analyzing data collected from the box (containing accelerometer + gyro sesonrs)
The bach script calls the python script, i.e. the preprocessing pipeline that currently does roughly this:
- cleans telespor export for lat, lon, and batteryvoltage
- calculates speed and engine state (on/off) from telespor data
- resmaples the data to a sampling rate that could be set via arguments and interpolates missing lat lon, and batteryvoltage values
adds absolute timestmps to the data using the recorded time of installation
resamples (downsamples) the data to the same sampling rate as telespor measurements by averaging meaurements inside the bins
For preparing training data, also accepts two timestamps (signalstart & signalend) that limits the measurements used to the time range during which the boat was actually moving
- Features: box measurements (ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz)
- Labels: engine state (ON/OFF) or batteryvoltage (passed as a sys arg to