Name | Type | Description |
Id | string | The Intrinio ID for the record |
FiscalYear | decimal? | The company’s fiscal year for the reported period |
FiscalQuarter | string | The company’s fiscal quarter for the reported period |
CalendarYear | decimal? | The closest calendar year for the company’s fiscal year |
CalendarQuarter | string | The closest calendar quarter for the company’s fiscal year |
ActualReportedDate | DateTime? | The actual report date for the earnings release |
ActualReportedTime | string | The actual report time for the earnings release |
ActualReportedCode | string | The code cooresponding to the earnings release BTO = BEFORE THE OPEN |
ActualReportedDesc | string | The description for the type of earnings release |
LastRevDate | DateTime? | The last revision date for the analyst estimates |
SalesActual | decimal? | The actual Non-GAAP sales figure released by the company, interpreted by Zacks. |
SalesActualZacksAdj | decimal? | The adjustments Zacks made to get to Non-GAAP sales to reconcile with GAAP sales. |
SalesActualGaap | decimal? | The actual GAAP sales figured released by the company |
SalesMeanEstimate | decimal? | The pre-earnings release mean sales estimate for the company sales_count_estimate; the pre-earnings release number of estimates by analysts |
SalesAmountDiff | decimal? | The sales surprise amount difference |
SalesPercentDiff | decimal? | The sales surprise percent difference |
SalesStdDevEstimate | decimal? | The pre-earnings release standard deviation of sales estimates |
Security | SecuritySummary | The Security of the Zacks Sales Surprise |