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CISO Assistant is a one-stop-shop for GRC, covering Risk, AppSec and Compliance/Audit Management and supporting +70 frameworks worldwide with auto-mapping: NIST CSF, ISO 27001, SOC2, CIS, PCI DSS, NIS2, CMMC, PSPF, GDPR, HIPAA, Essential Eight, NYDFS-500, DORA, NIST AI RMF, 800-53, 800-171, CyFun, CJIS, AirCyber, NCSC, ECC, SCF and so much more


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CISO Assistant brings a different take to GRC and Cyber Security Posture Management:

  • by explicitly decoupling compliance from cybersecurity controls implementation
  • has built-in standards, security controls and threats
  • risk assessment and remediation plan follow-up
  • allows to manage a catalog for security controls and threats
  • you can bring your own framework as well using a simple syntax
  • manage audit, evidences collection and report generation

Our vision is to provide a one stop shop for cyber security posture management and cover the layers of GRC (Governance, Risk and Compliance). As practionners interacting with multiple cybersecurity and IT professionals, we have struggled with fragmentation and lack of efficient tooling. We keep improving CISO Assistant with anything that could bring clarity and productivity to cybersecurity teams and reduce the effort of research, audit management and paperwork.

CyberSecurity teams need to use GRC as a foundation to structure their program and implement the right tools and processes to mitigate the risks, and leave the rest to CISO Assistant ๐Ÿ™

The vision of the tool is based on this model:

The full details are available in the data model.

The decoupling allows you to save a considerable amount of time:

  • reuse previous assessments,
  • assess a scope against multiple frameworks at the same time,
  • leave the reporting formatting and sanity check to CISO assistant and focus on your remediations
  • balance controls implementation and compliance follow-up

Quick Start ๐Ÿš€


The easiest way to get started is through the free trial of cloud instance available here.

Alternatively, make sure you have Docker and Docker-compose installed, on your workstation or server, clone the repo and run:



Check out the online documentation on

Supported frameworks ๐Ÿ™

  1. ISO 27001:2022
  2. NIST Cyber Security Framework (CSF) v1.1 ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ
  3. NIST Cyber Security Framework (CSF) v2.0 ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ
  4. NIS2 ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ
  5. SOC2
  6. PCI DSS 4.0
  7. CMMC v2 ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ
  8. PSPF ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ
  9. GDPR checklist from GDPR.EU ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ
  10. Essential Eight ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ
  11. NYDFS 500 with 2023-11 amendments ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ
  12. DORA ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ
  13. NIST AI Risk Management Framework ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ
  14. NIST SP 800-53 rev5 ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ
  15. France LPM/OIV rules ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท
  16. CCB CyberFundamentals Framework ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ช
  17. NIST SP-800-66 (HIPAA) ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ
  18. HDS/HDH ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท
  19. OWASP Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS)
  20. RGS v2.0 ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท

Checkout the library and tools for the Domain Specific Language used and how you can define your own.

Coming soon

  • ANSSI hygiene guide
  • CIS
  • CCM
  • CCPA
  • CRA
  • Tisax
  • AI Act
  • Part-IS
  • SecNumCloud
  • SOX
  • AirCyber
  • and much more: just ask on Discord. If it's an open standard, we'll do it for you, free of charge ๐Ÿ˜‰

Add your own framework

Have a look in the tools directory and its dedicated readme. The script will help you create your library from a simple Excel file. A typical framework can be ingested in a few hours.

You will also find some specific converters in the tools directory (e.g. for CIS or CCM Controls).


Join our open Discord community to interact with the team and other GRC experts.

Testing the cloud version

The fastest and easiest way to get started is through the free trial of cloud instance available here.

Testing locally ๐Ÿš€

To run CISO Assistant locally in a straightforward way, you can use Docker compose.

  1. Update docker

Make sure you have a recent version of docker (>= 25.0).

  1. Clone the repository
git clone
cd ciso-assistant-community
  1. Launch docker-compose script

When asked for, enter your email and password for your superuser.

You can then reach CISO Assistant using your web brower at https://localhost:8443/

For the following executions, use "docker compose up" directly.

If you want to restart a fresh install, simply delete the db directory, where the database is stored.

Setting up CISO Assistant for development


  • Python 3.11+
  • pip 20.3+
  • npm 10.2+

Running the backend

  1. Clone the repository.
git clone
cd ciso-assistant-community
  1. Create a file in the parent folder (e.g. ../myvars) and store your environment variables within it by copying and modifying the following code and replace "<XXX>" by your private values. Take care not to commit this file in your git repo.

Mandatory variables

All variables in the backend have handy default values.

Recommended variables

export DJANGO_DEBUG=True

# Default url is set to http://localhost:5173 but you can change it, e.g. to use https with a caddy proxy
export CISO_ASSISTANT_URL=https://localhost:8443

# Setup a development mailer with Mailhog for example
export EMAIL_HOST=localhost
export EMAIL_PORT=1025

Other variables

# CISO Assistant will use SQLite by default, but you can setup PostgreSQL by declaring these variables
export POSTGRES_NAME=ciso-assistant
export POSTGRES_USER=ciso-assistantuser
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD_FILE=<XXX>  # alternative way to specify password
export DB_HOST=localhost
export DB_PORT=5432  # optional, default value is 5432

# Add a second backup mailer

# You can define the email of the first superuser, useful for automation. A mail is sent to the superuser for password initlization

# By default, Django secret key is generated randomly at each start of CISO Assistant. This is convenient for quick test,
# but not recommended for production, as it can break the sessions (see
# this [topic]( for more information).
# To set a fixed secret key, use the environment variable DJANGO_SECRET_KEY.

# Logging configuration
export LOG_LEVEL=INFO # optional, default value is INFO. Available options: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL
export LOG_FORMAT=plain # optional, default value is plain. Available options: json, plain
  1. Choose the tool of your choice, either python-venv or virtualenv. For example:
# Install python-venv
sudo apt install python-venv # or python3-venv
# Create the virtual environment venv
python -m venv venv # or python3 -m venv venv
# To enter inside the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
# If you want to exit the virtual environment once finished
  1. Install required dependencies.
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. If you want to setup Postgres:
  • Launch one of these commands to enter in Postgres:
    • psql as superadmin
    • sudo su postgres
    • psql
  • Create the database "ciso-assistant"
    • create database ciso-assistant;
  • Create user "ciso-assistantuser" and grant it access
    • create user ciso-assistantuser with password '<POSTGRES_PASSWORD>';
    • grant all privileges on database ciso-assistant to ciso-assistantuser;
  1. Apply migrations.
python migrate
  1. Create a Django superuser, that will be CISO Assistant administrator.

If you have set a mailer and CISO_SUPERUSER_EMAIL variable, there's no need to create a Django superuser with createsuperuser, as it will be created automatically on first start. You should receive an email with a link to setup your password.

python createsuperuser
  1. Run development server.
python runserver
  1. Configure the git hooks for generating the build name.
cd .git/hooks
ln -fs ../../git_hooks/post-commit .
ln -fs ../../git_hooks/post-merge .

Running the frontend

  1. cd into the frontend directory
cd frontend
  1. Declare the PUBLIC_BACKEND_API_URL environment variable.


echo "PUBLIC_BACKEND_API_URL=http://localhost:8000/api" > .env


export PUBLIC_BACKEND_API_URL=http://localhost:8000/api

Note: for docker compose, or if you use a proxy like caddy, the ORIGIN variable has to be declared too (see

  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Start a development server (make sure that the django app is running)
npm run dev
  1. Reach the frontend on http://localhost:5173


Safari will not properly work in this setup, as it requires https for secure cookies. The simplest solution is to use Chrome or Firefox. An alternative is to use a caddy proxy. This is the solution used in docker-compose, so you can use it as an example.

Managing migrations

The migrations are tracked by version control,

For the first version of the product, it is recommended to start from a clean migration.

Note: to clean existing migrations, type:

find . -path "*/migrations/*.py" -not -name "" -delete
find . -path "*/migrations/*.pyc"  -delete

After a change (or a clean), it is necessary to re-generate migration files:

python makemigrations
python migrate

These migration files should be tracked by version control.

Test suite

To run API tests on the backend, simply type "pytest" in a shell in the backend folder.

To run functional tests on the frontend, do the following actions:

  • in the frontend folder, launch the following command:

The goal of the test harness is to prevent any regression, i.e. all the tests shall be successful, both for backend and frontend.

Built With ๐Ÿ’œ


Great care has been taken to follow security best practices. Please report any issue to




CISO Assistant is a one-stop-shop for GRC, covering Risk, AppSec and Compliance/Audit Management and supporting +70 frameworks worldwide with auto-mapping: NIST CSF, ISO 27001, SOC2, CIS, PCI DSS, NIS2, CMMC, PSPF, GDPR, HIPAA, Essential Eight, NYDFS-500, DORA, NIST AI RMF, 800-53, 800-171, CyFun, CJIS, AirCyber, NCSC, ECC, SCF and so much more




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