A guide for writing great web apps.
Set up your laptop with this script and these dotfiles.
Get Suspenders.
gem install suspenders
Create the app.
suspenders app --heroku true --github organization/app
Get the code.
git clone [email protected]:organization/app.git
Set up the app's dependencies.
cd project
Use Heroku config to get ENV
heroku config:pull --remote staging
Delete extra lines in .env
, leaving only those needed for app to function
properly. For example: BRAINTREE_MERCHANT_ID
Use Foreman to run the app locally.
foreman start
It uses your .env
file and Procfile
to run processes just like Heroku's
Cedar stack.
Follow the normal Git Protocol.
Follow the normal Code Review guidelines. When reviewing others' Rails work, look in particular for:
- Review data integrity closely, such as migrations that make irreversible changes to the data, and whether there is a related todo to make a database backup during the staging and production deploys.
- Review SQL queries for potential SQL injection.
- Review whether dependency upgrades include a reason in the commit message,
such as a link to the dependency's
file. - Review whether new database indexes are necessary if new columns or SQL queries were added.
- Review whether new scheduler (
) tasks have been added and whether there is a related todo in the project management system to add it during the staging and production deploys.
View a list of new commits. View changed files. Deploy to Heroku staging.
git fetch staging
git log staging/master..master
git diff --stat staging/master
git push staging
If necessary, run migrations and restart the dynos.
heroku run rake db:migrate --remote staging
heroku restart --remote staging
Introspect to make sure everything's ok.
watch heroku ps --remote staging
Test the feature in browser.
Deploy to production.
git fetch production
git log production/master..master
git diff --stat production/master
git push production
heroku run rake db:migrate --remote production
heroku restart --remote production
watch heroku ps --remote production
Watch logs and metrics dashboards.
Close pull request and comment Merged.
- Make sure that your
is set up to run Unicorn. - Make sure the PG Backups add-on is enabled.
- Create a read-only Heroku Follower for your production database. If a Heroku database outage occurs, Heroku can use the follower to get your app back up and running faster.