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PhonePe Payment Gateway

Flutter package for integrating PhonePe Payment Gateway in your Flutter App.

This is currently based on PhonePe SDK Less integeration and only supported on Android and iOS right now.

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Before you begin

  • For UAT: You need an app called 'PhonePe Simulator' You can request the PhonePe team for the same and they will provide you
  • How to setup UAT
  • For Prod:
    • You will have to write the api for hitting the PhonePe pay api, and share the IP of the server from where you're hitting the PhonePe API
    • Example code
    import crypto from "crypto";
    async function pay(req: any): Promise<any> {
     const saltKey = process.env.SALT_KEY;
     const body = JSON.stringify(req.body);
     const payload = Buffer.from(body).toString("base64");
     const gateway = "/pg/v1/pay";
     const dataForChecksum = payload + gateway + saltKey;
     let hash = crypto.createHash("sha256");
     const hashValue = hash.digest("hex");
     const xVerify = hashValue + "###" + 1;
     const url = process.env.PHONEPE_URL;
     const headers = {
         "Content-Type": "application/json",
         accept: "application/json",
         "X-VERIFY": xVerify,
     const response = await
         JSON.stringify({ request: payload }),
         { headers: headers }
    • Note: the above code is written in typescript, you have to get the input and response in the same format for the package to work, I will try to make it more dynamic in futur, but this is it for now
    • You will have to get you app whitelisted, share you package name with the PhonePe team and they will whitelist it for you.
  • How to go live
  • As of the initial release, iOS support for UPI Intent (Opening UPI Apps to make payment) is not working as expected so avoid using it in production. Android support is working fine.
  • The standard PhonePe Checkout is Working fine on both Android and iOS.

Getting Started

Android UPI App Queries

If you don't find your upi app, add you app in the AndroidManifest.xml file of your app.

        <package android:name="" />

iOS UPI App Queries

This is still in debugging phase, do not use it in production

You have to add each of your UPI App in the Info.plist file of your app. otherwise the apps will not be detected


1. Add dependency to your flutter project

  phone_pe_pg: ^0.0.1

And you are good to go for further usage

2. Import the package

import 'package:phone_pe_pg/phone_pe_pg.dart';

3. Initialize the PhonePePG

  PhonePePg phonePePg = PhonePePg(
    isUAT: true,
    saltKey: Secrets.saltKey,
    saltIndex: Secrets.saltIndex,
    prodUrl: yourapi/url

The default PhonePePg constructor takes 3 parameters:

  • isUAT: This is a boolean value which is used to determine whether to use the UAT or Production environment. By default it is set to true.
  • saltKey: This is the salt key provided by PhonePe. You can get it from here. Use this for UAT Testing
  • saltIndex: This is the salt index provided by PhonePe. You can get it from here. Use this for UAT Testing
  • prodUrl: This is the URL of your backend where you've got the api for hitting PhonePe's pay api, it should not be null or empty when isUAT is false

Payment Request

For making payment, you need to create a PaymentRequest object. The PaymentRequest class is just a data model and has multiple properties which are as follows:

  • merchantId: This is the merchant id provided by PhonePe. You can get it from here.
  • merchantTransactionId: This is the transaction id generated by you. It should be unique for each transaction.
  • merchantUserId: This is the user id of the user who is making the payment. It should be unique for each user.
  • amount: This is the amount of the transaction. (PhonePe Accept this in paise but you have the enter the amount in INR since I have already converted it to paise in the package)
  • redirectUrl: This is the url to which the user will be redirected after the transaction is completed. You can use this to show the user the status of the transaction. (NOTE: This is only used in Standard Checkout / Pay Page payment method)
  • redirectMode: This is the method used to redirect the user to the redirectUrl. It can be either POSTorGET`. (NOTE: This is only used in Standard Checkout / Pay Page payment method)
  • callbackUrl: This is the url to which the PhonePe will send the transaction status. You can use this to update the transaction status in your database.
  • deviceContext: This is the device context of the user. It is used to identify the user's OS and Callback Scheme for iOS. You can use the DeviceContext class to create the device context. (NOTE: This is only used in UPI Intent) You can use DeviceContext.getDefaultDeviceContext({String? merchantCallBackScheme}) to get the default device context based on the current OS and You can pass the merchantCallBackScheme for iOS.
  • mobileNumber: This is the mobile number of the user.
  • paymentInstrument: This is basically the payment type, where payment instrument is actually a abstract class. To set the paymentInstrument, you can use any sub class of PaymentInstrument class.
    Current Sub Classes of PaymentInstrument class are:
    CardPaymentInstrument // For Card Payment
    NetBankingPaymentInstrument // For Net Banking Payment
    PayPagePaymentInstrument // For Standard Checkout / Pay Page Payment
    SavedCardPaymentInstrument // For Saved Card Payment
    TokenPaymentInstrument // For Token Payment
    UpiCollectPaymentInstrument // For UPI Collect Payment
    UpiIntentPaymentInstrument // For UPI Intent Payment
    UpiQrPaymentInstrument // For UPI QR Payment

Each of the above payment instrument take input based on the payment type, such as card, savedcard & token payment instruments will take card details and other required details, on the other hand PayPagePaymentInstrument does not take any input. You can further check the details of each payment instrument in the API Documentation.

UPI Intent:

Basicallly it will open the UPI Apps installed on the device to make payment. This works perfectly in Android but I'm still debugging the iOS issue. So, avoid using it in production for now.

You can get the UPI Apps by using PhonePePg.getUpiApps() method. It returns a list of UpiApp objects. Each UpiApp object has the following properties:

  • packageName: This is the package name of the UPI App.
  • appName: This is the name of the UPI App.
  • appIcon: This is the icon of the UPI App.
  • iOSAppName: This is the name of the UPI App for iOS.
  • iOSAppScheme: This is the scheme of the UPI App for iOS.

You can start a UPI Transaction with startUpiTranstartUpiTransactionsaction method. It takes a single parameter paymentRequest, which is basically a data model which will be sent in PhonePe Pay Api

Get the UPI Apps

///This will return the UPI Apps installed on the device
List<UpiAppInfo> upiApps = await PhonePePg.getUpiApps();

Create an instance of PaymentRequest

PaymentRequest paymentRequest = PaymentRequest(
      amount: amount,
      callbackUrl: '',
      deviceContext: DeviceContext.getDefaultDeviceContext(
          merchantCallBackScheme: merchantCallBackScheme),
      merchantId: 'MerchantID'
      merchantTransactionId: 'Random Transaction Id',
      merchantUserId: 'Random User Id',
      mobileNumber: 'Mobile Number',
      //Payment Instrument for UPI Intent
      paymentInstrument: UpiIntentPaymentInstrument( 
        targetApp: Platform.isAndroid ? selectedUPIApp.packageName! : selectedUPIApp.iOSAppName!, 
        //Input is the package name of the UPI App you want to use for  payment from for Android and iOS App Name of the app you want to use for payment for iOS 

Call the method

    final result = await phonePePg.startUpiTransaction(paymentRequest);

The result is an object of UpiTransactionResponse class Where you can simply check the status of the transaction The status property which is an enum, in the UpiTransactionResponse class can be used to check the transaction status, such as 'SUCCESS', 'FAILURE', 'PENDING'

Pay Page:

Similarly, You can start the transaction with pay page for credit/debit card & Netbanking transactions, You will have the set the redirectUrl & redirectMode of the PaymentRequest and set the paymentInstrument to PayPagePaymentInstrument and then you have the push the standard checkout page (by calling the startPayPageTransaction method) in you navigation stack, The reason is that this payment method was needed to be implemented with webview, The

Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => phonePePg.startPayPageTransaction(
    paymentRequest: paymentRequest,
    onPaymentComplete: (paymentStatusResponse, error) {
        Handle Response and Error //Check the example for details
    appBar: YourCustomAppBar() //Optional,

The startPayPageTransaction method calls the pay api, then takes the url from response and loads the url in webview, once the gateway redirects to the redirect url, Check Status API is called immediately and returns the result or error with onPaymentComplete callback

Check Status:

You can also check the status of transaction using Check Status API, by calling the checkStatus method. This method take 2 parameters:

  • merchandId: This is the merchant id provided by PhonePe. You can get it from here.
  • merchantTransactionId: This is the transaction id generated by you and passed in the PaymentRequest while making the transaction.
    final result = await phonePePg.checkStatus(
        merchantId: 'MerchantID',
        merchantTransactionId: 'Random Transaction Id',

The response is same as the onPaymentComplete callback of startPayPageTransaction method.

And You're done with this for now

Apologies for bad documentation since the initial version is being published in a hurry, I'll keep improving it, and will try to add web platform as well.

Thank You For Reading this far :)