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149 lines (122 loc) · 5.04 KB

Common Specification


Selector field matches the incoming event and filter out events which should be send for processing by the respective rule.

This field is mandatory for every rule.

  matchEvent: <string>    # a single event id to match for
  matchEvents:            # Only one 'anyOf' or 'patterns' must be specified at a time
    anyOf:                # matches of any of events specified under
      - <string>
      - ...
    patterns:             # matches events by matching at least one regex
      - <regex-pattern>
      - ...
    expression: <string>  # dynamic expression which evaluates against each event
  acceptsWithin:          # more details are shown below
      - type: <string>
        from: <string>
        to: <string>
      - ...
      - ...


  1. All expressions must be written in MVEL. See its spec here
  2. Every criterion must belong to either anyOf or allOf field to indicate the behaviour when multiple criteria are specified.


Matches a single event by its event type. The event type to be matched should be specified. If you want to match against several event types, see matchEvents.


Allows to specify multiply event types, so that event could be filtered when at least one event type is matched. There are two ways to specify event type values.

  • anyOf: event types specified here will be directly matched against event type mentioned in the event.
  • patterns: can be specified (optionally) multiple regex expressions to evaluate against event type value in a event.

Warn: Either anyOf or patterns parameter must be specified at once. When both specified, it will throw an error in validation phase.


Optional conditional expression which will be evaluated against each and every event. The expression must be written in MVEL script language.

  • The event and its data can be referenced through e variable provided to the script.
  • The rule definition can be referenced through rule variable provided to the script.
  • The user related context can be referenced through ctx variable.

See examples in each game element to how to write an expression.


This field will determine how events should be matched based on its timestamp. This is suitable, for example, if you want to filter event based on time or a season. The field type is mandatory and should be followed by relevant keys for each type which you can refer below.

There are several types built into the framework. Such as,

  • seasonal: Allows you to specify range of months or day-of-month. The allowed format is MM-DD.
  • time: Allows you to specify a range of time-of-day. The allowed format is HH:mm:ss.
  • weekly: Allows you to specify weekdays. (Sunday, Monday, etc...)
  • custom: Allows you to specify a custom predicate to evaluate with given event timestamp


  1. Only one of allOf or anyOf can be specified. If both exists, it will throw an error.
  2. When evaluating ranges, the from field will be inclusive, while to field will be exclusive.


  • Filter for the month of December. You can match across months or even consecutive years.
    - type: seasonal
      from: "12-01"      # from field in inclusive
      to: "01-01"        # to field is exclusive
  • Filter out winter season
    - type: seasonal
      from: "12-01"
      to: "03-01"
  • Filter out Dinner time (assuming its 6pm to 11pm)
    - type: time
      from: "18:00"
      to: "23:00"
  • Filter our midnight time (usually 11pm - 5am on the following day)
    - type: time
      from: "23:00"
      to: "05:00"
  • Filter out Weekend days. Should specify days in a comma separated string on when property.
    - type: weekly
      when: "Saturday,Sunday"
  • A custom filter which filters last week of every month. The expression must be written in Jdk-11 java.time.* compatible way.
    • For the function, you will receive a variable called ts which is a ZonedDateTime instance in user's timezone.
    • All necessary packages java.time.* will have automatically imported to the script. There is no need to write explicit imports here.
    • Function must return a boolean value, whether given time ts matches the criteria required.
    - type: custom
      expression: |
        YearMonth currMonth = YearMonth.of(ts.getYear(), ts.getMonth());
        return ts.getDayOfMonth() >= currMonth.lengthOfMonth() - 7
  • Filter out events falls in December evenings. To match all criteria, we can use allOf parameter.
    - type: seasonal
      from: "12-01"
      to: "01-01"
    - type: time
      from: "06:00"
      to: "23:00"