Providing a model for a type universe is easy and free.
is a set of codes for types;
decodes the codes into Agda types.
data ⊥ : Set where
module ez where
data U : Set
el : U → Set
data U where
Bottom : U
Pi : (A : U) → (el A → U) → U
el Bottom = ⊥
el (Pi A B) = (a : el A) → el (B a)
Providing one for many universes is not so easy.
Each universe needs a code, and every code needs an interpretation.
How do we model a hierarchy of universes without necessarily interpreting them as universes in the theory?
Luckily, we can follow Kovács (2021)
and parametrize U
by universe levels.
First, we require that levels be well founded with respect to some strict order,
using the usual accessibility predicate,
as well as proof irrelevance of that predicate,
which is provable by assuming function extensionality.
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
module _ (Level : Set)
(_<_ : Level → Level → Set)
(trans< : ∀ {i j k} → i < j → j < k → i < k) where
data Acc k : Set where
acc : (∀ {j} → j < k → Acc j) → Acc k
funext : ∀ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {A : Set ℓ₁} {B : A → Set ℓ₂} {f g : ∀ x → B x} → (∀ x → f x ≡ g x) → f ≡ g
AccIsProp : ∀ {k} (p q : Acc k) → p ≡ q
AccIsProp (acc p) (acc q) = cong (λ pq → acc (λ {j} j<k → pq j j<k))
(funext (λ j → funext (λ j<k → AccIsProp (p {j} j<k) (q {j} j<k))))
To sidestep strict positivity issues,
U k
and el k
are parametrized by some ∀ j → j < k → Set
that returns the interpretation of a smaller code,
which we'll fill in later.
module Kovács (wf : ∀ k → Acc k) where
data U' k (f : ∀ {j} → j < k → Set) : Set
el' : ∀ {k} {f : ∀ {j} → j < k → Set} → U' k f → Set
data U' k f where
Û : ∀ {j} → j < k → U' k f
Bottom : U' k f
Pi : (A : U' k f) → (el' A → U' k f) → U' k f
el' {f = f} (Û j<k) = f j<k
el' Bottom = ⊥
el' (Pi A B) = (a : el' A) → el' (B a)
The real U
is then defined by induction over accessibility of the levels,
which is what allows f
to return U'
s as the interpretations of their codes.
U< : ∀ {k} → Acc k → ∀ {j} → j < k → Set
U< {k} (acc p) {j} j<k = U' j (U< (p j<k))
U : ∀ k → Set
U k = U' k (U< (wf k))
el : ∀ {k} → U k → Set
el {k} = el' {f = U< (wf k)}
We would like to ensure two properties:
- The sets of codes
are cumulative with respect to the levels; and - The interpretations of the same codes across different levels are the same.
These need to be proven mutually due to the induction–recursion.
lift : ∀ {j k} → j < k → U j → U k
el≡ : ∀ {j k} (j<k : j < k) (u : U j) → el u ≡ el (lift j<k u)
lift j<k (Û i<j) = Û (trans< i<j j<k)
lift j<k Bottom = Bottom
lift j<k (Pi A B) rewrite (el≡ j<k A) = Pi (lift j<k A) (λ a → lift j<k (B a))
el≡ {j} {k} j<k (Û i<j) with wf j | wf k
... | acc p | acc q = cong (λ acc → U' _ (U< acc)) (AccIsProp (p i<j) (q (trans< i<j j<k)))
el≡ j<k Bottom = refl
el≡ j<k (Pi A B) rewrite (el≡ j<k A) = cong (λ b → (a : el (lift j<k A)) → b a) p where
p : (λ a → el (B a)) ≡ (λ a → el (lift j<k (B a)))
p = funext (λ a → el≡ j<k (B a))
But that's very hard to think about.
There's an indirection through accessibility of the levels,
and reasoning about how el
behaves requires mentally matching and unfolding many of these accessibility predicates.
Conceptually, though, it's very reasonable:
we're defining, by induction on the levels,
a separate inductive–recursive definition,
where we decode smaller codes into smaller U
This construction is valid,
since by the time el
decodes a code of a smaller U
it's available to us by the induction hypothesis on the levels,
and resembles that by Gratzer (2022).
We can't define this in Agda,
since there are no inductive–(inductive–recursive) definitions
(not to be confused with (inductive–inductive)–recursive definitions),
and even defining a single level will cause Agda to complain about strict positivity,
but we can turn that off on the basis that Agda is a machine and we are type theorists.
module Gratzer (wf : ∀ k → Acc k) where
data U k : Set
el : ∀ {k} → U k → Set
data U k where
Û : ∀ {j} → j < k → U k
Bottom : U k
Pi : (A : U k) → (el A → U k) → U k
el (Û {j} j<k) = U j
el Bottom = ⊥
el (Pi A B) = (a : el A) → el (B a)
This is much simpler to conceptualize,
and proving the two properties of U
and el
no longer requires reasoning about accessibility.
lift : ∀ {j k} → j < k → U j → U k
el≡ : ∀ {j k} (j<k : j < k) (u : U j) → el u ≡ el (lift j<k u)
lift j<k (Û i<j) = Û (trans< i<j j<k)
lift j<k Bottom = Bottom
lift j<k (Pi A B) rewrite (el≡ j<k A) = Pi (lift j<k A) (λ a → lift j<k (B a))
el≡ {j} {k} j<k (Û i<j) = refl
el≡ j<k Bottom = refl
el≡ j<k (Pi A B) rewrite (el≡ j<k A) = cong (λ b → (a : el (lift j<k A)) → b a) p where
p : (λ a → el (B a)) ≡ (λ a → el (lift j<k (B a)))
p = funext (λ a → el≡ j<k (B a))
The Gratzer model works because we assume by induction that U
and el
are fully defined for smaller levels,
and because in el k
, we never ever ever return U k
, which is not yet fully defined.
What if we instead never ever ever call el k
when defining U k
and only ever use el j
for strictly smaller j
We are then defining, by induction over levels,
first U k
in its entirety, then el k
in its entirety,
where we are free to use U j
and el j
for strictly smaller j
Rather than an inductive–(inductive–recursive) definition,
this is more like an inductive–(inductive+recursive) definition.
Interestingly, because el k
is now free to use U k
it can decode a code for U k
which means we are permitted to include the code for U k
in itself.
The key to consistency is that no interpretation of a code in U k
ever uses U k
Again, we define this with strict positivity turned off,
which is justified by the same reasoning behind the Gratzer model.
data _≤_ : Level → Level → Set where
eq : ∀ {k} → k ≤ k
lt : ∀ {j k} → j < k → j ≤ k
module TypeInType (wf : ∀ k → Acc k) where
data U k : Set
el : ∀ {k} → U k → Set
data U k where
Û : ∀ {j} → j ≤ k → U k
Bottom : U k
Pi : ∀ {j} → j < k → (A : U j) → (el A → U k) → U k
el (Û {j} j≤k) = U j
el Bottom = ⊥
el (Pi j<k A B) = (a : el A) → el (B a)
To restrict uses of el
in U k
to only on j
codes of function types must now only quantify over codes in a strictly smaller universe.
el k
may return U k
, but never to the left of an arrow in Pi
We have merely moved the strict inequality from the definition of el
to the definition of Pi
there is no trickery here.
Finally, we prove lift
and eq≡
as usual, this time separately,
since U
and el
are no longer inductive–recursive.
lift : ∀ {j k} → j < k → U j → U k
lift j<k (Û eq) = Û (lt j<k)
lift j<k (Û (lt i<j)) = Û (lt (trans< i<j j<k))
lift j<k Bottom = Bottom
lift j<k (Pi i<j A B) = Pi (trans< i<j j<k) A (λ a → lift j<k (B a))
el≡ : ∀ {j k} (j<k : j < k) (u : U j) → el u ≡ el (lift j<k u)
el≡ j<k (Û eq) = refl
el≡ j<k (Û (lt i<j)) = refl
el≡ j<k Bottom = refl
el≡ j<k (Pi i<j A B) = cong (λ b → (a : el A) → b a) p where
p : (λ a → el (B a)) ≡ (λ a → el (lift j<k (B a)))
p = funext (λ a → el≡ j<k (B a))
It turns out it is possible to define the type-in-type model via accessibility of levels
using the same trick in Kovács' model,
but instead of parametrizing U'
and el'
over only smaller instances of U'
we parametrize them over smaller instances of both U'
and el'
They are then used in the domain of function types,
which belong to a smaller universe.
module TypeInTypeAcc (wf : ∀ k → Acc k) where
data U' k (U< : ∀ {j} → j < k → Set)
(el< : ∀ {j} → (j<k : j < k) → U< j<k → Set) : Set where
Û : ∀ {j} → j ≤ k → U' k U< el<
Bottom : U' k U< el<
Pi : ∀ {j} → (j<k : j < k) → (A : U< j<k) → (el< j<k A → U' k U< el<) → U' k U< el<
el' : ∀ {k} (U< : ∀ {j} → j < k → Set)
(el< : ∀ {j} → (j<k : j < k) → U< j<k → Set) →
U' k U< el< → Set
el' U< el< (Û {k} eq) = U' k U< el<
el' U< el< (Û {j} (lt j<k)) = U' j (λ i<j → U< (trans< i<j j<k)) (λ i<j → el< (trans< i<j j<k))
el' _ _ Bottom = ⊥
el' U< el< (Pi j<k A B) = (a : el< j<k A) → (el' U< el< (B a))
Once again, we define U<
and el<
by mutual induction over accessibility,
then tie the knot with well-foundedness of the levels.
U< : ∀ {k} → Acc k → ∀ {j} → j < k → Set
el< : ∀ {k} (p : Acc k) {j} (j<k : j < k) → U< p j<k → Set
U< (acc f) {j} j<k = U' j (U< (f j<k)) (el< (f j<k))
el< (acc f) {j} j<k = el' (U< (f j<k)) (el< (f j<k))
U : ∀ k → Set
U k = U' k (U< (wf k)) (el< (wf k))
el : ∀ {k} → U k → Set
el {k} = el' (U< (wf k)) (el< (wf k))
Defining lifting from smaller universes to larger universes directly is difficult.
Instead, we lift U'
, generalizing over all accessibility predicates involved
so that applying AccIsProp
is simpler,
then instantiate with wf
as needed.
lift' : ∀ {j k} {accj : Acc j} {acck : Acc k} → j < k →
U' j (U< accj) (el< accj) → U' k (U< acck) (el< acck)
lift' j<k (Û {k} eq) = Û (lt j<k)
lift' j<k (Û {i} (lt i<j)) = Û (lt (trans< i<j j<k))
lift' _ Bottom = Bottom
lift' {_} {_} {acc f} {acc g} j<k (Pi i<j A B)
rewrite AccIsProp (f i<j) (g (trans< i<j j<k)) =
Pi (trans< i<j j<k) A (λ a → lift' j<k (B a))
lift : ∀ {j k} → j < k → U j → U k
lift = lift'
Unfortunately, proving el≡
is much more complicated.
We can generalize over all accessibility predicates as above.
el≡' : ∀ {j k} {accj : Acc j} {acck : Acc k} (j<k : j < k) (u : U' j (U< accj) (el< accj)) →
el' (U< accj) (el< accj) u ≡ el' (U< acck) (el< acck) (lift' j<k u)
el≡' {j} {k} {acc f} {acc g} j<k (Û eq) = {! !}
el≡' {_} {_} {acc f} {acc g} j<k (Û (lt i<j)) = {! !}
el≡' j<k Bottom = refl
el≡' {_} {_} {acc f} {acc g} j<k (Pi i<j A B) = {! !}
el≡ : ∀ {j k} (j<k : j < k) (u : U j) → el u ≡ el (lift j<k u)
el≡ = el≡'
Where the holes remain, things start to get hairy. The first hole, for instance, requires that we show that
U' j (λ {i} i<j → U' i (U< (f i<j)) (el< (f i<j)))
(λ {i} i<j → el' (U< (f i<j)) (el< (f i<j))) ≡
U' j (λ {i} i<j → U' i (U< (g (trans< i<j j<k))) (el< (g (trans< i<j j<k))))
(λ {i} i<j → el' (U< (g (trans< i<j j<k))) (el< (g (trans< i<j j<k))))
which, while true, requires a ton of applications of cong
over funext
and AccIsProp
And that's only the simplest case,
with the final hole likely being the most complex,
so for now I leave them as holes.