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How to Submit Papers / Posters / Workshops?

All the submission should be carried out through this portal: https://lac25.sciencesconf.org/

Choose the relevant submission type.


The required file format is PDF. For the full paper category, authors must use the provided templates for paper formatting (see below).


The required file format is PDF. For the full paper category, authors must use the provided template for paper formatting (see below).

Please let us know if you need a special technical setup for your presentation.



We provide only the following LaTeX template (sorry MS-Word users...): template.


We provide only the following LaTeX template (sorry MS-Word users...): template.

Call for Music

We invite submissions of electronic, electroacoustic and mixed music as well as interactive art installations with an emphasis on open source software. A jury will select the compositions and performances to be included in the LAC 2025 conference program according to artistic merit and technical feasibility. Applicants should expect to perform their work themselves and have all resources needed to perform the piece if selected (e.g., instruments, props, other performers, etc.).

Concert Venues

diff --git a/docs/misc/lac25Template.zip b/docs/misc/lac25Template.zip new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cd1f1ad Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/misc/lac25Template.zip differ diff --git a/docs/register/index.html b/docs/register/index.html index 67e0fd5..6661563 100644 --- a/docs/register/index.html +++ b/docs/register/index.html @@ -264,7 +264,7 @@

Register to JIMLAC 2025

  • JIM registration: registration fee to cover lunches and the conference banquet.
  • LAC basic registration: FREE (no lunches and no banquet included).
  • LAC full registration: registration fee to cover lunches and the conference banquet.
  • -
  • JIM + LAC pass: registration fee to covert lunches throughout the whole week and the conference banquet.
  • +
  • JIM + LAC pass: registration fee to cover lunches throughout the whole week and the conference banquet.
  • Both JIM and LAC will be live streamed for free (no need to register for that).
  • Full registration information will be posted at the end of the Winter of 2025.

    diff --git a/docs/search/search_index.json b/docs/search/search_index.json index 13dc32e..a2f4c5f 100644 --- a/docs/search/search_index.json +++ b/docs/search/search_index.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"config":{"indexing":"full","lang":["en"],"min_search_length":3,"prebuild_index":false,"separator":"[\\s\\-]+"},"docs":[{"location":"","text":"JIMLAC 2025 - June 23-28, 2025 - Lyon (FR) >> Journ\u00e9es de l'Informatique Musicale (JIM): 23-25 juin 2025 >> Linux Audio Conference (LAC): June 26-28, 2025 In 2025, the Journ\u00e9es de l'Informatique Musicale and Linux Audio Conference join forces and will take place in Lyon (France) under the hospices of Inria , GRAME-CNCM , INSA Lyon , and AFIM as two successive events with shared ressources! You should expect many concerts, cool talks, fun social events, and great food! The calls for papers/music will be published by the beginning of September 2024 on this website: stay tuned! How Will It Work? All you need to know about the Journ\u00e9es de l'Informatique Musicale 2025 can be found on the JIM page of the website (in French) . All you need to know about the Linux Audio Conference 2025 can be found on the LAC page of the website . JIM 2025 and LAC 2025 remain two independent events with their own call for works, proceedings, committees, rules, etc. but they will be hosted in the same venues, will share some social events as well as the same registration system. The scientific portion of both conferences will take place at the Marie Curie Library of INSA Lyon: https://maps.app.goo.gl/RZj75WC7PqSbj5bDA The artistic portion of both conference will take place at the Th\u00e9\u00e2tre Astr\u00e9e of Lyon 1 University: https://maps.app.goo.gl/w6fFaHR4NSP6rXXo6 JIM concerts will take place on June 23 and 24. LAC concerts will take place on June 26 and 27 with potentially a \"special\" live coding concert on the 28th. JIM and LAC will have a joint banquet on June 25th which will serve both as a closing event for the JIM and a welcoming event for LAC. At this stage, we envision the following registration options (this might be subject to changes): JIM registration: registration fee to cover lunches and the conference banquet. LAC basic registration: FREE (no lunches and no banquet included). LAC full registration: registration fee to cover lunches and the conference banquet. JIM + LAC pass: registration fee to covert lunches throughout the whole week and the conference banquet. Both JIM and LAC will be live streamed for free (no need to register for that). Note to LAC's \"purists:\" LAC 2025 will take place during the summer break on a large campus: this means that there won't be that many options for buying food near the conference venue. This is why we're offering you the possibility to pay a fee to have all your lunches covered and to give you access to the conference banquet.","title":"Home"},{"location":"#jimlac-2025-june-23-28-2025-lyon-fr","text":"","title":"JIMLAC 2025 - June 23-28, 2025 - Lyon (FR)"},{"location":"#journees-de-linformatique-musicale-jim-23-25-juin-2025-linux-audio-conference-lac-june-26-28-2025","text":"In 2025, the Journ\u00e9es de l'Informatique Musicale and Linux Audio Conference join forces and will take place in Lyon (France) under the hospices of Inria , GRAME-CNCM , INSA Lyon , and AFIM as two successive events with shared ressources! You should expect many concerts, cool talks, fun social events, and great food! The calls for papers/music will be published by the beginning of September 2024 on this website: stay tuned!","title":">> Journ\u00e9es de l'Informatique Musicale (JIM): 23-25 juin 2025 >> Linux Audio Conference (LAC): June 26-28, 2025"},{"location":"#how-will-it-work","text":"All you need to know about the Journ\u00e9es de l'Informatique Musicale 2025 can be found on the JIM page of the website (in French) . All you need to know about the Linux Audio Conference 2025 can be found on the LAC page of the website . JIM 2025 and LAC 2025 remain two independent events with their own call for works, proceedings, committees, rules, etc. but they will be hosted in the same venues, will share some social events as well as the same registration system. The scientific portion of both conferences will take place at the Marie Curie Library of INSA Lyon: https://maps.app.goo.gl/RZj75WC7PqSbj5bDA The artistic portion of both conference will take place at the Th\u00e9\u00e2tre Astr\u00e9e of Lyon 1 University: https://maps.app.goo.gl/w6fFaHR4NSP6rXXo6 JIM concerts will take place on June 23 and 24. LAC concerts will take place on June 26 and 27 with potentially a \"special\" live coding concert on the 28th. JIM and LAC will have a joint banquet on June 25th which will serve both as a closing event for the JIM and a welcoming event for LAC. At this stage, we envision the following registration options (this might be subject to changes): JIM registration: registration fee to cover lunches and the conference banquet. LAC basic registration: FREE (no lunches and no banquet included). LAC full registration: registration fee to cover lunches and the conference banquet. JIM + LAC pass: registration fee to covert lunches throughout the whole week and the conference banquet. Both JIM and LAC will be live streamed for free (no need to register for that). Note to LAC's \"purists:\" LAC 2025 will take place during the summer break on a large campus: this means that there won't be that many options for buying food near the conference venue. This is why we're offering you the possibility to pay a fee to have all your lunches covered and to give you access to the conference banquet.","title":"How Will It Work?"},{"location":"jim/","text":"Journ\u00e9e de l'Informatique Musicale 2025 Chaque ann\u00e9e, les Journ\u00e9es d'Informatique Musicale r\u00e9unissent des chercheurs, d\u00e9veloppeurs et diff\u00e9rents acteurs de la vie musicale utilisant l'informatique comme outil de diffusion, de cr\u00e9ation, d'interpr\u00e9tation ou de p\u00e9dagogie. Les JIM sont pilot\u00e9es par l'Association Francophone d'Informatique Musicale (AFIM) et sont soutenues par la Direction G\u00e9n\u00e9rale de la Cr\u00e9ation Artistique du minist\u00e8re fran\u00e7ais de la Culture. Cette \u00e9dition, du 23 au 25 juin 2025, se d\u00e9roulera \u00e0 l' INSA de Lyon sous l'\u00e9gide de l' Inria et de GRAME - Centre National de Cr\u00e9ation Musicale . Calendrier 24 mars 2025: Limite de soumission des articles 18 avril 2025: Limite de soumission des appr\u00e9ciations par le comit\u00e9 scientifique 25 avril 2025: Notification de l'acceptation 23 mai 2025: Limite de soumission des versions finales Appel \u00e0 contributions Th\u00e9matiques 2025 En plus des th\u00e9matiques reconduites, cette \u00e9dition mettra l'accent sur les th\u00e9matiques suivantes : Informatique musicale et frugalit\u00e9 L'informatique musicale frugale consiste \u00e0 concevoir et utiliser des outils num\u00e9riques pour la cr\u00e9ation musicale de mani\u00e8re \u00e9conome en ressources, r\u00e9duisant ainsi l'empreinte \u00e9cologique des technologies musicales. Elle favorise l\u2019utilisation de logiciels l\u00e9gers, l'adoption de solutions open source, de mat\u00e9riel durable, la r\u00e9utilisation d'objets existants, et l'optimisation des performances pour \u00e9viter la surconsommation \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique, tout en minimisant \"l\u2019effet rebond\", lorsque les gains en efficacit\u00e9 peuvent entra\u00eener une augmentation de l\u2019utilisation. Les JIMs 2025 invitent la communaut\u00e9 \u00e0 s\u2019emparer de cette th\u00e9matique qui \u00e9merge de mani\u00e8re plus large autour de l'impact du num\u00e9rique dans la soci\u00e9t\u00e9, et sollicitent des contributions dans ce domaine. Syst\u00e8mes embarqu\u00e9s et informatique musicale Les syst\u00e8mes embarqu\u00e9s jouent maintenant un r\u00f4le pr\u00e9pond\u00e9rant dans les diff\u00e9rents domaines li\u00e9s \u00e0 l'informatique musicale. On les retrouve dans des interfaces de contr\u00f4le, dans des instruments de musique num\u00e9riques pour effectuer des t\u00e2ches de traitement du signal, dans des modules de synth\u00e8ses sonores, etc. Les JIMs 2025 mettront l'accent sur ces technologies et invitent de nouvelles contributions dans ce domaine. IA, co-cr\u00e9ativit\u00e9 et informatique musicale La pr\u00e9sence croissante des syst\u00e8mes inform\u00e9s dans les pratiques de cr\u00e9ation sonore soul\u00e8ve des questions traversant de nombreuses th\u00e9matiques habituelles des JIM. L'IA ouvre des espaces d'exploration musicaux et technologiques que cette \u00e9dition souhaite mettre en avant. Les JIMs 2025 invitent \u00e0 r\u00e9fl\u00e9chir \u00e0 ces technologies dans toute leur diversit\u00e9, et \u00e0 proposer des contributions explorant leurs usages, implications et potentialit\u00e9s pour l\u2019informatique musicale. Th\u00e9matiques Reconduites Syst\u00e8mes informatiques Syst\u00e8mes et protocoles temps r\u00e9el pour l'informatique musicale Logiciels libres pour l'analyse, la synth\u00e8se, le traitement des sons et la cr\u00e9ation musicale Nouvelles strat\u00e9gies pour la sonification de donn\u00e9es Langages de programmation pour la synth\u00e8se et le traitement du son Traitement du signal Algorithmes pour la synth\u00e8se et le traitement du son Dispositifs mat\u00e9riels pour le traitement du son Algorithmes et interfaces pour la spatialisation sonore Cr\u00e9ation assist\u00e9e par ordinateur Environnements et langages d'aide \u00e0 la composition musicale Orchestration assist\u00e9e par ordinateur Syst\u00e8mes pour la cr\u00e9ation musicale, de la microstructure \u00e0 la macroforme Syst\u00e8mes de composition et d'arrangement automatiques Outils informatiques pour la spatialisation et diffusion sonore Interpr\u00e9tation, arts performatifs et technologie Interfaces logicielles et mat\u00e9rielles pour l'interpr\u00e9tation et l'ex\u00e9cution musicale Dispositifs mat\u00e9riels et logiciels pour pi\u00e8ces interactives Mod\u00e9lisation et simulation de l'interpr\u00e9tation musicale Captation et extension num\u00e9rique du geste instrumental Geste, virtuosit\u00e9 et nouveaux m\u00e9dias Nouvelles interfaces, nouveaux modes de jeu Notation musicale Logiciels de reconnaissance optique de partitions Syst\u00e8mes pour l'\u00e9dition et la publication musicale Notation et visualisation de la musique Partitions interactives Aspects historiques et pr\u00e9servation Histoire et aspects sociologiques de l'informatique musicale D\u00e9finition/red\u00e9finition du r\u00f4le du r\u00e9alisateur en informatique musicale (RIM) Normalisation, archivage et transmission de l'information musicale Portage et recr\u00e9ation d'\u0153uvres mixtes et interactives Pr\u00e9servation des \u0153uvres utilisant les technologies num\u00e9riques Rapports d'activit\u00e9s de centres de recherche musicale Musicologie computationnelle Formalisation et repr\u00e9sentation des structures musicales Approches computationnelles de l'analyse musicale Formalisation et mod\u00e9lisation des connaissances musicales Mod\u00e9lisation et simulation de la perception sonore et musicale Outils d'aide \u00e0 l'analyse musicale Syst\u00e8mes d'analyse et de traitement du signal acoustique Reconnaissance et extraction automatique des param\u00e8tres musicaux Analyse et repr\u00e9sentation du geste instrumental D\u00e9tails de la candidature : Les articles peuvent \u00eatre \u00e9crits en fran\u00e7ais ou en anglais, entre 4 et 10 pages. Pour les articles en anglais, un r\u00e9sum\u00e9 en fran\u00e7ais est obligatoire. Les communications donneront lieu \u00e0 des pr\u00e9sentations orales. Les articles seront soumis au format PDF. La mise en page devra \u00eatre r\u00e9alis\u00e9e \u00e0 partir des mod\u00e8les Word ou LaTeX disponibles aux liens suivants : LaTeX template Word template Les articles seront d\u00e9pos\u00e9s en ligne sur la plateforme de soumission des JIM 2025: https://jim25.sciencesconf.org/ Prix \u00ab Jeune Chercheuse / Jeune Chercheur \u00bb : Des propositions de jeunes chercheurs/chercheuses (doctorants, jeunes docteurs et chercheurs ind\u00e9pendants) sont particuli\u00e8rement bienvenues. Un Prix AFIM \u00ab Jeune Chercheuse / Jeune Chercheur \u00bb sera attribu\u00e9 au meilleur article pr\u00e9sent\u00e9 par une jeune chercheuse ou un jeune chercheur pour l\u2019encourager dans ses recherches. Commit\u00e9s Comit\u00e9 d'organisation Nom Role Romain MICHON General Chair Paul GOUTMANN Paper Chair St\u00e9phane LETZ Music Chair Autres membres du comit\u00e9 d'organisation : Jean-Cyrille BURDET // Pierre COCHARD // Yann ORLAREY // Tanguy RISSET Comit\u00e9 de pilotage des JIM Daniel ARFIB // G\u00e9rard ASSAYAG // Alain BONARDI // Marc CHEMILLER // Myriam DESAINTE-CATHERINE // Dominique FOBER // Mikhail MALT // Yann ORLAREY // Fran\u00e7ois PACHET // Laurent POTTIER // Julien RABIN // Jean-Michel RACZINSKI // Anne SEDES Editions ant\u00e9rieures JIM 2023 : https://jim2023.sciencesconf.org/ JIM 2022 : https://smc22.grame.fr/program.html#JIM JIM 2021 : https://jim2021.sciencesconf.org/ JIM 2020 : https://jim2020.sciencesconf.org/ JIM 2019 : https://jim2019.sciencesconf.org/ JIM 2018 : http://www.algomus.fr/jim2018/ JIM 2017 : https://jim2017.sciencesconf.org/ JIM 2016 : http://jim2016.gmea.net/ JIM 2015 : http://jim2015.oicrm.org/ JIM 2014 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim2014/index.html JIM 2013 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/JIM2013/ JIM 2012 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim12/ JIM 2011 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim11/ JIM 2010 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim10/index.php/jims/jim10/ JIM 2009 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim09/index.php/descrip/conf.html JIM 2008 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim08/content/ JIM 2007 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim2007/ JIM 2006 : http://smc.afim-asso.org/smc06/ JIM 2005 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim2005/ JIM 2004 : http://smc.afim-asso.org/smc04/ JIM 2003 : http://jim2003.agglo-montbeliard.fr/ JIM 2002 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim2002/ JIM 2001 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim2001/ JIM 2000 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim2000/ JIM 1999 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim99/ JIM 1998 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim98/JIM98.html JIM 1997 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim97/ JIM 1996 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim96/ JIM 1995 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim95/ JIM 1994 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim94/ Frais d'inscription et informations pratiques Les informations concernant les frais d'inscription et comment se rendre \u00e0 la conf\u00e9rence sont partag\u00e9es entre les JIM et LAC et peuvent \u00eatre respectivement trouv\u00e9es dans les onglets Register et Travel du ce site.","title":"JIM"},{"location":"jim/#journee-de-linformatique-musicale-2025","text":"Chaque ann\u00e9e, les Journ\u00e9es d'Informatique Musicale r\u00e9unissent des chercheurs, d\u00e9veloppeurs et diff\u00e9rents acteurs de la vie musicale utilisant l'informatique comme outil de diffusion, de cr\u00e9ation, d'interpr\u00e9tation ou de p\u00e9dagogie. Les JIM sont pilot\u00e9es par l'Association Francophone d'Informatique Musicale (AFIM) et sont soutenues par la Direction G\u00e9n\u00e9rale de la Cr\u00e9ation Artistique du minist\u00e8re fran\u00e7ais de la Culture. Cette \u00e9dition, du 23 au 25 juin 2025, se d\u00e9roulera \u00e0 l' INSA de Lyon sous l'\u00e9gide de l' Inria et de GRAME - Centre National de Cr\u00e9ation Musicale .","title":"Journ\u00e9e de l'Informatique Musicale 2025"},{"location":"jim/#calendrier","text":"24 mars 2025: Limite de soumission des articles 18 avril 2025: Limite de soumission des appr\u00e9ciations par le comit\u00e9 scientifique 25 avril 2025: Notification de l'acceptation 23 mai 2025: Limite de soumission des versions finales","title":"Calendrier"},{"location":"jim/#appel-a-contributions","text":"","title":"Appel \u00e0 contributions"},{"location":"jim/#thematiques-2025","text":"En plus des th\u00e9matiques reconduites, cette \u00e9dition mettra l'accent sur les th\u00e9matiques suivantes :","title":"Th\u00e9matiques 2025"},{"location":"jim/#informatique-musicale-et-frugalite","text":"L'informatique musicale frugale consiste \u00e0 concevoir et utiliser des outils num\u00e9riques pour la cr\u00e9ation musicale de mani\u00e8re \u00e9conome en ressources, r\u00e9duisant ainsi l'empreinte \u00e9cologique des technologies musicales. Elle favorise l\u2019utilisation de logiciels l\u00e9gers, l'adoption de solutions open source, de mat\u00e9riel durable, la r\u00e9utilisation d'objets existants, et l'optimisation des performances pour \u00e9viter la surconsommation \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique, tout en minimisant \"l\u2019effet rebond\", lorsque les gains en efficacit\u00e9 peuvent entra\u00eener une augmentation de l\u2019utilisation. Les JIMs 2025 invitent la communaut\u00e9 \u00e0 s\u2019emparer de cette th\u00e9matique qui \u00e9merge de mani\u00e8re plus large autour de l'impact du num\u00e9rique dans la soci\u00e9t\u00e9, et sollicitent des contributions dans ce domaine.","title":"Informatique musicale et frugalit\u00e9"},{"location":"jim/#systemes-embarques-et-informatique-musicale","text":"Les syst\u00e8mes embarqu\u00e9s jouent maintenant un r\u00f4le pr\u00e9pond\u00e9rant dans les diff\u00e9rents domaines li\u00e9s \u00e0 l'informatique musicale. On les retrouve dans des interfaces de contr\u00f4le, dans des instruments de musique num\u00e9riques pour effectuer des t\u00e2ches de traitement du signal, dans des modules de synth\u00e8ses sonores, etc. Les JIMs 2025 mettront l'accent sur ces technologies et invitent de nouvelles contributions dans ce domaine.","title":"Syst\u00e8mes embarqu\u00e9s et informatique musicale"},{"location":"jim/#ia-co-creativite-et-informatique-musicale","text":"La pr\u00e9sence croissante des syst\u00e8mes inform\u00e9s dans les pratiques de cr\u00e9ation sonore soul\u00e8ve des questions traversant de nombreuses th\u00e9matiques habituelles des JIM. L'IA ouvre des espaces d'exploration musicaux et technologiques que cette \u00e9dition souhaite mettre en avant. Les JIMs 2025 invitent \u00e0 r\u00e9fl\u00e9chir \u00e0 ces technologies dans toute leur diversit\u00e9, et \u00e0 proposer des contributions explorant leurs usages, implications et potentialit\u00e9s pour l\u2019informatique musicale.","title":"IA, co-cr\u00e9ativit\u00e9 et informatique musicale"},{"location":"jim/#thematiques-reconduites","text":"Syst\u00e8mes informatiques Syst\u00e8mes et protocoles temps r\u00e9el pour l'informatique musicale Logiciels libres pour l'analyse, la synth\u00e8se, le traitement des sons et la cr\u00e9ation musicale Nouvelles strat\u00e9gies pour la sonification de donn\u00e9es Langages de programmation pour la synth\u00e8se et le traitement du son Traitement du signal Algorithmes pour la synth\u00e8se et le traitement du son Dispositifs mat\u00e9riels pour le traitement du son Algorithmes et interfaces pour la spatialisation sonore Cr\u00e9ation assist\u00e9e par ordinateur Environnements et langages d'aide \u00e0 la composition musicale Orchestration assist\u00e9e par ordinateur Syst\u00e8mes pour la cr\u00e9ation musicale, de la microstructure \u00e0 la macroforme Syst\u00e8mes de composition et d'arrangement automatiques Outils informatiques pour la spatialisation et diffusion sonore Interpr\u00e9tation, arts performatifs et technologie Interfaces logicielles et mat\u00e9rielles pour l'interpr\u00e9tation et l'ex\u00e9cution musicale Dispositifs mat\u00e9riels et logiciels pour pi\u00e8ces interactives Mod\u00e9lisation et simulation de l'interpr\u00e9tation musicale Captation et extension num\u00e9rique du geste instrumental Geste, virtuosit\u00e9 et nouveaux m\u00e9dias Nouvelles interfaces, nouveaux modes de jeu Notation musicale Logiciels de reconnaissance optique de partitions Syst\u00e8mes pour l'\u00e9dition et la publication musicale Notation et visualisation de la musique Partitions interactives Aspects historiques et pr\u00e9servation Histoire et aspects sociologiques de l'informatique musicale D\u00e9finition/red\u00e9finition du r\u00f4le du r\u00e9alisateur en informatique musicale (RIM) Normalisation, archivage et transmission de l'information musicale Portage et recr\u00e9ation d'\u0153uvres mixtes et interactives Pr\u00e9servation des \u0153uvres utilisant les technologies num\u00e9riques Rapports d'activit\u00e9s de centres de recherche musicale Musicologie computationnelle Formalisation et repr\u00e9sentation des structures musicales Approches computationnelles de l'analyse musicale Formalisation et mod\u00e9lisation des connaissances musicales Mod\u00e9lisation et simulation de la perception sonore et musicale Outils d'aide \u00e0 l'analyse musicale Syst\u00e8mes d'analyse et de traitement du signal acoustique Reconnaissance et extraction automatique des param\u00e8tres musicaux Analyse et repr\u00e9sentation du geste instrumental","title":"Th\u00e9matiques Reconduites"},{"location":"jim/#details-de-la-candidature","text":"Les articles peuvent \u00eatre \u00e9crits en fran\u00e7ais ou en anglais, entre 4 et 10 pages. Pour les articles en anglais, un r\u00e9sum\u00e9 en fran\u00e7ais est obligatoire. Les communications donneront lieu \u00e0 des pr\u00e9sentations orales. Les articles seront soumis au format PDF. La mise en page devra \u00eatre r\u00e9alis\u00e9e \u00e0 partir des mod\u00e8les Word ou LaTeX disponibles aux liens suivants : LaTeX template Word template Les articles seront d\u00e9pos\u00e9s en ligne sur la plateforme de soumission des JIM 2025: https://jim25.sciencesconf.org/","title":"D\u00e9tails de la candidature :"},{"location":"jim/#prix-jeune-chercheuse-jeune-chercheur","text":"Des propositions de jeunes chercheurs/chercheuses (doctorants, jeunes docteurs et chercheurs ind\u00e9pendants) sont particuli\u00e8rement bienvenues. Un Prix AFIM \u00ab Jeune Chercheuse / Jeune Chercheur \u00bb sera attribu\u00e9 au meilleur article pr\u00e9sent\u00e9 par une jeune chercheuse ou un jeune chercheur pour l\u2019encourager dans ses recherches.","title":"Prix \u00ab Jeune Chercheuse / Jeune Chercheur \u00bb :"},{"location":"jim/#commites","text":"","title":"Commit\u00e9s"},{"location":"jim/#comite-dorganisation","text":"Nom Role Romain MICHON General Chair Paul GOUTMANN Paper Chair St\u00e9phane LETZ Music Chair Autres membres du comit\u00e9 d'organisation : Jean-Cyrille BURDET // Pierre COCHARD // Yann ORLAREY // Tanguy RISSET","title":"Comit\u00e9 d'organisation"},{"location":"jim/#comite-de-pilotage-des-jim","text":"Daniel ARFIB // G\u00e9rard ASSAYAG // Alain BONARDI // Marc CHEMILLER // Myriam DESAINTE-CATHERINE // Dominique FOBER // Mikhail MALT // Yann ORLAREY // Fran\u00e7ois PACHET // Laurent POTTIER // Julien RABIN // Jean-Michel RACZINSKI // Anne SEDES","title":"Comit\u00e9 de pilotage des JIM"},{"location":"jim/#editions-anterieures","text":"JIM 2023 : https://jim2023.sciencesconf.org/ JIM 2022 : https://smc22.grame.fr/program.html#JIM JIM 2021 : https://jim2021.sciencesconf.org/ JIM 2020 : https://jim2020.sciencesconf.org/ JIM 2019 : https://jim2019.sciencesconf.org/ JIM 2018 : http://www.algomus.fr/jim2018/ JIM 2017 : https://jim2017.sciencesconf.org/ JIM 2016 : http://jim2016.gmea.net/ JIM 2015 : http://jim2015.oicrm.org/ JIM 2014 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim2014/index.html JIM 2013 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/JIM2013/ JIM 2012 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim12/ JIM 2011 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim11/ JIM 2010 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim10/index.php/jims/jim10/ JIM 2009 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim09/index.php/descrip/conf.html JIM 2008 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim08/content/ JIM 2007 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim2007/ JIM 2006 : http://smc.afim-asso.org/smc06/ JIM 2005 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim2005/ JIM 2004 : http://smc.afim-asso.org/smc04/ JIM 2003 : http://jim2003.agglo-montbeliard.fr/ JIM 2002 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim2002/ JIM 2001 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim2001/ JIM 2000 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim2000/ JIM 1999 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim99/ JIM 1998 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim98/JIM98.html JIM 1997 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim97/ JIM 1996 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim96/ JIM 1995 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim95/ JIM 1994 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim94/","title":"Editions ant\u00e9rieures"},{"location":"jim/#frais-dinscription-et-informations-pratiques","text":"Les informations concernant les frais d'inscription et comment se rendre \u00e0 la conf\u00e9rence sont partag\u00e9es entre les JIM et LAC et peuvent \u00eatre respectivement trouv\u00e9es dans les onglets Register et Travel du ce site.","title":"Frais d'inscription et informations pratiques"},{"location":"lac/","text":"Linux Audio Conference 2025 LAC is the international conference about Free/Open-Source Software for music, sound, and other media with GNU/Linux as the main platform. In 2025, it will be held at INSA Lyon (France) under the hospices of Inria , GRAME-CNCM , INSA Lyon , and AFIM on June 26-28. Important Dates March 24, 2025: Paper submission deadline April 18, 2025: Review deadline April 25, 2025: Notification of acceptance May 23, 2025: Camera-Ready version deadline Call for Papers / Presentations / Demos / Workshops LAC 2025 invites submissions of papers, presentations, and workshops addressing all areas of audio processing based on Linux and open source software. All submissions and presentations are in English. Submissions can focus on technical, artistic, and/or scientific issues and target developers and/or users. This includes (but is not limited to) the following categories: Audio and Music Languages Audio and AI Audio Hardware Support Audio Plugins Drivers, System and Sound Architecture Education and E-Learning Games Interactive Art Interface Design Live Coding Live Performance Media Art MIDI, OSC... Mobile Audio Music Composition Music Production Networked Audio Physical Computing Projects Realized using Linux Audio Realtime Kernel and Linux Distributions Signal Processing and Sound Synthesis Sound Spatialization Standards and Protocols Video Etc. Full Papers Full papers must be written and presented in English. The length of papers is 4 to 8 pages, with up to 5 keywords, including an abstract of up to 200 words. The abstract will be published on the conference website once the paper has been accepted. Full papers will be available on the website during the conference, and after in the proceedings (which will be published with an ISBN number). All papers are peer reviewed by a committee of experts from different disciplines. Reviewers may suggest improvements to the author(s), require changes in order to accept the submission, or reject it. Full papers will be presented during the conference as in-person oral presentations. Presentations Without an Associated Paper LAC 2025 welcomes oral presentations not associated to a peer-reviewed paper published in the conference proceedings. Such presentations are selected by the scientific committee, based on a abstract up to 500 words, with up to 5 keywords. No full paper is required in this category . The abstract will be available on the website during and after the conference. Presentations in this category have the same format as full paper presentations and will hence be presented during the conference as in-person oral presentations. Demos Demos are informal project (e.g., plug-in, software, interface, idea, etc.) presentations that will be carried out between the papers presentation sessions. Workshops Workshop presentations (max duration of 2h) should be 1-4 pages, with up to 5 keywords, including an abstract of up to 150 words to be published on the conference website. Make sure that your proposal indicates if participants are expected to have a specific level, if there are prerequisites, if you'd like to limit the number of participants, if you have specific technical requirements, etc. How to Submit Papers / Posters / Workshops? All the submission should be carried out through this portal: https://lac25.sciencesconf.org/ Choose the relevant submission type. The required file format is PDF. For the full paper category, authors must use the provided templates for paper formatting (see below). Please let us know if you need a special technical setup for your presentation. Templates We provide only the following LaTeX template (sorry MS-Word users...): template . Call for Music We invite submissions of electronic, electroacoustic and mixed music as well as interactive art installations with an emphasis on open source software. A jury will select the compositions and performances to be included in the LAC 2025 conference program according to artistic merit and technical feasibility. Applicants should expect to perform their work themselves and have all resources needed to perform the piece if selected (e.g., instruments, props, other performers, etc.). Concert Venues The LAC 2025 musical program will consist of three concerts, two of which will take place at Le Th\u00e9\u00e2tre Astr\u00e9e ( https://theatre-astree.univ-lyon1.fr/qui-sommes-nous/ ), a concert hall equipped with an 8.4 sound system. For this venue, we are particularly interested in electronic / computer music pieces that will leverage the multichannel set up. The third concert will take place at Le Sucre ( https://le-sucre.eu/le-lieu/ ), an event that will host live coding sets and other performances devised for a night club setting with stereo diffusion. How to Submit Music Use the LAC 2025 Online Submission Tool The required file format is PDF, formatted for A4 paper size. Submissions should include: (i) description of piece and set-up, (ii) program notes, (iii) links to samples of work: .wav files, videos, etc., and (iv) a technical rider. Committees Organizing Committee Nom Role Romain MICHON General Chair Pierre LECOMTE Paper Chair John GRANZOW Music Chair St\u00e9phane LETZ Technical Chair Autres membres du comit\u00e9 d'organisation : Jean-Cyrille BURDET // Pierre COCHARD // Yann ORLAREY // Tanguy RISSET Past Editions Past editions of LAC are listed on the Linux Audio website: https://linuxaudio.org/lac.html . Registration and Practical Information Registration and travel information are shared between JIM and LAC and can be respectively found in the Register and Travel tabs of this webiste. Diversity Statement The Linux Audio Conference welcomes and encourages participation by everyone. We want to foster a variety of perspectives, and our goal is to create an inclusive, respectful conference environment that invites participation from people of all races, ethnicities, genders, ages, abilities, religions, and sexual orientation. LAC is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any conference venue, including talks. Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference at the discretion of the conference organizers.","title":"LAC"},{"location":"lac/#linux-audio-conference-2025","text":"LAC is the international conference about Free/Open-Source Software for music, sound, and other media with GNU/Linux as the main platform. In 2025, it will be held at INSA Lyon (France) under the hospices of Inria , GRAME-CNCM , INSA Lyon , and AFIM on June 26-28.","title":"Linux Audio Conference 2025"},{"location":"lac/#important-dates","text":"March 24, 2025: Paper submission deadline April 18, 2025: Review deadline April 25, 2025: Notification of acceptance May 23, 2025: Camera-Ready version deadline","title":"Important Dates"},{"location":"lac/#call-for-papers-presentations-demos-workshops","text":"LAC 2025 invites submissions of papers, presentations, and workshops addressing all areas of audio processing based on Linux and open source software. All submissions and presentations are in English. Submissions can focus on technical, artistic, and/or scientific issues and target developers and/or users. This includes (but is not limited to) the following categories: Audio and Music Languages Audio and AI Audio Hardware Support Audio Plugins Drivers, System and Sound Architecture Education and E-Learning Games Interactive Art Interface Design Live Coding Live Performance Media Art MIDI, OSC... Mobile Audio Music Composition Music Production Networked Audio Physical Computing Projects Realized using Linux Audio Realtime Kernel and Linux Distributions Signal Processing and Sound Synthesis Sound Spatialization Standards and Protocols Video Etc.","title":"Call for Papers / Presentations / Demos / Workshops"},{"location":"lac/#full-papers","text":"Full papers must be written and presented in English. The length of papers is 4 to 8 pages, with up to 5 keywords, including an abstract of up to 200 words. The abstract will be published on the conference website once the paper has been accepted. Full papers will be available on the website during the conference, and after in the proceedings (which will be published with an ISBN number). All papers are peer reviewed by a committee of experts from different disciplines. Reviewers may suggest improvements to the author(s), require changes in order to accept the submission, or reject it. Full papers will be presented during the conference as in-person oral presentations.","title":"Full Papers"},{"location":"lac/#presentations-without-an-associated-paper","text":"LAC 2025 welcomes oral presentations not associated to a peer-reviewed paper published in the conference proceedings. Such presentations are selected by the scientific committee, based on a abstract up to 500 words, with up to 5 keywords. No full paper is required in this category . The abstract will be available on the website during and after the conference. Presentations in this category have the same format as full paper presentations and will hence be presented during the conference as in-person oral presentations.","title":"Presentations Without an Associated Paper"},{"location":"lac/#demos","text":"Demos are informal project (e.g., plug-in, software, interface, idea, etc.) presentations that will be carried out between the papers presentation sessions.","title":"Demos"},{"location":"lac/#workshops","text":"Workshop presentations (max duration of 2h) should be 1-4 pages, with up to 5 keywords, including an abstract of up to 150 words to be published on the conference website. Make sure that your proposal indicates if participants are expected to have a specific level, if there are prerequisites, if you'd like to limit the number of participants, if you have specific technical requirements, etc.","title":"Workshops"},{"location":"lac/#how-to-submit-papers-posters-workshops","text":"All the submission should be carried out through this portal: https://lac25.sciencesconf.org/ Choose the relevant submission type. The required file format is PDF. For the full paper category, authors must use the provided templates for paper formatting (see below). Please let us know if you need a special technical setup for your presentation.","title":"How to Submit Papers / Posters / Workshops?"},{"location":"lac/#templates","text":"We provide only the following LaTeX template (sorry MS-Word users...): template .","title":"Templates"},{"location":"lac/#call-for-music","text":"We invite submissions of electronic, electroacoustic and mixed music as well as interactive art installations with an emphasis on open source software. A jury will select the compositions and performances to be included in the LAC 2025 conference program according to artistic merit and technical feasibility. Applicants should expect to perform their work themselves and have all resources needed to perform the piece if selected (e.g., instruments, props, other performers, etc.).","title":"Call for Music"},{"location":"lac/#concert-venues","text":"The LAC 2025 musical program will consist of three concerts, two of which will take place at Le Th\u00e9\u00e2tre Astr\u00e9e ( https://theatre-astree.univ-lyon1.fr/qui-sommes-nous/ ), a concert hall equipped with an 8.4 sound system. For this venue, we are particularly interested in electronic / computer music pieces that will leverage the multichannel set up. The third concert will take place at Le Sucre ( https://le-sucre.eu/le-lieu/ ), an event that will host live coding sets and other performances devised for a night club setting with stereo diffusion.","title":"Concert Venues"},{"location":"lac/#how-to-submit-music","text":"Use the LAC 2025 Online Submission Tool The required file format is PDF, formatted for A4 paper size. Submissions should include: (i) description of piece and set-up, (ii) program notes, (iii) links to samples of work: .wav files, videos, etc., and (iv) a technical rider.","title":"How to Submit Music"},{"location":"lac/#committees","text":"","title":"Committees"},{"location":"lac/#organizing-committee","text":"Nom Role Romain MICHON General Chair Pierre LECOMTE Paper Chair John GRANZOW Music Chair St\u00e9phane LETZ Technical Chair Autres membres du comit\u00e9 d'organisation : Jean-Cyrille BURDET // Pierre COCHARD // Yann ORLAREY // Tanguy RISSET","title":"Organizing Committee"},{"location":"lac/#past-editions","text":"Past editions of LAC are listed on the Linux Audio website: https://linuxaudio.org/lac.html .","title":"Past Editions"},{"location":"lac/#registration-and-practical-information","text":"Registration and travel information are shared between JIM and LAC and can be respectively found in the Register and Travel tabs of this webiste.","title":"Registration and Practical Information"},{"location":"lac/#diversity-statement","text":"The Linux Audio Conference welcomes and encourages participation by everyone. We want to foster a variety of perspectives, and our goal is to create an inclusive, respectful conference environment that invites participation from people of all races, ethnicities, genders, ages, abilities, religions, and sexual orientation. LAC is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any conference venue, including talks. Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference at the discretion of the conference organizers.","title":"Diversity Statement"},{"location":"register/","text":"Register to JIMLAC 2025 At this stage, we envision the following registration options (this might be subject to changes): JIM registration: registration fee to cover lunches and the conference banquet. LAC basic registration: FREE (no lunches and no banquet included). LAC full registration: registration fee to cover lunches and the conference banquet. JIM + LAC pass: registration fee to covert lunches throughout the whole week and the conference banquet. Both JIM and LAC will be live streamed for free (no need to register for that). Full registration information will be posted at the end of the Winter of 2025.","title":"Register"},{"location":"register/#register-to-jimlac-2025","text":"At this stage, we envision the following registration options (this might be subject to changes): JIM registration: registration fee to cover lunches and the conference banquet. LAC basic registration: FREE (no lunches and no banquet included). LAC full registration: registration fee to cover lunches and the conference banquet. JIM + LAC pass: registration fee to covert lunches throughout the whole week and the conference banquet. Both JIM and LAC will be live streamed for free (no need to register for that). Full registration information will be posted at the end of the Winter of 2025.","title":"Register to JIMLAC 2025"},{"location":"travel/","text":"Travel Information JIM 2025 (June 23-25, 2025) and LAC 2025 (June 26-28, 2025) will both take place on the INSA Lyon campus: https://maps.app.goo.gl/QJBC7eCs5i76pdiL9 . Additional travel information will be posted when the registration portal will open, towards the end of Winter 2025. Lyon is not that big though and public transportations work well: you can get a place anywhere in the city for these events.","title":"Travel"},{"location":"travel/#travel-information","text":"JIM 2025 (June 23-25, 2025) and LAC 2025 (June 26-28, 2025) will both take place on the INSA Lyon campus: https://maps.app.goo.gl/QJBC7eCs5i76pdiL9 . Additional travel information will be posted when the registration portal will open, towards the end of Winter 2025. Lyon is not that big though and public transportations work well: you can get a place anywhere in the city for these events.","title":"Travel Information"}]} \ No newline at end of file +{"config":{"indexing":"full","lang":["en"],"min_search_length":3,"prebuild_index":false,"separator":"[\\s\\-]+"},"docs":[{"location":"","text":"JIMLAC 2025 - June 23-28, 2025 - Lyon (FR) >> Journ\u00e9es de l'Informatique Musicale (JIM): 23-25 juin 2025 >> Linux Audio Conference (LAC): June 26-28, 2025 In 2025, the Journ\u00e9es de l'Informatique Musicale and Linux Audio Conference join forces and will take place in Lyon (France) under the hospices of Inria , GRAME-CNCM , INSA Lyon , and AFIM as two successive events with shared ressources! You should expect many concerts, cool talks, fun social events, and great food! The calls for papers/music will be published by the beginning of September 2024 on this website: stay tuned! How Will It Work? All you need to know about the Journ\u00e9es de l'Informatique Musicale 2025 can be found on the JIM page of the website (in French) . All you need to know about the Linux Audio Conference 2025 can be found on the LAC page of the website . JIM 2025 and LAC 2025 remain two independent events with their own call for works, proceedings, committees, rules, etc. but they will be hosted in the same venues, will share some social events as well as the same registration system. The scientific portion of both conferences will take place at the Marie Curie Library of INSA Lyon: https://maps.app.goo.gl/RZj75WC7PqSbj5bDA The artistic portion of both conference will take place at the Th\u00e9\u00e2tre Astr\u00e9e of Lyon 1 University: https://maps.app.goo.gl/w6fFaHR4NSP6rXXo6 JIM concerts will take place on June 23 and 24. LAC concerts will take place on June 26 and 27 with potentially a \"special\" live coding concert on the 28th. JIM and LAC will have a joint banquet on June 25th which will serve both as a closing event for the JIM and a welcoming event for LAC. At this stage, we envision the following registration options (this might be subject to changes): JIM registration: registration fee to cover lunches and the conference banquet. LAC basic registration: FREE (no lunches and no banquet included). LAC full registration: registration fee to cover lunches and the conference banquet. JIM + LAC pass: registration fee to covert lunches throughout the whole week and the conference banquet. Both JIM and LAC will be live streamed for free (no need to register for that). Note to LAC's \"purists:\" LAC 2025 will take place during the summer break on a large campus: this means that there won't be that many options for buying food near the conference venue. This is why we're offering you the possibility to pay a fee to have all your lunches covered and to give you access to the conference banquet.","title":"Home"},{"location":"#jimlac-2025-june-23-28-2025-lyon-fr","text":"","title":"JIMLAC 2025 - June 23-28, 2025 - Lyon (FR)"},{"location":"#journees-de-linformatique-musicale-jim-23-25-juin-2025-linux-audio-conference-lac-june-26-28-2025","text":"In 2025, the Journ\u00e9es de l'Informatique Musicale and Linux Audio Conference join forces and will take place in Lyon (France) under the hospices of Inria , GRAME-CNCM , INSA Lyon , and AFIM as two successive events with shared ressources! You should expect many concerts, cool talks, fun social events, and great food! The calls for papers/music will be published by the beginning of September 2024 on this website: stay tuned!","title":">> Journ\u00e9es de l'Informatique Musicale (JIM): 23-25 juin 2025 >> Linux Audio Conference (LAC): June 26-28, 2025"},{"location":"#how-will-it-work","text":"All you need to know about the Journ\u00e9es de l'Informatique Musicale 2025 can be found on the JIM page of the website (in French) . All you need to know about the Linux Audio Conference 2025 can be found on the LAC page of the website . JIM 2025 and LAC 2025 remain two independent events with their own call for works, proceedings, committees, rules, etc. but they will be hosted in the same venues, will share some social events as well as the same registration system. The scientific portion of both conferences will take place at the Marie Curie Library of INSA Lyon: https://maps.app.goo.gl/RZj75WC7PqSbj5bDA The artistic portion of both conference will take place at the Th\u00e9\u00e2tre Astr\u00e9e of Lyon 1 University: https://maps.app.goo.gl/w6fFaHR4NSP6rXXo6 JIM concerts will take place on June 23 and 24. LAC concerts will take place on June 26 and 27 with potentially a \"special\" live coding concert on the 28th. JIM and LAC will have a joint banquet on June 25th which will serve both as a closing event for the JIM and a welcoming event for LAC. At this stage, we envision the following registration options (this might be subject to changes): JIM registration: registration fee to cover lunches and the conference banquet. LAC basic registration: FREE (no lunches and no banquet included). LAC full registration: registration fee to cover lunches and the conference banquet. JIM + LAC pass: registration fee to covert lunches throughout the whole week and the conference banquet. Both JIM and LAC will be live streamed for free (no need to register for that). Note to LAC's \"purists:\" LAC 2025 will take place during the summer break on a large campus: this means that there won't be that many options for buying food near the conference venue. This is why we're offering you the possibility to pay a fee to have all your lunches covered and to give you access to the conference banquet.","title":"How Will It Work?"},{"location":"jim/","text":"Journ\u00e9e de l'Informatique Musicale 2025 Chaque ann\u00e9e, les Journ\u00e9es d'Informatique Musicale r\u00e9unissent des chercheurs, d\u00e9veloppeurs et diff\u00e9rents acteurs de la vie musicale utilisant l'informatique comme outil de diffusion, de cr\u00e9ation, d'interpr\u00e9tation ou de p\u00e9dagogie. Les JIM sont pilot\u00e9es par l'Association Francophone d'Informatique Musicale (AFIM) et sont soutenues par la Direction G\u00e9n\u00e9rale de la Cr\u00e9ation Artistique du minist\u00e8re fran\u00e7ais de la Culture. Cette \u00e9dition, du 23 au 25 juin 2025, se d\u00e9roulera \u00e0 l' INSA de Lyon sous l'\u00e9gide de l' Inria et de GRAME - Centre National de Cr\u00e9ation Musicale . Calendrier 24 mars 2025: Limite de soumission des articles 18 avril 2025: Limite de soumission des appr\u00e9ciations par le comit\u00e9 scientifique 25 avril 2025: Notification de l'acceptation 23 mai 2025: Limite de soumission des versions finales Appel \u00e0 contributions Th\u00e9matiques 2025 En plus des th\u00e9matiques reconduites, cette \u00e9dition mettra l'accent sur les th\u00e9matiques suivantes : Informatique musicale et frugalit\u00e9 L'informatique musicale frugale consiste \u00e0 concevoir et utiliser des outils num\u00e9riques pour la cr\u00e9ation musicale de mani\u00e8re \u00e9conome en ressources, r\u00e9duisant ainsi l'empreinte \u00e9cologique des technologies musicales. Elle favorise l\u2019utilisation de logiciels l\u00e9gers, l'adoption de solutions open source, de mat\u00e9riel durable, la r\u00e9utilisation d'objets existants, et l'optimisation des performances pour \u00e9viter la surconsommation \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique, tout en minimisant \"l\u2019effet rebond\", lorsque les gains en efficacit\u00e9 peuvent entra\u00eener une augmentation de l\u2019utilisation. Les JIMs 2025 invitent la communaut\u00e9 \u00e0 s\u2019emparer de cette th\u00e9matique qui \u00e9merge de mani\u00e8re plus large autour de l'impact du num\u00e9rique dans la soci\u00e9t\u00e9, et sollicitent des contributions dans ce domaine. Syst\u00e8mes embarqu\u00e9s et informatique musicale Les syst\u00e8mes embarqu\u00e9s jouent maintenant un r\u00f4le pr\u00e9pond\u00e9rant dans les diff\u00e9rents domaines li\u00e9s \u00e0 l'informatique musicale. On les retrouve dans des interfaces de contr\u00f4le, dans des instruments de musique num\u00e9riques pour effectuer des t\u00e2ches de traitement du signal, dans des modules de synth\u00e8ses sonores, etc. Les JIMs 2025 mettront l'accent sur ces technologies et invitent de nouvelles contributions dans ce domaine. IA, co-cr\u00e9ativit\u00e9 et informatique musicale La pr\u00e9sence croissante des syst\u00e8mes inform\u00e9s dans les pratiques de cr\u00e9ation sonore soul\u00e8ve des questions traversant de nombreuses th\u00e9matiques habituelles des JIM. L'IA ouvre des espaces d'exploration musicaux et technologiques que cette \u00e9dition souhaite mettre en avant. Les JIMs 2025 invitent \u00e0 r\u00e9fl\u00e9chir \u00e0 ces technologies dans toute leur diversit\u00e9, et \u00e0 proposer des contributions explorant leurs usages, implications et potentialit\u00e9s pour l\u2019informatique musicale. Th\u00e9matiques Reconduites Syst\u00e8mes informatiques Syst\u00e8mes et protocoles temps r\u00e9el pour l'informatique musicale Logiciels libres pour l'analyse, la synth\u00e8se, le traitement des sons et la cr\u00e9ation musicale Nouvelles strat\u00e9gies pour la sonification de donn\u00e9es Langages de programmation pour la synth\u00e8se et le traitement du son Traitement du signal Algorithmes pour la synth\u00e8se et le traitement du son Dispositifs mat\u00e9riels pour le traitement du son Algorithmes et interfaces pour la spatialisation sonore Cr\u00e9ation assist\u00e9e par ordinateur Environnements et langages d'aide \u00e0 la composition musicale Orchestration assist\u00e9e par ordinateur Syst\u00e8mes pour la cr\u00e9ation musicale, de la microstructure \u00e0 la macroforme Syst\u00e8mes de composition et d'arrangement automatiques Outils informatiques pour la spatialisation et diffusion sonore Interpr\u00e9tation, arts performatifs et technologie Interfaces logicielles et mat\u00e9rielles pour l'interpr\u00e9tation et l'ex\u00e9cution musicale Dispositifs mat\u00e9riels et logiciels pour pi\u00e8ces interactives Mod\u00e9lisation et simulation de l'interpr\u00e9tation musicale Captation et extension num\u00e9rique du geste instrumental Geste, virtuosit\u00e9 et nouveaux m\u00e9dias Nouvelles interfaces, nouveaux modes de jeu Notation musicale Logiciels de reconnaissance optique de partitions Syst\u00e8mes pour l'\u00e9dition et la publication musicale Notation et visualisation de la musique Partitions interactives Aspects historiques et pr\u00e9servation Histoire et aspects sociologiques de l'informatique musicale D\u00e9finition/red\u00e9finition du r\u00f4le du r\u00e9alisateur en informatique musicale (RIM) Normalisation, archivage et transmission de l'information musicale Portage et recr\u00e9ation d'\u0153uvres mixtes et interactives Pr\u00e9servation des \u0153uvres utilisant les technologies num\u00e9riques Rapports d'activit\u00e9s de centres de recherche musicale Musicologie computationnelle Formalisation et repr\u00e9sentation des structures musicales Approches computationnelles de l'analyse musicale Formalisation et mod\u00e9lisation des connaissances musicales Mod\u00e9lisation et simulation de la perception sonore et musicale Outils d'aide \u00e0 l'analyse musicale Syst\u00e8mes d'analyse et de traitement du signal acoustique Reconnaissance et extraction automatique des param\u00e8tres musicaux Analyse et repr\u00e9sentation du geste instrumental D\u00e9tails de la candidature : Les articles peuvent \u00eatre \u00e9crits en fran\u00e7ais ou en anglais, entre 4 et 10 pages. Pour les articles en anglais, un r\u00e9sum\u00e9 en fran\u00e7ais est obligatoire. Les communications donneront lieu \u00e0 des pr\u00e9sentations orales. Les articles seront soumis au format PDF. La mise en page devra \u00eatre r\u00e9alis\u00e9e \u00e0 partir des mod\u00e8les Word ou LaTeX disponibles aux liens suivants : LaTeX template Word template Les articles seront d\u00e9pos\u00e9s en ligne sur la plateforme de soumission des JIM 2025: https://jim25.sciencesconf.org/ Prix \u00ab Jeune Chercheuse / Jeune Chercheur \u00bb : Des propositions de jeunes chercheurs/chercheuses (doctorants, jeunes docteurs et chercheurs ind\u00e9pendants) sont particuli\u00e8rement bienvenues. Un Prix AFIM \u00ab Jeune Chercheuse / Jeune Chercheur \u00bb sera attribu\u00e9 au meilleur article pr\u00e9sent\u00e9 par une jeune chercheuse ou un jeune chercheur pour l\u2019encourager dans ses recherches. Commit\u00e9s Comit\u00e9 d'organisation Nom Role Romain MICHON General Chair Paul GOUTMANN Paper Chair St\u00e9phane LETZ Music Chair Autres membres du comit\u00e9 d'organisation : Jean-Cyrille BURDET // Pierre COCHARD // Yann ORLAREY // Tanguy RISSET Comit\u00e9 de pilotage des JIM Daniel ARFIB // G\u00e9rard ASSAYAG // Alain BONARDI // Marc CHEMILLER // Myriam DESAINTE-CATHERINE // Dominique FOBER // Mikhail MALT // Yann ORLAREY // Fran\u00e7ois PACHET // Laurent POTTIER // Julien RABIN // Jean-Michel RACZINSKI // Anne SEDES Editions ant\u00e9rieures JIM 2023 : https://jim2023.sciencesconf.org/ JIM 2022 : https://smc22.grame.fr/program.html#JIM JIM 2021 : https://jim2021.sciencesconf.org/ JIM 2020 : https://jim2020.sciencesconf.org/ JIM 2019 : https://jim2019.sciencesconf.org/ JIM 2018 : http://www.algomus.fr/jim2018/ JIM 2017 : https://jim2017.sciencesconf.org/ JIM 2016 : http://jim2016.gmea.net/ JIM 2015 : http://jim2015.oicrm.org/ JIM 2014 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim2014/index.html JIM 2013 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/JIM2013/ JIM 2012 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim12/ JIM 2011 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim11/ JIM 2010 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim10/index.php/jims/jim10/ JIM 2009 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim09/index.php/descrip/conf.html JIM 2008 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim08/content/ JIM 2007 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim2007/ JIM 2006 : http://smc.afim-asso.org/smc06/ JIM 2005 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim2005/ JIM 2004 : http://smc.afim-asso.org/smc04/ JIM 2003 : http://jim2003.agglo-montbeliard.fr/ JIM 2002 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim2002/ JIM 2001 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim2001/ JIM 2000 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim2000/ JIM 1999 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim99/ JIM 1998 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim98/JIM98.html JIM 1997 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim97/ JIM 1996 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim96/ JIM 1995 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim95/ JIM 1994 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim94/ Frais d'inscription et informations pratiques Les informations concernant les frais d'inscription et comment se rendre \u00e0 la conf\u00e9rence sont partag\u00e9es entre les JIM et LAC et peuvent \u00eatre respectivement trouv\u00e9es dans les onglets Register et Travel du ce site.","title":"JIM"},{"location":"jim/#journee-de-linformatique-musicale-2025","text":"Chaque ann\u00e9e, les Journ\u00e9es d'Informatique Musicale r\u00e9unissent des chercheurs, d\u00e9veloppeurs et diff\u00e9rents acteurs de la vie musicale utilisant l'informatique comme outil de diffusion, de cr\u00e9ation, d'interpr\u00e9tation ou de p\u00e9dagogie. Les JIM sont pilot\u00e9es par l'Association Francophone d'Informatique Musicale (AFIM) et sont soutenues par la Direction G\u00e9n\u00e9rale de la Cr\u00e9ation Artistique du minist\u00e8re fran\u00e7ais de la Culture. Cette \u00e9dition, du 23 au 25 juin 2025, se d\u00e9roulera \u00e0 l' INSA de Lyon sous l'\u00e9gide de l' Inria et de GRAME - Centre National de Cr\u00e9ation Musicale .","title":"Journ\u00e9e de l'Informatique Musicale 2025"},{"location":"jim/#calendrier","text":"24 mars 2025: Limite de soumission des articles 18 avril 2025: Limite de soumission des appr\u00e9ciations par le comit\u00e9 scientifique 25 avril 2025: Notification de l'acceptation 23 mai 2025: Limite de soumission des versions finales","title":"Calendrier"},{"location":"jim/#appel-a-contributions","text":"","title":"Appel \u00e0 contributions"},{"location":"jim/#thematiques-2025","text":"En plus des th\u00e9matiques reconduites, cette \u00e9dition mettra l'accent sur les th\u00e9matiques suivantes :","title":"Th\u00e9matiques 2025"},{"location":"jim/#informatique-musicale-et-frugalite","text":"L'informatique musicale frugale consiste \u00e0 concevoir et utiliser des outils num\u00e9riques pour la cr\u00e9ation musicale de mani\u00e8re \u00e9conome en ressources, r\u00e9duisant ainsi l'empreinte \u00e9cologique des technologies musicales. Elle favorise l\u2019utilisation de logiciels l\u00e9gers, l'adoption de solutions open source, de mat\u00e9riel durable, la r\u00e9utilisation d'objets existants, et l'optimisation des performances pour \u00e9viter la surconsommation \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique, tout en minimisant \"l\u2019effet rebond\", lorsque les gains en efficacit\u00e9 peuvent entra\u00eener une augmentation de l\u2019utilisation. Les JIMs 2025 invitent la communaut\u00e9 \u00e0 s\u2019emparer de cette th\u00e9matique qui \u00e9merge de mani\u00e8re plus large autour de l'impact du num\u00e9rique dans la soci\u00e9t\u00e9, et sollicitent des contributions dans ce domaine.","title":"Informatique musicale et frugalit\u00e9"},{"location":"jim/#systemes-embarques-et-informatique-musicale","text":"Les syst\u00e8mes embarqu\u00e9s jouent maintenant un r\u00f4le pr\u00e9pond\u00e9rant dans les diff\u00e9rents domaines li\u00e9s \u00e0 l'informatique musicale. On les retrouve dans des interfaces de contr\u00f4le, dans des instruments de musique num\u00e9riques pour effectuer des t\u00e2ches de traitement du signal, dans des modules de synth\u00e8ses sonores, etc. Les JIMs 2025 mettront l'accent sur ces technologies et invitent de nouvelles contributions dans ce domaine.","title":"Syst\u00e8mes embarqu\u00e9s et informatique musicale"},{"location":"jim/#ia-co-creativite-et-informatique-musicale","text":"La pr\u00e9sence croissante des syst\u00e8mes inform\u00e9s dans les pratiques de cr\u00e9ation sonore soul\u00e8ve des questions traversant de nombreuses th\u00e9matiques habituelles des JIM. L'IA ouvre des espaces d'exploration musicaux et technologiques que cette \u00e9dition souhaite mettre en avant. Les JIMs 2025 invitent \u00e0 r\u00e9fl\u00e9chir \u00e0 ces technologies dans toute leur diversit\u00e9, et \u00e0 proposer des contributions explorant leurs usages, implications et potentialit\u00e9s pour l\u2019informatique musicale.","title":"IA, co-cr\u00e9ativit\u00e9 et informatique musicale"},{"location":"jim/#thematiques-reconduites","text":"Syst\u00e8mes informatiques Syst\u00e8mes et protocoles temps r\u00e9el pour l'informatique musicale Logiciels libres pour l'analyse, la synth\u00e8se, le traitement des sons et la cr\u00e9ation musicale Nouvelles strat\u00e9gies pour la sonification de donn\u00e9es Langages de programmation pour la synth\u00e8se et le traitement du son Traitement du signal Algorithmes pour la synth\u00e8se et le traitement du son Dispositifs mat\u00e9riels pour le traitement du son Algorithmes et interfaces pour la spatialisation sonore Cr\u00e9ation assist\u00e9e par ordinateur Environnements et langages d'aide \u00e0 la composition musicale Orchestration assist\u00e9e par ordinateur Syst\u00e8mes pour la cr\u00e9ation musicale, de la microstructure \u00e0 la macroforme Syst\u00e8mes de composition et d'arrangement automatiques Outils informatiques pour la spatialisation et diffusion sonore Interpr\u00e9tation, arts performatifs et technologie Interfaces logicielles et mat\u00e9rielles pour l'interpr\u00e9tation et l'ex\u00e9cution musicale Dispositifs mat\u00e9riels et logiciels pour pi\u00e8ces interactives Mod\u00e9lisation et simulation de l'interpr\u00e9tation musicale Captation et extension num\u00e9rique du geste instrumental Geste, virtuosit\u00e9 et nouveaux m\u00e9dias Nouvelles interfaces, nouveaux modes de jeu Notation musicale Logiciels de reconnaissance optique de partitions Syst\u00e8mes pour l'\u00e9dition et la publication musicale Notation et visualisation de la musique Partitions interactives Aspects historiques et pr\u00e9servation Histoire et aspects sociologiques de l'informatique musicale D\u00e9finition/red\u00e9finition du r\u00f4le du r\u00e9alisateur en informatique musicale (RIM) Normalisation, archivage et transmission de l'information musicale Portage et recr\u00e9ation d'\u0153uvres mixtes et interactives Pr\u00e9servation des \u0153uvres utilisant les technologies num\u00e9riques Rapports d'activit\u00e9s de centres de recherche musicale Musicologie computationnelle Formalisation et repr\u00e9sentation des structures musicales Approches computationnelles de l'analyse musicale Formalisation et mod\u00e9lisation des connaissances musicales Mod\u00e9lisation et simulation de la perception sonore et musicale Outils d'aide \u00e0 l'analyse musicale Syst\u00e8mes d'analyse et de traitement du signal acoustique Reconnaissance et extraction automatique des param\u00e8tres musicaux Analyse et repr\u00e9sentation du geste instrumental","title":"Th\u00e9matiques Reconduites"},{"location":"jim/#details-de-la-candidature","text":"Les articles peuvent \u00eatre \u00e9crits en fran\u00e7ais ou en anglais, entre 4 et 10 pages. Pour les articles en anglais, un r\u00e9sum\u00e9 en fran\u00e7ais est obligatoire. Les communications donneront lieu \u00e0 des pr\u00e9sentations orales. Les articles seront soumis au format PDF. La mise en page devra \u00eatre r\u00e9alis\u00e9e \u00e0 partir des mod\u00e8les Word ou LaTeX disponibles aux liens suivants : LaTeX template Word template Les articles seront d\u00e9pos\u00e9s en ligne sur la plateforme de soumission des JIM 2025: https://jim25.sciencesconf.org/","title":"D\u00e9tails de la candidature :"},{"location":"jim/#prix-jeune-chercheuse-jeune-chercheur","text":"Des propositions de jeunes chercheurs/chercheuses (doctorants, jeunes docteurs et chercheurs ind\u00e9pendants) sont particuli\u00e8rement bienvenues. Un Prix AFIM \u00ab Jeune Chercheuse / Jeune Chercheur \u00bb sera attribu\u00e9 au meilleur article pr\u00e9sent\u00e9 par une jeune chercheuse ou un jeune chercheur pour l\u2019encourager dans ses recherches.","title":"Prix \u00ab Jeune Chercheuse / Jeune Chercheur \u00bb :"},{"location":"jim/#commites","text":"","title":"Commit\u00e9s"},{"location":"jim/#comite-dorganisation","text":"Nom Role Romain MICHON General Chair Paul GOUTMANN Paper Chair St\u00e9phane LETZ Music Chair Autres membres du comit\u00e9 d'organisation : Jean-Cyrille BURDET // Pierre COCHARD // Yann ORLAREY // Tanguy RISSET","title":"Comit\u00e9 d'organisation"},{"location":"jim/#comite-de-pilotage-des-jim","text":"Daniel ARFIB // G\u00e9rard ASSAYAG // Alain BONARDI // Marc CHEMILLER // Myriam DESAINTE-CATHERINE // Dominique FOBER // Mikhail MALT // Yann ORLAREY // Fran\u00e7ois PACHET // Laurent POTTIER // Julien RABIN // Jean-Michel RACZINSKI // Anne SEDES","title":"Comit\u00e9 de pilotage des JIM"},{"location":"jim/#editions-anterieures","text":"JIM 2023 : https://jim2023.sciencesconf.org/ JIM 2022 : https://smc22.grame.fr/program.html#JIM JIM 2021 : https://jim2021.sciencesconf.org/ JIM 2020 : https://jim2020.sciencesconf.org/ JIM 2019 : https://jim2019.sciencesconf.org/ JIM 2018 : http://www.algomus.fr/jim2018/ JIM 2017 : https://jim2017.sciencesconf.org/ JIM 2016 : http://jim2016.gmea.net/ JIM 2015 : http://jim2015.oicrm.org/ JIM 2014 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim2014/index.html JIM 2013 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/JIM2013/ JIM 2012 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim12/ JIM 2011 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim11/ JIM 2010 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim10/index.php/jims/jim10/ JIM 2009 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim09/index.php/descrip/conf.html JIM 2008 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim08/content/ JIM 2007 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim2007/ JIM 2006 : http://smc.afim-asso.org/smc06/ JIM 2005 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim2005/ JIM 2004 : http://smc.afim-asso.org/smc04/ JIM 2003 : http://jim2003.agglo-montbeliard.fr/ JIM 2002 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim2002/ JIM 2001 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim2001/ JIM 2000 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim2000/ JIM 1999 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim99/ JIM 1998 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim98/JIM98.html JIM 1997 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim97/ JIM 1996 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim96/ JIM 1995 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim95/ JIM 1994 : http://jim.afim-asso.org/jim94/","title":"Editions ant\u00e9rieures"},{"location":"jim/#frais-dinscription-et-informations-pratiques","text":"Les informations concernant les frais d'inscription et comment se rendre \u00e0 la conf\u00e9rence sont partag\u00e9es entre les JIM et LAC et peuvent \u00eatre respectivement trouv\u00e9es dans les onglets Register et Travel du ce site.","title":"Frais d'inscription et informations pratiques"},{"location":"lac/","text":"Linux Audio Conference 2025 LAC is the international conference about Free/Open-Source Software for music, sound, and other media with GNU/Linux as the main platform. In 2025, it will be held at INSA Lyon (France) under the hospices of Inria , GRAME-CNCM , INSA Lyon , and AFIM on June 26-28. Important Dates March 24, 2025: Paper submission deadline April 18, 2025: Review deadline April 25, 2025: Notification of acceptance May 23, 2025: Camera-Ready version deadline Call for Papers / Presentations / Demos / Workshops LAC 2025 invites submissions of papers, presentations, and workshops addressing all areas of audio processing based on Linux and open source software. All submissions and presentations are in English. Submissions can focus on technical, artistic, and/or scientific issues and target developers and/or users. This includes (but is not limited to) the following categories: Audio and Music Languages Audio and AI Audio Hardware Support Audio Plugins Drivers, System and Sound Architecture Education and E-Learning Games Interactive Art Interface Design Live Coding Live Performance Media Art MIDI, OSC... Mobile Audio Music Composition Music Production Networked Audio Physical Computing Projects Realized using Linux Audio Realtime Kernel and Linux Distributions Signal Processing and Sound Synthesis Sound Spatialization Standards and Protocols Video Etc. Full Papers Full papers must be written and presented in English. The length of papers is 4 to 8 pages, with up to 5 keywords, including an abstract of up to 200 words. The abstract will be published on the conference website once the paper has been accepted. Full papers will be available on the website during the conference, and after in the proceedings (which will be published with an ISBN number). All papers are peer reviewed by a committee of experts from different disciplines. Reviewers may suggest improvements to the author(s), require changes in order to accept the submission, or reject it. Full papers will be presented during the conference as in-person oral presentations. Presentations Without an Associated Paper LAC 2025 welcomes oral presentations not associated to a peer-reviewed paper published in the conference proceedings. Such presentations are selected by the scientific committee, based on a abstract up to 500 words, with up to 5 keywords. No full paper is required in this category . The abstract will be available on the website during and after the conference. Presentations in this category have the same format as full paper presentations and will hence be presented during the conference as in-person oral presentations. Demos Demos are informal project (e.g., plug-in, software, interface, idea, etc.) presentations that will be carried out between the papers presentation sessions. Workshops Workshop presentations (max duration of 2h) should be 1-4 pages, with up to 5 keywords, including an abstract of up to 150 words to be published on the conference website. Make sure that your proposal indicates if participants are expected to have a specific level, if there are prerequisites, if you'd like to limit the number of participants, if you have specific technical requirements, etc. How to Submit Papers / Posters / Workshops? All the submission should be carried out through this portal: https://lac25.sciencesconf.org/ Choose the relevant submission type. The required file format is PDF. For the full paper category, authors must use the provided template for paper formatting (see below). Please let us know if you need a special technical setup for your presentation. Templates We provide only the following LaTeX template (sorry MS-Word users...): template . Call for Music We invite submissions of electronic, electroacoustic and mixed music as well as interactive art installations with an emphasis on open source software. A jury will select the compositions and performances to be included in the LAC 2025 conference program according to artistic merit and technical feasibility. Applicants should expect to perform their work themselves and have all resources needed to perform the piece if selected (e.g., instruments, props, other performers, etc.). Concert Venues The LAC 2025 musical program will consist of three concerts, two of which will take place at Le Th\u00e9\u00e2tre Astr\u00e9e ( https://theatre-astree.univ-lyon1.fr/qui-sommes-nous/ ), a concert hall equipped with an 8.4 sound system. For this venue, we are particularly interested in electronic / computer music pieces that will leverage the multichannel set up. The third concert will take place at Le Sucre ( https://le-sucre.eu/le-lieu/ ), an event that will host live coding sets and other performances devised for a night club setting with stereo diffusion. How to Submit Music Use the LAC 2025 Online Submission Tool The required file format is PDF, formatted for A4 paper size. Submissions should include: (i) description of piece and set-up, (ii) program notes, (iii) links to samples of work: .wav files, videos, etc., and (iv) a technical rider. Committees Organizing Committee Nom Role Romain MICHON General Chair Pierre LECOMTE Paper Chair John GRANZOW Music Chair St\u00e9phane LETZ Technical Chair Autres membres du comit\u00e9 d'organisation : Jean-Cyrille BURDET // Pierre COCHARD // Yann ORLAREY // Tanguy RISSET Past Editions Past editions of LAC are listed on the Linux Audio website: https://linuxaudio.org/lac.html . Registration and Practical Information Registration and travel information are shared between JIM and LAC and can be respectively found in the Register and Travel tabs of this webiste. Diversity Statement The Linux Audio Conference welcomes and encourages participation by everyone. We want to foster a variety of perspectives, and our goal is to create an inclusive, respectful conference environment that invites participation from people of all races, ethnicities, genders, ages, abilities, religions, and sexual orientation. LAC is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any conference venue, including talks. Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference at the discretion of the conference organizers.","title":"LAC"},{"location":"lac/#linux-audio-conference-2025","text":"LAC is the international conference about Free/Open-Source Software for music, sound, and other media with GNU/Linux as the main platform. In 2025, it will be held at INSA Lyon (France) under the hospices of Inria , GRAME-CNCM , INSA Lyon , and AFIM on June 26-28.","title":"Linux Audio Conference 2025"},{"location":"lac/#important-dates","text":"March 24, 2025: Paper submission deadline April 18, 2025: Review deadline April 25, 2025: Notification of acceptance May 23, 2025: Camera-Ready version deadline","title":"Important Dates"},{"location":"lac/#call-for-papers-presentations-demos-workshops","text":"LAC 2025 invites submissions of papers, presentations, and workshops addressing all areas of audio processing based on Linux and open source software. All submissions and presentations are in English. Submissions can focus on technical, artistic, and/or scientific issues and target developers and/or users. This includes (but is not limited to) the following categories: Audio and Music Languages Audio and AI Audio Hardware Support Audio Plugins Drivers, System and Sound Architecture Education and E-Learning Games Interactive Art Interface Design Live Coding Live Performance Media Art MIDI, OSC... Mobile Audio Music Composition Music Production Networked Audio Physical Computing Projects Realized using Linux Audio Realtime Kernel and Linux Distributions Signal Processing and Sound Synthesis Sound Spatialization Standards and Protocols Video Etc.","title":"Call for Papers / Presentations / Demos / Workshops"},{"location":"lac/#full-papers","text":"Full papers must be written and presented in English. The length of papers is 4 to 8 pages, with up to 5 keywords, including an abstract of up to 200 words. The abstract will be published on the conference website once the paper has been accepted. Full papers will be available on the website during the conference, and after in the proceedings (which will be published with an ISBN number). All papers are peer reviewed by a committee of experts from different disciplines. Reviewers may suggest improvements to the author(s), require changes in order to accept the submission, or reject it. Full papers will be presented during the conference as in-person oral presentations.","title":"Full Papers"},{"location":"lac/#presentations-without-an-associated-paper","text":"LAC 2025 welcomes oral presentations not associated to a peer-reviewed paper published in the conference proceedings. Such presentations are selected by the scientific committee, based on a abstract up to 500 words, with up to 5 keywords. No full paper is required in this category . The abstract will be available on the website during and after the conference. Presentations in this category have the same format as full paper presentations and will hence be presented during the conference as in-person oral presentations.","title":"Presentations Without an Associated Paper"},{"location":"lac/#demos","text":"Demos are informal project (e.g., plug-in, software, interface, idea, etc.) presentations that will be carried out between the papers presentation sessions.","title":"Demos"},{"location":"lac/#workshops","text":"Workshop presentations (max duration of 2h) should be 1-4 pages, with up to 5 keywords, including an abstract of up to 150 words to be published on the conference website. Make sure that your proposal indicates if participants are expected to have a specific level, if there are prerequisites, if you'd like to limit the number of participants, if you have specific technical requirements, etc.","title":"Workshops"},{"location":"lac/#how-to-submit-papers-posters-workshops","text":"All the submission should be carried out through this portal: https://lac25.sciencesconf.org/ Choose the relevant submission type. The required file format is PDF. For the full paper category, authors must use the provided template for paper formatting (see below). Please let us know if you need a special technical setup for your presentation.","title":"How to Submit Papers / Posters / Workshops?"},{"location":"lac/#templates","text":"We provide only the following LaTeX template (sorry MS-Word users...): template .","title":"Templates"},{"location":"lac/#call-for-music","text":"We invite submissions of electronic, electroacoustic and mixed music as well as interactive art installations with an emphasis on open source software. A jury will select the compositions and performances to be included in the LAC 2025 conference program according to artistic merit and technical feasibility. Applicants should expect to perform their work themselves and have all resources needed to perform the piece if selected (e.g., instruments, props, other performers, etc.).","title":"Call for Music"},{"location":"lac/#concert-venues","text":"The LAC 2025 musical program will consist of three concerts, two of which will take place at Le Th\u00e9\u00e2tre Astr\u00e9e ( https://theatre-astree.univ-lyon1.fr/qui-sommes-nous/ ), a concert hall equipped with an 8.4 sound system. For this venue, we are particularly interested in electronic / computer music pieces that will leverage the multichannel set up. The third concert will take place at Le Sucre ( https://le-sucre.eu/le-lieu/ ), an event that will host live coding sets and other performances devised for a night club setting with stereo diffusion.","title":"Concert Venues"},{"location":"lac/#how-to-submit-music","text":"Use the LAC 2025 Online Submission Tool The required file format is PDF, formatted for A4 paper size. Submissions should include: (i) description of piece and set-up, (ii) program notes, (iii) links to samples of work: .wav files, videos, etc., and (iv) a technical rider.","title":"How to Submit Music"},{"location":"lac/#committees","text":"","title":"Committees"},{"location":"lac/#organizing-committee","text":"Nom Role Romain MICHON General Chair Pierre LECOMTE Paper Chair John GRANZOW Music Chair St\u00e9phane LETZ Technical Chair Autres membres du comit\u00e9 d'organisation : Jean-Cyrille BURDET // Pierre COCHARD // Yann ORLAREY // Tanguy RISSET","title":"Organizing Committee"},{"location":"lac/#past-editions","text":"Past editions of LAC are listed on the Linux Audio website: https://linuxaudio.org/lac.html .","title":"Past Editions"},{"location":"lac/#registration-and-practical-information","text":"Registration and travel information are shared between JIM and LAC and can be respectively found in the Register and Travel tabs of this webiste.","title":"Registration and Practical Information"},{"location":"lac/#diversity-statement","text":"The Linux Audio Conference welcomes and encourages participation by everyone. We want to foster a variety of perspectives, and our goal is to create an inclusive, respectful conference environment that invites participation from people of all races, ethnicities, genders, ages, abilities, religions, and sexual orientation. LAC is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any conference venue, including talks. Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference at the discretion of the conference organizers.","title":"Diversity Statement"},{"location":"register/","text":"Register to JIMLAC 2025 At this stage, we envision the following registration options (this might be subject to changes): JIM registration: registration fee to cover lunches and the conference banquet. LAC basic registration: FREE (no lunches and no banquet included). LAC full registration: registration fee to cover lunches and the conference banquet. JIM + LAC pass: registration fee to cover lunches throughout the whole week and the conference banquet. Both JIM and LAC will be live streamed for free (no need to register for that). Full registration information will be posted at the end of the Winter of 2025.","title":"Register"},{"location":"register/#register-to-jimlac-2025","text":"At this stage, we envision the following registration options (this might be subject to changes): JIM registration: registration fee to cover lunches and the conference banquet. LAC basic registration: FREE (no lunches and no banquet included). LAC full registration: registration fee to cover lunches and the conference banquet. JIM + LAC pass: registration fee to cover lunches throughout the whole week and the conference banquet. Both JIM and LAC will be live streamed for free (no need to register for that). Full registration information will be posted at the end of the Winter of 2025.","title":"Register to JIMLAC 2025"},{"location":"travel/","text":"Travel Information JIM 2025 (June 23-25, 2025) and LAC 2025 (June 26-28, 2025) will both take place on the INSA Lyon campus: https://maps.app.goo.gl/QJBC7eCs5i76pdiL9 . Additional travel information will be posted when the registration portal will open, towards the end of Winter 2025. Lyon is not that big though and public transportations work well: you can get a place anywhere in the city for these events.","title":"Travel"},{"location":"travel/#travel-information","text":"JIM 2025 (June 23-25, 2025) and LAC 2025 (June 26-28, 2025) will both take place on the INSA Lyon campus: https://maps.app.goo.gl/QJBC7eCs5i76pdiL9 . Additional travel information will be posted when the registration portal will open, towards the end of Winter 2025. Lyon is not that big though and public transportations work well: you can get a place anywhere in the city for these events.","title":"Travel Information"}]} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/sitemap.xml b/docs/sitemap.xml index b4612b6..61d2180 100644 --- a/docs/sitemap.xml +++ b/docs/sitemap.xml @@ -2,27 +2,27 @@ https://jimlac25.inria.fr/ - 2024-09-24 + 2024-09-25 daily https://jimlac25.inria.fr/jim/ - 2024-09-24 + 2024-09-25 daily https://jimlac25.inria.fr/lac/ - 2024-09-24 + 2024-09-25 daily https://jimlac25.inria.fr/register/ - 2024-09-24 + 2024-09-25 daily https://jimlac25.inria.fr/travel/ - 2024-09-24 + 2024-09-25 daily \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/sitemap.xml.gz b/docs/sitemap.xml.gz index b43473b..7106438 100644 Binary files a/docs/sitemap.xml.gz and b/docs/sitemap.xml.gz differ diff --git a/web/docs/lac.md b/web/docs/lac.md index 3fe0fa3..aa8acc9 100644 --- a/web/docs/lac.md +++ b/web/docs/lac.md @@ -73,13 +73,13 @@ All the submission should be carried out through this portal: [https://lac25.sci Choose the relevant submission type. -The required file format is PDF. For the full paper category, authors must use the provided templates for paper formatting (see below). +The required file format is PDF. For the full paper category, authors must use the provided [template](misc/lac25Template.zip) for paper formatting (see below). Please let us know if you need a special technical setup for your presentation. ### Templates -We provide only the following LaTeX template (sorry MS-Word users...): [template](link). +We provide only the following LaTeX template (sorry MS-Word users...): [template](misc/lac25Template.zip). ## Call for Music diff --git a/web/docs/misc/lac25Template.zip b/web/docs/misc/lac25Template.zip new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cd1f1ad Binary files /dev/null and b/web/docs/misc/lac25Template.zip differ diff --git a/web/docs/register.md b/web/docs/register.md index ebd43f3..d0c24ed 100644 --- a/web/docs/register.md +++ b/web/docs/register.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ At this stage, we envision the following registration options (this might be sub * JIM registration: registration fee to cover lunches and the conference banquet. * LAC basic registration: FREE (no lunches and no banquet included). * LAC full registration: registration fee to cover lunches and the conference banquet. -* JIM + LAC pass: registration fee to covert lunches throughout the whole week and the conference banquet. +* JIM + LAC pass: registration fee to cover lunches throughout the whole week and the conference banquet. * Both JIM and LAC will be live streamed for free (no need to register for that). Full registration information will be posted at the end of the Winter of 2025.