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+title: Migrating from i18n-js to react-i18next
+description: How to migrate from i18n-js to react-i18next
+ - i18n
+ author: Felipe Peña
+publish_date: 2024-09-25
+# Migrating from i18n-js to react-i18next within an Ignite project
+## Overview
+In this guide, we will be going through the steps required to migrate your Ignite generated project from using `i18n-js` to the `react-i18next` library. It is meant specifically for projects generated with version 9 and below.
+`react-i18next` will be included in Ignite's version 10. If you're using an earlier version, this guide provides the necessary steps to successfully complete the migration.
+Finally, the steps outlined in this guide, are based on the changes outlined in the following two PRs:
+* [Swap out i18n-js for react-18next](https://github.com/infinitered/ignite/pull/2770)
+* [Fix language switching and update date-fns to v4](https://github.com/infinitered/ignite/pull/2788)
+## Step 1: Manage dependencies
+Remove the `i18n-js` package and its types:
+yarn remove i18n-js @types/i18n-js@types/i18n-js
+Add the two new dependencies:
+yarn add react-i18next i18next
+## Step 2: Set up initialization logic in app.tsx
+To ensure that `react-i18next` finishes initializing before your app proceeds, we recommend adding state and logic to the `app.tsx` entry file:
+1. Create a state variable, `isI18nInitialized`, to track initialization status.
+2. Use the `useEffect` hook to set the state when initialization completes.
+// error-line
+import "./i18n"
+// success-line
+import { initI18n } from "./i18n"
+// ...extra file logic
+// success-line-start
+const [isI18nInitialized, setIsI18nInitialized] = useState(false);
+useEffect(() => {
+ initI18n().then(() => setIsI18nInitialized(true));
+}, []);
+// success-line-end
+Additionally, consider including the new state variable in the rendering condition for the app.
+// error-line-start
+if (!rehydrated || !isNavigationStateRestored || (!areFontsLoaded && !fontLoadError)) {
+// error-line-end
+// success-line-start
+if (!rehydrated || !isNavigationStateRestored || !isI18nInitialized || (!areFontsLoaded && !fontLoadError)) {
+// success-line-end
+ return null
+This ensures that your app will wait until `react-i18next` is fully initialized before continuing, preventing any issues with missing translations.
+## Step 3: Remove i18n-js from project
+In `app/i18n/i18n.ts`, delete the import line for i18n-js.
+// error-line
+import { I18n } from "i18n-js"
+## Step 4: Update the i18n initialization method
+Next, update your i18n initialization to use `react-i18next`, which also includes RTL (right-to-left) language support and handles locale selection. In a Ingnite generated project, this is located in `app/i18n/i18n.ts`.
+// success-line-start
+import * as i18next from "i18next"
+import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next"
+import en from "./en"
+import ar from "./ar"
+import ko from "./ko"
+import es from "./es"
+import fr from "./fr"
+import ja from "./ja"
+import hi from "./hi"
+// success-line-end
+// ...extra file logic
+// error-line-start
+export const i18n = new I18n(
+ { ar, en, "en-US": en, ko, fr, ja, hi },
+ { locale: fallbackLocale, defaultLocale: fallbackLocale, enableFallback: true },
+// error-line-end
+// success-line-start
+const resources = { ar, en, ko, es, fr, ja, hi }
+const pickSupportedLocale: () => Localization.Locale | undefined = () => {
+ return systemLocales.find((locale) => systemTagMatchesSupportedTags(locale.languageTag))
+const locale = pickSupportedLocale()
+export const initI18n = async () => {
+ await i18n.use(initReactI18next).init({
+ resources,
+ lng: locale?.languageTag ?? fallbackLocale,
+ fallbackLng: fallbackLocale,
+ interpolation: { escapeValue: false },
+ });
+ const locale = pickSupportedLocale();
+ if (locale?.textDirection === 'rtl') {
+ I18nManager.allowRTL(true);
+ isRTL = true;
+ } else {
+ I18nManager.allowRTL(false);
+ isRTL = false;
+ }
+ return i18n;
+// success-line-end
+This ensures that supported locales are chosen based on the device’s settings, and RTL is correctly applied when necessary. For more on detail on these changes, check the [this PR](https://github.com/infinitered/ignite/pull/2770).
+## Step 5: Add intl-pluralrules for react-i18next and JSON v4
+To support pluralization and `react-i18next`'s JSON v4 format, you’ll need to add the `intl-pluralrules` package:
+yarn add intl-pluralrules
+Make sure to import this package into your i18n configuration file (`app/i18n/i18n.ts`):
+// success-line
+import 'intl-pluralrules';
+## Step 6: Update the translate function
+The next step is to replace your old translate function with the one provided by `react-i18next`. This is located in `app/i18n/translate.ts`:
+// error-line
+import { TranslateOptions } from "i18n-js"
+// success-line-start
+import { TOptions } from "i18next"
+import { TxKeyPath } from "./i18n"
+// success-line-end
+// error-line-start
+export function translate(key: TxKeyPath, options?: TranslateOptions): string {
+ return i18n.t(key, options)
+// error-line-end
+// success-line-start
+export function translate(key: TxKeyPath, options?: TOptions) {
+ return i18n.isInitialized ? i18n.t(key, options) : key;
+// success-line-end
+## Step 7: Update translation keys from dots (.) to colons (:)
+`react-i18next` uses different types of separators for translation keys. Colons (:) are used for first-level translations within an object, while dots (.) are used for nested translations. As a result, you’ll need to update all translation keys in your app accordingly. For example:
+Should be changed to:
+### Example
+Using Ignite’s boilerplate code, here’s an example of how to replace the separator in `i18next`. We’ll use the `WelcomeScreen` component as a reference:
+// error-line-start
+ {
+ rightTx: "common.logOut",
+ onRightPress: logout,
+ },
+ [logout],
+// error-line-end
+// success-line-start
+ {
+ rightTx: "common:logOut",
+ onRightPress: logout,
+ },
+ [logout],
+// success-line-end
+Or from the return statement itself:
+// error-line-start
+return (
+// error-line-end
+// success-line-start
+return (
+// success-line-end
+## Step 8: Update types in i18n.ts
+To prevent errors related to the `tx` property and accommodate `i18next`'s use of `:` as the primary separator, we need to update the types in `app/i18n/i18n.ts`.
+// error-line-start
+type RecursiveKeyOf = {
+ [TKey in keyof TObj & (string | number)]: RecursiveKeyOfHandleValue
+}[keyof TObj & (string | number)]
+type RecursiveKeyOfInner = {
+ [TKey in keyof TObj & (string | number)]: RecursiveKeyOfHandleValue<
+ TObj[TKey],
+ `['${TKey}']` | `.${TKey}`
+ >
+}[keyof TObj & (string | number)]
+type RecursiveKeyOfHandleValue = TValue extends any[]
+ ? Text
+ : TValue extends object
+ ? Text | `${Text}${RecursiveKeyOfInner}`
+ : Text
+// error-line-end
+// success-line-start
+type RecursiveKeyOf = {
+ [TKey in keyof TObj & (string | number)]: RecursiveKeyOfHandleValue
+}[keyof TObj & (string | number)]
+type RecursiveKeyOfInner = {
+ [TKey in keyof TObj & (string | number)]: RecursiveKeyOfHandleValue
+}[keyof TObj & (string | number)]
+type RecursiveKeyOfHandleValue<
+ TValue,
+ Text extends string,
+ IsFirstLevel extends boolean,
+> = TValue extends any[]
+ ? Text
+ : TValue extends object
+ ? IsFirstLevel extends true
+ ? Text | `${Text}:${RecursiveKeyOfInner}`
+ : Text | `${Text}.${RecursiveKeyOfInner}`
+ : Text
+// success-line-end
+Lastly, update the usage of `i18n`'s `locale` method to `language` instead. For example in `app/utils/formatDate.ts`:
+// error-line
+import { i18n } from "app/i18n"
+// success-line
+import i18next from "i18next"
+// ...extra file logic
+// error-line
+const locale = i18n.locale.split("-")[0]
+// success-line
+const locale = i18next.language.split("-")[0]
+For detailed code changes, including initialization updates, translation function updates, and testing, refer to the following PRs on the Ignite Github repo:
+* [Swap out i18n-js for react-18next](https://github.com/infinitered/ignite/pull/2770)
+* [Fix language switching and update date-fns to v4](https://github.com/infinitered/ignite/pull/2788)
+By following this guide, you will be able to seamlessly transition your React Native app from `i18n-js` to `react-i18next`, ensuring improved localization features and support for modern internationalization practices. Let us know if you have any questions!
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