This repository contains .NET SDK and samples for PayPal Invoice API.
- Visual Studio 2005 or higher
Create a new ASP.NET Web Application with appropriate web application and solution name
Execute 'Invoice.bat' batch commands to ensure that the Invoice stubs are up-to-date [Note: Also ensure that the path to '' in 'Invoice.bat' file is correct as per Visual Studio installation]
Add reference to 'PayPal_Invoicing_SDK.dll'
Add reference to 'PayPal_Core_SDK.dll'
Namespaces to be used • PayPal • PayPal.Invoice • PayPal.Invoice.Model • PayPal.Permissions • PayPal.Permissions.Model • PayPal.Util • PayPal.Exception
Please refer to the sample web.config file in 'InvoicingSampleApp' sample application to configure the following
Configuration Sections • paypal • log4net
PayPal Settings • endpoint • connectionTimeout • requestRetries • IPAddress • sandboxEmailAddress
PayPal (Multiple) Accounts API credentials • apiUsername • apiPassword • applicationId • apiSignature • apiCertificate • privateKeyPassword
- log4net.dll - included in 'lib' folder in 'PayPal_AdaptiveAccounts_SDK' project log4net is a tool to help output log statements to a variety of output targets.