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h1:KvBLMr4PX1gWptgkzRjVZCrLmSGcZCb/jioOQwCqZN8= @@ -137,7 +111,6 @@ github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2 v2.2.3 h1:sxCkb+qR91z4vsqw4vGGZlDgPz3G7gjaLyK3V8y7 github.com/klauspost/cpuid/v2 v2.2.3/go.mod h1:RVVoqg1df56z8g3pUjL/3lE5UfnlrJX8tyFgg4nqhuY= github.com/koron/go-ssdp v0.0.3 h1:JivLMY45N76b4p/vsWGOKewBQu6uf39y8l+AQ7sDKx8= github.com/kr/pretty v0.1.0/go.mod h1:dAy3ld7l9f0ibDNOQOHHMYYIIbhfbHSm3C4ZsoJORNo= -github.com/kr/pretty v0.2.0/go.mod h1:ipq/a2n7PKx3OHsz4KJII5eveXtPO4qwEXGdVfWzfnI= github.com/kr/pretty v0.2.1/go.mod h1:ipq/a2n7PKx3OHsz4KJII5eveXtPO4qwEXGdVfWzfnI= github.com/kr/pretty v0.3.1 h1:flRD4NNwYAUpkphVc1HcthR4KEIFJ65n8Mw5qdRn3LE= github.com/kr/pty v1.1.1/go.mod h1:pFQYn66WHrOpPYNljwOMqo10TkYh1fy3cYio2l3bCsQ= @@ -260,6 +233,7 @@ go.uber.org/atomic v1.10.0 h1:9qC72Qh0+3MqyJbAn8YU5xVq1frD8bn3JtD2oXtafVQ= go.uber.org/atomic v1.10.0/go.mod h1:LUxbIzbOniOlMKjJjyPfpl4v+PKK2cNJn91OQbhoJI0= go.uber.org/goleak v1.1.11-0.20210813005559-691160354723/go.mod h1:cwTWslyiVhfpKIDGSZEM2HlOvcqm+tG4zioyIeLoqMQ= go.uber.org/goleak v1.1.12 h1:gZAh5/EyT/HQwlpkCy6wTpqfH9H8Lz8zbm3dZh+OyzA= +go.uber.org/goleak v1.1.12/go.mod h1:cwTWslyiVhfpKIDGSZEM2HlOvcqm+tG4zioyIeLoqMQ= go.uber.org/multierr v1.5.0/go.mod h1:FeouvMocqHpRaaGuG9EjoKcStLC43Zu/fmqdUMPcKYU= go.uber.org/multierr v1.6.0/go.mod h1:cdWPpRnG4AhwMwsgIHip0KRBQjJy5kYEpYjJxpXp9iU= go.uber.org/multierr v1.9.0 h1:7fIwc/ZtS0q++VgcfqFDxSBZVv/Xo49/SYnDFupUwlI= @@ -340,7 +314,6 @@ google.golang.org/protobuf v1.28.1/go.mod h1:HV8QOd/L58Z+nl8r43ehVNZIU/HEI6OcFqw gopkg.in/check.v1 v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0= gopkg.in/check.v1 v1.0.0-20180628173108-788fd7840127/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0= gopkg.in/check.v1 v1.0.0-20190902080502-41f04d3bba15 h1:YR8cESwS4TdDjEe65xsg0ogRM/Nc3DYOhEAlW+xobZo= -gopkg.in/check.v1 v1.0.0-20190902080502-41f04d3bba15/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0= gopkg.in/errgo.v2 v2.1.0/go.mod h1:hNsd1EY+bozCKY1Ytp96fpM3vjJbqLJn88ws8XvfDNI= gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI= gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.8/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI= diff --git a/tests/t0109_gateway_web_redirects_test.go b/tests/t0109_gateway_web_redirects_test.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..acb8ed651 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/t0109_gateway_web_redirects_test.go @@ -0,0 +1,391 @@ +package tests + +import ( + "fmt" + "net/url" + "testing" + + "github.com/ipfs/gateway-conformance/tooling/car" + . "github.com/ipfs/gateway-conformance/tooling/check" + "github.com/ipfs/gateway-conformance/tooling/specs" + . "github.com/ipfs/gateway-conformance/tooling/test" +) + +func TestRedirectsFileSupport(t *testing.T) { + fixture := car.MustOpenUnixfsCar("t0109-redirects.car") + + redirectDir := fixture.MustGetNode("examples") + redirectDirCID := redirectDir.Base32Cid() + + // CUSTOM_4XX_CID=$(ipfs resolve -r /ipfs/$CAR_ROOT_CID/examples/404.html | cut -d "/" -f3) + custom404 := fixture.MustGetNode("examples", "404.html") + // CUSTOM_4XX_CID=$(ipfs resolve -r /ipfs/$CAR_ROOT_CID/examples/410.html | cut -d "/" -f3) + custom410 := fixture.MustGetNode("examples", "410.html") + // CUSTOM_4XX_CID=$(ipfs resolve -r /ipfs/$CAR_ROOT_CID/examples/451.html | cut -d "/" -f3) + custom451 := fixture.MustGetNode("examples", "451.html") + + tests := SugarTests{} + + // We're going to run the same test against multiple gateways (localhost, and a subdomain gateway) + gatewayURLs := []string{ + SubdomainGatewayURL, + SubdomainLocalhostGatewayURL, + } + + for _, gatewayURL := range gatewayURLs { + u, err := url.Parse(gatewayURL) + if err != nil { + t.Fatal(err) + } + + redirectDirBaseURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s.ipfs.%s", u.Scheme, redirectDirCID, u.Host) + + tests = append(tests, SugarTests{ + // test_expect_success "request for $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/redirect-one redirects with default of 301, per _redirects file" ' + // + // curl -sD - --resolve $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME: "http://$REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/redirect-one" > response && + // test_should_contain "301 Moved Permanently" response && + // test_should_contain "Location: /one.html" response + // + // ' + { + Name: "request for $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/redirect-one redirects with default of 301, per _redirects file", + Request: Request(). + DoNotFollowRedirects(). + URL("%s/redirect-one", redirectDirBaseURL), + Response: Expect(). + Status(301). + Headers( + Header("Location").Equals("/one.html"), + ), + }, + // test_expect_success "request for $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/301-redirect-one redirects with 301, per _redirects file" ' + // + // curl -sD - --resolve $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME: "http://$REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/301-redirect-one" > response && + // test_should_contain "301 Moved Permanently" response && + // test_should_contain "Location: /one.html" response + // + // ' + { + Name: "request for $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/301-redirect-one redirects with 301, per _redirects file", + Request: Request(). + DoNotFollowRedirects(). + URL("%s/301-redirect-one", redirectDirBaseURL), + Response: Expect(). + Status(301). + Headers( + Header("Location").Equals("/one.html"), + ), + }, + // test_expect_success "request for $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/302-redirect-two redirects with 302, per _redirects file" ' + // + // curl -sD - --resolve $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME: "http://$REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/302-redirect-two" > response && + // test_should_contain "302 Found" response && + // test_should_contain "Location: /two.html" response + // + // ' + { + Name: "request for $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/302-redirect-two redirects with 302, per _redirects file", + Request: Request(). + DoNotFollowRedirects(). + URL("%s/302-redirect-two", redirectDirBaseURL), + Response: Expect(). + Status(302). + Headers( + Header("Location").Equals("/two.html"), + ), + }, + // test_expect_success "request for $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/200-index returns 200, per _redirects file" ' + // + // curl -sD - --resolve $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME: "http://$REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/200-index" > response && + // test_should_contain "my index" response && + // test_should_contain "200 OK" response + // + // ' + { + Name: "request for $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/200-index returns 200, per _redirects file", + Request: Request(). + DoNotFollowRedirects(). + URL("%s/200-index", redirectDirBaseURL), + Response: Expect(). + Status(200). + Body(Contains("my index")), + }, + // test_expect_success "request for $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/posts/:year/:month/:day/:title redirects with 301 and placeholders, per _redirects file" ' + // + // curl -sD - --resolve $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME: "http://$REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/posts/2022/01/01/hello-world" > response && + // test_should_contain "301 Moved Permanently" response && + // test_should_contain "Location: /articles/2022/01/01/hello-world" response + // + // ' + { + Name: "request for $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/posts/:year/:month/:day/:title redirects with 301 and placeholders, per _redirects file", + Request: Request(). + DoNotFollowRedirects(). + URL("%s/posts/2022/01/01/hello-world", redirectDirBaseURL), + Response: Expect(). + Status(301). + Headers( + Header("Location").Equals("/articles/2022/01/01/hello-world"), + ), + }, + // test_expect_success "request for $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/splat/one.html redirects with 301 and splat placeholder, per _redirects file" ' + // + // curl -sD - --resolve $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME: "http://$REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/splat/one.html" > response && + // test_should_contain "301 Moved Permanently" response && + // test_should_contain "Location: /redirected-splat/one.html" response + // + // ' + { + Name: "request for $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/splat/one.html redirects with 301 and splat placeholder, per _redirects file", + Request: Request(). + DoNotFollowRedirects(). + URL("%s/splat/one.html", redirectDirBaseURL), + Response: Expect(). + Status(301). + Headers( + Header("Location").Equals("/redirected-splat/one.html"), + ), + }, + // # ensure custom 4xx works and has the same cache headers as regular /ipfs/ path + // test_expect_success "request for $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/not-found/has-no-redirects-entry returns custom 404, per _redirects file" ' + // + // curl -sD - --resolve $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME: "http://$REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/not-found/has-no-redirects-entry" > response && + // test_should_contain "404 Not Found" response && + // test_should_contain "Cache-Control: public, max-age=29030400, immutable" response && + // test_should_contain "Etag: \"$CUSTOM_4XX_CID\"" response && + // test_should_contain "my 404" response + // + // ' + { + Name: "request for $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/not-found/has-no-redirects-entry returns custom 404, per _redirects file", + Request: Request(). + URL("%s/not-found/has-no-redirects-entry", redirectDirBaseURL), + Response: Expect(). + Status(404). + Headers( + Header("Cache-Control").Equals("public, max-age=29030400, immutable"), + Header("Etag").Equals("\"%s\"", custom404.Cid().String()), + ). + Body(Contains(custom404.ReadFile())), + }, + // CUSTOM_4XX_CID=$(ipfs resolve -r /ipfs/$CAR_ROOT_CID/examples/410.html | cut -d "/" -f3) + // test_expect_success "request for $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/gone/has-no-redirects-entry returns custom 410, per _redirects file" ' + // curl -sD - --resolve $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME: "http://$REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/gone/has-no-redirects-entry" > response && + // test_should_contain "410 Gone" response && + // test_should_contain "Cache-Control: public, max-age=29030400, immutable" response && + // test_should_contain "Etag: \"$CUSTOM_4XX_CID\"" response && + // test_should_contain "my 410" response + // ' + { + Name: "request for $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/gone/has-no-redirects-entry returns custom 410, per _redirects file", + Request: Request(). + URL("%s/gone/has-no-redirects-entry", redirectDirBaseURL), + Response: Expect(). + Status(410). + Headers( + Header("Cache-Control").Equals("public, max-age=29030400, immutable"), + Header("Etag").Equals("\"%s\"", custom410.Cid().String()), + ). + Body(Contains(custom410.ReadFile())), + }, + // CUSTOM_4XX_CID=$(ipfs resolve -r /ipfs/$CAR_ROOT_CID/examples/451.html | cut -d "/" -f3) + // test_expect_success "request for $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/unavail/has-no-redirects-entry returns custom 451, per _redirects file" ' + // + // curl -sD - --resolve $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME: "http://$REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/unavail/has-no-redirects-entry" > response && + // test_should_contain "451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons" response && + // test_should_contain "Cache-Control: public, max-age=29030400, immutable" response && + // test_should_contain "Etag: \"$CUSTOM_4XX_CID\"" response && + // test_should_contain "my 451" response + // + // ' + { + Name: "request for $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/unavail/has-no-redirects-entry returns custom 451, per _redirects file", + Request: Request(). + URL("%s/unavail/has-no-redirects-entry", redirectDirBaseURL), + Response: Expect(). + Status(451). + Headers( + Header("Cache-Control").Equals("public, max-age=29030400, immutable"), + Header("Etag").Equals("\"%s\"", custom451.Cid().String()), + ). + Body(Contains(custom451.ReadFile())), + }, + // test_expect_success "request for $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/catch-all returns 200, per _redirects file" ' + // + // curl -sD - --resolve $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME: "http://$REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/catch-all" > response && + // test_should_contain "200 OK" response && + // test_should_contain "my index" response + // + // ' + { + Name: "request for $REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/catch-all returns 200, per _redirects file", + Request: Request(). + URL("%s/catch-all", redirectDirBaseURL), + Response: Expect(). + Status(200). + Body(Contains("my index")), + }, + // # This test ensures _redirects is supported only on Web Gateways that use Host header (DNSLink, Subdomain) + // test_expect_success "request for$GWAY_PORT/ipfs/$REDIRECTS_DIR_CID/301-redirect-one returns generic 404 (no custom 404 from _redirects since no origin isolation)" ' + // + // curl -sD - "$GWAY_PORT/ipfs/$REDIRECTS_DIR_CID/301-redirect-one" > response && + // test_should_contain "404 Not Found" response && + // test_should_not_contain "my 404" response + // + // ' + { + // TODO: how to test this correctly? + Name: "This test ensures _redirects is supported only on Web Gateways that use Host header (DNSLink, Subdomain)", + Hint: ` + We expect the request to fail with a 404 (do not use the _redirect), and that 404 should not contain the custom 404 body. + `, + Request: Request(). + URL("", redirectDirCID), + Response: Expect(). + Status(404). + Body(Not(Contains(custom404.ReadFile()))), + }, + }...) + + // # Invalid file, containing forced redirect + // INVALID_REDIRECTS_DIR_CID=$(ipfs resolve -r /ipfs/$CAR_ROOT_CID/forced | cut -d "/" -f3) + invalidRedirectsDirCID := fixture.MustGetNode("forced").Base32Cid() + // INVALID_REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME="${INVALID_REDIRECTS_DIR_CID}.ipfs.localhost:$GWAY_PORT" + invalidDirBaseURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s.ipfs.%s", u.Scheme, invalidRedirectsDirCID, u.Host) + // TOO_LARGE_REDIRECTS_DIR_CID=$(ipfs resolve -r /ipfs/$CAR_ROOT_CID/too-large | cut -d "/" -f3) + tooLargeRedirectsDirCID := fixture.MustGetNode("too-large").Base32Cid() + // TOO_LARGE_REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME="${TOO_LARGE_REDIRECTS_DIR_CID}.ipfs.localhost:$GWAY_PORT" + tooLargeDirBaseURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s.ipfs.%s", u.Scheme, tooLargeRedirectsDirCID, u.Host) + + tests = append(tests, SugarTests{ + // # if accessing a path that doesn't exist, read _redirects and fail parsing, and return error + // test_expect_success "invalid file: request for $INVALID_REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/not-found returns error about invalid redirects file" ' + // curl -sD - --resolve $INVALID_REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME: "http://$INVALID_REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/not-found" > response && + // test_should_contain "500" response && + // test_should_contain "could not parse _redirects:" response && + // test_should_contain "forced redirects (or \"shadowing\") are not supported" response + // ' + { + Name: "invalid file: request for $INVALID_REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/not-found returns error about invalid redirects file", + Hint: `if accessing a path that doesn't exist, read _redirects and fail parsing, and return error`, + Request: Request(). + URL("%s/not-found", invalidDirBaseURL), + Response: Expect(). + Status(500). + Body( + And( + Contains("could not parse _redirects:"), + Contains("forced redirects (or \"shadowing\") are not supported"), + ), + ), + }, + // # if accessing a path that doesn't exist and _redirects file is too large, return error + // test_expect_success "invalid file: request for $TOO_LARGE_REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/not-found returns error about too large redirects file" ' + // curl -sD - --resolve $TOO_LARGE_REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME: "http://$TOO_LARGE_REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/not-found" > response && + // test_should_contain "500" response && + // test_should_contain "could not parse _redirects:" response && + // test_should_contain "redirects file size cannot exceed" response + // ' + { + Name: "invalid file: request for $TOO_LARGE_REDIRECTS_DIR_HOSTNAME/not-found returns error about too large redirects file", + Hint: `if accessing a path that doesn't exist and _redirects file is too large, return error`, + Request: Request(). + URL("%s/not-found", tooLargeDirBaseURL), + Response: Expect(). + Status(500). + Body( + And( + Contains("could not parse _redirects:"), + Contains("redirects file size cannot exceed"), + ), + ), + }, + }...) + } + + if specs.SubdomainGateway.IsEnabled() { + Run(t, unwrapTests(t, tests).Build()) + } else { + t.Skip("subdomain gateway disabled") + } +} + +// TODO: dnslink tests + +func unwrapTests(t *testing.T, tests SugarTests) SugarTests { + t.Helper() + + var out SugarTests + for _, test := range tests { + out = append(out, unwrapTestForGateway(t, test)...) + } + return out +} + +func unwrapTestForGateway(t *testing.T, test SugarTest) SugarTests { + t.Helper() + + baseURL := test.Request.GetURL() + req := test.Request + expected := test.Response + + u, err := url.Parse(baseURL) + if err != nil { + t.Fatal(err) + } + // Because you might be testing an IPFS node in CI, or on your local machine, the test are designed + // to test the subdomain behavior (querying http://{CID}.my-subdomain-gateway.io/) even if the node is + // actually living on or somewhere else. + // + // The test knows two addresses: + // - GatewayURL: the URL we connect to, it might be "dweb.link", "", etc. + // - SubdomainGatewayURL: the URL we test for subdomain requests, it might be "dweb.link", "localhost", "example.com", etc. + + // host is the hostname of the gateway we are testing, it might be `localhost` or `example.com` + host := u.Host + + // raw url is the url but we replace the host with our local url, it might be `` + u.Host = GatewayHost + rawURL := u.String() + + return SugarTests{ + { + Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s (direct HTTP)", test.Name), + Hint: fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s", test.Hint, "direct HTTP request (hostname in URL, raw IP in Host header)"), + Request: req. + URL(rawURL). + DoNotFollowRedirects(). + Headers( + Header("Host", host), + ), + Response: expected, + }, + { + Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s (HTTP proxy)", test.Name), + Hint: fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s", test.Hint, "HTTP proxy (hostname is passed via URL)"), + Request: req. + URL(baseURL). + Proxy(GatewayURL). + DoNotFollowRedirects(), + Response: expected, + }, + { + Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s (HTTP proxy tunneling via CONNECT)", test.Name), + Hint: fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s", test.Hint, `HTTP proxy + In HTTP/1.x, the pseudo-method CONNECT, + can be used to convert an HTTP connection into a tunnel to a remote host + https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-4.3.6 + `), + Request: req. + URL(baseURL). + Proxy(GatewayURL). + WithProxyTunnel(). + DoNotFollowRedirects(). + Headers( + Header("Host", host), + ), + Response: expected, + }, + } +} diff --git a/tests/t0114_gateway_subdomains_test.go b/tests/t0114_gateway_subdomains_test.go index ff1fb7194..5000cb08d 100644 --- a/tests/t0114_gateway_subdomains_test.go +++ b/tests/t0114_gateway_subdomains_test.go @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import ( "github.com/ipfs/gateway-conformance/tooling/car" . "github.com/ipfs/gateway-conformance/tooling/check" - . "github.com/ipfs/gateway-conformance/tooling/specs" + "github.com/ipfs/gateway-conformance/tooling/specs" . "github.com/ipfs/gateway-conformance/tooling/test" ) @@ -369,8 +369,10 @@ func TestGatewaySubdomains(t *testing.T) { )) } - if SubdomainGateway.IsEnabled() { + if specs.SubdomainGateway.IsEnabled() { Run(t, tests) + } else { + t.Skip("subdomain gateway disabled") } } diff --git a/tests/t0122_gateway_tar_test.go b/tests/t0122_gateway_tar_test.go index e5369b45a..54eeb7ba7 100644 --- a/tests/t0122_gateway_tar_test.go +++ b/tests/t0122_gateway_tar_test.go @@ -1,13 +1,189 @@ package tests import ( + "fmt" "testing" - "github.com/ipfs/gateway-conformance/tooling/test" + "github.com/ipfs/gateway-conformance/tooling/car" + . "github.com/ipfs/gateway-conformance/tooling/check" + . "github.com/ipfs/gateway-conformance/tooling/test" ) +// "Test HTTP Gateway TAR (application/x-tar) Support" func TestGatewayTar(t *testing.T) { - tests := []test.CTest{} + /** + test_expect_success "Add CARs with relative paths to test with" ' + ipfs dag import ../t0122-gateway-tar/outside-root.car > import_output && + test_should_contain $OUTSIDE_ROOT_CID import_output && + ipfs dag import ../t0122-gateway-tar/inside-root.car > import_output && + test_should_contain $INSIDE_ROOT_CID import_output + ' + */ + fixtureOutside := car.MustOpenUnixfsCar("t0122/outside-root.car") + fixtureInside := car.MustOpenUnixfsCar("t0122/inside-root.car") - test.Run(t, tests) + outsideRootCID := fixtureOutside.MustGetCid() + insideRootCID := fixtureInside.MustGetCid() + + // OUTSIDE_ROOT_CID="bafybeicaj7kvxpcv4neaqzwhrqqmdstu4dhrwfpknrgebq6nzcecfucvyu" + // INSIDE_ROOT_CID="bafybeibfevfxlvxp5vxobr5oapczpf7resxnleb7tkqmdorc4gl5cdva3y" + // + // test_expect_success "Add the test directory" ' + // ipfs dag import ../t0122-gateway-tar/fixtures.car + // ' + // DIR_CID=bafybeig6ka5mlwkl4subqhaiatalkcleo4jgnr3hqwvpmsqfca27cijp3i # ./rootDir + // FILE_CID=bafkreialihlqnf5uwo4byh4n3cmwlntwqzxxs2fg5vanqdi3d7tb2l5xkm # ./rootDir/ą/ę/file-źł.txt + // FILE_SIZE=34 + + fixture := car.MustOpenUnixfsCar("t0122/fixtures.car") + dirCID := fixture.MustGetCid() // root dir + fileCID := fixture.MustGetCid("ą", "ę", "file-źł.txt") + + tests := SugarTests{ + /** + test_expect_success "GET TAR with format=tar and extract" ' + curl "$GWAY_PORT/ipfs/$FILE_CID?format=tar" | tar -x + ' + test_expect_success "GET TAR with format=tar has expected Content-Type" ' + curl -sD - "$GWAY_PORT/ipfs/$FILE_CID?format=tar" > curl_output_filename 2>&1 && + test_should_contain "Content-Disposition: attachment;" curl_output_filename && + test_should_contain "Etag: W/\"$FILE_CID.x-tar" curl_output_filename && + test_should_contain "Content-Type: application/x-tar" curl_output_filename + ' + test_expect_success "GET TAR has expected root file" ' + rm -rf outputDir && mkdir outputDir && + curl "$GWAY_PORT/ipfs/$FILE_CID?format=tar" | tar -x -C outputDir && + test -f "outputDir/$FILE_CID" && + echo "I am a txt file on path with utf8" > expected && + test_cmp expected outputDir/$FILE_CID + ' + */ + { + Name: "GET TAR with format=tar and extract", + Request: Request(). + Path("ipfs/%s", fileCID). + Query("format", "tar"), + Response: Expect(). + Status(200). + Headers( + Header("Content-Disposition").Contains("attachment;"), + Header("Etag").Contains("W/\"%s.x-tar", fileCID), + Header("Content-Type").Contains("application/x-tar"), + ).Body( + IsTarFile(). + HasFileWithContent( + fileCID, + "I am a txt file on path with utf8\n", + ), + ), + }, + /** + test_expect_success "GET TAR with 'Accept: application/x-tar' and extract" ' + curl -H "Accept: application/x-tar" "$GWAY_PORT/ipfs/$FILE_CID" | tar -x + ' + test_expect_success "GET TAR with 'Accept: application/x-tar' has expected Content-Type" ' + curl -sD - -H "Accept: application/x-tar" "$GWAY_PORT/ipfs/$FILE_CID" > curl_output_filename 2>&1 && + test_should_contain "Content-Disposition: attachment;" curl_output_filename && + test_should_contain "Etag: W/\"$FILE_CID.x-tar" curl_output_filename && + test_should_contain "Content-Type: application/x-tar" curl_output_filename + ' + */ + { + Name: "GET TAR with 'Accept: application/x-tar' and extract", + Request: Request(). + Path("ipfs/%s", fileCID). + Header("Accept", "application/x-tar"), + Response: Expect(). + Status(200). + Headers( + Header("Content-Disposition").Contains("attachment;"), + Header("Etag").Contains("W/\"%s.x-tar", fileCID), + Header("Content-Type").Contains("application/x-tar"), + ).Body( + IsTarFile(), + ), + }, + /** + test_expect_success "GET TAR has expected root directory" ' + rm -rf outputDir && mkdir outputDir && + curl "$GWAY_PORT/ipfs/$DIR_CID?format=tar" | tar -x -C outputDir && + test -d "outputDir/$DIR_CID" && + echo "I am a txt file on path with utf8" > expected && + test_cmp expected outputDir/$DIR_CID/ą/ę/file-źł.txt + ' + */ + { + Name: "GET TAR has expected root directory", + Request: Request(). + Path("ipfs/%s", dirCID). + Query("format", "tar"), + Response: Expect(). + Status(200). + Body( + IsTarFile(). + HasFileWithContent( + fmt.Sprintf("%s/ą/ę/file-źł.txt", dirCID), + "I am a txt file on path with utf8\n", + ), + ), + }, + /** + test_expect_success "GET TAR with explicit ?filename= succeeds with modified Content-Disposition header" " + curl -fo actual -D actual_headers '$GWAY_PORT/ipfs/$DIR_CID?filename=testтест.tar&format=tar' && + grep -F 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"test____.tar\"; filename*=UTF-8'\'\''test%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82.tar' actual_headers + " + */ + { + Name: "GET TAR with explicit ?filename= succeeds with modified Content-Disposition header", + Request: Request(). + Path("ipfs/%s", dirCID). + Query("filename", "testтест.tar"). + Query("format", "tar"), + Response: Expect(). + Status(200). + Headers( + // Note: golang's compiler assumes the "weird" string is a format string, we use `"%s"` to move it out of the way. + Header("Content-Disposition").Contains("%s", "attachment; filename=\"test____.tar\"; filename*=UTF-8''test%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82.tar"), + ), + }, + /** + test_expect_success "GET TAR with relative paths outside root fails" ' + curl -o - "$GWAY_PORT/ipfs/$OUTSIDE_ROOT_CID?format=tar" > curl_output_filename && + test_should_contain "relative UnixFS paths outside the root are now allowed" curl_output_filename + ' + */ + { + Name: "GET TAR with relative paths outside root fails", + Request: Request(). + Path("ipfs/%s", outsideRootCID). + Query("format", "tar"), + Response: Expect(). + Body( + Contains("relative UnixFS paths outside the root are now allowed"), + ), + }, + /** + test_expect_success "GET TAR with relative paths inside root works" ' + rm -rf outputDir && mkdir outputDir && + curl "$GWAY_PORT/ipfs/$INSIDE_ROOT_CID?format=tar" | tar -x -C outputDir && + test -f outputDir/$INSIDE_ROOT_CID/foobar/file + ' + */ + { + Name: "GET TAR with relative paths inside root works", + Request: Request(). + Path("ipfs/%s", insideRootCID). + Query("format", "tar"), + Response: Expect(). + Status(200). + Body( + IsTarFile(). + HasFile( + "%s/foobar/file", insideRootCID, + ), + ), + }, + } + + Run(t, tests.Build()) } diff --git a/tooling/car/fixture.go b/tooling/car/fixture.go index ef2e4c1bc..745a0e0d7 100644 --- a/tooling/car/fixture.go +++ b/tooling/car/fixture.go @@ -1,44 +1,84 @@ package car import ( + "context" + "io" + "strings" "time" + files "github.com/ipfs/boxo/files" + + unixfile "github.com/ipfs/boxo/ipld/unixfs/file" "github.com/ipfs/go-cid" format "github.com/ipfs/go-ipld-format" "github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime" + mb "github.com/multiformats/go-multibase" "github.com/multiformats/go-multihash" ) type FixtureNode struct { node format.Node + dsvc format.DAGService } -// get cid method func (n *FixtureNode) Cid() cid.Cid { return n.node.Cid() } -// get raw data method +func (n *FixtureNode) Base32Cid() string { + redirectDirCID, err := mb.Encode(mb.Base32, n.Cid().Bytes()) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return redirectDirCID +} + func (n *FixtureNode) RawData() []byte { return n.node.RawData() } -// get formated node (pass codec name as parameter) func (n *FixtureNode) Formatted(codecStr string) []byte { node := n.node.(ipld.Node) return FormatDagNode(node, codecStr) } +func (n *FixtureNode) ToFile() files.File { + f, err := unixfile.NewUnixfsFile(context.Background(), n.dsvc, n.node) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + + r, ok := f.(files.File) + + if !ok { + panic("not a file") + } + + return r +} + +func (n *FixtureNode) ReadFile() string { + f := n.ToFile() + + buf := new(strings.Builder) + _, err := io.Copy(buf, f) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + + return buf.String() +} + func RandomCID() cid.Cid { - now := time.Now().UTC() - timeBytes := []byte(now.Format(time.RFC3339)) + now := time.Now().UTC() + timeBytes := []byte(now.Format(time.RFC3339)) - mh, err := multihash.Sum(timeBytes, multihash.SHA2_256, -1) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } + mh, err := multihash.Sum(timeBytes, multihash.SHA2_256, -1) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } - c := cid.NewCidV1(cid.Raw, mh) + c := cid.NewCidV1(cid.Raw, mh) return c -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/tooling/car/merge.go b/tooling/car/merge.go index 6c00f4595..1097a2f0b 100644 --- a/tooling/car/merge.go +++ b/tooling/car/merge.go @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ import ( "context" "fmt" + "github.com/ipfs/boxo/ipld/car/v2/blockstore" "github.com/ipfs/go-cid" - "github.com/ipld/go-car/v2/blockstore" ) func Merge(inputPaths []string, outputPath string) error { diff --git a/tooling/car/unixfs.go b/tooling/car/unixfs.go index 797889834..21af7ffe8 100644 --- a/tooling/car/unixfs.go +++ b/tooling/car/unixfs.go @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ func (d *UnixfsDag) mustGetNode(names ...string) format.Node { } func (d *UnixfsDag) MustGetNode(names ...string) *FixtureNode { - return &FixtureNode{node: d.mustGetNode(names...)} + return &FixtureNode{node: d.mustGetNode(names...), dsvc: d.dsvc} } func (d *UnixfsDag) MustGetRoot() *FixtureNode { diff --git a/tooling/check/tar.go b/tooling/check/tar.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..62ac116da --- /dev/null +++ b/tooling/check/tar.go @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +package check + +import ( + "archive/tar" + "bytes" + "fmt" + "io" + "strings" +) + +var _ Check[[]byte] = &CheckIsTarFile{} + +type CheckIsTarFile struct { + fileNames []string + filesWithContent map[string]string +} + +func IsTarFile() *CheckIsTarFile { + return &CheckIsTarFile{ + fileNames: []string{}, + filesWithContent: map[string]string{}, + } +} + +func (c *CheckIsTarFile) HasFile(format string, a ...interface{}) *CheckIsTarFile { + fileName := fmt.Sprintf(format, a...) + c.fileNames = append(c.fileNames, fileName) + return c +} + +func (c *CheckIsTarFile) HasFileWithContent(fileName, content string) *CheckIsTarFile { + c.filesWithContent[fileName] = content + return c +} + +func (c *CheckIsTarFile) Check(v []byte) CheckOutput { + r := bytes.NewReader(v) + tr := tar.NewReader(r) + + searchedFiles := make(map[string]bool) + filenames := make([]string, 0, len(c.fileNames)) + + for _, fileName := range c.fileNames { + searchedFiles[fileName] = false + } + + for fileName := range c.filesWithContent { + searchedFiles[fileName] = false + } + + for { + hdr, err := tr.Next() + if err == io.EOF { + break // End of archive + } + if err != nil { + return CheckOutput{ + Success: false, + Reason: fmt.Sprintf("failed to read tar header: %v", err), + } + } + + buf := new(bytes.Buffer) + _, err = io.Copy(buf, tr) + if err != nil { + return CheckOutput{ + Success: false, + Reason: fmt.Sprintf("failed to read file '%s' content: %v", hdr.Name, err), + } + } + + filenames = append(filenames, hdr.Name) + + if _, ok := searchedFiles[hdr.Name]; ok { + searchedFiles[hdr.Name] = true + } + + if _, ok := c.filesWithContent[hdr.Name]; ok { + content := buf.String() + + if content != c.filesWithContent[hdr.Name] { + return CheckOutput{ + Success: false, + Reason: fmt.Sprintf("file '%s' with expected content '%s' not found in tar archive. Actual content: '%s'", hdr.Name, c.filesWithContent[hdr.Name], content), + } + } + } + } + + for name, found := range searchedFiles { + if !found { + allFiles := strings.Join(filenames, ", ") + + return CheckOutput{ + Success: false, + Reason: fmt.Sprintf("file '%s' not found in tar archive. Found files: [%s]", name, allFiles), + } + } + } + + return CheckOutput{ + Success: true, + } +}