Releases: ioBroker/ioBroker.admin
Releases · ioBroker/ioBroker.admin
Added deleteFile internal function
3.6.3 (2019-06-02)
- (bluefox) Added deleteFile internal function (required for lovelace)
- (bluefox) Added yaml editor (required for lovelace)
- (bluefox) try to fix auto-fill option
- (dobis) Update italian translations
3.6.2 (2019-05-05)
- (bluefox) Added onSave handler for custom dialogs
3.6.1 (2019-04-18)
- (ldittmar) Better integration for (1.3.7)
- (ldittmar) Update Gulp to v4
- (ldittmar) Update materialize-css to v 1.0.0
3.6.0 (2018-11-08)
- (foxriver76) New update states added in info channel
- (foxriver76) Take respect to async when creating info states
- (SchumyHao) Added chinese translations
3.5.10 (2018-09-22)
- (bluefox) Disable too many debug outputs
3.5.9 (2018-09-12)
- (bluefox) The log output problem was fixed
3.5.8 (2018-09-03)
- (bluefox) Google map was replaces with "open street map"
3.5.7 (2018-08-30)
- (bluefox) Edit of the table entries in configuration dialog was corrected.
3.5.6 (2018-08-22)
- (bluefox) Import and export of the instance configuration was implemented.
3.5.5 (2018-08-21)
- (bluefox) Fix upload of files
3.5.3 (2018-08-18)
- (bluefox) Dropdown was fixed on touch devices
- (bluefox) Speedup build of instances
3.5.1 (2018-08-11)
- (bluefox) Error in custom settings was fixed
Editing of enums was changed
3.5.0 (2018-08-03)
- (bluefox) Editing of enums was changed
- (bluefox) Logo was updated
- (bluefox) The function icons were added
GUI fixes
3.4.8 (2018-07-17)
- (bluefox) fix error with add new enum
- (bluefox) try to fix error with custom settings
- (bluefox) place all titles at the top in the config
- (bluefox) add expert mode to common
- (bluefox) allow edit of enum's names in many languages
1.7.3 (2017-03-25)
- (bluefox) fix license dialog
- (bluefox) change color of tooltip text
- (ykuendig) update german translation
- (bluefox) add docs
1.7.2 (2017-03-15)
- (bluefox) add statistics selector for no-city
- (bluefox) support of discovery by first start
Autodiscovery support. Input/Output monitoring
1.7.0 (2017-03-08)
- (bluefox) fix log
- (bluefox) show jQuery button for role button
- (apollon77) update testing setup.js
- (bluefox) fix wetty loading
- (bluefox) fix add/delete tabs
- (bluefox) implement hints for configuration dialog
- (bluefox) redirect if IP address changes
- (bluefox) add tooltip instruction
- (bluefox) wizard support
- (bluefox) fix acl error
- (bluefox) fix license agree button
1.6.10 Support of web extensions
1.6.10 (2017-01-06)
(bluefox) Support of web extensions
(bluefox) Fix error in expert mode on adapter tab
1.5.2 (2016-08-27)
(bluefox) use pure letsencrypt module
1.5.1 (2016-08-22)
- (bluefox) fix error in instances table
- (bluefox) add support of Let's Encrypt
- (bluefox) support of multiple WEB instances
- (bluefox) fix weekdays for cron
1.4.0 (2016-07-27)
- (bluefox) implement settings for autorestart
- (bluefox) do not allow edit group instances for javascript
1.1.1 (2016-05-17)
- (bluefox) fix set of states in States-Tab
- (bluefox) show history data from adapter and not from updates
- (bluefox) change default chart to flot
- (bluefox) fix error if host has no IP address
- (bluefox) show on the bottom only adapters without config and without links
- (bluefox) fix filter in adapters if upper case
- (bluefox) change file open from selectID Dialog