Organize ns
form in a way that whitespace and comments are preserved, using the Clojure CLI.
Rules to apply are fully customizable; the default implementation
- sorts
libspecs alphabetically and removes duplicates - sorts
class names alphabetically and removes duplicates - sorts
options alphabetically and removes duplicates
Also available as Clojure library nsorg and Leiningen plugin lein-nsorg.
You can try it out with this one liner:
$ clojure -Sdeps '{:deps {nsorg-cli/nsorg-cli {:mvn/version "0.3.1"}}}' -m nsorg.cli
Or add it as an alias in your deps.edn
{:aliases {:nsorg {:extra-deps {nsorg-cli {:mvn/version "0.3.1"}}
:main-opts ["-m" "nsorg.cli"]}}}
and run it with:
$ clojure -Ansorg
Example output:
in ./src/perf/clojure/clojure/java/perf_jdbc.clj:
These test compare the raw performance (against an in-memory H2 database)
for hand-crafted Java JDBC calls and various `query` and `reducible-query`
- (:require [criterium.core :as cc]
- [ :as sql])
- (:import (java.sql Connection PreparedStatement ResultSet Statement ResultSetMetaData)))
+ (:require [ :as sql]
+ [criterium.core :as cc])
+ (:import (java.sql Connection PreparedStatement ResultSet ResultSetMetaData Statement)))
(defn calibrate []
;; 840ms
Checked 5 files, found problems in 3 files
Paths to check can be given as arguments:
$ clojure -Ansorg src dev/src
If no locations are given default location is current directory.
You can ignore a specific file or directory by excluding it from command-line:
$ clojure -Ansorg --exclude src/my-project/broken_file.clj --exclude test
By default lein-nsorg prints diffs for suggested changes. Changes can be applied automatically to source files with the following option:
$ clojure -Ansorg --replace
Instead of applying changes automatically interactive mode asks for each file if suggestions should be applied or not:
$ clojure -Ansorg --replace --interactive
Copyright © 2019 Immo Heikkinen
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.