6502.Net also provides a simple disassembler. If the disassemble
option is set, input files are considered to be machine code, and the output file will be the disassembly of that machine code.
~$ dotnet 6502.Net.dll myprog.prg -o myprog_disassembly.txt --disassemble
By default the program origin is the first two bytes of the input file, as that is the default output format for 6502.Net in asssembly mode. To specify a different format, use the --format
6502.Net.exe myxexprog.prg -o myprog_disassembly.txt --disassemble --format=atari-xex
At this time only the following output options are supported:
If the input files are flat (no header or program load address encoded into the file), you can manually specify the program start with the --disassembly-start
option. Note this value must be a decimal integer between 0 and 65535. Similarly, if you want to specify the machine language CPU, pass the --cpu
~$ dotnet 6502.Net.dll myspeccyprog.bin -o myspeccyprog_disassembly.txt --disassemble --cpu=z80 --disassembly-start=4096
Finally, to disassemble the code at a specific offset, you can pass the --disassembly-offset
6502.Net.exe myprog.prg -o myprog_disassembly.txt --disassemble --cpu=65C02 --format=flat --disassembly-start=4096 --disassembly-offset=128