0.3.0 (2024-05-24)
- action: rearrange refresh method and improve prepareRename readability (4af9d78)
- add code completions (236b564)
- AutoDevCodeLensProvider: implement vscode.Disposable interface #37 (74ce9c7)
- autoDevCommand: rename Explain to ExplainThis and update prompt message #37 (596f81c)
- code-lens: add test lens for classes and methods #37 (822af60)
- code-search: add Git change retrieval option #30 (cb89f82)
- code-search: add Jaccard similarity for better search results #30 (8a51b88)
- code-search: enhance search strategies and retrieval methods #30 (17b658e)
- code-search: increase history commits limit and add type annotations #30 (0f4359e)
- commands: add language context to AutoDev commands #38 (71e7d0d)
- commands: replace 'input' with 'prompt' in newSessionWithPrompt request #38 (076ef1b)
- commands: replace userInput with newSessionWithPrompt in AutoDevCommand (b60e2d5)
- commands: update FixThis command to handle active editor #37 (c7f3b93)
- docs: add basic features documentation (3c5008c)
- domain: add QueryExpansion class for query expansion #30 (508ea9f)
- editor-api: add Git log parsing functionality #30 (2b4e4b6)
- editor-api: enhance GitAction class with new methods and improvements #30 (d78ecf4)
- editor: add case for history save in AutoDevWebviewProtocol.ts (7334dcf)
- editor: enhance TreeSitterFileManager with new methods and imports #37 (5779016)
- editor: refactor TreeSitterFileManager and related classes #30 (b0b8962)
- editor: replace Map with LRUCache in TreeSitterFileManager #30 (34e9069)
- editor: update edit params creation in TreeSitterFileManager #37 (ba95e6d)
- editor: update TreeSitterFileManager and TreeSitterFile #37 (32ea13e)
- embeddings: add support for multiple provider types #30 (f7d59bd)
- extension: add openSettings action (d8626a9)
- JaccardSimilarity: add path similarity method #30 (4e8bdaa)
- llm: update LLMReranker constructor and complete method #30 (0a768e4)
- prompt: add LlmReranker prompt support #30 (f349c26)
- PythonProfile: add Python language support #38 (c35c536)
- refactor: move RenameLookupExecutor and add AutoDevRenameProvider (cf7e195)
- reranker: add LLMReranker for code snippet relevance (2e15f76)
- retrieval: add git history retrieval functionality #30 (13399fb)
- search: enable commit message search in HydeKeywordsStrategy #30 (94e4f2a)
- search: implement searchChunks method in TfIdfSemanticChunkSearch (2333c90)
- search: replace GitChange with CommitMessageSearch and rename TfIdfSemanticChunkSearch #30 (3e0730d)
- search: replace natural from sourcecode for size, and add custom stopwords and tokenizer classes (2e91025)
- support for code-completion request delay and legacy mode (61624ec)
- team-terms: add new terms and improve service #30 (256d2b6)
- team: add support for custom team terms #30 (e20d160)
- test-generation: add Python test generation provider #38 (e3ffa72)
- Revert "refactor(action): update identifierRange to blockRange in CodeActionCreator" (9707b6f)
0.2.6 (2024-05-20)
- build: simplify pre-download script and update .vscodeignore (13812aa)
- code-search: handle empty code snippets gracefully #30 (ddc0d9d)
- editor: handle empty ranges in AutoDevCodeActionProvider #30 (9b85a5c)
- autoDev: add GUI focus input command #30 (2916f14)
- commands: add support for new session creation #30 (4ab97ac)
- embedding: add session check before initialization #30 (2c133af)
- tutorial: add AutoDev tutorial file and showTutorial command (a50f1dd)
0.2.5 (2024-05-20)
- code-context: add TextRange support for code snippets retrieval #30 (d7e7647)
- code-search: add support for specifying text ranges in search results #30 (ff6c907)
- editor: add error popup with show logs option #20 (ec8910d)
- embedding: add NamedChunk creation for code chunks #30 (017a539)
- embedding: add support for named elements in chunk items #30 (f1d2b27)
- prompt: add chat context to propose context #30 (147075b)
- redux: add custom OpenAI compatible model support (8668f01)
0.2.4 (2024-05-18)
- code-search: enable full text search and update file paths #30 (358c61c)
- embedding: add mergedTensor function for tensor merging #30 (a7b7743)
- embedding: add OllamaEmbeddingsProvider #30 (2e7e6c5)
0.2.3 (2024-05-17)
- add ollama chat server example (a01098f)
- code-search: add language parameter to retrieval and search #30 (b7e7254)
- code-search: add logging for keywords and chunks #30 (940cb96)
- code-search: add minimum score filter to search results #30 (7c7f46c)
- code-search: add support for text ranges in code search #30 (193bd4c)
- code-search: add support for Tree-sitter language tags #30 (cc11fe8)
- docs: add Toml support to README.md (2509063)
- editor: add channel logging for AutoDocActionExecutor (734cd49)
- genius: add code search assistant functionality #30 (f292050)
- llm-provider: add support for dynamic strategy (bac95ce)
- llm: add LLM strategy options for code and chat completion #30 (62acbe1)
- parser: add support for Kotlin language #30 (4615ea5)
- prompts: add code snippet response for code search engine query #30 (96c65ea)
- search: add support for Hypothetical Document Embedding (HyDE) #30 (c1c6942)
- revert to pass for CI (61b8244)
0.2.2 (2024-05-14)
- agent: add Catalyser class for semantic code search #30 (50c5f53)
- agent: refactor custom agent classes into separate files (9e5c80f)
- code-context: refactor CodeCorrector and TestTemplateManager (2be8140)
- code-context: refactor relatedClassesContext method (b21b85e)
- extension: add user input request to sidebar webview #30 (0c04ce8)
- prompt: add evaluation step to prompt processing #30 (b440e3f)
- Remove unused file (979b293)
0.2.1 (2024-05-13)
- java-utils: filter out Java and Spring framework imports and handle file parsing errors (11bd4e9)
- java: add file existence check before parsing (d530ad6)
0.2.0 (2024-05-13)
- code-search: handle null embeddingsProvider in LanceDbIndex #22 (da03aa7)
- fix typos (d7613a6)
- fix version for ci (0eaaea5)
- ast: add fromParser method in TreeSitterFile class (28945cc)
- AutoDevExtension: add dynamic basepath for model loading #22 (6430fbe)
- build: add pre-download-build script for binaries (0962b36)
- build: add support for multiple platforms in pre-download-build.js #22 (b886731)
- code-search: add FullTextSearch class and update import statements #22 (5f3378c)
- code-search: add Reranker interface #22 (f53967f)
- code-search: add retrieve function to LanceDbIndex #22 (8c11330)
- code-search: disable codebase indexing methods (01dc92f)
- code-search: enhance indexing process and add global cache #22 (6bec659)
- code-search: implement code snippets indexing and retrieval #22 (2f64041)
- code-search: implement full-text search and retrieval functionality #22 (6c81b4b)
- code-search: improve logging and specific package version installation #22 (3cf4390)
- codebase-indexer: add support for LanceDbIndex and improve indexing #22 (cd77bba)
- codemodel: add StructureType enum and update structurers (fe313ef)
- commands: use singleton for RelevantCodeProviderManager (c03a5aa)
- database: add SqliteDb class and integrate with AutoDevExtension #22 (4b6bfcf)
- editor: add language support to Markdown code block parsing (d257485)
- editor: add selectionToNode function and update language map #22 (a5030f4)
- editor: implement indexing action in SystemActionService (44c4577)
- embedding: add tensorData function and update tensor handling #22 (02105d4)
- fix binary file path fails in bundler (4760b90)
- gitignore: add vite config and changelog to ignore files (5ab2db3)
- indexing: add detailed comments and logging for indexing process (d675526)
- indexing: add SQLite caching to LanceDbIndex #22 (312d6ff)
- indexing: add webpage crawling and article chunking (0bd70ad)
- indexing: refactor codebase indexing process #22 (5d54257)
- indexing: refactor indexing process and improve code organization #22 (a0bea09)
- javascript: add support for more JS frameworks (96107b9)
- markdown: add multiLineCodeBlock method in StreamingMarkdownCodeBlock (065239b)
- markdown: add StandardCodeBlock class and update StreamingMarkdownCodeBlock (1cc6617)
- markdown: improve code block parsing and filtering (8df5411)
- structurer-provider: add init method and refactor TypeScriptStructurer (4ea9e07)
- test-gen: add language context to Markdown code blocks (a4c1034)
- typescript: enable interface declarations and named functions (14a19c2)
- typescript: enhance TypeScript structuring and add tests (4ff2a98)
- vite.config: add node polyfills and update dependencies #22 (d12edfb)
- vite.config: add vectordb to external dependencies (2d97882)
- vite.config: update dependencies in externalizeDeps plugin (6f74f22)
0.1.2 (2024-05-08)
- fix gen icon lost items issues (dd5fcef)
- code-context: add isTestFile method to LanguageProfile (30e7413)
- code-search: add HydeSteps and update PromptManager methods (672b9e3)
- code-search: add HydeStrategy and HydeDocument classes #22 (679aad4)
- code-search: refactor keyword parsing and add tests #22 (62bc2ee)
- code-search: remove java schema from structurer (298acca)
- commit-message: add commit message generation functionality (496603b)
- diff-manager: add git diff parsing functionality (d4762a7)
- editor: add rename action registration (5f24b12)
- editor: add rename lookup and refactor prompt manager (5b7dfdc)
- editor: handle empty file case in AutoTestActionExecutor (12ccedc)
- editor: improve rename lookup functionality (ff0f95d)
- extension: add dynamic configuration change support for rename action (7b61275)
- git: init Git types and commit message generator (077b921)
- scope-graph: add language profile and symbol handling (830dcf3)
- search-strategy: add async instruction method and template context (dea67a1)
- search-strategy: add parseKeywords method and update comments (4c3e3d6)
- search-strategy: convert synchronous methods to async and add chat support #24 (a6debfa)
- settings: add enableRename setting in SettingService (64c2ba4)
- settings: enable rename suggestion in settings (2c462ce)
- settings: update configuration retrieval in SettingService (f8a6c16)
- typescript: add support for export statement in TypeScriptProfile.ts (a582274)
0.1.1 (2024-05-07)
- ast: add textToTreeSitterFile function and update JavaTestGenProvider (337801f)
- BaseStructurerProvider: add init method and move logic from child classes #24 (02ad3eb)
- BaseStructurerProvider: add methods for import retrieval and class merging (a69427f)
- code-context: init Go language support in StructurerProvider #24 (383da8a)
- code-context: refactor BaseStructurer and RelatedCodeProvider (d566cac)
- code-context: refactor RelatedCodeProvider to use singleton pattern and improve language setup (f194d86)
- code-search: support interpreted string literals in scope graph #24 (c59cd33)
- codemodel: add class rendering and update test generation (d9debf3)
- commands: refactor commands into separate files (b1a6b78)
- commands: refactor commands to use enum and improve readability (c7509fd)
- editor: add navigation to test file and output writing (d844dfb)
- editor: add test file detection and handling (be5096a)
- editor: bind document changes in RecentlyDocumentManager (c139f56)
- editor: refactor TreeSitterFileCacheManager to TreeSitterFileManager (f92c6f4)
- editor: replace writeFile with applyEdit in AutoTestActionExecutor (bd91f4e)
- go: enhance Go language parsing and structuring #24 (405b935)
- gradle: add logging and dependency check in GradleBuildToolProvider (1950637)
- java-utils: apply edits immediately in JavaCodeCorrector (06933a8)
- java: improve package handling and filename extraction (8c03e44)
- java: refactor code correction into separate class (6e120f2)
- JavaTestGenProvider: add methods to fix incorrect class and package names (7a29f8e)
- language-profile: implement dependency injection for language profiles (dcda37f)
- RelevantCodeProviderManager: add relatedClassesContext method #24 (4f9f718)
- services: refactor services and improve dependency injection (a9341f5)
- test-generation: add fix for lost package name in Java test generation (d7401f6)
- test-generation: add source code to TypeScriptTestGenProvider and handle empty toolchain (f86170d)
- test-generation: improve test class naming and post-processing (1e9d53e)
- testing: add printScopeGraph function and Golang test #24 (bfcb16e)
- toolchain-context: add caching for context items and unify prompts (4e3cfb2)
0.1.0 (2024-05-05)
- AutoDevExtension: ensure webviewProtocol is defined before request (2bb0a13)
- editor: correct command name and remove unused import #25 (6ce7b14)
- embedding: update localModelPath in TransformersEmbeddingProvider #21 (3398a18)
- fix deps issue (f80672e)
- fix typo (b175fe7)
- scope: correct scope_by_range function and update related tests #25 (2417079)
- test: remove LocalEmbeddingProvider from LocalInference test (f06554e)
- tests: update expected paths to include file extension #25 (607fadd)
- TestTemplateFinder: update path handling for template files #25 (8f3b851)
- AutoDevExtension: add codebase indexing and webview protocol #19 (fa8c772)
- autotest: add execution time logging and fix test file path #12 (3d1608b)
- autotest: change action type and target path in AutoTestActionExecutor and JavaTestGenProvider #25 (64ef750)
- autotest: refactor test context creation in AutoTestActionExecutor #12 (ab448b9)
- buildtool: add message for missing vscode-gradle extension #25 (6535ae0)
- buildtool: enhance Gradle and Go dependency parsing #25 (363f079)
- buildtool: improve Gradle dependency handling and file system operations #25 (52364ac)
- buildtool: refactor Gradle and Go build tool providers to extend BaseBuildToolProvider #24 (fa22512)
- chunker: implement Chunker interface in MarkdownChunker and LinePartitionChunker #19 (5a00f0a)
- ci: add coverage report generation and rename BuiltinCodeSearch #19 (f12e2bc)
- cmake: add CppFramework and CppTestFramework enums (7bfc371)
- code-context: add builtInTypes to language configs #25 (eb91ac5)
- code-parser: add support for Lombok and field parsing in Java code #25 (8d8d32f)
- code-search: add Chinese stop words to tokenizer #19 (5070c03)
- code-search: add chunk computation and indexing to LanceDbIndex (551f82c)
- code-search: add CodebaseIndexer and refactor search strategies #19 (1c54c7b)
- code-search: add custom TfIdf implementation #19 (601f59e)
- code-search: add custom TfIdf implementation #19 (d853e60)
- code-search: add DomainTermService for loading CSV data #19 (2ca4667)
- code-search: add LanceDbIndex class and update CI workflows #19 (686a2da)
- code-search: add OpenTabFilesManager for recent files #19 (e1258f7)
- code-search: add relevant class lookup in Java code #25 (3d37424)
- code-search: add SearchElement and SearchElementBuilder classes #19 (b19cf12)
- code-search: add SimilarChunk class and update README #19 (f170526)
- code-search: add smart code chunking functionality #15 (ff2ec3b)
- code-search: add term splitting functionality and tests #19 (b49dcfd)
- code-search: add TransformersEmbeddingProvider to CodebaseIndexer #19 (01c6c4a)
- code-search: enhance code documentation and refactor method names #25 (df39079)
- code-search: enhance import references retrieval in ScopeGraph #25 (d72b3ef)
- code-search: enhance ScopeGraph and update tests #25 (3ca83fc)
- code-search: enhance SimilarChunk with new methods and align to Intellij IDEA version #19 (c25797c)
- code-search: enhance SimilarChunkTokenizer and add tests (7c50f1f)
- code-search: implement basic code chunker and related tests #19 (5445c07)
- code-search: implement Jaccard similarity algorithm and refactor SimilarChunkSearcher (ba2b11b)
- code-search: implement singleton pattern and refactor code search #19 (00d9f46)
- code-search: improve tokenization and path calculation in SimilarChunk #19 (12829a7)
- code-search: introduce EmbeddingProvider and refactor indexing #19 (d6b7b79)
- code-search: refactor code chunking logic #19 (04bf3ff)
- code-search: refactor SemanticSearch and TfIdfWithSemanticChunkSearch classes #19 (d4dfe8a)
- code-search: replace word splitting with term splitting in SimilarChunkTokenizer (ebd5b3c)
- code-search: update Chinese stop words list and add copyright notice (8f60c7c)
- code-search: update constants and clean up imports #19 (7e8d045)
- code-search: update LocalInference and add test #19 (9697271)
- codemodel: add method IO parsing and system type flag #25 (1d70bff)
- codemodel: add support for nested classes and lombok handling #25 (be5402e)
- codemodel: enhance PlantUMLPresenter with detailed comments and syntax conversion #25 (95a5fac)
- commands: make parameters optional in autoTest #15 (5414561)
- custom-action: add AutoDevExtension parameter to execute and handleOutput methods #4 (c94809c)
- DevIns: init DevIns parser to project list (56c8877), closes #23
- docs: update .vscodeignore and README.md (39b1a62)
- editor-api: add indexing action to SystemActionService #19 (3181f4c)
- editor-api: add SystemActionService and integrate with AutoDevStatusManager #19 (7c888e0)
- editor-api: replace indexing with search functionality #19 (f22accd)
- editor: add directory traversal and ignore utilities #19 (a208653)
- editor: add function to convert CodeFunction to TextRange #25 (09bac03)
- editor: filter and return only code files #15 (cabc31b)
- editor: optimize user input selection in commands #4 (16b835d)
- editor: replace external uuid with custom implementation (d51787f)
- embedding: add LocalInference class and update TransformersEmbeddingProvider #21 (a5c624c)
- embedding: add onnxruntime-node to vite config and enable ONNX in TransformersEmbeddingProvider #21 (06aa4fd)
- embedding: add reshape function to meanPooling #19 (6d40927)
- embedding: refactor embedding utilities and enhance OpenAIEmbedding #19 (b06138f)
- embedding: refactor LocalInference and add meanPooling #19 (9780d9b)
- embedding: replace LocalModelEmbedding with TransformersEmbeddingProvider #19 (38f3a6a)
- embedding: replace TransformersEmbeddingProvider with LocalInference #21 (40fbb23)
- embedding: update model path and add test for TransformersEmbeddingProvider #19 (c8ef61f)
- embedding: update ONNX runtime usage in LocalInference #21 (8a3c29a)
- extension: add globalThis.self assignment in src/extension.ts @CGQAQ #21 (11f4d86)
- gradle: improve regex and add sub_projects test #25 (9edbda3)
- indexer: add new codebase index classes #19 (a29383d)
- indexing: enhance indexing functionality and types and align to continue API design for temp #22 (5e9296f)
- JaccardSimilarity: add tests and documentation (9d433b6)
- java-structurer: add field extraction functionality #25 (3095082)
- java: add package query to Java language configuration #25 (adaaf5f)
- PackageVersionParser: add new interface and implement in GoModParser (711c0c8)
- scope-graph: enhance import handling and method extraction #25 (1391e3e)
- search: add separate method for adding documents #19 (c7d9987)
- search: enhance document handling and term splitting #19 (a80f2a9)
- search: refactor semantic search and add cancellation utility #19 (6b00e26)
- team-service: add DomainTermService with CSV parsing #19 (311c283)
- test-generation: add GoTestGenProvider for Go language support #24 (6272ba3)
- test-generation: enhance test file creation and context collection #12 (d4e6316)
- test-generation: implement test file creation for Go language #24 (0cd45da)
- test-generation: return array of CodeStructure in lookupRelevantClass (702f805)
- testing: add new test for Java and refactor NamedElementBuilder usage (be9477f)
- testing: enhance test setup and logging #25 (75f9bb6)
- tests: update expected paths and refactor path generation #25 (a50baf3)
- tests: update method extraction and import handling in tests #25 (50f77ea)
- test: update test case and add new methods in ScopeGraph #25 (38c5bd2)
- token: enhance token counting and message pruning #19 (2ec1643)
- toolchain-context: add Go build tool provider and GoMod parser #24 (0c970a9)
- toolchain-context: add Go frameworks and test frameworks enums (62a3f67)
- toolchain-context: enhance error handling and context collection #25 (7645215)
- webview: add message handling and error reporting #4 (5b1e9b3)
- webview: add messageType parameter to reply function #12 (0907d3c)
- webview: implement message handling and request methods #12 (1ec49d5)
- Revert "refactor(system): rename 'system' to 'settings' across multiple files" (bc6af27)
0.0.6 (2024-04-25)
0.0.5 (2024-04-25)
- Add file generation task and rename FencedCodeBlock to MarkdownCodeBlock #15 (7c061be)
- commands: add generateCommitMessage function (3b02008)
- commands: add generateCommitMessage function to commands.ts #15 (46250df)
- custom-action: add comment symbol to context and improve logging #15 (1a3668f)
- editor-api: enhance QuickAction selection handling #15 (1025ac0)
- editor: rename NamedElementBlock to NamedElement and add language property #15 (69c8f9b)
- prompt-manage: add CustomActionContextBuilder and CustomActionExecutor classes #15 (064c56f)
- prompt-manage: add PromptOverrider class (adcd3cb)
- prompt-manage: add text insertion and update functionality #15 (f1fc079)
- prompt-manage: enhance CustomActionContext with new properties #15 (77ec1bd)
- prompt-manage: refactor code to use outputText and add toolchain context #15 (06d83da)
- prompt-manage: refactor custom actions and related components #15 (090b7d2)
- prompt-manage: replace CustomActionContext with CustomActionVariable #15 (7a91b19)
- prompt-manager: refactor custom action prompt and context #15 (f0a5b4f)
- prompt: add PromptLoader to load custom action prompts #15 (6499d4f)
- service: add ProjectService and Service classes #15 (053d6b7)
- template-render: add VSCodeTemplateLoader as default loader #15 (0a86688)
0.0.4 (2024-04-24)
- action: refactor ActionCreator to use AutoDevExtension and add support for class actions #12 (0287145)
- action: refactor ActionCreatorContext and related imports (5b82bae)
- cache-manager: use singleton instance for structure provider (199c2b6)
- chunker: add byLines method for chunking by line size (be3b810)
- code-actions: add applicability check to action creators (4c71943)
- code-actions: refactor and add support for more granular actions in the AutoDevCodeActionProvider. Implement AutoDocCreator to generate documentation for methods and classes. (c332bf7)
- code-actions: refactor method actions and add support for class actions (529d60b)
- code-search: add FileFilter class for file inclusion logic #15 (c3d701d)
- code-search: add SemanticSearch class and CodeSearch extension (4534a8c)
- code-search: add support for embedding-based similarity calculation #15 (22da4ff)
- code-search: add TfIdfWithSemanticChunkSearch class using Natural's TfIdf library for calculating similarity between code chunks. Introduces new methods
#15 (4669eae) - code-search: init TfIdfWithSemanticChunkSearch class (4de39cd)
- code-search: introduce caching for embeddings to improve performance #15 (79334d9)
- code-search: refactor chunk search strategy and add chunk filter class #15 (aeaf8f7)
- code-search: refactor chunk-strategy files to chunk and embedding directories #15 (9c59bc1)
- code-search: refactor chunkers with clearer names and comments #15 (2a4cbd0)
- code-search: refactor chunking strategy and add new chunkers #15 (7ae48a7)
- code-search: refactor code search related files to use semantic subdirectory structure and update imports accordingly #15 (4d3f1f7)
- code-search: refactor file filtering and chunking logic to use external binary file detection library. (d0c6f76)
- code-search: refactor FileFilter with ignore package and add support for .gitignore (1783197), closes #15
- codesearch: refactor and add type safety to chunk search strategy #15 (00c6afd)
- editor: add BlockBuilder for block selection #15 (1682c3f)
- editor: add CursorUtil for selection handling #15 (3a5dad6)
- editor: add documentation for NamedElementBlock class #15 (92b1165)
- editor: add function to check if node is top level #15 (656748a)
- editor: add method to build document from suggestion #15 (9e2aaa6)
- editor: add method to build document from suggestion #15 (7c04053)
- editor: add support for selecting comment range #15 (f154520)
- editor: add SyntaxNodeUtil for handling syntax nodes #15 (b8bcb42)
- editor: add test data generation action #15 (7c3296e)
- editor: add TestDataTemplateContext interface #15 (020dc03)
- editor: improve AutoDevCodeLensProvider with localized title for autoComment command (479ac67)
- editor: introduce ActionCreator and AutoDevCodeActionProvider (b4f6e51)
- editor: refactor code action provider and add new action creator for generating API data. (cf6ee09)
- editor: refactor code actions and add new AutoDocCreator class #12 (a0f6f13)
- embedding: add OpenAIEmbedding class and refactor RemoteEmbedding to return Embedding instead of void #15 (aad9d21)
- file-filter: refactor binary check to use text file detection #15 (5a073af)
- file-filter: refactor binary file detection with improved logic and performance optimizations. (5368e84)
- prompt-manage: add ActionType enum #15 (5ff43cc)
- prompt: add custom prompt registration and construction #15 (bf1e0ca)
- prompt: add GenApiData action and template #15 (a860fdd)
- providers: add injectable decorator to action creators (7a56549)
- providers: refactor action provider creation to use flatMap and forEach (25596ec)
- providers: refactor AutoDevActionProvider to use identifierRange for test actions (88affcf)
- search: add cancellation token support to TfIdfWithSemanticChunkSearch #15 (01c4067)
- search: refactor searchFileChunks to use text and CancellationToken #15 (ad8c5cb)
- search: try to implement semantic search strategy and cosine similarity function for GitHub Copilot Chatbot. (449a5cf)
- tooling: introduce singleton pattern for NpmBuildToolProvider and add support for GradleBuildToolProvider #12 (f461a16)
- typescript: add support for generator functions #15 (dd5bdf4)
- utils: add binary file detection and processing functionality to FileFilter.ts #15 (138e61c)
- utils: refactor FileFilter to use modern TypeScript features and improve code readability. (06ed47d)
- 添加侧边栏对话面板 (3a23376)
0.0.3 (2024-04-19)
- add problemMatcher to let the debug session start AFTER first success build (18a22f1)
- bundle the web-tree-sitter instead of ignore it inside .vscodeignore (b2174eb)
- Bundled production dependency (df49135)
- chat-context: handle target file type check more robustly (4d67e2a)
- codesearch: remove console.debug statements and add getText() method to TextRange class (0b04f55)
- codesearch: simplify for test logic (033082f)
- ERROR deps not found (a889400)
- fix async issue (954fdbe)
- Fix ci failures (5856f90)
- fix for CI (e862bc2)
- fix import (a2f5af2)
- fix issue (f6ee6dd)
- fix package name issue (978175d)
- fix symlink (2546782)
- fix tests (69df684)
- fix typos (3bc79da)
- fix typos (80bde6e)
- fix typos (3f63e0e)
- gui-sidebar loading (e054184)
- gui-sidebar: it builds now (cf4c0c0)
- ignore gui-sidebar when packaging vscode extension (5a88081)
- Ignore static loading of wasm files (51a5663)
- more core shims (053bd10)
- move tree-sitter.wasm (f2c3e24)
- move wasm files (2bceb95)
- possiblely wrong ignore syntax in .vscodeignore (7b389dd)
- prompts: improve commit message generation and documentation practices #14 (071156a)
- remove .ts extension to fix build (78636ca)
- some core shims (9b6567b)
- SpringContextProvider: update Spring library detection logic #14 (1671bca)
- test: refactor hover range tests to use
method (a5d652f) - update
method to returnPromise<boolean>
to returnundefined
class. #2 (339b4a1) - update method signatures and improve code structure parsing in JavaTSConfig and JavaStructurer. #2 (33f02ea)
- update method signatures and improve code structure parsing in JavaTSConfig and JavaStructurer. #2 (8919fac)
- vscode engine version (caf6046)
- web-tree-sitter is not found (8521574)
- wrong wasm path (ba81ca0)
- action: refactor to use VSCodeAction class #2 (1a9ebdb)
- add basic syntax support for ts#2 (d1ab15d)
- add go ts config support #2 (9c54c1b)
- add Gradle sync support and refactor JavaSemanticLsp import path #2 (1e96422)
- add hover for class level quick fix #12 (e532f85)
- add Java structure support with TreeSitter-Java and vscode-pylance integration #2 (3f37385)
- Add method input and output query expression support for Java #2 (effe75e)
- add more basic from continue (55bf890)
- add PythonSemanticLsp class with support for vscode-pylance and TreeSitterFile method. #2 (3fb3205)
- add support for Go and TypeScript with TreeSitter-Go and TreeSitter-TypeScript integration #2 (b79c28f)
- add version propertie (95a5592)
- agent: introduce AutoPage and related components for frontend workflow #9 (562bd3d)
- agent: introduce AutoPage and related components for frontend workflow #9 (2ff4111)
- agent: introduce CustomAgentConfig and related classes for custom agent configuration #9 (3d5e505)
- agent: introduce CustomAgentConfig and related classes for custom agent configuration #9 (3af4f76)
- agent: refactor CustomAgentConfig and introduce new types and enums for improved configuration and interaction handling #9 (d43da94)
- autodev ui init (9949d25)
- autodev: add auto test feature for method and class in TypeScript and Java files. (e89db11)
- autodev: add new commands and context menu for quick chat and terminal selection (aa98047)
- autodev: refactor commands and add support for generating API data from code blocks #2 (28cce71)
- buildtool: add moduleTarget property and implement lookupRelativeTooling method for Gradle and NpmTooling classes #9 (b057bd6)
- buildtool: refactor Gradle dependency detection and add ToolingDetector class #2 (564f876)
- buildtool: refactor GradleSync to use PackageDependencies (e434c42)
- cache extension context (36a7e77)
- cache-manager: introduce singleton pattern for TreeSitterFileCacheManager #12 (fd5fd78)
- cache: refactor and introduce new cache manager for TreeSitterFile objects #2 (7c683ba)
- chat-context/tooling: refactor GradleTooling to BuildToolProvider and add NpmBuildToolProvider #14 (07b4e1a)
- chat-context: add JavaScriptContextProvider and refactor JsDependenciesSnapshot creation logic #14 (dff4917)
- chat-context: add JavaSdkVersionProvider and JavaScriptContextProvider (d732b5b)
- chat-context: introduce GradleTooling singleton and refactor dependency detection logic in ToolingDetector #14 (1ea0d53)
- chat-context: refactor chat context collection into ChatContextManager class #14 (0050e13)
- chat-context: refactor ChatContextProvider and add SpringContextProvider support #14 (ce8cb83)
- chat-context: refactor isApplicable methods to return promises and use GradleTooling instance #14 (7dcf329)
- chat-context: refactor tooling detection (7dd05f7)
- ci: add coverage reporting to GitHub workflows (7d1065a)
- code-actions: improve method range detection in TreeSitterFile #9 (0497965)
- code-context: add support for Java and TypeScript test generation providers #12 (939f2db)
- code-context: add TypeScriptTestGenProvider and update BuildToolProvider mapping #12 (b17609e)
- code-context: refactor structurer and add base structurer class #12 (cd2d3b0)
- code-context: refactor structurer and related providers to use web-tree-sitter library and improve code parsing and generation #12 (36e9295)
- code-context: refactor structurer providers and add language applicability checks #12 (26f2bc5)
- code-context: refactor TreeSitterFile and add ScopeGraph support (d99cd92)
- code-search: refactor ScopeGraph to return arrays instead of iterables #12 (a04e2ac)
- codemodel: add PlantUML support for code structure visualization #2 (94622a9)
- codemodel: introduce dependency and package metadata system #2 (a0fabd2)
- codemodel: refactor and centralize provider registration #2 (6fe8b75)
- codesearch: add AI-based codesearch functionality using SSE and streamResponse. (82bd86b)
- codesearch: add basic insert local scope support (34ec2f6)
- codesearch: add more implementation for insert local (2157dd6)
- codesearch: add ScopeBuilder class and related models (065c315)
- codesearch: add ScopeDebug class for detailed scope analysis and debugging. (7aa763a)
- codesearch: add ScopeGraph and related classes for improved reference resolution and symbol indexing. (164b70e)
- codesearch: add TextRange compare and sort methods (cd25354)
- codesearch: extract for scope debug util (e2a21ba)
- codesearch: introduce ScopeBuilder and related models for efficient symbol indexing and referencing #9 (9cd0a93)
- codesearch: introduce ScopeBuilder and related models for efficient symbol indexing and referencing #9 (0fdd0b0)
- codesearch: introduce ScopeBuilder and related models for efficient symbol indexing and referencing #9 (be5799f)
- codesearch: introduce ScopeBuilder and related models for efficient symbol indexing and referencing #9 (9e24bde)
- codesearch: refactor LocalScope to use ScopeGraph for context extraction (1096e21)
- codesearch: refactor ScopeBuilder and related classes for improved symbol indexing and referencing. #9 (0f8472b)
- codesearch: refactor ScopeBuilder and ScopeGraph for improved logging and node handling #2 (6bb2995)
- codesearch: refactor ScopeBuilder and ScopeGraph for improved logging and node handling #9 (083ec96)
- codesearch: refactor ScopeBuilder for improved capture handling and logging (b372bce)
- codesearch: refactor ScopeBuilder for improved capture handling and logging (8335a2c)
- codesearch: refactor ScopeBuilder for Java with improved capture handling and logging. (896c3bd)
- codesearch: refactor ScopeGraph to use Graphology and improve logging (ccce9c8)
- codesearch: refactor ScopeGraph to use rootIndex for improved consistency and scope resolution. (42e521c)
- codesearch: refactor ScopeGraph to use rootIndex for improved consistency and scope resolution. (5aa1e79)
- codesearch: refactor ScopeGraph to use rootIndex for improved consistency and scope resolution. (8c076bf)
- codesearch: refactor SymbolId and LocalDef classes, add WebViewProvider registration #9 (a88d3a5)
- codesearch: refactor TextRange compare and sort methods, add context extraction for source code analysis (95c8818)
- commands: add AutoTestAction and refactor AutoDocAction to implement Action interface #12 (374895d)
- comment-parsing: add support for block comments in UML diagrams #9 (03b107d)
- comment-parsing: use line-specific comment symbols for better comment extraction in UML diagrams #9 (ade2686)
- container: add TypeScript support and refactor provider container structure #12 (7931d9d)
- custom-action/variable: refactor BuiltinVariables to enum and add FrameworkVariableProvider and VariableResolver classes. (649ea7d)
- custom-action: add built-in variables and their provider (8a48b20)
- docs: add documentation for adding new language support (b7b097b)
- docs: update repository URL, license, and documentation for VSCode extension (03bae9e)
- documentation: Improve user documentation generation for specified language code. #9 (59e985c)
- editor-api: refactor and add new editor-api actions and notifications #9 (fe55650)
- editor: introduce AutoDevStatusManager and refactor status notification handling in VSCode extension. (1e0932d)
- editor: introduce CodeElement interface and add ChatContextProvider class #14 (18e3ac0)
- extract insertCodeByRange function #2 (92b3f64)
- gradle-build-tool: replace util.TextDecoder with TextDecoder for compatibility (770c8ac)
- gradle-tooling: add support for Kotlin build scripts and improve applicability check (4ce01e2)
- gradle: add Gradle version info parsing and SDK version provider for Java projects #14 (0f11c92)
- init auto doc (b8a9f0d)
- init auto doc (95ab70d)
- init lsp api for java (d150001)
- init status event #2 (51488fc)
- init toolbar (9df0263)
- init treesiterr lang #2 (002feb1)
- Introduce RecentlyDocumentManager class with improved document management features. #2 (ffbc285)
- introducing root.ts (0f66fc8)
- java-parser: add support for parsing method return types and names in Java files #2 (14c94a8)
- java-parser: introduce JavaStructureParser and refactor methodRanges logic in AutoDevActionProvider #2 (973672e)
- java-parser: refactor JavaStructureParser to JavaStructurer and update tests and providers to use the new class #2 (e16cc00)
- java-test-gen: add Java specific test generation logic and utilities #12 (8620471)
- java: add JavaTestGenProvider and related initialization logic. (ee76c56)
- javascript-dependencies: add JsDependenciesSnapshot class and related utilities #9 (5a154ff)
- javascript: refactor dependency type handling and update web/test framework enum values #14 (6cae62b)
- JavaTestGenProvider: use i18n for prompts and update test code template instructions (d2c41e5)
- java: update JavaScriptLangConfig test with new grammar and logger #2 (a7a08e6)
- l10n: use vscode's l10n module for i18n support in code lenses and test generation prompts. (863f117)
- llm-provider: add LlmProvider class and refactor OpenAICompletion class to use it #9 (5a4548a)
- llm-provider: introduce ChatMessage class and refactor related components to use it #9 (08c9388)
- markdown: add PostCodeProcessor test suite #2 (d06b56d)
- markdown: refactor code block processing and add support for auto-documenting code blocks (fab7130)
- model: refactor code structure and add PlantUML presenter support #2 (07159f9)
- model: refactor code structure and add PlantUML presenter support #2 (ef88aab)
- npm: add moduleTarget property and implement lookupRelativeTooling method for NpmTooling class #9 (273c09b)
- parser: add FencedCode parsing and language detection system #2 (91bf5d2)
- parser: add support for TypeScript React files #9 (5917ac6)
- parser: add support for TypeScript React files #9 (0f08dad)
- parser: fix go in older way (3781374)
- parser: refactor FencedCode parsing and add PostCodeProcessor class for code formatting #2 (251c7f6)
- parser: refactor method and class ranges query and add support for TypeScript React files #9 (b964447)
- parser: refactor method and class ranges query and add support for TypeScript React files #9 (d8e4b1a)
- prompt-manage: add new template loading functionality #7 (1f3fdb9)
- prompt-manage: add team prompts system and related classes #9 (4ca30b2)
- prompt-manage: add unit tests for CustomActionPrompt and refactor parsing logic to use js-yaml #9 (c9d04b6)
- prompt-manager: add chat context support for template prompts #14 (e2c06f8)
- prompt-manager: add ChatContextManager integration (156463d)
- prompt-manager: add support for template rendering and management #9 (69fb97d)
- providers: refactor AutoDevActionProvider and AutoDevCodeLensProvider to use new BlockBuilder.buildMethod() and buildClass() methods. #12 (cb223bc)
- quick-chat: add quick chat feature using vscode QuickInput API #2 (e2c737b)
- refactor JavaConfig and AutoDevActionProvider to use new TreeSitterFile methods for method and class ranges #2 (9e394ad)
- Rename and modify files to use TechStack class instead of TestStack class #14 (9efc939)
- scope-search: add allImports method and refactor context function #12 (be7ad6c)
- ScopeGraph: introduce NodeIndex and refactor graph traversal methods (0ac36ab)
- semantic-treesitter: add support for Java structure parsing and testing #2 (fc8b3f9)
- semantic-treesitter: improve Java structure parsing and testing #2 (24c6853)
- semantic-treesitter: introduce StructureParser class and refactor JavaStructure to use it #2 (a3658a0)
- semantic-treesitter: introduce StructureParser class and refactor JavaStructure to use it #2 (5bec11a)
- semantic-treesitter: introduce StructureProvider and refactor AutoDevActionProvider to use it #2 (170852a)
- semantic-treesitter: refactor and improve TreeSitter language configuration and structurer support by introducing a new TSLanguageService class and updating related components to use it. This commit also includes renaming and refactoring the TestLanguageService class for better testing. (5a3d317)
- semantic-treesitter: refactor JavaStructureParser to JavaStructurer and update tests and providers to use the new class #2 (853c061)
- semantic-treesitter: refactor language service and add tests #2 (9c24bf4)
- semantic-treesitter: refactor structure provider and add support for precise code structure extraction using Tree-sitter #2 (d70c64a)
- semantic: add .gitignore and counter.ts, refactor JavaStructure.test.ts #2 (501d4ff)
- semantic: add CommentUMLPresenter and refactor relatedProvider output handling. #2 (b0241a1)
- semantic: add Java structure support and refactor TreeSitterLanguage.ts #2 (fd4457f)
- semantic: add related provider manager #2 (c2bb842)
- semantic: add RelatedProvider and JavaRelatedProvider for code analysis (625cd25), closes #2
- semantic: add support for Java canonical name parsing and assignment in structures and tests #2 (60306d3)
- semantic: add support for loading language schemas from .scm files (e0ba63d)
- semantic: add TestGenProvider interface and TestGenContext interface for test generation #9 (d0aab13)
- semantic: add TreeSitterFileUtil and TreeSitterFile for method ranges extraction #9 (bdc9764)
- semantic: add TypeScript language support and refactor Java structure detection logic #9 (ac3614f)
- semantic: improve method and class detection in Java and TypeScript files (527548f)
- semantic: introduce StructureParser class and refactor JavaStructure to use it #2 (44a8e22)
- semantic: refactor and improve TreeSitter language configuration and structurer support #2 (68d6625)
- semantic: refactor and improve TreeSitter language configuration and structurer support #2 (07e784f)
- semantic: refactor and improve TreeSitter language configuration and structurer support #2 (5ed7195)
- semantic: refactor AutoDevCodeLensProvider to use TreeSitterFileUtil and TreeSitterFile for method ranges extraction, and add support for quick chat #2 (7bd9f4b)
- semantic: refactor AutoDevCodeLensProvider to use TreeSitterFileUtil and TreeSitterFile for method ranges extraction, and add support for quick chat #2 (730f583)
- semantic: refactor GoLangConfig.ts to use MemoizedQuery and add support for struct types in type_declaration. (817c39c)
- semantic: refactor GoLangConfig.ts to use MemoizedQuery and add support for struct types in type_declaration. (9168834)
- semantic: refactor related provider and code file cache manager #2 (bc73ac6)
- semantic: refactor RelatedProvider and JavaRelatedProvider to use CodeFile[] instead of string[] for fanIn and fanOut methods. #2 (715ca88)
- semantic: refactor RelatedProvider and JavaRelatedProvider to use CodeFile[] instead of string[] for fanIn and fanOut methods. #2 (b3e98a4)
- semantic: refactor RelatedProvider and JavaRelatedProvider to use CodeFile[] instead of string[] for fanIn and fanOut methods. #2 (8dd0c17)
- semantic: refactor RelatedProvider and JavaRelatedProvider to use CodeFile[] instead of string[] for fanIn and fanOut methods. #2 (4b6b50a)
- semantic: refactor RelatedProvider and JavaRelatedProvider to use CodeFile[] instead of string[] for fanIn and fanOut methods. #2 (869f356)
- settings: refactor and add SettingService class #9 (02eee01)
- setup VSCode test configuration and update dependencies #2 (1880b07)
- spring-context: add SpringContextProvider class to manage Spring framework dependencies and test frameworks. (c4bcce8)
- spring-context: refactor SpringLibrary and SpringContextProvider for better dependency detection and documentation generation. #14 (e53905c)
- swtich to vitejs (711748d)
- team-prompts: add TeamPromptExecTask class to manage team prompts interactions #9 (235971c)
- team-prompts: refactor and add rootPath to TeamPromptsBuilder.ts #9 (8256f05)
- template-rendering: improve context handling in TemplateRender.ts (11ddb1f)
- template: add Velocity-based template rendering system and related classes #2 (3f31bb1)
- test-gen: refactor test generation logic to use chat context and LLM provider #12 (f2a4851)
- tooling: refactor GradleTooling to use promises and add new GradleInfo class and related tests. #9 (e435063)
- treesitter: add package scripts #2 (3915e11)
- treesitter: make basic context works #2 (d71ef60)
- treesitter: try for API #2 (891244f)
- typescript: refactor method detection in TypeScript files #9 (4a474f3)
- ui: refactor status notification and add status bar management (f34a289)
- ui: update quick chat icon and status bar item icon (0de6939)
- update design for protocol design (cd9ee0a)
- vscode-action: add GitAction class for improved repository interaction #9 (9f6bbcf)
- vscode-action: refactor and add new methods for improved terminal interaction and file system handling #9 (6502944)
- 去除测试文件 (8d7f23f)
- semantic: revert for comment (f0d5325)