diff --git a/docs/docs/guides/05-monitoring.md b/docs/docs/guides/05-monitoring.md index 472beb1c..f6d4f078 100644 --- a/docs/docs/guides/05-monitoring.md +++ b/docs/docs/guides/05-monitoring.md @@ -93,6 +93,12 @@ helm upgrade --install helm-vk-monitoring-release interlink-monitoring-stack/ -n 5. Deploy (or re-deploy) your Virtual Kubelet stack setting the ```TELEMETRY_ENDPOINT``` Environment Variable to your actual endpoint. If not set, it defaults to ```localhost:4317```. Remember to enable the monitoring by also setting ```ENABLE_TRACING``` to 1. +If you are using an external Tempo instance which is not in the same cluster as the VK and mutual TLS is enabled, you have to set the +```TELEMETRY_CA_CRT_FILEPATH``` that points to the CA certificate file used by Tempo to sign the certificates, +the ```TELEMETRY_CLIENT_KEY_FILEPATH``` that points to the client key file used by the VK to authenticate itself to Tempo and +the ```TELEMETRY_CLIENT_CRT_FILEPATH``` that points to the client certificate file used by the VK to authenticate itself to Tempo. +Finally, if the TLS certificate on Tempo are not verfied by unknown authorities, you can set the ```TELEMETRY_INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY``` +to true. 6. Access Grafana dashboard through the domain you defined in the `values.yaml` file with the credentials you defined in the `values.yaml` file.