Open-source tool that uses simple textual descriptions to draw UML diagrams.
- PlantUML is a component that allows to quickly write : Sequence diagram, Usecase diagram, Class diagram, Activity diagram, Component diagram, State diagram, Object diagram, Deployment diagram, Timing diagram (不同於一般的 timeline,但也是 UML 標準圖形之一)
- The following non-UML diagrams are also supported: Wireframe graphical interface, Archimate?? diagram, Specification and Description Language (SDL), Ditaa diagram, Gantt diagram, Mathematic with AsciiMath or JLaTeXMath notation 沒想過有支持這些!! 2019-03-01 也開始支援 MindMap 了
- Diagrams are defined using a simple and intuitive language. (see PlantUML Language Reference Guide). Images can be generated in PNG, in SVG or in LaTeX format. It is also possible to generate ASCII art diagrams (only for sequence diagrams). 轉成 LaTeX 是什麼概念?? 為什麼 PlantText UML Editor 不是 sequence diagram 也可以轉 TXT??
- 所有的 diagram 都用
括起來,並不會特別宣告是哪種 diagram。所以 PlantUML 要學習通則、各項元素要怎麼表示,所請不同的 diagram,就是用上不同的元素而已,元素的用法在不同 diagram 裡都是一樣的,例如 note、actor、line、arrow ...
' 這裡是註解
/' 這裡是整塊註解
另一行註解 '/
Comments - General and common command to handle graphic layout in diagrams.
Everything that starts with simple quote
is a comment.實驗確認,
一定要出現在行首,不支援 inline comment 的用法。例如c1 -> c2 ' relationship
會丟出 Syntax Error。另外
與註解文字間的空白只是提高可讀性,可有可無。 -
You can also put comments on several lines using
to start and'/
to end.一樣
只能出現在行首 (但'/
Common - PlantUML | DrawUML 這裡將
與/' '/
分別稱做 single-line comment 與 block comment。
Footer and header - General and common command to handle graphic layout in diagrams. #ril
You can use the commands
to add a footer or a header on any generated diagram. -
You can optionally specify if you want a
footer/header, by adding a keyword. -
As for title, it is possible to define a header or a footer on several lines. 跟
command 相連的幾行,都會被視為內容;但 title 有另一個 command 不是?? -
It is also possible to put some HTML into the header or footer. (通常是為了控制顏色)
Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request header <font color=red>Warning:</font> Do not use in production. endheader center footer Generated for demonstration
提到 Notes left (
note left :
) 與 Notes right (note right :
) 的用法。( ) note left : Note [ ] note right : Note
Note on messages - Sequence Diagram syntax and features
It is possible to put notes on message using the
note left
ornote right
keywords just after the message.Alice->Bob : hello note left: this is a first note Bob->Alice : ok note right: this is another note
跟 note 一般的用法一致,緊接在要加 note 的對象之後,用
note left: ...
或note right:
帶出 notes;試過note top:
跟note bottom:
也可以。 -
You can have a multi-line note using the
end note
keywords.Bob->Bob : I am thinking note left a note can also be defined on several lines end note
note left
Using notes - Use case Diagram syntax and features
You can use the
note left of
,note right of
,note top of
,note bottom of
keywords to define notes related to a single OBJECT.:Main Admin: as Admin (Use the application) as (Use) User -> (Start) User --> (Use) Admin ---> (Use) note right of Admin : This is an example. note right of (Use) A note can also be on several lines end note
note left/right/top/bottom
一定要宣告在 object 之後的用法,加上of
就可以把 note 寫在其他地方,當然也支援多行的 note。 -
A note can be also DEFINE ALONE with the
keywords, then LINKED to other objects using the..
symbol.note "This note is connected\nto several objects." as N2 (Start) .. N2 N2 .. (Use)
會把 note 的宣告額外接出來 (並給予別名),通常是該 note 要同時說明多個物件。
跟線條樣式有關係,不過這剛好跟 note 慣用的虛線 (dashed) 一致。
Notes and stereotypes - Class Diagram syntax and features
You can also define notes using
note left of
,note right of
,note top of
,note bottom of
keywords. -
You can also define a note on the LAST DEFINED class using
note left
,note right
,note top
,note bottom
. -
A note can be also define alone with the
keywords, then linked to other objects using the..
symbol.class Object << general >> Object <|--- ArrayList note top of Object : In java, every class\nextends this one. note "This is a floating note" as N1 note "This note is connected\nto several objects." as N2 Object .. N2 N2 .. ArrayList class Foo note left: On last defined class
Notes - Activity Diagram syntax and features
You can add notes on a activity using the commands
note left
,note right
,note top
ornote bottom
, just after the description of the activity you want to note. -
If you want to put a note on the starting point, define the note AT THE VERY BEGINNING OF THE DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION.
You can also have a note on several lines, using the
keywords.(*) --> "Some Activity" note right: This activity has to be defined "Some Activity" --> (*) note left This note is on several lines end note
跟end note
Notes - New Activity Diagram Beta syntax and features
Text formatting can be done using CREOLE WIKI SYNTAX.
start :foo1; floating note left: This is a note :foo2; note right This note is on several //lines// and can contain <b>HTML</b> ==== * Calling the method ""foo()"" is prohibited end note stop
A note can be floating, using
只能用在 activity 後,否則會丟出 Syntax Error。
- Using Sprite in Stereotype - Component Diagram syntax and features Stereotype 可以自訂圖示! #ril
- Notes - New Activity Diagram Beta syntax and features 第一次提到 note 的內容可以用 creole 語法。
- Use creole syntax to style your texts #ril
Basic example - Component Diagram syntax and features
Links between elements are made using combinations of dotted line (
), straight line (--
), and arrows (-->
) symbols.DataAccess - [First Component] [First Component] ..> HTTP : use
只是加上 arrow,不影響 ranking。這裡 dot (
)、dash (--
) 的說法有點微妙,因為..
畫出的是虛線 (dashed),而--
畫出的是實線 (solid)。 -
Changing arrows direction - Component Diagram syntax and features
By default, links between classes have TWO dashes
and are vertically oriented. It is possible to use horizontal link by putting a SINGLE dash (or dot) like this:[Component] --> Interface1 [Component] -> Interface2
這裡隱約帶出 rank 的概念,只是沒有明講。
You can also change directions by REVERSING the link:
Interface1 <-- [Component] Interface2 <- [Component]
It is also possible to change arrow direction by adding
keywords inside the arrow:[Component] -left-> left [Component] -right-> right [Component] -up-> up [Component] -down-> down
You can shorten the arrow by using only the first character of the direction (for example,
instead of-down-
) or the two first characters (-do-
).感覺要控制 direction 就要跨 rank? 因為
這種寫法行不通 ... 實則不然,如果是順著 layout direction 的方向,只要調換位置即可 (例如A -> B
→B <- A
),若方向與 layout direction 橫切,自然會跨 rank,這時候自然會有-->
的用法出現。 -
Please note that you should not ABUSE this functionality : Graphviz gives usually good results without tweaking.
的差別 (ranking),以及->
的差別 (order of definition)。
Linking - Deployment Diagram syntax and features
You can create simple links between elements with or without labels:
node node1 node node2 node node3 node node4 node node5 node1 -- node2 : label1 node1 .. node3 : label2 node1 ~~ node4 : label3 node1 == node5
帶出 label。這裡提到~~
(dotted) 與==
(粗線) 兩種新的線條樣式,注意..
(dashed) 與~~
(dotted) 的用法有點違反直覺。 -
It is possible to use several types of links:
artifact artifact1 artifact artifact2 artifact artifact3 artifact artifact4 artifact artifact5 artifact artifact6 artifact artifact7 artifact artifact8 artifact artifact9 artifact artifact10 artifact1 --> artifact2 artifact1 --* artifact3 artifact1 --o artifact4 artifact1 --+ artifact5 artifact1 --# artifact6 artifact1 -->> artifact7 artifact1 --0 artifact8 artifact1 --^ artifact9 artifact1 --(0 artifact10
(像 interface 的圓)、^
(類 required & provided interface 的效果) -
You can also have the following types:
cloud cloud1 cloud cloud2 cloud cloud3 cloud cloud4 cloud cloud5 cloud1 -0- cloud2 cloud1 -0)- cloud3 cloud1 -(0- cloud4 cloud1 -(0)- cloud5
Note on links - Class Diagram syntax and features
It is possible to add a note ON A LINK, just after the link definition, using
note on link
.class Dummy Dummy --> Foo : A link note on link #red: note that is red
You can also use
note left on link
,note right on link
,note top on link
,note bottom on link
if you want to change the relative position of the note WITH THE LABEL.Dummy --> Foo2 : Another link note right on link #blue this is my note on right link and in blue end note
注意方位是相對於 label,而非 link 本身。
uml - How to correct PlantUML Line Path - Stack Overflow
Peter Uhnak: There are some tricks that you can try, listed below. The layouting itself is performed by GraphViz (dot layouting iirc), and GraphViz simply does this sometimes. Graph layouting is a NP-complete problem, so algorithms usually take HARSH SHORTCUTS. 許多問答都提到線條怎麼走,都是背後 Graphviz 在決定。
Typical workarounds that I've seen or used include:
- adding hidden lines
a -[hidden]- b
- extending the length of a line
a --- b
(more dashes, longer line) - specifying PREFERRED DIRECTION of lines (
a -left- b
) - swapping association ends (
a -- b
→b -- a
) - changing the order of definitions (THE ORDER DOES MATTER... sometimes)
- adding empty nodes with background/border colors set to Transparent (這太 tricky!!)
So if you really want to have a nice layout, you'll need to put some elbow grease in, but keep in mind that the layout will be still BRITTLE -- if you add/remove items, you might need to redo it again. 因為組成不同,可能又要再調一次。
- adding hidden lines
Nikhil: Try the options suggested by @Peter Uhnak along with linetype :
skinparam linetype polyline (折線) skinparam linetype ortho (轉直角)
Give better options for lines. Using ortho
aSamWow: Good idea, it does fix the problem, but Ortho lines MESS UP LABELS in plant UML so I try to avoid them for more complex diagrams. 可惜,真的 label 都會跑掉
PlantUML Pleasantness: Setting Arrow Directions - Messages from mrhaki (2018-06-05) #ril
PlantUML Pleasantness: Change Line Style And Color - Messages from mrhaki (2016-12-14) #ril
PlantUML Pleasantness: Layout Elements With Hidden Lines - Messages from mrhaki (2017-10-18) #ril
Grouping Components - Component Diagram syntax and features
You can use several keywords to group components and interfaces together:
package "Some Group" { HTTP - [First Component] [Another Component] } node "Other Groups" { FTP - [Second Component] [First Component] --> FTP } cloud { [Example 1] } database "MySql" { folder "This is my folder" { [Folder 3] } frame "Foo" { [Frame 4] } } [Another Component] --> [Example 1] [Example 1] --> [Folder 3] [Folder 3] --> [Frame 4]
事實上 grouping 可以用在 component diagram 以外的地方,外框以
最為通用。 -
Declaring element - Deployment Diagram syntax and features
都可以用xxx { ... }
的語法達到 grouping 的效果。 -
Packages - Deployment Diagram syntax and features
There is a limit of THREE levels.
- Rank 是 "由上而下" 或 "由左而右" 逐行/逐列的排列方式
- 線條的長度表示兩個元素間 N -1 個 rank,所以
同 rank、-->
差 1 個 rank ...
rank in component models - PlantUML Q&A
Anthony-Gaudino: Rank is set automatically based on LINE LENGTH.
is SAME rank-->
is one rank LOWER--->
is 2 rank lowers
You can use
to create arrows between nodes that will be always on SAME RANK INDEPENDENT OF LENGTH.
Using notes - Use case Diagram syntax and features
User -> (Start) User --> (Use) Admin ---> (Use)
造成了不同的 rank。 -
need help in layout among and inside packages - PlantUML Q&A
manual positioning is a PAIN in the ... as graphviz does it automatically.
I've changed your graph and added "d" for down. Other directions would be up, left, right. However, in general this is NOT the preferred way to do. What you need to keep in mind is that THE LONGER THE ARROW, THE LESS IMPORTANT IT IS (RANKING). If you have connections that should NOT BE CONSIDERED IN THE AUTOMATIC POSITIONING add a
, which is the oposite ofhidden
. Just in case this is new to you, the attributehidden
, means DO NOT SHOW BUT RANK IT,norank
means show it but do not rank it for the graphics (a --> b
bsa-[norank]-> b
).By adding more and more components it gets more challenging to layout. However, JUST PLAY A BIT AROUND WITH THE LENGTH AND THEREFORE THE RANKING BEFORE YOU ADD THE DIRECTION.
先調 ranking 再考慮控制 direction。
Remember that you can also use HIDDEN ARROWS to set your layout.
Layout is determined dymanically, so can be tricky if you are trying to get a specific layout, but you can usually BEAT it into submission with a combination of the following:
' force class diagram mode # (1) class c1 ' horizontal placement # (2) c1 -> c2 ' vertical placement # (2) c2 --> c3 ' left placement c4 -left-> c4
- 為什麼
class c1
宣告了 diagram mode ?? 不加這行,c1 -> c2
會變成 state diagram。 - 由
c1 -> c2
(horizontal) 與c2 --> c3
(vertical) 的差別看來,layout direction 預設是由上而下 (rank 高低的差別)、由左而右。
You can use
, anddown
to control placement direction. - 為什麼
If adding a link screws up the class placement you can use
to EXCLUDE THE LINK FROM THE LAYOUT PROCESS:' link will not affect class placement c4 -[norank]-> c2
只是讓 link 長度不影響 rank 而已,但 link 長度還是跟畫出來的線條長度有關。 -
You can also use
to create invisible links solely for the purpose of influencing the layout. Repeating them will increase the likelihood that the classes will be placed closer and even be aligned with each other:' place c2 and c4 closer together c2 -[hidden]-> c4 ' repeated again to place c2 and c4 even closer c2 -[hidden]-> c4
Note that although the links are hidden they still affecting the drawing of links on the same path. If you temporarily remove the
option you can see what is going on.確實看不到線條,但重複 2 次並沒有更靠近的效果? (有可能是圖形還不夠複雜的關係) 實務上可以讓這種專用於 layout 的 link 一開始先顯示出來,最後再加上
。 -
You can FIDDLE WITH THE ORDERING AND DIRECTION to ensure the one that is being drawn is in the place that you want it (usually in the middle). The trick is to use IDENTICAL links with the same class ordering and direction.
If you want the link drawn in the opposite direction you CAN'T FLIP THE ORDER OF THE CLASSES - YOU NEED TO SWAP THE PLACEMENT OF THE ARROW:
' place c2 and c4 closer c2 -[hidden]- c4 ' draw the actual link between the hidden links c2 <-[norank]- c4 ' place c2 and c4 even closer c2 -[hidden]- c4
General Layout Tips
Understanding how the layout engine works (GraphVis) makes it easier to get what you want. The previous example with the
links got weird because we were giving the layout engine conflicting information. -
The layout is determined by THE ORDER THAT CLASSES OCCUR. Classes are drawn at the TOP of the document have HIGHER RANKING than those below. The rank is determined by:
The order in which classes are added to the diagram 這一點比較感受不到 ??
The layout hints (horizontal, vertical, left, right, up, down)
是預設的 layout direction,而horizontal
則是left to right direction
的用法。 -
The direction in which the links are defined. The class on the LEFT has HIGHER RANK than the one on the right: higher -> lower
Link direction can have a dramatic impact. If we add a
c4 --> c2
link we confuse the engine by havingc4
on the left which gives it a higher ranking thanc2
and causes the diagram to flip upside down:class c1 c1 -> c2 c2 --> c3 c3 -left-> c4 ' whoops, this flips the diagram on its head c4 --> c2
Drawing links from the top down prevents this RE-RANKING PROBLEM ??, and means you don't have to use
as often. Since the arrow direction has no effect on the layout we can just flip the end that the arrow is drawn at to account for the link being in a different order:' ranking maintained, so layout isn't dramatically affected ' arrow drawn at opposite end to account for reverse order c2 <-- c4
We could have also used the
layout hint to prevent the re-ranking:c4 -up-> c2
Layout Direction
You can change the ranking direction from VERTICAL to HORIZONTAL using
left to right direction
:left to right direction class c1 c1 -> c2 c2 --> c3 c3 -left-> c4 c2 <-- c4
This also changes the meaning of the layout hints. Horizontal hints become vertical, etc.
You can control the spacing between class using the
skinparams.SkinParam { NodeSep 45 ' horizontal spacing RankSep 45 ' vertical spacing }
- 灰階輸出 --
skinparam monochrome true
- 線條走直線且轉直角 --
skinparam linetype ortho
Round corner - Deployment Diagram syntax and features
skinparam rectangle { roundCorner<<Concept>> 25 } rectangle "Concept Model" <<Concept>> { rectangle "Example 1" <<Concept>> as ex1 rectangle "Another rectangle" }
stereotype 的 rectangle 才有圓角!! -
Skinparam - Component Diagram syntax and features 可以控制 interface、component、node 等的字體、顏色 #ril
- call it from your script using command line 主要在講
的用法 #ril
- Class Diagram syntax and features http://plantuml.com/class-diagram #ril
- Stereotype 的用途?? 感覺像是個 tag? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stereotype_(UML) #ril
- 說 type name 有 non-letter 可以用雙引號括起來,但
class "RecyclerView.Adapter"
還是會被解讀為 package/namespace?? => 暫時改用class "RecyclerView$Adapter"
可以,但這只適用 Java。 - 要如何在 relationship 的 label 用 stereotype? => 直接用
即可,例如Calculator --> Adder : <<use>>
。 - Class 若不需要 attribute、operation,可以不要畫線條嗎? =>
hide empty members
,不過如果有任何 member (attribute/operation) 就會有框線,若要分開控制,可以同時設定hide empty attributes
及hide empty methods
- 怎麼給定參數及它的型態? => http://www.uml-diagrams.org/operation.html 寫成
+executeQuery(sql: String) : ResultSet
。 - 預設會用 icon 來表示 member visibility,其實不那麼直覺? => 可以用
skinparam classAttributeIconSize 0
改用文字符號。 - 採用
{ ... }
表示法時,習慣內容 2 格。 - Method parameter 比較多時寫成一行,會讓 box 變得很長? => 可以用
後面將上內縮,例如+do(String arg1,\n String arg2,\n String arg3)
- 有時候排版結果不是想要的,要如何調整?? => http://plantuml.com/class-diagram#layout 用
together { ... }
讓幾個 class 排在一起,線條的方向也可以A -down-> B
的方式指定 (建議少用) - 如何調整特定 class box 的顏色? => http://plantuml.com/class-diagram#gradient 在 class name 後面用
帶出色碼,可以是 standard color name、HEX (#AABBCC
) 或 short HEX (ABC
),例如class FooBar <<mocked>> #dcdcdc
- 怎麼畫跟 factory 相依,又從 factory 拿到真正的 dependency??
- 目前確認 client 分別往 factory 與 product 有 dependency,前者標
,後者寫 "ask ..." (有點多餘),而 factory 往 product 也有個 dependency,標上<<create>>
- http://www.uml-diagrams.org/design-pattern-abstract-factory-uml-class-diagram-example.html client use factory, factory create product, client use product
- http://www.oodesign.com/factory-pattern.html client -> factory (ask for a new object), factory -> product (create), client -> product (use) 為什麼線條都跟標準不太一樣??
- 目前確認 client 分別往 factory 與 product 有 dependency,前者標
- Class Diagram syntax and features #ril
有些表示法似乎不是 UML 標準,例如箭頭的樣式,這邊就先略過。
包起來。 -
(實線) 或..
(虛線) 表示,兩側可以分別加上箭頭;表示法有>
(空心菱形),例如ServiceImpl ..|> Service
,表示一個 relationship -
線條兩側的 cardinality (個數),可以在線條的兩側用雙引號表示,例如
Pond "0..1" o-- "0..*" Duck
,而線條本身的 label 則是在 relationship 後面用:
帶出 label,例如ServiceImpl ..|> Service : implements
若想控制 relationship 線條的方向,可以在線條符號間加上
,例如ServiceImpl .down.|> Service
就能影響 PlantUML 的 layout;背後其實用 Graphviz 在畫,所以這功能少用,預設都能得到不錯的結果。 -
要宣告 field 或 method,可以在 class name 後面加 field/method name,例如
Object : equals()
、ArrayList : Object[] elementData
- 後面有
視為 method,否則視為 field。 :
後面有一個元素時,視為 member,有兩個元素時視為 type 跟 member,例如User : name
或User : String name
,要指定 visibility 時,符號要加在第一個元素前,例如User : -String name
而非User : String -name
- 後面有
上面的方法每一個 field/method 都要條列一次,用另一種
{ ... }
把所有 field/method 框起來的寫法會比較簡潔,例如:(習慣內縮 2 個字元)class Dummy { String data void methods() } class Flight { flightNumber : Integer departureTime : Date }
Abstract class 可以用
abstract (class)
表示,例如abstract class AbstractDummy
或abstract AbstractDummy
。 -
等;專用於 Java?? -
Type 有兩種寫法,寫在前面用空白分開,寫在後面用
分開,後者似乎比較方便,因為有些時候並不想寫明 type,更何況 UML Operation 的表示法也都是member : type
。 -
Member 可以用標準的符號 (
) 指定 visibility,例如+getName() : String
Static 或 abstract member 可以分別用
) 及{abstract}
modifier 來表示,例如{static} currentTimeMillis() : long
。 -
預設會將 member 依 fields 或 methods 分群,但可以用分隔字元 (separator) 手動分群,分隔字元可以是
(雙實線)。線條上可以標上 label,例如-- Batch Operations --
Stereotype 只能搭配
使用,例如class Object << {stereotype} >>
,不知道 stereotype 用在哪?? 擠在最上面那個區塊不是很好看... 雖然<<
的左側都有空白,但那不是必須的。 -
Note 宣告的方式有很多種:
note left/right/top/bottom of {type} : {text}
,例如note top of Object : In java, every class\nextends this one.
表示) -
note left/right/top/bottom : {text}
- 跟最後一個定義的 type 關聯,效果同上面的寫法,例如class Foo (換行) note left: On last defined class
。 -
note "{text}" as {name}
,例如note "This is a floating note" as N1
,之後可以用{type} .. {note}
或{note} .. {type}
將 type 與 note 連起來。note "This note is connected\nto several objects." as N2 Object .. N2 N2 .. ArrayList
note left/right/top/bottom of {type} ... end note
或note as {name} ... end note
表示 (第一行note ...
結尾沒有冒號)note top of Object In java, <size:18>every</size> <u>class</u> <b>extends</b> <i>this</i> one. end note note as N1 This note is <u>also</u> <b><color:royalBlue>on several</color> <s>words</s> lines And this is hosted by <img:sourceforge.jpg> end note
Note 也可以加在 relationship 的線條上,在 relationship 後加上
note (left/right/top/bottom) on link ({color}) : {text}
或note (left/right/top/bottom) on link ({color}) ... {text} ... end note
,例如:class Dummy Dummy --> Foo : A link note on link #red: note that is red Dummy --> Foo2 : Another link note right on link #blue this is my note on right link and in blue end note
Package 可以用
package {name} ({color}) { ... }
定義,例如package net.sourceforge.plantuml { Object <|-- Demo1 Demo1 *- Demo2 }
使用 package 時,相同名稱的 type 最多只能出現在一個 package 裡,但 namespace 沒有這個限制。
要引用不同 namespace 的 type,必須使用 fully qualified name,如果是 default namespace,則用
來表示。 -
在同一個 namespace 裡相互引用,不需要加 namespace。例如:
class BaseClass namespace net.dummy #DDDDDD { .BaseClass <|-- Person Meeting o-- Person .BaseClass <|- Meeting } namespace net.foo { net.dummy.Person <|- Person .BaseClass <|-- Person net.dummy.Meeting o-- Person } BaseClass <|-- net.unused.Person
表現 class 實作某個 interface 時,標準的寫法是
{class} ..|> {interface}
,但如果 interface 一多時,可以改用 lollipop 的寫法 -{class} --() {interface}
,比較簡潔;不過這種寫法,interface 就不能再被別人參照。
State Diagram syntax and features #ril
Simple State
You can use
for the starting point (也就是 initial transition 的起點) and ending point of the state diagram. Use-->
for arrows. 其中[*]
? 似乎是慣例,兩者的差別只有箭頭的長度 ---->
的 2 倍長。[*] --> State1 State1 --> [*] State1 : this is a string <-- 冒號前後不一定要有空白,但這樣比較好讀 State1 : this is another string State1 -> State2 State2 --> [*]
Change state rendering
You can use hide empty description to render state as simple box. 不過慣例上好像還是會畫出來??
hide empty description [*] --> State1 State1 --> [*] State1 : this is a string State1 : this is another string State1 -> State2 State2 --> [*]
Composite state
A state can also be composite. You have to define it using the
keywords and brackets ({ ... }
).這裡剛好示範了 initial transition 直接進入 superstate 的狀況,習慣上確實會在 superstate 裡再畫上一個小黑點。
scale 350 width [*] --> NotShooting state NotShooting { [*] --> Idle Idle --> Configuring : EvConfig <-- event 跟 transition 用 : 分開 Configuring --> Idle : EvConfig } state Configuring { [*] --> NewValueSelection NewValueSelection --> NewValuePreview : EvNewValue NewValuePreview --> NewValueSelection : EvNewValueRejected NewValuePreview --> NewValueSelection : EvNewValueSaved state NewValuePreview { State1 -> State2 } }
Component Diagram syntax and features
Components must be BRACKETED.
[First component]
You can also use the
keyword to define a component.component Comp3
And you can define an ALIAS, using the
keyword. This alias will be used latter, when defining relations.[Another component] as Comp2 component [Last\ncomponent] as Comp4
component "Last\ncomponent" as Comp4
。實驗發現,一旦給了 alias,就不能再用原來的名稱 (變成只是 label) 引用了,會被視為不同的 component,以上面
[Another component] as Comp2
為例,寫成Comp2 --> Interface
或[Comp2] --> Interface
都沒問題,但[Another component] --> Interface
就會產生另一個 component。
Interface can be defined using the
symbol (because this looks like a circle).() "First Interface" () "Another interface" as Interf2
中間有其他文字 (或空白字元),則會被視為 use case。 -
You can also use the
keyword to define an interface.interface Interf3
And you can define an alias, using the
keyword. This alias will be used latter, when defining relations.interface "Last\ninterface" as Interf4
We will see latter that interface definition is OPTIONAL.
所謂 optional 是指類似下面 Basic example 中
[First Component] ..> HTTP : use
會被視為 interface,猜想是與 component 有關聯的物件才會預設被視為 interface,所以:actor: --> HTTP
才會被視為 actor 而非 interface。
Long description
It is possible to put description on several lines using square brackets.
component comp1 [ This component has a long comment on several lines ]
Individual colors
You can specify a color after component definition.
component [Web Server] #Yellow
Linking - Deployment Diagram syntax and features
It is possible to use several types of links:
artifact1 --0 artifact8 artifact1 --(0 artifact10
剛好可以營造出 required & provided interface 的效果。
Are partial lollipop for component diagrams supported? - PlantUML Q&A (2014-03-20)
I'm wondering interface dependencies should be expressed with PlantUML. The PARTIAL LOLLIPOP along with ports sweem to be the current answer, but I don't know how to do it with PlantUML. Any advice?
The support of lollipop and port is (still) really limited within PlantUML. Here is an UNDOCUMENTED example that is working right now:
component comp1 component comp2 comp1 *-0)-+ comp2 [comp3] <-->> [comp4]
模擬出 interface 的效果,不過--(
的用法倒是給了一點啟發:[Component] -right-( Interface [AnotherComponent] -left- Interface
Component --( O-- Another Component
的效果!! 左邊是 required interface,右邊是 provided interface。
Deployment Diagram syntax and features
Declaring element
actor actor agent agent artifact artifact boundary boundary card card cloud cloud component component control control database database entity entity file file folder folder frame frame interface interface node node package package queue queue stack stack rectangle rectangle storage storage usecase usecase
You can optionaly put text using bracket
for a long description.folder folder [ This is a <b>folder ---- You can use separator ==== of different kind .... and style ] node node [ This is a <b>node ---- You can use separator ==== of different kind .... and style ] database database [ This is a <b>database ---- You can use separator ==== of different kind .... and style ] usecase usecase [ This is a <b>usecase ---- You can use separator ==== of different kind .... and style ]
可以畫出分隔線 (至少 2 個字元)。
What's new ? 2019-03-01 開始支援 MindMap diagram
MindMap syntax and features #ril
MindMap diagram are still in beta: the syntax MAY CHANGE without notice.
OrgMode syntax
This syntax is compatible with OrgMode
@startmindmap * Debian ** Ubuntu *** Linux Mint *** Kubuntu *** Lubuntu *** KDE Neon ** LMDE ** SolydXK ** SteamOS ** Raspbian with a very long name *** <s>Raspmbc</s> => OSMC *** <s>Raspyfi</s> => Volumio @endmindmap
Removing box
You can remove the box drawing using an underscore.
@startmindmap * root node ** some first level node ***_ second level node ***_ another second level node ***_ foo ***_ bar ***_ foobar ** another first level node @endmindmap
這還滿實用的! 加 node 可以用來表現 content? 例如:
@startmindmap * Topic **_ Section 1 **_ Section 2 ** Other Node 1 ** Other Node 2 @endmindmap
Arithmetic notation
- You can use the following notation to choose DIAGRAM SIDE.
- How long do the images generated by PlantUML Server live for? - Frequently Asked Questions 提到 "Furthermore, the diagram data is stored in PNG metadata, so you can fetch it even from a downloaded image."
- PlantUML Pleasantness: Get PlantUML Definition From PNG - Messages from mrhaki (2016-12-16) #ril
PlantUML 本身不用安裝,就一個 JAR 檔而已;除了 Java 外,可能也需要 Graphviz。
$ printf "@startuml\nAlice -> Bob: test\n@enduml" | java -jar plantuml.jar -pipe > sequence.png
$ open sequence.png
- Local installation - Quick Start Guide
- You need these things to run PlantUML: Java, Graphviz (optional if you only need sequence diagrams and activity (beta) diagrams)
- Installed the above? Then simply download
and run it to open PlantUML's graphical user interface. There is no need to unpack or install anything. 原來也有 GUI
- Frequently Asked Questions about installation #ril
- plantuml's Profile - Docker Hub 官方沒有提供 PlantUML Server 以外的 image,但似乎也可以只用裡面的 CLI?