Kolla has some features to help with day 2 operation tasks.
To change configuration on running containers, make appropriate changes to either globals.yaml or config overrides and run
kolla-ansible -i ./multinode reconfigure
It is also possible to only call only selection of roles instead whole play. For instance if you want to just reconfigure just the haproxy
kolla-ansible -i ./multinode reconfigure --tags haproxy
If modifications to the globals.yaml require additional containers to be created run a precheck after the modifications.
kolla-ansible -i ./multinode precheck
Followed by a deploy
kolla-ansible -i ./multinode deploy
To perform release upgrade, download new version of Kolla (for example Pike when it's released) and change your globals.yaml and inventory according to change log. Following example will not work yet because Pike hasn't been released
openstack_release: 5.0.0
After that simply run
kolla-ansible -i ./multinode upgrade
Minor version upgrades are done in similar manner.