self) -> EntryType:
+		for _ in range(10):
+			try:
+				return next(self._tabFileReader)
+			except StopIteration:  # noqa: PERF203
+				self._tabFileReader.close()
+				self.nextTabFile()
+		return None
+	def nextTabFile(self) -> None:
+		try:
+			tabFileName = self._tabFileNames.pop()
+		except IndexError:
+			raise StopIteration from None
+		self._tabFileReader = TabfileReader(self._glos, hasInfo=False)
+		self._tabFileReader.open(join(self._dirname, tabFileName), newline="\n")
+	def close(self) -> None:
+		if self._tabFileReader:
+			try:
+				self._tabFileReader.close()
+			except Exception:
+				pass  # noqa: S110
+		self._tabFileReader = None
+		self._tabFileNames = []
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/dicformids/writer.py b/pyglossary/plugins/dicformids/writer.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..44dc07ebd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/dicformids/writer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# mypy: ignore-errors
+from __future__ import annotations
+import os
+import re
+from os.path import join
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from pyglossary.core import log
+	from collections.abc import Generator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+PROP_TEMPLATE = """#DictionaryForMIDs property file
+infoText={name}, author: {author}
+class Writer:
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self.linesPerDirectoryFile = 500  # 200
+		self.indexFileMaxSize = 32722  # 30000
+		self.directoryPostfix = ""
+		self.indexPostfix = ""
+		self._dirname = ""
+		# looks like we need to remove tabs, because app gives error
+		# but based on the java code, all punctuations should be removed
+		# as well, including '|'
+		self.re_punc = re.compile(
+			r"""[!"$§%&/()=?´`\\{}\[\]^°+*~#'\-_.:,;<>@|]*""",  # noqa: RUF001
+		)
+		self.re_spaces = re.compile(" +")
+		self.re_tabs = re.compile("\t+")
+	def normateWord(self, word: str) -> str:
+		word = word.strip()
+		word = self.re_punc.sub("", word)
+		word = self.re_spaces.sub(" ", word)
+		word = self.re_tabs.sub(" ", word)
+		word = word.lower()
+		return word  # noqa: RET504
+	def writeProbs(self) -> None:
+		glos = self._glos
+		probsPath = join(
+			self._dirname,
+			"DictionaryForMIDs.properties",
+		)
+		with open(probsPath, mode="w", newline="\n", encoding="utf-8") as fileObj:
+			fileObj.write(
+				PROP_TEMPLATE.format(
+					name=glos.getInfo("name"),
+					author=glos.author,
+					indexFileMaxSize=self.indexFileMaxSize,
+					wordCount=self.wordCount,
+					directoryPostfix=self.directoryPostfix,
+					dicMaxSize=self.dicMaxSize + 1,
+					language2FilePostfix="fa",  # FIXME
+					sourceLang=glos.sourceLangName,
+					targetLang=glos.targetLangName,
+				),
+			)
+	def nextIndex(self) -> None:
+		try:
+			self.indexFp.close()
+		except AttributeError:
+			self.indexIndex = 0
+		self.indexIndex += 1
+		fname = f"index{self.indexPostfix}{self.indexIndex}.csv"
+		fpath = join(self._dirname, fname)
+		self.indexFp = open(fpath, mode="w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n")
+	def finish(self) -> None:
+		pass
+	def open(self, dirname: str) -> None:
+		self._dirname = dirname
+		if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
+			os.mkdir(dirname)
+	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
+		self.nextIndex()
+		dicMaxSize = 0
+		indexData: list[tuple[str, int, int]] = []
+		def writeBucket(dicIndex: int, entryList: list[EntryType]) -> None:
+			nonlocal dicMaxSize
+			log.debug(
+				f"{dicIndex=}, {len(entryList)=}, {dicMaxSize=}",
+			)
+			dicFp = open(
+				join(
+					self._dirname,
+					f"directory{self.directoryPostfix}{dicIndex + 1}.csv",
+				),
+				mode="w",
+				encoding="utf-8",
+				newline="\n",
+			)
+			for entry in entryList:
+				word = entry.s_word
+				n_word = self.normateWord(word)
+				defi = entry.defi
+				dicLine = word + "\t" + defi + "\n"
+				dicPos = dicFp.tell()
+				dicFp.write(dicLine)
+				indexData.append((n_word, dicIndex + 1, dicPos))
+			dicMaxSize = max(dicMaxSize, dicFp.tell())
+			dicFp.close()
+		bucketSize = self.linesPerDirectoryFile
+		wordCount = 0
+		dicIndex = 0
+		entryList: list[EntryType] = []  # aka bucket
+		while True:
+			entry = yield
+			if entry is None:
+				break
+			if entry.isData():
+				# FIXME
+				continue
+			wordCount += 1
+			entryList.append(entry)
+			if len(entryList) >= bucketSize:
+				writeBucket(dicIndex, entryList)
+				dicIndex += 1
+				entryList = []
+		if entryList:
+			writeBucket(dicIndex, entryList)
+			entryList = []
+		self.dicMaxSize = dicMaxSize
+		self.wordCount = wordCount
+		langSearchListFp = open(
+			join(
+				self._dirname,
+				f"searchlist{self.directoryPostfix}.csv",
+			),
+			mode="w",
+			newline="\n",
+			encoding="utf-8",
+		)
+		langSearchListFp.write(f"{indexData[0][0]}\t{self.indexIndex}\n")
+		for word, dicIndex, dicPos in indexData:
+			indexLine = f"{word}\t{dicIndex}-{dicPos}-B\n"
+			if (self.indexFp.tell() + len(indexLine)) > self.indexFileMaxSize - 10:
+				self.nextIndex()
+				langSearchListFp.write(f"{word}\t{self.indexIndex}\n")
+			self.indexFp.write(indexLine)
+		self.indexFp.close()
+		langSearchListFp.close()
+		self.writeProbs()
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/dict_cc/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/dict_cc/__init__.py
index 9105a963e..c75ec3d64 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/dict_cc/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/dict_cc/__init__.py
@@ -1,20 +1,13 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 from __future__ import annotations
-import html
-from operator import itemgetter
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
-	import sqlite3
-	from collections.abc import Callable, Iterator
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
-	from pyglossary.lxml_types import Element, T_htmlfile
 	from pyglossary.option import Option
-from pyglossary.core import log
+from .reader import Reader
 __all__ = [
@@ -45,192 +38,3 @@
 	"dict.cc dictionary - Google Play",
 optionsProp: dict[str, Option] = {}
-class Reader:
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._clear()
-	def _clear(self) -> None:
-		self._filename = ""
-		self._con: sqlite3.Connection | None = None
-		self._cur: sqlite3.Cursor | None = None
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		from sqlite3 import connect
-		self._filename = filename
-		self._con = connect(filename)
-		self._cur = self._con.cursor()
-		self._glos.setDefaultDefiFormat("h")
-	def __len__(self) -> int:
-		if self._cur is None:
-			raise ValueError("cur is None")
-		self._cur.execute(
-			"select count(distinct term1)+count(distinct term2) from main_ft",
-		)
-		return self._cur.fetchone()[0]
-	@staticmethod
-	def makeList(
-		hf: T_htmlfile,
-		input_elements: list[Element],
-		processor: Callable,
-		single_prefix: str = "",
-		skip_single: bool = True,
-	) -> None:
-		"""Wrap elements into <ol> if more than one element."""
-		if not input_elements:
-			return
-		if skip_single and len(input_elements) == 1:
-			hf.write(single_prefix)
-			processor(hf, input_elements[0])
-			return
-		with hf.element("ol"):
-			for el in input_elements:
-				with hf.element("li"):
-					processor(hf, el)
-	@staticmethod
-	def makeGroupsList(
-		hf: T_htmlfile,
-		groups: list[tuple[str, str]],
-		processor: Callable[[T_htmlfile, tuple[str, str]], None],
-		single_prefix: str = "",
-		skip_single: bool = True,
-	) -> None:
-		"""Wrap elements into <ol> if more than one element."""
-		if not groups:
-			return
-		if skip_single and len(groups) == 1:
-			hf.write(single_prefix)
-			processor(hf, groups[0])
-			return
-		with hf.element("ol"):
-			for el in groups:
-				with hf.element("li"):
-					processor(hf, el)
-	def writeSense(  # noqa: PLR6301
-		self,
-		hf: T_htmlfile,
-		row: tuple[str, str],
-	) -> None:
-		from lxml import etree as ET
-		trans, entry_type = row
-		if entry_type:
-			with hf.element("i"):
-				hf.write(f"{entry_type}")  # noqa: FURB183
-			hf.write(ET.Element("br"))
-		try:
-			hf.write(trans + " ")
-		except Exception as e:
-			log.error(f"error in writing {trans!r}, {e}")
-			hf.write(repr(trans) + " ")
-		else:
-			with hf.element("big"):
-				with hf.element("a", href=f"bword://{trans}"):
-					hf.write("⏎")
-	def iterRows(
-		self,
-		column1: str,
-		column2: str,
-	) -> Iterator[tuple[str, str, str]]:
-		if self._cur is None:
-			raise ValueError("cur is None")
-		self._cur.execute(
-			f"select {column1}, {column2}, entry_type from main_ft"
-			f" order by {column1}",
-		)
-		for row in self._cur.fetchall():
-			term1 = row[0]
-			term2 = row[1]
-			try:
-				term1 = html.unescape(term1)
-			except Exception as e:
-				log.error(f"html.unescape({term1!r}) -> {e}")
-			try:
-				term2 = html.unescape(term2)
-			except Exception as e:
-				log.error(f"html.unescape({term2!r}) -> {e}")
-			yield term1, term2, row[2]
-	def parseGender(self, headword: str) -> tuple[str | None, str]:  # noqa: PLR6301
-		# {m}	masc	masculine	German: maskulin
-		# {f}	fem 	feminine	German: feminin
-		# {n}	neut	neutral		German: neutral
-		# { }	????
-		i = headword.find(" {")
-		if i <= 0:
-			return None, headword
-		if len(headword) < i + 4:
-			return None, headword
-		if headword[i + 3] != "}":
-			return None, headword
-		g = headword[i + 2]
-		gender = None
-		if g == "m":
-			gender = "masculine"
-		elif g == "f":
-			gender = "feminine"
-		elif g == "n":
-			gender = "neutral"
-		else:
-			log.warning(f"invalid gender {g!r}")
-			return None, headword
-		headword = headword[:i] + headword[i + 4 :]
-		return gender, headword
-	def _iterOneDirection(
-		self,
-		column1: str,
-		column2: str,
-	) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
-		from io import BytesIO
-		from itertools import groupby
-		from lxml import etree as ET
-		glos = self._glos
-		for headwordEscaped, groupsOrig in groupby(
-			self.iterRows(column1, column2),
-			key=itemgetter(0),
-		):
-			headword = html.unescape(headwordEscaped)
-			groups: list[tuple[str, str]] = [
-				(term2, entry_type) for _, term2, entry_type in groupsOrig
-			]
-			f = BytesIO()
-			gender, headword = self.parseGender(headword)
-			with ET.htmlfile(f, encoding="utf-8") as hf:
-				with hf.element("div"):
-					if gender:
-						with hf.element("i"):
-							hf.write(gender)
-						hf.write(ET.Element("br"))
-					self.makeGroupsList(
-						cast("T_htmlfile", hf),
-						groups,
-						self.writeSense,
-					)
-			defi = f.getvalue().decode("utf-8")
-			yield glos.newEntry(headword, defi, defiFormat="h")
-	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
-		yield from self._iterOneDirection("term1", "term2")
-		yield from self._iterOneDirection("term2", "term1")
-	def close(self) -> None:
-		if self._cur:
-			self._cur.close()
-		if self._con:
-			self._con.close()
-		self._clear()
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/dict_cc/reader.py b/pyglossary/plugins/dict_cc/reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6615604a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/dict_cc/reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+import html
+from operator import itemgetter
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast
+	import sqlite3
+	from collections.abc import Callable, Iterator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+	from pyglossary.lxml_types import Element, T_htmlfile
+from pyglossary.core import log
+class Reader:
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._clear()
+	def _clear(self) -> None:
+		self._filename = ""
+		self._con: sqlite3.Connection | None = None
+		self._cur: sqlite3.Cursor | None = None
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		from sqlite3 import connect
+		self._filename = filename
+		self._con = connect(filename)
+		self._cur = self._con.cursor()
+		self._glos.setDefaultDefiFormat("h")
+	def __len__(self) -> int:
+		if self._cur is None:
+			raise ValueError("cur is None")
+		self._cur.execute(
+			"select count(distinct term1)+count(distinct term2) from main_ft",
+		)
+		return self._cur.fetchone()[0]
+	@staticmethod
+	def makeList(
+		hf: T_htmlfile,
+		input_elements: list[Element],
+		processor: Callable,
+		single_prefix: str = "",
+		skip_single: bool = True,
+	) -> None:
+		"""Wrap elements into <ol> if more than one element."""
+		if not input_elements:
+			return
+		if skip_single and len(input_elements) == 1:
+			hf.write(single_prefix)
+			processor(hf, input_elements[0])
+			return
+		with hf.element("ol"):
+			for el in input_elements:
+				with hf.element("li"):
+					processor(hf, el)
+	@staticmethod
+	def makeGroupsList(
+		hf: T_htmlfile,
+		groups: list[tuple[str, str]],
+		processor: Callable[[T_htmlfile, tuple[str, str]], None],
+		single_prefix: str = "",
+		skip_single: bool = True,
+	) -> None:
+		"""Wrap elements into <ol> if more than one element."""
+		if not groups:
+			return
+		if skip_single and len(groups) == 1:
+			hf.write(single_prefix)
+			processor(hf, groups[0])
+			return
+		with hf.element("ol"):
+			for el in groups:
+				with hf.element("li"):
+					processor(hf, el)
+	def writeSense(  # noqa: PLR6301
+		self,
+		hf: T_htmlfile,
+		row: tuple[str, str],
+	) -> None:
+		from lxml import etree as ET
+		trans, entry_type = row
+		if entry_type:
+			with hf.element("i"):
+				hf.write(f"{entry_type}")  # noqa: FURB183
+			hf.write(ET.Element("br"))
+		try:
+			hf.write(trans + " ")
+		except Exception as e:
+			log.error(f"error in writing {trans!r}, {e}")
+			hf.write(repr(trans) + " ")
+		else:
+			with hf.element("big"):
+				with hf.element("a", href=f"bword://{trans}"):
+					hf.write("⏎")
+	def iterRows(
+		self,
+		column1: str,
+		column2: str,
+	) -> Iterator[tuple[str, str, str]]:
+		if self._cur is None:
+			raise ValueError("cur is None")
+		self._cur.execute(
+			f"select {column1}, {column2}, entry_type from main_ft"
+			f" order by {column1}",
+		)
+		for row in self._cur.fetchall():
+			term1 = row[0]
+			term2 = row[1]
+			try:
+				term1 = html.unescape(term1)
+			except Exception as e:
+				log.error(f"html.unescape({term1!r}) -> {e}")
+			try:
+				term2 = html.unescape(term2)
+			except Exception as e:
+				log.error(f"html.unescape({term2!r}) -> {e}")
+			yield term1, term2, row[2]
+	def parseGender(self, headword: str) -> tuple[str | None, str]:  # noqa: PLR6301
+		# {m}	masc	masculine	German: maskulin
+		# {f}	fem 	feminine	German: feminin
+		# {n}	neut	neutral		German: neutral
+		# { }	????
+		i = headword.find(" {")
+		if i <= 0:
+			return None, headword
+		if len(headword) < i + 4:
+			return None, headword
+		if headword[i + 3] != "}":
+			return None, headword
+		g = headword[i + 2]
+		gender = None
+		if g == "m":
+			gender = "masculine"
+		elif g == "f":
+			gender = "feminine"
+		elif g == "n":
+			gender = "neutral"
+		else:
+			log.warning(f"invalid gender {g!r}")
+			return None, headword
+		headword = headword[:i] + headword[i + 4 :]
+		return gender, headword
+	def _iterOneDirection(
+		self,
+		column1: str,
+		column2: str,
+	) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
+		from io import BytesIO
+		from itertools import groupby
+		from lxml import etree as ET
+		glos = self._glos
+		for headwordEscaped, groupsOrig in groupby(
+			self.iterRows(column1, column2),
+			key=itemgetter(0),
+		):
+			headword = html.unescape(headwordEscaped)
+			groups: list[tuple[str, str]] = [
+				(term2, entry_type) for _, term2, entry_type in groupsOrig
+			]
+			f = BytesIO()
+			gender, headword = self.parseGender(headword)
+			with ET.htmlfile(f, encoding="utf-8") as hf:
+				with hf.element("div"):
+					if gender:
+						with hf.element("i"):
+							hf.write(gender)
+						hf.write(ET.Element("br"))
+					self.makeGroupsList(
+						cast("T_htmlfile", hf),
+						groups,
+						self.writeSense,
+					)
+			defi = f.getvalue().decode("utf-8")
+			yield glos.newEntry(headword, defi, defiFormat="h")
+	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
+		yield from self._iterOneDirection("term1", "term2")
+		yield from self._iterOneDirection("term2", "term1")
+	def close(self) -> None:
+		if self._cur:
+			self._cur.close()
+		if self._con:
+			self._con.close()
+		self._clear()
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/dict_cc_split/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/dict_cc_split/__init__.py
index daa096949..69fbb799c 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/dict_cc_split/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/dict_cc_split/__init__.py
@@ -1,17 +1,12 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 from __future__ import annotations
-import html
 from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
-	import sqlite3
-	from collections.abc import Iterator
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
 	from pyglossary.option import Option
-from pyglossary.core import log
+from .reader import Reader
 __all__ = [
@@ -42,73 +37,3 @@
 	"dict.cc dictionary - Google Play",
 optionsProp: dict[str, Option] = {}
-class Reader:
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._clear()
-	def _clear(self) -> None:
-		self._filename = ""
-		self._con: sqlite3.Connection | None = None
-		self._cur: sqlite3.Cursor | None = None
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		from sqlite3 import connect
-		self._filename = filename
-		self._con = connect(filename)
-		self._cur = self._con.cursor()
-		self._glos.setDefaultDefiFormat("m")
-	def __len__(self) -> int:
-		if self._cur is None:
-			raise ValueError("cur is None")
-		self._cur.execute("select count(*) * 2 from main_ft")
-		return self._cur.fetchone()[0]
-	def iterRows(
-		self,
-		column1: str,
-		column2: str,
-	) -> Iterator[tuple[str, str, str]]:
-		if self._cur is None:
-			raise ValueError("cur is None")
-		self._cur.execute(
-			f"select {column1}, {column2}, entry_type from main_ft"
-			f" order by {column1}",
-		)
-		for row in self._cur.fetchall():
-			term1 = row[0]
-			term2 = row[1]
-			try:
-				term1 = html.unescape(term1)
-			except Exception as e:
-				log.error(f"html.unescape({term1!r}) -> {e}")
-			try:
-				term2 = html.unescape(term2)
-			except Exception as e:
-				log.error(f"html.unescape({term2!r}) -> {e}")
-			yield term1, term2, row[2]
-	def _iterOneDirection(
-		self,
-		column1: str,
-		column2: str,
-	) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
-		for word, defi, entry_type in self.iterRows(column1, column2):
-			if entry_type:
-				word = f"{word} {{{entry_type}}}"  # noqa: PLW2901
-			yield self._glos.newEntry(word, defi, defiFormat="m")
-	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
-		yield from self._iterOneDirection("term1", "term2")
-		yield from self._iterOneDirection("term2", "term1")
-	def close(self) -> None:
-		if self._cur:
-			self._cur.close()
-		if self._con:
-			self._con.close()
-		self._clear()
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/dict_cc_split/reader.py b/pyglossary/plugins/dict_cc_split/reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e5205f28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/dict_cc_split/reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+import html
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+	import sqlite3
+	from collections.abc import Iterator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+from pyglossary.core import log
+class Reader:
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._clear()
+	def _clear(self) -> None:
+		self._filename = ""
+		self._con: sqlite3.Connection | None = None
+		self._cur: sqlite3.Cursor | None = None
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		from sqlite3 import connect
+		self._filename = filename
+		self._con = connect(filename)
+		self._cur = self._con.cursor()
+		self._glos.setDefaultDefiFormat("m")
+	def __len__(self) -> int:
+		if self._cur is None:
+			raise ValueError("cur is None")
+		self._cur.execute("select count(*) * 2 from main_ft")
+		return self._cur.fetchone()[0]
+	def iterRows(
+		self,
+		column1: str,
+		column2: str,
+	) -> Iterator[tuple[str, str, str]]:
+		if self._cur is None:
+			raise ValueError("cur is None")
+		self._cur.execute(
+			f"select {column1}, {column2}, entry_type from main_ft"
+			f" order by {column1}",
+		)
+		for row in self._cur.fetchall():
+			term1 = row[0]
+			term2 = row[1]
+			try:
+				term1 = html.unescape(term1)
+			except Exception as e:
+				log.error(f"html.unescape({term1!r}) -> {e}")
+			try:
+				term2 = html.unescape(term2)
+			except Exception as e:
+				log.error(f"html.unescape({term2!r}) -> {e}")
+			yield term1, term2, row[2]
+	def _iterOneDirection(
+		self,
+		column1: str,
+		column2: str,
+	) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
+		for word, defi, entry_type in self.iterRows(column1, column2):
+			if entry_type:
+				word = f"{word} {{{entry_type}}}"  # noqa: PLW2901
+			yield self._glos.newEntry(word, defi, defiFormat="m")
+	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
+		yield from self._iterOneDirection("term1", "term2")
+		yield from self._iterOneDirection("term2", "term1")
+	def close(self) -> None:
+		if self._cur:
+			self._cur.close()
+		if self._con:
+			self._con.close()
+		self._clear()
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/dict_org/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/dict_org/__init__.py
index 8331d3adb..9af2bf0b3 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/dict_org/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/dict_org/__init__.py
@@ -2,20 +2,11 @@
 from __future__ import annotations
-import os
-import re
-from os.path import isdir, splitext
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
-from pyglossary.core import log
 from pyglossary.flags import DEFAULT_NO
 from pyglossary.option import BoolOption, Option
-from pyglossary.plugin_lib.dictdlib import DictDB
-	from collections.abc import Generator, Iterator
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+from .reader import Reader
+from .writer import Writer
 __all__ = [
@@ -51,146 +42,3 @@
 	"The DICT Development Group",
-def installToDictd(filename: str, dictzip: bool) -> None:
-	"""Filename is without extension (neither .index or .dict or .dict.dz)."""
-	import shutil
-	import subprocess
-	targetDir = "/usr/share/dictd/"
-	if filename.startswith(targetDir):
-		return
-	if not isdir(targetDir):
-		log.warning(f"Directory {targetDir!r} does not exist, skipping install")
-		return
-	log.info(f"Installing {filename!r} to DICTD server directory: {targetDir}")
-	if dictzip and os.path.isfile(filename + ".dict.dz"):
-		dictExt = ".dict.dz"
-	elif os.path.isfile(filename + ".dict"):
-		dictExt = ".dict"
-	else:
-		log.error(f"No .dict file, could not install dictd file {filename!r}")
-		return
-	if not filename.startswith(targetDir):
-		shutil.copy(filename + ".index", targetDir)
-		shutil.copy(filename + dictExt, targetDir)
-	# update /var/lib/dictd/db.list
-	if subprocess.call(["/usr/sbin/dictdconfig", "-w"]) != 0:
-		log.error(
-			"failed to update /var/lib/dictd/db.list file"
-			", try manually running: sudo /usr/sbin/dictdconfig -w",
-		)
-	log.info("don't forget to restart dictd server")
-class Reader:
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._filename = ""
-		self._dictdb: DictDB | None = None
-		# regular expression patterns used to prettify definition text
-		self._re_newline_in_braces = re.compile(
-			r"\{(?P<left>.*?)\n(?P<right>.*?)?\}",
-		)
-		self._re_words_in_braces = re.compile(
-			r"\{(?P<word>.+?)\}",
-		)
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		filename = filename.removesuffix(".index")
-		self._filename = filename
-		self._dictdb = DictDB(filename, "read", 1)
-	def close(self) -> None:
-		if self._dictdb is not None:
-			self._dictdb.close()
-			# self._dictdb.finish()
-			self._dictdb = None
-	def prettifyDefinitionText(self, defi: str) -> str:
-		# Handle words in {}
-		# First, we remove any \n in {} pairs
-		defi = self._re_newline_in_braces.sub(r"{\g<left>\g<right>}", defi)
-		# Then, replace any {words} into <a href="bword://words">words</a>,
-		# so it can be rendered as link correctly
-		defi = self._re_words_in_braces.sub(
-			r'<a href="bword://\g<word>">\g<word></a>',
-			defi,
-		)
-		# Use <br /> so it can be rendered as newline correctly
-		return defi.replace("\n", "<br />")
-	def __len__(self) -> int:
-		if self._dictdb is None:
-			return 0
-		return len(self._dictdb)
-	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
-		if self._dictdb is None:
-			raise RuntimeError("iterating over a reader while it's not open")
-		dictdb = self._dictdb
-		for word in dictdb.getDefList():
-			b_defi = b"\n\n<hr>\n\n".join(dictdb.getDef(word))
-			try:
-				defi = b_defi.decode("utf_8", "ignore")
-				defi = self.prettifyDefinitionText(defi)
-			except Exception as e:
-				log.error(f"{b_defi = }")
-				raise e
-			yield self._glos.newEntry(word, defi)
-class Writer:
-	_dictzip: bool = False
-	_install: bool = True
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._filename = ""
-		self._dictdb: DictDB | None = None
-	def finish(self) -> None:
-		from pyglossary.os_utils import runDictzip
-		if self._dictdb is None:
-			raise RuntimeError("self._dictdb is None")
-		self._dictdb.finish(dosort=True)
-		if self._dictzip:
-			runDictzip(f"{self._filename}.dict")
-		if self._install:
-			installToDictd(
-				self._filename,
-				self._dictzip,
-			)
-		self._filename = ""
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		filename_nox, ext = splitext(filename)
-		if ext.lower() == ".index":
-			filename = filename_nox
-		self._dictdb = DictDB(filename, "write", 1)
-		self._filename = filename
-	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
-		dictdb = self._dictdb
-		if dictdb is None:
-			raise RuntimeError("self._dictdb is None")
-		while True:
-			entry = yield
-			if entry is None:
-				break
-			if entry.isData():
-				# does dictd support resources? and how? FIXME
-				continue
-			dictdb.addEntry(entry.defi, entry.l_word)
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/dict_org/reader.py b/pyglossary/plugins/dict_org/reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..71a47fc13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/dict_org/reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+import re
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from pyglossary.core import log
+from pyglossary.plugin_lib.dictdlib import DictDB
+	from collections.abc import Iterator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+class Reader:
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._filename = ""
+		self._dictdb: DictDB | None = None
+		# regular expression patterns used to prettify definition text
+		self._re_newline_in_braces = re.compile(
+			r"\{(?P<left>.*?)\n(?P<right>.*?)?\}",
+		)
+		self._re_words_in_braces = re.compile(
+			r"\{(?P<word>.+?)\}",
+		)
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		filename = filename.removesuffix(".index")
+		self._filename = filename
+		self._dictdb = DictDB(filename, "read", 1)
+	def close(self) -> None:
+		if self._dictdb is not None:
+			self._dictdb.close()
+			# self._dictdb.finish()
+			self._dictdb = None
+	def prettifyDefinitionText(self, defi: str) -> str:
+		# Handle words in {}
+		# First, we remove any \n in {} pairs
+		defi = self._re_newline_in_braces.sub(r"{\g<left>\g<right>}", defi)
+		# Then, replace any {words} into <a href="bword://words">words</a>,
+		# so it can be rendered as link correctly
+		defi = self._re_words_in_braces.sub(
+			r'<a href="bword://\g<word>">\g<word></a>',
+			defi,
+		)
+		# Use <br /> so it can be rendered as newline correctly
+		return defi.replace("\n", "<br />")
+	def __len__(self) -> int:
+		if self._dictdb is None:
+			return 0
+		return len(self._dictdb)
+	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
+		if self._dictdb is None:
+			raise RuntimeError("iterating over a reader while it's not open")
+		dictdb = self._dictdb
+		for word in dictdb.getDefList():
+			b_defi = b"\n\n<hr>\n\n".join(dictdb.getDef(word))
+			try:
+				defi = b_defi.decode("utf_8", "ignore")
+				defi = self.prettifyDefinitionText(defi)
+			except Exception as e:
+				log.error(f"{b_defi = }")
+				raise e
+			yield self._glos.newEntry(word, defi)
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/dict_org/writer.py b/pyglossary/plugins/dict_org/writer.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5cc2762e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/dict_org/writer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+from os.path import splitext
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from pyglossary.core import log
+from pyglossary.plugin_lib.dictdlib import DictDB
+	from collections.abc import Generator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+def installToDictd(filename: str, dictzip: bool) -> None:
+	"""Filename is without extension (neither .index or .dict or .dict.dz)."""
+	import shutil
+	import subprocess
+	from os.path import isdir, isfile
+	targetDir = "/usr/share/dictd/"
+	if filename.startswith(targetDir):
+		return
+	if not isdir(targetDir):
+		log.warning(f"Directory {targetDir!r} does not exist, skipping install")
+		return
+	log.info(f"Installing {filename!r} to DICTD server directory: {targetDir}")
+	if dictzip and isfile(filename + ".dict.dz"):
+		dictExt = ".dict.dz"
+	elif isfile(filename + ".dict"):
+		dictExt = ".dict"
+	else:
+		log.error(f"No .dict file, could not install dictd file {filename!r}")
+		return
+	if not filename.startswith(targetDir):
+		shutil.copy(filename + ".index", targetDir)
+		shutil.copy(filename + dictExt, targetDir)
+	# update /var/lib/dictd/db.list
+	if subprocess.call(["/usr/sbin/dictdconfig", "-w"]) != 0:
+		log.error(
+			"failed to update /var/lib/dictd/db.list file"
+			", try manually running: sudo /usr/sbin/dictdconfig -w",
+		)
+	log.info("don't forget to restart dictd server")
+class Writer:
+	_dictzip: bool = False
+	_install: bool = True
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._filename = ""
+		self._dictdb: DictDB | None = None
+	def finish(self) -> None:
+		from pyglossary.os_utils import runDictzip
+		if self._dictdb is None:
+			raise RuntimeError("self._dictdb is None")
+		self._dictdb.finish(dosort=True)
+		if self._dictzip:
+			runDictzip(f"{self._filename}.dict")
+		if self._install:
+			installToDictd(
+				self._filename,
+				self._dictzip,
+			)
+		self._filename = ""
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		filename_nox, ext = splitext(filename)
+		if ext.lower() == ".index":
+			filename = filename_nox
+		self._dictdb = DictDB(filename, "write", 1)
+		self._filename = filename
+	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
+		dictdb = self._dictdb
+		if dictdb is None:
+			raise RuntimeError("self._dictdb is None")
+		while True:
+			entry = yield
+			if entry is None:
+				break
+			if entry.isData():
+				# does dictd support resources? and how? FIXME
+				continue
+			dictdb.addEntry(entry.defi, entry.l_word)
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/dict_org_source/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/dict_org_source/__init__.py
index 5c899f1fe..9a9d63233 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/dict_org_source/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/dict_org_source/__init__.py
@@ -1,14 +1,9 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 from __future__ import annotations
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
 from pyglossary.option import BoolOption, Option
-	from collections.abc import Generator
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+from .writer import Writer
 __all__ = [
@@ -41,36 +36,3 @@
 optionsProp: dict[str, Option] = {
 	"remove_html_all": BoolOption(comment="Remove all HTML tags"),
-class Writer:
-	_remove_html_all: bool = True
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._filename = ""
-	def finish(self) -> None:
-		self._filename = ""
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		self._filename = filename
-		if self._remove_html_all:
-			self._glos.removeHtmlTagsAll()
-		# TODO: add another bool flag to only remove html tags that are not
-		# supported by GtkTextView
-	@staticmethod
-	def _defiEscapeFunc(defi: str) -> str:
-		return defi.replace("\r", "")
-	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
-		from pyglossary.text_writer import writeTxt
-		yield from writeTxt(
-			self._glos,
-			entryFmt=":{word}:{defi}\n",
-			filename=self._filename,
-			defiEscapeFunc=self._defiEscapeFunc,
-			ext=".dtxt",
-		)
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/dict_org_source/writer.py b/pyglossary/plugins/dict_org_source/writer.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1548f5975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/dict_org_source/writer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+	from collections.abc import Generator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+class Writer:
+	_remove_html_all: bool = True
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._filename = ""
+	def finish(self) -> None:
+		self._filename = ""
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		self._filename = filename
+		if self._remove_html_all:
+			self._glos.removeHtmlTagsAll()
+		# TODO: add another bool flag to only remove html tags that are not
+		# supported by GtkTextView
+	@staticmethod
+	def _defiEscapeFunc(defi: str) -> str:
+		return defi.replace("\r", "")
+	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
+		from pyglossary.text_writer import writeTxt
+		yield from writeTxt(
+			self._glos,
+			entryFmt=":{word}:{defi}\n",
+			filename=self._filename,
+			defiEscapeFunc=self._defiEscapeFunc,
+			ext=".dtxt",
+		)
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/dictunformat/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/dictunformat/__init__.py
index a05c55459..77e5f8233 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/dictunformat/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/dictunformat/__init__.py
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 from __future__ import annotations
-from pyglossary.core import log
 from pyglossary.option import EncodingOption, Option, StrOption
-from pyglossary.text_reader import TextGlossaryReader
+from .reader import Reader
 __all__ = [
@@ -38,89 +38,3 @@
 		comment="separator for headword and alternates",
-def unescapeDefi(defi: str) -> str:
-	return defi
-class Reader(TextGlossaryReader):
-	_headword_separator = ";   "
-	# https://github.com/cheusov/dictd/blob/master/dictfmt/dictunformat.in#L14
-	@classmethod
-	def isInfoWord(cls, word: str) -> bool:
-		return word.startswith("00-database-")
-	@classmethod
-	def fixInfoWord(cls, word: str) -> str:
-		return word
-	def setInfo(self, word: str, defi: str) -> None:
-		if word == "00-database-short":
-			self._glos.setInfo("name", defi)
-			return
-		if word != "00-database-info":
-			return
-		glos = self._glos
-		lastKey = ""
-		for line in defi.split("\n"):
-			if not line.startswith("##:"):
-				if lastKey:
-					glos.setInfo(word, f"{glos.getInfo(lastKey)}\n{line}")
-				continue
-			parts = line[3:].split(":")
-			if len(parts) < 2:
-				log.error(f"unexpected line: {line}")
-			key = lastKey = parts[0]
-			value = ":".join(parts[1:])
-			glos.setInfo(key, value)
-	def nextBlock(self) -> tuple[str | list[str], str, None] | None:
-		if not self._file:
-			raise StopIteration
-		word = ""
-		defiLines: list[str] = []
-		while True:
-			line = self.readline()
-			if not line:
-				break
-			line = line.rstrip("\n\r")
-			if not line:
-				continue
-			if not line.strip("_"):
-				if not word:
-					continue
-				if not defiLines:
-					log.warning(f"no definition/value for {word!r}")
-				defi = unescapeDefi("\n".join(defiLines))
-				words = word.split(self._headword_separator)
-				return words, defi, None
-			if not word:
-				word = line
-				continue
-			if line == word:
-				continue
-			if line.lower() == word:
-				word = line
-				continue
-			defiLines.append(line)
-		if word:
-			defi = unescapeDefi("\n".join(defiLines))
-			if word.startswith("00-database-") and defi == "unknown":
-				log.info(f"ignoring {word} -> {defi}")
-				return None
-			words = word.split(self._headword_separator)
-			return words, defi, None
-		raise StopIteration
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/dictunformat/reader.py b/pyglossary/plugins/dictunformat/reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c66a0f937
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/dictunformat/reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+from pyglossary.core import log
+from pyglossary.text_reader import TextGlossaryReader
+def unescapeDefi(defi: str) -> str:
+	return defi
+class Reader(TextGlossaryReader):
+	_headword_separator = ";   "
+	# https://github.com/cheusov/dictd/blob/master/dictfmt/dictunformat.in#L14
+	@classmethod
+	def isInfoWord(cls, word: str) -> bool:
+		return word.startswith("00-database-")
+	@classmethod
+	def fixInfoWord(cls, word: str) -> str:
+		return word
+	def setInfo(self, word: str, defi: str) -> None:
+		if word == "00-database-short":
+			self._glos.setInfo("name", defi)
+			return
+		if word != "00-database-info":
+			return
+		glos = self._glos
+		lastKey = ""
+		for line in defi.split("\n"):
+			if not line.startswith("##:"):
+				if lastKey:
+					glos.setInfo(word, f"{glos.getInfo(lastKey)}\n{line}")
+				continue
+			parts = line[3:].split(":")
+			if len(parts) < 2:
+				log.error(f"unexpected line: {line}")
+			key = lastKey = parts[0]
+			value = ":".join(parts[1:])
+			glos.setInfo(key, value)
+	def nextBlock(self) -> tuple[str | list[str], str, None] | None:
+		if not self._file:
+			raise StopIteration
+		word = ""
+		defiLines: list[str] = []
+		while True:
+			line = self.readline()
+			if not line:
+				break
+			line = line.rstrip("\n\r")
+			if not line:
+				continue
+			if not line.strip("_"):
+				if not word:
+					continue
+				if not defiLines:
+					log.warning(f"no definition/value for {word!r}")
+				defi = unescapeDefi("\n".join(defiLines))
+				words = word.split(self._headword_separator)
+				return words, defi, None
+			if not word:
+				word = line
+				continue
+			if line == word:
+				continue
+			if line.lower() == word:
+				word = line
+				continue
+			defiLines.append(line)
+		if word:
+			defi = unescapeDefi("\n".join(defiLines))
+			if word.startswith("00-database-") and defi == "unknown":
+				log.info(f"ignoring {word} -> {defi}")
+				return None
+			words = word.split(self._headword_separator)
+			return words, defi, None
+		raise StopIteration
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/digitalnk/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/digitalnk/__init__.py
index cf35cef73..08c23d4eb 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/digitalnk/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/digitalnk/__init__.py
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 from __future__ import annotations
-import html
 from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
-	import sqlite3
-	from collections.abc import Iterator
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
 	from pyglossary.option import Option
+from .reader import Reader
 __all__ = [
@@ -40,51 +37,3 @@
 optionsProp: dict[str, Option] = {}
-class Reader:
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._clear()
-	def _clear(self) -> None:
-		self._filename = ""
-		self._con: sqlite3.Connection | None = None
-		self._cur: sqlite3.Cursor | None = None
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		from sqlite3 import connect
-		self._filename = filename
-		self._con = connect(filename)
-		self._cur = self._con.cursor()
-		self._glos.setDefaultDefiFormat("m")
-	def __len__(self) -> int:
-		if self._cur is None:
-			raise ValueError("cur is None")
-		self._cur.execute("select count(*) from dictionary")
-		return self._cur.fetchone()[0]
-	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
-		if self._cur is None:
-			raise ValueError("cur is None")
-		self._cur.execute(
-			"select word, definition from dictionary order by word",
-		)
-		# iteration over self._cur stops after one entry
-		# and self._cur.fetchone() returns None
-		# no idea why!
-		# https://github.com/ilius/pyglossary/issues/282
-		# for row in self._cur:
-		for row in self._cur.fetchall():
-			word = html.unescape(row[0])
-			definition = row[1]
-			yield self._glos.newEntry(word, definition, defiFormat="m")
-	def close(self) -> None:
-		if self._cur:
-			self._cur.close()
-		if self._con:
-			self._con.close()
-		self._clear()
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/digitalnk/reader.py b/pyglossary/plugins/digitalnk/reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5eb2ba373
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/digitalnk/reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+import html
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+	import sqlite3
+	from collections.abc import Iterator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+class Reader:
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._clear()
+	def _clear(self) -> None:
+		self._filename = ""
+		self._con: sqlite3.Connection | None = None
+		self._cur: sqlite3.Cursor | None = None
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		from sqlite3 import connect
+		self._filename = filename
+		self._con = connect(filename)
+		self._cur = self._con.cursor()
+		self._glos.setDefaultDefiFormat("m")
+	def __len__(self) -> int:
+		if self._cur is None:
+			raise ValueError("cur is None")
+		self._cur.execute("select count(*) from dictionary")
+		return self._cur.fetchone()[0]
+	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
+		if self._cur is None:
+			raise ValueError("cur is None")
+		self._cur.execute(
+			"select word, definition from dictionary order by word",
+		)
+		# iteration over self._cur stops after one entry
+		# and self._cur.fetchone() returns None
+		# no idea why!
+		# https://github.com/ilius/pyglossary/issues/282
+		# for row in self._cur:
+		for row in self._cur.fetchall():
+			word = html.unescape(row[0])
+			definition = row[1]
+			yield self._glos.newEntry(word, definition, defiFormat="m")
+	def close(self) -> None:
+		if self._cur:
+			self._cur.close()
+		if self._con:
+			self._con.close()
+		self._clear()
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/dikt_json/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/dikt_json/__init__.py
index e47315cd5..39eeecf74 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/dikt_json/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/dikt_json/__init__.py
@@ -4,23 +4,13 @@
 from __future__ import annotations
-import re
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
-from pyglossary.compression import (
-	# compressionOpen,
-	stdCompressions,
 from pyglossary.option import (
-	from collections.abc import Generator
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+from .writer import Writer
 __all__ = [
@@ -55,65 +45,3 @@
 		comment="add headwords title to beginning of definition",
-class Writer:
-	_encoding: str = "utf-8"
-	_enable_info: bool = True
-	_resources: bool = True
-	_word_title: bool = False
-	compressions = stdCompressions
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._filename = None
-		glos.preventDuplicateWords()
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		self._filename = filename
-	def finish(self) -> None:
-		self._filename = None
-	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
-		from json import dumps
-		from pyglossary.text_writer import writeTxt
-		glos = self._glos
-		encoding = self._encoding
-		enable_info = self._enable_info
-		resources = self._resources
-		ensure_ascii = encoding == "ascii"
-		def escape(st: str) -> str:
-			# remove styling from HTML tags
-			st2 = re.sub(r' style="[^"]*"', "", st)
-			st2 = re.sub(r' class="[^"]*"', "", st2)
-			st2 = re.sub(r"<font [^>]*>", "", st2)
-			st2 = st2.replace("</font>", "")
-			st2 = re.sub(r"\n", "", st2)
-			st2 = st2.replace("<div></div>", "")
-			st2 = st2.replace("<span></span>", "")
-			# fix russian dictionary issues,
-			# such as hyphenation in word (e.g. абб{[']}а{[/']}т)
-			st2 = re.sub(r"\{\['\]\}", "", st2)
-			st2 = re.sub(r"\{\[/'\]\}", "", st2)
-			return dumps(st2, ensure_ascii=ensure_ascii)
-		yield from writeTxt(
-			glos,
-			entryFmt="\t{word}: {defi},\n",
-			filename=self._filename,
-			encoding=encoding,
-			writeInfo=enable_info,
-			wordEscapeFunc=escape,
-			defiEscapeFunc=escape,
-			ext=".json",
-			head="{\n",
-			tail='\t"": ""\n}',
-			resources=resources,
-			word_title=self._word_title,
-		)
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/dikt_json/writer.py b/pyglossary/plugins/dikt_json/writer.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e7827ae4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/dikt_json/writer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# mypy: ignore-errors
+# from https://github.com/maxim-saplin/pyglossary
+from __future__ import annotations
+import re
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from pyglossary.compression import (
+	# compressionOpen,
+	stdCompressions,
+	from collections.abc import Generator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+class Writer:
+	_encoding: str = "utf-8"
+	_enable_info: bool = True
+	_resources: bool = True
+	_word_title: bool = False
+	compressions = stdCompressions
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._filename = None
+		glos.preventDuplicateWords()
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		self._filename = filename
+	def finish(self) -> None:
+		self._filename = None
+	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
+		from json import dumps
+		from pyglossary.text_writer import writeTxt
+		glos = self._glos
+		encoding = self._encoding
+		enable_info = self._enable_info
+		resources = self._resources
+		ensure_ascii = encoding == "ascii"
+		def escape(st: str) -> str:
+			# remove styling from HTML tags
+			st2 = re.sub(r' style="[^"]*"', "", st)
+			st2 = re.sub(r' class="[^"]*"', "", st2)
+			st2 = re.sub(r"<font [^>]*>", "", st2)
+			st2 = st2.replace("</font>", "")
+			st2 = re.sub(r"\n", "", st2)
+			st2 = st2.replace("<div></div>", "")
+			st2 = st2.replace("<span></span>", "")
+			# fix russian dictionary issues,
+			# such as hyphenation in word (e.g. абб{[']}а{[/']}т)
+			st2 = re.sub(r"\{\['\]\}", "", st2)
+			st2 = re.sub(r"\{\[/'\]\}", "", st2)
+			return dumps(st2, ensure_ascii=ensure_ascii)
+		yield from writeTxt(
+			glos,
+			entryFmt="\t{word}: {defi},\n",
+			filename=self._filename,
+			encoding=encoding,
+			writeInfo=enable_info,
+			wordEscapeFunc=escape,
+			defiEscapeFunc=escape,
+			ext=".json",
+			head="{\n",
+			tail='\t"": ""\n}',
+			resources=resources,
+			word_title=self._word_title,
+		)
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_epub2/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_epub2/__init__.py
index 8bf34801b..baabf0036 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_epub2/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_epub2/__init__.py
@@ -1,27 +1,7 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# The MIT License (MIT)
-# Copyright © 2012-2016 Alberto Pettarin (alberto@albertopettarin.it)
-# Copyright © 2016-2019 Saeed Rasooli <saeed.gnu@gmail.com>
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-from __future__ import annotations
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
+from __future__ import annotations
-from pyglossary.ebook_base import EbookWriter
 from pyglossary.flags import ALWAYS
 from pyglossary.option import (
@@ -30,8 +10,7 @@
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import GlossaryType
+from .writer import Writer
 __all__ = [
@@ -85,209 +64,3 @@
 		comment="Path to cover file",
-class Writer(EbookWriter):
-	# these class attrs are only in Epub
-	MIMETYPE_CONTENTS = "application/epub+zip"
-	CONTAINER_XML_CONTENTS = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
-<container version="1.0"
-	xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:container">
-	<rootfiles>
-		<rootfile full-path="OEBPS/content.opf"
-			media-type="application/oebps-package+xml"/>
-	</rootfiles>
-	NCX_TEMPLATE = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
-<!DOCTYPE ncx PUBLIC "-//NISO//DTD ncx 2005-1//EN"
-	"http://www.daisy.org/z3986/2005/ncx-2005-1.dtd">
-<ncx xmlns="http://www.daisy.org/z3986/2005/ncx/" version="2005-1">
-	<head>
-		<meta name="dtb:uid" content="{identifier}" />
-		<meta name="dtb:depth" content="1" />
-		<meta name="dtb:totalPageCount" content="0" />
-		<meta name="dtb:maxPageNumber" content="0" />
-	</head>
-	<docTitle>
-		<text>{title}</text>
-	</docTitle>
-	<navMap>
-	</navMap>
-	NCX_NAVPOINT_TEMPLATE = """\t<navPoint id="n{index:06d}" playOrder="{index:d}">
-		<navLabel>
-			<text>{text}</text>
-		</navLabel>
-		<content src="{src}" />
-	</navPoint>"""
-	CSS_CONTENTS = b"""@charset "UTF-8";
-body {
-	margin: 10px 25px 10px 25px;
-h1 {
-	font-size: 200%;
-h2 {
-	font-size: 150%;
-p {
-	margin-left: 0em;
-	margin-right: 0em;
-	margin-top: 0em;
-	margin-bottom: 0em;
-	line-height: 2em;
-	text-align: justify;
-a, a:focus, a:active, a:visited {
-	color: black;
-	text-decoration: none;
-body.indexPage {}
-h1.indexTitle {}
-p.indexGroups {
-	font-size: 150%;
-span.indexGroup {}
-body.groupPage {}
-h1.groupTitle {}
-div.groupNavigation {}
-span.groupHeadword {}
-div.groupEntry {
-	margin-top: 0;
-	margin-bottom: 1em;
-h2.groupHeadword {
-	margin-left: 5%;
-p.groupDefinition {
-	margin-left: 10%;
-	margin-right: 10%;
-	GROUP_XHTML_TEMPLATE = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
-	"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
-	<head>
-		<title>{title}</title>
-		<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
-	</head>
-	<body id="groupPage" class="groupPage">
-		<h1 class="groupTitle">{group_title}</h1>
-		<div class="groupNavigation">
-			<a href="{previous_link}">[ Previous ]</a>
-			<a href="{next_link}">[ Next ]</a>
-		</div>
-	</body>
-	GROUP_XHTML_INDEX_LINK = '\t\t<a href="index.xhtml">[ Index ]</a>'
-	GROUP_XHTML_WORD_DEFINITION_TEMPLATE = """\t<div class="groupEntry">
-		<h2 class="groupHeadword">{headword}</h2>
-		<p class="groupDefinition">{definition}</p>
-	</div>"""
-	OPF_TEMPLATE = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
-<package xmlns="http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf" version="2.0"
-	unique-identifier="uid">
-	<metadata xmlns:opf="http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf"
-		xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">
-		<dc:identifier id="uid" opf:scheme="uuid">{identifier}</dc:identifier>
-		<dc:language>{sourceLang}</dc:language>
-		<dc:title>{title}</dc:title>
-		<dc:creator opf:role="aut">{creator}</dc:creator>
-		<dc:rights>{copyright}</dc:rights>
-		<dc:date opf:event="creation">{creationDate}</dc:date>
-		{cover}
-	</metadata>
-	<manifest>
-	</manifest>
-	<spine toc="toc.ncx">
-	</spine>
-	COVER_TEMPLATE = '<meta name="cover" content="{cover}" />'
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		import uuid
-		EbookWriter.__init__(
-			self,
-			glos,
-		)
-		glos.setInfo("uuid", str(uuid.uuid4()).replace("-", ""))
-	@classmethod
-	def cls_get_prefix(
-		cls: type[EbookWriter],
-		options: dict[str, Any],
-		word: str,
-	) -> str:
-		if not word:
-			return ""
-		length = options.get("group_by_prefix_length", cls._group_by_prefix_length)
-		prefix = word[:length].lower()
-		if prefix[0] < "a":
-			return "SPECIAL"
-		return prefix
-	def get_prefix(self, word: str) -> str:
-		if not word:
-			return ""
-		length = self._group_by_prefix_length
-		prefix = word[:length].lower()
-		if prefix[0] < "a":
-			return "SPECIAL"
-		return prefix
-	def write_ncx(self, group_labels: list[str]) -> None:
-		"""
-		write_ncx
-		only for epub.
-		"""
-		ncx_items: list[str] = []
-		index = 1
-		if self._include_index_page:
-			ncx_items.append(
-				self.NCX_NAVPOINT_TEMPLATE.format(
-					index=index,
-					text="Index",
-					src="index.xhtml",
-				),
-			)
-			index += 1
-		for group_label in group_labels:
-			ncx_items.append(
-				self.NCX_NAVPOINT_TEMPLATE.format(
-					index=index,
-					text=group_label,
-					src=self.get_group_xhtml_file_name_from_index(index),
-				),
-			)
-			index += 1
-		ncx_items_unicode = "\n".join(ncx_items)
-		ncx_contents = self.NCX_TEMPLATE.format(
-			identifier=self._glos.getInfo("uuid"),
-			title=self._glos.getInfo("name"),
-			ncx_items=ncx_items_unicode,
-		).encode("utf-8")
-		self.add_file_manifest(
-			"OEBPS/toc.ncx",
-			"toc.ncx",
-			ncx_contents,
-			"application/x-dtbncx+xml",
-		)
-	# inherits write from EbookWriter
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_epub2/writer.py b/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_epub2/writer.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eba888c33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_epub2/writer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# The MIT License (MIT)
+# Copyright © 2012-2016 Alberto Pettarin (alberto@albertopettarin.it)
+# Copyright © 2016-2019 Saeed Rasooli <saeed.gnu@gmail.com>
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
+from pyglossary.ebook_base import EbookWriter
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import GlossaryType
+class Writer(EbookWriter):
+	# these class attrs are only in Epub
+	MIMETYPE_CONTENTS = "application/epub+zip"
+	CONTAINER_XML_CONTENTS = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<container version="1.0"
+	xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:container">
+	<rootfiles>
+		<rootfile full-path="OEBPS/content.opf"
+			media-type="application/oebps-package+xml"/>
+	</rootfiles>
+	NCX_TEMPLATE = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE ncx PUBLIC "-//NISO//DTD ncx 2005-1//EN"
+	"http://www.daisy.org/z3986/2005/ncx-2005-1.dtd">
+<ncx xmlns="http://www.daisy.org/z3986/2005/ncx/" version="2005-1">
+	<head>
+		<meta name="dtb:uid" content="{identifier}" />
+		<meta name="dtb:depth" content="1" />
+		<meta name="dtb:totalPageCount" content="0" />
+		<meta name="dtb:maxPageNumber" content="0" />
+	</head>
+	<docTitle>
+		<text>{title}</text>
+	</docTitle>
+	<navMap>
+	</navMap>
+	NCX_NAVPOINT_TEMPLATE = """\t<navPoint id="n{index:06d}" playOrder="{index:d}">
+		<navLabel>
+			<text>{text}</text>
+		</navLabel>
+		<content src="{src}" />
+	</navPoint>"""
+	CSS_CONTENTS = b"""@charset "UTF-8";
+body {
+	margin: 10px 25px 10px 25px;
+h1 {
+	font-size: 200%;
+h2 {
+	font-size: 150%;
+p {
+	margin-left: 0em;
+	margin-right: 0em;
+	margin-top: 0em;
+	margin-bottom: 0em;
+	line-height: 2em;
+	text-align: justify;
+a, a:focus, a:active, a:visited {
+	color: black;
+	text-decoration: none;
+body.indexPage {}
+h1.indexTitle {}
+p.indexGroups {
+	font-size: 150%;
+span.indexGroup {}
+body.groupPage {}
+h1.groupTitle {}
+div.groupNavigation {}
+span.groupHeadword {}
+div.groupEntry {
+	margin-top: 0;
+	margin-bottom: 1em;
+h2.groupHeadword {
+	margin-left: 5%;
+p.groupDefinition {
+	margin-left: 10%;
+	margin-right: 10%;
+	GROUP_XHTML_TEMPLATE = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
+	"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+	<head>
+		<title>{title}</title>
+		<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
+	</head>
+	<body id="groupPage" class="groupPage">
+		<h1 class="groupTitle">{group_title}</h1>
+		<div class="groupNavigation">
+			<a href="{previous_link}">[ Previous ]</a>
+			<a href="{next_link}">[ Next ]</a>
+		</div>
+	</body>
+	GROUP_XHTML_INDEX_LINK = '\t\t<a href="index.xhtml">[ Index ]</a>'
+	GROUP_XHTML_WORD_DEFINITION_TEMPLATE = """\t<div class="groupEntry">
+		<h2 class="groupHeadword">{headword}</h2>
+		<p class="groupDefinition">{definition}</p>
+	</div>"""
+	OPF_TEMPLATE = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
+<package xmlns="http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf" version="2.0"
+	unique-identifier="uid">
+	<metadata xmlns:opf="http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf"
+		xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">
+		<dc:identifier id="uid" opf:scheme="uuid">{identifier}</dc:identifier>
+		<dc:language>{sourceLang}</dc:language>
+		<dc:title>{title}</dc:title>
+		<dc:creator opf:role="aut">{creator}</dc:creator>
+		<dc:rights>{copyright}</dc:rights>
+		<dc:date opf:event="creation">{creationDate}</dc:date>
+		{cover}
+	</metadata>
+	<manifest>
+	</manifest>
+	<spine toc="toc.ncx">
+	</spine>
+	COVER_TEMPLATE = '<meta name="cover" content="{cover}" />'
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		import uuid
+		EbookWriter.__init__(
+			self,
+			glos,
+		)
+		glos.setInfo("uuid", str(uuid.uuid4()).replace("-", ""))
+	@classmethod
+	def cls_get_prefix(
+		cls: type[EbookWriter],
+		options: dict[str, Any],
+		word: str,
+	) -> str:
+		if not word:
+			return ""
+		length = options.get("group_by_prefix_length", cls._group_by_prefix_length)
+		prefix = word[:length].lower()
+		if prefix[0] < "a":
+			return "SPECIAL"
+		return prefix
+	def get_prefix(self, word: str) -> str:
+		if not word:
+			return ""
+		length = self._group_by_prefix_length
+		prefix = word[:length].lower()
+		if prefix[0] < "a":
+			return "SPECIAL"
+		return prefix
+	def write_ncx(self, group_labels: list[str]) -> None:
+		"""
+		write_ncx
+		only for epub.
+		"""
+		ncx_items: list[str] = []
+		index = 1
+		if self._include_index_page:
+			ncx_items.append(
+				self.NCX_NAVPOINT_TEMPLATE.format(
+					index=index,
+					text="Index",
+					src="index.xhtml",
+				),
+			)
+			index += 1
+		for group_label in group_labels:
+			ncx_items.append(
+				self.NCX_NAVPOINT_TEMPLATE.format(
+					index=index,
+					text=group_label,
+					src=self.get_group_xhtml_file_name_from_index(index),
+				),
+			)
+			index += 1
+		ncx_items_unicode = "\n".join(ncx_items)
+		ncx_contents = self.NCX_TEMPLATE.format(
+			identifier=self._glos.getInfo("uuid"),
+			title=self._glos.getInfo("name"),
+			ncx_items=ncx_items_unicode,
+		).encode("utf-8")
+		self.add_file_manifest(
+			"OEBPS/toc.ncx",
+			"toc.ncx",
+			ncx_contents,
+			"application/x-dtbncx+xml",
+		)
+	# inherits write from EbookWriter
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_kobo/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_kobo/__init__.py
index 02a108f88..cbd9b6f90 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_kobo/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_kobo/__init__.py
@@ -1,41 +1,14 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# The MIT License (MIT)
-# Copyright © 2012-2016 Alberto Pettarin (alberto@albertopettarin.it)
-# Copyright © 2022 Saeed Rasooli <saeed.gnu@gmail.com>
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
 from __future__ import annotations
-import re
-import unicodedata
-from gzip import compress, decompress
-from operator import itemgetter
-from pathlib import Path
-from pickle import dumps, loads
 from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
-from pyglossary import core
-from pyglossary.core import exc_note, log, pip
 from pyglossary.flags import NEVER
-from pyglossary.os_utils import indir
-	from collections.abc import Generator
+from .writer import Writer
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
 	from pyglossary.option import Option
 __all__ = [
@@ -75,199 +48,3 @@
 # Penelope option: marisa_index_size=1000000
-def is_cyrillic_char(c: str) -> bool:
-	# U+0400 - U+04FF: Cyrillic
-	# U+0500 - U+052F: Cyrillic Supplement
-	if "\u0400" <= c <= "\u052f":
-		return True
-	# U+2DE0 - U+2DFF: Cyrillic Extended-A
-	if "\u2de0" <= c <= "\u2dff":
-		return True
-	# U+A640 - U+A69F: Cyrillic Extended-B
-	if "\ua640" <= c <= "\ua69f":
-		return True
-	# U+1C80 - U+1C8F: Cyrillic Extended-C
-	if "\u1c80" <= c <= "\u1c8f":
-		return True
-	# U+FE2E, U+FE2F: Combining Half Marks
-	# U+1D2B, U+1D78: Phonetic Extensions
-	return c in {"\ufe2e", "\ufe2f", "\u1d2b", "\u1d78"}
-def fixFilename(fname: str) -> str:
-	return Path(fname.replace("/", "2F").replace("\\", "5C")).name
-class Writer:
-	WORDS_FILE_NAME = "words"
-	depends = {
-		"marisa_trie": "marisa-trie",
-	}
-	@staticmethod
-	def stripFullHtmlError(entry: EntryType, error: str) -> None:
-		log.error(f"error in stripFullHtml: {error}, words={entry.l_word!r}")
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._filename = ""
-		self._words: list[str] = []
-		self._img_pattern = re.compile(
-			'<img src="([^<>"]*?)"( [^<>]*?)?>',
-			re.DOTALL,
-		)
-		# img tag has no closing
-		glos.stripFullHtml(errorHandler=self.stripFullHtmlError)
-	def get_prefix(self, word: str) -> str:  # noqa: PLR6301
-		if not word:
-			return "11"
-		wo = word[:2].strip().lower()
-		if not wo:
-			return "11"
-		if wo[0] == "\x00":
-			return "11"
-		if len(wo) > 1 and wo[1] == "\x00":
-			wo = wo[:1]
-		if is_cyrillic_char(wo[0]):
-			return wo
-		# if either of the first 2 chars are not unicode letters, return "11"
-		for c in wo:
-			if not unicodedata.category(c).startswith("L"):
-				return "11"
-		return wo.ljust(2, "a")
-	def fix_defi(self, defi: str) -> str:
-		# @pgaskin on #219: Kobo supports images in dictionaries,
-		# but these have a lot of gotchas
-		# (see https://pgaskin.net/dictutil/dicthtml/format.html).
-		# Basically, The best way to do it is to encode the images as a
-		# base64 data URL after shrinking it and making it grayscale
-		# (if it's JPG, this is as simple as only keeping the Y channel)
-		# for now we just skip data entries and remove '<img' tags
-		return self._img_pattern.sub("[Image: \\1]", defi)
-	def write_groups(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
-		import gzip
-		dataEntryCount = 0
-		htmlHeader = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><html>\n'
-		groupCounter = 0
-		htmlContents = htmlHeader
-		def writeGroup(lastPrefix: str) -> None:
-			nonlocal htmlContents
-			group_fname = fixFilename(lastPrefix)
-			htmlContents += "</html>"
-			core.trace(
-				log,
-				f"writeGroup: {lastPrefix!r}, "
-				f"{group_fname!r}, count={groupCounter}",
-			)
-			with gzip.open(group_fname + ".html", mode="wb") as gzipFile:
-				gzipFile.write(htmlContents.encode("utf-8"))
-			htmlContents = htmlHeader
-		allWords: list[str] = []
-		# TODO: switch to SQLite, like StarDict writer
-		data: list[tuple[str, bytes]] = []
-		while True:
-			entry = yield
-			if entry is None:
-				break
-			if entry.isData():
-				dataEntryCount += 1
-				continue
-			l_word = entry.l_word
-			allWords += l_word
-			wordsByPrefix: dict[str, list[str]] = {}
-			for word in l_word:
-				prefix = self.get_prefix(word)
-				if prefix in wordsByPrefix:
-					wordsByPrefix[prefix].append(word)
-				else:
-					wordsByPrefix[prefix] = [word]
-			defi = self.fix_defi(entry.defi)
-			mainHeadword = l_word[0]
-			for prefix, p_words in wordsByPrefix.items():
-				headword, *variants = p_words
-				if headword != mainHeadword:
-					headword = f"{mainHeadword}, {headword}"
-				data.append(
-					(
-						prefix,
-						compress(
-							dumps(
-								(
-									headword,
-									variants,
-									defi,
-								),
-							),
-						),
-					),
-				)
-			del entry
-		log.info("Kobo: sorting entries...")
-		data.sort(key=itemgetter(0))
-		log.info("Kobo: writing entries...")
-		lastPrefix = ""
-		for prefix, row in data:
-			headword, variants, defi = loads(decompress(row))
-			if lastPrefix and prefix != lastPrefix:
-				writeGroup(lastPrefix)
-				groupCounter = 0
-			lastPrefix = prefix
-			htmlVariants = "".join(
-				f'<variant name="{v.strip().lower()}"/>' for v in variants
-			)
-			body = f"<div><b>{headword}</b><var>{htmlVariants}</var><br/>{defi}</div>"
-			htmlContents += f'<w><a name="{headword}" />{body}</w>\n'
-			groupCounter += 1
-		del data
-		if groupCounter > 0:
-			writeGroup(lastPrefix)
-		if dataEntryCount > 0:
-			log.warning(
-				f"ignored {dataEntryCount} files (data entries)"
-				" and replaced '<img ...' tags in definitions with placeholders",
-			)
-		self._words = allWords
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		try:
-			import marisa_trie  # type: ignore # noqa: F401
-		except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
-			exc_note(e, f"Run `{pip} install marisa-trie` to install")
-			raise
-		self._filename = filename
-	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
-		with indir(self._filename, create=True):
-			yield from self.write_groups()
-	def finish(self) -> None:
-		import marisa_trie
-		with indir(self._filename, create=False):
-			trie = marisa_trie.Trie(self._words)
-			trie.save(self.WORDS_FILE_NAME)
-		self._filename = ""
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_kobo/writer.py b/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_kobo/writer.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b26aff01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_kobo/writer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# The MIT License (MIT)
+# Copyright © 2012-2016 Alberto Pettarin (alberto@albertopettarin.it)
+# Copyright © 2022 Saeed Rasooli <saeed.gnu@gmail.com>
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+from __future__ import annotations
+import re
+import unicodedata
+from gzip import compress, decompress
+from operator import itemgetter
+from pathlib import Path
+from pickle import dumps, loads
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from pyglossary import core
+from pyglossary.core import exc_note, log, pip
+from pyglossary.os_utils import indir
+	from collections.abc import Generator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+def is_cyrillic_char(c: str) -> bool:
+	# U+0400 - U+04FF: Cyrillic
+	# U+0500 - U+052F: Cyrillic Supplement
+	if "\u0400" <= c <= "\u052f":
+		return True
+	# U+2DE0 - U+2DFF: Cyrillic Extended-A
+	if "\u2de0" <= c <= "\u2dff":
+		return True
+	# U+A640 - U+A69F: Cyrillic Extended-B
+	if "\ua640" <= c <= "\ua69f":
+		return True
+	# U+1C80 - U+1C8F: Cyrillic Extended-C
+	if "\u1c80" <= c <= "\u1c8f":
+		return True
+	# U+FE2E, U+FE2F: Combining Half Marks
+	# U+1D2B, U+1D78: Phonetic Extensions
+	return c in {"\ufe2e", "\ufe2f", "\u1d2b", "\u1d78"}
+def fixFilename(fname: str) -> str:
+	return Path(fname.replace("/", "2F").replace("\\", "5C")).name
+class Writer:
+	WORDS_FILE_NAME = "words"
+	depends = {
+		"marisa_trie": "marisa-trie",
+	}
+	@staticmethod
+	def stripFullHtmlError(entry: EntryType, error: str) -> None:
+		log.error(f"error in stripFullHtml: {error}, words={entry.l_word!r}")
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._filename = ""
+		self._words: list[str] = []
+		self._img_pattern = re.compile(
+			'<img src="([^<>"]*?)"( [^<>]*?)?>',
+			re.DOTALL,
+		)
+		# img tag has no closing
+		glos.stripFullHtml(errorHandler=self.stripFullHtmlError)
+	def get_prefix(self, word: str) -> str:  # noqa: PLR6301
+		if not word:
+			return "11"
+		wo = word[:2].strip().lower()
+		if not wo:
+			return "11"
+		if wo[0] == "\x00":
+			return "11"
+		if len(wo) > 1 and wo[1] == "\x00":
+			wo = wo[:1]
+		if is_cyrillic_char(wo[0]):
+			return wo
+		# if either of the first 2 chars are not unicode letters, return "11"
+		for c in wo:
+			if not unicodedata.category(c).startswith("L"):
+				return "11"
+		return wo.ljust(2, "a")
+	def fix_defi(self, defi: str) -> str:
+		# @pgaskin on #219: Kobo supports images in dictionaries,
+		# but these have a lot of gotchas
+		# (see https://pgaskin.net/dictutil/dicthtml/format.html).
+		# Basically, The best way to do it is to encode the images as a
+		# base64 data URL after shrinking it and making it grayscale
+		# (if it's JPG, this is as simple as only keeping the Y channel)
+		# for now we just skip data entries and remove '<img' tags
+		return self._img_pattern.sub("[Image: \\1]", defi)
+	def write_groups(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
+		import gzip
+		dataEntryCount = 0
+		htmlHeader = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><html>\n'
+		groupCounter = 0
+		htmlContents = htmlHeader
+		def writeGroup(lastPrefix: str) -> None:
+			nonlocal htmlContents
+			group_fname = fixFilename(lastPrefix)
+			htmlContents += "</html>"
+			core.trace(
+				log,
+				f"writeGroup: {lastPrefix!r}, "
+				f"{group_fname!r}, count={groupCounter}",
+			)
+			with gzip.open(group_fname + ".html", mode="wb") as gzipFile:
+				gzipFile.write(htmlContents.encode("utf-8"))
+			htmlContents = htmlHeader
+		allWords: list[str] = []
+		# TODO: switch to SQLite, like StarDict writer
+		data: list[tuple[str, bytes]] = []
+		while True:
+			entry = yield
+			if entry is None:
+				break
+			if entry.isData():
+				dataEntryCount += 1
+				continue
+			l_word = entry.l_word
+			allWords += l_word
+			wordsByPrefix: dict[str, list[str]] = {}
+			for word in l_word:
+				prefix = self.get_prefix(word)
+				if prefix in wordsByPrefix:
+					wordsByPrefix[prefix].append(word)
+				else:
+					wordsByPrefix[prefix] = [word]
+			defi = self.fix_defi(entry.defi)
+			mainHeadword = l_word[0]
+			for prefix, p_words in wordsByPrefix.items():
+				headword, *variants = p_words
+				if headword != mainHeadword:
+					headword = f"{mainHeadword}, {headword}"
+				data.append(
+					(
+						prefix,
+						compress(
+							dumps(
+								(
+									headword,
+									variants,
+									defi,
+								),
+							),
+						),
+					),
+				)
+			del entry
+		log.info("Kobo: sorting entries...")
+		data.sort(key=itemgetter(0))
+		log.info("Kobo: writing entries...")
+		lastPrefix = ""
+		for prefix, row in data:
+			headword, variants, defi = loads(decompress(row))
+			if lastPrefix and prefix != lastPrefix:
+				writeGroup(lastPrefix)
+				groupCounter = 0
+			lastPrefix = prefix
+			htmlVariants = "".join(
+				f'<variant name="{v.strip().lower()}"/>' for v in variants
+			)
+			body = f"<div><b>{headword}</b><var>{htmlVariants}</var><br/>{defi}</div>"
+			htmlContents += f'<w><a name="{headword}" />{body}</w>\n'
+			groupCounter += 1
+		del data
+		if groupCounter > 0:
+			writeGroup(lastPrefix)
+		if dataEntryCount > 0:
+			log.warning(
+				f"ignored {dataEntryCount} files (data entries)"
+				" and replaced '<img ...' tags in definitions with placeholders",
+			)
+		self._words = allWords
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		try:
+			import marisa_trie  # type: ignore # noqa: F401
+		except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
+			exc_note(e, f"Run `{pip} install marisa-trie` to install")
+			raise
+		self._filename = filename
+	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
+		with indir(self._filename, create=True):
+			yield from self.write_groups()
+	def finish(self) -> None:
+		import marisa_trie
+		with indir(self._filename, create=False):
+			trie = marisa_trie.Trie(self._words)
+			trie.save(self.WORDS_FILE_NAME)
+		self._filename = ""
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_kobo_dictfile/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_kobo_dictfile/__init__.py
index 7ec327ee3..946b18dfd 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_kobo_dictfile/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_kobo_dictfile/__init__.py
@@ -1,42 +1,15 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# The MIT License (MIT)
-# Copyright © 2020-2021 Saeed Rasooli <saeed.gnu@gmail.com>
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-from __future__ import annotations
-import os
-from os.path import isdir
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from __future__ import annotations
-from pyglossary.core import exc_note, log, pip
-from pyglossary.image_utils import extractInlineHtmlImages
-from pyglossary.io_utils import nullTextIO
 from pyglossary.option import (
-from pyglossary.text_reader import TextGlossaryReader
-	import io
-	from collections.abc import Generator
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+from .reader import Reader
+from .writer import Writer
 __all__ = [
@@ -73,155 +46,3 @@
 	"encoding": EncodingOption(),
 	"extract_inline_images": BoolOption(comment="Extract inline images"),
-def fixWord(word: str) -> str:
-	return word.replace("\n", " ")
-def escapeDefi(defi: str) -> str:
-	return defi.replace("\n@", "\n @").replace("\n:", "\n :").replace("\n&", "\n &")
-class Reader(TextGlossaryReader):
-	depends = {
-		"mistune": "mistune==3.0.1",
-	}
-	_extract_inline_images: bool = True
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		TextGlossaryReader.__init__(self, glos, hasInfo=False)
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		try:
-			import mistune  # type: ignore # noqa: F401
-		except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
-			exc_note(e, f"Run `{pip} install mistune` to install")
-			raise
-		TextGlossaryReader.open(self, filename)
-		self._glos.setDefaultDefiFormat("h")
-	@classmethod
-	def isInfoWord(cls, _word: str) -> bool:
-		return False
-	@classmethod
-	def fixInfoWord(cls, _word: str) -> str:
-		raise NotImplementedError
-	def fixDefi(
-		self,
-		defi: str,
-		html: bool,
-	) -> tuple[str, list[tuple[str, str]] | None]:
-		import mistune
-		defi = (
-			defi.replace("\n @", "\n@")
-			.replace("\n :", "\n:")
-			.replace("\n &", "\n&")
-			.replace("</p><br />", "</p>")
-			.replace("</p><br/>", "</p>")
-			.replace("</p></br>", "</p>")
-		)
-		defi = defi.strip()
-		if html:
-			pass
-		else:
-			defi = mistune.html(defi)
-		images: list[tuple[str, str]] | None = None
-		if self._extract_inline_images:
-			defi, images = extractInlineHtmlImages(
-				defi,
-				self._glos.tmpDataDir,
-				fnamePrefix="",  # maybe f"{self._pos:06d}-"
-			)
-		return defi, images
-	def nextBlock(
-		self,
-	) -> tuple[list[str], str, list[tuple[str, str]] | None]:
-		words: list[str] = []
-		defiLines: list[str] = []
-		html = False
-		while True:
-			line = self.readline()
-			if not line:
-				break
-			line = line.rstrip("\n\r")
-			if line.startswith("@"):
-				if words:
-					self._bufferLine = line
-					defi, images = self.fixDefi("\n".join(defiLines), html=html)
-					return words, defi, images
-				words = [line[1:].strip()]
-				continue
-			if line.startswith(": "):
-				defiLines.append(line[2:])
-				continue
-			if line.startswith("::"):
-				continue
-			if line.startswith("&"):
-				words.append(line[1:].strip())
-				continue
-			if line.startswith("<html>"):
-				line = line[6:]
-				html = True
-			defiLines.append(line)
-		if words:
-			defi, images = self.fixDefi("\n".join(defiLines), html=html)
-			return words, defi, images
-		raise StopIteration
-class Writer:
-	_encoding: str = "utf-8"
-	@staticmethod
-	def stripFullHtmlError(entry: EntryType, error: str) -> None:
-		log.error(f"error in stripFullHtml: {error}, words={entry.l_word!r}")
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._file: io.TextIOBase = nullTextIO
-		glos.stripFullHtml(errorHandler=self.stripFullHtmlError)
-	def finish(self) -> None:
-		self._file.close()
-		if not os.listdir(self._resDir):
-			os.rmdir(self._resDir)
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		self._file = open(filename, "w", encoding=self._encoding)
-		# dictgen's ParseDictFile does not seem to support glossary info / metedata
-		self._resDir = filename + "_res"
-		if not isdir(self._resDir):
-			os.mkdir(self._resDir)
-	def write(
-		self,
-	) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
-		fileObj = self._file
-		resDir = self._resDir
-		while True:
-			entry = yield
-			if entry is None:
-				break
-			if entry.isData():
-				entry.save(resDir)
-				continue
-			words = entry.l_word
-			defi = entry.defi
-			entry.detectDefiFormat()
-			if entry.defiFormat == "h":
-				defi = f"<html>{entry.defi}"
-			fileObj.write(f"@ {fixWord(words[0])}\n")
-			for alt in words[1:]:
-				fileObj.write(f"& {fixWord(alt)}\n")
-			fileObj.write(f"{escapeDefi(defi)}\n\n")
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_kobo_dictfile/reader.py b/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_kobo_dictfile/reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..131ab6190
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_kobo_dictfile/reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# The MIT License (MIT)
+# Copyright © 2020-2021 Saeed Rasooli <saeed.gnu@gmail.com>
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from pyglossary.core import exc_note, pip
+from pyglossary.image_utils import extractInlineHtmlImages
+from pyglossary.text_reader import TextGlossaryReader
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import GlossaryType
+class Reader(TextGlossaryReader):
+	depends = {
+		"mistune": "mistune==3.0.1",
+	}
+	_extract_inline_images: bool = True
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		TextGlossaryReader.__init__(self, glos, hasInfo=False)
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		try:
+			import mistune  # type: ignore # noqa: F401
+		except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
+			exc_note(e, f"Run `{pip} install mistune` to install")
+			raise
+		TextGlossaryReader.open(self, filename)
+		self._glos.setDefaultDefiFormat("h")
+	@classmethod
+	def isInfoWord(cls, _word: str) -> bool:
+		return False
+	@classmethod
+	def fixInfoWord(cls, _word: str) -> str:
+		raise NotImplementedError
+	def fixDefi(
+		self,
+		defi: str,
+		html: bool,
+	) -> tuple[str, list[tuple[str, str]] | None]:
+		import mistune
+		defi = (
+			defi.replace("\n @", "\n@")
+			.replace("\n :", "\n:")
+			.replace("\n &", "\n&")
+			.replace("</p><br />", "</p>")
+			.replace("</p><br/>", "</p>")
+			.replace("</p></br>", "</p>")
+		)
+		defi = defi.strip()
+		if html:
+			pass
+		else:
+			defi = mistune.html(defi)
+		images: list[tuple[str, str]] | None = None
+		if self._extract_inline_images:
+			defi, images = extractInlineHtmlImages(
+				defi,
+				self._glos.tmpDataDir,
+				fnamePrefix="",  # maybe f"{self._pos:06d}-"
+			)
+		return defi, images
+	def nextBlock(
+		self,
+	) -> tuple[list[str], str, list[tuple[str, str]] | None]:
+		words: list[str] = []
+		defiLines: list[str] = []
+		html = False
+		while True:
+			line = self.readline()
+			if not line:
+				break
+			line = line.rstrip("\n\r")
+			if line.startswith("@"):
+				if words:
+					self._bufferLine = line
+					defi, images = self.fixDefi("\n".join(defiLines), html=html)
+					return words, defi, images
+				words = [line[1:].strip()]
+				continue
+			if line.startswith(": "):
+				defiLines.append(line[2:])
+				continue
+			if line.startswith("::"):
+				continue
+			if line.startswith("&"):
+				words.append(line[1:].strip())
+				continue
+			if line.startswith("<html>"):
+				line = line[6:]
+				html = True
+			defiLines.append(line)
+		if words:
+			defi, images = self.fixDefi("\n".join(defiLines), html=html)
+			return words, defi, images
+		raise StopIteration
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_kobo_dictfile/writer.py b/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_kobo_dictfile/writer.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..60c9c9651
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_kobo_dictfile/writer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# The MIT License (MIT)
+# Copyright © 2020-2021 Saeed Rasooli <saeed.gnu@gmail.com>
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+from __future__ import annotations
+import os
+from os.path import isdir
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from pyglossary.core import log
+from pyglossary.io_utils import nullTextIO
+	import io
+	from collections.abc import Generator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+def fixWord(word: str) -> str:
+	return word.replace("\n", " ")
+def escapeDefi(defi: str) -> str:
+	return defi.replace("\n@", "\n @").replace("\n:", "\n :").replace("\n&", "\n &")
+class Writer:
+	_encoding: str = "utf-8"
+	@staticmethod
+	def stripFullHtmlError(entry: EntryType, error: str) -> None:
+		log.error(f"error in stripFullHtml: {error}, words={entry.l_word!r}")
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._file: io.TextIOBase = nullTextIO
+		glos.stripFullHtml(errorHandler=self.stripFullHtmlError)
+	def finish(self) -> None:
+		self._file.close()
+		if not os.listdir(self._resDir):
+			os.rmdir(self._resDir)
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		self._file = open(filename, "w", encoding=self._encoding)
+		# dictgen's ParseDictFile does not seem to support glossary info / metedata
+		self._resDir = filename + "_res"
+		if not isdir(self._resDir):
+			os.mkdir(self._resDir)
+	def write(
+		self,
+	) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
+		fileObj = self._file
+		resDir = self._resDir
+		while True:
+			entry = yield
+			if entry is None:
+				break
+			if entry.isData():
+				entry.save(resDir)
+				continue
+			words = entry.l_word
+			defi = entry.defi
+			entry.detectDefiFormat()
+			if entry.defiFormat == "h":
+				defi = f"<html>{entry.defi}"
+			fileObj.write(f"@ {fixWord(words[0])}\n")
+			for alt in words[1:]:
+				fileObj.write(f"& {fixWord(alt)}\n")
+			fileObj.write(f"{escapeDefi(defi)}\n\n")
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_mobi/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_mobi/__init__.py
index 9ac4e18ec..00da1e1ad 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_mobi/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_mobi/__init__.py
@@ -1,33 +1,8 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# The MIT License (MIT)
-# Copyright © 2012-2016 Alberto Pettarin (alberto@albertopettarin.it)
-# Copyright © 2016-2022 Saeed Rasooli <saeed.gnu@gmail.com>
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-from __future__ import annotations
-import os
-from datetime import datetime
-from os.path import join, split
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from __future__ import annotations
-from pyglossary.core import log
-from pyglossary.ebook_base import EbookWriter
 from pyglossary.flags import DEFAULT_YES
-from pyglossary.langs import Lang
 from pyglossary.option import (
@@ -36,10 +11,7 @@
-	from collections.abc import Generator
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+from .writer import Writer
 __all__ = [
@@ -121,277 +93,3 @@
 		" for creating Mobipocket e-books.",
-class GroupStateBySize:
-	def __init__(self, writer: Writer) -> None:
-		self.writer = writer
-		self.group_index = -1
-		self.reset()
-	def reset(self) -> None:
-		self.group_contents: list[str] = []
-		self.group_size = 0
-	def add(self, entry: EntryType) -> None:
-		defi = entry.defi
-		content = self.writer.format_group_content(
-			entry.l_word[0],
-			defi,
-			variants=entry.l_word[1:],
-		)
-		self.group_contents.append(content)
-		self.group_size += len(content.encode("utf-8"))
-class Writer(EbookWriter):
-	_compress: bool = False
-	_keep: bool = False
-	_kindlegen_path: str = ""
-	_file_size_approx: int = 271360
-	_hide_word_index: bool = False
-	_spellcheck: bool = True
-	_exact: bool = False
-	CSS_CONTENTS = b""""@charset "UTF-8";"""
-	GROUP_XHTML_TEMPLATE = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" \
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" \
-<html xmlns:cx=\
-"https://kindlegen.s3.amazonaws.com/AmazonKindlePublishingGuidelines.pdf" \
-xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" \
-/AmazonKindlePublishingGuidelines.pdf" \
-xmlns:math="http://exslt.org/math" \
-/AmazonKindlePublishingGuidelines.pdf" \
-/AmazonKindlePublishingGuidelines.pdf" \
-xmlns:saxon="http://saxon.sf.net/" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" \
-/AmazonKindlePublishingGuidelines.pdf" \
-xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" \
-<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />
-<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
-value="{inflword}"{exact_str} />"""
-	OPF_TEMPLATE = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<package unique-identifier="uid">
-<dc-metadata xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/metadata/dublin_core"
-<dc:Identifier id="uid">{identifier}</dc:Identifier>
-<dc:Subject BASICCode="REF008000">Dictionaries</dc:Subject>
-<output encoding="utf-8"></output>
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		import uuid
-		EbookWriter.__init__(
-			self,
-			glos,
-		)
-		glos.setInfo("uuid", str(uuid.uuid4()).replace("-", ""))
-		# FIXME: check if full html pages/documents as entry do work
-		# glos.stripFullHtml(errorHandler=None)
-	def get_prefix(self, word: str) -> str:
-		if not word:
-			return ""
-		length = self._group_by_prefix_length
-		prefix = word[:length].lower()
-		if prefix[0] < "a":
-			return "SPECIAL"
-		return prefix
-	def format_group_content(
-		self,
-		word: str,
-		defi: str,
-		variants: list[str] | None = None,
-	) -> str:
-		hide_word_index = self._hide_word_index
-		infl = ""
-		if variants:
-			iforms_list = [
-					inflword=variant,
-					exact_str=' exact="yes"' if self._exact else "",
-				)
-				for variant in variants
-			]
-			infl = "\n" + self.GROUP_XHTML_WORD_INFL_TEMPLATE.format(
-				iforms_str="\n".join(iforms_list),
-			)
-		headword = self.escape_if_needed(word)
-		defi = self.escape_if_needed(defi)
-		if hide_word_index:
-			headword_visible = ""
-			value_headword = f' value="{headword}"'
-		else:
-			headword_visible = "\n" + self._glos.wordTitleStr(headword)
-			value_headword = ""
-			spellcheck_str=' spell="yes"' if self._spellcheck else "",
-			headword_visible=headword_visible,
-			value_headword=value_headword,
-			definition=defi,
-			infl=infl,
-		)
-	@staticmethod
-	def getLangCode(lang: Lang | None) -> str:
-		return lang.code if isinstance(lang, Lang) else ""
-	def get_opf_contents(
-		self,
-		manifest_contents: str,
-		spine_contents: str,
-	) -> bytes:
-		cover = ""
-		if self.cover:
-			cover = self.COVER_TEMPLATE.format(cover=self.cover)
-		creationDate = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
-		return self.OPF_TEMPLATE.format(
-			identifier=self._glos.getInfo("uuid"),
-			# use Language code instead name for kindlegen
-			sourceLang=self.getLangCode(self._glos.sourceLang),
-			targetLang=self.getLangCode(self._glos.targetLang),
-			title=self._glos.getInfo("name"),
-			creator=self._glos.author,
-			copyright=self._glos.getInfo("copyright"),
-			description=self._glos.getInfo("description"),
-			creationDate=creationDate,
-			cover=cover,
-			manifest=manifest_contents,
-			spine=spine_contents,
-		).encode("utf-8")
-	def write_groups(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
-		def add_group(state: GroupStateBySize) -> None:
-			if state.group_size <= 0:
-				return
-			state.group_index += 1
-			index = state.group_index + self.GROUP_START_INDEX
-			group_xhtml_path = self.get_group_xhtml_file_name_from_index(index)
-			self.add_file_manifest(
-				"OEBPS/" + group_xhtml_path,
-				group_xhtml_path,
-				self.GROUP_XHTML_TEMPLATE.format(
-					group_contents=self.GROUP_XHTML_WORD_DEFINITION_JOINER.join(
-						state.group_contents,
-					),
-				).encode("utf-8"),
-				"application/xhtml+xml",
-			)
-		state = GroupStateBySize(self)
-		while True:
-			entry = yield
-			if entry is None:
-				break
-			if entry.isData():
-				continue
-			if state.group_size >= self._file_size_approx:
-				add_group(state)
-				state.reset()
-			state.add(entry)
-		add_group(state)
-	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
-		import shutil
-		import subprocess
-		filename = self._filename
-		kindlegen_path = self._kindlegen_path
-		yield from EbookWriter.write(self)
-		# download kindlegen from this page:
-		# https://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?ie=UTF8&docId=1000765211
-		# run kindlegen
-		if not kindlegen_path:
-			kindlegen_path = shutil.which("kindlegen") or ""
-		if not kindlegen_path:
-			log.warning(
-				f"Not running kindlegen, the raw files are located in {filename}",
-			)
-			log.warning(
-				"Provide KindleGen path with: --write-options 'kindlegen_path=...'",
-			)
-			return
-		# name = self._glos.getInfo("name")
-		log.info(f"Creating .mobi file with kindlegen, using {kindlegen_path!r}")
-		direc, filename = split(filename)
-		cmd = [
-			kindlegen_path,
-			join(filename, "OEBPS", "content.opf"),
-			"-gen_ff_mobi7",
-			"-o",
-			"content.mobi",
-		]
-		proc = subprocess.Popen(
-			cmd,
-			cwd=direc,
-			stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-			stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
-			stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
-		)
-		output = proc.communicate()
-		log.info(output[0].decode("utf-8"))
-		mobi_path_abs = os.path.join(filename, "OEBPS", "content.mobi")
-		log.info(f"Created .mobi file with kindlegen: {mobi_path_abs}")
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_mobi/writer.py b/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_mobi/writer.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..36484ff8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/ebook_mobi/writer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# The MIT License (MIT)
+# Copyright © 2012-2016 Alberto Pettarin (alberto@albertopettarin.it)
+# Copyright © 2016-2022 Saeed Rasooli <saeed.gnu@gmail.com>
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+from __future__ import annotations
+import os
+from datetime import datetime
+from os.path import join, split
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from pyglossary.core import log
+from pyglossary.ebook_base import EbookWriter
+from pyglossary.langs import Lang
+	from collections.abc import Generator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+class GroupStateBySize:
+	def __init__(self, writer: Writer) -> None:
+		self.writer = writer
+		self.group_index = -1
+		self.reset()
+	def reset(self) -> None:
+		self.group_contents: list[str] = []
+		self.group_size = 0
+	def add(self, entry: EntryType) -> None:
+		defi = entry.defi
+		content = self.writer.format_group_content(
+			entry.l_word[0],
+			defi,
+			variants=entry.l_word[1:],
+		)
+		self.group_contents.append(content)
+		self.group_size += len(content.encode("utf-8"))
+class Writer(EbookWriter):
+	_compress: bool = False
+	_keep: bool = False
+	_kindlegen_path: str = ""
+	_file_size_approx: int = 271360
+	_hide_word_index: bool = False
+	_spellcheck: bool = True
+	_exact: bool = False
+	CSS_CONTENTS = b""""@charset "UTF-8";"""
+	GROUP_XHTML_TEMPLATE = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" \
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" \
+<html xmlns:cx=\
+"https://kindlegen.s3.amazonaws.com/AmazonKindlePublishingGuidelines.pdf" \
+xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" \
+/AmazonKindlePublishingGuidelines.pdf" \
+xmlns:math="http://exslt.org/math" \
+/AmazonKindlePublishingGuidelines.pdf" \
+/AmazonKindlePublishingGuidelines.pdf" \
+xmlns:saxon="http://saxon.sf.net/" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" \
+/AmazonKindlePublishingGuidelines.pdf" \
+xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" \
+<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />
+<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
+value="{inflword}"{exact_str} />"""
+	OPF_TEMPLATE = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<package unique-identifier="uid">
+<dc-metadata xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/metadata/dublin_core"
+<dc:Identifier id="uid">{identifier}</dc:Identifier>
+<dc:Subject BASICCode="REF008000">Dictionaries</dc:Subject>
+<output encoding="utf-8"></output>
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		import uuid
+		EbookWriter.__init__(
+			self,
+			glos,
+		)
+		glos.setInfo("uuid", str(uuid.uuid4()).replace("-", ""))
+		# FIXME: check if full html pages/documents as entry do work
+		# glos.stripFullHtml(errorHandler=None)
+	def get_prefix(self, word: str) -> str:
+		if not word:
+			return ""
+		length = self._group_by_prefix_length
+		prefix = word[:length].lower()
+		if prefix[0] < "a":
+			return "SPECIAL"
+		return prefix
+	def format_group_content(
+		self,
+		word: str,
+		defi: str,
+		variants: list[str] | None = None,
+	) -> str:
+		hide_word_index = self._hide_word_index
+		infl = ""
+		if variants:
+			iforms_list = [
+					inflword=variant,
+					exact_str=' exact="yes"' if self._exact else "",
+				)
+				for variant in variants
+			]
+			infl = "\n" + self.GROUP_XHTML_WORD_INFL_TEMPLATE.format(
+				iforms_str="\n".join(iforms_list),
+			)
+		headword = self.escape_if_needed(word)
+		defi = self.escape_if_needed(defi)
+		if hide_word_index:
+			headword_visible = ""
+			value_headword = f' value="{headword}"'
+		else:
+			headword_visible = "\n" + self._glos.wordTitleStr(headword)
+			value_headword = ""
+			spellcheck_str=' spell="yes"' if self._spellcheck else "",
+			headword_visible=headword_visible,
+			value_headword=value_headword,
+			definition=defi,
+			infl=infl,
+		)
+	@staticmethod
+	def getLangCode(lang: Lang | None) -> str:
+		return lang.code if isinstance(lang, Lang) else ""
+	def get_opf_contents(
+		self,
+		manifest_contents: str,
+		spine_contents: str,
+	) -> bytes:
+		cover = ""
+		if self.cover:
+			cover = self.COVER_TEMPLATE.format(cover=self.cover)
+		creationDate = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+		return self.OPF_TEMPLATE.format(
+			identifier=self._glos.getInfo("uuid"),
+			# use Language code instead name for kindlegen
+			sourceLang=self.getLangCode(self._glos.sourceLang),
+			targetLang=self.getLangCode(self._glos.targetLang),
+			title=self._glos.getInfo("name"),
+			creator=self._glos.author,
+			copyright=self._glos.getInfo("copyright"),
+			description=self._glos.getInfo("description"),
+			creationDate=creationDate,
+			cover=cover,
+			manifest=manifest_contents,
+			spine=spine_contents,
+		).encode("utf-8")
+	def write_groups(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
+		def add_group(state: GroupStateBySize) -> None:
+			if state.group_size <= 0:
+				return
+			state.group_index += 1
+			index = state.group_index + self.GROUP_START_INDEX
+			group_xhtml_path = self.get_group_xhtml_file_name_from_index(index)
+			self.add_file_manifest(
+				"OEBPS/" + group_xhtml_path,
+				group_xhtml_path,
+				self.GROUP_XHTML_TEMPLATE.format(
+					group_contents=self.GROUP_XHTML_WORD_DEFINITION_JOINER.join(
+						state.group_contents,
+					),
+				).encode("utf-8"),
+				"application/xhtml+xml",
+			)
+		state = GroupStateBySize(self)
+		while True:
+			entry = yield
+			if entry is None:
+				break
+			if entry.isData():
+				continue
+			if state.group_size >= self._file_size_approx:
+				add_group(state)
+				state.reset()
+			state.add(entry)
+		add_group(state)
+	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
+		import shutil
+		import subprocess
+		filename = self._filename
+		kindlegen_path = self._kindlegen_path
+		yield from EbookWriter.write(self)
+		# download kindlegen from this page:
+		# https://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?ie=UTF8&docId=1000765211
+		# run kindlegen
+		if not kindlegen_path:
+			kindlegen_path = shutil.which("kindlegen") or ""
+		if not kindlegen_path:
+			log.warning(
+				f"Not running kindlegen, the raw files are located in {filename}",
+			)
+			log.warning(
+				"Provide KindleGen path with: --write-options 'kindlegen_path=...'",
+			)
+			return
+		# name = self._glos.getInfo("name")
+		log.info(f"Creating .mobi file with kindlegen, using {kindlegen_path!r}")
+		direc, filename = split(filename)
+		cmd = [
+			kindlegen_path,
+			join(filename, "OEBPS", "content.opf"),
+			"-gen_ff_mobi7",
+			"-o",
+			"content.mobi",
+		]
+		proc = subprocess.Popen(
+			cmd,
+			cwd=direc,
+			stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+			stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+			stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+		)
+		output = proc.communicate()
+		log.info(output[0].decode("utf-8"))
+		mobi_path_abs = os.path.join(filename, "OEBPS", "content.mobi")
+		log.info(f"Created .mobi file with kindlegen: {mobi_path_abs}")
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/edict2/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/edict2/__init__.py
index f0cb45408..50b9a2466 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/edict2/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/edict2/__init__.py
@@ -1,23 +1,12 @@
 from __future__ import annotations
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
-from pyglossary.core import log
-from pyglossary.io_utils import nullTextIO
 from pyglossary.option import (
-from . import conv
-	import io
-	from collections.abc import Iterator
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+from .reader import Reader
 __all__ = [
@@ -71,78 +60,3 @@
 		comment="Set to false to disable tones coloring",
-class Reader:
-	depends = {
-		"lxml": "lxml",
-	}
-	_encoding: str = "utf-8"
-	_traditional_title: bool = False
-	_colorize_tones: bool = True
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self.file: io.TextIOBase = nullTextIO
-		self._fileSize = 0
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		# self._glos.sourceLangName = "Chinese"
-		# self._glos.targetLangName = "English"
-		cfile = self.file = open(filename, encoding=self._encoding)
-		if cfile.seekable():
-			cfile.seek(0, 2)
-			self._fileSize = cfile.tell()
-			cfile.seek(0)
-			# self._glos.setInfo("input_file_size", f"{self._fileSize}")
-		else:
-			log.warning("EDICT2 Reader: file is not seekable")
-	def close(self) -> None:
-		self.file.close()
-		self.file = nullTextIO
-	def __len__(self) -> int:
-		return 0
-	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
-		file = self.file
-		fileSize = self._fileSize
-		glos = self._glos
-		render_syllables = (
-			conv.render_syllables_color
-			if self._colorize_tones
-			else conv.render_syllables_no_color
-		)
-		parse_line = (
-			conv.parse_line_trad if self._traditional_title else conv.parse_line_simp
-		)
-		while True:
-			line = file.readline()
-			if not line:
-				break
-			line = line.rstrip("\n")
-			if not line:
-				continue
-			if line.startswith("#"):
-				continue
-			parts = parse_line(line)
-			if parts is None:
-				log.warning(f"bad line: {line!r}")
-				continue
-			names, article_text = conv.render_article(
-				render_syllables,
-				conv.Article(*parts),
-			)
-			entry = glos.newEntry(
-				names,
-				article_text,
-				defiFormat="h",
-				byteProgress=(file.tell(), fileSize) if fileSize else None,
-			)
-			yield entry
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/edict2/reader.py b/pyglossary/plugins/edict2/reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..378cc0251
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/edict2/reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from pyglossary.core import log
+from pyglossary.io_utils import nullTextIO
+from . import conv
+	import io
+	from collections.abc import Iterator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+class Reader:
+	depends = {
+		"lxml": "lxml",
+	}
+	_encoding: str = "utf-8"
+	_traditional_title: bool = False
+	_colorize_tones: bool = True
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self.file: io.TextIOBase = nullTextIO
+		self._fileSize = 0
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		# self._glos.sourceLangName = "Chinese"
+		# self._glos.targetLangName = "English"
+		cfile = self.file = open(filename, encoding=self._encoding)
+		if cfile.seekable():
+			cfile.seek(0, 2)
+			self._fileSize = cfile.tell()
+			cfile.seek(0)
+			# self._glos.setInfo("input_file_size", f"{self._fileSize}")
+		else:
+			log.warning("EDICT2 Reader: file is not seekable")
+	def close(self) -> None:
+		self.file.close()
+		self.file = nullTextIO
+	def __len__(self) -> int:
+		return 0
+	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
+		file = self.file
+		fileSize = self._fileSize
+		glos = self._glos
+		render_syllables = (
+			conv.render_syllables_color
+			if self._colorize_tones
+			else conv.render_syllables_no_color
+		)
+		parse_line = (
+			conv.parse_line_trad if self._traditional_title else conv.parse_line_simp
+		)
+		while True:
+			line = file.readline()
+			if not line:
+				break
+			line = line.rstrip("\n")
+			if not line:
+				continue
+			if line.startswith("#"):
+				continue
+			parts = parse_line(line)
+			if parts is None:
+				log.warning(f"bad line: {line!r}")
+				continue
+			names, article_text = conv.render_article(
+				render_syllables,
+				conv.Article(*parts),
+			)
+			entry = glos.newEntry(
+				names,
+				article_text,
+				defiFormat="h",
+				byteProgress=(file.tell(), fileSize) if fileSize else None,
+			)
+			yield entry
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/edlin/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/edlin/__init__.py
index fc5e428f8..6f6664762 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/edlin/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/edlin/__init__.py
@@ -1,45 +1,15 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# edlin.py
-# Copyright © 2016-2019 Saeed Rasooli <saeed.gnu@gmail.com> (ilius)
-# This file is part of PyGlossary project, https://github.com/ilius/pyglossary
-# This program is a free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with this program. Or on Debian systems, from /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL
-# If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt>.
 from __future__ import annotations
-import os
-from os.path import dirname, isdir, isfile, join
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
-from pyglossary.core import log
 from pyglossary.option import (
-from pyglossary.text_utils import (
-	escapeNTB,
-	splitByBarUnescapeNTB,
-	unescapeNTB,
-	from collections.abc import Generator, Iterator
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+from .reader import Reader
+from .writer import Writer
 __all__ = [
@@ -72,241 +42,3 @@
 	"encoding": EncodingOption(),
 	"prev_link": BoolOption(comment="Enable link to previous entry"),
-def makeDir(direc: str) -> None:
-	if not isdir(direc):
-		os.makedirs(direc)
-class Reader:
-	_encoding: str = "utf-8"
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._clear()
-	def close(self) -> None:
-		self._clear()
-	def _clear(self) -> None:
-		self._filename = ""
-		self._prev_link = True
-		self._wordCount = None
-		self._rootPath = None
-		self._resDir = ""
-		self._resFileNames: list[str] = []
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		from pyglossary.json_utils import jsonToData
-		if isdir(filename):
-			infoFname = join(filename, "info.json")
-		elif isfile(filename):
-			infoFname = filename
-			filename = dirname(filename)
-		else:
-			raise ValueError(
-				f"error while opening {filename!r}: no such file or directory",
-			)
-		self._filename = filename
-		with open(infoFname, encoding=self._encoding) as infoFp:
-			info = jsonToData(infoFp.read())
-		self._wordCount = info.pop("wordCount")
-		self._prev_link = info.pop("prev_link")
-		self._rootPath = info.pop("root")
-		for key, value in info.items():
-			self._glos.setInfo(key, value)
-		self._resDir = join(filename, "res")
-		if isdir(self._resDir):
-			self._resFileNames = os.listdir(self._resDir)
-		else:
-			self._resDir = ""
-			self._resFileNames = []
-	def __len__(self) -> int:
-		if self._wordCount is None:
-			log.error("called len() on a reader which is not open")
-			return 0
-		return self._wordCount + len(self._resFileNames)
-	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
-		if not self._rootPath:
-			raise RuntimeError("iterating over a reader while it's not open")
-		wordCount = 0
-		nextPath = self._rootPath
-		while nextPath != "END":
-			wordCount += 1
-			# before or after reading word and defi
-			# (and skipping empty entry)? FIXME
-			with open(
-				join(self._filename, nextPath),
-				encoding=self._encoding,
-			) as _file:
-				header = _file.readline().rstrip()
-				if self._prev_link:
-					_prevPath, nextPath = header.split(" ")
-				else:
-					nextPath = header
-				word = _file.readline()
-				if not word:
-					yield None  # update progressbar
-					continue
-				defi = _file.read()
-				if not defi:
-					log.warning(
-						f"Edlin Reader: no definition for word {word!r}, skipping",
-					)
-					yield None  # update progressbar
-					continue
-				word = word.rstrip()
-				defi = defi.rstrip()
-			if self._glos.alts:
-				word = splitByBarUnescapeNTB(word)
-				if len(word) == 1:
-					word = word[0]
-			else:
-				word = unescapeNTB(word, bar=False)
-			# defi = unescapeNTB(defi)
-			yield self._glos.newEntry(word, defi)
-		if wordCount != self._wordCount:
-			log.warning(
-				f"{wordCount} words found, "
-				f"wordCount in info.json was {self._wordCount}",
-			)
-			self._wordCount = wordCount
-		resDir = self._resDir
-		for fname in self._resFileNames:
-			with open(join(resDir, fname), "rb") as _file:
-				yield self._glos.newDataEntry(
-					fname,
-					_file.read(),
-				)
-class Writer:
-	_encoding: str = "utf-8"
-	_prev_link: bool = True
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._clear()
-	def finish(self) -> None:
-		self._clear()
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		self._filename = filename
-		self._resDir = join(filename, "res")
-		os.makedirs(filename)
-		os.mkdir(self._resDir)
-	def _clear(self) -> None:
-		self._filename = ""
-		self._resDir = ""
-		self._encoding = "utf-8"
-		self._hashSet: set[str] = set()
-		# self._wordCount = None
-	@staticmethod
-	def hashToPath(h: str) -> str:
-		return h[:2] + "/" + h[2:]
-	def getEntryHash(self, entry: EntryType) -> str:
-		"""
-		Return hash string for given entry
-		don't call it twice for one entry, if you do you will get a
-		different hash string.
-		"""
-		from hashlib import sha1
-		hash_ = sha1(entry.s_word.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()[:8]  # noqa: S324
-		if hash_ not in self._hashSet:
-			self._hashSet.add(hash_)
-			return hash_
-		index = 0
-		while True:
-			tmp_hash = hash_ + f"{index:x}"
-			if tmp_hash not in self._hashSet:
-				self._hashSet.add(tmp_hash)
-				return tmp_hash
-			index += 1
-	def saveEntry(
-		self,
-		thisEntry: EntryType,
-		thisHash: str,
-		prevHash: str | None,
-		nextHash: str | None,
-	) -> None:
-		dpath = join(self._filename, thisHash[:2])
-		makeDir(dpath)
-		with open(
-			join(dpath, thisHash[2:]),
-			"w",
-			encoding=self._encoding,
-		) as toFile:
-			nextPath = self.hashToPath(nextHash) if nextHash else "END"
-			if self._prev_link:
-				prevPath = self.hashToPath(prevHash) if prevHash else "START"
-				header = prevPath + " " + nextPath
-			else:
-				header = nextPath
-			toFile.write(
-				"\n".join(
-					[
-						header,
-						escapeNTB(thisEntry.s_word, bar=False),
-						thisEntry.defi,
-					],
-				),
-			)
-	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
-		from pyglossary.json_utils import dataToPrettyJson
-		thisEntry = yield
-		if thisEntry is None:
-			raise ValueError("glossary is empty")
-		count = 1
-		rootHash = thisHash = self.getEntryHash(thisEntry)
-		prevHash = None
-		while True:
-			nextEntry = yield
-			if nextEntry is None:
-				break
-			if nextEntry.isData():
-				nextEntry.save(self._resDir)
-				continue
-			nextHash = self.getEntryHash(nextEntry)
-			self.saveEntry(thisEntry, thisHash, prevHash, nextHash)
-			thisEntry = nextEntry
-			prevHash, thisHash = thisHash, nextHash
-			count += 1
-		self.saveEntry(thisEntry, thisHash, prevHash, None)
-		with open(
-			join(self._filename, "info.json"),
-			"w",
-			encoding=self._encoding,
-		) as toFile:
-			info = {}
-			info["name"] = self._glos.getInfo("name")
-			info["root"] = self.hashToPath(rootHash)
-			info["prev_link"] = self._prev_link
-			info["wordCount"] = count
-			# info["modified"] =
-			info |= self._glos.getExtraInfos(["name", "root", "prev_link", "wordCount"])
-			toFile.write(dataToPrettyJson(info))
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/edlin/reader.py b/pyglossary/plugins/edlin/reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a14526777
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/edlin/reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+import os
+from os.path import dirname, isdir, isfile, join
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from pyglossary.core import log
+from pyglossary.text_utils import (
+	splitByBarUnescapeNTB,
+	unescapeNTB,
+	from collections.abc import Iterator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+class Reader:
+	_encoding: str = "utf-8"
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._clear()
+	def close(self) -> None:
+		self._clear()
+	def _clear(self) -> None:
+		self._filename = ""
+		self._prev_link = True
+		self._wordCount = None
+		self._rootPath = None
+		self._resDir = ""
+		self._resFileNames: list[str] = []
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		from pyglossary.json_utils import jsonToData
+		if isdir(filename):
+			infoFname = join(filename, "info.json")
+		elif isfile(filename):
+			infoFname = filename
+			filename = dirname(filename)
+		else:
+			raise ValueError(
+				f"error while opening {filename!r}: no such file or directory",
+			)
+		self._filename = filename
+		with open(infoFname, encoding=self._encoding) as infoFp:
+			info = jsonToData(infoFp.read())
+		self._wordCount = info.pop("wordCount")
+		self._prev_link = info.pop("prev_link")
+		self._rootPath = info.pop("root")
+		for key, value in info.items():
+			self._glos.setInfo(key, value)
+		self._resDir = join(filename, "res")
+		if isdir(self._resDir):
+			self._resFileNames = os.listdir(self._resDir)
+		else:
+			self._resDir = ""
+			self._resFileNames = []
+	def __len__(self) -> int:
+		if self._wordCount is None:
+			log.error("called len() on a reader which is not open")
+			return 0
+		return self._wordCount + len(self._resFileNames)
+	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
+		if not self._rootPath:
+			raise RuntimeError("iterating over a reader while it's not open")
+		wordCount = 0
+		nextPath = self._rootPath
+		while nextPath != "END":
+			wordCount += 1
+			# before or after reading word and defi
+			# (and skipping empty entry)? FIXME
+			with open(
+				join(self._filename, nextPath),
+				encoding=self._encoding,
+			) as _file:
+				header = _file.readline().rstrip()
+				if self._prev_link:
+					_prevPath, nextPath = header.split(" ")
+				else:
+					nextPath = header
+				word = _file.readline()
+				if not word:
+					yield None  # update progressbar
+					continue
+				defi = _file.read()
+				if not defi:
+					log.warning(
+						f"Edlin Reader: no definition for word {word!r}, skipping",
+					)
+					yield None  # update progressbar
+					continue
+				word = word.rstrip()
+				defi = defi.rstrip()
+			if self._glos.alts:
+				word = splitByBarUnescapeNTB(word)
+				if len(word) == 1:
+					word = word[0]
+			else:
+				word = unescapeNTB(word, bar=False)
+			# defi = unescapeNTB(defi)
+			yield self._glos.newEntry(word, defi)
+		if wordCount != self._wordCount:
+			log.warning(
+				f"{wordCount} words found, "
+				f"wordCount in info.json was {self._wordCount}",
+			)
+			self._wordCount = wordCount
+		resDir = self._resDir
+		for fname in self._resFileNames:
+			with open(join(resDir, fname), "rb") as _file:
+				yield self._glos.newDataEntry(
+					fname,
+					_file.read(),
+				)
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/edlin/writer.py b/pyglossary/plugins/edlin/writer.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6bd53b0a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/edlin/writer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+import os
+from os.path import isdir, join
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from pyglossary.text_utils import (
+	escapeNTB,
+	from collections.abc import Generator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+def makeDir(direc: str) -> None:
+	if not isdir(direc):
+		os.makedirs(direc)
+class Writer:
+	_encoding: str = "utf-8"
+	_prev_link: bool = True
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._clear()
+	def finish(self) -> None:
+		self._clear()
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		self._filename = filename
+		self._resDir = join(filename, "res")
+		os.makedirs(filename)
+		os.mkdir(self._resDir)
+	def _clear(self) -> None:
+		self._filename = ""
+		self._resDir = ""
+		self._encoding = "utf-8"
+		self._hashSet: set[str] = set()
+		# self._wordCount = None
+	@staticmethod
+	def hashToPath(h: str) -> str:
+		return h[:2] + "/" + h[2:]
+	def getEntryHash(self, entry: EntryType) -> str:
+		"""
+		Return hash string for given entry
+		don't call it twice for one entry, if you do you will get a
+		different hash string.
+		"""
+		from hashlib import sha1
+		hash_ = sha1(entry.s_word.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()[:8]  # noqa: S324
+		if hash_ not in self._hashSet:
+			self._hashSet.add(hash_)
+			return hash_
+		index = 0
+		while True:
+			tmp_hash = hash_ + f"{index:x}"
+			if tmp_hash not in self._hashSet:
+				self._hashSet.add(tmp_hash)
+				return tmp_hash
+			index += 1
+	def saveEntry(
+		self,
+		thisEntry: EntryType,
+		thisHash: str,
+		prevHash: str | None,
+		nextHash: str | None,
+	) -> None:
+		dpath = join(self._filename, thisHash[:2])
+		makeDir(dpath)
+		with open(
+			join(dpath, thisHash[2:]),
+			"w",
+			encoding=self._encoding,
+		) as toFile:
+			nextPath = self.hashToPath(nextHash) if nextHash else "END"
+			if self._prev_link:
+				prevPath = self.hashToPath(prevHash) if prevHash else "START"
+				header = prevPath + " " + nextPath
+			else:
+				header = nextPath
+			toFile.write(
+				"\n".join(
+					[
+						header,
+						escapeNTB(thisEntry.s_word, bar=False),
+						thisEntry.defi,
+					],
+				),
+			)
+	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
+		from pyglossary.json_utils import dataToPrettyJson
+		thisEntry = yield
+		if thisEntry is None:
+			raise ValueError("glossary is empty")
+		count = 1
+		rootHash = thisHash = self.getEntryHash(thisEntry)
+		prevHash = None
+		while True:
+			nextEntry = yield
+			if nextEntry is None:
+				break
+			if nextEntry.isData():
+				nextEntry.save(self._resDir)
+				continue
+			nextHash = self.getEntryHash(nextEntry)
+			self.saveEntry(thisEntry, thisHash, prevHash, nextHash)
+			thisEntry = nextEntry
+			prevHash, thisHash = thisHash, nextHash
+			count += 1
+		self.saveEntry(thisEntry, thisHash, prevHash, None)
+		with open(
+			join(self._filename, "info.json"),
+			"w",
+			encoding=self._encoding,
+		) as toFile:
+			info = {}
+			info["name"] = self._glos.getInfo("name")
+			info["root"] = self.hashToPath(rootHash)
+			info["prev_link"] = self._prev_link
+			info["wordCount"] = count
+			# info["modified"] =
+			info |= self._glos.getExtraInfos(["name", "root", "prev_link", "wordCount"])
+			toFile.write(dataToPrettyJson(info))
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/gettext_po/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/gettext_po/__init__.py
index 978b7c455..cd6dd9887 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/gettext_po/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/gettext_po/__init__.py
@@ -2,23 +2,13 @@
 from __future__ import annotations
-import os
-from os.path import isdir
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
-from pyglossary.core import exc_note, log, pip
-from pyglossary.io_utils import nullTextIO
 from pyglossary.option import (
-from pyglossary.text_utils import splitByBar
-	import io
-	from collections.abc import Generator, Iterator
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+from .reader import Reader
+from .writer import Writer
 __all__ = [
@@ -52,166 +42,3 @@
 optionsProp: dict[str, Option] = {
 	"resources": BoolOption(comment="Enable resources / data files"),
-class Reader:
-	depends = {
-		"polib": "polib",
-	}
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._alts = glos.alts
-		self.clear()
-	def clear(self) -> None:
-		self._filename = ""
-		self._file: io.TextIOBase = nullTextIO
-		self._wordCount: int | None = None
-		self._resDir = ""
-		self._resFileNames: list[str] = []
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		self._filename = filename
-		self._file = open(filename, encoding="utf-8")
-		self._resDir = filename + "_res"
-		if isdir(self._resDir):
-			self._resFileNames = os.listdir(self._resDir)
-		else:
-			self._resDir = ""
-			self._resFileNames = []
-	def close(self) -> None:
-		self._file.close()
-		self._file = nullTextIO
-		self.clear()
-	def __len__(self) -> int:
-		from pyglossary.file_utils import fileCountLines
-		if self._wordCount is None:
-			log.debug("Try not to use len(reader) as it takes extra time")
-			self._wordCount = fileCountLines(
-				self._filename,
-				newline=b"\nmsgid",
-			)
-		return self._wordCount
-	def makeEntry(self, word: str, defi: str) -> EntryType:
-		if self._alts:
-			return self._glos.newEntry(splitByBar(word), defi)
-		return self._glos.newEntry(word, defi)
-	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:  # noqa: PLR0912
-		try:
-			from polib import unescape as po_unescape
-		except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
-			exc_note(e, f"Run `{pip} install polib` to install")
-			raise
-		file = self._file
-		word = ""
-		defi = ""
-		msgstr = False
-		wordCount = 0
-		for line_ in file:
-			line = line_.strip()  # noqa: PLW2901
-			if not line:
-				continue
-			if line.startswith("#"):
-				continue
-			if line.startswith("msgid "):
-				if word:
-					yield self.makeEntry(word, defi)
-					wordCount += 1
-					word = ""
-					defi = ""
-				else:
-					pass
-					# TODO: parse defi and set glos info?
-					# but this should be done in self.open
-				word = po_unescape(line[6:])
-				if word.startswith('"'):
-					if len(word) < 2 or word[-1] != '"':
-						raise ValueError("invalid po line: line")
-					word = word[1:-1]
-				msgstr = False
-				continue
-			if line.startswith("msgstr "):
-				if msgstr:
-					log.error("msgid omitted!")
-				defi = po_unescape(line[7:])
-				if defi.startswith('"'):
-					if len(defi) < 2 or defi[-1] != '"':
-						raise ValueError("invalid po line: line")
-					defi = defi[1:-1]
-				msgstr = True
-				continue
-			line = po_unescape(line)
-			if line.startswith('"'):
-				if len(line) < 2 or line[-1] != '"':
-					raise ValueError("invalid po line: line")
-				line = line[1:-1]
-			if msgstr:
-				defi += line
-			else:
-				word += line
-		if word:
-			yield self.makeEntry(word, defi)
-			wordCount += 1
-		self._wordCount = wordCount
-class Writer:
-	depends = {
-		"polib": "polib",
-	}
-	_resources: bool = True
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._filename = ""
-		self._file: io.TextIOBase = nullTextIO
-		glos.preventDuplicateWords()
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		try:
-			from polib import escape as po_escape
-		except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
-			exc_note(e, f"Run `{pip} install polib` to install")
-			raise
-		self._filename = filename
-		self._file = file = open(filename, mode="w", encoding="utf-8")
-		file.write('#\nmsgid ""\nmsgstr ""\n')
-		for key, value in self._glos.iterInfo():
-			file.write(f'"{po_escape(key)}: {po_escape(value)}\\n"\n')
-	def finish(self) -> None:
-		self._filename = ""
-		self._file.close()
-		self._file = nullTextIO
-	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
-		from polib import escape as po_escape
-		file = self._file
-		resources = self._resources
-		filename = self._filename
-		while True:
-			entry = yield
-			if entry is None:
-				break
-			if entry.isData():
-				if resources:
-					entry.save(filename + "_res")
-				continue
-			file.write(
-				f'msgid "{po_escape(entry.s_word)}"\n'
-				f'msgstr "{po_escape(entry.defi)}"\n\n',
-			)
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/gettext_po/reader.py b/pyglossary/plugins/gettext_po/reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..126288488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/gettext_po/reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+import os
+from os.path import isdir
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from pyglossary.core import exc_note, log, pip
+from pyglossary.io_utils import nullTextIO
+from pyglossary.text_utils import splitByBar
+	import io
+	from collections.abc import Iterator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+class Reader:
+	depends = {
+		"polib": "polib",
+	}
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._alts = glos.alts
+		self.clear()
+	def clear(self) -> None:
+		self._filename = ""
+		self._file: io.TextIOBase = nullTextIO
+		self._wordCount: int | None = None
+		self._resDir = ""
+		self._resFileNames: list[str] = []
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		self._filename = filename
+		self._file = open(filename, encoding="utf-8")
+		self._resDir = filename + "_res"
+		if isdir(self._resDir):
+			self._resFileNames = os.listdir(self._resDir)
+		else:
+			self._resDir = ""
+			self._resFileNames = []
+	def close(self) -> None:
+		self._file.close()
+		self._file = nullTextIO
+		self.clear()
+	def __len__(self) -> int:
+		from pyglossary.file_utils import fileCountLines
+		if self._wordCount is None:
+			log.debug("Try not to use len(reader) as it takes extra time")
+			self._wordCount = fileCountLines(
+				self._filename,
+				newline=b"\nmsgid",
+			)
+		return self._wordCount
+	def makeEntry(self, word: str, defi: str) -> EntryType:
+		if self._alts:
+			return self._glos.newEntry(splitByBar(word), defi)
+		return self._glos.newEntry(word, defi)
+	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:  # noqa: PLR0912
+		try:
+			from polib import unescape as po_unescape
+		except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
+			exc_note(e, f"Run `{pip} install polib` to install")
+			raise
+		file = self._file
+		word = ""
+		defi = ""
+		msgstr = False
+		wordCount = 0
+		for line_ in file:
+			line = line_.strip()  # noqa: PLW2901
+			if not line:
+				continue
+			if line.startswith("#"):
+				continue
+			if line.startswith("msgid "):
+				if word:
+					yield self.makeEntry(word, defi)
+					wordCount += 1
+					word = ""
+					defi = ""
+				else:
+					pass
+					# TODO: parse defi and set glos info?
+					# but this should be done in self.open
+				word = po_unescape(line[6:])
+				if word.startswith('"'):
+					if len(word) < 2 or word[-1] != '"':
+						raise ValueError("invalid po line: line")
+					word = word[1:-1]
+				msgstr = False
+				continue
+			if line.startswith("msgstr "):
+				if msgstr:
+					log.error("msgid omitted!")
+				defi = po_unescape(line[7:])
+				if defi.startswith('"'):
+					if len(defi) < 2 or defi[-1] != '"':
+						raise ValueError("invalid po line: line")
+					defi = defi[1:-1]
+				msgstr = True
+				continue
+			line = po_unescape(line)
+			if line.startswith('"'):
+				if len(line) < 2 or line[-1] != '"':
+					raise ValueError("invalid po line: line")
+				line = line[1:-1]
+			if msgstr:
+				defi += line
+			else:
+				word += line
+		if word:
+			yield self.makeEntry(word, defi)
+			wordCount += 1
+		self._wordCount = wordCount
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/gettext_po/writer.py b/pyglossary/plugins/gettext_po/writer.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7364e1d19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/gettext_po/writer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from pyglossary.core import exc_note, pip
+from pyglossary.io_utils import nullTextIO
+	import io
+	from collections.abc import Generator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+class Writer:
+	depends = {
+		"polib": "polib",
+	}
+	_resources: bool = True
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._filename = ""
+		self._file: io.TextIOBase = nullTextIO
+		glos.preventDuplicateWords()
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		try:
+			from polib import escape as po_escape
+		except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
+			exc_note(e, f"Run `{pip} install polib` to install")
+			raise
+		self._filename = filename
+		self._file = file = open(filename, mode="w", encoding="utf-8")
+		file.write('#\nmsgid ""\nmsgstr ""\n')
+		for key, value in self._glos.iterInfo():
+			file.write(f'"{po_escape(key)}: {po_escape(value)}\\n"\n')
+	def finish(self) -> None:
+		self._filename = ""
+		self._file.close()
+		self._file = nullTextIO
+	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
+		from polib import escape as po_escape
+		file = self._file
+		resources = self._resources
+		filename = self._filename
+		while True:
+			entry = yield
+			if entry is None:
+				break
+			if entry.isData():
+				if resources:
+					entry.save(filename + "_res")
+				continue
+			file.write(
+				f'msgid "{po_escape(entry.s_word)}"\n'
+				f'msgstr "{po_escape(entry.defi)}"\n\n',
+			)
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/html_dir/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/html_dir/__init__.py
index 8931a0697..d47850759 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/html_dir/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/html_dir/__init__.py
@@ -1,24 +1,6 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 from __future__ import annotations
-import html
-import os
-import re
-import time
-from functools import lru_cache
-from os.path import isdir, isfile, join
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
-	import io
-	from collections.abc import Generator
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import (
-		EntryType,
-		GlossaryType,
-	)
-from pyglossary.core import log
 from pyglossary.option import (
@@ -26,10 +8,8 @@
-from pyglossary.text_utils import (
-	escapeNTB,
-	unescapeNTB,
+from .writer import Writer
 __all__ = [
@@ -80,469 +60,3 @@
 		comment="Add headwords title to beginning of definition",
-nbsp = "\xa0"
-# nbsp = "&nbsp;"
-darkStyle = """
-body {{
-	background-color: #373737;
-	color: #eee;
-a {{ color: #aaaaff; }}
-a.broken {{ color: #e0c0c0; }}
-a.no_ul {{ text-decoration: none; }}
-b.headword {{ font-size: 1.5em; color: #c7ffb9; }}
-h1 {{ font-size: 1.5em; color: #c7ffb9;}}
-h2 {{ font-size: 1.3em;}}
-h3 {{ font-size: 1.0em;}}
-h4 {{ font-size: 1.0em;}}
-h5 {{ font-size: 1.0em;}}
-h6 {{ font-size: 1.0em;}}
-class Writer:
-	_encoding: str = "utf-8"
-	_resources: bool = True
-	_max_file_size: int = 102400
-	_filename_format: str = "{n:05d}.html"
-	_escape_defi: bool = False
-	_dark: bool = True
-	_css: str = ""
-	_word_title: bool = True
-	@staticmethod
-	def stripFullHtmlError(entry: EntryType, error: str) -> None:
-		log.error(f"error in stripFullHtml: {error}, words={entry.l_word!r}")
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._filename = ""
-		self._fileObj: io.IOBase | None = None
-		self._encoding = "utf-8"
-		self._filename_format = "{n:05d}.html"
-		self._tail = "</body></html>"
-		self._filenameList: list[str] = []
-		glos.stripFullHtml(errorHandler=self.stripFullHtmlError)
-		self._resSrcPattern = re.compile(' src="([^"]*)"')
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		self._filename = filename
-		self._resDir = resDir = join(filename, "res")
-		if not isdir(filename):
-			os.mkdir(filename)
-		if not isdir(resDir):
-			os.mkdir(resDir)
-		if self._css:
-			self.copyCSS(self._css)
-	def copyCSS(self, cssPath: str) -> None:
-		import shutil
-		shutil.copy(cssPath, join(self._filename, "style.css"))
-	def finish(self) -> None:
-		pass
-	def getNextFilename(self) -> str:
-		return self._filename_format.format(
-			n=len(self._filenameList),
-		)
-	def nextFile(self) -> io.TextIOBase:
-		if self._fileObj:
-			self._fileObj.write(self._tail)
-			self._fileObj.close()
-		filename = self.getNextFilename()
-		self._filenameList.append(filename)
-		self._fileObj = open(
-			join(
-				self._filename,
-				filename,
-			),
-			mode="w",
-			encoding=self._encoding,
-		)
-		return self._fileObj
-	def fixLinks(self, linkTargetSet: set[str]) -> None:  # noqa: PLR0912
-		import gc
-		gc.collect()
-		dirn = self._filename
-		filenameList = self._filenameList
-		fileByWord: dict[str, list[tuple[str, int]]] = {}
-		for line in open(join(dirn, "index.txt"), encoding="utf-8"):
-			line = line.rstrip("\n")  # noqa: PLW2901
-			if not line:
-				continue
-			entryIndexStr, wordEsc, filename, _ = line.split("\t")
-			entryIndex = int(entryIndexStr)
-			# entryId = f"entry{entryIndex}"
-			word = unescapeNTB(wordEsc)
-			if word not in linkTargetSet:
-				continue
-			if word in fileByWord:
-				fileByWord[word].append((filename, entryIndex))
-			else:
-				fileByWord[word] = [(filename, entryIndex)]
-		# with open(join(dirn, "fileByWord.json"), "w") as fileByWordFile:
-		# 	json.dump(fileByWord, fileByWordFile, ensure_ascii=False, indent="\t")
-		@lru_cache(maxsize=10)
-		def getLinksByFile(fileIndex: int) -> io.TextIOBase:
-			return open(
-				join(dirn, f"links{fileIndex}"),
-				mode="a",
-				encoding="utf-8",
-			)
-		log.info("")
-		for line in open(join(dirn, "links.txt"), encoding="utf-8"):
-			line = line.rstrip("\n")  # noqa: PLW2901
-			if not line:
-				continue
-			target, fileIndexStr, x_start, x_size = line.split("\t")
-			target = unescapeNTB(target)
-			if target not in fileByWord:
-				targetNew = ""
-			else:
-				targetFilename, targetEntryIndex = fileByWord[target][0]
-				if targetFilename == filename:
-					continue
-				targetNew = f"{targetFilename}#entry{targetEntryIndex}"
-			file = getLinksByFile(int(fileIndexStr))
-			file.write(
-				f"{x_start}\t{x_size}\t{targetNew}\n",
-			)
-			file.flush()
-		linkTargetSet.clear()
-		del fileByWord, linkTargetSet
-		gc.collect()
-		if os.sep == "\\":
-			time.sleep(0.1)
-		entry_url_fmt = self._glos.getInfo("entry_url")
-		re_href = re.compile(
-			b' href="[^<>"]*?"',
-		)
-		for fileIndex, filename in enumerate(filenameList):
-			if not isfile(join(dirn, f"links{fileIndex}")):
-				continue
-			with open(join(dirn, filename), mode="rb") as inFile:
-				with open(join(dirn, f"{filename}.new"), mode="wb") as outFile:
-					for linkLine in open(join(dirn, f"links{fileIndex}"), "rb"):
-						outFile.flush()
-						(
-							b_x_start,
-							b_x_size,
-							b_target,
-						) = linkLine.rstrip(b"\n").split(b"\t")
-						outFile.write(
-							inFile.read(
-								int(b_x_start, 16) - inFile.tell(),
-							),
-						)
-						curLink = inFile.read(int(b_x_size, 16))
-						if b_target:
-							outFile.write(
-								re_href.sub(
-									b' href="./' + b_target + b'"',
-									curLink,
-								),
-							)
-							continue
-						if not entry_url_fmt:
-							outFile.write(
-								curLink.replace(
-									b' href="#',
-									b' class="broken" href="#',
-								),
-							)
-							continue
-						st = curLink.decode("utf-8")
-						i = st.find('href="#')
-						j = st.find('"', i + 7)
-						word = st[i + 7 : j]
-						url = entry_url_fmt.format(word=word)
-						outFile.write(
-							(
-								st[:i] + f'class="broken" href="{url}"' + st[j + 1 :]
-							).encode("utf-8"),
-						)
-					outFile.write(inFile.read())
-			os.remove(join(dirn, filename))
-			os.rename(join(dirn, f"{filename}.new"), join(dirn, filename))
-			os.remove(join(dirn, f"links{fileIndex}"))
-	def writeInfo(self, filename: str, header: str) -> None:
-		glos = self._glos
-		title = glos.getInfo("name")
-		customStyle = (
-			"table, th, td {border: 1px solid black; "
-			"border-collapse: collapse; padding: 5px;}"
-		)
-		infoHeader = header.format(
-			pageTitle=f"Info: {title}",
-			customStyle=customStyle,
-		)
-		with open(
-			join(filename, "info.html"),
-			mode="w",
-			encoding=self._encoding,
-		) as _file:
-			_file.write(
-				infoHeader + "<table>"
-				"<tr>"
-				'<th width="%10">Key</th>'
-				'<th width="%90">Value</th>'
-				"</tr>\n",
-			)
-			for key, value in glos.iterInfo():
-				_file.write(
-					f"<tr><td>{key}</td><td>{value}</td></tr>\n",
-				)
-			_file.write("</table></body></html>")
-	@staticmethod
-	def _subResSrc(m: re.Match) -> str:
-		url = m.group(1)
-		if "://" in url:
-			return m.group(0)
-		url = "res/" + url
-		return f' src="{url}"'
-	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:  # noqa: PLR0912
-		encoding = self._encoding
-		resources = self._resources
-		max_file_size = self._max_file_size
-		filename_format = self._filename_format
-		escape_defi = self._escape_defi
-		wordSep = ' <font color="red">|</font> '
-		initFileSizeMax = 100
-		glos = self._glos
-		filename = self._filename
-		self._encoding = encoding
-		self._filename_format = filename_format
-		entry_url_fmt = glos.getInfo("entry_url")
-		def getEntryWebLink(entry: EntryType) -> str:
-			if not entry_url_fmt:
-				return ""
-			url = entry_url_fmt.format(word=html.escape(entry.l_word[0]))
-			return f'{nbsp}<a class="no_ul" href="{url}">&#127759;</a>'
-		# from math import log2, ceil
-		# maxPosHexLen = int(ceil(log2(max_file_size) / 4))
-		indexTxtFileObj = open(
-			join(filename, "index.txt"),
-			mode="w",
-			encoding="utf-8",
-		)
-		linksTxtFileObj = open(
-			join(filename, "links.txt"),
-			mode="w",
-			encoding="utf-8",
-		)
-		title = glos.getInfo("name")
-		style = ""
-		if self._dark:
-			style = darkStyle
-		cssLink = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />' if self._css else ""
-		header = (
-			"<!DOCTYPE html>\n"
-			"<html><head>"
-			"<title>{pageTitle}</title>"
-			f'<meta charset="{encoding}">'
-			f'<style type="text/css">{style}{{customStyle}}</style>{cssLink}'
-			"</meta></head><body>\n"
-		)
-		def pageHeader(n: int) -> str:
-			return header.format(
-				pageTitle=f"Page {n} of {title}",
-				customStyle="",
-			)
-		def navBar() -> str:
-			links: list[str] = []
-			if len(self._filenameList) > 1:
-				links.append(f'<a href="./{self._filenameList[-2]}">&#9664;</a>')
-			links.extend(
-				[
-					f'<a href="./{self.getNextFilename()}">&#9654;</a>',
-					'<a href="./info.html">ℹ️</a></div>',  # noqa: RUF001
-				],
-			)
-			return (
-				'<nav style="text-align: center; font-size: 2.5em;">'
-				+ f"{nbsp}{nbsp}{nbsp}".join(links)
-				+ "</nav>"
-			)
-		tailSize = len(self._tail.encode(encoding))
-		if max_file_size < len(header) + tailSize:
-			raise ValueError(f"{max_file_size=} is too small")
-		max_file_size -= tailSize
-		if not isdir(self._filename):
-			os.mkdir(self._filename)
-		fileObj = self.nextFile()
-		fileObj.write(pageHeader(0))
-		fileObj.write(navBar())
-		re_fixed_link = re.compile(
-			r'<a (?:[^<>]*? )?href="#([^<>"]+?)">[^<>]+?</a>',
-		)
-		linkTargetSet = set()
-		def replaceBword(text: str) -> str:
-			return text.replace(
-				' href="bword://',
-				' href="#',
-			)
-		def addLinks(text: str, pos: int) -> None:
-			for m in re_fixed_link.finditer(text):
-				if ' class="entry_link"' in m.group(0):
-					continue
-				if m.group(0).count("href=") != 1:
-					log.error(f"unexpected match: {m.group(0)}")
-				target = html.unescape(m.group(1))
-				linkTargetSet.add(target)
-				start = m.start()
-				b_start = len(text[:start].encode(encoding))
-				b_size = len(text[start : m.end()].encode(encoding))
-				linksTxtFileObj.write(
-					f"{escapeNTB(target)}\t"
-					f"{len(self._filenameList) - 1}\t"
-					f"{pos + b_start:x}\t"
-					f"{b_size:x}\n",
-				)
-				linksTxtFileObj.flush()
-		self.writeInfo(filename, header)
-		word_title = self._word_title
-		resDir = self._resDir
-		entryIndex = -1
-		while True:
-			entryIndex += 1
-			entry = yield
-			if entry is None:
-				break
-			if entry.isData():
-				if resources:
-					entry.save(resDir)
-				continue
-			entry.detectDefiFormat()
-			defi = entry.defi
-			defiFormat = entry.defiFormat
-			if defi.startswith("<!DOCTYPE html>") and defiFormat != "h":
-				log.error(f"bad {defiFormat=}")
-				defiFormat = "h"
-			if defiFormat == "m":
-				defi = html.escape(defi)
-				if "\n" in defi:
-					# could be markdown or unformatted plaintext
-					# FIXME: this changes the font to a monospace
-					defi = f"<pre>{defi}</pre>"
-			elif defiFormat == "h":
-				defi = self._resSrcPattern.sub(self._subResSrc, defi)
-				if escape_defi:
-					defi = html.escape(defi)
-			entryId = f"entry{entryIndex}"
-			if word_title:
-				words = [html.escape(word) for word in entry.l_word]
-				title = glos.wordTitleStr(
-					wordSep.join(words),
-					sample=entry.l_word[0],
-					class_="headword",
-				)
-			if not title:
-				title = f"Entry {entryIndex}"
-			# entry_link_sym = "&#182;"
-			entry_link_sym = "&#128279;"
-			text = (
-				f'<div id="{entryId}">{title}{nbsp}{nbsp}'
-				f'<a class="no_ul" class="entry_link" href="#{entryId}">'
-				f"{entry_link_sym}</a>"
-				f"{getEntryWebLink(entry)}"
-				f"<br>\n{defi}"
-				"</div>\n"
-				"<hr>\n"
-			)
-			pos = fileObj.tell()
-			if pos > initFileSizeMax and pos > max_file_size - len(
-				text.encode(encoding),
-			):
-				fileObj = self.nextFile()
-				fileObj.write(
-					pageHeader(
-						len(self._filenameList) - 1,
-					),
-				)
-				fileObj.write(navBar())
-			pos = fileObj.tell()
-			tmpFilename = escapeNTB(self._filenameList[-1])
-			for word in entry.l_word:
-				indexTxtFileObj.write(
-					f"{entryIndex}\t"
-					f"{escapeNTB(word)}\t"
-					f"{tmpFilename}\t"
-					f"{pos}\n",
-				)
-			del tmpFilename
-			text = replaceBword(text)
-			addLinks(text, pos)
-			fileObj.write(text)
-		fileObj.close()
-		self._fileObj = None
-		indexTxtFileObj.close()
-		linksTxtFileObj.close()
-		if linkTargetSet:
-			log.info(f"{len(linkTargetSet)} link targets found")
-			log.info("Fixing links, please wait...")
-			self.fixLinks(linkTargetSet)
-		os.remove(join(filename, "links.txt"))
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/html_dir/writer.py b/pyglossary/plugins/html_dir/writer.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6451f09ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/html_dir/writer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+import html
+import os
+import re
+import time
+from functools import lru_cache
+from os.path import isdir, isfile, join
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+	import io
+	from collections.abc import Generator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import (
+		EntryType,
+		GlossaryType,
+	)
+from pyglossary.core import log
+from pyglossary.text_utils import (
+	escapeNTB,
+	unescapeNTB,
+nbsp = "\xa0"
+# nbsp = "&nbsp;"
+darkStyle = """
+body {{
+	background-color: #373737;
+	color: #eee;
+a {{ color: #aaaaff; }}
+a.broken {{ color: #e0c0c0; }}
+a.no_ul {{ text-decoration: none; }}
+b.headword {{ font-size: 1.5em; color: #c7ffb9; }}
+h1 {{ font-size: 1.5em; color: #c7ffb9;}}
+h2 {{ font-size: 1.3em;}}
+h3 {{ font-size: 1.0em;}}
+h4 {{ font-size: 1.0em;}}
+h5 {{ font-size: 1.0em;}}
+h6 {{ font-size: 1.0em;}}
+class Writer:
+	_encoding: str = "utf-8"
+	_resources: bool = True
+	_max_file_size: int = 102400
+	_filename_format: str = "{n:05d}.html"
+	_escape_defi: bool = False
+	_dark: bool = True
+	_css: str = ""
+	_word_title: bool = True
+	@staticmethod
+	def stripFullHtmlError(entry: EntryType, error: str) -> None:
+		log.error(f"error in stripFullHtml: {error}, words={entry.l_word!r}")
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._filename = ""
+		self._fileObj: io.IOBase | None = None
+		self._encoding = "utf-8"
+		self._filename_format = "{n:05d}.html"
+		self._tail = "</body></html>"
+		self._filenameList: list[str] = []
+		glos.stripFullHtml(errorHandler=self.stripFullHtmlError)
+		self._resSrcPattern = re.compile(' src="([^"]*)"')
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		self._filename = filename
+		self._resDir = resDir = join(filename, "res")
+		if not isdir(filename):
+			os.mkdir(filename)
+		if not isdir(resDir):
+			os.mkdir(resDir)
+		if self._css:
+			self.copyCSS(self._css)
+	def copyCSS(self, cssPath: str) -> None:
+		import shutil
+		shutil.copy(cssPath, join(self._filename, "style.css"))
+	def finish(self) -> None:
+		pass
+	def getNextFilename(self) -> str:
+		return self._filename_format.format(
+			n=len(self._filenameList),
+		)
+	def nextFile(self) -> io.TextIOBase:
+		if self._fileObj:
+			self._fileObj.write(self._tail)
+			self._fileObj.close()
+		filename = self.getNextFilename()
+		self._filenameList.append(filename)
+		self._fileObj = open(
+			join(
+				self._filename,
+				filename,
+			),
+			mode="w",
+			encoding=self._encoding,
+		)
+		return self._fileObj
+	def fixLinks(self, linkTargetSet: set[str]) -> None:  # noqa: PLR0912
+		import gc
+		gc.collect()
+		dirn = self._filename
+		filenameList = self._filenameList
+		fileByWord: dict[str, list[tuple[str, int]]] = {}
+		for line in open(join(dirn, "index.txt"), encoding="utf-8"):
+			line = line.rstrip("\n")  # noqa: PLW2901
+			if not line:
+				continue
+			entryIndexStr, wordEsc, filename, _ = line.split("\t")
+			entryIndex = int(entryIndexStr)
+			# entryId = f"entry{entryIndex}"
+			word = unescapeNTB(wordEsc)
+			if word not in linkTargetSet:
+				continue
+			if word in fileByWord:
+				fileByWord[word].append((filename, entryIndex))
+			else:
+				fileByWord[word] = [(filename, entryIndex)]
+		# with open(join(dirn, "fileByWord.json"), "w") as fileByWordFile:
+		# 	json.dump(fileByWord, fileByWordFile, ensure_ascii=False, indent="\t")
+		@lru_cache(maxsize=10)
+		def getLinksByFile(fileIndex: int) -> io.TextIOBase:
+			return open(
+				join(dirn, f"links{fileIndex}"),
+				mode="a",
+				encoding="utf-8",
+			)
+		log.info("")
+		for line in open(join(dirn, "links.txt"), encoding="utf-8"):
+			line = line.rstrip("\n")  # noqa: PLW2901
+			if not line:
+				continue
+			target, fileIndexStr, x_start, x_size = line.split("\t")
+			target = unescapeNTB(target)
+			if target not in fileByWord:
+				targetNew = ""
+			else:
+				targetFilename, targetEntryIndex = fileByWord[target][0]
+				if targetFilename == filename:
+					continue
+				targetNew = f"{targetFilename}#entry{targetEntryIndex}"
+			file = getLinksByFile(int(fileIndexStr))
+			file.write(
+				f"{x_start}\t{x_size}\t{targetNew}\n",
+			)
+			file.flush()
+		linkTargetSet.clear()
+		del fileByWord, linkTargetSet
+		gc.collect()
+		if os.sep == "\\":
+			time.sleep(0.1)
+		entry_url_fmt = self._glos.getInfo("entry_url")
+		re_href = re.compile(
+			b' href="[^<>"]*?"',
+		)
+		for fileIndex, filename in enumerate(filenameList):
+			if not isfile(join(dirn, f"links{fileIndex}")):
+				continue
+			with open(join(dirn, filename), mode="rb") as inFile:
+				with open(join(dirn, f"{filename}.new"), mode="wb") as outFile:
+					for linkLine in open(join(dirn, f"links{fileIndex}"), "rb"):
+						outFile.flush()
+						(
+							b_x_start,
+							b_x_size,
+							b_target,
+						) = linkLine.rstrip(b"\n").split(b"\t")
+						outFile.write(
+							inFile.read(
+								int(b_x_start, 16) - inFile.tell(),
+							),
+						)
+						curLink = inFile.read(int(b_x_size, 16))
+						if b_target:
+							outFile.write(
+								re_href.sub(
+									b' href="./' + b_target + b'"',
+									curLink,
+								),
+							)
+							continue
+						if not entry_url_fmt:
+							outFile.write(
+								curLink.replace(
+									b' href="#',
+									b' class="broken" href="#',
+								),
+							)
+							continue
+						st = curLink.decode("utf-8")
+						i = st.find('href="#')
+						j = st.find('"', i + 7)
+						word = st[i + 7 : j]
+						url = entry_url_fmt.format(word=word)
+						outFile.write(
+							(
+								st[:i] + f'class="broken" href="{url}"' + st[j + 1 :]
+							).encode("utf-8"),
+						)
+					outFile.write(inFile.read())
+			os.remove(join(dirn, filename))
+			os.rename(join(dirn, f"{filename}.new"), join(dirn, filename))
+			os.remove(join(dirn, f"links{fileIndex}"))
+	def writeInfo(self, filename: str, header: str) -> None:
+		glos = self._glos
+		title = glos.getInfo("name")
+		customStyle = (
+			"table, th, td {border: 1px solid black; "
+			"border-collapse: collapse; padding: 5px;}"
+		)
+		infoHeader = header.format(
+			pageTitle=f"Info: {title}",
+			customStyle=customStyle,
+		)
+		with open(
+			join(filename, "info.html"),
+			mode="w",
+			encoding=self._encoding,
+		) as _file:
+			_file.write(
+				infoHeader + "<table>"
+				"<tr>"
+				'<th width="%10">Key</th>'
+				'<th width="%90">Value</th>'
+				"</tr>\n",
+			)
+			for key, value in glos.iterInfo():
+				_file.write(
+					f"<tr><td>{key}</td><td>{value}</td></tr>\n",
+				)
+			_file.write("</table></body></html>")
+	@staticmethod
+	def _subResSrc(m: re.Match) -> str:
+		url = m.group(1)
+		if "://" in url:
+			return m.group(0)
+		url = "res/" + url
+		return f' src="{url}"'
+	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:  # noqa: PLR0912
+		encoding = self._encoding
+		resources = self._resources
+		max_file_size = self._max_file_size
+		filename_format = self._filename_format
+		escape_defi = self._escape_defi
+		wordSep = ' <font color="red">|</font> '
+		initFileSizeMax = 100
+		glos = self._glos
+		filename = self._filename
+		self._encoding = encoding
+		self._filename_format = filename_format
+		entry_url_fmt = glos.getInfo("entry_url")
+		def getEntryWebLink(entry: EntryType) -> str:
+			if not entry_url_fmt:
+				return ""
+			url = entry_url_fmt.format(word=html.escape(entry.l_word[0]))
+			return f'{nbsp}<a class="no_ul" href="{url}">&#127759;</a>'
+		# from math import log2, ceil
+		# maxPosHexLen = int(ceil(log2(max_file_size) / 4))
+		indexTxtFileObj = open(
+			join(filename, "index.txt"),
+			mode="w",
+			encoding="utf-8",
+		)
+		linksTxtFileObj = open(
+			join(filename, "links.txt"),
+			mode="w",
+			encoding="utf-8",
+		)
+		title = glos.getInfo("name")
+		style = ""
+		if self._dark:
+			style = darkStyle
+		cssLink = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />' if self._css else ""
+		header = (
+			"<!DOCTYPE html>\n"
+			"<html><head>"
+			"<title>{pageTitle}</title>"
+			f'<meta charset="{encoding}">'
+			f'<style type="text/css">{style}{{customStyle}}</style>{cssLink}'
+			"</meta></head><body>\n"
+		)
+		def pageHeader(n: int) -> str:
+			return header.format(
+				pageTitle=f"Page {n} of {title}",
+				customStyle="",
+			)
+		def navBar() -> str:
+			links: list[str] = []
+			if len(self._filenameList) > 1:
+				links.append(f'<a href="./{self._filenameList[-2]}">&#9664;</a>')
+			links.extend(
+				[
+					f'<a href="./{self.getNextFilename()}">&#9654;</a>',
+					'<a href="./info.html">ℹ️</a></div>',  # noqa: RUF001
+				],
+			)
+			return (
+				'<nav style="text-align: center; font-size: 2.5em;">'
+				+ f"{nbsp}{nbsp}{nbsp}".join(links)
+				+ "</nav>"
+			)
+		tailSize = len(self._tail.encode(encoding))
+		if max_file_size < len(header) + tailSize:
+			raise ValueError(f"{max_file_size=} is too small")
+		max_file_size -= tailSize
+		if not isdir(self._filename):
+			os.mkdir(self._filename)
+		fileObj = self.nextFile()
+		fileObj.write(pageHeader(0))
+		fileObj.write(navBar())
+		re_fixed_link = re.compile(
+			r'<a (?:[^<>]*? )?href="#([^<>"]+?)">[^<>]+?</a>',
+		)
+		linkTargetSet = set()
+		def replaceBword(text: str) -> str:
+			return text.replace(
+				' href="bword://',
+				' href="#',
+			)
+		def addLinks(text: str, pos: int) -> None:
+			for m in re_fixed_link.finditer(text):
+				if ' class="entry_link"' in m.group(0):
+					continue
+				if m.group(0).count("href=") != 1:
+					log.error(f"unexpected match: {m.group(0)}")
+				target = html.unescape(m.group(1))
+				linkTargetSet.add(target)
+				start = m.start()
+				b_start = len(text[:start].encode(encoding))
+				b_size = len(text[start : m.end()].encode(encoding))
+				linksTxtFileObj.write(
+					f"{escapeNTB(target)}\t"
+					f"{len(self._filenameList) - 1}\t"
+					f"{pos + b_start:x}\t"
+					f"{b_size:x}\n",
+				)
+				linksTxtFileObj.flush()
+		self.writeInfo(filename, header)
+		word_title = self._word_title
+		resDir = self._resDir
+		entryIndex = -1
+		while True:
+			entryIndex += 1
+			entry = yield
+			if entry is None:
+				break
+			if entry.isData():
+				if resources:
+					entry.save(resDir)
+				continue
+			entry.detectDefiFormat()
+			defi = entry.defi
+			defiFormat = entry.defiFormat
+			if defi.startswith("<!DOCTYPE html>") and defiFormat != "h":
+				log.error(f"bad {defiFormat=}")
+				defiFormat = "h"
+			if defiFormat == "m":
+				defi = html.escape(defi)
+				if "\n" in defi:
+					# could be markdown or unformatted plaintext
+					# FIXME: this changes the font to a monospace
+					defi = f"<pre>{defi}</pre>"
+			elif defiFormat == "h":
+				defi = self._resSrcPattern.sub(self._subResSrc, defi)
+				if escape_defi:
+					defi = html.escape(defi)
+			entryId = f"entry{entryIndex}"
+			if word_title:
+				words = [html.escape(word) for word in entry.l_word]
+				title = glos.wordTitleStr(
+					wordSep.join(words),
+					sample=entry.l_word[0],
+					class_="headword",
+				)
+			if not title:
+				title = f"Entry {entryIndex}"
+			# entry_link_sym = "&#182;"
+			entry_link_sym = "&#128279;"
+			text = (
+				f'<div id="{entryId}">{title}{nbsp}{nbsp}'
+				f'<a class="no_ul" class="entry_link" href="#{entryId}">'
+				f"{entry_link_sym}</a>"
+				f"{getEntryWebLink(entry)}"
+				f"<br>\n{defi}"
+				"</div>\n"
+				"<hr>\n"
+			)
+			pos = fileObj.tell()
+			if pos > initFileSizeMax and pos > max_file_size - len(
+				text.encode(encoding),
+			):
+				fileObj = self.nextFile()
+				fileObj.write(
+					pageHeader(
+						len(self._filenameList) - 1,
+					),
+				)
+				fileObj.write(navBar())
+			pos = fileObj.tell()
+			tmpFilename = escapeNTB(self._filenameList[-1])
+			for word in entry.l_word:
+				indexTxtFileObj.write(
+					f"{entryIndex}\t"
+					f"{escapeNTB(word)}\t"
+					f"{tmpFilename}\t"
+					f"{pos}\n",
+				)
+			del tmpFilename
+			text = replaceBword(text)
+			addLinks(text, pos)
+			fileObj.write(text)
+		fileObj.close()
+		self._fileObj = None
+		indexTxtFileObj.close()
+		linksTxtFileObj.close()
+		if linkTargetSet:
+			log.info(f"{len(linkTargetSet)} link targets found")
+			log.info("Fixing links, please wait...")
+			self.fixLinks(linkTargetSet)
+		os.remove(join(filename, "links.txt"))
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/info_plugin/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/info_plugin/__init__.py
index 8c4852ae0..57f4cc719 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/info_plugin/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/info_plugin/__init__.py
@@ -6,13 +6,9 @@
 from pyglossary.info_writer import InfoWriter as Writer
-	from collections.abc import Iterator
+from .reader import Reader
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import (
-		EntryType,
-		GlossaryType,
-	)
 	from pyglossary.option import Option
 __all__ = [
@@ -44,25 +40,3 @@
 # key is option/argument name, value is instance of Option
 optionsProp: dict[str, Option] = {}
-class Reader:
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-	def close(self) -> None:
-		pass
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		from pyglossary.json_utils import jsonToData
-		with open(filename, encoding="utf-8") as infoFp:
-			info = jsonToData(infoFp.read())
-		for key, value in info.items():
-			self._glos.setInfo(key, value)
-	def __len__(self) -> int:
-		return 0
-	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType | None]:
-		yield None
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/info_plugin/reader.py b/pyglossary/plugins/info_plugin/reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f8c212230
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/info_plugin/reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+	from collections.abc import Iterator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import (
+		EntryType,
+		GlossaryType,
+	)
+class Reader:
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+	def close(self) -> None:
+		pass
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		from pyglossary.json_utils import jsonToData
+		with open(filename, encoding="utf-8") as infoFp:
+			info = jsonToData(infoFp.read())
+		assert isinstance(info, dict)
+		for key, value in info.items():
+			self._glos.setInfo(key, value)
+	def __len__(self) -> int:
+		return 0
+	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType | None]:
+		yield None
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/jmdict/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/jmdict/__init__.py
index e5f88f31c..de0297912 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/jmdict/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/jmdict/__init__.py
@@ -1,28 +1,6 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 from __future__ import annotations
-import os
-import re
-import unicodedata
-from io import BytesIO
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast
-	import io
-	from collections.abc import Callable, Iterator
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import (
-		EntryType,
-		GlossaryType,
-	)
-	from pyglossary.lxml_types import Element, T_htmlfile
-from pyglossary.compression import (
-	compressionOpen,
-	stdCompressions,
-from pyglossary.core import exc_note, pip
-from pyglossary.io_utils import nullBinaryIO
 from pyglossary.option import (
@@ -30,6 +8,8 @@
+from .reader import Reader
 __all__ = [
@@ -69,395 +49,3 @@
 		comment="Add translitation (romaji) of keywords",
-class Reader:
-	compressions = stdCompressions
-	depends = {
-		"lxml": "lxml",
-	}
-	_example_padding: int = 10
-	_example_color: str = ""
-	# _example_color: str = "#008FE1"
-	_translitation: bool = False
-	tagStyle = (
-		"color:white;"
-		"background:green;"
-		"padding-left:3px;"
-		"padding-right:3px;"
-		"border-radius:0.5ex;"
-		# 0.5ex ~= 0.3em, but "ex" is recommended
-	)
-	gikun_key = "gikun (meaning as reading) or jukujikun (special kanji reading)"
-	re_inf_mapping = {
-		gikun_key: "gikun/jukujikun",
-		"out-dated or obsolete kana usage": "obsolete",  # outdated/obsolete
-		"word containing irregular kana usage": "irregular",
-	}
-	@staticmethod
-	def makeList(
-		hf: T_htmlfile,
-		input_objects: list[Element],
-		processor: Callable,
-		single_prefix: str = "",
-		skip_single: bool = True,
-	) -> None:
-		"""Wrap elements into <ol> if more than one element."""
-		if not input_objects:
-			return
-		if skip_single and len(input_objects) == 1:
-			hf.write(single_prefix)
-			processor(hf, input_objects[0])
-			return
-		with hf.element("ol"):
-			for el in input_objects:
-				with hf.element("li"):
-					processor(hf, el)
-	# TODO: break it down
-	# PLR0912 Too many branches (23 > 12)
-	def writeSense(  # noqa: PLR0912
-		self,
-		hf: T_htmlfile,
-		sense: Element,
-	) -> None:
-		from lxml import etree as ET
-		def br() -> Element:
-			return ET.Element("br")
-		for elem in sense.findall("pos"):
-			if not elem.text:
-				continue
-			desc = elem.text
-			if desc == "unclassified":
-				continue
-			with hf.element("i"):
-				hf.write(desc.capitalize())
-			hf.write(br())
-		glossList = [elem.text.strip() for elem in sense.findall("gloss") if elem.text]
-		if glossList:
-			for i, gloss in enumerate(glossList):
-				if i > 0:
-					hf.write(", ")
-				hf.write(gloss)
-			hf.write(br())
-		relatedWords: list[str] = []
-		for elem in sense.findall("xref"):
-			if not elem.text:
-				continue
-			word = elem.text.strip()
-			word = self._link_number_postfix.sub("", word)
-			relatedWords.append(word)
-		if relatedWords:
-			hf.write("Related: ")
-			for i, word in enumerate(relatedWords):
-				if i > 0:
-					with hf.element("big"):
-						hf.write(" | ")
-				with hf.element("a", href=f"bword://{word}"):
-					hf.write(word)
-			hf.write(br())
-		antonymWords: list[str] = []
-		for elem in sense.findall("ant"):
-			if not elem.text:
-				continue
-			word = elem.text.strip()
-			word = self._link_number_postfix.sub("", word)
-			antonymWords.append(word)
-		if antonymWords:
-			hf.write("Antonym: ")
-			for i, word in enumerate(antonymWords):
-				if i > 0:
-					with hf.element("big"):
-						hf.write(" | ")
-				with hf.element(
-					"a",
-					href=f"bword://{word}",
-					attrib={"class": "antonym"},
-				):
-					hf.write(word)
-			hf.write(br())
-		for i, elem in enumerate(sense.findall("field")):
-			if not elem.text:
-				continue
-			if i > 0:
-				hf.write(" ")
-			desc = elem.text
-			with hf.element("span", style=self.tagStyle):
-				hf.write(desc)
-			hf.write(br())
-		for i, elem in enumerate(sense.findall("misc")):
-			if not elem.text:
-				continue
-			if i > 0:
-				hf.write(" ")
-			desc = elem.text
-			with hf.element("small"):
-				with hf.element("span", style=self.tagStyle):
-					hf.write(desc)
-			hf.write(br())
-		examples = sense.findall("example")
-		# TODO: move to a method
-		if examples:  # noqa: PLR1702
-			with hf.element(
-				"div",
-				attrib={
-					"class": "example",
-					"style": f"padding: {self._example_padding}px 0px;",
-				},
-			):
-				hf.write("Examples:")
-				with hf.element("ul"):
-					for i, elem in enumerate(examples):
-						if not elem.text:
-							continue
-						if i > 0:
-							hf.write(" ")
-						# one ex_srce (id?), one ex_text, and two ex_sent tags
-						textElem = elem.find("ex_text")
-						if textElem is None:
-							continue
-						if not textElem.text:
-							continue
-						text = textElem.text
-						sentList: list[str] = []
-						for sentElem in elem.findall("ex_sent"):
-							if not sentElem.text:
-								continue
-							sentList.append(sentElem.text)
-						with hf.element("li"):
-							style: dict[str, str] = {}
-							if self._example_color:
-								style["color"] = self._example_color
-							with hf.element("font", attrib=style):
-								hf.write(text)
-								for sent in sentList:
-									hf.write(br())
-									hf.write(sent)
-	# TODO: break it down
-	def getEntryByElem(  # noqa: PLR0912
-		self,
-		entry: Element,
-	) -> EntryType:
-		from lxml import etree as ET
-		glos = self._glos
-		keywords: list[str] = []
-		f = BytesIO()
-		translit = self._translitation
-		def br() -> Element:
-			return ET.Element("br")
-		with ET.htmlfile(f, encoding="utf-8") as hf:  # noqa: PLR1702
-			kebList: list[str] = []
-			rebList: list[str] = []
-			kebDisplayList: list[str] = []
-			rebDisplayList: list[tuple[str, list[str]]] = []
-			with hf.element("div"):
-				for k_ele in entry.findall("k_ele"):
-					keb = k_ele.find("keb")
-					if keb is None:
-						continue
-					if not keb.text:
-						continue
-					keb_text = keb.text
-					keb_text_norm = unicodedata.normalize("NFKC", keb_text)
-					keywords.append(keb_text_norm)
-					if keb_text != keb_text_norm:
-						keywords.append(keb_text)
-					kebList.append(keb_text)
-					keb_display = keb_text
-					if translit:
-						import romkan  # type: ignore
-						t_keb = romkan.to_roma(keb_text)
-						if t_keb and t_keb.isascii():
-							keywords.append(t_keb)
-							keb_display += f" ({t_keb})"
-					kebDisplayList.append(keb_display)
-					# for elem in k_ele.findall("ke_pri"):
-					# 	log.info(elem.text)
-				for r_ele in entry.findall("r_ele"):
-					reb = r_ele.find("reb")
-					if reb is None:
-						continue
-					if not reb.text:
-						continue
-					props: list[str] = []
-					if r_ele.find("re_nokanji") is not None:
-						props.append("no kanji")
-					inf = r_ele.find("re_inf")
-					if inf is not None and inf.text:
-						props.append(
-							self.re_inf_mapping.get(inf.text, inf.text),
-						)
-					keywords.append(reb.text)
-					reb_text = reb.text
-					rebList.append(reb_text)
-					reb_display = reb_text
-					if translit:
-						import romkan
-						t_reb = romkan.to_roma(reb.text)
-						if t_reb and t_reb.isascii():
-							keywords.append(t_reb)
-							reb_display += f" ({t_reb})"
-					rebDisplayList.append((reb_display, props))
-					# for elem in r_ele.findall("re_pri"):
-					# 	log.info(elem.text)
-				# this is for making internal links valid
-				# this makes too many alternates!
-				# but we don't seem to have a choice
-				# except for scanning and indexing all words once
-				# and then starting over and fixing/optimizing links
-				for s_keb in kebList:
-					for s_reb in rebList:
-						keywords.append(f"{s_keb}・{s_reb}")  # noqa: PERF401
-				if kebDisplayList:
-					with hf.element(glos.titleTag(kebDisplayList[0])):
-						for i, s_keb in enumerate(kebDisplayList):
-							if i > 0:
-								with hf.element("font", color="red"):
-									hf.write(" | ")
-							hf.write(s_keb)
-					hf.write(br())
-				if rebDisplayList:
-					for i, (s_reb, props) in enumerate(rebDisplayList):
-						if i > 0:
-							with hf.element("font", color="red"):
-								hf.write(" | ")
-						with hf.element("font", color="green"):
-							hf.write(s_reb)
-						for prop in props:
-							hf.write(" ")
-							with hf.element("small"):
-								with hf.element("span", style=self.tagStyle):
-									hf.write(prop)
-					hf.write(br())
-				hf_ = cast("T_htmlfile", hf)
-				self.makeList(
-					hf_,
-					entry.findall("sense"),
-					self.writeSense,
-				)
-		defi = f.getvalue().decode("utf-8")
-		file = self._file
-		byteProgress = (file.tell(), self._fileSize)
-		return self._glos.newEntry(
-			keywords,
-			defi,
-			defiFormat="h",
-			byteProgress=byteProgress,
-		)
-	@staticmethod
-	def tostring(elem: Element) -> str:
-		from lxml import etree as ET
-		return (
-			ET.tostring(
-				elem,
-				method="html",
-				pretty_print=True,
-			)
-			.decode("utf-8")
-			.strip()
-		)
-	def setCreationTime(self, header: str) -> None:
-		m = re.search("JMdict created: ([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})", header)
-		if m is None:
-			return
-		self._glos.setInfo("creationTime", m.group(1))
-	def setMetadata(self, header: str) -> None:
-		# TODO: self.set_info("edition", ...)
-		self.setCreationTime(header)
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._wordCount = 0
-		self._filename = ""
-		self._file: io.IOBase = nullBinaryIO
-		self._fileSize = 0
-		self._link_number_postfix = re.compile("・[0-9]+$")
-	def __len__(self) -> int:
-		return self._wordCount
-	def close(self) -> None:
-		if self._file:
-			self._file.close()
-			self._file = nullBinaryIO
-	def open(
-		self,
-		filename: str,
-	) -> None:
-		try:
-			from lxml import etree as ET  # noqa: F401
-		except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
-			exc_note(e, f"Run `{pip} install lxml` to install")
-			raise
-		self._filename = filename
-		self._fileSize = os.path.getsize(filename)
-		self._glos.sourceLangName = "Japanese"
-		self._glos.setDefaultDefiFormat("h")
-		self._glos.setInfo("definition_has_headwords", "True")
-		self._glos.setInfo("entry_url", "https://jisho.org/search/{word}")
-		# also good: f"https://sakuradict.com/search?q={{word}}"
-		header = ""
-		with compressionOpen(filename, mode="rt", encoding="utf-8") as text_file:
-			text_file = cast("io.TextIOBase", text_file)
-			for line in text_file:
-				if "<JMdict>" in line:
-					break
-				header += line
-		self.setMetadata(header)
-		self._file = compressionOpen(filename, mode="rb")
-	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
-		from lxml import etree as ET
-		context = ET.iterparse(  # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003
-			self._file,
-			events=("end",),
-			tag="entry",
-		)
-		for _, _elem in context:
-			elem = cast("Element", _elem)
-			yield self.getEntryByElem(elem)
-			# clean up preceding siblings to save memory
-			# this reduces memory usage from ~64 MB to ~30 MB
-			parent = elem.getparent()
-			if parent is None:
-				continue
-			while elem.getprevious() is not None:
-				del parent[0]
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/jmdict/reader.py b/pyglossary/plugins/jmdict/reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..16de72ffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/jmdict/reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+import os
+import re
+import unicodedata
+from io import BytesIO
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast
+	import io
+	from collections.abc import Callable, Iterator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import (
+		EntryType,
+		GlossaryType,
+	)
+	from pyglossary.lxml_types import Element, T_htmlfile
+from pyglossary.compression import (
+	compressionOpen,
+	stdCompressions,
+from pyglossary.core import exc_note, pip
+from pyglossary.io_utils import nullBinaryIO
+class Reader:
+	compressions = stdCompressions
+	depends = {
+		"lxml": "lxml",
+	}
+	_example_padding: int = 10
+	_example_color: str = ""
+	# _example_color: str = "#008FE1"
+	_translitation: bool = False
+	tagStyle = (
+		"color:white;"
+		"background:green;"
+		"padding-left:3px;"
+		"padding-right:3px;"
+		"border-radius:0.5ex;"
+		# 0.5ex ~= 0.3em, but "ex" is recommended
+	)
+	gikun_key = "gikun (meaning as reading) or jukujikun (special kanji reading)"
+	re_inf_mapping = {
+		gikun_key: "gikun/jukujikun",
+		"out-dated or obsolete kana usage": "obsolete",  # outdated/obsolete
+		"word containing irregular kana usage": "irregular",
+	}
+	@staticmethod
+	def makeList(
+		hf: T_htmlfile,
+		input_objects: list[Element],
+		processor: Callable,
+		single_prefix: str = "",
+		skip_single: bool = True,
+	) -> None:
+		"""Wrap elements into <ol> if more than one element."""
+		if not input_objects:
+			return
+		if skip_single and len(input_objects) == 1:
+			hf.write(single_prefix)
+			processor(hf, input_objects[0])
+			return
+		with hf.element("ol"):
+			for el in input_objects:
+				with hf.element("li"):
+					processor(hf, el)
+	# TODO: break it down
+	# PLR0912 Too many branches (23 > 12)
+	def writeSense(  # noqa: PLR0912
+		self,
+		hf: T_htmlfile,
+		sense: Element,
+	) -> None:
+		from lxml import etree as ET
+		def br() -> Element:
+			return ET.Element("br")
+		for elem in sense.findall("pos"):
+			if not elem.text:
+				continue
+			desc = elem.text
+			if desc == "unclassified":
+				continue
+			with hf.element("i"):
+				hf.write(desc.capitalize())
+			hf.write(br())
+		glossList = [elem.text.strip() for elem in sense.findall("gloss") if elem.text]
+		if glossList:
+			for i, gloss in enumerate(glossList):
+				if i > 0:
+					hf.write(", ")
+				hf.write(gloss)
+			hf.write(br())
+		relatedWords: list[str] = []
+		for elem in sense.findall("xref"):
+			if not elem.text:
+				continue
+			word = elem.text.strip()
+			word = self._link_number_postfix.sub("", word)
+			relatedWords.append(word)
+		if relatedWords:
+			hf.write("Related: ")
+			for i, word in enumerate(relatedWords):
+				if i > 0:
+					with hf.element("big"):
+						hf.write(" | ")
+				with hf.element("a", href=f"bword://{word}"):
+					hf.write(word)
+			hf.write(br())
+		antonymWords: list[str] = []
+		for elem in sense.findall("ant"):
+			if not elem.text:
+				continue
+			word = elem.text.strip()
+			word = self._link_number_postfix.sub("", word)
+			antonymWords.append(word)
+		if antonymWords:
+			hf.write("Antonym: ")
+			for i, word in enumerate(antonymWords):
+				if i > 0:
+					with hf.element("big"):
+						hf.write(" | ")
+				with hf.element(
+					"a",
+					href=f"bword://{word}",
+					attrib={"class": "antonym"},
+				):
+					hf.write(word)
+			hf.write(br())
+		for i, elem in enumerate(sense.findall("field")):
+			if not elem.text:
+				continue
+			if i > 0:
+				hf.write(" ")
+			desc = elem.text
+			with hf.element("span", style=self.tagStyle):
+				hf.write(desc)
+			hf.write(br())
+		for i, elem in enumerate(sense.findall("misc")):
+			if not elem.text:
+				continue
+			if i > 0:
+				hf.write(" ")
+			desc = elem.text
+			with hf.element("small"):
+				with hf.element("span", style=self.tagStyle):
+					hf.write(desc)
+			hf.write(br())
+		examples = sense.findall("example")
+		# TODO: move to a method
+		if examples:  # noqa: PLR1702
+			with hf.element(
+				"div",
+				attrib={
+					"class": "example",
+					"style": f"padding: {self._example_padding}px 0px;",
+				},
+			):
+				hf.write("Examples:")
+				with hf.element("ul"):
+					for i, elem in enumerate(examples):
+						if not elem.text:
+							continue
+						if i > 0:
+							hf.write(" ")
+						# one ex_srce (id?), one ex_text, and two ex_sent tags
+						textElem = elem.find("ex_text")
+						if textElem is None:
+							continue
+						if not textElem.text:
+							continue
+						text = textElem.text
+						sentList: list[str] = []
+						for sentElem in elem.findall("ex_sent"):
+							if not sentElem.text:
+								continue
+							sentList.append(sentElem.text)
+						with hf.element("li"):
+							style: dict[str, str] = {}
+							if self._example_color:
+								style["color"] = self._example_color
+							with hf.element("font", attrib=style):
+								hf.write(text)
+								for sent in sentList:
+									hf.write(br())
+									hf.write(sent)
+	# TODO: break it down
+	def getEntryByElem(  # noqa: PLR0912
+		self,
+		entry: Element,
+	) -> EntryType:
+		from lxml import etree as ET
+		glos = self._glos
+		keywords: list[str] = []
+		f = BytesIO()
+		translit = self._translitation
+		def br() -> Element:
+			return ET.Element("br")
+		with ET.htmlfile(f, encoding="utf-8") as hf:  # noqa: PLR1702
+			kebList: list[str] = []
+			rebList: list[str] = []
+			kebDisplayList: list[str] = []
+			rebDisplayList: list[tuple[str, list[str]]] = []
+			with hf.element("div"):
+				for k_ele in entry.findall("k_ele"):
+					keb = k_ele.find("keb")
+					if keb is None:
+						continue
+					if not keb.text:
+						continue
+					keb_text = keb.text
+					keb_text_norm = unicodedata.normalize("NFKC", keb_text)
+					keywords.append(keb_text_norm)
+					if keb_text != keb_text_norm:
+						keywords.append(keb_text)
+					kebList.append(keb_text)
+					keb_display = keb_text
+					if translit:
+						import romkan  # type: ignore
+						t_keb = romkan.to_roma(keb_text)
+						if t_keb and t_keb.isascii():
+							keywords.append(t_keb)
+							keb_display += f" ({t_keb})"
+					kebDisplayList.append(keb_display)
+					# for elem in k_ele.findall("ke_pri"):
+					# 	log.info(elem.text)
+				for r_ele in entry.findall("r_ele"):
+					reb = r_ele.find("reb")
+					if reb is None:
+						continue
+					if not reb.text:
+						continue
+					props: list[str] = []
+					if r_ele.find("re_nokanji") is not None:
+						props.append("no kanji")
+					inf = r_ele.find("re_inf")
+					if inf is not None and inf.text:
+						props.append(
+							self.re_inf_mapping.get(inf.text, inf.text),
+						)
+					keywords.append(reb.text)
+					reb_text = reb.text
+					rebList.append(reb_text)
+					reb_display = reb_text
+					if translit:
+						import romkan
+						t_reb = romkan.to_roma(reb.text)
+						if t_reb and t_reb.isascii():
+							keywords.append(t_reb)
+							reb_display += f" ({t_reb})"
+					rebDisplayList.append((reb_display, props))
+					# for elem in r_ele.findall("re_pri"):
+					# 	log.info(elem.text)
+				# this is for making internal links valid
+				# this makes too many alternates!
+				# but we don't seem to have a choice
+				# except for scanning and indexing all words once
+				# and then starting over and fixing/optimizing links
+				for s_keb in kebList:
+					for s_reb in rebList:
+						keywords.append(f"{s_keb}・{s_reb}")  # noqa: PERF401
+				if kebDisplayList:
+					with hf.element(glos.titleTag(kebDisplayList[0])):
+						for i, s_keb in enumerate(kebDisplayList):
+							if i > 0:
+								with hf.element("font", color="red"):
+									hf.write(" | ")
+							hf.write(s_keb)
+					hf.write(br())
+				if rebDisplayList:
+					for i, (s_reb, props) in enumerate(rebDisplayList):
+						if i > 0:
+							with hf.element("font", color="red"):
+								hf.write(" | ")
+						with hf.element("font", color="green"):
+							hf.write(s_reb)
+						for prop in props:
+							hf.write(" ")
+							with hf.element("small"):
+								with hf.element("span", style=self.tagStyle):
+									hf.write(prop)
+					hf.write(br())
+				hf_ = cast("T_htmlfile", hf)
+				self.makeList(
+					hf_,
+					entry.findall("sense"),
+					self.writeSense,
+				)
+		defi = f.getvalue().decode("utf-8")
+		file = self._file
+		byteProgress = (file.tell(), self._fileSize)
+		return self._glos.newEntry(
+			keywords,
+			defi,
+			defiFormat="h",
+			byteProgress=byteProgress,
+		)
+	@staticmethod
+	def tostring(elem: Element) -> str:
+		from lxml import etree as ET
+		return (
+			ET.tostring(
+				elem,
+				method="html",
+				pretty_print=True,
+			)
+			.decode("utf-8")
+			.strip()
+		)
+	def setCreationTime(self, header: str) -> None:
+		m = re.search("JMdict created: ([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})", header)
+		if m is None:
+			return
+		self._glos.setInfo("creationTime", m.group(1))
+	def setMetadata(self, header: str) -> None:
+		# TODO: self.set_info("edition", ...)
+		self.setCreationTime(header)
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._wordCount = 0
+		self._filename = ""
+		self._file: io.IOBase = nullBinaryIO
+		self._fileSize = 0
+		self._link_number_postfix = re.compile("・[0-9]+$")
+	def __len__(self) -> int:
+		return self._wordCount
+	def close(self) -> None:
+		if self._file:
+			self._file.close()
+			self._file = nullBinaryIO
+	def open(
+		self,
+		filename: str,
+	) -> None:
+		try:
+			from lxml import etree as ET  # noqa: F401
+		except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
+			exc_note(e, f"Run `{pip} install lxml` to install")
+			raise
+		self._filename = filename
+		self._fileSize = os.path.getsize(filename)
+		self._glos.sourceLangName = "Japanese"
+		self._glos.setDefaultDefiFormat("h")
+		self._glos.setInfo("definition_has_headwords", "True")
+		self._glos.setInfo("entry_url", "https://jisho.org/search/{word}")
+		# also good: f"https://sakuradict.com/search?q={{word}}"
+		header = ""
+		with compressionOpen(filename, mode="rt", encoding="utf-8") as text_file:
+			text_file = cast("io.TextIOBase", text_file)
+			for line in text_file:
+				if "<JMdict>" in line:
+					break
+				header += line
+		self.setMetadata(header)
+		self._file = compressionOpen(filename, mode="rb")
+	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
+		from lxml import etree as ET
+		context = ET.iterparse(  # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003
+			self._file,
+			events=("end",),
+			tag="entry",
+		)
+		for _, _elem in context:
+			elem = cast("Element", _elem)
+			yield self.getEntryByElem(elem)
+			# clean up preceding siblings to save memory
+			# this reduces memory usage from ~64 MB to ~30 MB
+			parent = elem.getparent()
+			if parent is None:
+				continue
+			while elem.getprevious() is not None:
+				del parent[0]
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/jmnedict/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/jmnedict/__init__.py
index 59582d936..ba4213465 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/jmnedict/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/jmnedict/__init__.py
@@ -1,28 +1,13 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 from __future__ import annotations
-import os
-import re
-from io import BytesIO
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
-	import io
-	from collections.abc import Callable, Iterator
+from .reader import Reader
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import (
-		EntryType,
-		GlossaryType,
-	)
-	from pyglossary.lxml_types import Element, T_htmlfile
 	from pyglossary.option import Option
-from pyglossary.compression import (
-	compressionOpen,
-	stdCompressions,
-from pyglossary.core import exc_note, pip
-from pyglossary.io_utils import nullBinaryIO
 __all__ = [
@@ -53,277 +38,3 @@
 	"EDRDG Wiki",
 optionsProp: dict[str, Option] = {}
-class Reader:
-	compressions = stdCompressions
-	depends = {
-		"lxml": "lxml",
-	}
-	tagStyle = (
-		"color:white;"
-		"background:green;"
-		"padding-left:3px;"
-		"padding-right:3px;"
-		"border-radius:0.5ex;"
-		# 0.5ex ~= 0.3em, but "ex" is recommended
-	)
-	gikun_key = "gikun (meaning as reading) or jukujikun (special kanji reading)"
-	re_inf_mapping = {
-		gikun_key: "gikun/jukujikun",
-		"out-dated or obsolete kana usage": "obsolete",  # outdated/obsolete
-		"word containing irregular kana usage": "irregular",
-	}
-	@staticmethod
-	def makeList(
-		hf: T_htmlfile,
-		input_objects: list[Element],
-		processor: Callable,
-		single_prefix: str = "",
-		skip_single: bool = True,
-	) -> None:
-		"""Wrap elements into <ol> if more than one element."""
-		if not input_objects:
-			return
-		if skip_single and len(input_objects) == 1:
-			hf.write(single_prefix)
-			processor(hf, input_objects[0])
-			return
-		with hf.element("ol"):
-			for el in input_objects:
-				with hf.element("li"):
-					processor(hf, el)
-	def writeTrans(
-		self,
-		hf: T_htmlfile,
-		trans: Element,
-	) -> None:
-		from lxml import etree as ET
-		def br() -> Element:
-			return ET.Element("br")
-		for elem in trans.findall("name_type"):
-			if not elem.text:
-				continue
-			desc = elem.text
-			with hf.element("i"):
-				hf.write(desc.capitalize())
-			hf.write(br())
-		for elem in trans.findall("trans_det"):
-			if not elem.text:
-				continue
-			desc = elem.text
-			hf.write(desc)
-			hf.write(br())
-		relatedWords: list[str] = []
-		for elem in trans.findall("xref"):
-			if not elem.text:
-				continue
-			word = elem.text.strip()
-			word = self._link_number_postfix.sub("", word)
-			relatedWords.append(word)
-		if relatedWords:
-			hf.write("Related: ")
-			for i, word in enumerate(relatedWords):
-				if i > 0:
-					with hf.element("big"):
-						hf.write(" | ")
-				with hf.element("a", href=f"bword://{word}"):
-					hf.write(word)
-			hf.write(br())
-	def getEntryByElem(  # noqa: PLR0912
-		self,
-		entry: Element,
-	) -> EntryType:
-		from lxml import etree as ET
-		glos = self._glos
-		keywords: list[str] = []
-		f = BytesIO()
-		def br() -> Element:
-			return ET.Element("br")
-		with ET.htmlfile(f, encoding="utf-8") as hf:  # noqa: PLR1702
-			kebList: list[str] = []
-			rebList: list[tuple[str, list[str]]] = []
-			with hf.element("div"):
-				for k_ele in entry.findall("k_ele"):
-					keb = k_ele.find("keb")
-					if keb is None:
-						continue
-					if not keb.text:
-						continue
-					kebList.append(keb.text)
-					keywords.append(keb.text)
-					# for elem in k_ele.findall("ke_pri"):
-					# 	log.info(elem.text)
-				for r_ele in entry.findall("r_ele"):
-					reb = r_ele.find("reb")
-					if reb is None:
-						continue
-					if not reb.text:
-						continue
-					props: list[str] = []
-					if r_ele.find("re_nokanji") is not None:
-						props.append("no kanji")
-					inf = r_ele.find("re_inf")
-					if inf is not None and inf.text:
-						props.append(
-							self.re_inf_mapping.get(inf.text, inf.text),
-						)
-					rebList.append((reb.text, props))
-					keywords.append(reb.text)
-					# for elem in r_ele.findall("re_pri"):
-					# 	log.info(elem.text)
-				# this is for making internal links valid
-				# this makes too many alternates!
-				# but we don't seem to have a choice
-				# except for scanning and indexing all words once
-				# and then starting over and fixing/optimizing links
-				for s_keb in kebList:
-					for s_reb, _ in rebList:
-						keywords.append(f"{s_keb}・{s_reb}")
-				if kebList:
-					with hf.element(glos.titleTag(kebList[0])):
-						for i, s_keb in enumerate(kebList):
-							if i > 0:
-								with hf.element("font", color="red"):
-									hf.write(" | ")
-							hf.write(s_keb)
-					hf.write(br())
-				if rebList:
-					for i, (s_reb, props) in enumerate(rebList):
-						if i > 0:
-							with hf.element("font", color="red"):
-								hf.write(" | ")
-						with hf.element("font", color="green"):
-							hf.write(s_reb)
-						for prop in props:
-							hf.write(" ")
-							with hf.element("small"):
-								with hf.element("span", style=self.tagStyle):
-									hf.write(prop)
-					hf.write(br())
-				hf_ = cast("T_htmlfile", hf)
-				self.makeList(
-					hf_,
-					entry.findall("trans"),
-					self.writeTrans,
-				)
-		defi = f.getvalue().decode("utf-8")
-		file = self._file
-		byteProgress = (file.tell(), self._fileSize)
-		return self._glos.newEntry(
-			keywords,
-			defi,
-			defiFormat="h",
-			byteProgress=byteProgress,
-		)
-	@staticmethod
-	def tostring(elem: Element) -> str:
-		from lxml import etree as ET
-		return (
-			ET.tostring(
-				elem,
-				method="html",
-				pretty_print=True,
-			)
-			.decode("utf-8")
-			.strip()
-		)
-	def setCreationTime(self, header: str) -> None:
-		m = re.search("JMdict created: ([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})", header)
-		if m is None:
-			return
-		self._glos.setInfo("creationTime", m.group(1))
-	def setMetadata(self, header: str) -> None:
-		# TODO: self.set_info("edition", ...)
-		self.setCreationTime(header)
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._wordCount = 0
-		self._filename = ""
-		self._file: io.IOBase = nullBinaryIO
-		self._fileSize = 0
-		self._link_number_postfix = re.compile("・[0-9]+$")
-	def __len__(self) -> int:
-		return self._wordCount
-	def close(self) -> None:
-		if self._file:
-			self._file.close()
-			self._file = nullBinaryIO
-	def open(
-		self,
-		filename: str,
-	) -> None:
-		try:
-			from lxml import etree as ET  # noqa: F401
-		except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
-			exc_note(e, f"Run `{pip} install lxml` to install")
-			raise
-		self._filename = filename
-		self._fileSize = os.path.getsize(filename)
-		self._glos.sourceLangName = "Japanese"
-		self._glos.setDefaultDefiFormat("h")
-		self._glos.setInfo("definition_has_headwords", "True")
-		self._glos.setInfo("entry_url", "https://jisho.org/search/{word}")
-		# also good: f"https://sakuradict.com/search?q={{word}}"
-		header = ""
-		with compressionOpen(filename, mode="rt", encoding="utf-8") as text_file:
-			text_file = cast("io.TextIOBase", text_file)
-			for line in text_file:
-				if "<JMdict>" in line:
-					break
-				header += line
-		self.setMetadata(header)
-		self._file = compressionOpen(filename, mode="rb")
-	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
-		from lxml import etree as ET
-		context = ET.iterparse(  # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003
-			self._file,
-			events=("end",),
-			tag="entry",
-		)
-		for _, _elem in context:
-			elem = cast("Element", _elem)
-			yield self.getEntryByElem(elem)
-			# clean up preceding siblings to save memory
-			# this reduces memory usage from ~64 MB to ~30 MB
-			parent = elem.getparent()
-			if parent is None:
-				continue
-			while elem.getprevious() is not None:
-				del parent[0]
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/jmnedict/reader.py b/pyglossary/plugins/jmnedict/reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8d25b8ce1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/jmnedict/reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+import os
+import re
+from io import BytesIO
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast
+	import io
+	from collections.abc import Callable, Iterator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import (
+		EntryType,
+		GlossaryType,
+	)
+	from pyglossary.lxml_types import Element, T_htmlfile
+from pyglossary.compression import (
+	compressionOpen,
+	stdCompressions,
+from pyglossary.core import exc_note, pip
+from pyglossary.io_utils import nullBinaryIO
+class Reader:
+	compressions = stdCompressions
+	depends = {
+		"lxml": "lxml",
+	}
+	tagStyle = (
+		"color:white;"
+		"background:green;"
+		"padding-left:3px;"
+		"padding-right:3px;"
+		"border-radius:0.5ex;"
+		# 0.5ex ~= 0.3em, but "ex" is recommended
+	)
+	gikun_key = "gikun (meaning as reading) or jukujikun (special kanji reading)"
+	re_inf_mapping = {
+		gikun_key: "gikun/jukujikun",
+		"out-dated or obsolete kana usage": "obsolete",  # outdated/obsolete
+		"word containing irregular kana usage": "irregular",
+	}
+	@staticmethod
+	def makeList(
+		hf: T_htmlfile,
+		input_objects: list[Element],
+		processor: Callable,
+		single_prefix: str = "",
+		skip_single: bool = True,
+	) -> None:
+		"""Wrap elements into <ol> if more than one element."""
+		if not input_objects:
+			return
+		if skip_single and len(input_objects) == 1:
+			hf.write(single_prefix)
+			processor(hf, input_objects[0])
+			return
+		with hf.element("ol"):
+			for el in input_objects:
+				with hf.element("li"):
+					processor(hf, el)
+	def writeTrans(
+		self,
+		hf: T_htmlfile,
+		trans: Element,
+	) -> None:
+		from lxml import etree as ET
+		def br() -> Element:
+			return ET.Element("br")
+		for elem in trans.findall("name_type"):
+			if not elem.text:
+				continue
+			desc = elem.text
+			with hf.element("i"):
+				hf.write(desc.capitalize())
+			hf.write(br())
+		for elem in trans.findall("trans_det"):
+			if not elem.text:
+				continue
+			desc = elem.text
+			hf.write(desc)
+			hf.write(br())
+		relatedWords: list[str] = []
+		for elem in trans.findall("xref"):
+			if not elem.text:
+				continue
+			word = elem.text.strip()
+			word = self._link_number_postfix.sub("", word)
+			relatedWords.append(word)
+		if relatedWords:
+			hf.write("Related: ")
+			for i, word in enumerate(relatedWords):
+				if i > 0:
+					with hf.element("big"):
+						hf.write(" | ")
+				with hf.element("a", href=f"bword://{word}"):
+					hf.write(word)
+			hf.write(br())
+	def getEntryByElem(  # noqa: PLR0912
+		self,
+		entry: Element,
+	) -> EntryType:
+		from lxml import etree as ET
+		glos = self._glos
+		keywords: list[str] = []
+		f = BytesIO()
+		def br() -> Element:
+			return ET.Element("br")
+		with ET.htmlfile(f, encoding="utf-8") as hf:  # noqa: PLR1702
+			kebList: list[str] = []
+			rebList: list[tuple[str, list[str]]] = []
+			with hf.element("div"):
+				for k_ele in entry.findall("k_ele"):
+					keb = k_ele.find("keb")
+					if keb is None:
+						continue
+					if not keb.text:
+						continue
+					kebList.append(keb.text)
+					keywords.append(keb.text)
+					# for elem in k_ele.findall("ke_pri"):
+					# 	log.info(elem.text)
+				for r_ele in entry.findall("r_ele"):
+					reb = r_ele.find("reb")
+					if reb is None:
+						continue
+					if not reb.text:
+						continue
+					props: list[str] = []
+					if r_ele.find("re_nokanji") is not None:
+						props.append("no kanji")
+					inf = r_ele.find("re_inf")
+					if inf is not None and inf.text:
+						props.append(
+							self.re_inf_mapping.get(inf.text, inf.text),
+						)
+					rebList.append((reb.text, props))
+					keywords.append(reb.text)
+					# for elem in r_ele.findall("re_pri"):
+					# 	log.info(elem.text)
+				# this is for making internal links valid
+				# this makes too many alternates!
+				# but we don't seem to have a choice
+				# except for scanning and indexing all words once
+				# and then starting over and fixing/optimizing links
+				for s_keb in kebList:
+					for s_reb, _ in rebList:
+						keywords.append(f"{s_keb}・{s_reb}")
+				if kebList:
+					with hf.element(glos.titleTag(kebList[0])):
+						for i, s_keb in enumerate(kebList):
+							if i > 0:
+								with hf.element("font", color="red"):
+									hf.write(" | ")
+							hf.write(s_keb)
+					hf.write(br())
+				if rebList:
+					for i, (s_reb, props) in enumerate(rebList):
+						if i > 0:
+							with hf.element("font", color="red"):
+								hf.write(" | ")
+						with hf.element("font", color="green"):
+							hf.write(s_reb)
+						for prop in props:
+							hf.write(" ")
+							with hf.element("small"):
+								with hf.element("span", style=self.tagStyle):
+									hf.write(prop)
+					hf.write(br())
+				hf_ = cast("T_htmlfile", hf)
+				self.makeList(
+					hf_,
+					entry.findall("trans"),
+					self.writeTrans,
+				)
+		defi = f.getvalue().decode("utf-8")
+		file = self._file
+		byteProgress = (file.tell(), self._fileSize)
+		return self._glos.newEntry(
+			keywords,
+			defi,
+			defiFormat="h",
+			byteProgress=byteProgress,
+		)
+	@staticmethod
+	def tostring(elem: Element) -> str:
+		from lxml import etree as ET
+		return (
+			ET.tostring(
+				elem,
+				method="html",
+				pretty_print=True,
+			)
+			.decode("utf-8")
+			.strip()
+		)
+	def setCreationTime(self, header: str) -> None:
+		m = re.search("JMdict created: ([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})", header)
+		if m is None:
+			return
+		self._glos.setInfo("creationTime", m.group(1))
+	def setMetadata(self, header: str) -> None:
+		# TODO: self.set_info("edition", ...)
+		self.setCreationTime(header)
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._wordCount = 0
+		self._filename = ""
+		self._file: io.IOBase = nullBinaryIO
+		self._fileSize = 0
+		self._link_number_postfix = re.compile("・[0-9]+$")
+	def __len__(self) -> int:
+		return self._wordCount
+	def close(self) -> None:
+		if self._file:
+			self._file.close()
+			self._file = nullBinaryIO
+	def open(
+		self,
+		filename: str,
+	) -> None:
+		try:
+			from lxml import etree as ET  # noqa: F401
+		except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
+			exc_note(e, f"Run `{pip} install lxml` to install")
+			raise
+		self._filename = filename
+		self._fileSize = os.path.getsize(filename)
+		self._glos.sourceLangName = "Japanese"
+		self._glos.setDefaultDefiFormat("h")
+		self._glos.setInfo("definition_has_headwords", "True")
+		self._glos.setInfo("entry_url", "https://jisho.org/search/{word}")
+		# also good: f"https://sakuradict.com/search?q={{word}}"
+		header = ""
+		with compressionOpen(filename, mode="rt", encoding="utf-8") as text_file:
+			text_file = cast("io.TextIOBase", text_file)
+			for line in text_file:
+				if "<JMdict>" in line:
+					break
+				header += line
+		self.setMetadata(header)
+		self._file = compressionOpen(filename, mode="rb")
+	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
+		from lxml import etree as ET
+		context = ET.iterparse(  # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003
+			self._file,
+			events=("end",),
+			tag="entry",
+		)
+		for _, _elem in context:
+			elem = cast("Element", _elem)
+			yield self.getEntryByElem(elem)
+			# clean up preceding siblings to save memory
+			# this reduces memory usage from ~64 MB to ~30 MB
+			parent = elem.getparent()
+			if parent is None:
+				continue
+			while elem.getprevious() is not None:
+				del parent[0]
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/json_plugin/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/json_plugin/__init__.py
index 83fdbbb10..a21b50f69 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/json_plugin/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/json_plugin/__init__.py
@@ -2,25 +2,13 @@
 from __future__ import annotations
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
-from pyglossary.compression import (
-	# compressionOpen,
-	stdCompressions,
 from pyglossary.option import (
-	from collections.abc import Generator
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import (
-		EntryType,
-		GlossaryType,
-	)
+from .writer import Writer
 __all__ = [
@@ -58,53 +46,3 @@
 		comment="add headwords title to beginning of definition",
-class Writer:
-	_encoding: str = "utf-8"
-	_enable_info: bool = True
-	_resources: bool = True
-	_word_title: bool = False
-	compressions = stdCompressions
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._filename = ""
-		glos.preventDuplicateWords()
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		self._filename = filename
-	def finish(self) -> None:
-		self._filename = ""
-	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
-		from json import dumps
-		from pyglossary.text_writer import writeTxt
-		glos = self._glos
-		encoding = self._encoding
-		enable_info = self._enable_info
-		resources = self._resources
-		ensure_ascii = encoding == "ascii"
-		def escape(st: str) -> str:
-			return dumps(st, ensure_ascii=ensure_ascii)
-		yield from writeTxt(
-			glos,
-			entryFmt="\t{word}: {defi},\n",
-			filename=self._filename,
-			encoding=encoding,
-			writeInfo=enable_info,
-			wordEscapeFunc=escape,
-			defiEscapeFunc=escape,
-			ext=".json",
-			head="{\n",
-			tail='\t"": ""\n}',
-			resources=resources,
-			word_title=self._word_title,
-		)
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/json_plugin/writer.py b/pyglossary/plugins/json_plugin/writer.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..48375802b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/json_plugin/writer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from pyglossary.compression import (
+	# compressionOpen,
+	stdCompressions,
+	from collections.abc import Generator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import (
+		EntryType,
+		GlossaryType,
+	)
+class Writer:
+	_encoding: str = "utf-8"
+	_enable_info: bool = True
+	_resources: bool = True
+	_word_title: bool = False
+	compressions = stdCompressions
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._filename = ""
+		glos.preventDuplicateWords()
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		self._filename = filename
+	def finish(self) -> None:
+		self._filename = ""
+	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
+		from json import dumps
+		from pyglossary.text_writer import writeTxt
+		glos = self._glos
+		encoding = self._encoding
+		enable_info = self._enable_info
+		resources = self._resources
+		ensure_ascii = encoding == "ascii"
+		def escape(st: str) -> str:
+			return dumps(st, ensure_ascii=ensure_ascii)
+		yield from writeTxt(
+			glos,
+			entryFmt="\t{word}: {defi},\n",
+			filename=self._filename,
+			encoding=encoding,
+			writeInfo=enable_info,
+			wordEscapeFunc=escape,
+			defiEscapeFunc=escape,
+			ext=".json",
+			head="{\n",
+			tail='\t"": ""\n}',
+			resources=resources,
+			word_title=self._word_title,
+		)
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/lingoes_ldf/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/lingoes_ldf/__init__.py
index 41f9c3269..e63e43e93 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/lingoes_ldf/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/lingoes_ldf/__init__.py
@@ -1,27 +1,15 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 from __future__ import annotations
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
-from pyglossary.compression import (
-	# compressionOpen,
-	stdCompressions,
-from pyglossary.core import log
-from pyglossary.file_utils import fileCountLines
 from pyglossary.option import (
-from pyglossary.text_reader import TextGlossaryReader, nextBlockResultType
-from pyglossary.text_utils import splitByBar
-	from collections.abc import Generator
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+from .reader import Reader
+from .writer import Writer
 __all__ = [
@@ -57,121 +45,3 @@
 	"resources": BoolOption(comment="Enable resources / data files"),
 	"encoding": EncodingOption(),
-class Reader(TextGlossaryReader):
-	compressions = stdCompressions
-	def __len__(self) -> int:
-		if self._wordCount is None:
-			log.debug("Try not to use len(reader) as it takes extra time")
-			self._wordCount = (
-				fileCountLines(
-					self._filename,
-					newline=b"\n\n",
-				)
-				- self._leadingLinesCount
-			)
-		return self._wordCount
-	@classmethod
-	def isInfoWord(cls, word: str) -> bool:
-		if isinstance(word, str):
-			return word.startswith("#")
-		return False
-	@classmethod
-	def fixInfoWord(cls, word: str) -> str:
-		if isinstance(word, str):
-			return word.lstrip("#").lower()
-		return word
-	def nextBlock(self) -> nextBlockResultType:
-		if not self._file:
-			raise StopIteration
-		entryLines: list[str] = []
-		while True:
-			line = self.readline()
-			if not line:
-				raise StopIteration
-			line = line.rstrip("\n\r")  # FIXME
-			if line.startswith("###"):
-				parts = line.split(":")
-				key = parts[0].strip()
-				value = ":".join(parts[1:]).strip()
-				return key, value, None
-			if line:
-				entryLines.append(line)
-				continue
-			# now `line` is empty, process `entryLines`
-			if not entryLines:
-				return None
-			if len(entryLines) < 2:
-				log.error(
-					f"invalid block near pos {self._file.tell()}"
-					f" in file {self._filename}",
-				)
-				return None
-			word = entryLines[0]
-			defi = "\n".join(entryLines[1:])
-			defi = defi.replace("<br/>", "\n")  # FIXME
-			words = splitByBar(word)
-			return words, defi, None
-class Writer:
-	compressions = stdCompressions
-	_newline: str = "\n"
-	_resources: bool = True
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._filename = ""
-	def getInfo(self, key: str) -> str:
-		return self._glos.getInfo(key).replace("\n", "<br>")
-	def getAuthor(self) -> str:
-		return self._glos.author.replace("\n", "<br>")
-	def finish(self) -> None:
-		self._filename = ""
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		self._filename = filename
-	@staticmethod
-	def _defiEscapeFunc(defi: str) -> str:
-		return defi.replace("\n", "<br/>")
-	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
-		from pyglossary.text_writer import writeTxt
-		newline = self._newline
-		resources = self._resources
-		head = (
-			f"###Title: {self.getInfo('title')}\n"
-			f"###Description: {self.getInfo('description')}\n"
-			f"###Author: {self.getAuthor()}\n"
-			f"###Email: {self.getInfo('email')}\n"
-			f"###Website: {self.getInfo('website')}\n"
-			f"###Copyright: {self.getInfo('copyright')}\n"
-		)
-		yield from writeTxt(
-			self._glos,
-			entryFmt="{word}\n{defi}\n\n",
-			filename=self._filename,
-			writeInfo=False,
-			defiEscapeFunc=self._defiEscapeFunc,
-			ext=".ldf",
-			head=head,
-			newline=newline,
-			resources=resources,
-		)
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/lingoes_ldf/reader.py b/pyglossary/plugins/lingoes_ldf/reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..211056bfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/lingoes_ldf/reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+from pyglossary.compression import (
+	# compressionOpen,
+	stdCompressions,
+from pyglossary.core import log
+from pyglossary.file_utils import fileCountLines
+from pyglossary.text_reader import TextGlossaryReader, nextBlockResultType
+from pyglossary.text_utils import splitByBar
+class Reader(TextGlossaryReader):
+	compressions = stdCompressions
+	def __len__(self) -> int:
+		if self._wordCount is None:
+			log.debug("Try not to use len(reader) as it takes extra time")
+			self._wordCount = (
+				fileCountLines(
+					self._filename,
+					newline=b"\n\n",
+				)
+				- self._leadingLinesCount
+			)
+		return self._wordCount
+	@classmethod
+	def isInfoWord(cls, word: str) -> bool:
+		if isinstance(word, str):
+			return word.startswith("#")
+		return False
+	@classmethod
+	def fixInfoWord(cls, word: str) -> str:
+		if isinstance(word, str):
+			return word.lstrip("#").lower()
+		return word
+	def nextBlock(self) -> nextBlockResultType:
+		if not self._file:
+			raise StopIteration
+		entryLines: list[str] = []
+		while True:
+			line = self.readline()
+			if not line:
+				raise StopIteration
+			line = line.rstrip("\n\r")  # FIXME
+			if line.startswith("###"):
+				parts = line.split(":")
+				key = parts[0].strip()
+				value = ":".join(parts[1:]).strip()
+				return key, value, None
+			if line:
+				entryLines.append(line)
+				continue
+			# now `line` is empty, process `entryLines`
+			if not entryLines:
+				return None
+			if len(entryLines) < 2:
+				log.error(
+					f"invalid block near pos {self._file.tell()}"
+					f" in file {self._filename}",
+				)
+				return None
+			word = entryLines[0]
+			defi = "\n".join(entryLines[1:])
+			defi = defi.replace("<br/>", "\n")  # FIXME
+			words = splitByBar(word)
+			return words, defi, None
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/lingoes_ldf/writer.py b/pyglossary/plugins/lingoes_ldf/writer.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..331c9fd31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/lingoes_ldf/writer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from pyglossary.compression import (
+	# compressionOpen,
+	stdCompressions,
+	from collections.abc import Generator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+class Writer:
+	compressions = stdCompressions
+	_newline: str = "\n"
+	_resources: bool = True
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._filename = ""
+	def getInfo(self, key: str) -> str:
+		return self._glos.getInfo(key).replace("\n", "<br>")
+	def getAuthor(self) -> str:
+		return self._glos.author.replace("\n", "<br>")
+	def finish(self) -> None:
+		self._filename = ""
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		self._filename = filename
+	@staticmethod
+	def _defiEscapeFunc(defi: str) -> str:
+		return defi.replace("\n", "<br/>")
+	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
+		from pyglossary.text_writer import writeTxt
+		newline = self._newline
+		resources = self._resources
+		head = (
+			f"###Title: {self.getInfo('title')}\n"
+			f"###Description: {self.getInfo('description')}\n"
+			f"###Author: {self.getAuthor()}\n"
+			f"###Email: {self.getInfo('email')}\n"
+			f"###Website: {self.getInfo('website')}\n"
+			f"###Copyright: {self.getInfo('copyright')}\n"
+		)
+		yield from writeTxt(
+			self._glos,
+			entryFmt="{word}\n{defi}\n\n",
+			filename=self._filename,
+			writeInfo=False,
+			defiEscapeFunc=self._defiEscapeFunc,
+			ext=".ldf",
+			head=head,
+			newline=newline,
+			resources=resources,
+		)
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/makindo_medical/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/makindo_medical/__init__.py
index 2e2f5f579..07f783113 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/makindo_medical/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/makindo_medical/__init__.py
@@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 from __future__ import annotations
-import html
 from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
-	import sqlite3
-	from collections.abc import Iterator
+from .reader import Reader
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
 	from pyglossary.option import Option
 __all__ = [
@@ -40,50 +37,3 @@
 	"Makindo.co.uk Comprehensive Medical Encyclopedia",
 optionsProp: dict[str, Option] = {}
-class Reader:
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._clear()
-	def _clear(self) -> None:
-		self._filename = ""
-		self._con: sqlite3.Connection | None = None
-		self._cur: sqlite3.Cursor | None = None
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		from sqlite3 import connect
-		self._filename = filename
-		self._con = connect(filename)
-		self._cur = self._con.cursor()
-		self._glos.setDefaultDefiFormat("h")
-	def __len__(self) -> int:
-		if self._cur is None:
-			raise ValueError("cur is None")
-		self._cur.execute("select count(*) from NEW_TABLE")
-		return self._cur.fetchone()[0]
-	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
-		if self._cur is None:
-			raise ValueError("cur is None")
-		self._cur.execute(
-			"select _id, contents from NEW_TABLE where _id is not null",
-		)
-		# FIXME: iteration over self._cur stops after one entry
-		# and self._cur.fetchone() returns None
-		# for row in self._cur:
-		for row in self._cur.fetchall():
-			word = html.unescape(row[0])
-			definition = row[1].decode("utf-8", errors="ignore")
-			# print(f"{word!r}, {definition!r}")
-			yield self._glos.newEntry(word, definition, defiFormat="h")
-	def close(self) -> None:
-		if self._cur:
-			self._cur.close()
-		if self._con:
-			self._con.close()
-		self._clear()
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/makindo_medical/reader.py b/pyglossary/plugins/makindo_medical/reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3d2f027b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/makindo_medical/reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+import html
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+	import sqlite3
+	from collections.abc import Iterator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+class Reader:
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._clear()
+	def _clear(self) -> None:
+		self._filename = ""
+		self._con: sqlite3.Connection | None = None
+		self._cur: sqlite3.Cursor | None = None
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		from sqlite3 import connect
+		self._filename = filename
+		self._con = connect(filename)
+		self._cur = self._con.cursor()
+		self._glos.setDefaultDefiFormat("h")
+	def __len__(self) -> int:
+		if self._cur is None:
+			raise ValueError("cur is None")
+		self._cur.execute("select count(*) from NEW_TABLE")
+		return self._cur.fetchone()[0]
+	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
+		if self._cur is None:
+			raise ValueError("cur is None")
+		self._cur.execute(
+			"select _id, contents from NEW_TABLE where _id is not null",
+		)
+		# FIXME: iteration over self._cur stops after one entry
+		# and self._cur.fetchone() returns None
+		# for row in self._cur:
+		for row in self._cur.fetchall():
+			word = html.unescape(row[0])
+			definition = row[1].decode("utf-8", errors="ignore")
+			# print(f"{word!r}, {definition!r}")
+			yield self._glos.newEntry(word, definition, defiFormat="h")
+	def close(self) -> None:
+		if self._cur:
+			self._cur.close()
+		if self._con:
+			self._con.close()
+		self._clear()
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/octopus_mdict_new/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/octopus_mdict_new/__init__.py
index 244609819..bdd3aa239 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/octopus_mdict_new/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/octopus_mdict_new/__init__.py
@@ -1,43 +1,13 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Read Octopus MDict dictionary format, mdx(dictionary)/mdd(data)
-# Copyright © 2013 Xiaoqiang Wang <xiaoqiangwang AT gmail DOT com>
-# Copyright © 2013-2021 Saeed Rasooli <saeed.gnu@gmail.com>
-# This program is a free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
-# You can get a copy of GNU General Public License along this program
-# But you can always get it from http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
 from __future__ import annotations
-import gc
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-from os.path import dirname, extsep, isfile, join, splitext
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
-	from collections.abc import Iterator
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
-	from pyglossary.plugin_lib.readmdict import MDD, MDX
-from pyglossary.core import log
 from pyglossary.option import (
-from pyglossary.text_utils import toStr
+from .reader import Reader
 __all__ = [
@@ -87,189 +57,3 @@
 then try to install [LZO library and Python binding](./doc/lzo.md).""",
-class Reader:
-	_encoding: str = ""
-	_substyle: bool = True
-	_same_dir_data_files: bool = False
-	_audio: bool = False
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self.clear()
-		self._re_internal_link = re.compile("href=([\"'])(entry://|[dx]:)")
-		self._re_audio_link = re.compile(
-			'<a (type="sound" )?([^<>]*? )?href="sound://([^<>"]+)"( .*?)?>(.*?)</a>',
-		)
-	def clear(self) -> None:
-		self._filename = ""
-		self._mdx: MDX | None = None
-		self._mdd: list[MDD] = []
-		self._wordCount = 0
-		self._dataEntryCount = 0
-		# dict of mainWord -> newline-separated alternatives
-		self._linksDict: dict[str, str] = {}
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		from pyglossary.plugin_lib.readmdict import MDD, MDX
-		self._filename = filename
-		self._mdx = MDX(filename, self._encoding, self._substyle)
-		"""
-			multiple MDD files are supported with this naming schema:
-				FILE.mdx
-				FILE.mdd
-				FILE.1.mdd
-				FILE.2.mdd
-				FILE.3.mdd
-		"""
-		filenameNoExt, _ext = splitext(self._filename)
-		mddBase = filenameNoExt + extsep
-		for fname in (f"{mddBase}mdd", f"{mddBase}1.mdd"):
-			if isfile(fname):
-				self._mdd.append(MDD(fname))
-		mddN = 2
-		while isfile(f"{mddBase}{mddN}.mdd"):
-			self._mdd.append(MDD(f"{mddBase}{mddN}.mdd"))
-			mddN += 1
-		dataEntryCount = 0
-		for mdd in self._mdd:
-			dataEntryCount += len(mdd)
-		self._dataEntryCount = dataEntryCount
-		log.info(f"Found {len(self._mdd)} mdd files with {dataEntryCount} entries")
-		# from pprint import pformat
-		# log.debug("mdx.header = " + pformat(self._mdx.header))
-		# for key, value in self._mdx.header.items():
-		# 	key = key.lower()
-		# 	self._glos.setInfo(key, value)
-		try:
-			title = toStr(self._mdx.header[b"Title"])
-		except KeyError:
-			pass
-		else:
-			title = title.strip()
-			if title == "Title (No HTML code allowed)":
-				# TODO: how to avoid this?
-				title = ""
-			if title:
-				self._glos.setInfo("name", title)
-		desc = toStr(self._mdx.header.get(b"Description", ""))
-		if desc:
-			self._glos.setInfo("description", desc)
-		self.loadLinks()
-	def loadLinks(self) -> None:
-		from pyglossary.plugin_lib.readmdict import MDX
-		mdx = self._mdx
-		if mdx is None:
-			raise ValueError("mdx is None")
-		log.info("extracting links...")
-		linksDict: dict[str, str] = {}
-		word = ""
-		wordCount = 0
-		for b_word, b_defi in mdx.items():
-			word = b_word.decode("utf-8")
-			defi = b_defi.decode("utf-8").strip()
-			if defi.startswith("@@@LINK="):
-				if not word:
-					log.warning(f"unexpected defi: {defi}")
-					continue
-				mainWord = defi[8:]
-				if mainWord in linksDict:
-					linksDict[mainWord] += "\n" + word
-				else:
-					linksDict[mainWord] = word
-				continue
-			wordCount += 1
-		log.info(
-			f"extracting links done, sizeof(linksDict)={sys.getsizeof(linksDict)}",
-		)
-		log.info(f"{wordCount = }")
-		self._linksDict = linksDict
-		self._wordCount = wordCount
-		self._mdx = MDX(self._filename, self._encoding, self._substyle)
-	def fixDefi(self, defi: str) -> str:
-		defi = self._re_internal_link.sub(r"href=\1bword://", defi)
-		defi = defi.replace(' src="file://', ' src=".')
-		if self._audio:
-			# \5 is the possible elements between <a ...> and </a>
-			# but anything between <audio...> and </audio> is completely
-			# ignored by Aaard2 Web and browser
-			# and there is no point adding it after </audio>
-			# which makes it shown after audio controls
-			# GoldenDict acts completely different, so must use
-			# audio_goldendict=True option in StarDict writer instead.
-			defi = self._re_audio_link.sub(
-				r'<audio controls src="\3"></audio>',
-				defi,
-			)
-		return defi
-	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
-		if self._mdx is None:
-			log.error("trying to iterate on a closed MDX file")
-			return
-		glos = self._glos
-		linksDict = self._linksDict
-		for b_word, b_defi in self._mdx.items():
-			word = b_word.decode("utf-8")
-			defi = b_defi.decode("utf-8").strip()
-			if defi.startswith("@@@LINK="):
-				continue
-			defi = self.fixDefi(defi)
-			words = word
-			altsStr = linksDict.get(word, "")
-			if altsStr:
-				words = [word] + altsStr.split("\n")
-			yield glos.newEntry(words, defi)
-		self._mdx = None
-		del linksDict
-		self._linksDict = {}
-		gc.collect()
-		if self._same_dir_data_files:
-			dirPath = dirname(self._filename)
-			for fname in os.listdir(dirPath):
-				ext = splitext(fname)[1].lower()
-				if ext in {".mdx", ".mdd"}:
-					continue
-				fpath = join(dirPath, fname)
-				if not isfile(fpath):
-					continue
-				with open(fpath, mode="rb") as _file:
-					b_data = _file.read()
-				yield glos.newDataEntry(fname, b_data)
-		for mdd in self._mdd:
-			try:
-				for b_fname, b_data in mdd.items():
-					fname = toStr(b_fname)
-					fname = fname.replace("\\", os.sep).lstrip(os.sep)
-					yield glos.newDataEntry(fname, b_data)
-			except Exception:  # noqa: PERF203
-				log.exception(f"Error reading {mdd.filename}")
-		self._mdd = []
-	def __len__(self) -> int:
-		return self._wordCount + self._dataEntryCount
-	def close(self) -> None:
-		self.clear()
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/octopus_mdict_new/reader.py b/pyglossary/plugins/octopus_mdict_new/reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f154200dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/octopus_mdict_new/reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Read Octopus MDict dictionary format, mdx(dictionary)/mdd(data)
+# Copyright © 2013 Xiaoqiang Wang <xiaoqiangwang AT gmail DOT com>
+# Copyright © 2013-2021 Saeed Rasooli <saeed.gnu@gmail.com>
+# This program is a free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
+# You can get a copy of GNU General Public License along this program
+# But you can always get it from http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+from __future__ import annotations
+import gc
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+from os.path import dirname, extsep, isfile, join, splitext
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+	from collections.abc import Iterator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+	from pyglossary.plugin_lib.readmdict import MDD, MDX
+from pyglossary.core import log
+from pyglossary.text_utils import toStr
+class Reader:
+	_encoding: str = ""
+	_substyle: bool = True
+	_same_dir_data_files: bool = False
+	_audio: bool = False
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self.clear()
+		self._re_internal_link = re.compile("href=([\"'])(entry://|[dx]:)")
+		self._re_audio_link = re.compile(
+			'<a (type="sound" )?([^<>]*? )?href="sound://([^<>"]+)"( .*?)?>(.*?)</a>',
+		)
+	def clear(self) -> None:
+		self._filename = ""
+		self._mdx: MDX | None = None
+		self._mdd: list[MDD] = []
+		self._wordCount = 0
+		self._dataEntryCount = 0
+		# dict of mainWord -> newline-separated alternatives
+		self._linksDict: dict[str, str] = {}
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		from pyglossary.plugin_lib.readmdict import MDD, MDX
+		self._filename = filename
+		self._mdx = MDX(filename, self._encoding, self._substyle)
+		"""
+			multiple MDD files are supported with this naming schema:
+				FILE.mdx
+				FILE.mdd
+				FILE.1.mdd
+				FILE.2.mdd
+				FILE.3.mdd
+		"""
+		filenameNoExt, _ext = splitext(self._filename)
+		mddBase = filenameNoExt + extsep
+		for fname in (f"{mddBase}mdd", f"{mddBase}1.mdd"):
+			if isfile(fname):
+				self._mdd.append(MDD(fname))
+		mddN = 2
+		while isfile(f"{mddBase}{mddN}.mdd"):
+			self._mdd.append(MDD(f"{mddBase}{mddN}.mdd"))
+			mddN += 1
+		dataEntryCount = 0
+		for mdd in self._mdd:
+			dataEntryCount += len(mdd)
+		self._dataEntryCount = dataEntryCount
+		log.info(f"Found {len(self._mdd)} mdd files with {dataEntryCount} entries")
+		# from pprint import pformat
+		# log.debug("mdx.header = " + pformat(self._mdx.header))
+		# for key, value in self._mdx.header.items():
+		# 	key = key.lower()
+		# 	self._glos.setInfo(key, value)
+		try:
+			title = toStr(self._mdx.header[b"Title"])
+		except KeyError:
+			pass
+		else:
+			title = title.strip()
+			if title == "Title (No HTML code allowed)":
+				# TODO: how to avoid this?
+				title = ""
+			if title:
+				self._glos.setInfo("name", title)
+		desc = toStr(self._mdx.header.get(b"Description", ""))
+		if desc:
+			self._glos.setInfo("description", desc)
+		self.loadLinks()
+	def loadLinks(self) -> None:
+		from pyglossary.plugin_lib.readmdict import MDX
+		mdx = self._mdx
+		if mdx is None:
+			raise ValueError("mdx is None")
+		log.info("extracting links...")
+		linksDict: dict[str, str] = {}
+		word = ""
+		wordCount = 0
+		for b_word, b_defi in mdx.items():
+			word = b_word.decode("utf-8")
+			defi = b_defi.decode("utf-8").strip()
+			if defi.startswith("@@@LINK="):
+				if not word:
+					log.warning(f"unexpected defi: {defi}")
+					continue
+				mainWord = defi[8:]
+				if mainWord in linksDict:
+					linksDict[mainWord] += "\n" + word
+				else:
+					linksDict[mainWord] = word
+				continue
+			wordCount += 1
+		log.info(
+			f"extracting links done, sizeof(linksDict)={sys.getsizeof(linksDict)}",
+		)
+		log.info(f"{wordCount = }")
+		self._linksDict = linksDict
+		self._wordCount = wordCount
+		self._mdx = MDX(self._filename, self._encoding, self._substyle)
+	def fixDefi(self, defi: str) -> str:
+		defi = self._re_internal_link.sub(r"href=\1bword://", defi)
+		defi = defi.replace(' src="file://', ' src=".')
+		if self._audio:
+			# \5 is the possible elements between <a ...> and </a>
+			# but anything between <audio...> and </audio> is completely
+			# ignored by Aaard2 Web and browser
+			# and there is no point adding it after </audio>
+			# which makes it shown after audio controls
+			# GoldenDict acts completely different, so must use
+			# audio_goldendict=True option in StarDict writer instead.
+			defi = self._re_audio_link.sub(
+				r'<audio controls src="\3"></audio>',
+				defi,
+			)
+		return defi
+	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
+		if self._mdx is None:
+			log.error("trying to iterate on a closed MDX file")
+			return
+		glos = self._glos
+		linksDict = self._linksDict
+		for b_word, b_defi in self._mdx.items():
+			word = b_word.decode("utf-8")
+			defi = b_defi.decode("utf-8").strip()
+			if defi.startswith("@@@LINK="):
+				continue
+			defi = self.fixDefi(defi)
+			words = word
+			altsStr = linksDict.get(word, "")
+			if altsStr:
+				words = [word] + altsStr.split("\n")
+			yield glos.newEntry(words, defi)
+		self._mdx = None
+		del linksDict
+		self._linksDict = {}
+		gc.collect()
+		if self._same_dir_data_files:
+			dirPath = dirname(self._filename)
+			for fname in os.listdir(dirPath):
+				ext = splitext(fname)[1].lower()
+				if ext in {".mdx", ".mdd"}:
+					continue
+				fpath = join(dirPath, fname)
+				if not isfile(fpath):
+					continue
+				with open(fpath, mode="rb") as _file:
+					b_data = _file.read()
+				yield glos.newDataEntry(fname, b_data)
+		for mdd in self._mdd:
+			try:
+				for b_fname, b_data in mdd.items():
+					fname = toStr(b_fname)
+					fname = fname.replace("\\", os.sep).lstrip(os.sep)
+					yield glos.newDataEntry(fname, b_data)
+			except Exception:  # noqa: PERF203
+				log.exception(f"Error reading {mdd.filename}")
+		self._mdd = []
+	def __len__(self) -> int:
+		return self._wordCount + self._dataEntryCount
+	def close(self) -> None:
+		self.clear()
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/sql/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/sql/__init__.py
index fce4cfb56..c0629c979 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/sql/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/sql/__init__.py
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 from __future__ import annotations
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
 from pyglossary.option import (
@@ -11,11 +9,7 @@
-	import io
-	from collections.abc import Generator
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+from .writer import Writer
 __all__ = [
@@ -49,133 +43,3 @@
 	"newline": NewlineOption(),
 	"transaction": BoolOption(comment="Use TRANSACTION"),
-class Writer:
-	_encoding: str = "utf-8"
-	_info_keys: list | None = None
-	_add_extra_info: bool = True
-	_newline: str = "<br>"
-	_transaction: bool = False
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._filename = ""
-		self._file: io.IOBase | None = None
-	def finish(self) -> None:
-		self._filename = ""
-		if self._file:
-			self._file.close()
-			self._file = None
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		self._filename = filename
-		self._file = open(filename, "w", encoding=self._encoding)
-		self._writeInfo()
-	def _writeInfo(self) -> None:
-		fileObj = self._file
-		if fileObj is None:
-			raise ValueError("fileObj is None")
-		newline = self._newline
-		info_keys = self._getInfoKeys()
-		infoDefLine = "CREATE TABLE dbinfo ("
-		infoValues: list[str] = []
-		glos = self._glos
-		for key in info_keys:
-			value = glos.getInfo(key)
-			value = (
-				value.replace("'", "''")
-				.replace("\x00", "")
-				.replace("\r", "")
-				.replace("\n", newline)
-			)
-			infoValues.append(f"'{value}'")
-			infoDefLine += f"{key} char({len(value)}), "
-		infoDefLine = infoDefLine[:-2] + ");"
-		fileObj.write(infoDefLine + "\n")
-		if self._add_extra_info:
-			fileObj.write(
-				"CREATE TABLE dbinfo_extra ("
-				"'name' TEXT UNIQUE, 'value' TEXT);\n",
-			)
-		fileObj.write(
-			"'w' TEXT, 'm' TEXT);\n",
-		)
-		fileObj.write(
-			"CREATE TABLE alt ('id' INTEGER NOT NULL, 'w' TEXT);\n",
-		)
-		if self._transaction:
-			fileObj.write("BEGIN TRANSACTION;\n")
-		fileObj.write(f"INSERT INTO dbinfo VALUES({','.join(infoValues)});\n")
-		if self._add_extra_info:
-			extraInfo = glos.getExtraInfos(info_keys)
-			for index, (key, value) in enumerate(extraInfo.items()):
-				key2 = key.replace("'", "''")
-				value2 = value.replace("'", "''")
-				fileObj.write(
-					f"INSERT INTO dbinfo_extra VALUES({index + 1}, "
-					f"'{key2}', '{value2}');\n",
-				)
-	def _getInfoKeys(self) -> list[str]:
-		info_keys = self._info_keys
-		if info_keys:
-			return info_keys
-		return [
-			"dbname",
-			"author",
-			"version",
-			"direction",
-			"origLang",
-			"destLang",
-			"license",
-			"category",
-			"description",
-		]
-	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
-		newline = self._newline
-		fileObj = self._file
-		if fileObj is None:
-			raise ValueError("fileObj is None")
-		def fixStr(word: str) -> str:
-			return word.replace("'", "''").replace("\r", "").replace("\n", newline)
-		id_ = 1
-		while True:
-			entry = yield
-			if entry is None:
-				break
-			if entry.isData():
-				# FIXME
-				continue
-			words = entry.l_word
-			word = fixStr(words[0])
-			defi = fixStr(entry.defi)
-			fileObj.write(
-				f"INSERT INTO word VALUES({id_}, '{word}', '{defi}');\n",
-			)
-			for alt in words[1:]:
-				fileObj.write(
-					f"INSERT INTO alt VALUES({id_}, '{fixStr(alt)}');\n",
-				)
-			id_ += 1
-		if self._transaction:
-			fileObj.write("END TRANSACTION;\n")
-		fileObj.write("CREATE INDEX ix_word_w ON word(w COLLATE NOCASE);\n")
-		fileObj.write("CREATE INDEX ix_alt_id ON alt(id COLLATE NOCASE);\n")
-		fileObj.write("CREATE INDEX ix_alt_w ON alt(w COLLATE NOCASE);\n")
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/sql/writer.py b/pyglossary/plugins/sql/writer.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3042b5c7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/sql/writer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+	import io
+	from collections.abc import Generator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+class Writer:
+	_encoding: str = "utf-8"
+	_info_keys: list | None = None
+	_add_extra_info: bool = True
+	_newline: str = "<br>"
+	_transaction: bool = False
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._filename = ""
+		self._file: io.IOBase | None = None
+	def finish(self) -> None:
+		self._filename = ""
+		if self._file:
+			self._file.close()
+			self._file = None
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		self._filename = filename
+		self._file = open(filename, "w", encoding=self._encoding)
+		self._writeInfo()
+	def _writeInfo(self) -> None:
+		fileObj = self._file
+		if fileObj is None:
+			raise ValueError("fileObj is None")
+		newline = self._newline
+		info_keys = self._getInfoKeys()
+		infoDefLine = "CREATE TABLE dbinfo ("
+		infoValues: list[str] = []
+		glos = self._glos
+		for key in info_keys:
+			value = glos.getInfo(key)
+			value = (
+				value.replace("'", "''")
+				.replace("\x00", "")
+				.replace("\r", "")
+				.replace("\n", newline)
+			)
+			infoValues.append(f"'{value}'")
+			infoDefLine += f"{key} char({len(value)}), "
+		infoDefLine = infoDefLine[:-2] + ");"
+		fileObj.write(infoDefLine + "\n")
+		if self._add_extra_info:
+			fileObj.write(
+				"CREATE TABLE dbinfo_extra ("
+				"'name' TEXT UNIQUE, 'value' TEXT);\n",
+			)
+		fileObj.write(
+			"'w' TEXT, 'm' TEXT);\n",
+		)
+		fileObj.write(
+			"CREATE TABLE alt ('id' INTEGER NOT NULL, 'w' TEXT);\n",
+		)
+		if self._transaction:
+			fileObj.write("BEGIN TRANSACTION;\n")
+		fileObj.write(f"INSERT INTO dbinfo VALUES({','.join(infoValues)});\n")
+		if self._add_extra_info:
+			extraInfo = glos.getExtraInfos(info_keys)
+			for index, (key, value) in enumerate(extraInfo.items()):
+				key2 = key.replace("'", "''")
+				value2 = value.replace("'", "''")
+				fileObj.write(
+					f"INSERT INTO dbinfo_extra VALUES({index + 1}, "
+					f"'{key2}', '{value2}');\n",
+				)
+	def _getInfoKeys(self) -> list[str]:
+		info_keys = self._info_keys
+		if info_keys:
+			return info_keys
+		return [
+			"dbname",
+			"author",
+			"version",
+			"direction",
+			"origLang",
+			"destLang",
+			"license",
+			"category",
+			"description",
+		]
+	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
+		newline = self._newline
+		fileObj = self._file
+		if fileObj is None:
+			raise ValueError("fileObj is None")
+		def fixStr(word: str) -> str:
+			return word.replace("'", "''").replace("\r", "").replace("\n", newline)
+		id_ = 1
+		while True:
+			entry = yield
+			if entry is None:
+				break
+			if entry.isData():
+				# FIXME
+				continue
+			words = entry.l_word
+			word = fixStr(words[0])
+			defi = fixStr(entry.defi)
+			fileObj.write(
+				f"INSERT INTO word VALUES({id_}, '{word}', '{defi}');\n",
+			)
+			for alt in words[1:]:
+				fileObj.write(
+					f"INSERT INTO alt VALUES({id_}, '{fixStr(alt)}');\n",
+				)
+			id_ += 1
+		if self._transaction:
+			fileObj.write("END TRANSACTION;\n")
+		fileObj.write("CREATE INDEX ix_word_w ON word(w COLLATE NOCASE);\n")
+		fileObj.write("CREATE INDEX ix_alt_id ON alt(id COLLATE NOCASE);\n")
+		fileObj.write("CREATE INDEX ix_alt_w ON alt(w COLLATE NOCASE);\n")
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/stardict_merge_syns/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/stardict_merge_syns/__init__.py
index b13cb423f..d1ef62fc7 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/stardict_merge_syns/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/stardict_merge_syns/__init__.py
@@ -2,10 +2,6 @@
 from __future__ import annotations
 import os
-from time import perf_counter as now
-from typing import (
 from pyglossary.flags import ALWAYS, DEFAULT_YES
 from pyglossary.option import (
@@ -13,17 +9,8 @@
-from pyglossary.plugins.stardict import Writer as StdWriter
-	from collections.abc import Generator
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType
-from pyglossary.core import log
-from pyglossary.glossary_utils import Error
-from pyglossary.text_utils import uint32ToBytes
+from .writer import Writer
 __all__ = [
@@ -97,121 +84,3 @@
 if os.getenv("PYGLOSSARY_STARDICT_NO_FORCE_SORT") == "1":
 	sortOnWrite = DEFAULT_YES
-class Writer(StdWriter):
-	dictzipSynFile = False
-	def fixDefi(self, defi: str, defiFormat: str) -> bytes:  # noqa: ARG002, PLR6301
-		return defi.encode("utf-8")
-	def writeCompact(
-		self,
-		defiFormat: str,
-	) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
-		"""
-		Build StarDict dictionary with sametypesequence option specified.
-		Every item definition consists of a single article.
-		All articles have the same format, specified in defiFormat parameter.
-		defiFormat - format of article definition: h - html, m - plain text
-		"""
-		log.debug(f"writeCompact: {defiFormat=}")
-		idxBlockList = self.newIdxList()
-		altIndexList = self.newSynList()
-		dictFile = open(self._filename + ".dict", "wb")
-		t0 = now()
-		dictMarkToBytes, dictMarkMax = self.dictMarkToBytesFunc()
-		dictMark, entryIndex = 0, -1
-		while True:
-			entry = yield
-			if entry is None:
-				break
-			if entry.isData():
-				entry.save(self._resDir)
-				continue
-			entryIndex += 1
-			b_dictBlock = self.fixDefi(entry.defi, defiFormat)
-			dictFile.write(b_dictBlock)
-			b_idxBlock = dictMarkToBytes(dictMark) + uint32ToBytes(len(b_dictBlock))
-			for b_word in entry.lb_word:
-				idxBlockList.append((b_word, b_idxBlock))
-			dictMark += len(b_dictBlock)
-			if dictMark > dictMarkMax:
-				raise Error(
-					f"StarDict: {dictMark = } is too big, set option large_file=true",
-				)
-		dictFile.close()
-		log.info(f"Writing dict file took {now() - t0:.2f} seconds")
-		self.writeIdxFile(idxBlockList)
-		self.writeIfoFile(
-			len(idxBlockList),
-			len(altIndexList),
-		)
-	def writeGeneral(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
-		"""
-		Build StarDict dictionary in general case.
-		Every item definition may consist of an arbitrary number of articles.
-		sametypesequence option is not used.
-		"""
-		log.debug("writeGeneral")
-		idxBlockList = self.newIdxList()
-		altIndexList = self.newSynList()
-		dictFile = open(self._filename + ".dict", "wb")
-		t0 = now()
-		dictMarkToBytes, dictMarkMax = self.dictMarkToBytesFunc()
-		dictMark, entryIndex = 0, -1
-		while True:
-			entry = yield
-			if entry is None:
-				break
-			if entry.isData():
-				entry.save(self._resDir)
-				continue
-			entryIndex += 1
-			defiFormat = entry.detectDefiFormat("m")  # call no more than once
-			b_defi = self.fixDefi(entry.defi, defiFormat)
-			b_dictBlock = defiFormat.encode("ascii") + b_defi + b"\x00"
-			dictFile.write(b_dictBlock)
-			b_idxBlock = dictMarkToBytes(dictMark) + uint32ToBytes(len(b_dictBlock))
-			for b_word in entry.lb_word:
-				idxBlockList.append((b_word, b_idxBlock))
-			dictMark += len(b_dictBlock)
-			if dictMark > dictMarkMax:
-				raise Error(
-					f"StarDict: {dictMark = } is too big, set option large_file=true",
-				)
-		dictFile.close()
-		log.info(f"Writing dict file took {now() - t0:.2f} seconds")
-		self.writeIdxFile(idxBlockList)
-		self.writeIfoFile(
-			len(idxBlockList),
-			len(altIndexList),
-		)
-	# TODO: override getDescription to indicate merge_syns
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/stardict_merge_syns/writer.py b/pyglossary/plugins/stardict_merge_syns/writer.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ba0349d04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/stardict_merge_syns/writer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+from time import perf_counter as now
+from typing import (
+from pyglossary.plugins.stardict import Writer as StdWriter
+	from collections.abc import Generator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType
+from pyglossary.core import log
+from pyglossary.glossary_utils import Error
+from pyglossary.text_utils import uint32ToBytes
+class Writer(StdWriter):
+	dictzipSynFile = False
+	def fixDefi(self, defi: str, defiFormat: str) -> bytes:  # noqa: ARG002, PLR6301
+		return defi.encode("utf-8")
+	def writeCompact(
+		self,
+		defiFormat: str,
+	) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
+		"""
+		Build StarDict dictionary with sametypesequence option specified.
+		Every item definition consists of a single article.
+		All articles have the same format, specified in defiFormat parameter.
+		defiFormat - format of article definition: h - html, m - plain text
+		"""
+		log.debug(f"writeCompact: {defiFormat=}")
+		idxBlockList = self.newIdxList()
+		altIndexList = self.newSynList()
+		dictFile = open(self._filename + ".dict", "wb")
+		t0 = now()
+		dictMarkToBytes, dictMarkMax = self.dictMarkToBytesFunc()
+		dictMark, entryIndex = 0, -1
+		while True:
+			entry = yield
+			if entry is None:
+				break
+			if entry.isData():
+				entry.save(self._resDir)
+				continue
+			entryIndex += 1
+			b_dictBlock = self.fixDefi(entry.defi, defiFormat)
+			dictFile.write(b_dictBlock)
+			b_idxBlock = dictMarkToBytes(dictMark) + uint32ToBytes(len(b_dictBlock))
+			for b_word in entry.lb_word:
+				idxBlockList.append((b_word, b_idxBlock))
+			dictMark += len(b_dictBlock)
+			if dictMark > dictMarkMax:
+				raise Error(
+					f"StarDict: {dictMark = } is too big, set option large_file=true",
+				)
+		dictFile.close()
+		log.info(f"Writing dict file took {now() - t0:.2f} seconds")
+		self.writeIdxFile(idxBlockList)
+		self.writeIfoFile(
+			len(idxBlockList),
+			len(altIndexList),
+		)
+	def writeGeneral(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
+		"""
+		Build StarDict dictionary in general case.
+		Every item definition may consist of an arbitrary number of articles.
+		sametypesequence option is not used.
+		"""
+		log.debug("writeGeneral")
+		idxBlockList = self.newIdxList()
+		altIndexList = self.newSynList()
+		dictFile = open(self._filename + ".dict", "wb")
+		t0 = now()
+		dictMarkToBytes, dictMarkMax = self.dictMarkToBytesFunc()
+		dictMark, entryIndex = 0, -1
+		while True:
+			entry = yield
+			if entry is None:
+				break
+			if entry.isData():
+				entry.save(self._resDir)
+				continue
+			entryIndex += 1
+			defiFormat = entry.detectDefiFormat("m")  # call no more than once
+			b_defi = self.fixDefi(entry.defi, defiFormat)
+			b_dictBlock = defiFormat.encode("ascii") + b_defi + b"\x00"
+			dictFile.write(b_dictBlock)
+			b_idxBlock = dictMarkToBytes(dictMark) + uint32ToBytes(len(b_dictBlock))
+			for b_word in entry.lb_word:
+				idxBlockList.append((b_word, b_idxBlock))
+			dictMark += len(b_dictBlock)
+			if dictMark > dictMarkMax:
+				raise Error(
+					f"StarDict: {dictMark = } is too big, set option large_file=true",
+				)
+		dictFile.close()
+		log.info(f"Writing dict file took {now() - t0:.2f} seconds")
+		self.writeIdxFile(idxBlockList)
+		self.writeIfoFile(
+			len(idxBlockList),
+			len(altIndexList),
+		)
+	# TODO: override getDescription to indicate merge_syns
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/stardict_textual/__init__.py b/pyglossary/plugins/stardict_textual/__init__.py
index a54d04266..80dc78d69 100644
--- a/pyglossary/plugins/stardict_textual/__init__.py
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/stardict_textual/__init__.py
@@ -1,34 +1,15 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 from __future__ import annotations
-import os
-from os.path import dirname, isdir, join
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast
-	import io
-	from collections.abc import Generator, Iterator
-	from lxml import builder
-	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
-	from pyglossary.lxml_types import Element
-	from pyglossary.xdxf.transform import XdxfTransformer
-from pyglossary.compression import (
-	compressionOpen,
-	stdCompressions,
-from pyglossary.core import exc_note, log, pip
-from pyglossary.html_utils import unescape_unicode
-from pyglossary.io_utils import nullBinaryIO
 from pyglossary.option import (
+from .reader import Reader
+from .writer import Writer
 __all__ = [
@@ -66,337 +47,3 @@
 		comment="Convert XDXF entries to HTML",
-class Reader:
-	_encoding: str = "utf-8"
-	_xdxf_to_html: bool = True
-	compressions = stdCompressions
-	depends = {
-		"lxml": "lxml",
-	}
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._filename = ""
-		self._file: io.IOBase = nullBinaryIO
-		self._fileSize = 0
-		self._xdxfTr: XdxfTransformer | None = None
-	def xdxf_setup(self) -> XdxfTransformer:
-		from pyglossary.xdxf.transform import XdxfTransformer
-		self._xdxfTr = tr = XdxfTransformer(encoding="utf-8")
-		return tr
-	def xdxf_transform(self, text: str) -> str:
-		tr = self._xdxfTr
-		if tr is None:
-			tr = self.xdxf_setup()
-		return tr.transformByInnerString(text)
-	def __len__(self) -> int:
-		return 0
-	def close(self) -> None:
-		self._file.close()
-		self._file = nullBinaryIO
-		self._filename = ""
-		self._fileSize = 0
-	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
-		try:
-			from lxml import etree as ET
-		except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
-			exc_note(e, f"Run `{pip} install lxml` to install")
-			raise
-		self._filename = filename
-		cfile = compressionOpen(filename, mode="rb")
-		if cfile.seekable():
-			cfile.seek(0, 2)
-			self._fileSize = cfile.tell()
-			cfile.seek(0)
-			# self._glos.setInfo("input_file_size", f"{self._fileSize}")
-		else:
-			log.warning("StarDict Textual File Reader: file is not seekable")
-		context = ET.iterparse(  # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003
-			cfile,
-			events=("end",),
-			tag="info",
-		)
-		for _, elem in context:
-			self.setMetadata(elem)  # type: ignore
-			break
-		cfile.close()
-	def setGlosInfo(self, key: str, value: str) -> None:
-		if value is None:
-			return
-		self._glos.setInfo(key, unescape_unicode(value))
-	def setMetadata(self, header: Element) -> None:
-		if (elem := header.find("./bookname")) is not None and elem.text:
-			self.setGlosInfo("name", elem.text)
-		if (elem := header.find("./author")) is not None and elem.text:
-			self.setGlosInfo("author", elem.text)
-		if (elem := header.find("./email")) is not None and elem.text:
-			self.setGlosInfo("email", elem.text)
-		if (elem := header.find("./website")) is not None and elem.text:
-			self.setGlosInfo("website", elem.text)
-		if (elem := header.find("./description")) is not None and elem.text:
-			self.setGlosInfo("description", elem.text)
-		if (elem := header.find("./bookname")) is not None and elem.text:
-			self.setGlosInfo("name", elem.text)
-		if (elem := header.find("./bookname")) is not None and elem.text:
-			self.setGlosInfo("name", elem.text)
-		if (elem := header.find("./date")) is not None and elem.text:
-			self.setGlosInfo("creationTime", elem.text)
-		# if (elem := header.find("./dicttype")) is not None and elem.text:
-		# 	self.setGlosInfo("dicttype", elem.text)
-	def renderDefiList(
-		self,
-		defisWithFormat: list[tuple[str, str]],
-	) -> tuple[str, str]:
-		if not defisWithFormat:
-			return "", ""
-		if len(defisWithFormat) == 1:
-			return defisWithFormat[0]
-		defiFormatSet: set[str] = set()
-		defiFormatSet.update(_type for _, _type in defisWithFormat)
-		if len(defiFormatSet) == 1:
-			format_ = defiFormatSet.pop()
-			if format_ == "h":
-				return "\n<hr>".join([defi for defi, _ in defisWithFormat]), format_
-			return "\n".join([defi for defi, _ in defisWithFormat]), format_
-		# convert plaintext or xdxf to html
-		defis: list[str] = []
-		for defi_, format_ in defisWithFormat:
-			if format_ == "m":
-				defis.append("<pre>" + defi_.replace("\n", "<br/>") + "</pre>")
-			elif format_ == "x":
-				defis.append(self.xdxf_transform(defi_))
-			else:
-				defis.append(defi_)
-		return "\n<hr>\n".join(defis), "h"
-	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
-		from lxml import etree as ET
-		glos = self._glos
-		fileSize = self._fileSize
-		self._file = file = compressionOpen(self._filename, mode="rb")
-		context = ET.iterparse(  # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003
-			self._file,
-			events=("end",),
-			tag="article",
-		)
-		for _, _elem in context:
-			elem = cast("Element", _elem)
-			words: list[str] = []
-			defisWithFormat: list[tuple[str, str]] = []
-			for child in elem.iterchildren():
-				if not child.text:
-					continue
-				if child.tag in {"key", "synonym"}:
-					words.append(child.text)
-				elif child.tag == "definition":
-					type_ = child.attrib.get("type", "")
-					if type_:
-						new_type = {
-							"m": "m",
-							"t": "m",
-							"y": "m",
-							"g": "h",
-							"h": "h",
-							"x": "x",
-						}.get(type_, "")
-						if not new_type:
-							log.warning(f"unsupported definition type {type_}")
-						type_ = new_type
-					if not type_:
-						type_ = "m"
-					defi_ = child.text.strip()
-					if type_ == "x" and self._xdxf_to_html:
-						defi_ = self.xdxf_transform(defi_)
-						type_ = "h"
-					defisWithFormat.append((defi_, type_))
-				# TODO: child.tag == "definition-r"
-				else:
-					log.warning(f"unknown tag {child.tag}")
-			defi, defiFormat = self.renderDefiList(defisWithFormat)
-			yield glos.newEntry(
-				words,
-				defi,
-				defiFormat=defiFormat,
-				byteProgress=(file.tell(), fileSize),
-			)
-			# clean up preceding siblings to save memory
-			# this can reduce memory usage from >300 MB to ~25 MB
-			while elem.getprevious() is not None:
-				parent = elem.getparent()
-				if parent is None:
-					break
-				del parent[0]
-class Writer:
-	_encoding: str = "utf-8"
-	compressions = stdCompressions
-	depends = {
-		"lxml": "lxml",
-	}
-	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
-		self._glos = glos
-		self._filename = ""
-		self._resDir = ""
-	def open(
-		self,
-		filename: str,
-	) -> None:
-		self._filename = filename
-		self._resDir = join(dirname(self._filename), "res")
-		self._file = compressionOpen(
-			self._filename,
-			mode="w",
-			encoding=self._encoding,
-		)
-	def finish(self) -> None:
-		self._file.close()
-	def writeInfo(
-		self,
-		maker: builder.ElementMaker,
-		pretty: bool,
-	) -> None:
-		from lxml import etree as ET
-		glos = self._glos
-		desc = glos.getInfo("description")
-		copyright_ = glos.getInfo("copyright")
-		if copyright_:
-			desc = f"{copyright_}\n{desc}"
-		publisher = glos.getInfo("publisher")
-		if publisher:
-			desc = f"Publisher: {publisher}\n{desc}"
-		info = maker.info(
-			maker.version("3.0.0"),
-			maker.bookname(glos.getInfo("name")),
-			maker.author(glos.getInfo("author")),
-			maker.email(glos.getInfo("email")),
-			maker.website(glos.getInfo("website")),
-			maker.description(desc),
-			maker.date(glos.getInfo("creationTime")),
-			maker.dicttype(""),
-		)
-		file = self._file
-		file.write(
-			cast(
-				"bytes",
-				ET.tostring(
-					info,
-					encoding=self._encoding,
-					pretty_print=pretty,
-				),
-			).decode(self._encoding)
-			+ "\n",
-		)
-	def writeDataEntry(
-		self,
-		maker: builder.ElementMaker,  # noqa: ARG002
-		entry: EntryType,
-	) -> None:
-		entry.save(self._resDir)
-		# TODO: create article tag with "definition-r" in it?
-		# or just save the file to res/ directory? or both?
-		# article = maker.article(
-		# 	maker.key(entry.s_word),
-		# 	maker.definition_r(
-		# 		ET.CDATA(entry.defi),
-		# 		**{"type": ext})
-		# 	)
-		# )
-	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
-		from lxml import builder
-		from lxml import etree as ET
-		file = self._file
-		encoding = self._encoding
-		maker = builder.ElementMaker()
-		file.write(
-			"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
-<stardict xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2003/XInclude">
-		)
-		self.writeInfo(maker, pretty=True)
-		if not isdir(self._resDir):
-			os.mkdir(self._resDir)
-		pretty = True
-		while True:
-			entry = yield
-			if entry is None:
-				break
-			if entry.isData():
-				self.writeDataEntry(maker, entry)
-				continue
-			entry.detectDefiFormat()
-			article = maker.article(
-				maker.key(entry.l_word[0]),
-			)
-			for alt in entry.l_word[1:]:
-				article.append(maker.synonym(alt))
-			article.append(
-				maker.definition(
-					ET.CDATA(entry.defi),
-					type=entry.defiFormat,
-				),
-			)
-			ET.indent(article, space="")
-			articleStr = cast(
-				"bytes",
-				ET.tostring(
-					article,
-					pretty_print=pretty,
-					encoding=encoding,
-				),
-			).decode(encoding)
-			# for some reason, "´k" becomes " ́k" (for example) # noqa: RUF003
-			# stardict-text2bin tool also does this.
-			# https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%CB%88#Translingual
-			self._file.write(articleStr + "\n")
-		file.write("</stardict>")
-		if not os.listdir(self._resDir):
-			os.rmdir(self._resDir)
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/stardict_textual/reader.py b/pyglossary/plugins/stardict_textual/reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..91fea26c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/stardict_textual/reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast
+	import io
+	from collections.abc import Iterator
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+	from pyglossary.lxml_types import Element
+	from pyglossary.xdxf.transform import XdxfTransformer
+from pyglossary.compression import (
+	compressionOpen,
+	stdCompressions,
+from pyglossary.core import exc_note, log, pip
+from pyglossary.html_utils import unescape_unicode
+from pyglossary.io_utils import nullBinaryIO
+class Reader:
+	_encoding: str = "utf-8"
+	_xdxf_to_html: bool = True
+	compressions = stdCompressions
+	depends = {
+		"lxml": "lxml",
+	}
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._filename = ""
+		self._file: io.IOBase = nullBinaryIO
+		self._fileSize = 0
+		self._xdxfTr: XdxfTransformer | None = None
+	def xdxf_setup(self) -> XdxfTransformer:
+		from pyglossary.xdxf.transform import XdxfTransformer
+		self._xdxfTr = tr = XdxfTransformer(encoding="utf-8")
+		return tr
+	def xdxf_transform(self, text: str) -> str:
+		tr = self._xdxfTr
+		if tr is None:
+			tr = self.xdxf_setup()
+		return tr.transformByInnerString(text)
+	def __len__(self) -> int:
+		return 0
+	def close(self) -> None:
+		self._file.close()
+		self._file = nullBinaryIO
+		self._filename = ""
+		self._fileSize = 0
+	def open(self, filename: str) -> None:
+		try:
+			from lxml import etree as ET
+		except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
+			exc_note(e, f"Run `{pip} install lxml` to install")
+			raise
+		self._filename = filename
+		cfile = compressionOpen(filename, mode="rb")
+		if cfile.seekable():
+			cfile.seek(0, 2)
+			self._fileSize = cfile.tell()
+			cfile.seek(0)
+			# self._glos.setInfo("input_file_size", f"{self._fileSize}")
+		else:
+			log.warning("StarDict Textual File Reader: file is not seekable")
+		context = ET.iterparse(  # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003
+			cfile,
+			events=("end",),
+			tag="info",
+		)
+		for _, elem in context:
+			self.setMetadata(elem)  # type: ignore
+			break
+		cfile.close()
+	def setGlosInfo(self, key: str, value: str) -> None:
+		if value is None:
+			return
+		self._glos.setInfo(key, unescape_unicode(value))
+	def setMetadata(self, header: Element) -> None:
+		if (elem := header.find("./bookname")) is not None and elem.text:
+			self.setGlosInfo("name", elem.text)
+		if (elem := header.find("./author")) is not None and elem.text:
+			self.setGlosInfo("author", elem.text)
+		if (elem := header.find("./email")) is not None and elem.text:
+			self.setGlosInfo("email", elem.text)
+		if (elem := header.find("./website")) is not None and elem.text:
+			self.setGlosInfo("website", elem.text)
+		if (elem := header.find("./description")) is not None and elem.text:
+			self.setGlosInfo("description", elem.text)
+		if (elem := header.find("./bookname")) is not None and elem.text:
+			self.setGlosInfo("name", elem.text)
+		if (elem := header.find("./bookname")) is not None and elem.text:
+			self.setGlosInfo("name", elem.text)
+		if (elem := header.find("./date")) is not None and elem.text:
+			self.setGlosInfo("creationTime", elem.text)
+		# if (elem := header.find("./dicttype")) is not None and elem.text:
+		# 	self.setGlosInfo("dicttype", elem.text)
+	def renderDefiList(
+		self,
+		defisWithFormat: list[tuple[str, str]],
+	) -> tuple[str, str]:
+		if not defisWithFormat:
+			return "", ""
+		if len(defisWithFormat) == 1:
+			return defisWithFormat[0]
+		defiFormatSet: set[str] = set()
+		defiFormatSet.update(_type for _, _type in defisWithFormat)
+		if len(defiFormatSet) == 1:
+			format_ = defiFormatSet.pop()
+			if format_ == "h":
+				return "\n<hr>".join([defi for defi, _ in defisWithFormat]), format_
+			return "\n".join([defi for defi, _ in defisWithFormat]), format_
+		# convert plaintext or xdxf to html
+		defis: list[str] = []
+		for defi_, format_ in defisWithFormat:
+			if format_ == "m":
+				defis.append("<pre>" + defi_.replace("\n", "<br/>") + "</pre>")
+			elif format_ == "x":
+				defis.append(self.xdxf_transform(defi_))
+			else:
+				defis.append(defi_)
+		return "\n<hr>\n".join(defis), "h"
+	def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[EntryType]:
+		from lxml import etree as ET
+		glos = self._glos
+		fileSize = self._fileSize
+		self._file = file = compressionOpen(self._filename, mode="rb")
+		context = ET.iterparse(  # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003
+			self._file,
+			events=("end",),
+			tag="article",
+		)
+		for _, _elem in context:
+			elem = cast("Element", _elem)
+			words: list[str] = []
+			defisWithFormat: list[tuple[str, str]] = []
+			for child in elem.iterchildren():
+				if not child.text:
+					continue
+				if child.tag in {"key", "synonym"}:
+					words.append(child.text)
+				elif child.tag == "definition":
+					type_ = child.attrib.get("type", "")
+					if type_:
+						new_type = {
+							"m": "m",
+							"t": "m",
+							"y": "m",
+							"g": "h",
+							"h": "h",
+							"x": "x",
+						}.get(type_, "")
+						if not new_type:
+							log.warning(f"unsupported definition type {type_}")
+						type_ = new_type
+					if not type_:
+						type_ = "m"
+					defi_ = child.text.strip()
+					if type_ == "x" and self._xdxf_to_html:
+						defi_ = self.xdxf_transform(defi_)
+						type_ = "h"
+					defisWithFormat.append((defi_, type_))
+				# TODO: child.tag == "definition-r"
+				else:
+					log.warning(f"unknown tag {child.tag}")
+			defi, defiFormat = self.renderDefiList(defisWithFormat)
+			yield glos.newEntry(
+				words,
+				defi,
+				defiFormat=defiFormat,
+				byteProgress=(file.tell(), fileSize),
+			)
+			# clean up preceding siblings to save memory
+			# this can reduce memory usage from >300 MB to ~25 MB
+			while elem.getprevious() is not None:
+				parent = elem.getparent()
+				if parent is None:
+					break
+				del parent[0]
diff --git a/pyglossary/plugins/stardict_textual/writer.py b/pyglossary/plugins/stardict_textual/writer.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7681d839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyglossary/plugins/stardict_textual/writer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+import os
+from os.path import dirname, isdir, join
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast
+	from collections.abc import Generator
+	from lxml import builder
+	from pyglossary.glossary_types import EntryType, GlossaryType
+from pyglossary.compression import (
+	compressionOpen,
+	stdCompressions,
+class Writer:
+	_encoding: str = "utf-8"
+	compressions = stdCompressions
+	depends = {
+		"lxml": "lxml",
+	}
+	def __init__(self, glos: GlossaryType) -> None:
+		self._glos = glos
+		self._filename = ""
+		self._resDir = ""
+	def open(
+		self,
+		filename: str,
+	) -> None:
+		self._filename = filename
+		self._resDir = join(dirname(self._filename), "res")
+		self._file = compressionOpen(
+			self._filename,
+			mode="w",
+			encoding=self._encoding,
+		)
+	def finish(self) -> None:
+		self._file.close()
+	def writeInfo(
+		self,
+		maker: builder.ElementMaker,
+		pretty: bool,
+	) -> None:
+		from lxml import etree as ET
+		glos = self._glos
+		desc = glos.getInfo("description")
+		copyright_ = glos.getInfo("copyright")
+		if copyright_:
+			desc = f"{copyright_}\n{desc}"
+		publisher = glos.getInfo("publisher")
+		if publisher:
+			desc = f"Publisher: {publisher}\n{desc}"
+		info = maker.info(
+			maker.version("3.0.0"),
+			maker.bookname(glos.getInfo("name")),
+			maker.author(glos.getInfo("author")),
+			maker.email(glos.getInfo("email")),
+			maker.website(glos.getInfo("website")),
+			maker.description(desc),
+			maker.date(glos.getInfo("creationTime")),
+			maker.dicttype(""),
+		)
+		file = self._file
+		file.write(
+			cast(
+				"bytes",
+				ET.tostring(
+					info,
+					encoding=self._encoding,
+					pretty_print=pretty,
+				),
+			).decode(self._encoding)
+			+ "\n",
+		)
+	def writeDataEntry(
+		self,
+		maker: builder.ElementMaker,  # noqa: ARG002
+		entry: EntryType,
+	) -> None:
+		entry.save(self._resDir)
+		# TODO: create article tag with "definition-r" in it?
+		# or just save the file to res/ directory? or both?
+		# article = maker.article(
+		# 	maker.key(entry.s_word),
+		# 	maker.definition_r(
+		# 		ET.CDATA(entry.defi),
+		# 		**{"type": ext})
+		# 	)
+		# )
+	def write(self) -> Generator[None, EntryType, None]:
+		from lxml import builder
+		from lxml import etree as ET
+		file = self._file
+		encoding = self._encoding
+		maker = builder.ElementMaker()
+		file.write(
+			"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<stardict xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2003/XInclude">
+		)
+		self.writeInfo(maker, pretty=True)
+		if not isdir(self._resDir):
+			os.mkdir(self._resDir)
+		pretty = True
+		while True:
+			entry = yield
+			if entry is None:
+				break
+			if entry.isData():
+				self.writeDataEntry(maker, entry)
+				continue
+			entry.detectDefiFormat()
+			article = maker.article(
+				maker.key(entry.l_word[0]),
+			)
+			for alt in entry.l_word[1:]:
+				article.append(maker.synonym(alt))
+			article.append(
+				maker.definition(
+					ET.CDATA(entry.defi),
+					type=entry.defiFormat,
+				),
+			)
+			ET.indent(article, space="")
+			articleStr = cast(
+				"bytes",
+				ET.tostring(
+					article,
+					pretty_print=pretty,
+					encoding=encoding,
+				),
+			).decode(encoding)
+			# for some reason, "´k" becomes " ́k" (for example) # noqa: RUF003
+			# stardict-text2bin tool also does this.
+			# https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%CB%88#Translingual
+			self._file.write(articleStr + "\n")
+		file.write("</stardict>")
+		if not os.listdir(self._resDir):
+			os.rmdir(self._resDir)
diff --git a/tests/deprecated/glossary_security_test.py b/tests/deprecated/glossary_security_test.py
index 78f55f060..81fd531d8 100644
--- a/tests/deprecated/glossary_security_test.py
+++ b/tests/deprecated/glossary_security_test.py
@@ -62,5 +62,6 @@ def test_convert_4(self):
 		self.assertLogCritical("Unable to detect output format!")
 if __name__ == "__main__":