$ wing -v
$ wing -help
-space add {name} {host} [manifest]
Config space host information
Print all the spcase information
# 本地索引模式
# wing -space add {space name} {git host}
# such as:
$ wing -space add test [email protected]/iofomo
$ wing -space add test2 ssh://[email protected]:1022
# 云端索引模式
# wing -space add {space name} {git host} {manifest}
# such as:
$ wing -space add test [email protected]/iofomo manifest.git
$ wing -space add test2 ssh://[email protected]:1022 manifest.git
# print app space info
$ wing -space
init {workspace name} {branch or tag name} {manifest name}
Create wing-space, such as:
wing init workspace1 develop dev.xml
wing init workspace2 tag_1.0 release.xml
$ wing init test master admin.xml
sync [f] sync code from remote from manifests
f: Force switch to new branch, discard all local changes
# 安全同步,同步失败不做处理,当前分支和索引不一致不同步
$ wing sync
# 强制同步(谨慎使用,Jenkins默认启用),失败则同步终止,当前分支和索引不一致则终止
$ wing sync f
-prop {s/set} {key} [value]
Set key and value to wing property
-prop {g/get} {key}
Get value from wing property
Print all wing properties
# set
$ wing -prop s mvnusr xxx
# get
$ wing -prop g mvnusr
# print
$ wing -prop
-status Check if the local code has changed
$ wing -status
# output like this
.wing/wing master : `changes`
.wing/manifests main (nothing to commit)
pc/tinyui main (nothing to commit)
pc/mobtools dev_0.6 (nothing to commit)
android/konker main (nothing to commit)
server/homesite main (nothing to commit)
-branch Check if the branch is consistent with the remote
$ wing -branch
# output like this
.wing/wing master (no changes)
.wing/manifests main (no changes)
pc/tinyui main (no changes)
pc/mobtools `dev_0.6 ≠ main(remote)`
android/konker main (no changes)
server/homesite main (no changes)
-push [f] Push code to remote
f Directly push to the remote end without code review
# 提交代码至当前分支所在的远程分支,之后需要在Gerrit上进行Code-Review确认后才能入库
# git branch -vv
# git push origin HEAD:refs/for/${origin branch name}
$ wing -push
# 直接提交服务器,无需Code-Review
# git branch -vv
# git push origin HEAD:refs/heads/${origin branch name}
$ wing -push f
-create b {new branch name} {base branch name}
Create a new branch from the base or current branch
$ wing -create b release_1.0 main
-create t {new tag name} {base branch name} [tag message]
Create a new tag from the base or current branch
$ wing -create t tag_v1.0 main
-switch b {branch name}
Switch all git libraries in the workspace to the target branch
$ wing -switch b release_1.0
-switch t {tag name}
Switch all git libraries in the workspace to the target tag
$ wing -switch t tag_v1.0
-tree [l] Print directory structure
l level of file directory depth
$ wing -tree
├── .DS_Store
├── .wing
│ └── space.json
└── doc.md
-key create {key type} {mode}
create RSA public and private keys with 1024 or 2048(default) mode
$ wing -key create rsa 2048
-key list {file} [pwd]
print key/sign information for apk/ipa/mobileprovision/keystore/jks/rsa/... file
$ wing -key list com.demo.apk
$ wing -key list debug.keystore
$ wing -key list debug.keystore 123456
$ wing -key list demo.ipa
$ wing -key list debug.p12 xxxxxx 123456
$ wing -key list embedded.mobileprovision
-key hash {file}
print md5/sha256/hash/... of file
$ wing -key hash /Users/xxx/test.txt
-adb top
Get top visible apps information
pull {package name}
Get apk file of APP
stop {package name}
Kill running APP
clear {package name}
Clear the data of APP
Dump all service and log information from device
$ wing -adb top
# 输出结果为:
# Top Window:
# package: com.demo
# Top Activity:
# package: com.demo, Intent { flg=0x20000000 cmp=com.demo/.MainActivity (has extras) }
-adb pull {package name}
Get apk file of APP
# 格式为:wing -adb pull {package name},如:
$ wing -adb pull com.demo
# 输出结果为:
# from: /data/app/~~4URZVO6GlkmlcEGS_F2xeQ==/com.demo-3QR4NmIK-9g99w4rBrPiog==/base.apk
# to: com.demo.apk
-adb stop {package name}
Kill running APP
$ wing -adb stop com.demo
-adb clear {package name}
Clear the data of APP
$ wing -adb clear com.demo
-adb dump
Dump all service and log information from device
$ wing -adb dump
-build [r/d] Execute mk.py file in the project directory
r release build
d debug build
# 编译调试和发布版本,编译结果输出目录:/xxx/out/xxx/debug/和/xxx/out/xxx/release/
$ wing -build
# 编译调试版本,编译结果输出目录:/xxx/out/xxx/debug/
$ wing -build d
# 编译发布版本,编译结果输出目录:/xxx/out/xxx/release/
$ wing -build r
-create [type name]
pc {name}
Create an empty project from the template project of the Python gui client
pp {name}
Create an empty project from the template project of the Python publish
ap {name} {module name}
Create an empty project from the template project of the Android
anp {name} {module name}
Create an empty project from the template project of the Android with native
ip {name} {module name}
Create an empty project from the template project of the iOS
jp {name} {module name}
Create an empty project from the template project of the Java
cp {name}
Create an empty project from the template project of the C/C++
gp {name}
Create an empty project from the template project of the Go
fp {name}
Create an empty project from the template project of the Flutter
# 创建Python client gui工程:
$ wing -create pc demo
# 创建Python库工程:
$ wing -create pp demo
# 创建Java开发工程
$ wing -create jp demo submodule
# 创建Android的平台工程
$ wing -create ap demo submodule
# 创建Android的平台工程(该工程包含native模块)
$ wing -create anp demo submodule
# 创建iOS平台的工程
$ wing -create ip demo
# 创建C/C++的工程
$ wing -create cp demo
# 创建Go平台的工程
$ wing -create gp demo
# 创建Flutter平台的工程
$ wing -create fp demo
# 清理该工程gradle/xcode下载的依赖模块的缓存
$ wing -clean gradle
# 清理该工程下除了“develop”,“master”和当前分支外的所有本地分支,清除git缓存
$ wing -clean git
# 清理该工程下,python文件编译缓存(*.pyc/*.pym/*.pyo)
$ wing -clean py
# 遍历wing工程目录下的所有子Android/iOS工程,清除gradle/xcode下载的依赖模块的缓存
$ wing -clean gradle
# 遍历wing工程目录下的所有git工程,清除除了“develop”,“master”和当前分支外的所有本地分支,清除git缓存
$ wing -clean git
# 遍历wing工程目录下的所有Python工程,清除编译缓存(*.pyc/*.pym/*.pyo等)
$ wing -clean py
$ wing -refresh
**脚本:**遍历代码组目录下所有的 *.sh
和 gradlew
**DOC:**扫描工程下所有文档文件,在跟目录下生成 doc.md 文档索引文件
格式解析文档首行标题,其他格式解析文件名) 2)文档git最近更新记录 3)最近三天修改的文档标记为【新】
$ wing -project
执行成功后,并输出结果:${SPACE PATH}/out/project.json