- Fixed bug in Shiny app where MAGE plot was not rendering
- Fixed bug in MAGE
- Fixed bug in GRI calculation
- added tz parameter to functions that require it
- Updates to the MAGE vignette
- Minor documentation updates
- Updates to the MAGE vignette
- In MAGE function, linearly interpolate data to 5 min intervals using CGMS2DayByDay
- Breaking change: changed parameter
in iglu::mage, iglu::mage_ma_single tostatic_or_cgm
- Added plotly functionality to
and the lasagna plots - Updated author ids
- Fixed formatting issues in the documentation
- Add meal plotting functionality
- Fixed broken whiplash plot in MAGE documentation
- Added MAGEmax plotting functionality
- CRAN release to match upcoming paper summarizing updated MAGE algorithm, episode calculation functionality, meal metrics, clustering and new example data inclusion
- minor bugfix in MAGE: stopped extraneous warning from being thrown
- Added tests for mage + mean + median + sd
- MAGE plot can now show excursions via "show_excursions = TRUE" flag
- debugged formatting error with Mage vignette
- debugged internal build warnings
- Metrics heatmap removes metrics with no variability across subjects
- Add example dataset to demonstrate meal metrics calculations
- MAGE handles traces with gaps, restarting calculation when gap >= user-defined threshold
- MAGE returns ggplot as well as plotly
- Fixed plotting functionality with large gaps and multiple segments
- MAGE "left-side accumulation" optimization
- Added "MAGE_max" and "MAGE_avg" to possible directions able to be calculated (in addition to MAGE+, MAGE-, and Service's definition)
- Updated MAGE vignette for more details
- minor bug corrections in mage calculations
- adjustment from summarize to reframe
- update algorithm for episode calculations
- DT package import for shiny app
- add glycemia risk index (GRI)
- add AGP plot smoothing
- add functionality to create a heatmap of metrics by subject
- bug correction for denominator in hypo_index and hyper_index in case of missing glucose values
- Rewrite for computational efficiency of CGM2DayByDay
- Correct bug with ADRR that ignored time zone (worked incorrectly on daylight savings time dates)
- Return COGI in percentage (rather than proportion)
- Correct bug in gvp formula calculation
- Correct bug that makes mage not work on data with time supplied as POSIXlt instead of POSIXct
- MAGE vignette
- MAGE default parameters for short and long moving averages are automatically adjusted in case of short length of glucose trace
- MAGE automatically adapts to given meter frequency
- Add automatic filtering and warning in case multiple measurements for one subject at the same time stamp
- Add automatic sorting of time before calculating MAGE
- Allow to change some of the default parameters when calculatin metrics with all_metrics
- Minor bug corrections to shiny app
- Correct bug wtih reading raw data from iglu pro
- Added functions for hypo- and hyper-glycemic episodes calculation with visualization profile
- Updated main vignette, expanded additional vignettes on lasagna plots and episode calculation as part of AGP
- Updated documentation for MAD with an option to change constant parameter
- Updated MAGE algorithm to allow separate calculation of MAGE+ and MAGE-
- Added updated MAGE algorithm
- Added process_data and read_raw_data to allow reading meter-specific values
- Shiny app now takes time zone
- Documentation and vignette updates
- Added MAG (Mean Absolute Glucose)
- Added COGI (COntinuous Glucose monitoring Index)
- Added AGP (Ambulatory Glucose Profile)
- Added new color scheme for lasagna plots
- Added functionality for semilogarithmic plots
- Adjust default in range interval to [70, 180] mg/dL
- Extended active_percent to return information on available data period
- Fixed missing data artifact in time-series plots
- Updated links in readme
- Version 2 - Version 1 + all new metrics (rate of change, GMI, cv measures, AUC, GVP and MAD)
- Added GVP and MAD metrics
- Added active percent metric
- Added cv_measures metrics
- Added AUC metric
- Added glucose management indicator (GMI) and eA1c
- Added rate of change functions with plots
- First release
- Added Shiny app functionality.
- Added a
file to track changes to the package.