Your Backups
diff --git a/frontend/app/create/page.js b/frontend/app/create/page.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5e03e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/app/create/page.js
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+'use client';
+import { useState } from 'react';
+import { Button } from '@nextui-org/button';
+import { Input } from '@nextui-org/input';
+import { DatePicker } from '@nextui-org/date-picker';
+import { Switch } from '@nextui-org/switch';
+import { DateValue, parseDate } from '@internationalized/date';
+import CustomTooltip from '@/components/CustomTooltip';
+import {walletClientToSmartAccountSigner} from "permissionless";
+import {useWalletClient} from "wagmi";
+import { useSafeInfoContextProvider } from "@/context/SafeInfoContextProvider";
+import {createBackup} from "../../services/createBackup";
+export default function CreatePage() {
+ const [valueName, setValueName] = useState('');
+ const [isFixed, setIsFixed] = useState(true);
+ const [valueReceiver, setValueReceiver] = useState('');
+ const [valueNumber, setValueNumber] = useState('');
+ const [valueDate, setValueDate] = useState(
+ parseDate('2024-07-14'),
+ );
+ const { data: walletClient } = useWalletClient();
+ const { setSafeInfo, safeInfo } = useSafeInfoContextProvider();
+ async function handleCreateBackup() {
+ const smartAccountSigner =
+ await walletClientToSmartAccountSigner(walletClient);
+ console.log(smartAccountSigner);
+ const date = valueDate.toDate();
+ const seconds = date.getTime() / 1000;
+ console.log('safe info', safeInfo)
+ console.log({
+ smartAccountSigner,
+ valueName,
+ seconds,
+ valueReceiver,
+ number: +valueNumber
+ })
+ createBackup(smartAccountSigner, safeInfo.address, valueName, seconds, valueReceiver, +valueNumber)
+ .then(() => console.log('success'))
+ }
+ return (
Create Backup
+ {/* ================= */}
+ Value
+ %
+ Fixed
+ {/* ================= */}
+ );
diff --git a/frontend/app/page.js b/frontend/app/page.js
index 596584b..1c4d52c 100644
--- a/frontend/app/page.js
+++ b/frontend/app/page.js
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ import {
} from "@/services/prepareSmartAccountClient";
+import { useRouter } from 'next/navigation'
export default function Home() {
const { connectedTo, address } = useUniversalAccountInfo();
@@ -225,6 +227,7 @@ function StageThree() {
function StageFour() {
+ const router = useRouter()
return (
{/* eslint-disable-next-line react/no-unescaped-entities */}
@@ -232,10 +235,9 @@ function StageFour() {
diff --git a/frontend/components/AccountRadioGroup.js b/frontend/components/AccountRadioGroup.js
index c183f6d..4196329 100644
--- a/frontend/components/AccountRadioGroup.js
+++ b/frontend/components/AccountRadioGroup.js
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export default function AccountRadioGroup({ safes, onChange }) {
className=" py-2 bg-primary-200"
size="md w-full"
- onClick={onChange}
+ onClick={() => onChange(safe.address)}
diff --git a/frontend/context/SafeInfoContextProvider.js b/frontend/context/SafeInfoContextProvider.js
index 8a5f62c..c0c7dae 100644
--- a/frontend/context/SafeInfoContextProvider.js
+++ b/frontend/context/SafeInfoContextProvider.js
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+'use client'
import React, { useState, useContext, useEffect } from "react";
import { useWalletClient } from "wagmi";
import { walletClientToSmartAccountSigner } from "permissionless";
@@ -28,6 +30,10 @@ export function SafeInfoContextProvider({ children }) {
const { data: walletClient } = useWalletClient();
+ useEffect(() => {
+ console.log('safe info', safeInfo);
+ }, [safeInfo])
useEffect(() => {
if (!walletClient) return;
(async () => {
diff --git a/frontend/package.json b/frontend/package.json
index 4909d10..f7bcaf6 100644
--- a/frontend/package.json
+++ b/frontend/package.json
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
"lint": "eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx -c .eslintrc.json --fix"
"dependencies": {
+ "@internationalized/date": "^3.5.4",
"@nextui-org/button": "2.0.34",
"@nextui-org/code": "2.0.29",
"@nextui-org/date-picker": "^2.1.2",
diff --git a/frontend/services/createBackup.js b/frontend/services/createBackup.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a4cba3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/services/createBackup.js
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+import {
+ bundlerActions,
+ getSenderAddress,
+ signUserOperationHashWithECDSA,
+} from "permissionless"
+import { pimlicoBundlerActions, pimlicoPaymasterActions } from "permissionless/actions/pimlico"
+import { createClient, createPublicClient, encodeFunctionData, http } from "viem"
+import { privateKeyToAccount } from "viem/accounts"
+import { sepolia } from "viem/chains"
+const generateBackupAbiWithArgs = ({name, unlockAt, beneficiaries}) => ({
+ abi: [
+ {
+ name: "updateBackup",
+ type: "function",
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ inputs: [
+ { internalType: 'string', name: 'name', type: 'string' },
+ { internalType: 'uint48', name: 'unlockAt', type: 'uint48' },
+ {
+ internalType: 'struct Wingman.Beneficiary[]',
+ name: 'beneficiaries',
+ type: 'tuple[]',
+ components: [
+ { internalType: 'address', name: 'account', type: 'address' },
+ { internalType: 'uint8', name: 'percentage', type: 'uint8' },
+ { internalType: 'uint256', name: 'amount', type: 'uint256' }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ outputs: []
+ }
+ ],
+ functionName: "updateBackup",
+ args: [name, unlockAt, beneficiaries]
+const publicClient = createPublicClient({
+ transport: http(""),
+ chain: sepolia,
+const apiKey = "5499b16e-f9de-427c-8cd1-76417e0a7d22"
+const endpointUrl = `${apiKey}`
+const bundlerClient = createClient({
+ transport: http(endpointUrl),
+ chain: sepolia,
+ .extend(bundlerActions(ENTRYPOINT_ADDRESS_V07))
+ .extend(pimlicoBundlerActions(ENTRYPOINT_ADDRESS_V07))
+const paymasterClient = createClient({
+ transport: http(endpointUrl),
+ chain: sepolia,
+// const ownerPrivateKey = "0x30320097c1d7009d6d970376c792fe157a5e989f057b8908345043393a56a8a5"
+// const owner = privateKeyToAccount(ownerPrivateKey)
+export async function createBackup(owner, smartAccountAddress, name, unlockAt, benefAddress) {
+ const factory = "0x91E60e0613810449d098b0b5Ec8b51A0FE8c8985"
+ const factoryData = encodeFunctionData({
+ abi: [
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ { name: "owner", type: "address" },
+ { name: "salt", type: "uint256" },
+ ],
+ name: "createAccount",
+ outputs: [{ name: "ret", type: "address" }],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ ],
+ args: [owner.address, 0n],
+ })
+ console.log("Generated factoryData:", factoryData)
+ const senderAddress = await getSenderAddress(publicClient, {
+ factory,
+ factoryData,
+ })
+ console.log("Calculated sender address:", senderAddress)
+ const updateBackupCallData = encodeFunctionData(
+ generateBackupAbiWithArgs({name: name, unlockAt: unlockAt, beneficiaries: [
+ {
+ account: benefAddress,
+ percentage: 100,
+ amount: 0
+ }
+ ]})
+ );
+ const callData = encodeFunctionData({
+ abi: [
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ { name: "dest", type: "address" },
+ { name: "value", type: "uint256" },
+ { name: "func", type: "bytes" },
+ ],
+ name: "execute",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ ],
+ args: ["0xbDa1dE70eAE1A18BbfdCaE95B42b5Ff6d3352492", 0, updateBackupCallData],
+ })
+ console.log("Generated callData:", callData)
+ const gasPrice = await bundlerClient.getUserOperationGasPrice()
+ const userOperation = {
+ sender: smartAccountAddress,
+ nonce: 0n,
+ factory: factory,
+ factoryData,
+ callData,
+ maxFeePerGas:,
+ maxPriorityFeePerGas:,
+ // dummy signature, needs to be there so the SimpleAccount doesn't immediately revert because of invalid signature length
+ signature:
+ "0xa15569dd8f8324dbeabf8073fdec36d4b754f53ce5901e283c6de79af177dc94557fa3c9922cd7af2a96ca94402d35c39f266925ee6407aeb32b31d76978d4ba1c",
+ }
+ const sponsorUserOperationResult = await paymasterClient.sponsorUserOperation({
+ userOperation,
+ })
+ const sponsoredUserOperation = {
+ ...userOperation,
+ ...sponsorUserOperationResult,
+ }
+ console.log("Received paymaster sponsor result:", sponsorUserOperationResult)
+ const signature = await signUserOperationHashWithECDSA({
+ account: owner,
+ userOperation: sponsoredUserOperation,
+ chainId:,
+ })
+ sponsoredUserOperation.signature = signature
+ const userOperationHash = await bundlerClient.sendUserOperation({
+ userOperation: sponsoredUserOperation,
+ })
+ const receipt = await bundlerClient.waitForUserOperationReceipt({
+ hash: userOperationHash,
+ })
+ const txHash = receipt.receipt.transactionHash
+ console.log(`UserOperation included:${txHash}`)