0.1.0 (2015-12-03)
Fixed bugs:
- /api-docs not working as expected #38
- The catch all path '...' added by cowboy-swagger introduces some confusion when expecting 404 #28
- Fix validate_metadata spec #27
- static_files as an env variable is not good for releases #26
- swagger UI always sends JSON #24
- Trails added by swagger itself should be ignored in swagger.json #23
- basePath is misinterpreted #22 (elbrujohalcon)
Closed issues:
- Allow more than one server running on the same node #34
- Add Meta Testing #30
- basePath should be considered part of the trails path #25
Merged pull requests:
- [Fix #38] Add redirect for /api-docs ... #41 (harenson)
- [#25] Add basePath to swaggerSpec #40 (harenson)
- [Fix #34] Allow more than one server running on the same node #39 (harenson)
- [Fix #28] Change catch-all path #36 (harenson)
- [Fix #26] Fix static_files trail #35 (harenson)
- Add meta testing #32 (harenson)
- [fix #27] Fix metadata spec #31 (harenson)
- Ferigis.23.ignore swagger trails #29 (ferigis)
0.0.1 (2015-09-14)
Closed issues:
- Validate and/or set default values of
, according with swagger schema. #9 - Implement static handler to serve the .html contained in
folder #6 - Implement
callback in Cowboy swagger handler module (swagger_handler). #5 - Implement
function #4 - Implement GET method in 'swagger_handler' in order to retrieve the JSON specification (swagger.json) #3
- Setup Swagger-UI into the project. #2
- Fulfil the open-source check-list #1
Merged pull requests:
- [#1] Fixed documentation in modules. Fixed README. #21 (cabol)
- Make link text and href point at the same URL #18 (lavrin)
- [#1] fulfil open source list: README. #17 (cabol)
- [#1] Fulfil the open-source check-list: implemented example. #15 (cabol)
- [#9] Validate mandatory fields in the metadata. #14 (cabol)
- Fixed cowboy-swagger to be a lib (removed app and sup modules). Added… #12 (cabol)
- Cabol.3.cowboy swagger handler #10 (cabol)
- Implemented cowboy_swagger:to_json/1 function. #8 (cabol)
- Project and Swagger-UI setup. #7 (cabol)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator