- Connection opened
- Connection failed
- Download failed
- Upload failed
- Transfer complete
- Transfer incomplete
- Transfer queued
- Bonjour
:::::{tabs} ::::{group-tab} macOS
Notification Center
On OS x 10.8 or later, notifications are sent to the Notification Center.
Notifications can be configured in System Preferences → Notifications.
:::{image} _images/Notification_Center.png :alt: Notification Center :width: 700px :::
The default alert style is Banner which is dismissed automatically after some delay. You can change the type to Alert if you want to have a Close and Show button to dismiss the alert manually.
:::: ::::{group-tab} Windows
Notification Area
Notifications are displayed in the notification area commonly referred to as the system tray. Notifications can be disabled in Control Panel → Notification Area Icons.
:::{image} _images/Notifications_Area_Settings.png :alt: Notification Area Settings :width: 700px :::
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