From 84de0994157024aba11fc818b0966ab91def28a1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Markus Kitsinger (SwooshyCueb)" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2022 19:19:04 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] [28] Remove systemd from elk container

Also, optimize the image slightly
 irods_audit_elk_stack/Dockerfile              | 205 +++++------
 .../elasticsearch/elasticsearch.init          | 194 ++++++++++
 .../{ => elasticsearch}/elasticsearch.yml     |  29 +-
 .../elasticsearch/exclude-jvm.dpkg.cfg        |   3 +
 .../jvm.options.d/oom_heap_dump.options       |   2 +
 irods_audit_elk_stack/elk-firstrun.service    |  16 -
 irods_audit_elk_stack/             |  57 ---
 irods_audit_elk_stack/java-excludes.dpkg.cfg  |  12 +
 .../kibana/exclude-node-stuff.dpkg.cfg        |   6 +
 .../irods_dashboard.ndjson}                   |   0
 irods_audit_elk_stack/kibana/kibana.init      | 333 ++++++++++++++++++
 irods_audit_elk_stack/kibana/kibana.yml       | 174 +++++++++
 irods_audit_elk_stack/not-logstash.service    |  18 -
 .../not-logstash/not-logstash.init            | 129 +++++++
 .../{ => not-logstash}/        |   0
 irods_audit_elk_stack/       |  66 +++-
 16 files changed, 1013 insertions(+), 231 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 irods_audit_elk_stack/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.init
 rename irods_audit_elk_stack/{ => elasticsearch}/elasticsearch.yml (88%)
 create mode 100644 irods_audit_elk_stack/elasticsearch/exclude-jvm.dpkg.cfg
 create mode 100644 irods_audit_elk_stack/elasticsearch/jvm.options.d/oom_heap_dump.options
 delete mode 100644 irods_audit_elk_stack/elk-firstrun.service
 delete mode 100755 irods_audit_elk_stack/
 create mode 100644 irods_audit_elk_stack/java-excludes.dpkg.cfg
 create mode 100644 irods_audit_elk_stack/kibana/exclude-node-stuff.dpkg.cfg
 rename irods_audit_elk_stack/{example_kibana_dashboard.ndjson => kibana/irods_dashboard.ndjson} (100%)
 create mode 100755 irods_audit_elk_stack/kibana/kibana.init
 create mode 100644 irods_audit_elk_stack/kibana/kibana.yml
 delete mode 100644 irods_audit_elk_stack/not-logstash.service
 create mode 100755 irods_audit_elk_stack/not-logstash/not-logstash.init
 rename irods_audit_elk_stack/{ => not-logstash}/ (100%)

diff --git a/irods_audit_elk_stack/Dockerfile b/irods_audit_elk_stack/Dockerfile
index 193478c..3de27bf 100644
--- a/irods_audit_elk_stack/Dockerfile
+++ b/irods_audit_elk_stack/Dockerfile
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ RUN apt-get update && \
 # To mark all installed packages as manually installed:
 #apt-mark showauto | xargs -r apt-mark manual
+# Install some standard stuff
 RUN apt-get update && \
     apt-get install -y \
         apt-transport-https \
@@ -25,13 +26,22 @@ RUN apt-get update && \
     && \
     apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
         software-properties-common \
-        systemd \
-        systemd-sysv \
-        dbus \
+        gosu \
     && \
     apt-get clean && \
     rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/*
+# Install yq, needed for init scripts
+RUN add-apt-repository --no-update -y ppa:rmescandon/yq
+RUN apt-get update && \
+    apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
+        yq \
+    && \
+    apt-get clean && \
+    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/*
+# Install JDK/JRE
+COPY java-excludes.dpkg.cfg /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/java-excludes
 ADD /usr/share/keyrings/adoptium.asc
 ADD /usr/share/keyrings/adoptopenjdk.asc
 RUN gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/adoptium.gpg /usr/share/keyrings/adoptium.asc && \
@@ -44,7 +54,6 @@ RUN gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/adoptium.gpg /usr/share/keyrings/adopti
     && \
     apt-get clean && \
     rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/*
 #ARG java_ver=8
 #ARG java_ver=11
 #ARG java_vendor=adoptopenjdk
@@ -52,9 +61,8 @@ RUN gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/adoptium.gpg /usr/share/keyrings/adopti
 ARG java_ver=17
 ARG java_vendor=temurin
 ARG java_dist=jdk
 RUN apt-get update && \
-    apt-get install -y \
+    apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
         ${java_vendor}-${java_ver}-${java_dist} \
     && \
     apt-get clean && \
@@ -63,38 +71,34 @@ ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/${java_vendor}-${java_ver}-${java_dist}-amd64
 RUN update-java-alternatives --set ${JAVA_HOME}
+# Install Elasticsearch and Kibana
 #ARG es_ver=6
 #ARG es_ver=7
 ARG es_ver=8
+COPY elasticsearch/exclude-jvm.dpkg.cfg /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/elasticsearch-exclude-jvm
+COPY kibana/exclude-node-stuff.dpkg.cfg /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/kibana-exclude-node-stuff
 ADD /usr/share/keyrings/elasticsearch-keyring.asc
 RUN gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/elasticsearch-keyring.gpg /usr/share/keyrings/elasticsearch-keyring.asc && \
-    echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/elasticsearch-keyring.gpg]${es_ver}.x/apt stable main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-${es_ver}.x.list && \
-    echo 'path-exclude=/usr/share/elasticsearch/jdk' >> /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/excludes-elasticsearch-jvm && \
-    echo 'path-exclude=/usr/share/elasticsearch/jdk/*' >> /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/excludes-elasticsearch-jvm
+    echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/elasticsearch-keyring.gpg]${es_ver}.x/apt stable main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-${es_ver}.x.list
 RUN apt-get update && \
-    apt-get install -y \
+    apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
         elasticsearch \
         kibana \
     && \
     apt-get clean && \
     rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/*
 RUN echo "ES_JAVA_HOME=\"${ES_JAVA_HOME}\"" >> /etc/default/elasticsearch
+# Install RabbitMQ
 ADD /usr/share/keyrings/rabbitmq_rabbitmq-server.asc
+ADD /usr/share/keyrings/erlang_solutions.asc
 RUN add-apt-repository --no-update -y ppa:rabbitmq/rabbitmq-erlang && \
     gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/rabbitmq_rabbitmq-server.gpg /usr/share/keyrings/rabbitmq_rabbitmq-server.asc && \
+    gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/erlang_solutions.gpg /usr/share/keyrings/erlang_solutions.asc && \
     echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/rabbitmq_rabbitmq-server.gpg] $(awk -F= '/^VERSION_CODENAME/{print$2}' /etc/os-release) main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rabbitmq_rabbitmq-server.list && \
+    echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/erlang_solutions.gpg] $(awk -F= '/^VERSION_CODENAME/{print$2}' /etc/os-release) contrib" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/erlang-solutions.list && \
     apt-get clean && \
     rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/*
-ADD /usr/share/keyrings/erlang_solutions.asc
-#RUN gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/erlang_solutions.gpg /usr/share/keyrings/erlang_solutions.asc && \
-#    echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/erlang_solutions.gpg] $(awk -F= '/^VERSION_CODENAME/{print$2}' /etc/os-release) contrib" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/erlang-solutions.list
-RUN gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/erlang_solutions.gpg /usr/share/keyrings/erlang_solutions.asc && \
-    echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/erlang_solutions.gpg] $(awk -F= '/^VERSION_CODENAME/{print$2}' /etc/os-release) contrib" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/erlang-solutions.list
 RUN apt-get update && \
     apt-get install -y \
         rabbitmq-server \
@@ -102,27 +106,16 @@ RUN apt-get update && \
     apt-get clean && \
     rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/*
-# Hopefully these are new enough
+# Install Python modules for Logstash stand-in
 RUN apt-get update && \
-    apt-get install -y \
+    apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
         python3-qpid-proton \
         python3-elasticsearch \
     && \
     apt-get clean && \
     rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/*
-RUN rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_amqp1_0 && \
-    rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
-RUN echo " \"\"" >> /etc/kibana/kibana.yml
-COPY elasticsearch.yml /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
-RUN /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-keystore remove \
- \
- \
-# utils
+# Install some utils
 RUN apt-get update && \
     apt-get install -y \
         procps \
@@ -134,97 +127,57 @@ RUN apt-get update && \
     apt-get clean && \
     rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/*
-# from ubi8-init
-# from ubi8-init
-RUN systemctl mask \
-        systemd-remount-fs.service \
-        dev-hugepages.mount \
-        sys-fs-fuse-connections.mount \
-        systemd-logind.service \
- \
-        console-getty.service \
-        systemd-udev-trigger.service \
-        systemd-udevd.service \
-        systemd-random-seed.service
-# from ubi8-init
-#mask systemd-machine-id-commit.service - partial fix for
-RUN systemctl mask systemd-machine-id-commit.service
-RUN systemctl mask \
-        unattended-upgrades.service \
-        packagekit-offline-update.service \
-        systemd-timesyncd.service \
-        systemd-resolved.service \
-        apt-daily-upgrade.service \
-        apt-daily-upgrade.timer \
-        apt-daily.service \
-        apt-daily.timer \
-        e2scrub_reap.service \
-        e2scrub_all.service \
-        e2scrub_all.timer \
-        ondemand.service \
-        systemd-modules-load.service \
-        fstrim.service \
-        fstrim.timer
-#RUN systemctl mask \
-# \
-#        systemd-pstore.service \
-RUN systemctl mask \
-        getty-static.service \
-        networkd-dispatcher.service
-#RUN systemctl mask \
-#        kmod-static-nodes.service
-#        proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.mount \
-#        proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.automount \
-#        dev-mqueue.mount \
-#        sys-kernel-config.mount \
-#        sys-kernel-debug.mount \
-#        sys-kernel-tracing.mount \
-#        systemd-ask-password-console.path \
-#        systemd-binfmt.service \
-#        systemd-boot-system-token.service \
-#        systemd-sysctl.service \
-#        systemd-sysusers.service \
-#        systemd-update-utmp.service \
-#        systemd-initctl.socket \
-#        systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service \
-#        systemd-ask-password-wall.path \
-#        systemd-user-sessions.service
-#RUN systemctl mask \
-#        systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service \
-#        systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service \
-#        systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer \
-#        systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service
-COPY /var/lib/irods-elk/
-CMD ["/var/lib/irods-elk/"]
-RUN mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/kibana.service.d && \
-    echo "[Unit]" >> /etc/systemd/system/kibana.service.d/elasticsearch.conf && \
-    echo "After=elasticsearch.service" >> /etc/systemd/system/kibana.service.d/elasticsearch.conf && \
-    echo "Wants=elasticsearch.service" >> /etc/systemd/system/kibana.service.d/elasticsearch.conf
-COPY not-logstash.service /etc/systemd/system/
-COPY /var/lib/irods-elk/
-COPY elk-firstrun.service /etc/systemd/system/
-COPY example_kibana_dashboard.ndjson /var/lib/irods-elk/
-COPY /var/lib/irods-elk/
-RUN systemctl enable \
-        elasticsearch \
-        rabbitmq-server \
-        kibana \
-        not-logstash \
-        elk-firstrun
+# Install RabbitMQ plugins and create administrator account
+RUN rabbitmq-plugins enable \
+        rabbitmq_amqp1_0 \
+        rabbitmq_management \
+    && \
+    /etc/init.d/rabbitmq-server start && \
+    rabbitmqctl add_user test test && \
+    rabbitmqctl set_user_tags test administrator && \
+    rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / test ".*" ".*" ".*" && \
+    /etc/init.d/rabbitmq-server stop
+# Elasticsearch init script and config files
+COPY --chown=root:elasticsearch elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
+COPY --chown=root:elasticsearch elasticsearch/jvm.options.d/oom_heap_dump.options /etc/elasticsearch/jvm.options.d/
+COPY elasticsearch/elasticsearch.init /etc/init.d/elasticsearch
+RUN chmod +x /etc/init.d/elasticsearch
+# Since we have disabled security, we must purge our keystore of secure passwords
+RUN /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-keystore remove \
+ \
+ \
-WORKDIR /root
+# Kibana init script and config files
+COPY --chown=root:kibana kibana/kibana.yml /etc/kibana/kibana.yml
+COPY kibana/kibana.init /etc/init.d/kibana
+RUN chmod +x /etc/init.d/kibana
+# Initialize Elasticsearch and Kibana
+COPY kibana/irods_dashboard.ndjson /var/lib/irods-elk/irods_dashboard.ndjson
+RUN ES_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms512m -Xmx512m" /etc/init.d/elasticsearch start && \
+    curl -sLSf -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/irods_audit" && echo && \
+    curl -sLSf -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/irods_audit/_settings" \
+        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
+        -d'{"index.mapping.total_fields.limit": 2000}' \
+    && echo && \
+    /etc/init.d/kibana start && \
+    curl -sLSf -X POST "http://localhost:5601/api/saved_objects/_import" \
+        -H "kbn-xsrf: true" \
+        --form file=@/var/lib/irods-elk/irods_dashboard.ndjson \
+    && echo && \
+    /etc/init.d/kibana stop && \
+    /etc/init.d/elasticsearch stop
+# not-logstash script and init script
+COPY not-logstash/ /var/lib/irods-elk/bin/not-logstash
+COPY not-logstash/not-logstash.init /etc/init.d/not-logstash
+RUN chmod +x /var/lib/irods-elk/bin/not-logstash \
+             /etc/init.d/not-logstash
+WORKDIR /var/lib/irods-elk
+COPY /var/lib/irods-elk/
+RUN chmod +x /var/lib/irods-elk/
+ENTRYPOINT ["/var/lib/irods-elk/"]
diff --git a/irods_audit_elk_stack/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.init b/irods_audit_elk_stack/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.init
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a6826c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/irods_audit_elk_stack/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.init
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+# /etc/init.d/elasticsearch -- startup script for Elasticsearch
+# Provides:          elasticsearch
+# Required-Start:    $network $remote_fs $named
+# Required-Stop:     $network $remote_fs $named
+# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
+# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
+# Short-Description: Starts elasticsearch
+# Description:       Starts elasticsearch using start-stop-daemon
+DESC="Elasticsearch Server"
+if [ `id -u` -ne 0 ]; then
+	echo "You need root privileges to run this script"
+	exit 1
+. /lib/lsb/init-functions
+if [ -r /etc/default/rcS ]; then
+	. /etc/default/rcS
+# The following variables can be overwritten in $DEFAULT
+# How many seconds to wait for Elasticsearch to start
+# Run Elasticsearch as this user ID and group ID
+# Directory where the Elasticsearch binary distribution resides
+# Directory containing Java
+# Additional Java OPTS
+# Maximum number of open files
+# Maximum amount of locked memory
+# Elasticsearch configuration directory
+# Maximum number of VMA (Virtual Memory Areas) a process can own
+# Elasticsearch PID file directory
+# End of variables that can be overwritten in $DEFAULT
+# overwrite settings from default file
+if [ -f "$DEFAULT" ]; then
+	. "$DEFAULT"
+# Define other required variables
+export ES_JAVA_OPTS
+export ES_JAVA_HOME
+export ES_PATH_CONF
+export ES_INCLUDE
+export PID_DIR
+if [ -n "$ES_SD_NOTIFY" ]; then
+	export ES_SD_NOTIFY=false
+	export ES_SD_NOTIFY
+if [ -n "$LIBFFI_TMPDIR" ]; then
+if [ ! -x "$DAEMON" ]; then
+	echo "The elasticsearch startup script does not exists or it is not executable, tried: $DAEMON"
+	exit 1
+case "$1" in
+	start)
+		log_daemon_msg "Starting $DESC"
+		pid=`pidofproc -p $PID_FILE elasticsearch`
+		if [ -n "$pid" ] ; then
+			log_begin_msg "Already running."
+			log_end_msg 0
+			exit 0
+		fi
+		# Ensure that the PID_DIR exists (it is cleaned at OS startup time)
+		if [ -n "$PID_DIR" ] && [ ! -e "$PID_DIR" ]; then
+			mkdir -p "$PID_DIR" && chown "$ES_USER":"$ES_GROUP" "$PID_DIR"
+		fi
+		if [ -n "$PID_FILE" ] && [ ! -e "$PID_FILE" ]; then
+			touch "$PID_FILE" && chown "$ES_USER":"$ES_GROUP" "$PID_FILE"
+		fi
+		if [ -n "$MAX_OPEN_FILES" ]; then
+			ulimit -n $MAX_OPEN_FILES
+		fi
+		if [ -n "$MAX_LOCKED_MEMORY" ]; then
+			ulimit -l $MAX_LOCKED_MEMORY
+		fi
+		if [ -n "$MAX_MAP_COUNT" -a -f /proc/sys/vm/max_map_count ] && [ "$MAX_MAP_COUNT" -gt $(cat /proc/sys/vm/max_map_count) ]; then
+			sysctl -q -w vm.max_map_count=$MAX_MAP_COUNT
+		fi
+		# Start Daemon
+		start-stop-daemon --start \
+		                  --chdir "$ES_HOME" \
+		                  --user "$ES_USER" --group "$ES_GROUP" -c "$ES_USER":"$ES_GROUP" \
+		                  --pidfile "$PID_FILE" \
+		                  --exec /usr/bin/env $DAEMON_ENV_VARS $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_OPTS
+		return=$?
+		if [ $return -eq 0 ]; then
+			i=0
+			# Wait for the process to be properly started before exiting
+			until { kill -0 `cat "$PID_FILE"`; } >/dev/null 2>&1
+			do
+				sleep 1
+				i=$(($i + 1))
+				if [ $i -gt $timeout ]; then
+					log_end_msg 1
+					exit 1
+				fi
+			done
+		fi
+		log_end_msg $return
+		exit $return
+		;;
+	stop)
+		log_daemon_msg "Stopping $DESC"
+		if [ -f "$PID_FILE" ]; then
+			start-stop-daemon --stop \
+			                  --pidfile "$PID_FILE" \
+			                  --user "$ES_USER" --group "$ES_GROUP" \
+			                  --quiet \
+			                  --retry TERM/60/KILL/5 > /dev/null
+			if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
+				log_progress_msg "$DESC is not running but pid file exists, cleaning up"
+			elif [ $? -eq 3 ]; then
+				PID="`cat $PID_FILE`"
+				log_failure_msg "Failed to stop $DESC (pid $PID)"
+				exit 1
+			fi
+			rm -f "$PID_FILE"
+		else
+			log_progress_msg "(not running)"
+		fi
+		log_end_msg 0
+		;;
+	status)
+		status_of_proc -p $PID_FILE elasticsearch elasticsearch && exit 0 || exit $?
+		;;
+	restart)
+		if [ -f "$PID_FILE" ]; then
+			$0 stop
+		fi
+		$0 start
+		;;
+	*)
+		log_success_msg "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
+		exit 1
+		;;
+exit 0
diff --git a/irods_audit_elk_stack/elasticsearch.yml b/irods_audit_elk_stack/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
similarity index 88%
rename from irods_audit_elk_stack/elasticsearch.yml
rename to irods_audit_elk_stack/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
index 1dab07c..1f387d1 100644
--- a/irods_audit_elk_stack/elasticsearch.yml
+++ b/irods_audit_elk_stack/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@
 # Use a descriptive name for your cluster:
 # my-application irods-elk
 # ------------------------------------ Node ------------------------------------
 # Use a descriptive name for the node:
 # irods-elk irods-elk-node
 # Add custom attributes to the node:
@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ path.logs: /var/log/elasticsearch
 # By default Elasticsearch is only accessible on localhost. Set a different
 # address here to expose this node on the network:
 # By default Elasticsearch listens for HTTP traffic on the first free port it
@@ -61,10 +60,19 @@
 http.port: 9200
+# By default Elasticsearch listens for traffic from other nodes on the first
+# free port it finds starting at 9300. Set a specific port here:
+transport.port: 9300
 # For more information, consult the network module documentation.
 # --------------------------------- Discovery ----------------------------------
+# Specify whether a multi-node cluster should be formed
+discovery.type: single-node
 # Pass an initial list of hosts to perform discovery when this node is started:
 # The default list of hosts is ["", "[::1]"]
@@ -72,8 +80,7 @@ http.port: 9200
 # Bootstrap the cluster using an initial set of master-eligible nodes:
-#cluster.initial_master_nodes: ["node-1", "node-2"]
-cluster.initial_master_nodes: ["irods-elk"]
+#cluster.initial_master_nodes: ["irods-elk-node"]
 # For more information, consult the discovery and cluster formation module documentation.
@@ -89,16 +96,12 @@ cluster.initial_master_nodes: ["irods-elk"]
 #action.destructive_requires_name: false
+# Enable machine learning APIs on the node:
+# false
 # ---------------------------------- Security ----------------------------------
 # Enable/disable security (enabled by default since version 8.0)
 # false
- localhost
-transport.port: 9300
diff --git a/irods_audit_elk_stack/elasticsearch/exclude-jvm.dpkg.cfg b/irods_audit_elk_stack/elasticsearch/exclude-jvm.dpkg.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8b8c51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/irods_audit_elk_stack/elasticsearch/exclude-jvm.dpkg.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Drop Elasticsearch's bundled JVM
diff --git a/irods_audit_elk_stack/elasticsearch/jvm.options.d/oom_heap_dump.options b/irods_audit_elk_stack/elasticsearch/jvm.options.d/oom_heap_dump.options
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bfea03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/irods_audit_elk_stack/elasticsearch/jvm.options.d/oom_heap_dump.options
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Do not dump heap on OOM
diff --git a/irods_audit_elk_stack/elk-firstrun.service b/irods_audit_elk_stack/elk-firstrun.service
deleted file mode 100644
index 9830647..0000000
--- a/irods_audit_elk_stack/elk-firstrun.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-Description=iRODS elk stack first-run setup
diff --git a/irods_audit_elk_stack/ b/irods_audit_elk_stack/
deleted file mode 100755
index 0216af2..0000000
--- a/irods_audit_elk_stack/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-if [ ! -f /var/lib/irods-elk/.firstrun_rmq_done ]; then
-	echo "<5>Performing rabbitmq first-run setup..."
-	rabbitmqctl add_user test test
-	rabbitmqctl set_user_tags test administrator
-	rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / test ".*" ".*" ".*"
-	echo "<5>Completed rabbitmq first-run setup"
-	touch /var/lib/irods-elk/.firstrun_rmq_done
-	echo "<5>Skipping rabbitmq first-run setup (already done)..."
-if [ ! -f /var/lib/irods-elk/.firstrun_es_done ]; then
-	echo "<5>Performing elasticsearch first-run setup..."
-	curl -sLS http://localhost:9200
-	curl -sLS -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/irods_audit"
-	curl -sLS -XPUT http://localhost:9200/irods_audit/_settings -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{"index.mapping.total_fields.limit": 2000}'
-	echo "<5>Completed elasticsearch first-run setup"
-	touch /var/lib/irods-elk/.firstrun_es_done
-	echo "<5>Skipping elasticsearch first-run setup (already done)..."
-if [ ! -f /var/lib/irods-elk/.firstrun_kb_done ]; then
-	while true; do
-		echo "<5>Checking kibana status..."
-		status_code="$(curl -sLSI -w "%{http_code}" -o /dev/null "http://localhost:5601/api/features" -H 'kbn-xsrf: true')"
-		curl_ret=$?
-		if [[ "$curl_ret" != "0" ]]; then
-			echo "<4>Could not reach kibana (curl return code ${curl_ret})"
-		elif [[ "$status_code" != "200" ]]; then
-			echo "<4>Kibana is unhappy (got HTTP status ${status_code})"
-		else
-			echo "<5>Kibana seems ready"
-			break
-		fi
-		echo "<5>Waiting 3 seconds and trying again..."
-		sleep 3s
-	done
-	echo "<5>Performing kibana first-run setup..."
-	#curl -sLS -XPOST "http://localhost:5601/api/saved_objects/index-pattern/irods-audit-pattern" -H 'kbn-xsrf: true' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "attributes": { "title": "irods_audit*", "timeFieldName": "@timestamp" } }'
-	curl -sLS -X POST "http://localhost:5601/api/saved_objects/_import" -H "kbn-xsrf: true" --form file=@/var/lib/irods-elk/example_kibana_dashboard.ndjson
-	echo "<5>Completed kibana first-run setup"
-	touch /var/lib/irods-elk/.firstrun_kb_done
-	echo "<5>Skipping kibana first-run setup (already done)..."
diff --git a/irods_audit_elk_stack/java-excludes.dpkg.cfg b/irods_audit_elk_stack/java-excludes.dpkg.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8017ff5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/irods_audit_elk_stack/java-excludes.dpkg.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Drop includes
+# Drop manpages
+# Drop source zips
+# Drop samples
diff --git a/irods_audit_elk_stack/kibana/exclude-node-stuff.dpkg.cfg b/irods_audit_elk_stack/kibana/exclude-node-stuff.dpkg.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53cec29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/irods_audit_elk_stack/kibana/exclude-node-stuff.dpkg.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Drop includes from Kibana's bundled nodejs
+# Drop man pages from Kibana's bundled nodejs
diff --git a/irods_audit_elk_stack/example_kibana_dashboard.ndjson b/irods_audit_elk_stack/kibana/irods_dashboard.ndjson
similarity index 100%
rename from irods_audit_elk_stack/example_kibana_dashboard.ndjson
rename to irods_audit_elk_stack/kibana/irods_dashboard.ndjson
diff --git a/irods_audit_elk_stack/kibana/kibana.init b/irods_audit_elk_stack/kibana/kibana.init
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1966769
--- /dev/null
+++ b/irods_audit_elk_stack/kibana/kibana.init
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+# /etc/init.d/kibana -- startup script for Kibana
+# Provides:          kibana
+# Required-Start:    $network $remote_fs $named elasticsearch
+# Required-Stop:     $network $remote_fs $named
+# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
+# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
+# Short-Description: Starts kibana
+# Description:       Starts kibana using start-stop-daemon
+DESC="Kibana Server"
+# Ignoring /etc/sysconfig/$name
+if [ `id -u` -ne 0 ]; then
+	echo "You need root privileges to run this script"
+	exit 1
+. /lib/lsb/init-functions
+if [ -r /etc/default/rcS ]; then
+	. /etc/default/rcS
+# The following variables can be overwritten in $DEFAULT
+# How many seconds to wait for Kibana to start
+# Run Kibana as this user ID and group ID
+# Directory where the Kibana distribution resides
+# Kibana configuration directory
+# End of variables that can be overwritten in $DEFAULT
+# overwrite settings from default file
+if [ -f "$DEFAULT" ]; then
+	. "$DEFAULT"
+# Variables defined from configuration
+# I don't think either yq implementation actually does this right so we have to get nasty
+# Kibana log file
+KBN_LOG_FILE="$(yq e '.logging.appenders.file.fileName' "$KBN_PATH_CONF/kibana.yml")"
+if [ "$KBN_LOG_FILE" != "null" ]; then
+	KBN_LOG_DIR="$(dirname "$KBN_LOG_FILE")"
+# Kibana PID file
+KBN_PID_FILE="$(yq e '.pid.file' "$KBN_PATH_CONF/kibana.yml")"
+if [ "$KBN_PID_FILE" == "null" ]; then
+	KBN_PID_FILE="$(yq e '."pid.file"' "$KBN_PATH_CONF/kibana.yml")"
+if [ "$KBN_PID_FILE" == "null" ]; then
+	PID_DIR="/run/kibana"
+	PID_DIR="$(dirname "$KBN_PID_FILE")"
+# Address/Host to which Kibana binds
+KBN_SERVER_HOST="$(yq e '' "$KBN_PATH_CONF/kibana.yml")"
+if [ "$KBN_SERVER_HOST" == "null" ]; then
+	KBN_SERVER_HOST="$(yq e '.""' "$KBN_PATH_CONF/kibana.yml")"
+if [ "$KBN_SERVER_HOST" == "null" ]; then
+	KBN_SERVER_HOST="localhost"
+# Port on which Kibana listens
+KBN_SERVER_PORT="$(yq e '.server.port' "$KBN_PATH_CONF/kibana.yml")"
+if [ "$KBN_SERVER_PORT" == "null" ]; then
+	KBN_SERVER_PORT="$(yq e '."server.port"' "$KBN_PATH_CONF/kibana.yml")"
+if [ "$KBN_SERVER_PORT" == "null" ]; then
+# Whether or not Kibana uses TLS
+KBN_SERVER_TLS="$(yq e '.server.ssl.enabled' "$KBN_PATH_CONF/kibana.yml")"
+if [ "$KBN_SERVER_TLS" == "null" ]; then
+	KBN_SERVER_TLS="$(yq e '."server.ssl.enabled"' "$KBN_PATH_CONF/kibana.yml")"
+if [ "$KBN_SERVER_TLS" == "null" ]; then
+	KBN_SERVER_TLS="$(yq e '.server."ssl.enabled"' "$KBN_PATH_CONF/kibana.yml")"
+if [ "$KBN_SERVER_TLS" == "null" ]; then
+	KBN_SERVER_TLS="$(yq e '."server.ssl".enabled' "$KBN_PATH_CONF/kibana.yml")"
+if [ "$KBN_SERVER_TLS" == "null" ]; then
+	KBN_SERVER_TLS="false"
+# Define other required variables
+if [ ! -x "$DAEMON" ]; then
+	echo "The kibana startup script does not exists or it is not executable, tried: $DAEMON"
+	exit 1
+if [ "$KBN_SERVER_TLS" == "true" ]; then
+# returns 0 for (probably) happy kibana
+# returns 150 for connection refused
+# returns 151 for (probably) degraded (or still starting) kibana
+# returns 152 if health check times out
+# returns 153 for unhandled curl error
+# returns 154 for unhandled HTTP status code
+kbn_healthcheck() {
+	retry_code=""
+	rerun_qty=0
+	while [[ "$#" -gt "0" ]]; do
+		case $1 in
+			retry) shift; retry_code="$1" ;;
+			rerun) shift; rerun_qty="$1" ;;
+			*) ;;
+		esac
+		shift
+	done
+	if [[ "$rerun_qty" -gt "$kbn_hc_max_reruns" ]]; then
+		return 153
+	fi
+	unset curl_out curl_err curl_ret status_code
+	eval "$( curl -sLIk -w "%{http_code}" -o /dev/null "${KBN_SERVER_PROTO}://${KBN_SERVER_HOST}:${KBN_SERVER_PORT}/api/features" -H 'kbn-xsrf: true' \
+		2> >(curl_err=$(cat); typeset -p curl_err) \
+		 > >(curl_out=$(cat); typeset -p curl_out); \
+		     curl_ret=$?;     typeset -p curl_ret )"
+	status_code="$curl_out"
+	if [[ "$curl_ret" != "0" ]]; then
+		case $curl_ret in
+			 7) kbn_hc_failure_reason="Cannot connect to Kibana"; return 150 ;;
+			18) # Incomplete response, try again
+				kbn_hc_failure_reason="${curl_err}"
+				if [ "$retry_code" != "18" ]; then
+					kbn_healthcheck retry 18 rerun $(($rerun_qty + 1))
+					return $?
+				fi
+				return 153
+				;;
+			52) # Completely empty response, try again
+				kbn_hc_failure_reason="${curl_err}"
+				if [ "$retry_code" != "52" ]; then
+					kbn_healthcheck retry 52 rerun $(($rerun_qty + 1))
+					return $?
+				fi
+				return 153
+				;;
+			22) # HTTP status code indicates error
+				if [[ "$status_code" == "503" ]]; then
+					kbn_hc_failure_reason="Kibana is degraded or still starting up (HTTP status 503)"
+					return 151
+				fi
+				kbn_hc_failure_reason="Kibana responded with HTTP status ${status_code}"
+				return 154
+				;;
+			28) kbn_hc_failure_reason="Timeout"; return 152 ;;
+			 *) kbn_hc_failure_reason="${curl_err}"; return 153 ;;
+		esac
+	elif [[ "$status_code" != "200" ]]; then
+		kbn_hc_failure_reason="Kibana responded with HTTP status ${status_code}"
+		return 154
+	fi
+	return 0
+case "$1" in
+	start)
+		log_daemon_msg "Starting $DESC"
+		pid=`pidofproc -p $PID_FILE kibana`
+		if [ -n "$pid" ]; then
+			log_begin_msg "Already running."
+			log_end_msg 0
+			exit 0
+		else
+			rm -f "$PID_FILE"
+		fi
+		# Ensure that the PID_DIR exists (it is cleaned at OS startup time)
+		if [ -n "$PID_DIR" ] && [ ! -e "$PID_DIR" ]; then
+			mkdir -p "$PID_DIR" && chown "$KBN_USER":"$KBN_GROUP" "$PID_DIR"
+		fi
+		# Ensure that the KBN_LOG_DIR exists (it is cleaned at OS startup time)
+		if [ -n "$KBN_LOG_DIR" ] && [ ! -e "$KBN_LOG_DIR" ]; then
+			mkdir -p "$KBN_LOG_DIR" && chown "$KBN_USER":"$KBN_GROUP" "$KBN_LOG_DIR"
+		fi
+		if [ "$KBN_PID_FILE" == "null" ]; then
+			MAKE_PIDFILE_ARG="--make-pidfile"
+		else
+		fi
+		# Start Daemon
+		start-stop-daemon --start \
+		                  --chdir "$KBN_HOME" \
+		                  --user "$KBN_USER" --group "$KBN_GROUP" -c "$KBN_USER":"$KBN_GROUP" \
+		                  --pidfile "$PID_FILE" $MAKE_PIDFILE_ARG \
+		                  --background \
+		                  --exec $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_OPTS
+		return=$?
+		if [ $return -eq 0 ]; then
+			# Wait for the process to be properly started before exiting
+			i=0
+			# Wait for kibana to create its pidfile
+			if [ "$KBN_PID_FILE" != "null" ]; then
+				until [ -e "$PID_FILE" ]; do
+					sleep 1
+					i=$(($i + 1))
+					if [ $i -gt $timeout ]; then
+						log_failure_msg "Failed to start $DESC (timeout waiting for pidfile)"
+						log_end_msg 1
+						exit 1
+					fi
+				done
+			fi
+			# Wait for kibana to respond properly to requests
+			while true; do
+				kbn_healthcheck
+				hc_ret=$?
+				if [[ "$hc_ret" == "0" ]]; then
+					break
+				fi
+				i=$(($i + 1))
+				if [ $i -gt $timeout ]; then
+					log_failure_msg "$DESC appears to be running, but healthcheck failed: $kbn_hc_failure_reason"
+					log_end_msg $hc_ret
+					exit $hc_ret
+				fi
+				sleep 1
+			done
+		fi
+		log_end_msg $return
+		exit $return
+		;;
+	stop)
+		log_daemon_msg "Stopping $DESC"
+		if [ -f "$PID_FILE" ]; then
+			start-stop-daemon --stop \
+			                  --pidfile "$PID_FILE" \
+			                  --user "$KBN_USER" --group "$KBN_GROUP" \
+			                  --quiet \
+			                  --retry TERM/60/KILL/5 >/dev/null
+			if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
+				log_progress_msg "$DESC is not running but pid file exists, cleaning up"
+			elif [ $? -eq 3 ]; then
+				PID="`cat $PID_FILE`"
+				log_failure_msg "Failed to stop $DESC (pid $PID)"
+				exit 1
+			fi
+			rm -f "$PID_FILE"
+		else
+			log_progress_msg "(not running)"
+		fi
+		log_end_msg 0
+		;;
+	status)
+		pidofproc -p $PID_FILE kibana
+		status=$?
+		if [ "$status" == "4" ]; then
+			log_failure_msg "could not access PID file for $NAME"
+			exit $status
+		elif [ "$status" != "0" ]; then
+			log_failure_msg "$NAME is not running"
+			exit $status
+		fi
+		kbn_healthcheck
+		hc_ret=$?
+		if [[ "$hc_ret" != "0" ]]; then
+			log_failure_msg "$NAME is running, but healthcheck failed: $kbn_hc_failure_reason"
+			exit $hc_ret
+		fi
+		log_success_msg "$NAME is running"
+		exit 0
+		;;
+	restart)
+		if [ -f "$PID_FILE" ]; then
+			$0 stop
+		fi
+		$0 start
+		;;
+	*)
+		log_success_msg "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
+		exit 1
+		;;
+exit 0
diff --git a/irods_audit_elk_stack/kibana/kibana.yml b/irods_audit_elk_stack/kibana/kibana.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..888b1be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/irods_audit_elk_stack/kibana/kibana.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+# For more configuration options see the configuration guide for Kibana in
+# =================== System: Kibana Server ===================
+# Kibana is served by a back end server. This setting specifies the port to use.
+#server.port: 5601
+# Specifies the address to which the Kibana server will bind. IP addresses and host names are both valid values.
+# The default is 'localhost', which usually means remote machines will not be able to connect.
+# To allow connections from remote users, set this parameter to a non-loopback address. ""
+# Enables you to specify a path to mount Kibana at if you are running behind a proxy.
+# Use the `server.rewriteBasePath` setting to tell Kibana if it should remove the basePath
+# from requests it receives, and to prevent a deprecation warning at startup.
+# This setting cannot end in a slash.
+#server.basePath: ""
+# Specifies whether Kibana should rewrite requests that are prefixed with
+# `server.basePath` or require that they are rewritten by your reverse proxy.
+# Defaults to `false`.
+#server.rewriteBasePath: false
+# Specifies the public URL at which Kibana is available for end users. If
+# `server.basePath` is configured this URL should end with the same basePath.
+#server.publicBaseUrl: ""
+# The maximum payload size in bytes for incoming server requests.
+#server.maxPayload: 1048576
+# The Kibana server's name. This is used for display purposes. "your-hostname"
+# =================== System: Kibana Server (Optional) ===================
+# Enables SSL and paths to the PEM-format SSL certificate and SSL key files, respectively.
+# These settings enable SSL for outgoing requests from the Kibana server to the browser.
+#server.ssl.enabled: false
+#server.ssl.certificate: /path/to/your/server.crt
+#server.ssl.key: /path/to/your/server.key
+# =================== System: Elasticsearch ===================
+# The URLs of the Elasticsearch instances to use for all your queries.
+#elasticsearch.hosts: ["http://localhost:9200"]
+# If your Elasticsearch is protected with basic authentication, these settings provide
+# the username and password that the Kibana server uses to perform maintenance on the Kibana
+# index at startup. Your Kibana users still need to authenticate with Elasticsearch, which
+# is proxied through the Kibana server.
+#elasticsearch.username: "kibana_system"
+#elasticsearch.password: "pass"
+# Kibana can also authenticate to Elasticsearch via "service account tokens".
+# Service account tokens are Bearer style tokens that replace the traditional username/password based configuration.
+# Use this token instead of a username/password.
+# elasticsearch.serviceAccountToken: "my_token"
+# Time in milliseconds to wait for Elasticsearch to respond to pings. Defaults to the value of
+# the elasticsearch.requestTimeout setting.
+#elasticsearch.pingTimeout: 1500
+# Time in milliseconds to wait for responses from the back end or Elasticsearch. This value
+# must be a positive integer.
+#elasticsearch.requestTimeout: 30000
+# The maximum number of sockets that can be used for communications with elasticsearch.
+# Defaults to `Infinity`.
+#elasticsearch.maxSockets: 1024
+# Specifies whether Kibana should use compression for communications with elasticsearch
+# Defaults to `false`.
+#elasticsearch.compression: false
+# List of Kibana client-side headers to send to Elasticsearch. To send *no* client-side
+# headers, set this value to [] (an empty list).
+#elasticsearch.requestHeadersWhitelist: [ authorization ]
+# Header names and values that are sent to Elasticsearch. Any custom headers cannot be overwritten
+# by client-side headers, regardless of the elasticsearch.requestHeadersWhitelist configuration.
+#elasticsearch.customHeaders: {}
+# Time in milliseconds for Elasticsearch to wait for responses from shards. Set to 0 to disable.
+#elasticsearch.shardTimeout: 30000
+# =================== System: Elasticsearch (Optional) ===================
+# These files are used to verify the identity of Kibana to Elasticsearch and are required when
+# in Elasticsearch is set to required.
+#elasticsearch.ssl.certificate: /path/to/your/client.crt
+#elasticsearch.ssl.key: /path/to/your/client.key
+# Enables you to specify a path to the PEM file for the certificate
+# authority for your Elasticsearch instance.
+#elasticsearch.ssl.certificateAuthorities: [ "/path/to/your/CA.pem" ]
+# To disregard the validity of SSL certificates, change this setting's value to 'none'.
+#elasticsearch.ssl.verificationMode: full
+# =================== System: Logging ===================
+# Set the value of this setting to off to suppress all logging output, or to debug to log everything. Defaults to 'info'
+#logging.root.level: debug
+# Enables you to specify a file where Kibana stores log output.
+  appenders:
+    file:
+      type: file
+      fileName: /var/log/kibana/kibana.log
+      layout:
+        type: json
+  root:
+    appenders:
+      - default
+      - file
+#  layout:
+#    type: json
+# Logs queries sent to Elasticsearch.
+#  - name: elasticsearch.query
+#    level: debug
+# Logs http responses.
+#  - name: http.server.response
+#    level: debug
+# Logs system usage information.
+#  - name: metrics.ops
+#    level: debug
+# =================== System: Other ===================
+# The path where Kibana stores persistent data not saved in Elasticsearch. Defaults to data data
+# Specifies the path where Kibana creates the process ID file.
+pid.file: /run/kibana/
+# Set the interval in milliseconds to sample system and process performance
+# metrics. Minimum is 100ms. Defaults to 5000ms.
+#ops.interval: 5000
+# Specifies locale to be used for all localizable strings, dates and number formats.
+# Supported languages are the following: English (default) "en", Chinese "zh-CN", Japanese "ja-JP", French "fr-FR".
+#i18n.locale: "en"
+# =================== Frequently used (Optional)===================
+# =================== Saved Objects: Migrations ===================
+# Saved object migrations run at startup. If you run into migration-related issues, you might need to adjust these settings.
+# The number of documents migrated at a time.
+# If Kibana can't start up or upgrade due to an Elasticsearch `circuit_breaking_exception`,
+# use a smaller batchSize value to reduce the memory pressure. Defaults to 1000 objects per batch.
+#migrations.batchSize: 1000
+# The maximum payload size for indexing batches of upgraded saved objects.
+# To avoid migrations failing due to a 413 Request Entity Too Large response from Elasticsearch.
+# This value should be lower than or equal to your Elasticsearch cluster’s `http.max_content_length`
+# configuration option. Default: 100mb
+#migrations.maxBatchSizeBytes: 100mb
+# The number of times to retry temporary migration failures. Increase the setting
+# if migrations fail frequently with a message such as `Unable to complete the [...] step after
+# 15 attempts, terminating`. Defaults to 15
+#migrations.retryAttempts: 15
+# =================== Search Autocomplete ===================
+# Time in milliseconds to wait for autocomplete suggestions from Elasticsearch.
+# This value must be a whole number greater than zero. Defaults to 1000ms
+#unifiedSearch.autocomplete.valueSuggestions.timeout: 1000
+# Maximum number of documents loaded by each shard to generate autocomplete suggestions.
+# This value must be a whole number greater than zero. Defaults to 100_000
+#unifiedSearch.autocomplete.valueSuggestions.terminateAfter: 100000
diff --git a/irods_audit_elk_stack/not-logstash.service b/irods_audit_elk_stack/not-logstash.service
deleted file mode 100644
index 972e820..0000000
--- a/irods_audit_elk_stack/not-logstash.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-Description=fake logstash
diff --git a/irods_audit_elk_stack/not-logstash/not-logstash.init b/irods_audit_elk_stack/not-logstash/not-logstash.init
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e97c177
--- /dev/null
+++ b/irods_audit_elk_stack/not-logstash/not-logstash.init
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# /etc/init.d/not-logstash -- startup script for fake Logstash
+# Provides:          not-logstash
+# Required-Start:    $network $remote_fs $named rabbitmq-server elasticsearch
+# Required-Stop:     $network $remote_fs $named
+# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
+# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
+# Short-Description: Starts not-logstash
+# Description:       Starts not-logstash using start-stop-daemon
+DESC="Fake Logstash"
+if [ `id -u` -ne 0 ]; then
+	echo "You need root privileges to run this script"
+	exit 1
+. /lib/lsb/init-functions
+if [ -r /etc/default/rcS ]; then
+	. /etc/default/rcS
+# The following variables can be overwritten in $DEFAULT
+# How many seconds to wait for not-logstash to start
+# Run not-logstash as this user ID and group ID
+# Directory where the not-logstash binary distribution resides
+# not-logstash PID file directory
+# End of variables that can be overwritten in $DEFAULT
+# overwrite settings from default file
+if [ -f "$DEFAULT" ]; then
+	. "$DEFAULT"
+# Define other required variables
+if [ ! -x "$DAEMON" ]; then
+	echo "The not-logstash script does not exist or it is not executable, tried: $DAEMON"
+	exit 1
+case "$1" in
+	start)
+		log_daemon_msg "Starting $DESC"
+		pid=`pidofproc -p $PID_FILE not-logstash`
+		if [ -n "$pid" ] ; then
+			log_begin_msg "Already running."
+			log_end_msg 0
+			exit 0
+		fi
+		# Ensure that the PID_DIR exists (it is cleaned at OS startup time)
+		if [ -n "$PID_DIR" ] && [ ! -e "$PID_DIR" ]; then
+			mkdir -p "$PID_DIR" && chown "$LS_USER":"$LS_GROUP" "$PID_DIR"
+		fi
+		# Start Daemon
+		start-stop-daemon --start \
+		                  --chdir "$LS_HOME" \
+		                  --user "$LS_USER" --group "$LS_GROUP" -c "$LS_USER":"$LS_GROUP" \
+		                  --pidfile "$PID_FILE" --make-pidfile \
+		                  --background \
+		                  --exec /usr/bin/env $DAEMON_ENV_VARS $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_OPTS
+		return=$?
+		log_end_msg $return
+		exit $return
+		;;
+	stop)
+		log_daemon_msg "Stopping $DESC"
+		if [ -f "$PID_FILE" ]; then
+			start-stop-daemon --stop \
+			                  --pidfile "$PID_FILE" \
+			                  --user "$LS_USER" --group "$LS_GROUP" \
+			                  --quiet \
+			                  --retry TERM/60/KILL/5 > /dev/null
+			if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
+				log_progress_msg "$DESC is not running but pid file exists, cleaning up"
+			elif [ $? -eq 3 ]; then
+				PID="`cat $PID_FILE`"
+				log_failure_msg "Failed to stop $DESC (pid $PID)"
+				exit 1
+			fi
+			rm -f "$PID_FILE"
+		else
+			log_progress_msg "(not running)"
+		fi
+		log_end_msg 0
+		;;
+	status)
+		status_of_proc -p $PID_FILE not-logstash not-logstash && exit 0 || exit $?
+		;;
+	restart)
+		if [ -f "$PID_FILE" ]; then
+			$0 stop
+		fi
+		$0 start
+		;;
+	*)
+		log_success_msg "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
+		exit 1
+		;;
+exit 0
diff --git a/irods_audit_elk_stack/ b/irods_audit_elk_stack/not-logstash/
similarity index 100%
rename from irods_audit_elk_stack/
rename to irods_audit_elk_stack/not-logstash/
diff --git a/irods_audit_elk_stack/ b/irods_audit_elk_stack/
index 16a0cff..4062c0b 100755
--- a/irods_audit_elk_stack/
+++ b/irods_audit_elk_stack/
@@ -1,5 +1,69 @@
+usage() {
+cat << EOF
+  -m, --es-java-heap-size=<size>    Elasticsearch Java heap size (default: '${es_java_heap_size}')
+                                    '<value>[g|G|m|M|k|K]': Run Elasticsearch with the given heap size
+                                    'auto':                 Let Elasticsearch/Java decide on a heap size
+      --help                        Print usage
+die_usage() {
+	printf '%s\n' "$1" >&2
+	usage
+	exit 64
+while [[ "$#" -gt "0" ]]; do
+	case $1 in
+		-m|--es-java-heap-size)
+			if [ -z "$2" ]; then
+				die_usage 'ERROR: "'$1'" requires a non-empty option argument.'
+			fi
+			es_java_heap_size="$2"
+			shift
+			;;
+		--es-java-heap-size=?*)
+			es_java_heap_size="${1#*=}" # Delete everything up to "="
+			;;
+		--es-java-heap-size=)
+			die_usage 'ERROR: "--es-java-heap-size" requires a non-empty option argument.'
+			;;
+		--help)
+			usage
+			exit 0
+			;;
+		*)
+			printf 'WARN: Unknown option (ignored): %s\n' "$1" >&2
+			;;
+	esac
+	shift
+# Set Elasticsearch Java heap size
+if [[ "$es_java_heap_size" == "auto" ]]; then
+	# Let Elasticsearch/Java handle it
+	rm -f "${es_java_heap_size_option_file}"
+	echo "-Xms${es_java_heap_size}" > "${es_java_heap_size_option_file}"
+	echo "-Xmx${es_java_heap_size}" >> "${es_java_heap_size_option_file}"
+	chown root:elasticsearch /etc/elasticsearch/jvm.options.d/heap_size.options
+# Start services
+/etc/init.d/rabbitmq-server start
+/etc/init.d/elasticsearch start
+/etc/init.d/not-logstash start
+/etc/init.d/kibana start
+# Print IP addresses
 ip addr
-exec /sbin/init
+# keep alive
+exec tail -f /dev/null