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This repository provides materials for a session that is part of the I2DS Tools for Data Science workshop run at the Hertie School, Berlin in November 2021. The student-run workshop is part of the course Introduction to Data Science taught by Simon Munzert at the Hertie School, Berlin, in Fall 2021.

Session contents

This session will guide you through the basic networks concepts and a few examples of visualization. We will start with a short introduction what networks are and what they are used for. Then we will explore some basic terms, including the concepts of nodes, edges, directed and undirected networks, and edge weights. After that, we will introduce a selection of important functions of both packages ggraph and tidygraph which aim to tidy and visualize network data. In the following interactive part we will take a closer look at one network dataset example and its visualization.

Main learning objectives

The workshop is intended to give a first rough impression of network theory. Moreover, you will learn what the packages tidygraph and ggraph can be used for, as well as the most important functions to manipulate data and to visualize your networks.


Further resources


The material in this repository is made available under the MIT license.

Statement of contributions

Johanna Mehler prepared the layout of the presentation using the Xaringan package, as well as the explanations of basic network concepts and possible applications.

Ania Matysiak prepared workflow examples of tidygraph and ggraph and their explanations, as well as practical material for the interactive workshop part.