PyTorch implementation of Phase Based Motion Magnification. It is based off of MATLAB source that can be found here, the input videos can also be found at this location. The PyTorch implementation allows for easily parallization on a GPU and is even much faster than a numpy implementation even without a GPU.
The main notebook contains a detailed hands-on overview of the Motion Magnification Algorithm. The image below shows an example of how the motion is amplified across all the video frames.
While the notebook is good for interactive use, the main script called is a better option to run on your own videos. It can be called from the commandline or alternatively the arguments can be input directly in the script.
The following commandline arguments produce the following GIF:
python -v videos/crane_crop.avi -a 25 -lo 0.2 -hi 0.25 -n luma3 -p half_octave -s 5.0 -b 4 -c 0.7 -gif True
A list of the arguments is provided below. Please use the help option to find more info:
python --help
- --video_path, -v → Path to input video (Required)
- --phase_mag, -a → Phase Magnification Factor (Required)
- --freq_lo, -lo → Low Frequency cutoff for Temporal Filter (Required)
- --freq_hi, -hi → High Frequency cutoff for Temporal Filter (Required)
- --colorspace, -n → Colorspace for processing
- --pyramid_type, -p → Complex Steerable Pyramid Type
- --sigma, -s → Gaussian Kernel for Phase Filtering
- --attenuate, -a → Attenuates Other frequencies outside of lo and hi
- --sample_frequency, -fs → Overrides video sample frequency
- --reference_index, -r → Index of DC reference frame
- --scale_factor, -c → Factor to scale frames for processing
- --batch_size, -b → CUDA batch size
- --save_directory, -d → Directory for output files (default is input video directory)
- --save_gif, -gif → Saves results as a GIF