Repository to run experiments with ROS Stage simulator and Open AI Gym environment.
The StageROSGym
environment is based on Stage ROS simulator stage_environments
and on robot behaviors implemented in rc-home-edu-learn-ros
These functionalities are available through docker containers that are pulled by the script stagerosgym.bash
provided in this repository.
Build the image for StageROSGym
Start all the processes and the simulator
./stagerosgym.bash start
Run StageROSGym container
Start a script
In the
containercd StageROSGym python
Quit everything
In the
container, exit from all the windows or useCTRL-b d
In the host system:
./stagerosgym.bash stop
Note: in the first run, this command will pull some docker images from Docker Hub.
Note: if you need special configuration (e.g., Nvidia drivers), you need to build docker images following instructions in the above repositories.
./stagerosgym.bash [start [--no_gui]|start-dev [--no_gui]|stop|status|pause|resume|speedup <value>|footprints]
start start the docker containers and the simulator with GUI
start --no_gui start the docker containers and the simulator without GUI
start-dev [--no_gui] start with development options: nvidia drivers without devices
stop stop the docker containers
status show running modules
pause simulation pause
resume simulation resume
speedup <v> simulation speedup <v>
footprints show footprints