From 11b1c326c2b97c8314abf417f0621fc536a14194 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ajay Singh <> Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 16:29:41 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Migrated mdspell to cspell Signed-off-by: Ajay Singh <> --- .cspell.json | 2707 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .spelling | 1429 ---------------------- scripts/ | 4 +- 3 files changed, 2709 insertions(+), 1431 deletions(-) create mode 100644 .cspell.json delete mode 100644 .spelling diff --git a/.cspell.json b/.cspell.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..620eb01cc27d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/.cspell.json @@ -0,0 +1,2707 @@ +{ + "version": "0.2", + "language": "en-us", + "words": [], + "ignoreWords": [ + "AAAAAAAAADAHI", + "AAAAAAAAAHBHQ", + "AAAAAAAAQ", + "AAAAAAAQFFA", + "AAAAAACAOQDBGAAAAAAAAADMA", + "AAAAAADAHI", + "AAAAAAFAWU", + "AAAAAAK", + "AAAAAARQ", + "AAAAAAUBR", + "AAAAAK", + "AAAAASUVORK", + "AAAABJRU", + "AAAADK", + "AAAASUVORK", + "AAAPD", + "AAAQIECB", + "AACCCCQT", + "AAQIECB", + "ABAC", + "ABQX", + "ADHIT", + 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"Guapg", + "Gukcaqn", + "Gwdm", + "Gwfm", + "Gxdm", + "Gxkabze", + "Gxoa", + "Gxsb", + "Gxsbs", + "Gxuo", + "Gxysr", + "Gyanesh", + "Gysr", + "Gzdu", + "Gzff", + "Gzpx", + "Gzsv", + "HASWY", + "HAYA", + "HBONE", + "HDMJ", + "HEALTHCHECKS", + "HIER", + "HIPBP", + "HJBL", + "HMAC", + "HMTE", + "HRCSZ", + "HTTPAPI", + "HXCQS", + "Haidian", + "Haim", + "Harri", + "Hawte", + "Hawton", + "Hbcwe", + "Hbeu", + "Hcdx", + "Hdbj", + "Helman", + "Herness", + "Hfxi", + "Hgfhk", + "Hgxz", + "Hhost", + "Hhwc", + "Hibz", + "Hixbf", + "Hjhxpb", + "Hjph", + "Hmfz", + "Hmqy", + "Hnccnufz", + "Hnzp", + "Hota", + "Hpedjnre", + "Hqah", + "Hrvznarp", + "Htgpc", + "Htnz", + "Htws", + "Huabing", + "Huailong", + "Huayuan", + "Hudaihed", + "Huszty", + "Hvszhc", + "Hwkl", + "Hwyz", + "Hxsb", + "Hxsfp", + "Hxyiuv", + "Hystrix", + "Hzva", + "IECAAAECB", + "IESBDAMBAF", + "IJEJRVFZW", + "IJHL", + "ILAK", + "INGRESSGATEWAY", + "IRKK", + "ISBA", + "ISTIOCA", + "ISTIOCONFIG", + "ISTIOCTL", + "ISTIOD", + "ISTIONAMESPACE", + "IYQQ", + "IZDKH", + "Iaeu", + "Icyyn", + "Idan", + "Idit", + "Ieeuih", + "Ifhds", + "Igcn", + "Igka", + "Igljsrlz", + "Ikor", + "Ilan", + "Incayeldy", + "Indo", + "Injectior", + "Inkscape", + "Ioat", + "Ioih", + "Ioilo", + "Iomq", + "Ioqen", + "Iotb", + "Ipqm", + "Iqiq", + "Irupmn", + "Iseconds", + "Ismo", + "Istioctl", + "Istiod", + "Istiod's", + "Istiods", + "Istiod’s", + "Izwa", + "Izzy", + "Izzy's", + "Izzy’s", + "JBAK", + "JBIZH", + "JCRJ", + "JFRUVF", + "JKAKIJS", + "JRCKRSK", + "JRCQSS", + "JRFJW", + "JUSPAY", + "JZDR", + "Jaksic", + "Jaltc", + "Jannot", + "Jausovec", + "Jayaraman", + "Jcjqd", + "Jdffvn", + "Jeet", + "Jevd", + "Jfyu", + "Jggg", + "Jhcljl", + "Jiamioq", + "Jianpeng", + "Jicjr", + "Jicn", + "Jiub", + "Jkniq", + "Jkwezaefhqz", + "Jkye", + "Jkyf", + "Jkzr", + "Jldyp", + "Jmeter", + "Jmtraysv", + "Jndrbiw", + "Jnhc", + "Joglekar", + "Jonh", + "Joren", + "Jory", + "Jozj", + "Jpms", + "Jqamq", + "Jqaqqmv", + "Jqbciuq", + "Jrbx", + "Jvcg", + "Jwac", 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"Kustomization", + "Kwapby", + "Kwfa", + "Kwve", + "Kxbdu", + "Kxcs", + "Kxie", + "Kxycn", + "Kycub", + "Kykp", + "Kyor", + "Kypqamu", + "Kyrjmj", + "Kysn", + "Kysp", + "Kysr", + "Kysrf", + "Kyst", + "Kysv", + "Kyverno", + "Kyverno's", + "Kyvz", + "Kzpg", + "Kzsu", + "LBIAC", + "LFBEEB", + "LGYK", + "LIZIBH", + "LJOD", + "LRKJ", + "LYJO", + "LZLL", + "Lajflv", + "Lakhani", + "Lalpe", + "Landow", + "Lbqzdmxe", + "Lcpgk", + "Lfoa", + "Lhuu", + "Lightstep", + "Limin", + "Lioos", + "Listchecker", + "Lkcvl", + "Lkqrw", + "Llcvfv", + "Llilwuz", + "Llly", + "Llyo", + "Llyp", + "Lnnnvv", + "Lobi", + "Longmuir", + "Loong", + "Lopm", + "Lpen", + "Lperqqpq", + "Lpfr", + "Lpfrz", + "Lqlynb", + "Lscpoqbf", + "Lshw", + "Lsmyz", + "Lsqamppqamu", + "Lstart", + "Ltba", + "Ltcroa", + "Ltued", + "Luca", + "Ludak", + "Lukonde", + "Luyao", + "Lxbi", + "Lykpqaqqunr", + "MAGLEV", + "MAXPODS", + "MAXRECVMSGSIZE", + "MAXSTREAMS", + "MDCA", + "MDHR", + "MEHTU", + "MFRYW", + "MICGEEELIJ", + "MINPODS", + "MKGVD", 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"NYVE", + "NYVQCM", + "Nambiar", + "Namphy", + "Naser", + "Nassi", + "Nassl", + "Nativio", + "Ndis", + "Ndju", + "Neeraj", + "Nellis", + "Netns", + "Nfee", + "Nhsts", + "Nhstubm", + "Nikhita", + "Ning", + "Nirmata", + "Nirupama", + "Nishant", + "Nmzalpa", + "Nmzb", + "Nnbk", + "Nnzx", + "Npdfoph", + "Npmkulzsx", + "Npvt", + "Nsje", + "Nthd", + "Nttbb", + "Nunito", + "Nupur", + "Nurmamat", + "Nwvf", + "Nyaa", + "Nycz", + "Nzcj", + "Nzcx", + "Nzdb", + "Nzfn", + "Nzlu", + "Nzzzzj", + "O'Keefe", + "OCID", + "OCIODB", + "OCSP", + "OGDZHVW", + "OGFF", + "OGHH", + "OIPBI", + "OKBO", + "OLKT", + "ONHP", + "OSTIF", + "OVNWT", + "OWPQS", + "Oafq", + "Oapu", + "Obeto", + "Ofzcblc", + "Ofzvfnmmw", + "Ogowz", + "Ojoaj", + "Ojoq", + "Okeanos", + "Olnn", + "Omntcs", + "Ompoamqadldwul", + "Onjx", + "Oodnll", + "Opfm", + "Opqm", + "Ostrowski", + "Ouhx", + "Ovidiu", + "Oywaj", + "Ozsqf", + "PCHP", + "PDMJ", + "PKCS", + "PODNAME", + "POSTROUTING", + "PPOO", + "PPUU", + "PREROUTING", + "PRERT", + "PSWG", + "PTNTU", + "PVQKPDMM", + "Pactific", + "Padmanabhan", + "Paivp", + "Papertrail", + "Parentspanid", + "Parikh", + "Patlevič", + "Pbbb", + "Pbdky", + "Pejyerq", + "Pengyuan", + "Pettit", + "Pevf", + "Pfpb", + "Phippy", + "Phippy’s", + "Phjaqq", + "Phlpa", + "Phwfoop", + "Piotr", + "Piwz", + "Pjaa", + "Pjgc", + "Pjpp", + "Plevyak", + "Pliyh", + "Pljjz", + "Pmpp", + "Pmsz", + "Pnbs", + "Pnly", + "Pnnvdsi", + "Pnpa", + "Pnzkop", + "Pnzm", + "Pnzr", + "Poddar", + "Polshakova", + "Portworx", + "Posta", + "Poussa", + "Ppkgk", + "Pqfk", + "Pqjv", + "Pqkxp", + "Pratima", + "Predibase", + "Preflights", + "Println", + "Prppz", + "Psyxbuav", + "Puustinen", + "Pvsszz", + "Pvttxc", + "Pvvvvu", + "Pysqy", + "Pztm", + "QAAAA", + "QBEEQBEEQ", + "QBFAYYBSQJB", + "QCAAA", + "QCAQCAQ", + "QCDQ", + "QCKB", + "QEAAAAA", + "QIAA", + "QIAAAQIECB", + "QIDAUAKC", + "QIEC", + "QIECAAAECB", + "QIECAAAECBC", + "QIECB", + "QMUE", + "QQCBMAI", + "QQCHQ", + "QRAEQRAEQR", + "QUBBBBAAAEE", + "QUFHR", + "QUIC", + "QWCHAAAAAAAAE", + "Qaiq", + "Qamp", + "Qbxv", + "Qcrlc", + "Qfgi", + "Qggh", + "Qgghh", + "Qicf", + "Qikdu", + "Qiyu", + "Qktr", + "Qmaxzk", + "Qmzcbm", + "Qqhvh", + "Qqlbi", + "Qsjq", + "Quik", + "Quotech", + "Qvqw", + "Qxft", + "Qxjs", + "Qyfe", + "Qyzbt", + "RBAIDS", + "RBCCCGEEE", + "RBEARBEAR", + "RBEF", + "RCIAQF", + "RCKRW", + "REQD", + "RESOURCETYPE", + "RHRXF", + "RIBAUFR", + "ROKS", + "ROOTCA", + "RQNAJJP", + "RRXL", + "RSCQVFRX", + "RSIR", + "RUGLEPLB", + "RUIB", + "RUVF", + "RUVFQ", + "RYVF", + "RZFLR", + "Rabinovich", + "Raghunath", + "Rahul", + "Rajagopalan", + "Raphaël", + "Rappi", + "Rappi's", + "Rappi’s", + "Ravi", + "Rdhw", + "Redt", + "Reeeeeaaaaaalllllllllly", + "Rego", + "Relabelings", + "Requena", + "Reskill", + "Revisioned", + "Rgfx", + "Rgia", + "Rhxv", + "Risd", + "Rixv", + "Riyi", + "Rjdb", + "Rjst", + "Rkenp", + "Rlcn", + "Rlzqixox", + "Roboto", + "Rohit", + "Rokd", + "Ronen", + "Rpmkqih", + "Rqdenq", + "Rrwp", + "Rsqd", + "Ruilin", + "Rusinjem", + "Rwbtt", + "Ryhu", + "Rync", + "Rzeb", + "SAHAAAAAAAAE", + "SAQQQQACB", + "SENON", + "SERVICEENTRY", + "SIGSEGV", + "SJRBMTE", + "SKPR", + "SLSA", + "SMPC", + "SMWII", + "SNAT", + "SPIFFE", + "SPIFFEID", + "SPOF", + "SPOFs", + "SRLP", + "SRTN", + "SSCR", + "STACKIT", + "STIZFE", + "STKZTB", + "STKZTH", + "STRUVF", + "SVID", + "SWTS", + "SYBE", + "Saarko", + "Sakari", + "Salmond", + "Sandeep", + "Sathish", + "Savcı", + "Saycn", + "Sbmrm", + "Schaaf", + "Schade", + "Schaffer", + "Schz", + "Scnq", + "Sdnb", + "Searcy", + "Seccomp", + "Secura", + "Seee", + "Sefd", + "Segoe", + "Senon", + "Sesvnbvp", + "Sgivh", + "Shamsher", + "Shaojun", + "Shaughnessy", + "Shilin", + "Shivanshu", + "Shray", + "Shriram", + "Shrivastava", + "Shvc", + "Sidecarless", + "Siezcuf", + "Sikora", + "Skge", + "Skhxol", + "Slpc", + "Smakg", + "Snpy", + "Sobieraj", + "Sopra", + "Soqev", + "Spanid", + "Speedscale", + "Spond", + "Spqan", + "Sqbi", + "Srihari", + "Srinath", + "Srlh", + "Ssoe", + "Stackdriver", + "Stackgenie", + "Stbtmy", + "Steitz", + "Stephane", + "Styra", + "Subhraveti", + "Subramanian", + "Suchter", + "Sudheendra", + "Sufh", + "Sumit", + "Superfeet", + "Suri", + "Svlf", + "Swev", + "Swuv", + "Sysdig", + "Sysw", + "Szzj", + "TDAY", + "TGBRT", + "TKBT", + "TKRKJ", + "TLSV", + "TPROXY", + "TQAUBT", + "TRTMAETMAETMAE", + "TZDI", + "Tabbe", + "Tabn", + "Taillefer", + "Takeshi", + "Tanzu", + "Tcpdump", + "Tcqhf", + "Tdbo", + "Tdbrf", + "Teamz", + "Techstrong", + "Teip", + "Telememetry", + "Tetrate", + "Tetrate’s", + "Tfee", + "Tgelcr", + "Thww", + "Tidm", + "Tigera", + "Tirbfe", + "Tiwq", + "Tkcjp", + "Tmqa", + "Tocjo", + "Tolerations", + "Tpzo", + "Tqcz", + "Traceid", + "Traefik", + "Trendyol", + "Trivedi", + "Trulia", + "Tszdm", + "Tuffin", + "Tvfuu", + "Tvgd", + "Tvnkogz", + "Tvqxs", + "Twes", + "Tyev", + "Tyqz", + "Tyrb", + "UAAAAA", + "UAAAD", + "UBAEI", + "UCAXKNP", + "UFFR", + "UGAAAAAADA", + "UIBD", + "UIECB", + "UNREPLIED", + "UNTAINT", + "UNXA", + "UPTC", + "URFN", + "UVEBAM", + "UVFS", + "UVGR", + "UYTDA", + "Ubww", + "Ucee", + "Udeo", + "Uduvqmrw", + "Uebl", + "Uejye", + "Uexlokem", + "Ufefffdef", + "Ufza", + "Ufzll", + "Ugcp", + "Uhmg", + "Uikd", + "Uinuc", + "Ujkcvno", + "Umkp", + "Umpra", + "Umzv", + "Underutilization", + "Unhef", + "Unmeshed", + "Unnv", + "Unvalidated", + "Unxy", + "Uphrytf", + "Uqlar", + "Uqmc", + "Uqmoqrply", + "Uqry", + "Urli", + "Uskd", + "Usuf", + "Utqgsv", + "Utsyd", + "Uukf", + "Uunr", + "Uvqw", + "Uwmk", + "Uwmwz", + "VAIAM", + "VBEEYDI", + "VOSOPU", + "VRXL", + "VTPROTOBUF", + "VVBWBZ", + "VVVN", + "Vadim", + "Varl", + "Vcjp", + "Vcrl", + "Vdfz", + "Vdlm", + "Veav", + "Veeramally", + "Vennam", + "Vevuhvci", + "Vfep", + "Vgslsvlg", + "Vhaeew", + "Vhww", + "Vikcvl", + "Vira", + "Virmani", + "Virt", + "Vkbi", + "Vlae", + "Vlka", + "Vlpc", + "Vltb", + "Vlxc", + "Vmmk", + "Vpamkql", + "Vqsd", + "Vqvt", + "Vqxcu", + "Vqxg", + "Vrpatud", + "Vrth", + "Vrvon", + "Vursx", + "Vurv", + "Vvaqrqpk", + "Vvkpdp", + "Vxenq", + "Vygq", + "Vyvvvrqrl", + "Vzqapn", + "WASI", + "WBKTY", + "WDGQ", + "WFFUTZs", + "WJRH", + "WLJDJ", + "WNDZ", + "WRZL", + "WTJK", + "WZUE", + "Walle", + "Warman", + "Wbtx", + "Weems", + "Wehkamp", + "Weibo", + "Werkzeug", + "Wfor", + "Wfubk", + "Whgaxtr", + "Wkudn", + "Wlle", + "Wloql", + "Wlpa", + "Wlpcql", + "Wlpdlstkgkkvw", + "Wlpe", + "Wlvs", + "Wlxu", + "Wmps", + "Wnsp", + "Wohrfb", + "Woii", + "Wolfi", + "Woqler", + "Wpaamfs", + "Wqsb", + "Wrdu", + "Wrhwo", + "Wrly", + "Wshk", + "Wthsturqap", + "Wtra", + "Wuri", + "Wwik", + "Wwlu", + "Wxcs", + "XFCC", + "XKZD", + "XODR", + "XOWC", + "XPFIT", + "XPOST", + "XPPIZ", + "XTABLES", + "XUJBAIEQ", + "XVCJ", + "XXGWP", + "XZTJZKBQ", + "Xbtmt", + "Xbuwa", + "Xbyt", + "Xffmcv", + "Xfyd", + "Xhwvee", + "Xiangfeng", + "Xiao", + "Xiaopeng", + "Xicgn", + "Xihu", + "Xinhui", + "Xining", + "Xiou", + "Xiroj", + "Xiysp", + "Xjwkhl", + "Xkrf", + "Xlcl", + "Xlyp", + "Xlzc", + "Xmil", + "Xnvt", + "Xpwc", + "Xqmpqa", + "Xqsa", + "Xtoc", + "Xvtn", + "YCIRCK", + "YEBV", + "YEJROCI", + "YIBIRC", + "YODQ", + "YOURCLUSTER", + "YSBJ", + "YTVE", + "YWAA", + "YWFOPYU", + "YWJW", + "YZON", + "YZRCCCGEEEII", + "Yahya", + "Yangmin", + "Yann", + "Yarmush", + "Ycfftjtdjvf", + "Ydar", + "Yessenov", + "Yhol", + "Yiaz", + "Yimw", + "Ying", + "Yingchun", + "Yizhou", + "Ymppy", + "Ymzzi", + "Ynudjtyx", + "Yoginkzzw", + "Yoichi", + "Yoneda", + "Yossi", + "Ypbvrdfq", + "Yqav", + "Yquk", + "Yrlcr", + "Yrsu", + "Ysvv", + "Yuhi", + "Yuval", + "Yuvf", + "Yuxing", + "Yuypy", + "Yxmw", + "Yygv", + "Yygvt", + "ZAIH", + "ZBEJ", + "ZBQCSCQADBI", + "ZDKZ", + "ZDLXO", + "ZDVHJ", + "ZEARBEARBEAR", + "ZGFPN", + "ZGRs", + "ZGUFPLI", + "ZJJJBIA", + "ZKAVVSUJBDCCGEEH", + "ZOZO", + "ZOZOTOWN", + "ZOZO’s", + "ZQDO", + "ZRURE", + "ZSBL", + "ZTUNNEL", + "ZUFC", + "ZYAAQIECB", + "ZYLF", + "ZZFI", + "Zack", + "Zandstra", + "Zantinge", + "Zary", + "Zclma", + "Zcvy", + "Zddd", + "Zdffll", + "Zdva", + "Zehuan", + "Zeng", + "Zetnb", + "Zffvnl", + "Zgbs", + "Zhang", + "Zhao", + "Zhdu", + 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-Amalgam8 -Ameer -analytics -Anantheswaran -ANDed -Angaluri -Aniszczyk -Ansari -Ansible -Ant -AntiAffinity -API -api-server -Apigee -APIs -apiVersion -Aporeto -AppArmor -AppDeveloperCon -AppOptics -AppSwitch -appswitch -architected -architecting -ArgoCD -args.yaml -Arielli -arm64 -ArtifactHub -Arunkumar -AssemblyScript -async -Atlassian -attestor -attestors -AttributeGen -Auth0 -AuthenticationPolicy -Authn -AuthorizationPolicy -authorizer -AuthPolicy -authz -auto-sni -autoscaled -autoscaler -Autoscalers -autoscalers -autoscaling -AutoTrader -Avelar -AVX-512 -az -backend -backends -backoff -backport -Bartosz -base64 -Bazel -BCubed -Berben -Berkus -BeyondProd -Bian -BigQuery -Birkland -Bitnami -bitpipe -BlablaCar -BlackHole -BlackHoleCluster -Blatt -Bloomberg -Bluecore -BluePerf -Bluesky -boilerplates -Bookinfo -bookinfo -boolean -BoringSSL -Bottlenose -Bottlerocket -bring-your-own-CA -bring-your-own-identity -Brooks -bt -Budinsky -buildah -bytecode -BytecodeAlliance -c.f. -Cai -Cale -callout -callouts -camelCase -canaried -canarying -CAs -CDNs -CentOS -Cernich -CFP -Chaomeng -Chavali -CheckRequest -CheckResponse -checksum -Chircop -Chrony -Chun -CIDRs -Cilium -CIOs -Circonus -Ciążyński -Cleartext -cleartext -cli -CloudNativeCon -CloudWatch -cluster.local -cluster1 -cluster2 -ClusterSPIFFEID -CNCF-hosted -CNI -CNIs -codec -codelab -codelabs -Cognito -Coinbase -colocate -colocated -colocating -componentization -Composability -composability -composable -config -ConfigMap -configmap -configmaps -configs -configurability -conformant -CONNECT-IP -CONNECT-UDP -containerID -Contribfest -ControlZ -Coraza -CoreDNS -coreos -Costin -CPU -CPUs -cpuset -CR -CRD -CRDs -CRs -crypto -CryptoMB -CryptoMbPrivateKeyMethodConfig -CSPs -CSRs -Ctrl -Cusa -Customizable -customizable -customTags -CVE -CVE-2019-12243 -CVE-2019-12995 -CVE-2019-14993 -CVE-2019-15226 -CVE-2019-15605 -CVE-2019-18801 -CVE-2019-18802 -CVE-2019-18817 -CVE-2019-18838 -CVE-2019-9512 -CVE-2019-9513 -CVE-2019-9514 -CVE-2019-9515 -CVE-2019-9518 -CVE-2020-10739 -CVE-2020-11080 -CVE-2020-12603 -CVE-2020-12604 -CVE-2020-12605 -CVE-2020-13379 -CVE-2020-15104 -CVE-2020-16844 -CVE-2020-1764 -CVE-2020-25017 -CVE-2020-8595 -CVE-2020-8659 -CVE-2020-8660 -CVE-2020-8661 -CVE-2020-8663 -CVE-2020-8664 -CVE-2020-8843 -CVE-2021-21378 -CVE-2021-28682 -CVE-2021-28683 -CVE-2021-29258 -CVE-2021-29492 -CVE-2021-31920 -CVE-2021-31921 -CVE-2021-32777 -CVE-2021-32778 -CVE-2021-32779 -CVE-2021-32780 -CVE-2021-32781 -CVE-2021-34824 -CVE-2021-39155 -CVE-2021-39156 -CVE-2021-43824 -CVE-2021-43825 -CVE-2021-43826 -CVE-2022-21654 -CVE-2022-21655 -CVE-2022-21656 -CVE-2022-21657 -CVE-2022-21679 -CVE-2022-21701 -CVE-2022-23606 -CVE-2022-23635 -CVE-2022-24726 -CVE-2022-24921 -CVE-2022-29224 -CVE-2022-29225 -CVE-2022-29226 -CVE-2022-29227 -CVE-2022-29228 -CVE-2022-31045 -CVE-2022-39278 -CVE-2022-39388 -CVE-2022-41715 -CVE-2022-41721 -CVE-2023-27487 -CVE-2023-27488 -CVE-2023-27491 -CVE-2023-27492 -CVE-2023-27493 -CVE-2023-27496 -CVE-2023-35941 -CVE-2023-35942 -CVE-2023-35943 -CVE-2023-35944 -CVE-2023-35945 -CVE-2023-45288 -CVE-2024-23322 -CVE-2024-23323 -CVE-2024-23324 -CVE-2024-23325 -CVE-2024-23326 -CVE-2024-23327 -CVE-2024-27919 -CVE-2024-30255 -CVE-2024-32475 -CVE-2024-32974 -CVE-2024-32975 -CVE-2024-32976 -CVE-2024-34362 -CVE-2024-34363 -CVE-2024-34364 -CVE-2024-45806 -CVE-2024-45807 -CVE-2024-45808 -CVE-2024-45809 -CVE-2024-45810 -CVE-2024-53269 -CVE-2024-53270 -CVE-2024-53271 -CVEs -cves -cvss -cyber -cybersecurity -D2iQ -DaemonSet -DaemonSets -Dai -DaoCloud -Datadog -datapath -dataplane -dataplanes -dataset -datastore -Datawire -Davy -deallocated -debian -debuggability -decapsulated -declaratively -decompressor -decompressors -Delayering -Delucca -Demailly -deployment -dereference -dereferenced -deserialize -deserializing -DestinationRule -Deutsche -dev -Devirtualization -devirtualization -devops -DevRev -DevSecOps -devstats -Dhir -Dhiyaulhaq -discoverability -distro -Distroless -distroless -Divya 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-Haidian -Harri -Harvey -Hashicorp -Hawton -HBONE -helloworld -Herness -hoc -hostname -hostnames -hotspots -HP -html -HTTP -http -HTTP1.1 -HTTP2 -http2 -httpbin -HTTPRoute -HTTPS -https -Hu -Huabing -Huailong -Huawei -Huayuan -hyperkube -hypervisor -Hystrix -i.e. -idempotency -Idit -iFood -ILBs -impactful -incentivized -Incrementality -Indo-Pacific -initContainer -initializer -initializers -injector -Inkscape -int64 -Interdependencies -interdependencies -intermediation -interoperate -interoperation -intra-cluster -intra-mesh -intrahost -intranode -Invasiveness -IOPs -ip -ipBlocks -IPs -IPsec -ipsets -iptables -IPv4 -IPv6 -ip_address -Istio -istio -istio-agent -istio-cni -istio-control -istio-discovery -istio-ecosystem -istio-identity -istio-mixer -istio-operator -istio-proxy -ISTIO-SECURITY-2019-003 -ISTIO-SECURITY-2019-004 -ISTIO-SECURITY-2019-005 -ISTIO-SECURITY-2019-006 -ISTIO-SECURITY-2019-007 -ISTIO-SECURITY-2020-001 -ISTIO-SECURITY-2020-002 -ISTIO-SECURITY-2020-003 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-Keycloak -Khaliq -Khushboo -Kiali -Kibana -Kindnet -Knative -Kohavi -Kool -Kops -Korczynski -Krishnan -Kristián -KServe -Kuat -Kube -kube-proxy -kubebuilder -KubeCon -kubeconfig -kubectl -Kubelet -kubelet -kubelogin -Kubenet -Kubernetes -kubernetes.default -KubeSphere -KubeVirt -Kumar -Kustomization -Kustomize -kustomize -Kyverno -kyzy -L2-L4 -L3-4 -L4-L6 -L4-only -Lakhani -Landow -learnings -Leggett -Li -LibreSSL -lifecycle -LightStep -Lightstep -LinkedIn -Linkerd -linktitle -linter -linters -list_by_publishdate -Liu -liveness -LoadBalancer -loadimpact -LoadReportingService -localhost -Logics -log_output_level -Loki -Longmuir -lookups -loopback -Lua -Lukonde -Luyao -Lyft -macOS -Maglev -maintainership -Mandar -Manolache -Mansing -Marshalers -Mattix -MB -Meetup -meetup -meetups -memcached -memcached-2's -Mengxue -Merbridge -merbridge -MeshConfig -Mesika -Mesos -mesos-dns -metadata -MetalLB -MetaProtocol -metaprotocol -metaresources -MiB -MicroK8s -microk8s -microservice -microservices 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-OpenTracing -operationalize -operationalizes -optname -OS-level -OSS-Fuzz -Ostrowski -OTel -otel-collector -outsized -overridden -Ovidiu -p50 -p99 -PaaS -Padmanabhan -Papertrail -parenthesization -Passthrough -passthrough -PassthroughCluster -Patel -Patlevič -peek -PeerAuthentication -pem -Pengyuan -performant -Pettit -Phippy -Piotr -pipelined -PKI -pki -PKIs -plaintext -platform-specific -Plevyak -pluggability -pluggable -png -Poddar -Polshakova -Posta -PostgreSQL -pprof -Pratima -pre-alpha -pre-ambient -pre-connected -pre-parsed -pre-release -pre-specified -precheck -preconfigured -Predibase -prefetching -preformatted -preload -prepend -prepending -prepends -PriorityClass -prober -programmatically -Prometheus -PromQL -proto -protobuf -protobufs -protoc -protos -proxied -proxy-config -Proxy-wasm -ProxyConfig -proxying -Proxyless -proxyless -proxy_http_version -Pub/Sub -PubNub -pwd -Qin -qps -Quickstart -quo -Quotech -RabbitMQ -Raghunath -Rahul -Rajagopalan -Rappi -ratelimit-handler -RawVM -rbac -RDS -re-applied -re-patch -reachability -rearchitect -rebalance -rebalances -recomposition -redeployments -Redis -redis -Redis-based -referer -Registrator -registrator -Rego -reimplement -reimplemented -reinject -relabeling -reloadable -remediate -remoteIpBlocks -repo -repurposed -Requena -requires_any -resized -Reskill -ResourceQuota -resources.limits.cpu -resources.limits.memory -resources.request.cpu -resources.request.memory -rethink -reusability -Reviewer1 -Reviewer2 -revisioned -roadmap -roadmaps -RocketChat -rollout -rollouts -routable -RPC -RPCs -runtime -runtimes -sa -Saarko -SaaS -Salesforce -Salmond -sandboxed -sandboxing -sanitization -Sathish -Savcı -sayin -Schaaf -Schade -schedulable -schemas -SDKs -sds -Searcy -Secura -SecurityCon -SecurityGroup -SecurityGroupPolicy -SecurityGroups -security_bulletin -selinux -serverless -service-apis -serviceaccount -ServiceEntries -ServiceEntry -ServiceGraph -servicegraph-example -ServiceMesh -ServiceMeshCon -ServiceMesher -sha256 -Shamsher -Shaojun -sharded -Sharding -sharding -Shaughnessy -Shi -Shilin -Shivanshu -shortcode -shortcodes -Shray -Shray -Shriram -Shrivastava -sidebar_multicard -sidebar_none -sidecar -sidecar.env -Sidecarless -SignalFX -sigstore -sinkInfo -SkyWalking -SLOs -SMEs -SNAT -Snell-Feikema -SNI -Sobieraj -SoC2 -SolarWinds -SongYang -Speedscale -SPIFFE -SPIFFE-compliant -Splunk -SPOFs -Spond -src -SREs -Srihari -Srinath -Stackdriver -Stackgenie -Standard_D4ds_v5 -stateful -Statsd -stdin -stdout -Steitz -Stoney -strace -strongSwan -struct -Styra -subcommand -subcommands -subdomain -subdomains -subnet -subnets -subnetwork -subnetworks -subresource -subresources -substring -Sudheendra -Sumit -Superfeet -Superset -superset -supersets -Suri -svc -svg -Sysdig -Taillefer -Tanzu -TCP -tcp -TCP-level -Tcpdump -team1 -team1-ns -team2 -team2-ns -Techstrong -telcos -Telekom -telemetryv2_ -templated -templating -Tencent -test-api -Tetrate -Tigera -timeframe -timestamp -timestamps -TLS -TLS-secured -ToC -Tokio -toolbelt -toolchain -topologySpreadConstraints -touchpoints -tradeoff -tradeoffs -Traefik -TrafficPolicy -Trendyol -Trivedi -Trulia -trunked -trustability -tunneling -U.S. -UID -UIDs -uint32 -ulimit -un-injecting -un-trust -uncaptured -uncomment -uncommented -unconfigured -uncore -Undeploy -undeploy -undeployed -Underutilization -underutilization -unencrypted -unforgeable -unmanaged -Unmarshalers -Unmarshaling -unnormalized -unsampled -untar -untrusted -Upgradeability -upgradeability -upstreamed -upstreaming -upstreams -uptime -URIs -url -user -user1 -usergroup -userId -UTF-8 -v0.14.0 -v0.8.0 -v1 -v1.0 -v1.1 -v1.19 -v1.2. -v1.21 -v1.21.0 -v1.22 -v1.26 -v1.27 -v1.28 -v1.29 -v1.30 -v1.31 -v1.32 -v1.33 -v1.5 -v1.55 -v1.55.1 -v1.7.4 -v1.7.6_coreos.0 -v1.79.0. -v1.87.0 -v1.9 -v1alpha1 -v1alpha3 -v1beta1 -v1beta1#MutatingWebhookConfiguration -v1dev1 -V2 -v2 -v2-mysql -v2.0 -v3 -validatable -validator -ValueType -vCPU -vCPUs -Vennam -versioned -versioning -veth -veth-pair -vhost -vhosts -Vij -Virtualization -virtualization -VirtualService -virtualservices-destrules -VM -vm-1 -VMs -VMware -VPC -VPCs -VPN -VPNs -W3C -Walle -Warman -Wasm -wasme -WasmPlugin -waypoint -waypoints -WeaveWorks -WebAssembly -webhook -Webhooks -webhooks -WebSocket -Websockets -WebSphere -Weems -Wehkamp -Weibo -whitelist -whitelisted -whitelists -whitespace -Wikipedia -wildcard -wildcarded -wildcards -WireGuard -Wireguard -Wolfi -workgroup -workload -workstream -x-envoy-upstream-rq-timeout-ms -X.509 -X.509. -x509 -x86 -xDS -Xeon -Xia -Xiangfeng -Xiao -Xiaopeng -Xie -Xining -xRoute -Xu -Yahya -yaml -yamls -Yangmin -Yarmush -Yessenov -Yingchun -Yizhou -Yoichi -Yossi -Yuval -Yuxing -Zack -Zehuan -Zeng -Zhang -Zhao -zhaohuabing -Zheng -Zhenni -Zhihan -Zhong -Zhonghu -Zhou -Zhu -Zipkin -Ziyang -Zolotusky -Zsh -ztunnel -ztunnels -Zufar -_build -_CA_ -_data -_V2_ -_v2_ -_v3_ diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/ index d538a6b237ec6..15f185eb920c2 100755 --- a/scripts/ +++ b/scripts/ @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ check_content() { # create a throwaway copy of the content cp -R "${DIR}" "${TMP}" - cp .spelling "${TMP}" + cp .cspell.json "${TMP}" cp mdl.rb "${TMP}" # replace the {{< text >}} shortcodes with ```plain @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ check_content() { # switch to the temp dir pushd "${TMP}" >/dev/null - if ! find . -type f -name '*.md' -print0 | xargs -0 -r mdspell "${LANG}" --ignore-acronyms --ignore-numbers --no-suggestions --report; then + if ! find . -type f -name '*.md' -print0 | xargs -0 -r cspell --config .cspell.json ; then error "To learn how to address spelling errors, please see" FAILED=1 fi