- 全路径:
public class SimpleCommandLinePropertySource extends CommandLinePropertySource<CommandLineArgs> {}
- SimpleCommandLinePropertySource 的 source 类型是 CommandLineArgs 具体解释请看下面分析
class CommandLineArgs {
* 选项参数列表
private final Map<String, List<String>> optionArgs = new HashMap<>();
* 非选项参数列表
private final List<String> nonOptionArgs = new ArrayList<>();
添加 选项参数
public void addOptionArg(String optionName, @Nullable String optionValue) {
if (!this.optionArgs.containsKey(optionName)) {
this.optionArgs.put(optionName, new ArrayList<>());
if (optionValue != null) {
- 获取选项参数列表
public Set<String> getOptionNames() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.optionArgs.keySet());
- 其他方法不具体描述了,各位可以查看下面的代码
class CommandLineArgs {
* 选项参数列表
private final Map<String, List<String>> optionArgs = new HashMap<>();
* 非选项参数列表
private final List<String> nonOptionArgs = new ArrayList<>();
* Add an option argument for the given option name and add the given value to the
* list of values associated with this option (of which there may be zero or more).
* The given value may be {@code null}, indicating that the option was specified
* without an associated value (e.g. "--foo" vs. "--foo=bar").
* 添加 选项参数
public void addOptionArg(String optionName, @Nullable String optionValue) {
if (!this.optionArgs.containsKey(optionName)) {
this.optionArgs.put(optionName, new ArrayList<>());
if (optionValue != null) {
* Return the set of all option arguments present on the command line.
* 获取选项参数列表
public Set<String> getOptionNames() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.optionArgs.keySet());
* Return whether the option with the given name was present on the command line.
public boolean containsOption(String optionName) {
return this.optionArgs.containsKey(optionName);
* Return the list of values associated with the given option. {@code null} signifies
* that the option was not present; empty list signifies that no values were associated
* with this option.
public List<String> getOptionValues(String optionName) {
return this.optionArgs.get(optionName);
* Add the given value to the list of non-option arguments.
public void addNonOptionArg(String value) {
* Return the list of non-option arguments specified on the command line.
public List<String> getNonOptionArgs() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.nonOptionArgs);
在了解 CommandLineArgs 类后再来看 SimpleCommandLinePropertySource 会相对容易. 内部的几个方法就是调用 CommandLineArgs 所提供的方法
public String[] getPropertyNames() {
return StringUtils.toStringArray(this.source.getOptionNames());
protected boolean containsOption(String name) {
return this.source.containsOption(name);
protected List<String> getOptionValues(String name) {
return this.source.getOptionValues(name);
protected List<String> getNonOptionArgs() {
return this.source.getNonOptionArgs();